Entertaining games for children 4 5 years old. Didactic games for children of the younger group of kindergarten. Help green friends

"My house"

Purpose: Teach the house from the details, to tell about what is.

Equipment: Cards with images of architectural details.

Rules of the game: Children disassemble and lay down in the course of their story details of the house. It may turn out that the same children will be interpreted in different ways, leading, helping players with "prompts", should encourage their fantasy.


"There is a staircase in my house. I'm climbing on her (...) floor. Then I open the door and enter the apartment. In our apartment (...) windows, etc.

"Slug the picture"

Material : 8 split color pictures with the views of the city of Armavir.

rules : Find the color, fold and call one of the species of the city.


Material: 6 cubes, each of which from all sides is placed by a fragment of photography with a view of the city.

Rules: Fold one of the species of the city.

"Magical city"

Purpose: Secure the knowledge and ideas about the architecture of the city of Armavir.

Tasks: find out different types Armaavir architecture (bridges, monuments, columns, lattices, palaces, cathedrals, museums) with mysteries. To summarize the features of architecture (strength, beauty, benefit.)


Rules of the game: For two fields, children lay out cards, after they take a working card and relate the attraction with color.

"Make a picture"

Purpose: 1. Ensure the knowledge of children about the architectural buildings of the city.

2. Teach children to make an image of a building from pieces.

I Create a picture of parts (without sample) to give the name of architecture

II Make a picture picture

III Make a picture on the pattern overlapping on the image.

"Sea battle"

Material: two gaming fields and split pictures with numbering.

Rules: Plays from 2 or more children; Fields filled with shirt cards up, after filling the players change the fields and the battle begins, who first gave the mung out the image that the winner.

Who moves how
Purpose: Secure the ability of children to systematize animals by way of movement (legs, wings, fins)

Material: B. large cards depicting models of animal movements, pictures of animals.

Lead distribution big cards With the image of the models of animal movement organs (legs, wings, fins), then pulls out small pictures with the image of birds, fish, animals, children cover empty squares in accordance with the model.

"Who lives in our region"
Purpose: Fasten the ability to systematize animals by habitat. Shape the skill use of models.

Material: B. large cards depicting different animal habitats, with an image of animals.


The presenter distributes all players to large maps with the image of models of various animal habitats (water, air, earth), then pulls out small pictures with the image of animals, birds, fish that are found in Krasnodar TerritoryThe children cover empty squares in accordance with the model.

"The postman brought the package"

Purpose: Develop the ability to describe items and recognize them in description.

Material: Fruits, vegetables box.

Description. IN the booger brings the box to the group and says that the postman brought the parcel. In the parcel, various vegetables, fruits. Children look at and describe what the postman brought. The rest of the children guess.

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

Desktop printed game "Opposites"

Game for children of senior preschool and junior school age. Develops speech, attention, figurative and semantic memory, lays the basics of logical thinking ....

Social and Printing Playing Game for Social and Personal Development for Senior Preschool Children "Visiting a fairy tale" ..

It is important to note that the socio-emotional development of children is favorable, subject to the satisfaction of their needs in positive emotional contacts with others, in love and ...

Flash games for children are 4 years old are useful in that reproducing real life situations. Favorite cartoon characters fall into difficult stories and to help them, have to study new items and skills, as well as call on their attention and concentration. Games for children are 4 years old - this is an excellent assistant to parents who wish to comprehensively develop their child from young age.

Types of Flash Games for Children

Flash games for children 4 years can be divided into several categories.

  • Alphabets and buckwar
    These categories of games in a simple and light manner teach a child letters, syllables, words and basics of spelling. As a rule, learn to help favorite cartoon characters, thanks to which the process goes fun and interesting.
  • Account learning
    For the company with favorite cartoon characters, even boring lessons become fascinating. As a rule, children's account are trained, and other characters of favorite children's television shows. Thanks to them, the child employs memory and attention, interest and concentration appear as a result.
  • Puzzle
    Simple logic games Always bring benefit players. The child learns the basics of strategy and tactics, begins to look for non-standard solutions, creatively approaches the game process, develops logic and intelligence.
  • Pazzles
    Collect Puzzle - What could be more interesting?! Small pieces of the whole, which gradually add up in a large and bright picture, is a very responsible and exciting occupation. Such games form the simplest geometric knowledge, thanks to which the child is better oriented in space and understands how different objects interact with each other.
  • Coloring and drawing
    Young artists with pleasure spend time for drawing on a computer. And unlike the use of real paints and markers, you can be calm: the walls in the apartment will remain safe and unharmed.

Games with children 3-4 years

The verbal-didactic game "Compare different beasts" (3-4 years)

Didactic task: Teach children to compare different animals from fairy tales, highlighting opposite signs.

Number of playing: 5-6 children

Game rule:the child is responsible for whom will indicate

Gaming action: The tutor offers children to consider the bear and the mouse.

Bear big, and mouse ... (small). What else is a bear? (Thick, thick, closure). And what is the mouse? (Little, sulfur, fast, deft.) What does a bear love? (Honey, raspberry), and the mouse loves ... (cheese, crackers).

Paws have thick Tolstaya, and the mouse ... (thin). And who has a dealer's tail? The mouse has a long tail, and the teddy bear ... (short.

Similarly, you can compare other animals from fairy tales - foxes and hare, wolf and bear.

Witness-didactic game "Cats and Bunny" (3-4 years)

Didactic task:Teach children invent a new ending with a familiar fairy tale

Number of playing:4-6 children

Game rule: Listen to the interlocutor carefully

Gaming action:First, the children remember the fairy tale "Cats and Wolf". It can be reminded using a desktop theater or flannelugaph. The fairy tale ends, but the teacher suggests listening to what happened next: "The goat went back to the forest. The goat remained one at home. Suddenly the door knocked again. Cats were frightened and hugged. And it was small ... (a toy is shown) Bunny. Bunny says: ... ("Do not be afraid of me, this is me - a little bunny.") Cats ... (let the bunny). They treated it ... (cabbage, carrot). Kids filed and became ... (Play, having fun, frolic). Bunny played ... (on the drum), and the goat ... (fun jumped).

The verbal-didactic game "Chicken-Ryabushka" (3-4 years)

in the fairy tale "Road chicken

Didactic task:Develop speech activity in children, work out with them a questioning intonation, exercise them in proper sound.

Number of playing:subgroup of children

Gaming rules: The chicken must be loud, quickly responding to children's questions.

Gaming action:the tutor shows a picture with the image of a ripple chicken, suggests to remember the tale "Ryabina". After telling the fairy tale explains why she is called "Ryaba". Then offers children to play. Capely choose a chicken. The teacher puts on her hat, puts before children and begins to ask questions. The chicken is answered by the tutor's tip:

Road chicken, where did you go?

To the river.

Through chicken, why did you go?

For water.

Rumor rush, why do you need a water?

Chickens Walk. - Ryabn chicken, how are your chickens ask to drink?

Pi-Pi-Pi! (These are all children.)

When re-holding the game, the educator offers children: "Let's all together ask the chicken, where did she go?" Children along with the educator, trying to reproduce a question in intonation, ask: "Ryaba chicken, where did you go?" etc. It is better to choose chicken kids shy, timid, silent.

Table print game "Paired pictures" (3-4 years)

Didactic task:Exercise children in comparing items depicted in the picture, in finding similarities and in the selection of the same images; Educating attention, concentration, form speech, develop the ability to execute the rule of the game.

Number of playing:

Material: paired pictures - Illustrations from Russian folk fairy tales and chips

Gaming rules:Show and call only the same picture; Whoever will select and call a pair picture, he will receive a chip.

Gaming action:search for the right cards.

Wall-printed game "Slug" (3-4 years)

Didactic task:Exercise children in the compilation of a whole object from its parts; raise will, prudence, purposefulness

Number of playing:

Gaming rules:Do not make a mistake in choosing. Wins one who previously folded and called his picture

Gaming action:search parts, folding whole pictures

Wall-printed game "Lotto" (3-4 years)

Didactic task:Exercise children in the ability to combine objects at their place of growth: where that grows; consolidate kids about Russian folk fairy tales

Number of playing:

Gaming rules:close the cells only by the pictures that correspond to the content of a big card, i.e. the fairy tale

Gaming action:find small cards with the image of episodes from fairy tales and close the cells on them big map. Competition - Who is the first to close all the cards

The wall-printed game "Domino" (3-4 years)

Didactic task:Consolidate the knowledge of children about Russian folk fairy tales, correctly call a fairy tale

Number of playing:

Gaming rules:Card cards in turn, next to the same picture. Wins one who first put all the cards

Educational games for children 4 years - Help your child in improving the reaction, hand motility, desire to achieve goal, they will notice more details. Parents, of course, should participate in this process on a par with their children, explaining the details and directing children by setting some rules and teaching them to observe. Children begin to memorize more and more new words, begin to teach their first numbers and will be safely to take up to five, and before and ten, not by this sequence of numbers. They learn to memorize new information and store it to use soon. The memory is trained, perception with a concentration of attention is improved. The thinking is developing, kids become more prettier, patient. It's no secret as tight new technologies took a place in our lives and what important role is played in it, including a computer. Sometimes, the kids show the wonders of the reality and from early childhood can handle with all sorts of interesting electronic devices that cause them delight. The computer as an encyclopedia and knowledge of knowledge can be used by the parents of the baby to solve many of their problems and respond to no less questions that arise from an inquisitive child who knows the world and requiring a new portion of knowledge every day.

Educational games for children 4 years old online

Children gradually learn to conduct the first comparisons "What is more, and that less," consider and compare the number, answer questions in gaming form And they do not get tired, after all, in four years few people are ready to devote a lot of time, and even spend this time with pleasure. Educational games for children 4 years old give this opportunity and children, and their parents. The study ceases to be boring and uninteresting, because the game form and cheerful feed will not leave indifferent any baby, finding an approach and active and active children, and to thoughtful and calm guys. Kids will be able to find the first patterns, make logical conclusions and analyze the situation in the game. Their creative potential begins to reveal, and parents can witness the first success of their child in the unexpected sphere, which cannot but rejoice. Free online Games For children 4 years The beneficial and comprehensive influence the baby, giving it to develop in a wide variety of areas, which will help him later and serve good service now. It is worth noting, of course, that such games are usually short, as children at such a young age should not be at the computer for a long time, which it is necessary to take care of parents, as well as first to check the game, so that it meets your utility and efficiency requirements and did not injure the tender psyche of the child. The best time interval that the child will only benefit, and not harm is 25 minutes. This is the optimal time for children of 4 years to computer games Dalited a new portion of knowledge, push and soil, and then the matter of parents, because what could be better communication and educational games with your beloved child? No car will give that positive influence on the child, which will be rendered on him thanks to the time-spent with the parents of time.

Gaming subsections:

Period early Development The child is very important, since it is at that time the kid is studying skills that will come in handy throughout life. Parents need not to miss the opportunity to help their child grow healthy in mental, emotional and physical terms. To do this, you need to know what loads to give the baby and what to play with him in every period of his life.

What should a child be able to 4-5 years old in diligent parents?

Educational games like children at any age, they are able to use Sensorika, small motor, memory and logic.

Using special games, you will learn at home correctly develop your preschooler.

Let's consider which there are effective educational games for children for 4-5 years, after having previously going on items that the child can do at an early age and what benefits from such activities.

In age 4-5 years old baby starts actively and consciously know the world . If parents are engaged in their baby, they are able to develop its ability and convert them into specific skills.

Total we can have:

  • It is commendable if your baby at a four years of age clearly expresses his thoughts and owns a speech well.
  • Remember that a child begins to develop creative thinking.
  • The kid can analyze pictures and various situations.
  • Also, the baby is able to come up with additional elements in the game or any other activity.

Gradually, dealing with the child, you can increase the load and the amount of new material. After 4 years, the child can withstand full-fledged classes.

The child fantasies, draws, plays - Mom benefits

During this period, very good the child's fantasy works. Do not punish him for it.

Delive to child fantasies with understanding and even promotion, because they dilute our life with fresh non-standard plots. Take advantage of the child received by the child correctly and at this age the joint pastime will be enjoyable for you and the baby, regardless of the type of joint activity.

In this period, the child is more than ordinary paint. Each time the drawings get more interesting and more beautiful.

  1. Thanks to this, the child learns coordination, performing small movements.
  2. During drawing, visual control is developing over what operation is performed using hands.
  3. Using the drawings of your baby, Analyze the psycho-emotional state of your chad.
  4. With the help of drawing, the child is released from stresses, which, in turn, can slow down the development of speech and writing.

In the period from 4 to 5 years for the child, the main activity is still a game. Now it is complicated with roles, plots and performing certain tasks.

During classes with the parent, the child learns communicability, cooperation and discipline, which contributes intellectual Development Child.

Now about serious, about games

The most beloved by all parents educational games for children 4-5 years oldaims on the formation of kids and skills and skills that you can boast of other parents.

And it is more pleasant to brag about achievements in mathematics, logic and reading. Well, another poem to tell, but we will not consider the latter today, as we will not affect the educational games for children 4-5 years old, focus on the necessary and useful from an academic point of view.

Mathematics (algebra and even geometry)

  1. At the age of 4-5 years, the child should distinguish such concepts: to the left and right, from below.
  2. He is also able to remember the main geometric figures Such as: Circle, Square, Oval, Rhombus, Rectangle, Triangle.
  3. And geometric bodies: cube, cylinder, pyramid, cone, ball.
  4. You need to teach the baby with ease of counting to 10 and in proper sequence Put numbers.
  5. The child develops the concept of the number number, this means that it, in accordance with the number of objects, is associated with a certain number.

Difficulties causes the child a difficult task of comparing the number of objects, how much more or how fewer objects in the comparative series.

In case the princess well, or a prince, there is a younger brother or sister, you may be interested in the features of the child's development after a year.

Do not know how to cope with your children and suspect them in hyperactivity? To figure it out, it will help you.

To help your preschooler master basic mathematical concepts use the following educational games:

Rocket game

Draw on a landscape sheet a big missile and offer the child to run it.

However, that the rocket starts it is necessary to put the numbers correctly and send passengers.

Show the child a ruler and ask: "What figure begins?", So it will be at the beginning. We write the following numbers up to 10. After that, sear the passengers (number quantity).

Next to the digit of the animals or geometric shapes corresponding to the number. After that, we visually press the button and consider the numbers to run the rocket from 1 to 10, and raise your hands up "Start". Our rocket flew.

Thus, in the game form child learns digital sequence, account and concept number-number.

The game "How much?"

Children love to play with magnets. Buy 10 magnets with animals, fruit or cartoon characters.

Put in one row of 2 magnet, and in another 3 magnet. For example, the chanterelle had two nuts, and the whites had three mushrooms. Ask a question: "Who has more fungobes, and who has fewer nuts?". Start with a small one and finish a big difference in numbers.

If the child cannot figure out, close the palm, then the number of magnets that robbed and ask the child how much you need to give a chanterelle so that they have the same.

Deliver a magnet, now they have the same. With this task child learns to distinguish concepts more and less.

Many parents develop logical-mathematical thinking in a child with such simple, but at the same time entertaining games.

Most mothers, using a game with a rocket, notice how with time the child quickly and independently can cope with the task. And this indicates the normal development of your baby.

Logic (it is thinking, memory, attention)

This includes classes that develop logical thinking, attentiveness and memory.

  • In 4-5 years, a child can find and comment on differences or similarities On two pictures.
  • According to the sample, the baby is able to fold a certain design. Also any drawing, cut into several parts, the child should fold yourself without the help of a parent.

For the development of thinking, it is necessary to discuss with the child's picture, while setting simple questions. Replenish the vocabulary of your baby with antonym words. For example, cheerful - sad, empty - full, narrow - wide.

A difficult task at this age is to memorize words possessing a collective value as well as allocate from the group not necessary (not similar).

For the development of thinking, memory and skills, use the following games:

Buy pictures of various sizes that consist of 5-6 parts, and ask the child to collect them yourself.

At first, it may not be possible, but gradually, the child must learn to analyze the seen fragment and look for him an addition.

Work with cards

You need to purchase cards with drawn items. On each card will be 4 subjects, one of them will not be related to the general group.

Ask a child: "How in a word you can call the drawn group of items?", "What or who is superfluous? Why?".

With cards you can take a visual concentration of attention - ask your child with your finger to show one thing or another.
Thus, the kid's thinking and memory develops.

Table game

Prepare the same geometric shapes different in size, large and small, different colors.

Ask a child find identical geometric shapes. Ask to explain it to the similarity and distinction.

With such simple figures, it is easy to develop logical thinking in a child.

Each of these educational games is quite interesting. Thanks to him in a child vocabulary is replenished, speech ability, logical thinking and memory develops. Moms with ease spend such classes without spending a lot of effort and time.

Reading (yes, yes, it is reading, not an alphabet)

  • Aged 4-5 years owned know all the letters of the alphabet.
  • Also S. easily read three-letter words.
  • At this age, the sign memory begins to work especially actively, so closer to the 5th year of life your child will try to read books himself before bedtime. No need to be afraid to load a child with reading, but it is important and not overdo it.

In order to interest the child in reading, play with him in such educational games:

To memorize letters, buy Cubes Zaitsev.

Check out the instructions for use.

This method is well known and many mothers were able to help their children without difficulty remember all the letters of the alphabet.

Smart cubes with three chains of letters and simulator for writing

Smart cubes with simulator for writing. Any word that will come up with a child, try to collect with this designer.

Do not disconnect three chains of letters from cubes.
Let the child take one of the chains and turns down from above, in the search for a suitable letter. Finding letting it disconnects it and poses aside.
Thus, working with the child can collect the word.

Classes with smart cubes instills the ability not to skip letters in the word.

Tale puzzle

This game is done at home. Come up with the plot and write a few simple words on the same paper segments and ask the child to read to continue the fairy tale.

For example, there was a "grandfather" (he reads a child), he had a "baba", she welted a delicious "porridge", and put it on the "table", etc.

A child with joy reading the words to find out the continuation of the fairy tales.

Only the fairy tale should be no more than 10 words.

Every time, invent something new, then your baby has no fear to read unfamiliar words.

Separately, it should be noted that children who regularly attend kindergarten or other preschool institutions other than the above skills and skills are also formed by the skills of communication and interaction in large and small groups.

sadika are not isolated, but in the complex. In the next video you can see how an experienced teacher skillfully enjoys the children's instrumentaries already familiar to us, including Zaitsev cubes, for the formation of academic skills in a game form.

The child while he is small, needs to be communicated, which is 4-5 years old perceived through the game. Using educational games for children 4-5 years, we learn to count, write, logically talk.

Paying time to the baby, and dealing with it by developing classes, you will see how your child grows in front of her eyes. Educational games are simple, you only need to use fantasy and make efforts.

When your child goes to school, he will be pretty grateful for the time you gave to deal with him.
We wish your baby to grow not only healthy, but also intellectually developed!

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