Card games for children. Educational games for children to memorize English words. Requirements for cards for young children

In previous issues, we talked about how to choose sets of cards for kids, what requirements they must meet, where to start the game. Today you will find out which useful games can be arranged with cards.

We will need for the game: real objects and cards with their image. For example, the "ball" card and the real ball, the "doll" card and the real doll.

How to play the game: we show the child a real object and call it: "This is a ball", let the child touch and examine it. Then we remove the item (for example, put it in an opaque box with a lid). We ask in a mysterious voice: "Where is the ball?" The kid is looking for him. We get out of the box not an object, but a picture with a ball: “Here is a ball! It's a ball! " We hide again the picture behind our back and ask: "Where is the ball?" We pause so that the baby has time to respond to our question. Again we take out the picture and the object and put them next to each other: “Here is a ball (real). And it's a ball! (show in the picture) ".

In the next repetitions of the game, we immediately give the kid pictures and ask him to bring a paired object to each picture, having found it in the room. The game takes no more than 2 minutes at a time. If the child has an interest in the game, then you can continue it up to about 5 minutes. We end the game when the child still has interest, and not when he is already tired. The game should be fun, like a game of hide and seek with pictures and objects, and not like a learning activity of memorizing flashcards.

The game "Don't be confused"

First, we play this game with cards, which depict objects contrasting to each other, for example: a cup, a doll and a pussy (three objects).

How to play the game: we introduce the baby to each picture separately. Then we lay out all three pictures in a row and ask them to show: “Where is the pussy? Show the pussy. Where is the Lala doll? Show me lyalu! " and make sure that it distinguishes pictures well from each other.

We vary different pictures in this game. We use different images of the same object. And when the kid learns to distinguish contrasting pictures, we teach the child to distinguish similar pictures. An example of a series of pictures for recognition. Where is the kitty (represented by a cat, a dog and a goat). Or where the chicken is "ko-ko-ko" (goose, chicken and chicken are represented). You can take fruits, vegetables, any objects well known to the child.

This is also a game not only for the development of speech, but also for the development of generalization in babies.

We will need for the game: colored cards and paired coloring pictures. (For example, a photograph of a duck on a card and a picture of the same size, which shows a coloring - a duck. We make the same pairs for other toys: a colored ball on a card - a ball in a coloring. A doll on a card is a doll in a coloring.)

How to play the game: first we show a color picture and talk about this animal (it is good if you read the text of E. Charushin or K. Ushinsky with vivid figurative words to the kid).

Having introduced the child to the coloring pages, we give him the task - to find a color card for each coloring picture: “Where else is the cockerel? Put your card here. Like this. Here is the cockerel. How does he scream? Kukareku! "

When the baby grows up a little, it will be possible to make similar pairs from cards: mothers-babies (baby animals), big-small, one-many.

Game "Who (what) is not"

We will need for the game: cards with monosyllabic and two-syllable words, for example: fox, scythe, whirligig, watch, woman, grandfather, mother, cloud, goose, ball. For older children, you can take cards with more complex content: kiwi, beans, ponies, poppies, mint, ice, elk, hairdryer, compartment (wardrobe), flax, flour, jelly.

How to play the game: first for this game we take 3-4 pictures, then we increase their number to 5-6 cards. We spread 6 cards in front of the child. We call each of them: “Where is the goat? Find a goat. Here is a goat! Let's say together: ko-za! ". Then the baby turns away, and we hide one card. The kid turns and guesses who (what) is not, for example: "No pony."

Game "Bring a picture"

How to play the game: we consider three cards together and name them. On the table in the same room, there is another set of the same pictures. We ask the kid to bring the same picture from the table: “Where else is the horse? Bring the picture. " The kid finds the horse among other pictures on the table and brings it. First, we put three pictures to choose from for the kid on the table, from which he needs to choose a given card. Then you can change the picture (for example, put a slightly different image of a horse on the table than on the original picture).

Game "Runs with cards"

This game for toddlers was developed by V.A. Petrova.

How to play the game: we hang pictures at the level of the child's eyes in different places of the room (3-4 pictures). The kid runs from picture to picture and examines them. “Where is our av-av dog? Show how the dog says: "av-av, av-av." Pictures remain in one place for several days, and the baby gradually gets used to their location, quickly finds the desired picture at the request of an adult. Then the pictures change.

Dash can be carried out not only with pictures, but also with toys or with furniture and other objects. “Where is our sofa? Let's sit on the sofa. Where is the window? Here is the window! And what's that? Closet". You can make similar dashes during a walk: “Where is the bench? Where is the tree? Where is the porch? "

Asya Valasina, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

1. Flash card circle

Take flash cards with learned vocabulary. Asking the question What’s this? Give out the flashcards one by one to the students who have named the word correctly. If the student answers incorrectly - he does not receive the card, then the next student answers your question. Thus, most students have a map in their hands. Ask the children to stand in a circle. Now everyone passes their card to the neighbor on their right and names it. A moving circle of cards is formed. You shout: Stop! Ask students to name the newfound cards. The game is played several times until everyone has called most of the words with the flash card.

During the game, students can be encouraged with tokens, then the participant with the most tokens will become the winner.

You can complicate the task - to name not only the word on the card, but a phrase or a simple sentence, or name the opposite word.

The game can be carried out at the stage of consolidating the studied material, as well as at the stage of control.

2. "Musical cards"

Distribute one card to the children using the same distribution method from the previous game.

1​ Music is turned on (preferably a song with the vocabulary being studied). While the melody is playing, the participants exchange cards. The music stops, the participants name their cards.

2​ The music comes on a second time. Participants exchange cards again. The music stops. Now they call opposite words.

3​ The music comes on for the third time. Participants exchange cards again. The music stops. Now they call sentences, or a line from a song with this word.

In the first three stages, you can encourage participants with tokens or points, then you can select places or a winner.

You can divide the participants into 2 teams and give points to the teams.

4​ The song is played for the last time. This time the participants listen to the song attentively. As soon as they hear the word from the card, they turn their cards up.

The game can be carried out at the stage of vocabulary introduction, consolidation of the studied material, control stage.

3. “ Noughts and crosses ”

Draw a 3x3 table on the board. Label columns a, b, c and rows 1, 2, 3. Place an upside-down flashcard in each cell. Divide the participants into 2 teams: tic and toe. The teams take turns calling the cell in which the card is located, opening it, and calling the word. If the word is named correctly, the teacher removes the card and puts a cross or zero. The team that reveals 3 cards diagonally, vertically or horizontally wins. You can increase the number of cells (9, 16, 25), depending on the number of learned words.

4. “ Cross the river ”

Draw a river on the board, 4 - 5 stone steps from below and from above. Divide the participants into 2 teams. They must hit the stones from one bank to the other. To get on the stone, they must correctly complete the task with the flashcard. The first team to get to the other side wins.

You can complicate the game: draw "additional dangers" shark, crocodile.

The game is carried out at the stage of consolidation of the studied material or control.

5. “ Who is the first ?”

Purpose: consolidation and improvement of lexical skills among students of grades 5-6 on the topic "Clothes"

Tasks: to activate the studied lexical units on the topic "Clothes"; promote the development of imagination and long-term memory.

1 game. Main content: The class is divided into 2 teams and lined up along one line. On the board are various subjects clothes, the teacher calls one of them and students from the first and second teams need to run and touch the image of the named object. Whoever does it first, then that team gets 1 point and so on until all team members take part in the competition.

This game can be carried out both as a physical minute, and as a consolidation of the studied lexical units on various topics.

2 game

Main content:

Each team is given a sheet with pictures of clothing items arranged in a column. There is a recording space next to each of the images. It is necessary to write down the names of the clothing items as soon as possible, passing the sheet along the chain to each member of the team. Whoever copes with this task faster and without errors, that team will win.

Result: consolidation of lexical units in different types speech activity.

Margarita Daeva
Games with cards in the classroom in English. Flashcard games.

For this game, you need to divide the floor into two zones: zone Yes and zone No. All children are in the Yes zone. The teacher shows pictures and names words. If the word matches the picture, then the children remain in the Yes zone. If the teacher says the wrong word, the children move to the No.

What’s missing?

The teacher selects 5-6 cards and places them on the table. Asks the children to name and memorize all words in English. This is followed by the command “Close your eyes”, the teacher removes one card. “Open your eyes” - children guess what is missing.

What has come?

The teacher selects 5-6 cards and places them on the table. Asks the children to name and memorize all words in English. This is followed by the command “Close your eyes”, the teacher adds one card. “Open your eyes” - children guess what has appeared.

Odd one out

The teacher lays out 4-5 cards from one topic on the table and one extra one from another. Children have to guess what is superfluous and tell why.


Place 6 cards face down on the table. Child tosses a die and counts

Cards are laid out on the floor or on a table. The teacher asks the individual children to “Give me ... please”. Children choose the right card.

Who's first?

Children are divided into two teams. The teacher shows cards. The first team to correctly name the word shown in the picture receives a point. The team with the most points wins.

Run to the right flashcard

The teacher places the cards in different places in the office. Calls 2 children and calls the word. Children must find the correct card and run to it. The winner is the one who ran up to the correct card first.


A fortress is drawn on the board. The teacher explains that enemies attacked the fortress, they put a ladder to it, but it lacks 5 steps. The children have the opportunity to save the fortress. The teacher shows cards on the topics covered, the children name words. For each mistake, the teacher draws a step. If the children make a mistake less than 5 times, the fortress is saved.

Words road

Spread the cards on the floor at some distance from each other in the form of a track. Children step on cards and name words.

Board race

Post cards on the topic covered on the board. Children are divided into two teams. The teacher calls the word. One child from the team runs up to the board and touches the card. For every right choice the team gets a point. The team with the most points wins.

Crouching game

Children are divided into two teams. The teacher gives each team a floor. Then he names the words on the topic covered. When children hear their word, they should sit down. All the rest of the time - they stand. For example, the team was given the word apple. The teacher calls the words: pear, cherries, apple, plum, apple ... With each apple, the children of the corresponding team squat.

Mousehole game

A large sheet of cardboard is taken and a hole is cut in it (mouse's mink). Hide the necessary card behind the cardboard with the mouse's mink, so that only a small part of the picture will be visible. Children have to guess what kind of card it is and name the word correctly.

Flash a flashcard

Show cards quickly.

Quiet - loud

The teacher shows the card and calls the word quietly, almost in a whisper. Children repeat aloud in chorus.

The teacher shows the card and calls the word loudly, the children repeat after him, like an echo, more and more quietly.

Lay out the cards on the table. Children name words, remember what follows. The teacher turns the cards face down. Children remember where the card is and they name the words.

Correct me

The teacher shows cards and names words correctly and incorrectly. If the teacher named the word correctly, the children confirm (Yes, it’s a cat). If the teacher calls the word incorrectly, the children correct it (No, it’s a dog).

This game requires a picture of a monster. The teacher shows the cards to the children, the children name the words. But as soon as they see the picture of the monster, they scream Monster! And they cover their eyes with their hands. With the help of this game, you can work out any designs (I like, I have).

Bit by bit

Show the card, opening little by little, little by little.

Clap - tap

A variation of the game “Yes / No”. If the teacher speaks the word correctly, the children clap. If the teacher mispronounces the word, the children stomp.

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Communities of parents who are raising bilingual children regularly write a column for Osvita Nova on a relevant topic. Today Marina shared how to use flashcards to learn a language with children.

The use of flash cards, or Doman cards, is a must-have item when raising bilingual children. This is a simple and fun way to teach a child not only a foreign language, but also a native language. With their help, you can significantly expand your vocabulary and improve your speaking skills. From my practice - children love to look at them, and as they grow up and play in different games with their use.

Which cards to choose is a matter of the parent's taste and the child's preferences. These can be flash cards with pictures, alphabet letters or even whole words. Their choice is now huge.

I offer you interesting and funny Games that will fit any set of flash cards in English. Plus, these games can be played almost anywhere, with no time limits.

1. Show and tell.

A game for those who are just starting to use cards with their child. We take a card and just show and tell what is depicted on it. Over time, you can ask different questions about it: “Is it big or small ?,” “What is it made of?”, “Do you like it?”, “What color is it?”

2. Classify the words.

Draw two or three large circles on a large piece of paper and write words at the top of each, for example Animals, Food, Clothes. It's best for toddlers to depict these words or choose a specific color for the circle for each group of cards. Then give the card of your choice to the child and ask him to find the correct circle for her.

3.Jump On It.

Place the cards on the floor or on the ground. Name the card and the child must find it and just jump on it. Can play big company or even the whole family.

4. Touch.

Place the cards throughout the space in which you are. It can be both at home and on the street. Ask the child to run in a circle, and when you name a card, the child should find it and touch it. For example: “Touch the car”, “Touch the bicycle”, “Touch the bus”. You can also complicate this game by changing the actions to be done with the card: “jump on”, pick up ”, bring it to me” or offer to touch in different parts bodies “touch with hand, nose, toes, elbow etc”.

5. Give Me Game.

Lay out the cards, set a timer for one minute, and have your child collect as many cards as possible, referring to them as you collect them. For example: “Give me a bus”. This game can be played by several children.

6. Flashcard Story.

Give your child some cards. Ask him to come up with a simple story using them. Help your child first by picking up the right words... You can play this game and vice versa - so that the child himself says what cards he needs, for him
stories. You can also play up your favorite fairy tale or rhyme in English.

7. What's Missing.

There are two variations of this game.
Place three cards face up in a row. Ask the child to turn away and turn one of them over. When he turns back, ask him to name the card that you turned over. When he guessed it, you flip it back and
add a new one. Etc. Only one card can be turned face down at a time.

You can also switch roles with your child and be the one to guess the cards. This is especially good when you introduce new sets of flash cards.

In fact, it's not hard to come up with card games. The main thing is to know what topic and activities are interesting for your child. But be sure to use them when educating your bilingual. And the results won't keep you waiting long.

Ideas for games and other activities in English can always be found in our FamiLingvo group.

Watch also for new articles - step by step instructions in the upbringing of bilingual children, in my copyright materials for Osvita Nova.

A large set of wonderful bright cards for games (in a set of 455 cards).

The materials are designed for children from 1.5 to 6 years old, depending on the option of serving the game (how to play is described below)

Card games develop memory, imaginative thinking, imagination


There are a lot of options for games with cards, so choose what is closer to your kid in terms of age and mood :)

1. Acquaintance with the subject.

Show the card to the kid, tell who or what is depicted on it. Describe the item, what makes it special, perhaps you will find it right at home or on the street. Always pay your baby's attention to various objects and phenomena. Here we expand his horizons, show what else is very interesting in the world, maybe green or fluffy, and maybe wet or hard :) Discussing cards with a child, we learn to communicate.

2. Search for the required card

Lay out several cards in front of the baby, put your favorite toy, for example, a bear, next to it and ask, on behalf of the bear, to show or bring this or that card. Perhaps it will be a slice of orange or a slice of cake for breakfast, or a toothbrush and toothpaste to brush your teeth.

3. Finding a pair

For this game, you need to print two sets of these cards. Place a number of cards in front of the baby, let him consider them. Then give out one card at a time, such as is already in front of him. Let him try to find exactly the same one.

4. Grouping items

Here you can come up with great amount games for grouping objects according to one or another criterion. For example, arrange the cards by color, or put vegetables in one box and fruits in another. Or ask to be shown objects that are needed for drawing, for example, a pencil, ruler, palette, notebook. Etc.

5. Game "Living-non-living"

Prepare in advance required cards with animate and inanimate objects. For example, palm monkey, acorn squirrel, apple hedgehog, etc. When the cards are associated with each other, it will be easier for the baby to understand what a living thing means, and what a non-living thing means. Play with these cards, maybe come up with some funny story.

6. Opposites

Prepare cards with opposite objects in advance. For example, cold ice cream-hot tea or a cheerful deer-sad raccoon, etc. Tell us how these pictures differ, perhaps you will find objects or phenomena with the same properties at home.

7. Geometric shapes

Prepare cards in advance with objects of different geometric shapes. For example, disc, lollipop, steering wheel, ruler, bed, pyramid, etc. And lay out the necessary ones in front of the baby geometric figures(you can download them). Then issue cards one at a time. Let the baby try to show or tell what shape the object in the picture looks like.

8. Mathematics

Here you can prepare cards in different directions, for example,

Large / small (mouse, fly, dragonfly - small; elephant, tiger, rhino - large). Let the kid show you where the big animal is on the cards and where the little one is. You can put all the babies in one box, and large animals or objects in another.

Many / few - put a lot of objects or animals on one sheet (or glue on the wall, on double-sided tape), and on the other - several. Let the kid show you where there is a lot and where there is little. Count them, then do them equally, etc.

9. Letters and Reading

Pick out a few cards that your baby already likes and relate them to the letters of the alphabet (for example, these). For example, M-bear, Yu-yula, etc. Or make up whole words.

Similarly, you can play with English letters (you can download them too)

10. Intuition

Prepare two or more boxes (or cardboard boxes). Hide your favorite card under one of the boxes so that the baby does not see. Let him try to guess where his favorite card is hidden. When the child succeeds, gradually increase the number of boxes.

11. Games for the development of memory

- "Remember"

Lay out a number of cards in front of the baby (you can start with 2-3 pieces), literally for a few seconds, just so that he looks around them. Then collect and lay them out, but one less. And ask to guess which card is missing, "who hid?" or "who is missing?"

Or spread the cards out in the same way for a few seconds. Then collect and lay them out, but one more. And ask to guess what new card has appeared, "who came to visit?".

- "Photo memory"

Choose two similar looking cards (for example, two planets or a pumpkin and an orange). For a split second, show your baby one of the two cards, just for him to glance at it. And then remove and show two at once. Have the child say or show which card he just saw.

- "Memory grid"

To begin with, you can play like this: put 2-3 cards in front of the baby for a few seconds (gradually increasing their number), and be sure to voice them. Then turn over, and ask to show where one of the pictures is. When this game is mastered, you can move on to the original of the game - the memory grid.

Rules original game: Show your child a four-picture grid for a few seconds, then give an empty four-picture grid and four picture cards. Ask your toddler to place the pictures on the empty grid in the same order as they were on the original grid. When everything is done, expand your grid and check if the pictures are in the correct order.

Once this exercise works, increase the mesh sizes 3 × 3, 4 × 4, 5 × 5, etc.

Use fewer photos to make your card creation easier. For example, you could make a 3x2 grid, where two squares are empty, the other four are filled with pictures in random positions.

This activity trains the right hemisphere and helps develop photographic memory.

- "Chain of memory"

This is a game of memorizing a chain of pictures.

You will need cards with different pictures. Start with 3 cards - come up with some absurd story. For example, "once a kitten saw an elephant flying in a balloon." Then shuffle the cards and have the child reconstruct the chain of events. That is, you need to put the first card with the image of a kitten, the second - with the image of an elephant, the third - with balloon... Gradually, you can increase the number of cards to 50 or more. At this moment, the child will be able to memorize the sequence as a single image - at a glance, without words.

For older kids in this game, after your absurd story, the cards can simply be shuffled. And the child himself will decompose them and restore the chain of events.

You can also come up with a lot of games with cards :) If you have any ideas, write in the comments, we will add them here.

Play with pleasure!