Games to create ponies. Games for girls. Life story

Graphically, the process of creating a pony is very similar to Photoshop. In the center of the screen is the pony itself. On the left side are virtual buttons such as Create, Accessories, Body, Head, and Hair. If you click on any of these buttons, subtopics will appear, allowing you to make the pony as much as you like.

The Zoom scale is located in the lower right corner. In the upper left corner there are buttons: "Movement mode" and "Pose mode". There are also arrows to the right and left, with which you can turn the beautiful pony in any direction.

There is a button with a camera. By clicking on this button, you will take a picture of the current pony, if you want to remember it.

Click on different options, see what they are, and gradually create a beautiful pony. If you are still unclear on how to operate the game, click on the question mark.

You can start, of course, with anything, but the most logical place to start is with the choice of color, height and size. Then you can think of decorative wings. Next, you can customize the ears, horns, eyes, hooves and head shape. The horse has more than 70 hairstyles alone.

Here you can also pick up animations, landscapes and accessories. If you press the button with dice, the game will start to give out different ready-made versions of the ponies at random.

Purpose of the game

The goal of the game is to develop the participant's creative skills, which, ultimately, will lead to the fact that he himself is aware of the need to develop such abilities. This may result in a talented artist or designer in the future, but for now, let's play this game.

Make your pony the cutest! Also, do not forget that we have a more advanced version of this game on our site -

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Play and create your little pony from Friendship is Magic online for free

Sometimes you want your friend to be perfect. So that it fully meets our requirements and wishes. If you like to try on outfits with your girlfriends and friends in front of the mirror, then you probably know that friends cannot always listen to you and wear what they like best. But there are girlfriends who will only look the way you want. These are pony girlfriends who are waiting for you in the games of this section. If you love cartoons and toys about ponies, but you want to make such a horse, which is not in them yet, and which would become the most beautiful for you, then you definitely need to play the games of the "create your own pony" section. In these games there is no gambling adventure and the fight against villains. They are created so that the player can unleash their creativity and spend time in the company of pony girlfriends. If you want not just to play games, but to come up with something of your own, unique and inimitable, then be sure to play these toys and show what you are capable of. Here you can select all the important elements appearance pony, and even create a new cartoon character My little pony (Friendship is a miracle). To begin with, you can choose what your horse will have: tail, mane, wings, hooves, and so on. When you understand that all these elements are completely satisfactory for you, you can start choosing colors for them. Here you can show all your imagination. But to make the horse look really good, try to make all the colors look harmonious together. Pick one color and experiment with its shades, and then you can make a very attractive pony that your friends will surely appreciate. In addition to appearance, in some games in this section, you can change the background on which the horse is depicted and the pose in which it stands. So you have the opportunity not only to make the most beautiful pony, but also to create a picture on which it will look best. This picture can be printed and shown to all your friends or hung on the wall and admire your masterpiece every day. Feel like not just a player, but the creator of your own unique ponies. After all, it's great to understand that you yourself can take and come up with an image for a horse, a little pony and even a cartoon character Friendship is a miracle - May little pony... If you want to create the most beautiful pony in the world on your own, endow it with special features, and just have fun with your favorite characters, then you should definitely try the games from this section. We wish you successful design solutions and successful experiments!

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About the pony editors

The cartoon about cute ponies who fight dangerous enemies and, thanks to their friendship, defeat them, has become very popular not only in America, but almost all over the world. And of course, with the growing popularity, all kinds of pictures, videos and drawings with cartoon characters began to appear. But the fans of the cartoon did not limit themselves to drawings alone, and one of them released a game, which is the editor of the pony. The game create your own pony gives you the opportunity to create your own cartoon character and save it on your computer, or send a link to the character to a friend.

But note that the editor was not released alone, but there are at least several of them, and each of the editors differs in some peculiarities and models of heroes, so first you will need to choose one of them, and then create your own characters. By the way, inventing ponies is not necessary at all, you can find pictures of your favorite cartoon ponies and make them in the editor. Now we will analyze one of the most popular and sophisticated editors.

Game features create your own pony

In the most popular editor that we will review, it is possible to create almost any pony that occurs in the first three seasons of the cartoon, since almost all forms of horns, manes, tails and other attributes are collected here.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to completely customize the colors of each of the details on the horse's body, as well as the color of the body itself and even the eyes. Let's take a closer look at all sections of the editor.

  • Body (body) - on the left, at the very beginning we see three switches. The first switch controls the height and age of the pony. By setting it to the minimum value, you can make a baby who has not even gone to school yet, and by setting it to the maximum, you can make a pony with huge legs. The second switch controls the thickness of your new character. The farther to the left the arrow is, the thicker your character will be and, accordingly, the farther to the right, the thinner. Below you can choose one of eight head shape options. And also one or five options for the shape of the horn and one of the many wings. But if you do not want your hero to have a horn and wings, then they will be easy to remove.
  • Eye - select the shape of the eyes, which greatly affects the expression on the pony's faces and the pupil of the eye. In addition, you can choose the color of the eye, picking it up from thousands of possible options. Will be available and different variants eyebrows.
  • Mane (hairstyle) - choose one of hundreds of hairstyles that will suit both filly and stallions. After choosing the shape of the hairstyle, you can change its color. The game has the ability to choose one color or two. If you choose two, the tips of the tail and mane will be colored in that color.
  • Background (background of the picture) - at this point in the game, create your pony, you can choose the background of the picture, on top of which your character will be depicted. There are 7 different images available here, in addition, you can make the background a solid color, but for this you need to adjust the palette.
  • Color (body color) - at the beginning we are asked to set the type of coloring, you can make your pony spotted, striped or set any of 10 patterns. Once you set the shape, you can paint this pattern any color you like. Below you can customize the pattern on the face and hooves.
  • Face - edit the face of the resulting hero. The first step is to figure out the shape of the mouth. There are a lot of options in this game and it is very important to choose the appropriate one, because the mouth is responsible for the expression that will be on the face. Thanks to the mouth, you can make your character evil, kind, funny, harmless or, on the contrary, aggressive. Then you can add freckles, change the shape of the ears, and you can even make them grow not up, but down. The final touch for the face will be the ability to make a mustache and beard.
  • Tail - The tail is very important for any pony, so be very careful when choosing its shape. After selecting the shape, the ponytail in this game can be painted in different colors. You yourself can choose one color to use or two.
  • Advanced (settings) - here you can save the resulting image in several options - in good quality, as well as with or without background. In addition, a special code is available here, with which you can always return to changing the resulting character.

In addition to changing the appearance of the character, in this game you can choose accessories for all body parts and poses of the pony. A pose can be selected as an existing one, or you can make it yourself in a special pose editor.

Addicting game Create Your Own Pony 3, allows little princesses to choose from thousands of options - the most successful combinations, both in colors and in the build of their pony. I was surprised that you can create a tall, short, thick, thin - for every taste. The expression of the eyes, the shape of the nose changes, you can attach horns or ears to your pet. For those who are interested in hairdressing - this game will allow the horse to choose a mane, and the tail also takes any shape.

You can paint with specks, stripes or specks. As your heart desires! For lovers of stylish accessories - there is a whole section with glasses from classic to the most unusual. Huge selection in the game - hats, bow ties and ties. Very nice bracelets can be put on the legs. There is something to roam the imagination - bracelets are worn separately on the front legs and hind legs, as well as closer to the hooves or to the body. Future stylists will also be delighted - after all, the choice of clothes is simply huge. vests, blankets, you can still choose the right color.

It all depends only on your imagination. And if you don't want to create a pony in the image of a glamorous girl, a selection of accessories such as a mustache and a beard will come to the rescue. For some reason, I always get cute ponies - girls, with wide eyes, a smile, millions of bracelets, butterflies, hats, always with perfect styling and a fluffy tail. The game is very exciting, having created one friend - a pony, it is impossible to stop, next time you come up with new image and bring it to life. The graphics in the game are very beautiful, the little horse turns out like a real one.

Life story

Once upon a time as a child, I had a toy pony. I called her Star. Time passed and with the move my beloved Zvezdochka disappeared somewhere. I already thought that I would never see her again. What was my surprise when, in the game, I had the opportunity to create my own Star, an exact copy of my childhood favorite.

Of course, I had to make a lot of effort in order to remember what color the mane and tail of my toy was. Then carefully choose a trendy outfit for the horse. At the same time, combine all this with additional accessories that harmoniously complete the image. When the work was done, an exact copy of my baby pony appeared in front of me. I was more than happy with the result. Another plus of the game is that the final result can be saved to your computer.

In order not to lose my pony again, I immediately printed the picture and put it in a frame on the table. As a pleasant memory of childhood and pride in recreating such a masterpiece. But on this I did not calm down, and decided to once again create a pony just out of fantasy, once again looking into the game, I was stuck there for a long time.

Pony game features

It turns out on the right in the interface there is such a function as viewing the finished works of other users by the game. A whole gallery of unique ponies, incredible colors, different sizes, heights, lengths. You can immediately cheer yourself up by watching this exhibition. It is felt that each creator literally put his soul into choosing the perfect image for his hero.

Thanks to the game create your own pony 3, now every girl can become a fan magical world pony. Moreover, you can play without straining, because the interface is convenient and intuitive. Even Small child will be able to independently understand and cope with the task. The game is developing, because it is very important from childhood to instill in a child a love for animals, a sense of style and beauty. It is also worth noting that this game, unlike many other modern ones, is very kind.

There is no cruelty, anger or violence here. Leaving the child alone at the computer, it is safe to say that nothing will happen to him. The end result of your child's creativity is always a kind pony face, painted only according to your child's idea, in a stylish way.

The child feels unique - after all, only he could create such a beautiful horse. Having praised the child in such seemingly small things, in the future you will grow up a self-confident successful person with excellent creative skills as a designer, stylist and just the master of a little but your own magic pony.

The game Create Your Pony 3 invites you to apply all your creative skills to create your favorite character.

The toy is a kind of constructor with which you can create a variety of ponies. At the beginning of the game, you have a blank on which you can add new elements. First, change the main characteristics: height, weight, body shape. Then you can safely move on to choosing the color of the horse: make it monochromatic or with drawings. The game Create a Pony 3 offers a lot of options for patterns, and there is a whole palette of possible colors for the body!

Game Make Your Pony 3: Rules and Structure

In addition to creating a pony body, there are many other cute features in the game. So, you can decide on the shape of the mane and tail, as well as their colors. Here you can also choose different patterns that will make your ponies even more original and attractive. But the process of creation does not stop there either. You have yet to add accessories to your horse to make it even more attractive. Also choose the right pose for your pony and choose the background on which it will look most impressive. Using all the possibilities of the game, you can create a variety of ponies that will have a unique appearance. The game Create Your Own Pony 3 will certainly appeal to all fans of the cartoon and will give them a lot of vivid impressions! Feel free to launch this wonderful entertainment and start creating cute ponies that cause only pleasant emotions.