Epic battles of magicians. Carbon monoxide in the game Epic battles of battle mages: Battle on Skullfire Mountain. Features of Crazy Game

While you are reading this description, battle mages are already chopping each other into cabbage in an uncompromising battle for the title of the most epically powerful sorcerer in the entire kingdom of Slaughter. Don't pull the cat by the tail and join the tournament as soon as possible, because the fun is about to begin!
Collect spells from three components and cast them on opponents. What will be the effect - the enemy will slightly clap on the kumpol or turn into a cozy campfire - depends on your spellcasting abilities and ability to make ultra-crazy combos. And in the end, when the dust settles, there will be only one sorcerer. Perhaps it will be you - it's just too early to celebrate the victory!
Soon dead sorcerers will crawl out of the graves, and the mess will go to a new circle!

Main jokes

  • Super-killer fun for 2-6 sorcerers!
  • Hundreds of unique ways to turn the enemy to ash / slime / chicken / name what you want. The chaos you create is limited only by your thirst for destruction!
  • Dozens of magical artifacts to enhance your spells: hit enemies with a mallet cannon and dress up in magic slippers!
  • Dead Sorcerers' cards allow even those weaklings who are losing battle and falling short of victory to stay in the game!
  • Elementary rules and endless replayability - you will hand out magic dumplings until your beard grows to the waist!
  • Over 100 unique pictures by Nick Edwards to set the mood for your epic battles!

"Epic Battles of War Mages" is an original board game in its genre that will not leave anyone indifferent. The game will destroy your understanding of wizards too! They will fight in fierce battles, cast cynical spells and test those playing for mental stability. If you love brain-bending board games, then meet a battle mage and collect medals from unbeaten sorcerers!

Difficulty level: average

Number of players: 2-8

Develops skills: attentiveness, sociability, cunning

In terms of components, everything is like that of people

  • Skullflame Mountain with two stands - 1 pc .;
  • spell cards 63 * 89 mm in size - 178 pcs.;
  • tablets with heroes to choose from - 8 pcs.;
  • skulls needed to track life - 6 pcs.;
  • tokens needed to win - 7 pcs .;
  • bones - 4 pcs.;
  • brochure with rules.

In the full-fledged entertainment "Epic battles of battle mages" of the next version of "Atrocities in the Castle of the Octopus," instead of Skullfire Mountain, the indestructible and inaccessible castle of the Octopus is used.

The game is insane, how is its cover?

The insanity of the board is already evident at the stage of getting acquainted with the design and rules. The style of the entertainment "Epic Fights" is very strange, the instructions are written in too cheeky language, the message of the creators is immediately felt.

The entertainment fully immerses the participants in a merciless massacre between magicians who are not afraid of anyone or anything! Do not be afraid to be killed, exterminate any opponent who gets in the way.

When you study the images on the cards, you start to doubt the adequacy of the illustrator. But given the fact that trash is the basis of a board game, one shouldn't be surprised. Who has long wanted to remove the brain? "Epic battles of war mages" will provide such emotions!

These characters make up a separate deck, which is formed at the beginning of the game. The player receives a card from this pile when his chosen character runs out of lives after the next battle. Now the participant will take cards from there at the end of each turn, which will give him an advantage at the beginning of the next battle with a hero named battle mage.

Before the first move in next game participants play dead wizard cards and discard them. They can add lives to themselves, take them away from a combat enemy, and also earn treasures.

What epic spells are there and how are they composed?

The battle mage will make magic spells from cards drawn out on his hands. Among them, there may be the following types, combining which you can get a brain explosion:

  • Instigators- give some advantage when using a combat spell.
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    The spell itself is assembled from one, two or three cards, without the use of cards of the same type. That is, the following combinations are possible:

    • cheerleader;
    • coming;
    • bloat;
    • cheerleader and bells and whistles;
    • bells and whistles and arrival;
    • cheer up and parish;
    • wound up both bells and whistles and arrival.

    If the type of card does not fall into your hands, then it is replaced by "Crazy magic" when it falls out. This is a "joker" who will come to the rescue in a hopeless situation in battle magicians.

    If a combination is drawn up incorrectly, the player is obliged to throw out extra cards from it so that it becomes correct. In this case, unnecessary cards are sent to the discard pile.

    Magic schools

    If you carefully study the cards, it is not difficult to notice that the spells belong to a certain school of magic and they are marked with a special sign. The following signs exist:

    • frenzy - fervent incineration of opponents;
    • darkness - dark rituals knock down rivals in batches;
    • damage - only a wet place remains from enemies, assistance in dragging treasures is also provided;
    • kumar - a quick enchantment that allows you to select specific victims;
    • grass - gifts of nature, which heal the battle mage, and the enemies are crippled.

    Yes, you just beat each other with spells throughout the game!

    Initially, it may seem like this. Although in fact it is. "Epic battles of war mages" is a game of continuous trash and merciless bloodshed. Yes, the mechanics are primitively simple:

    • choose which battle mage will defend your name;
    • place cards, cubes and other components on the table;
    • pull out eight cards into your hands, collect them a reckless spell;
    • attack each other without fear of the consequences.

    What are the actions?

    In addition to the school of magic on the maps, the combat player will meet the target of the combat spell, damage and other effects. To calculate damage, dice are often rolled, the number depends on how often the sign of the element appears in the spell.

    The target of the spell is everyone or someone specific (as an option, sitting to the right or left of the caster).

    There are some effects that a Warmage can use to heal or allow him to take the top treasure card with dangerous artifacts. However, more often they still cause damage, tear off limbs, blow up the insides - something that will deprive the hero of physical health.

    hidden treasures

    Players meet such items from the effects of some cards with combat spells. After taking possession of the treasure, place it face up in front of you so that rivals can see it. They should never be handled.

    Who will like it?

    • groups of friends from 16 years old;
    • those who love trashy board games that blow up consciousness;
    • those who are bored with boring strategies;
    • for those who are expecting a fun pastime.

    Rules of the game

    Some cards will require the participant to realize a mighty throw, for this you need to look at the sign. You must roll one die for each card in the spell where the same sign is placed.

    Most of the cards in Epic Warmage Skirmishes are targeted at a specific victim, and this is usually indicated on the card itself. Study the texts carefully before shooting an incredible spell. The victim sometimes turns out to be accidental, sometimes it will be a battle mage sitting next to it, as well as all rivals at the same time.

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    Tip: Always determine the victim before rolling the dice!


  1. Install Skullfire Mountain.
  2. Carefully shuffle the cards, sort them into piles by shirts - dead sorcerers, spells, treasures.
  3. Each player should choose a sorcerer whom he will fight in the party. Take the appropriate character pad.
  4. Place the sorcerer's skull on the "20" mark, this is the initial number of lives. Throughout the entertainment, the slider will move if the hero loses or gains a life.
  5. Place stacks of magic spells in the middle of the table, distribute the rest of the decks anywhere.

Who goes first and the order of the move?

After the players pick up the cards in their hands, the stage of determining the first move begins. Each battle mage must inform the opponents of how many cards his spell is composed of. Those players who have this number "1" go first, and the next in priority are those who have "2".

If several participants meet the above requirements, then their sequence is determined on the initiative of the arrival - participants must communicate this value to the rest, while it is not allowed to peep at the opponent's card. A battle mage who did not pay a parish or provided a Crazy Magic card in return acquires initiative “0”.

Accordingly, the participant with the most initiative moves earlier than the others, in the event of a tie, the players roll the dice, and will go first a battle mage with great results.

How to play?

For each round of the board game "Epic Battles of War Mages", the following steps are performed:

  1. A living battle mage replenishes his hand up to 8 cards, a dead one takes one dead sorcerer into his hands.
  2. Lay out one to three cards face up, this will be the magic spell.
  3. Determine the order of the move, as described in the paragraph above.
  4. Use the effects of the spell in order "cheer + bloat + arrival".
  5. After all battle mages have cast their spells, the participants again pick up the components from the stack to 8 pieces.
  6. A new round begins!

With each new stage, the ranks of battle mages will begin to thin out - when their life stops at cell "0", the hero leaves the battle, discarding cards and accumulated treasures, and takes a dead sorcerer from the pile.

How to win?

Winning Epic Skirmishes is easy. It is enough to earn a couple of medals of the "unfinished sorcerer" and the trick is in the bag! True, for this you will have to exterminate all rivals, turn them to ashes and survive yourself. But you can cope with such a simple task, right?

Other games in this series:

After the sensational release original version, the developers have released a couple of full-fledged amusements, sequels of the first version.

"Epic battles of battle mages Outrage in the castle of the Octopus Slaughterhouse"

This is not just an add-on for players over 18 years old. It is not forbidden for the players to mix base deck with this set for incredible, mind blowing spells. Cool new features stand out relative to the original version of the board:

  1. All parishes here are Creatures, which can be on the table for as many rounds as you want. Also, a combat hero can be closed from an enemy spell.
  2. Blood is a new game tool, it is obtained by killing opponents or holding the castle of the Octopus Slaughterhouse. Also, liters of blood are exchanged in the cards to use the effect.
  3. Now certain cards allow the participant to capture the castle, then the battle mage will receive a lit of blood. He can earn a possession bonus.
  4. There were "unexpected" - cards that will work after the death of the hero.
  5. The developers of the board game have created 8 more sorcerers with serious intentions.
  6. For players who do not like to stand on ceremony when fighting with enemies, a "short tournament" is provided.

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In the entertainment of the next issue - "Epic battles of battle mages" of the version "Atrocities in the Castle of the Octopus Slaughterhouse", the winner will be the player who gets two badly needed tokens earlier than others, as in other modifications. This is possible when a fighting hero has destroyed rivals and was the only survivor.

"Epic battles of war mages Mash in a mushroom swamp"

Another entertainment for those over 18 years old, where you will still have to mercilessly kill opponents. But now it can be done with the help of new powerful spells, "pump over" them with swamp sorcery. A battle mage awaits in the set.

Opinion about the board game "Epic Battles of Fighting Mages: Atrocities in the Castle of the Octopus."

Traveler! Nooka stop! Do you want to pass by ?! I do not care at all where and why you headed your way, but now you are near the Castle of the Octopus! And this means only one thing: you will participate in a tournament, the epic nature of which is unmatched anywhere else! Welcome to "Epic Battles of War Mages: Outrage at the Castle of the Butterbone Slaughterhouse" !!!

"Epic Clashes of War Mages: Atrocities in the Castle of the Octopus" is not some Mortal Kombat or a war with another attacker from some outer space. Only here and only now will you receive the power of respect and power MAGA... Therefore, you will immediately be thrown into battle with other similar Mages, whose strength can be equal to, or even exceed 9000 !!!

There are 8, 8 cool fighters in total, but after at least half an hour you may be left with bloody scraps or even more unpleasant scraps, which we will not talk about here! To know how much you have left from the position of "I'm the coolest!" up to someone pick my guts, each MAG gets his own Awesome board, which shows the number of punches he can get, as well as the amount of blood he can spend on making his awesome spells even cooler!

Oh yes! Spells! When each of you chooses the personality of MAGA, then you sit down at a single battle table and prepare your spells! Each spell has three parts, each more epic than the other, just like Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings! Lead - the start of your spell, after which you strengthen it with a Twist, and then send the final blow with the Parish, after which your enemy may be dumbfounded ... or maybe not. Spells can be combined to create epic C-C-C-C-C-COMBOs that can inflict maximum PAIN on your opponent or even several of them, and also heal or reward you with something.

The dice roll is the key to success. Just as tough barbarians swing their biceps to carry girls, each MAG must swing his palms in order to successfully roll the dice and get exactly the numbers that will give him the best effect. Depending on how well the MAG can do cool C-C-C-C-C-COMBO, the number of dice that he will throw in the face of his enemies, so that later he can throw an equally epic spell at them, also changes!

And the most important! In order to become an epic sorcerer, and not a creepy sorcerer, you need to pronounce aloud the names of your enchantments, which are made up of the names of the cards of the Ringleader, Greater and Parish. Throw proudly your SHINING DUKE BELKINGHAM FROM PAIN DEMON and watch your enemies burn with damage and laughter! And the sorcerer who does not cast his spell will be punished! But as? Players will decide for themselves at the beginning of the MACHINE.

In addition to spells, there are also creatures that you can cast on your table and rejoice that it will remain there even after the end of your spell! There are also treasures that will not only make you richer, but also add a couple of dice to your press and table, or give another cool effect with which you can dominate the battle arena. If you are lucky enough to grab too many witchcraft, then you become a Dead Sorcerer and receive a corresponding card that may help you in the future ... or not give any effects at all, except for a mockery of your corpse.

The winner is the one who destroys everyone in several games. He will become the king of the Epic Clash, get himself the Castle of the Sprout Slaughterhouse, recognize 42, take all the resources, food, beautiful women (or men), as well as your socks if he likes it. Well, that's all!

What does a set of local desktop exterminatus of your friends called "Epic Battles of War Mages: Atrocities in the Castle of the Butchery" contain? The creators-publishers from Hobby World put the following components of the future war of magical epicity in Pandora's box:

  • 178 cards of spells, treasures and dead sorcerers.
  • 8 Hero Pads, one more beautiful than the other
  • 7 medals of unfinished sorcerers
  • 6 Skulls (not for the throne of Skulls)
  • 6 blood meters
  • 4 dice (you may need more)
  • 1 Sprout Slaughterhouse Castle
  • Game rules (for dummies)

After evaluation Organization of Magical Slaughter Named Gandalf the Cool this set receives the rating "Concentrated Cool", because the publisher knows another word for the letter "K" besides "Cool". And this word is "Quality".

"Epic Clashes of Battle Mages: Outrage in the Castle of the Butterbone Slaughterhouse" is your starter pack for the most fun into the circle of friends (enemies!). Trash and frenzy are the main two words that can be used to describe this board game, which is easy to learn, played fast and fun, and the design and content of some (all the same!) Attributes can in itself cause wild laughter from all those present. Killing each other has never been so much fun.

This and many other games can be purchased online

Epic Battles of War Mages is a unique board game of its kind. You have to not only learn the true truth about how the battle of magicians goes, but also become a full-fledged participant in the battle.

Forget about the rest of the games that you have, because Mages will enchant and captivate your mind and mind. We guarantee that you have never taken part in such an outrage.

Features of Crazy Game

"Battle on Skullfire Mountain" is special in its kind and has no equal. The style of play, illustrations, black humor, partly sadism - this sets the game apart from other card tables. If you want to experience new, unsurpassed emotions, while having good fun, then you need to get to know the battle mages better.

A storm awaits you ... of emotion. A world filled with forbidden spells that you will learn and use against your enemies. The number of opponents can reach 6 characters, a real mess, where only one can stay alive.

You have to create crushing spells so as not to leave a speck of dust from your rivals. But you will have to try hard, because even after dying in a round, the player can prevent others from reaching the final.

Strange artifacts and insane magic await you!)

One of most interesting features board game Epic battles of war mages: Battle on Skullfire Mountain - unusual and catchy illustrations.

The artwork was developed by Nick Edwards, who eventually created a real masterpiece full of black humor and sarcasm. Perhaps just for the sake of images it is worth playing this "epic" game).


The first thing worth paying attention to is the characters themselves, the sorcerers. There is a separate deck of cards with these heroes. To take a sorcerer card, you need to wait until the selected main character dies. After that, each turn is one card from the deck, which gives its advantages.

Mage wars is a game with almost no end, when you play the second and subsequent times, dead sorcerers must be played and discarded.

What epic spells are there and how are they composed?

The game Battle of the Magicians is not easy entertainment. The spells in it are of paramount importance. There are three main types in total, of which, with some luck, powerful and unexpected combinations can be folded.

  • Instigators- add power to combat spells
  • Twist- brings peppercorn to the game, you can make original troubles
  • Coming- a real explosive mixture

Magic schools

Each card in Mage Wars belongs to a school of magic of a certain type. This is indicated by the signs:

  • waste- destruction of opponents by means of total incineration;
  • darkness- direct connection with dark rituals that are directed against rivals;
  • spoilage- your enemies will not have time to understand what happened to them;
  • kumar- direct your anger purposefully;
  • grass- heal with magic herbs and poison your enemies with them.

In this game, the winner must receive the maximum score. This is given 3 parties. They can be obtained for a kill or for medals from an unfinished sorcerer.

Winning is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Kill your enemies and don't let them kill you. The task is clear to the point of disgrace.

Apply different tactics, try combinations, come up with the craziest combinations and confidently go to victory. In the end there will be only one sorcerer, who will become the owner of the "Undead" medal. The game can be started over and over again, join the battle and prove your magical power.

V ideological review

Hello Irecommenda readers!

New Year's holidays are just around the corner. And now imagine, everyone has already eaten Olivier, herring under a fur coat, from the very sight of the table turns back, what to do? You can play snowballs on the street, or go sledding, but living in the Kuban we can only mold mud-skimmers. And with friends, you want to get together and you need to think about what to do in order to have fun and the good old ones come to the rescue board games... About the game "Culinary" and " Bang " I already wrote and it’s time to tell you about new game"Epic battles of war mages"

Price - 1290 rubles.

The number of players is from 2 people.

Already only one name and design of the game box makes it worth paying attention to

In general, in IM Hobby World you can find a bunch of entertaining games

The package contents of the game are written on the back of the package.

Moving on to the contents inside the box. The first thing we see is the rules of the game. Decorated in a solid and bright little book that will not get lost and you can pry into it during the game if you have forgotten something.

There is also a mountain of Skullfire, medals of unfinished sorcerers and skulls for counting life.

And also what is most important is the cards

And of course cubes

Are you ready to fight the sorcerers?

First of all, each hero chooses which sorcerer he will play and takes the corresponding game pad.

It is necessary to collect spells against your enemies and the game has begun. There are also many more interesting nuances, about which I will not write, since then it will not be interesting to play it.

I will tell you one thing, the game completely captures and immerses you in your world.

Therefore, it will be interesting to play it both together and big company, she will not leave anyone indifferent.

Thank you for reading this review to the end! Until new reviews! Alexandra!