Little pony for girls is 7 years old. Games May Little Pony

The "Pony Games" section is perfect for small princesses. In this category of games, your child will meet familiar with all the characters of the cartoon "Little Pony". For example, in the game "Caring for a pony" to the child will have to go through a few simple missions: wash the horse, cut, cure and dress. The game is perfect for girls of five years.
Your child will be able to visit the city of Dreams - I missed. To see the fabulous characters and just spend your time perfectly. The games are very kind, in them you will not find a drop of cruelty. In addition to all this, thanks to this category, your child will learn to be a careful attitude towards animals, learn how to care about horses, and will also get the sea positive emotions. Imveil is waiting for his little guests.
The section contains various categories of games dedicated to the cartoon "Little Pony". Here you will see: a pony race, a pony on a bicycle, a pony learns to walk, a pony learns to dance, pick up a pony outfit and many others fascinating games. If your child since childhood wants to become a dentist, then there will be interesting game, for example, the pony dentist.
Give your child fascinating world Site "Games for Children." Here everyone will find something to their taste and preferences. We also advise you to visit other sections of the site dedicated to famous cartoons. However, this site will not cease to surprise you, you will also find a numerous number of educational games about pony.
Together with online games "Pony" girls go to a fascinating journey, will be in the fabulous city of Durable or will arrange a pony race. Cute little pony horses are pets of many girls. The characters of the famous cartoon "Little Poni" were also conquered exactly the same love, as the animation horses are still talking and singing. Nice and cute ponies named Pinki Pink, Rainbow Khe and Rariti fall in love with the first time.
The popular cartoon about the pony became the basis for creating a whole series of free children's games "Little Pony Friendship is a miracle", various coloring and books. They did not remain aside and computer games, the developers of which were bothering to the fame so that your child could play in a wide variety of these series. Games of the developing genre will help children learn to count and write, solve simple tasks and puzzles along with their favorite heroes, and everyone knows that in the form of the game, children are trained much faster!
Little fashionistam and hostesses will like culinary games And dress ups, in which, together with fabulous pony, you can cook a lot of goodies or go to a fashionable store to choose clothes.

It must be said that interesting and ambiguous heroes in a cartoon a lot, but the center of attention is still the main one - six heroines that are connected by the Uzami strong friendship. If we are talking about games on May Little Pony (the series, by the way, is fully called "My little pony: Friendship is a miracle"), you can easily guess that her heroes will be either the whole six, or part of it.

Who are our little cute pony?

Let's try to get acquainted with them in the same order, as you have learned with future twilight friends, which we will tell at the very end! And all these characters are present not only in the series! Find them you can go to the game My little pony from this category!

The first - Apple Jack, a hardworking rustic resident, who, together with his brother, sister and grandmothers, is engaged in a family business - apples grows. The huge apple beds of the EPPL family knows the whole Equancy, and in the juice season just there is no take-off from buyers - just have time to fill the barrels with fresh drink, which is devoted to many exciting games may Little pony. Apple Jack also skilled apple culinary - from these fruits she can cook almost all that the soul wishes. As for character, it is not for nothing that this pony embodies the spirit of honesty - its straight is sometimes even discouraging that it demonstrates not only a cartoon, but also the most simple game around the world.

The second is a rainbow DESH, which embodies in this friendly six spirit of loyalty. She is not afraid of anything, loves sports (constantly competing with Epple Jack) and jokes (on what her friendship is founded with Pinki Pinki, about which we will tell below), always wants to be the first in everything, whatever. Bad mood? This is not about the rainbow! But she is somewhat bragging and not always tactful, but it will be completely bothering her in love and sincere charm. If a computer game Dedicated to her - this is necessary racing, competitions and tests of agility and power. Ruduga is one of the most popular characters in the cartoon Mai Little Pony.

Third pony - Rariti, Lady perfection. She holds his own atelier, and hoofs - on fashion pulse. Her taste and manners can envy any princess (no wonder she sewed a dress at the royal wedding), and a tiny lack of vanity - well, can someone be more beautifully Rariti? At the same time, this pony, embodying the spirit of generosity, can really do everything for his friends - for example, do not sleep all night so that they look great on the royal ball. Yes, Rariti completely dreams dream of marrying a prince, but at the same time very reverent refers to the feelings of Spike - a little in love with a dragon. And at the same time, it can easily circle around his hoofs of terrible diamond pieces - many games may Little Pony for girls are dedicated to this.

Without changing popular

Fourth - Flesh. Although, like a rainbow, she is Pegasus, but is its complete opposite. Flanish loves to mess around with animals - for them it is in real mother Teresa and good friend. Only this cutie is able to regret the terrible manticor, fearlessly by the offrance from a huge paw, read the huge dragon, who dared to offend her friends ... and be afraid to jump over the width of a couple of hooves through the crevice. But after all, there are always faithful and loving friends next to her, so Flathershai does not have to be strong. Naturally, she embodies the spirit of kindness, which can demonstrate and thematic gamewhere, together with this pony, you can take care for beasts.

The fifth is the most, perhaps, the popular cartoon character My little pony - Pinki Pink. ISUSUS confectioner, universal friend and organizer of the most fun parties in all Ecwork - this is all a pretty pink pony, capable of having fun on a par with children and as sincere. Any game dedicated to her is a bright and colorful presentation. Where there are kicks - no boredom and tears, and she is also very responsible, loving, kind and bold - embodying the spirit of a laughter of a hike, which believes that with it you can defeat any fear. Perhaps she is not very smart, but, on the other hand, do children are stupid? They are more likely naive - and this feature is fully inherent and kicks, for which the game is life.

And, in fact, the sixth main character of the Universe May Little Pony is Twilight Sparkle (Twile Sparkle), which in front of the audience turns from a book worm in a true friend - and this is not as easy as it may seem. Of course, it will not change its principles. - Most of the whole sparkness loves books (any game with her participation will confirm this), but it will not change to his friends, speaking by the advisor, arbiter and just a comrade for games and adventures.

Situation - Pereville

Of course, the heroes are in other places, but the most favorite and basic is revealing, a small town where they met, live, work and fall in history. By the way, my little pony games, as a place of action, also most often use this city. Everything here is truly - there is mayor, market, shops and cafes, and he is still surrounded by evergreen forest - the place of mystical and terrible, where the pony prefer not to walk once again.

If some game, this world, chooses this forest to be used by its place - it means it will certainly be scary. But in general, Pereville - the place is almost idyllically friendly and cheerful, there everyone knows each other and the most terrible danger that threatens to local residents - it will fall from the cliff.

Do not part with your favorite heroes

About the world where good and not very creatures live, where friendship wins everything, and each character is interesting and has a curious personality, you can tell infinitely. But not the infinite seasons of the animated series and full-length, so it is necessary or revising them in many times, or part with your favorite heroes. Although why? There is a way out - the games May Little Pony, where the same world works and the same characters act. Their network is such a quantity, on all tastes and for any age that the pony will always be with their fans. And what is your favorite game?

Magic Pony Games

Horses always attracted people. Especially cute seem to ponies, which are badly riding babies in the parks, and after work peacefully dorms in the shade. These mini horses are so cute, but always with sad eyes. They want to stroke, regret and hug. They often become the heroes of cartoons, Katya Devora on the carousel or by delivering mail. As soon as the pony games appeared, the girls immediately became permanent guests categories with these fun fun. Now each has its own horse, which can be adjusted, play with her and care.

Excursion in plots

Gaming products offers an interesting variety of games in which you can find fabulous country Or do more terrestrial things.

  • Horses care;
  • Charms;
  • Coloring;
  • Dress up;
  • Carousel;
  • Hospital;

Get your own farm, where little pony live in stalls. They should be careful, offering fresh food and water, combing long magnificent mane and bangs. They love to frolic, and therefore there must be a big playpen with toys and tramplines through which they can jump. If the pony is happy, he will gladly take the idea of \u200b\u200bparticipating in races. Look in our shop a beautiful saddle and accessories in order to look at the competition. Now sadden the hill and try to win the race, and the victory will celebrate the sweet carrot together, which everyone horses love.

You can still engage in the transformation of ponies, coloring it in different colors. Make strands with different tint, and you can apply a pretty picture on the body. Since B. virtual world Much is allowed, there are even makeup for animals. To make and so big pony eyes can be more expressive, lengthening the cilia, and in the ears on the earrings.

Games for Girls Pony, it is also a cheerful carousel, which can be painted at your discretion by making it a motley, elegant. Boldly use sequins, asterisks and hearts, serpentine and ribbons, balls and bows. Each horse let it look unique - there will be different colors and in the pleasure of a beautiful dressing.

Virtual, like living pony, sometimes sick, and they need to help. If the hoof passed, remove the pebbles and put a new horseshoe. Clean the ears and the teeth and the teeth, treat the cuts on the skin and stick the patch.

And there are also pony games allow you to communicate with these graceful animals at least every day. Now every girl can own its own stables, as when it was available only to princesses and just rich people.

Because horses love to play and have fun, let them run them on Maneja and install barriers, balls and rings in it, so that your pet is not just running, but overcoming the barriers. And when he is a lacaround of a tip of a bucket with water, wipe the puddle so that it is not staining just cleaned and cleaned the fur. In addition, other tasks will also be performed - search for objects and apply them according to the appointment.

And those who dream of becoming a jockey, this opportunity is already being offered today. Going to our hippodrome, and get ready to put records with your horse. Make friends with him, and he will be your faithful friend, a reliable partner and will definitely lead to victory. Directing it with a skillful hand, you will merge into a single integer when everyone, and pony and rides merge in tandem.

We are confident that by opening the pony games, you will certainly get real pleasure.