All famous cards of the icy throne knights. Review of the new addition to Hearthstone - Ice throne knights. New Cards Supplement Knights Ice Throne

Revenue was confirmed that the new Supplement HearthStone would be based on the topic of the ice throne, the citadel of the Ice Crown and the King of the Lich Artas. So, meet a new addition - "Ice throne Knights"!

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Knights of ice throne

🇷🇺 🇺🇸 🇩🇪 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 🇮🇹 🇵🇱 🇰🇷 🇹🇼 🇧🇷 🇹🇭 🇯🇵

Announcement of the new addition - "Knights of the Ice Throne"

Whip. Death Knight. King-lich. The worst and tragic pages in the history of Azeroth. The inhabitants of the icy crown of gloomy and frightening creatures possess a terrible force. And if you decide to join them, you will soon realize ... that it is not only cold, but very, very cool! HearthStone developers team wanted to reveal in all colors the history of the King Lich and his terrible servants. But how to avoid dissonance with a good-natured and cheerful atmosphere of Hearthstone?

The answer is quite obvious: you need to kill everyone!

Well, not all, of course. Only hearthstone heroes... in a new addition "Knights of the icy throne" We will answer an unusual question: what will happen if the heroes of Hearthstone turn against the light? How do they come with a huge and terrible force, which will be purchased after the king-personal will turn them into the death knights?

And who is this king like?

Vladyka Pli.

The fate of the King Lich is very tragic. This is the story of a young hero, ready to go to any risk and resort to any means of saving their people. As a result, it led him to the collapse: he picked up the Cursed Runic Blade "Ice Sorrow" and thereby took the first step towards becoming the most powerful and terrible creation. King-lich - the embodiment of the mighty knight Death in the world and armed absorbing soul "ice sorrow". With such an opponent, it is better not to get involved! By recreation on the ice throne on the top of the citadel of the ice crown, he controls the huge army of the undead, which is called the "Plenty".

So the king-lich and his army is, perhaps the greatest threat to all living in Azeroth. And the main officers in the army of the King Lich - Knights of death!

Great to be dead!

Once the death knights were the greatest heroes Azeroth, but now the king-lich returned them to life, making his most dangerous warriors on this side of death. In addition to the "Knights of the Ice Throne", all nine heroes of Hearthstone took his gift and turned into legendary maps of death knights. Despite its reincarnation, they are still not fully in the power of King Lich, so you have to decide exactly how it is heroes to dispose of their new abilities.

Heroes Maps - new Type Maps other than spells, creatures and weapons. When these cards appear on the battlefield, they replace your hero. At the same time, the battle cry is triggered; In addition, your hero acquires a new force, and its reservation rate increases. Each death knight is unique and able to completely change game process In Hearthstone.

Rexar "Lovely Death"

When his hunter's career was interrupted, Rexar was saved from the dead and became a casualties. When drawing this card, the remote death Rexar releases the arrows, causing 2 units. damage to all enemy creatures, replaces your hero, and also gets 5 units. armor and new force called "Bellowel".

"Bellodel" allows him to create zombosvers from pieces of different beings, excavating the remains of their former animal friends. Indicators of creatures, of which the zombovers are created, such as cost, attack and health, are summed up, and the properties of the cards are saved. A terrible creature is placed in the hand of the leather death of the Rexar, and you will be able to enjoy its strength on nothing suspect opponent.

This is true horror! Of course, there are still many powerful weapons in the arsenal.


Death Knights are fierce fighters, but they are only a small part of the monstrous army of the King Lich. Legions of the screens include the most different types Neodya - from weak goddalaks and zombies to huge, disgusting rogs, stitched from pieces of flesh of many victims. Huge armies Ugly terrible and deadly - you will certainly meet creatures with powerful abilities!

Some spells and creatures of the Lich King have a terrible property that allows you to pull the vitrate forces from opponents. This property is called "Abduction of life". Similar to the principle of operation, some cards have already possessed, but now we have allocated it to a separate category. Maps with the "Abduction of Life" property restore your hero health in the amount equal to the damage to them. Useful opportunity when you are already in the grave of both legs.

Citadel icy crown

The first step on the way of entry into the ranks of the "Ice Throne Knights" you will do in the Citadel of the Ice Crown. There you expect eight new tasks for one player. You have to go through a prologue, and then fight with the most powerful inhabitants of the Citadel. The culmination will be a fight with the king himself!

Be careful! New fights are much more difficult than those in which you have taken part in the past. You will withstand cunning and dangerous opponents, and the victory will get only the most impressive. It is incredibly difficult to cope with the king-lich, each of the nine classes will have a unique battle.

At the entrance to the Citadel, you will have to put on a sow, however perform tasks can be free! Awards You are also waiting very attractive: for the performance of all tasks you will receive three sets of "Ice Throne Knights". In addition, after passing the prolobe, you will get a chosen random way. legendary Card., turning your hero in the death knight.

Pre-ordered kits of the Knights of Ice Throne

The king-personal will reward your loyalty. Take a look at the Blizzard store and make a pre-order of 50 kits of the add-on "Knights of the Iceproke" at a price of 2799 rubles and get a gift for Ice Ground cards as a gift!

You will get a new shirt for cards and sets immediately after the purchase of the purchase is confirmed, but open the kits can be opened only after the addition of the addition in your region in August of this year.

Get used to darkness

The dark walls of the Citadel of the Ice Crown produce an oppressive impression, but you can prepare for future tests by visiting the site The influence of the lich king is felt worldwide. Find his echoes in

My son! On the day, when you were born, Lorderon's forests themselves whispered this name ... Ben Broad.

Blizzard Entertainment Announced the supplement "Knights of the icy throne"which will be released in August of this year. The usual heroes will reincarnate in the growing knights of death, and the arsenal will be replenished with 135 new cards and another unique mechanics.

In a minute of despair, we agree to all, and the developers use it to lure more players in the game. Every time we tried to edit something new and cheerful. And when you look out on the street, and there are 11 degrees of the July heat, after the announcement of the Ice Supplement on the face, a smile really appears on the face.

Even the tone of the supplement is very different from the previous ones. Kalasbura and irony in the trailer changed pathos and drama. New heroes did not pass, but they added maps changing old ones. Legendary characters cards that will replace the power of the hero, his portrait and add some armor.

"Another set of legens (((0 (((" - sigh fREE-2-PLAY Players still have not gathered all maps from the previous addition. Early sadness! Together with the supplement will be released a free mini adventure, for the passage of which you get one casual map Death Knight and meeting satisfaction with the king-lich.

What is the addition without a new mechanic? No new classes! New force will be something very new - "theft of life" (intriguing name). When applying damage (cheers, damage), it fills the health (interesting) the hero is proportional to the damage (fresh).

A review of some new cards can be seen in the announcement itself (turn on subtitles). If you still do not sick from the clown of Ben Brouda, then you can see. It has no ridiculous cosplay, fires, armored men's panties and other flirting with the public from which you want to hide in the palm of the whole body, not just a person.

What is interesting is the map Hunter. Showing supplement cards began, perhaps with the most wast maps Supplements. I am sure it's not by chance. In one of the interviews in the format Question answer Ben Broad has progressed that the developers are specially introduced into the game useless cards so that they play in the following add-ons. Some such maps have already come to Wild, so not and shun.

Then other developers clarified that frankly terrible cards are introduced only in order to compare them with other cards for the same cost. Well, here's a comparison of the card that costs 6 mana, and directly in the video replaces the face-abill hunter on the disputed power, which causes a creature for 5 mana. 5 + 2 \u003d 7. Creature for 7 mana. Hey guys, yes, you have there in your hand, which could play a hundred times better!

Only two things can reassure the players who came to the horror of the absurdity of the first five cards and arguments in their playability in the announcement:

  • Developers actually understand what they do, and many coming changes will affect not only the cards, but also the rating system;
  • A unique, specific sense of humor Ben Brude is understood only by the elected people.

Other cards will start showing from July 24, so watch them on the official blog and on the add-on page.

Pre-ordered for 50 sets of cards "Knights of the icy throne" at a special price is already open. According to the glorious tradition, all who will issue pre-ordered, will be awarded a unique shirt for cards.
The addition comes in august 2017..

New Supplement Hearthstone - Ice Throne Knights will be released in august 2017. A new addition will bring a lot of interesting chips, a new mechanics and reincarnation of all heroes in death knights. If you have passed the announcement of the new Hartstone addition, then you can read the basic information below.

  • Release add-ons of the Knights of the Ice Throne is scheduled for august 2017.. There is no accurate date, but Blizzard wrote that in mid-August.
  • In a new supplement will be 135 new cards.
  • FROM July 24. Blizzard will start showing new cards.
  • Everyone will die! Every hero Hearthstone will be able to turn the death knight.
  • Each class will add a special type of cards (legendary card), which will allow the hero in the deck. This card will turn the standard hero in the death knight.
  • The power of the hero will change when changing the hero on the knight of death.
  • The game is added new mechanics — Abduction of life. When you apply damage from the abduction of life. Your hero's health is replenished by the amount of damage. The abduction of life will be available not only at beings, but also in some spells.
  • With the release of add-ons every player will be able is free Complete task (analog adventure). You have to get to the Citadel of the Ice Crown and will fight with the king.
  • There will be only 3 wings with different bosses, the final boss will be a king-lich.
  • For the passage of each wing you will receive 1 set of maps New additions (all get 3 free packs).
  • After passing this adventure you will receive 1 Random legendary reincarnation map of some hero in death knight.
  • Pre-ordered for 50 kits + kits + you will get a unique shirt of Ice Ground cards. Worth pre-ordered 2799 rubles (about $ 50).

New Cards Supplement Knights Ice Throne

IN this moment Only 5 new cards are announced.

Shirt card - "Ice Sorrow"

New game field

Become an icy throne knight! ()

Whip. Death Knight. King-lich. The worst and tragic pages in the history of Azeroth. The inhabitants of the icy crown of gloomy and frightening creatures possess a terrible force. And if you decide to join them, you will soon realize ... that it is not only cold, but very, very cool! HearthStone developers team wanted to reveal in all colors the history of the King Lich and his terrible servants. But how to avoid dissonance with a good-natured and cheerful atmosphere of Hearthstone?

The answer is quite obvious: you need to kill everyone!

Well, not all, of course. Only hearthstone heroes ... in a new addition "Knights of the icy throne" We will answer an unusual question: what will happen if the heroes of Hearthstone turn against the light? How do they come with a huge and terrible force, which will be purchased after the king-personal will turn them into the death knights?

And who is this king like?

Vladyka Pli.

The fate of the King Lich is very tragic. This is the story of a young hero, ready to go to any risk and resort to any means of saving their people. As a result, it led him to the collapse: he picked up the Cursed Runic Blade "Ice Sorrow" and thereby took the first step towards becoming the most powerful and terrible creation. The king-lich is the embodiment of the mighty Knight of death in the world and armed absorbing soul "Ice Sorrow". With such an opponent, it is better not to get involved! By recreation on the ice throne on the top of the citadel of the ice crown, he controls the huge army of the undead, which is called the "Plenty".

So the king-lich and his army is, perhaps the greatest threat to all living in Azeroth. And the main officers in the army of the King Lich - Knights of death!

Great to be dead!

Once the death knights were the greatest heroes of Azeroth, but now the king-lich returned them to life, making his most dangerous warriors on this side of death. In addition to the "Knights of the Ice Throne", all nine heroes of Hearthstone took his gift and turned into legendary maps of death knights. Despite its reincarnation, they are still not fully in the power of King Lich, so you have to decide exactly how it is heroes to dispose of their new abilities.

Heroes Maps are a new type of cards other than spells, creatures and weapons. When these cards appear on the battlefield, they replace your hero. At the same time, the battle cry is triggered; In addition, your hero acquires a new force, and its reservation rate increases. Each death knight is unique and able to completely change the gameplay in Hearthstone.

Rexar "Lovely Death"

When his hunter's career was interrupted, Rexar was saved from the dead and became a casualties. When drawing this card, the remote death Rexar releases the arrows, causing 2 units. damage to all enemy creatures, replaces your hero, and also gets 5 units. armor and new force called "Bellowel".

"Bellodel" allows him to create zombosvers from pieces of different beings, excavating the remains of their former animal friends. Indicators of creatures, of which the zombovers are created, such as cost, attack and health, are summed up, and the properties of the cards are saved. A terrible creature is placed in the hand of the leather death of the Rexar, and you will be able to enjoy its strength on nothing suspect opponent.

This is true horror! Of course, there are still many powerful weapons in the arsenal.


Death Knights are fierce fighters, but they are only a small part of the monstrous army of the King Lich. Legions of the screens include a variety of types of undelivered - from weak goddalaks and zombies to huge, disgusting rogs, stitched from pieces of flesh of many victims. Huge army of undead terrible and deadly - you will certainly meet creatures with powerful abilities!

Some spells and creatures of the Lich King have a terrible property that allows you to pull the vitrate forces from opponents. This property is called "Abduction of life". Similar to the principle of operation, some cards have already possessed, but now we have allocated it to a separate category. Maps with the "Abduction of Life" property restore your hero health in the amount equal to the damage to them. Useful opportunity when you are already in the grave of both legs.

Citadel icy crown

The first step on the way of entry into the ranks of the "Ice Throne Knights" you will do in the Citadel of the Ice Crown. There you expect eight new tasks for one player. You have to go through a prologue, and then fight with the most powerful inhabitants of the Citadel. The culmination will be a fight with the king himself!

Be careful! New fights are much more difficult than those in which you have taken part in the past. You will withstand cunning and dangerous opponents, and the victory will get only the most impressive. It is incredibly difficult to cope with the king-lich, each of the nine classes will have a unique battle.

At the entrance to the Citadel, you will have to put on a sow, however perform tasks can be free! Awards You are also waiting very attractive: for the performance of all tasks you will receive three sets of "Ice Throne Knights". In addition, after the passage of the prolobe, you will get the legendary card chosen by randomly, turning your hero in the death knight.

Pre-ordered kits of the Knights of Ice Throne

The king-personal will reward your loyalty. Take a look at the Blizzard store and make a pre-order of 50 kits of the add-on "Knights of the Iceproke" at a price of 2799 rubles and get a gift for Ice Ground cards as a gift!

You will get a new shirt for cards and sets immediately after the purchase of the purchase is confirmed, but open the kits can be opened only after the addition of the addition in your region in August of this year.

Logo and wallpaper Ice throne knights