Stalker Cal of Chernobyl passage. Call of Chernobyl passage guide. Passage Stalker Call of Chernobyl: Call of Chernobyl Call Guide

Answers to some questions (answered c.liryc)

1. How many artifacts are a compass in the game and is it possible to take it from Noah? Where to get weld?
A: No one has a compass and he is alone in the game, you may have to change it. Svarog and other rare items can be bought from merchants and NPS.

2. Will there be a weapon and costume pumping system?
A: No, she will be the same as in the call of pripyat. But on sale will be upgraded costumes and weapons.

3. How and where will the artifacts appear?
A: Artifacts (including from the shadow of Chernobyl) will mainly appear in large anomalies and less often than each time after the emission, with the exception of some locations (Dark Hollow, for example). We tried to collect the most optimal locations for such a system.

4. What is the Chernoby?
A: Chernobia will be a very unwriting place, full of mutants and fanatics. In addition, there is not so easy to get there, you need to overcome several barriers. You can make a desire to monolith and it will execute it.

Okay, there is enough chatter about what Call of Chernobyl wants to become, let's talk about how Coc really looks like and playing.

After choosing a complexity, you will have a window with a choice of grouping, information about the equipment that you will receive with the start of the game for the selected grouping, and the field for entering the name of your stalker. In the window, you can also turn on the IronMan mode - lovers of "race before the first death" will like it.

If you die in Ironman mode, all your saved games for this character will be deleted. When you finally begin a new game, you will teleport to the base of your grouping, like, for example, if you choose a single stalker, you will find yourself in the village of novice on the cordon.

The first thing that will be born to you is the weather - the modified Atmosfear 3, with a corrected lighting, conscientiously does its work.

With new changes in the code, the trees are now peashed, and the power of the slices depends directly from the weather.
You can change the field of view right on the fly, just opening the console and writing "FOV X" and "FOV_HUD X" (X - Desired Field of View), without editing game files.

On the way to Sidorovich, you will meet the fanatic and wolf that control the village. Of course, you will meet many old friends from all over the trilogy of games.

Sidorovich, as usual, will sit down to sit on the ass in his bunker.
Smaster returned to Cordon and offer you their services for the delivery of rare weapons and equipment.
Barman still saves stalkers in the bar.
The forester continues to sit in his tower in the north of the Red Forest. The guide, the doctor and his pseudopier use the hospitality of the representatives of the pure sky on their base.

Oh yeah, you did not hear, the doctor's pseudo-referee is also on the basis of the pure sky, aimlessly around it and not attracting the attention of stalkers.
So, you open the door to the Sidorovich bunker and see - his ugly disgust has not changed at all.
Next to the chest, it is worth checking what they left there.

In the whole game, on all 31 locations you will find 515 caches with procedural-generated content.
The contents of the caches are set at the beginning of the game, and does not change throughout the passage of the character you have created. That is, the contents do not change as part of your passage, but when you start a new game it will change.

When you find and assign yourself the contents of all 515 caches in your passage, their contents will randomly generate again.
Try not to put your htched things in these backpacks, because you yourself understand what happens to them when the cache is generated again.

Oh, stop. You do not have to put your things in these caches, because you can make your cache yourself. You activate an empty backpack in the inventory and your own cache appears under your legs, and will offer you to choose a name that will be displayed on the map. After you call it, it will appear on the map in your pda.

After we dealt with the most Aza Call of Chernobyl, it's time to do business.
Sidorovich can order you someone else, or will ask you to clear the ATP from the bandits, right as in Chernobyl shadows.
The wolf can give you a task to cleanse the neighborhood from the mutants.
Any random stalker may ask you to bring something to him and pay for this thing with the allowance.

If you visit the pure sky base, you can task as accompanied by scientists for an abnormal field.
Okay, let's assume that you decided to do it precisely cleaning ATP from the bandits at the request of Sidorovich.
He will suggest you will enjoy the support in the form of a fanatic and clear the ATP from the bandits together. And then the most interesting thing begins - after a conversation with fanatics, he becomes your partner for the time of the mission.

It is time to introduce you to our system of partners. You can speak with NPC and give them orders, but such a system has many modifications.
We have something new - you can control your partner without entering the dialogue with him, being at a distance.
All that is required for this - using Numpada.
Figure 1 on Numpada changes the behavior of the companion.

There are three types of behavior - passive, support and aggressive.

Passive makes your partner just follow you and not attack anyone.
Support mode will make him look at both and shoot after you open the fire yourself.

Aggressive mode Make a partner shoot in everything and in all that or who dares to go to you the road.

Figure 2 on Numpade controls the movement mode of your partner. You can or order him stand still in standby mode, or continue to follow you in the following mode.

Figure 3 on Numpada will make your companion move to the point to which your sight indicates - Hold the button and on the destination will appear a luminous conditional marker, and as soon as you release the button, the marker will disappear and the NPC moves to the destination.

On the way to ATP with fanatics you can meet old friends.
Cats-Bayuna, fesomas and rats are returned to the game, and only by this we did not limit themselves - mutants already located in the game received new varieties.

Some fewer ordinary, some are more, and even acquire unusual abilities at all.

For example, the blind dog received the whole black option, from which he carries radiation for the mile and which will certainly share with you a dose if you are circling next to it; The bures are now able to beat fire and current, and Poltergeists are waiting for replenishment in the family in the form of a very, very dark brother.

Due to the increase in weapon slaughter, you really have a chance to survive against all these misfortunes.
Shooting is a very important part of the gameplay, but in the standard version it requires very many fixes and improvements - in this case we fed inspiration from the well-known modification of AMK.

The damage was greatly enhanced, bullets fly faster and much further. But the visual and sound of weapons completely moved from the standard game - sounds, models and animations remained intact.

Weapons are not the only part of the game from which Call of Chernobyl took an example from AMK - Spawn-raits of mutants and stalkers sometimes can be very close to what was there.
Together with the fanatic you will reach ATP and clean it from all the gangsters that were there. The case is done, the fanatic goes on his affairs and you return to the seer and get a reward.

Suddenly, after watching Pda for active tasks, you will notice that the very first task you received after entering the zone concerns the brain dear.

Yes, he was again included representatives of the revived grouping "Monolith", and your task is to cut it out, and this time to do everything so that it is never able to move again.
You will need good defenseAnd now you are already preparing to campaign for Amber, to Dr. Sakharov for the working prototype of the Psi-Protection helmet.

And yes, the big brain in the X-16 laboratory also returned, and again yes, the performer of desires is still in the sarcophagus, ready to fulfill your desires. What desires can you give? No, I won't say that you will see yourself.

On the way to the northern part of the Cordon, you can meet a helicopter, patrolling perimeter, ready to destroy you for one wrong movement, or for shooting on the military. It looks like this thing awesome.
With a helicopter, it is better not to deal, especially considering that from weapons you only have only PM and Ton.

Military can cause a helicopter to support at any time through the radio so that it either shot you or drove away from the detachment so that he could retreat.

You are lucky and you are not so stupid to try to knock the helicopter from PM and he just ignores you. But be careful, helicopters have different behavior and tasks on different cards "You can walk out without any concerns next to the road in a dark valley, but if the helicopter notices you in the center of the military, he will release you in the face of the turn from his 12.7mm machine gun.

Do not even think to hurt the Helicopter, only if you like to contemplate the horseradish cloud of missiles, which are quick to you.
Okay, let's go back to Cordon. After the transition through the post of military under the bridge, we went to the small parking lot of single stalkers north from here.
In one of the buildings, you will meet the mechanics that are found throughout the zone - each tight area of \u200b\u200bthe zone has one of them.
He can repair a weapon for you, but forget about the upgrades - to begin with, you need to bring tools for the mechanic.
The game has two types of tools - basic weapons tools and improved weapons tools.
Therefore, we are going back to Sidorovich, we buy standard tools from him and bring their mechanics - now you can conduct basic improvements of your equipment. Fortunately, the tools are enough cheap, and the mechanic far from the merchant does not hang, because you should not have problems with them.
In addition, mechanics can reward you with money or offer a discount in gratitude for the tools.

On the way to the Northern Post of the Military, which leads to the landfill, you will suddenly find out. This is a definitely unpleasant event, if you want to quickly leave Cordon, but hell with him, you need to hide.

On all maps carefully arranged shelter, which will allow you to wait for the release, so you just need to go into the shelter and wait.

Let's not go into details as it looks like an outlet from Atmosfear 3, because you have already seen it many times. Of course, all open spaces fall under the influence of the emission (except in addition to generators), but you have no reason to worry, because the shelter in Call of Chernobyl - the phenomenon is not rare, and you will probably have to take advantage of the shelter before the emission proceeds to the death phase. Okay, let's go out out of the shelter and check one of the abnormal fields in the vicinity.

You take the detector, carefully pass through the anomalies and the zone rewards you with the appeared artifacts. Well, it is necessary - these are artifacts from Chernobyl shadows.

Almost all classic artifacts from the first part were added to the Call of Chernobyl and they work perfectly together with artifacts from the pure sky and Zov Pripyat.

Two drops and crystal barb, excellent. Well, let's go to the northern checkpoint and meet friendly ... Soldier? Okay, it is time to show this empty-headed who is the main one. Checking the cache next to large stones in the hope of finding something useful. And suddenly you understand what miraculous can sometimes be a procedurally generated cache.

The goldfish gets to your still a modest collection of artifacts, and these soldiers do not take it.

One after another, you drop the carcasses of the soldiers on asphalt by laid shots.

You are bothering the corpses and notice that the An-94 "Abakan" came to your hands in the hands of almost perfect condition. You recharge it and check the shooting in automatic mode. Wow, it seems a team of developers pays attention to the trifles - the first two shots are made with a frequency of 1800 shots per minute, but already subsequent shots are already made at a speed of 600 shots per minute, right as on real an-94. Comrade Gennady Nikonov would probably be proud of it.

And now we would have to go to the landfill, but at this moment I will stop.

I tried to show you what Call of Chernobyl, as he felt and how he was playing.

In fact, I can write a whole book about how COC is played on all possible locations if it were really important.

But in this case, we will limit ourselves to Cordon.

As a result - Full freedom, a bunch of high-quality cards, real fripnes, improved weather, procedural-generated caches, dynamic tasks, partners with very convenient controls on Numpade, Spavne-raits and a weapon system similar to AMK, restored laboratories, returned and new types of mutants , smart helicopters, new fields of anomalies, artifacts from Chernobyl shadows and "Abakan" with a realistic principle of work. As you can see, many different ideas have been implemented in Chernobyl.

Some gameplay ideas or modifications as a whole can enjoy, and others may seem inappropriate to someone - but if they show themselves good in work and we consider them a pleasant addition to the stalker, then believe me, you will not be disappointed. If your expectations are not justified, then we always listen to criticism and advantages of players, because if constructive criticism is not there - the project will certainly have a kanet in the fly, as well as many other ambitious, but unsuccessful projects that the community did not indicate their errors in time.

Remember, you too can help us with your efforts to bring the Call of Chernobyl to success together - make a patch, add a new feature, adapt your favorite modification, or make your own for our fashion.

The community and its contribution have always been and will be the main factors in matters of freshness and life expectancy not only for COC, but also for all modifications for games of the Stalker series.

At the moment, our project is at the final stage of the division of bugs and mistakes, and it is safe to say that it is ready for 99.9 (99999999)% and that the official release may happen soon. Full list Changes can be found there (in English).

And something else that I want to add from myself - I do not think that I will fight the Coca again. First of all, because, first of all, I show the gameplay entirely, and something that we would like to keep in the secret, often gets into the frame.

In addition, problems on the street and some kind of failure band, which pursues me (sudden bugs and departure and other) kill intrigue from looking and nourishing the soil for incorrect conclusions about the project.
I certainly do not exactly, specially from the team of development Frozen Zone (here they are exactly able not only to preserve, but also increase intrigue with each new video).

Secondly, I do not even have a banal microphone, and with the help of comments I could do Stream more interesting. And what's there, my boring monotonous voice and the scarce knowledge is not that Russian, and even English is unlikely to allow me to give interesting comments. But I work over all that, and maybe later I will become someone who really takes your attention. So far, I need to do a lot for this.

With you was Koma and all this text was translated into Russian glorious small Felinix, the administrator of the "ATMTA community".

Passage Stalker Call of Chernobyl: Guide call passage of chernobyl

Call of Chernobyl is one of the best frying mods,
consisting of locations of all three parts of S.L.L.K.K.r.r. Also, in addition to the Frying, there is a mode of history and zombie survival, "one life" and azazel mode. The presence of many different addons allows everyone to make an assembly to the soul.

Where to find tools in Call of Chernobyl

Call of Chernobyl is a project promising player not only gameplay and graphic changes, but also exciting scene line With a wide range of weapons. As the plot is promoted, the player will often be given tasks for searching for instruments, this is not only a good way to earn, but later a good chance to make a complete upgrade of your weapons and armor. Sometimes in the midst of passage, the question where to find the tools in the Call of Chernobyl, becomes just vital.

The appearance of calibration tools, thin and rough work in call game Of Chernobyl, has absolutely randomic character, so their appearance on the game location can not be completely predictable. However, there are several landmarks, adhering to which during the passage you can relatively quickly find all three sets.

Features of searching for tools:

Huge chances of finding tools, gives the take and performing the tasks of various stalkers. For their execution the main character The coordinates of the location of the caches and the scrims in which you can find the tools will be obtained.
. Do not ignore the found PDAs, they can also become a source of information about the caches with tools.
. The third option to produce information about instruments, can be captured by the enemies. So do not rush to kill the enemy immediately, it can be injured and interrogated - it can give additional posting At the caches, although with a small chance.

Next, we will try to give the coordinates and places of already found sets with tools, so we hope that this information will be able to simplify your searches. However, remember that your version of the passage and the selected grouping at the beginning of the game may vary greatly and make their own adjustments.

Tools for thin work:

→ Amber location, you can earn a guide and for each successful task execution you can get a set of tools.
→ On the location of the sprout, in one of the boxes at the bartender.
Playing for the military, they can be obtained for the task of military exercises.
→ On the location of the cordon, in one of the green military boxes, next to the tunnel leading through the housing of the hill, look for the poverty side.

Tools for rough work:

→ On the territory of the bar, if you look from the side of the arena, there will be a cache with a tool for ventilation.
→ Playing a military group by completing one of the tasks you will receive a cache with tools being practically at the entrance to the NII Agroprom

Calibration Tools:

→ By completing the quest "Storm in the zone" for the military you will receive a set of tools.

Gunsmith tools:

→ They appear on sale Barmen.

Successful search will be directly dependent on your desire and attentive passage of quests and tasks issued by characters. Mining information about the caches, do not pass by interesting places, Communicate with stalkers, pay attention to the results of the PDA and the question where to find the tools in Call of Chernobyl will remain for you in the distant past.

The Call of Chernobyl mod is massive and not quite friendly for a beginner, because of which the desire to explore the zone is divided into the complexity of survival. In this article, I will give you ways to simplify the game process, bypass some gameplay shortcomings and in general to play as you please

These advice are not necessary to follow, as some of them can be considered by the exploits, but my case is to provide you with information, and how you dispose, depends only on you. These are not cheats, it is not a spawn menu, so all the following methods retain interest in the game to one way or another.

1. Basic and improved weapons tools Gunsmith Toolkit & Advanced Gunsmith Toolkit). They are required by one instance to each technique. The basic weapon tool is in different caches, calmly bought from merchants and goes away quickly. Improved tool is rare so much that I still have not found any. Theoretically, he should also be sold in stores, but I did not find it anywhere. Fortunately, without tools you can do in general (see below).

Lesnik (Forester) from redheads chinit and improves weapons and armor without need in tools and without time spending, but at a little overpriced prices. To him, however, it is necessary to walk, but this is already the tenth. But now there is always a reason to spend the old man!

2. Finance. There is a sure, but quite slow way to earn an arbitrary amount of money. It includes a owl merchant (OWL) from the tona and a certain number of artifacts. If you remember, in Call of Pripyat, he could sell a Gauss rifle and immediately buy it out, and with a profit for himself. In Call of Chernobyl, it works in the same way, but, in addition to the rifle, also with parts of the bodies of monsters, as well as some artifacts. I will give an incomplete list of the latest with the names, the place of spawn (if it is determined) and profit from one buying and selling:

Drop / Droplet, spawn in fiery anomalies (100 rubles)

Buckle / Thorn (100 rubles)

Mucus / SLIME (100 rubles)

Crystal barb / Crystal Thorn, spawn in chemical anomalies (250 rubles)

Slug / Slug (250 rubles)

Spring / Spring, spawn in electrical anomalies (500 rubles)

As it turns out in the future, the same focus can be checked with other merchants, including full-time debts and freedom vendors. And these guys pay two (!) Times more. So seven springs and a couple of minutes of buying-sales will lead to enrichment on unreal amounts. Which, by the way, will be needed - the repair of the pumped, but the exoskeleton of freedom broken in the trash will cost up to 200 thousand rubles.

IMPORTANT! During ingenious financial frauds, you need to be extremely careful with saving and downloading. If you boot when the artifact is in the inventory, for example, Owl, then it will disappear, as the goods from merchants are updated completely.

3. Artifacts. Again, Zaton. There, farm artifacts are easiest possible if you install emissions every 6-12 hours. Stalkers have learned to climb anomalies, so everything that was born in place, and lies there. But due to the lack of achievements, the artifacts appear not so often, this is especially true of rare instances.

Compass Located where we found him in Quest from the forester - in Red Forest, in the mine, right on the table. The heart of the oasis me was not found, although it should take place.

4. Schedules. Try to hide monsters on stalkers, including on neutral. One pseudogagant can destroy the full detachment of mercenaries from five comrades, two of which are masters in exoskeletons. Why there, a couple of rats can rip the NPS to death, as stalkers almost do not fall in small opponents! In my eyes, a citizen in the exoskeleton ate to death troika arrogant tuskanov. Exceptions, of course, constitute quest characters who have not passed the tasks. These need to be preserved. The rest can go to the stern of the landfish, yo-ho-ho and a bottle of "Cossacks"! Ashamed, of course, for masters, which are open in front of rodents of small, but these are their problems, but their louts are yours. If you, of course, you can cope with rodents. On the other hand, if for you three carcasses are a problem, then you do not deserve a good lute.

5. Rifle Gaussa. Finding it just lying will not work, like cartridges for her. They are not available in any merchant. Theoretically, it can be sold from monolith traders, but it is only theoretically. But in the game the rifle is still available, and it is quite possible to farm. The first time she came across to Limansk, near the transition to the hospital. She was armed with a levitating Sniper Monolith (do not ask, I myself am shocked), it was possible to knock it out from the second time. The second copy was found in the hospital. The third and others are in the northwestern part of the Chernobyl.

The latter is a place where it can be farm. Where there is a way out of the monolith management room, the detachments of monolith periodically spawn. They are armed tightly, have G36, RPG-7 and guns under 9 × 39, the rifle of Gauss is rarely, but aptive. If you have time to kill the comrade, carrying it, then the full cost is yours. In the east of the Place of Pharma, by the way, lies an exoskeleton. The location of its location is also indicated in the picture:

Being a stalker, Sultan can be calmly killed. He has a night hawk, a rather rare weapon, and all the rest of the murder do not care. Yes, you can go to Skadovsk now with weapons. As in Yanov.

Machinations with several things in technicians are not carried out in parallel, but alternately. And if things are also more than three or four, the total time is multiplied by the modifier, which increases from the total amount of work and, possibly, its complexity. So I pass four cars to repair and one armor for pumping, be prepared to wait many times longer. Up to several hours. I have one pistol on Skadovsk tweeted two hours.

Laboratories, dungeons and other basements are significantly less inhabited than in original Games. Let's say, in the laboratory with megaMind, there is no one enemy. Lut, however, also meager - Beryl-5m, and that's it.

To increase the duration of running, it is possible to use not only drinks-energy and artifacts for increasing endurance, but also the preparation "Hercules". Restoration of endurance depends on what percentage remains to maximum weight load. "Hercules" pushes a load bar on 20 kg, due to which even with a load of 80 kg can be achieved by an endless run.

The most valuable monsters in terms of Luta are controllers, their hand / brain costs 500 rubles apart almost every merchant.

- RPG-7 With a pair of rockets lies in the warehouse of weapons inside the SPK "Volkhov", the door is opened there initially. The detector "Veles" is bought from traders, scientists, "Svay" I did not see, although it should be. Finding "Veles", playing for the stalker and not going to scientists, is quite difficult, it is except for zombied in exoskeletons. As, by the way, the machine gun.

- Grenades For admissible grenades are very rare, there are almost never for the merchants, in cache, too. Lee joke, rockets for RPG-7 are easier!

Minimum system requirements

Windows Vista 4GB RAM Intel Core 2 DUO E7400 / AMD ATHLON 64 X2 5600+ 512 MB DirectX® 9.0c Compatible Card / NVIDIA® GeForce ™ 9800 GTX / ATI Radeon ™ HD 4850
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Chernobyl
This is a phripnel mod consisting of locations of all three parts of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
The main changes are:
Recycled locations for the authorship of Bangalore and Borovos
converted AI for the authorship of Alundaio
Completely modified weather
Recycled Gulag Work System
Changed A-Life
Fully populated levels
Swamps (CN)
Darkskaip (Build 2571)
Cordon (CN)
Dump (CHN)
Dark Valley (CHN)
Bar (TC)
Sprout (PM)
Army warehouses (PM)
Amber (CHN)
Dead City (Build 2571)
Limansk (CN)
Radar (PM)
Red Forest (CN)
Hospital (CN)
Zaton (sn)
Jupiter (zp)
Pripyat (zp)
Pripyat (PM)
Generators (2006)
Cemetery of technology
Underground / laboratories
Dungeons of Agroprom (CHN)
X18 (TC)
X16 (PM)
X8 (zp)
X10 (PM)
Overpass "Pripyat-1" (zP)
Monolith control room (PM)
Sarcophag (PM)
Warlab (2005)

Answers to frequently meeting questions

Cleans the cemetery of technology during the transition, what to do?
Load the autosave immediately find yourself on locations. It seems like such a problem should not be more.

How to improve performance?
1. Disconnect the shadow from the grass
2. Make the shadows themselves minimal quality
3. Disconnect SSAO.
4. Change the quality of textures and visibility range to the optimal state.
5. You can reduce spawn in the game settings

Why are the stalkers do not pay attention to the military in Cordon?
There is a neutral zone, the military do not touch stalkers, and stalkers do not touch the military. But the military military is still hit, it does not fix it. The solution is to accumulate money, equipment and pour into the bar for example. (The authors made a truce on the location due to the fact that the military endorsed the village of newcomers)

Where to get the detector?
In the corpses, in the caches, scientists sell them, there are both ordinary traders, but the chance of appearance approximately 15%

If dynamic news in the log errors are viewed
You can disable them in the game settings and the departures will stop. It seems like this should not be more.

Why so deserted!? Why so much live life!?
In the game settings, you can adjust the population of the zone.

How to deal with a helicopter?
If you shoot a helicopter by tail, it will fall faster.

I want to sleep, but I can not fall asleep what to do?
You most likely there is a need for a dream. If you have a radiation or drank power, it is impossible to sleep. If you slept, you can sleep for the second time only after time. The function can be disabled in the game settings.

How to pump a weapon and armor to the maximum?
Go to the Red Forest to the forester, it works for all the groupings and the tools do not need it.

How to find tools?
They are found in cache, randomly. A big chance of tools if you will perform the tasks of stalkers. They will give coordinates to their caches as a reward, and already there can be found tools.
If you take enemies in captivity, and then interrogate, you can also get a cache, but the chance of the tools is low. How to get captured? You must wander the enemy so that he fell to the ground and lay alive, and then approach him if he kneels, then you can interrogate.
You can still give a cache for the PDA brought, there can also be tools in it.

Useful information about partners
In partners, you can take any NPC detachment, friendly with respect to the player and not busy point protection. The partners buy a broken weapon (but not quite killed) and buy more than merchants. Partners can be controlled both through the dialogue and via the NUMPAD keys.
NUM 1 - Change NPC behavior modes. Aggressively \\ help \\ passively.
Num 2 - Change modes Waiting \\ Follow.
Num 3 - NPC moves to the specified point and expect there.
In the dialogs, you can give useful NPC commands, I advise you to look before moving. If NPC has become in the door or a narrow passage - go close to it, after a couple of seconds it should move away.

How to go through this "zone mystery"?
We are looking for a doctor and talking to him (or we kill and write it, if evil) when receiving the key and records of the doctor, the plot is activated. At first, we turn off the generator in X-16, then on the radar, (along the way we collect documents in all laboratories). After turning off the radar, we go to the monolith, but do not make a desire, but we go to the control center, for documents, and then already in Warlab. What opened the door to Warb first it is necessary to pick up documents at the monolith control center. In Warlab we speak with the essence ... We run after two poltergeists in order to kill them, (all the doors open closes in chaotic order) ... After the murder of the second, all items that are not fastened, try to fly into the forehead ... Having sought them we are looking for and killing blood blood, then Controller ... Go where they spoke with the essence ... decoder ... he opens the door, but you will have a fight. Essence will be offered to go to the flask, this is one of the endings. We refuse. We go fight with monolith to destroy it. We return to Warb, and break the power of the capsules (see do not hook the lying inside, the reputation drops greatly) and turn off the generators ... and come back in Fripley.

Can't find a marsh doctor? He randomly dwells:
Base of pure sky
The trailer at the tower (next to the base, the first quest in the clean heaven).
Cave on the edge of the location, next to Tuzla.
And also, perhaps, he can travel around the zone. For example, to be a bartender (as it was in Bethe 1.4)

How to open a Varlaba?
Code - 26041986.

How to fix too re-plain graphics in fashion?
Main menu - Atmosfear Options - Other Options - Load Default Color Balance and Brightness Settings.
Or thin tuning via user.ltx (located in the _appdata_ folder)

How to turn on Spavner?
Finish at the end of the "-DBG" label path. Example: Call of Chernobyl 1.4.22 \\ Stalker-Coc.exe »-DBG
Then in the game menu click S.
Need to remove unnecessary information on the screen? In the game settings, remove the donkey with Debug Hud.

Where to see all the achievements?
We read a text document -

When installing the mod, it requires set the call of pripyat, what to do?
Try to set the license call for pripyat.

How to change the viewing angle?
FOV command in console (for example: FOV 60)
If you are stupid by the NPS, turn off the "AI DIE IN ANOMALY" setting in the game options.

"For those who were interested how to hire more companions, There are config settings:
Configs / Ai_Tweaks / AxR_companions.ltx.
There are three settings: the number of companions, if you can only hire friends and is it possible to hire simulation detachments. Well, in general, it is easy to disable this scheme there.
For a deeper configuration, open the AXR_COMPANIONS.Script scripts and dialogs_axr_companion.script. "
Where the Spavner for the Call of Chernobyl fashion, looking for an addition to the weapon schedule and so on, but there is no spawner.
In the game folder, find the file "stalker-coc.exe", create its label on the desktop. Next, go to the properties of the shortcut and in the setting object "-dbg" (without quotes). It should turn out something like this: "D: \\ Program Files \\ s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - Call of Chernobyl \\ Stalker-Coc.exe "-DBG. Naturally click "Apply" and "OK". Run the game, you start New game or load (no difference). During the game, you click "ESC" (pause) and click "S", opens "Spavner". P.S. That in the game on the screen there was no unnecessary information, go to the settings of the game and in the section "Game" \\ "Game" take a tick with "Debug Hud".
"Run Fashion on 86-bit Windows 7:

Unlike the original Call of Pripyat, Call of Chernobyl does not allow you to start the game on the maximum settings on the 86-bit system due to the increased load of its contents - the departure occurs. The solution for those who want to play on the most accessible graph - include improved dynamic lighting and set all settings to the maximum, but except for the following parameters:

Set the sliders just as indicated in the screenshot. A little less - anything terrible, but if you exceed the specified limit, then you risk to catch departures. The proposed parameters are selected by an experimental way. "
- The authors of the Fashion are the gentlemen from far abroad, so all the text is written in English.

Call of Chernobyl is one of the best frying mods,
consisting of locations of all three parts of S.L.L.K.K.r.r. Also, in addition to the Frying, there is a mode of history and zombie survival, "one life" and azazel mode. The presence of many different addons allows everyone to make an assembly to the soul.

Where to find tools in Call of Chernobyl

Call of Chernobyl is a project promising to the player not only gameplay and graphical changes, but also an exciting plot line with a wide range of weapons. As the plot is promoted, the player will often be given tasks for searching for instruments, this is not only a good way to earn, but later a good chance to make a complete upgrade of your weapons and armor. Sometimes in the midst of passage, the question where to find the tools in the Call of Chernobyl, becomes just vital.

The appearance of calibration tools, fine and rough work in the Call of Chernobyl game has an absolutely randomic nature, so their appearance on the game location can not be completely predictable. However, there are several landmarks, adhering to which during the passage you can relatively quickly find all three sets.

Features of searching for tools:

Huge chances of finding tools, gives the take and performing the tasks of various stalkers. For their implementation, the main character will receive coordinates of the location of the caches and the Schronov, in which you can find tools.
Do not ignore the found PDAs, they can also become a source of information about the caches with tools.
The third option to produce information about instruments, can be captured by the enemies. Therefore, do not rush to kill the enemy immediately, it can be injured and interrogated - it can give additional tips to the caches, albeit with a small chance.

Next, we will try to give the coordinates and places of already found sets with tools, so we hope that this information will be able to simplify your searches. However, remember that your version of the passage and the selected grouping at the beginning of the game may vary greatly and make their own adjustments.

Tools for fine work:

→ Amber location, you can earn a guide and for each successful task execution you can get a set of tools.
→ On the location of the sprout, in one of the boxes at the bartender.
playing for the military, they can be obtained for the task of military exercises.
→ On the location of the cordon, in one of the green military boxes, next to the tunnel leading through the housing of the hill, look for the poverty side.

Tools for rough work:

→ On the territory of the bar, if you look from the side of the arena, there will be a cache with a tool for ventilation.
→ Playing a military group by completing one of the tasks you will receive a cache with tools being practically at the entrance to the NII Agroprom

Calibration Tools:

→ By completing the quest "Storm in the zone" for the military you will receive a set of tools.

Gunsmith tools:

→ They appear on sale Barmen.

Successful search will be directly dependent on your desire and attentive passage of quests and tasks issued by characters. Get information about the caches, do not pass by the interesting places, communicate with the stalkers, pay attention to the results of the PDA and the question where to find the tools in Call of Chernobyl will remain for you in the distant past.

Where to find a marsh doctor Call of Chernobyl

Many players almost at the start are wondering where to find a marsh doctor in Call of Chernobyl? Despite the fact that the appearance of the doctor is random, we will try to describe in detail the places of its most likely appearance.

If you started the passage of the game from the pure sky base, then you need to go on the swamp, not far from the base, next to the tower you can find the trailer in which the marsh doctor will be.

Turning to him you can start the main storyline, line and get important key tasks that will hold you on game locations to the coveted monolith.

This place is not completely difficult to find, it is most likely familiar to you on the first quest original version Game Stalker Clear sky.

As the main character in the plot is promoted, you will have to return to the marsh doctor and the second place of his habitat will be the cave near the destroyed railway bridge located on the edge of the location of the swamp, next to the tuzla tunnel.

Often the doctor can be found directly on the group's database. Clean sky. Therefore, it is more common to come there and a meeting with the doctor you are guaranteed.

Doctor habitat on swamp locations:

The trailer is located next to the tower.
Base of pure sky.
Cave from the railway station next to Tuzla.
Random movement on location.

Now you know how to find a marsh doctor in Call of Chernobyl, however, remember that he can travel to the location of the swamp, and sometimes get to visit the bartender. If we talk about the plot of the secrets of the zone, the plot branch will be available to players who chose one of the following groups at the start of the game: single, mercenaries, scientists, clean sky, debt and freedom.

Where to find Gauss Punch in Call of Chernobyl

Finding it just lying will not work, like cartridges for her. They are not available in any merchant. Theoretically, it can be sold from monolith traders, but it is only theoretically. But in the game the rifle is still available, and it is quite possible to farm. The first time she came across to Limansk, near the transition to the hospital. She was armed with a levitating Sniper Monolith (do not ask, I myself am shocked), it was possible to knock it out from the second time. The second copy was found in the hospital. The third and others are in the northwestern part of the Chernobyl.

The latter is a place where it can be farm. Where there is a way out of the monolith management room, the detachments of monolith periodically spawn. They are armed tightly, have G36, RPG-7 and guns under 9x39, the rifle of Gauss is rarely, but aptive. If you have time to kill the comrade, carrying it, then the full cost is yours. In the east of the Place of Pharma, by the way, lies an exoskeleton. The location of its location is also indicated in the picture:

Answers on questions:

1. How many artifacts are a compass in the game and is it possible to take it from Noah? Where to get weld?
A: No one has a compass and he is alone in the game, you may have to change it. Svarog and other rare items can be bought from merchants and NPS.

2. Will there be a weapon and costume pumping system?
A: No, she will be the same as in the call of pripyat. But on sale will be upgraded costumes and weapons.

3. How and where will the artifacts appear?
A: Artifacts (including from the shadow of Chernobyl) will mainly appear in large anomalies and less often than each time after the emission, with the exception of some locations (Dark Hollow, for example). We tried to collect the most optimal locations for such a system.

4. What is the Chernoby?
A: Chernobia will be a very unwriting place, full of mutants and fanatics. In addition, there is not so easy to get there, you need to overcome several barriers. You can make a desire to monolith and it will execute it.

I collected everything in a bunch: Hardtmuth.

Call of Chernobyl Call Guide

Call of Chernobyl is one of the best frying mods,
consisting of locations of all three parts of S.L.L.K.K.r.r. Also, in addition to the Frying, there is a mode of history and zombie survival, "one life" and azazel mode. The presence of many different addons allows everyone to make an assembly to the soul.

Where to find tools in Call of Chernobyl

Call of Chernobyl is a project promising to the player not only gameplay and graphical changes, but also an exciting plot line with a wide range of weapons. As the plot is promoted, the player will often be given tasks for searching for instruments, this is not only a good way to earn, but later a good chance to make a complete upgrade of your weapons and armor. Sometimes in the midst of passage, the question where to find the tools in the Call of Chernobyl, becomes just vital.

The appearance of calibration tools, fine and rough work in the Call of Chernobyl game has an absolutely randomic nature, so their appearance on the game location can not be completely predictable. However, there are several landmarks, adhering to which during the passage you can relatively quickly find all three sets.

Features of searching for tools:

Huge chances of finding tools, gives the take and performing the tasks of various stalkers. For their implementation, the main character will receive coordinates of the location of the caches and the Schronov, in which you can find tools.
. Do not ignore the found PDAs, they can also become a source of information about the caches with tools.
. The third option to produce information about instruments, can be captured by the enemies. Therefore, do not rush to kill the enemy immediately, it can be injured and interrogated - it can give additional tips to the caches, albeit with a small chance.

Next, we will try to give the coordinates and places of already found sets with tools, so we hope that this information will be able to simplify your searches. However, remember that your version of the passage and the selected grouping at the beginning of the game may vary greatly and make their own adjustments.

Tools for fine work:

→ Amber location, you can earn a guide and for each successful task execution you can get a set of tools.
→ On the location of the sprout, in one of the boxes at the bartender.
Playing for the military, they can be obtained for the task of military exercises.
→ On the location of the cordon, in one of the green military boxes, next to the tunnel leading through the housing of the hill, look for the poverty side.

Tools for rough work:

→ On the territory of the bar, if you look from the side of the arena, there will be a cache with a tool for ventilation.
→ Playing a military group by completing one of the tasks you will receive a cache with tools being practically at the entrance to the NII Agroprom

Calibration Tools:

→ By completing the quest "Storm in the zone" for the military you will receive a set of tools.

Gunsmith tools:

→ They appear on sale Barmen.

Successful search will be directly dependent on your desire and attentive passage of quests and tasks issued by characters. Get information about the caches, do not pass by the interesting places, communicate with the stalkers, pay attention to the results of the PDA and the question where to find the tools in Call of Chernobyl will remain for you in the distant past.

Where to find a marsh doctor Call of Chernobyl

Many players almost at the start are wondering where to find a marsh doctor in Call of Chernobyl? Despite the fact that the appearance of the doctor is random, we will try to describe in detail the places of its most likely appearance.

If you started the passage of the game from the pure sky base, then you need to go on the swamp, not far from the base, next to the tower you can find the trailer in which the marsh doctor will be.

Turning to him you can start the main storyline, line and get important key tasks that will hold you on game locations to the coveted monolith.

This place is not completely difficult to find, it is most likely familiar to you on the first quest of the original version of the game Stalker Clean sky.

As the main character in the plot is promoted, you will have to return to the marsh doctor and the second place of his habitat will be the cave near the destroyed railway bridge located on the edge of the location of the swamp, next to the tuzla tunnel.

Often the doctor can be found directly on the group's database. Clean sky. Therefore, it is more common to come there and a meeting with the doctor you are guaranteed.

Doctor habitat on swamp locations:

The trailer is located next to the tower.
. Base of pure sky.
. Cave from the railway station next to Tuzla.
. Random movement on location.

Now you know how to find a marsh doctor in Call of Chernobyl, however, remember that he can travel to the location of the swamp, and sometimes get to visit the bartender. If we talk about the plot of the secrets of the zone, the plot branch will be available to players who chose one of the following groups at the start of the game: single, mercenaries, scientists, clean sky, debt and freedom.

Where to find Gauss Punch in Call of Chernobyl

Finding it just lying will not work, like cartridges for her. They are not available in any merchant. Theoretically, it can be sold from monolith traders, but it is only theoretically. But in the game the rifle is still available, and it is quite possible to farm. The first time she came across to Limansk, near the transition to the hospital. She was armed with a levitating Sniper Monolith (do not ask, I myself am shocked), it was possible to knock it out from the second time. The second copy was found in the hospital. The third and others are in the northwestern part of the Chernobyl.

The latter is a place where it can be farm. Where there is a way out of the monolith management room, the detachments of monolith periodically spawn. They are armed tightly, have G36, RPG-7 and guns under 9x39, the rifle of Gauss is rarely, but aptive. If you have time to kill the comrade, carrying it, then the full cost is yours. In the east of the Place of Pharma, by the way, lies an exoskeleton. The location of its location is also indicated in the picture.