Shararam stalemate quest. "Secrets of Shararam": walkthrough, quests, secrets, ban and rules of the game. Probable danger of zyabrians

Shararam is a country where not only cartoon characters live, but also your child's peers. There are many interesting things here, and any child can become a Smeshariki, dress up not only himself, but also his house.

As with any online game, there are rules. Moderators make sure that there are no bad situations. But if strange links appear, they are removed, phone numbers and personal information are removed. In addition to the moderator, volunteers are involved in security, usually parents. Those who often violate the order receive a ban.

"Shararam" is an exclusively Russian project. There were English and Spanish counterparts, but they were closed.


The currency in the game is Lashing, which is earned, but cannot be spent without a Shararam card. It is acquired with the help of parents. You can play without a map, but it is not always possible to complete any quests.

If a child wants to open some kind of business, then you can buy a Boss Shararam card, for example, a player can arrange a real party with artists.

Categories Smeshariki

Smeshariki are divided into several categories. Available with or without a card. The latter are considered the friendliest, but do not spend money on the game. The first ones buy cards. The bourgeois are called Smeshariki, who can invest hundreds of money, the revolutionaries oppose the policies of the administration. The anti-revolutionaries, on the contrary, support the administration against the revolutionaries. The directors shoot videos and post them on YouTube. Videos come in different genres.


What are the rules of the game?

  • You can not use obscene words.
  • You can't insult other players.
  • Nobody can share your password.
  • You should not repeat phrases after other players if you are not sure that you will not get banned for them.
  • With moderators and administration it is necessary to behave politely.
  • In any, you can contact the support.
  • It is best to find an experienced player who will teach you the tricks and tricks.
  • Do not react to the Troll, do not enter into disputes with him if you do not have sufficient skills.
  • You can not give Smesharik an incorrect nickname.
  • You can not cheat, hack the game.


After "Shararam" was created, they immediately installed a filter that can track obscene words. However, it is not quite perfect, since it is possible to write such a word using asterisks. Therefore, complaints were introduced to Pin, where it was reported about this or that malicious violator. If the moderator finds that the complaint is valid, he will block access to the user. And if the user participates in a protest action, then he can also be given a ban, although this is not written anywhere in the rules.

If you insulted someone or it was an obscene word, then the moderator will solder you a ban for a long time. Rarely removed. For unacceptable expressions and insults, the ban makes a mat-filter, the term is generated automatically. The administrator can ban by IP for some wrong actions. For example, misbehavior with the administrator, for cheating and hacking, or if you gave your smeshariki an incorrect nickname. If there really was a violation of the rules, then the ban is removed only at the end of the term. If an error occurs, you need to write to support, indicate your nickname and describe the problem. Most often the ban is removed.

It is worth knowing that if your Smesharik is absent from the game for more than 2 years and does not buy anything, then he will be completely deleted.


Mainly designed for relaxing. You can find a fire, as well as two stumps + two houses in a tree. Nearby you can find the Chamomile Valley. The location may change according to the time of year. It is the main one for some quests and can be transformed.

Chamomile Valley

If you watched the cartoon, then you know what Smeshariki's house looks like. This is where they are. Nyusha, Krosh, Kopatych, Losyash and so on live in the valley. There are 9 characters in total, they are the main ones. Here Smeshenki meet or earn. Often used for different missions and get acquainted. The directors use the location to shoot the video.

pirate bay

You can find a flag waving in the wind, palm trees and a hammock. If you have a treasure map, then you can go look for them. Later this card was abolished, but you can play with the Shararam card.

snow mountain

It is often arranged here different quests. You can go sledding and snowboarding. There are also shops there. Smeshariki come here to get acquainted or to complete some kind of quest.

Amusement park

If it's winter, there's snow here. If you go through some quests or olympiads, then it is decorated. There is also a stadium. You can play football.


Some are useful, some are not. The useful ones are the secrets of Shararam.

For example - obscure some object. Let's say there is a quest item that cannot be climbed, but there is space available near it or around it. For an illustrative example, choose a microchip, which can be found in the Corporation of clubs. Why exactly him? It's small and gets covered up very easily. Stand so that there is a wall opposite you, and then click on the walkie-talkie. Keep in mind that not all objects can be obscured.

Dead zone

For the fact that you get there, you may be banned. Therefore, before performing this action, you should make sure that no one can file a complaint against you. You will need movement magic, but not all, but super jumps. You can also use a flying flock. Click on the icon, during the flight, click on some place.


Funny secrets of the game "Shararam"! You will need a tomato. Throw it somewhere while it flies, go in the opposite direction. At the same time, you can see that your Smesharik in this period of time very much resembles Michael Jackson.

If you throw tomatoes very often, you get a tomato queue. It's cool to take a snow thrower or a tomato thrower.

tea magic

Apply it, your Smesharik should go up along the jet. Before that, you need to quickly click on any game. When asked, you must answer "No". After that, Smesharik will become invisible.

Change of clothes

Works with slow internet speed. You need to open your profile, find the "Image" section there, very quickly click on the arrow many, many times while scrolling through the pages, the clothes will change their name. So for example it can now be called a princess diadem.


The pirates have arrived, the parrot is praising its product with might and main - the key. If there is no Shararam card, then you will not see the key! Or is it still visible? In Shararam, secrets and bugs are practically the same thing! Go to the ship, then immediately click on the exit and quickly on the parrot (until you get out). You must get to the port, after which a window will appear where you will be offered to buy a key. No need to buy and close the window for the time being too! Together with the window, go to the garage, and then you need to press the "Buy" button. In the window that appears, answer "Yes". Voila - get the key!

Some bugs have already been fixed.


They are divided into repeating and not. Some are held only at certain times, for example, in winter, a New Year's interview.

Labyrinth - you need to find the owner of the apple, a couple for something. A typical example is below. The secrets of "Shararam" is that one must steadily follow the thread that leads to one of the answers.

Rebuses and tasks - guess the encrypted word.

Finding a shadow - similar to "Find a Pair", only a little more difficult.

Labyrinths with letters, collections of objects, as well as digital leads - each letter of the alphabet has a certain number, etc.

There are also two-time quests that are still being held. That is, you go through a certain quest, after which you are invited to choose a gift for yourself. When you choose a gift, they offer to play again to take another gift.

Quest tournament - this includes various competitions and championships. You must play one game or several, it is desirable to get the first place.

Since 2017, some quests have a chain of events, but they are all related to common quest some topic. An example of a theme is "Cookery", "East", "Spring", "Rabbits" and so on.

Some quests can be completed by everyone, some - only if you have a Shararam card.

This quest is only suitable for those who have a Shararam card. The hedgehog tells you that Smeshariki starred in some very cool cartoon, and also asks if you want to know how this remarkable event happened. If you complete the mini-quest "Learn the secrets of the cartoon in Shararam", you will receive interesting gift.

To get through, you first need to find the hedgehog itself. And it is located at the location "Square near the hospital".

In addition to the hospital itself, at the location you can find mail, as well as the School of Magicians. The location was made in the summer of 2009.

Many players like to play doctors in the hospital, so they created all possible conditions for this. Related items are on sale, such as shoe covers.

At the School of Magicians, you can take any training, and the mail is intended to receive a test from the Chief. The post office is a single location, and besides you, there will be no more Smeshariki there. The area near the hospital is involved in a variety of places, it can change in accordance with the seasons and quests. So, for example, pumpkins were installed on Halloween, on New Year- Christmas tree.

How to complete "Shararam" the passage of the quest "Secrets of the cartoon. Deja vu"? To do this, you need to answer the questions. If you are a little familiar with the cartoon, you can do it.

In the first paragraph, you will need to put the even numbers in order. You also need to answer the question: what was the name of the draft cartoon from the sketches. The answer is the word Animatic.

One famous director became the producer of this cartoon. You need to rearrange the letters from the top to the bottom line and write the name of this person. The answer is the word Bondarchuk.

This is a video that reveals in detail the answers and secrets of the cartoon in Shararam.

In the cartoon, you will see Barash, who will play the instrument. This instrument is Chinese and ancient. You need to decipher the name and write. The answer is the word Sanxian.

Now we need to crack the code. There are 3 Smeshariki: Kopatych, Losyash and Pin. They are all voiced by the same person. You need to write - who is it. And his last name Chernyak.

Smeshariki are drawn in the picture, count which of them was drawn the most.

This Smesharik was voiced by Pavel Derevyanko. The answer will be mole.

The cartoon has a very cool slogan that needs to be noted. And this Kroshilovo.

By unraveling these secrets of Shararam, you will receive two Deja Vu paintings that you can hang in your house.

They are placed on the wall, and in the pictures you can see Smeshariki. These are 3 Smeshariki - Nyusha, Barash and Hedgehog. They are shown in different outfits.

Well, dear Shararam player, are you ready to start the quest with a flying saucer that has arrived in the country? Well, then, go into the Zyabriytsev's plate, it landed in the forest!

As soon as you enter the plate, start a conversation with the captain of the Zyabrian space ship.

I am the captain of the Zyabrian spaceship Zyuzel the Elder. Now on our planet is the Feast of Zyabromusic. During the celebrations, we have cosmic rains of gifts.

We want to give them to the people of Shararam in gratitude for the fact that they once returned us to a good mood.

But here's the trouble - gifts turn into cosmic ash if someone who is not ready for the holiday tries to take them! Do you want to prepare for the holiday and receive gifts?

Now press the "prepare for the holiday" button, start the quest!

5 of my friends - Zyabriytsev went for a walk around Shararam. Seek them out and they'll help you prepare for the Zyabrian feast. But first, put on your holiday costume.

On this, in fact, for those who do not have a shararam card, the quest can be completed. The Shararam administrators played a trick on us.

We click on the room where we see the costumes. Dress up for the Zyabri holiday! And we buy clothes.

In the upper right corner you should have a flying saucer. If you click on it, you will see a list of tasks that you need to complete to save gifts from the Zybromusik holiday.

To receive Zyabrian gifts you need:

  • Light up the suns and score 60 points.
  • Bake pancakes and score 700 points
  • Launch planeballs and score 60 points
  • Wake up the Zyabrushki and score 400 points
  • Refresh and score 480 points

When you're ready for the party, go to the Flying Saucer.

But if you just try to take gifts, then nothing will work.

It's a pity, but your gifts turned into space ash. Tomorrow I will prepare new ones and I will wait for you! In the meantime, find my friends - Zyabriytsev and practice in order to prepare for the holiday as best as possible tomorrow.

Well, tomorrow start looking for the Zyabrians.

1st thimble

Where is the first Zyabri at the Music Festival in Shararam?

Look for the first Chinchilla in Romashkova Valley. Don't forget to put on the clothes you bought before talking to him! It is located near the birch! You will notice him!

2nd thimble

Where is the second thimble at the Music Festival in Shararam?

Look for the second Chiffchaff in the square near the hospital, post office and school of magicians. Don't forget to put on the clothes you bought before talking to him! You will notice him easily, immediately start a conversation!

3rd thimble

Where is the third thimble at the Music Festival in Shararam?

And you will find the third Zyabri on the square in front of the Smeshmag and the Kindergarten. Don't forget to put on the clothes you bought before talking to him! It's right next to the cowboy hay cart!

4th thimble

Where is the fourth thimble at the Music Festival in Shararam?

You will find the fourth finch at the sofa in the square in front of the Discotheque. Complete his tasks, first put on the clothes bought from the captain.

For this game, actual updates are released daily, which a gamer can buy for play money, but if there are none, there are cheats that will make it easier to complete the game.

Hello to everyone who, like me, likes the cool and funny Shararam toy. If you have played Shararam at least once, then you know that both shararam cards and rumbiki are updated daily in the game. However, all these bonuses cost money, which is not always available. Therefore, I decided to write instructions on where to get a Shararam card absolutely free of charge, without any SMS and registration on dubious sites.

If you are going to play Shararam for the first time, then it will be useful for you to know that it is the Shararam map in this game that gives its characters the opportunity to buy new things, buildings, open clubs, acquire cute pets and travel around the game world. You need to buy cards in the toy, but this has a certain plus, since when purchasing cards, you can also get a nice bonus - free Rumbiki.

There are several types of cards in Shararam:

  • Cards are short lived. This type of shararam card in the game could be obtained for a period of one day and up to 3 days for rumbiki, which were given to the player for correct answers at the Smesharikov school. Unfortunately, now such a card can only be obtained during the next promotion in the game.
  • The card is minimal, valid for up to 7 days. You can buy such a card in Shararam very simply - you only need to send an SMS message. At one time, such a card was played for a promotion, but the duration of this promotion was limited
  • Shararam card for a month will give the player nice bonuses: you will get a collection of things and backgrounds for a personal page in the game space
  • During certain promotions, the player has the opportunity to buy a card valid for up to 6 months. This card will bring the gamer unique abilities and houses
  • The card can also be issued for a year, while you will receive a luxurious house, which is impossible to get in the game in other ways. You can choose a house according to your own taste

There is also a Shararam card, which is called the secret agent card. It is unlikely to get such a card for free. By purchasing the card, you will earn the right to be a top secret agent in the game and one spy present.

If own funds to purchase cards game application you don’t, and your parents don’t consider spending money on entertainment appropriate - you can try to become the owner of the bonus by winning the competition. To participate in the contest, you need to go to the game's website - On this resource, cards and rhumbiki and other nice bonuses needed in the game are systematically played.

For getting useful information on the game and finding answers to questions such as how to enter your club, where to find the natives, where is the translator, worth a visit official group Shararam in social network In contact with. You can also win the coveted Shararam card for your talent - write a poem about the characters of the game, and the card will be your prize.

I want to warn you - look for free cards Shararam, secret programs for cheats on the game on third-party resources are not worth it. The maximum that you can get from visiting such sites is a virus on your computer or running into scammers who will write off all the funds from your phone.

Answers to new quest with crumbs: SMESHARIKOV IS KISSED OUT OF THE HOUSES ANSWERS Shararam Smeshariki are kicked out of the houses answers In Shararam on August 15 there will be an amazing new adventure (a new quest in Shararam) - Smeshariki in Shararam are kicked out of the houses! SHARARAM UNCLEAN ANSWERS! FIND HOUSES WITH EVIL IN SHARARAM AND DRIVE THE VILLAINS ANSWERS Shararam Krosh is waiting for our help in the camomile valley. Krosh starts a conversation: Evil spirits have settled in our houses! Krosh in Shararam asks for help: Freaks and Monsters kick out the owners, move the houses wherever they want and live there! Help drive away evil spirits to return the houses to Smeshariki! What to do with the new quest in Shararm - the house icon will tell you. Drive away evil spirits! Find houses with evil spirits in Shararam and drive away the villains! Receive as a gift in Shararam - the Krosh House costume! The first Shararam house, an airship with evil spirits in Shararam, is located on the square near the hospital. Shararam Monster is waiting for the task to be completed. I got air sickness on this Shararam airship! Prepare a cure for her, and I will gladly run home to the Dark Shararam realm! Shararam Honey is collected on the square in front of the disco. Shararam nuts grow in the amusement park. The second Shararam house is an observatory with evil spirits in Shararam located on a snowy mountain. Shararam Monster is waiting for the task to be completed. No way I'm leaving! Although... if you help me finish cooking the soup, I'll probably go back to the Dark Realm! See Shararam answer in the picture The third Shararam Krosh's house with evil spirits in Shararam is located in the port of Shararam Shararam The Freak is waiting for the task to be completed. I'm still going on a date with Swamp Kikimora! I'm wildly sorry, can you help me collect a bouquet for Shararam for her? Then I'll leave this house, honest chudikovskoe! We collect black roses in Shararam dense forest shararama. The fourth Shararam Nyusha's house with evil spirits in Shararam is located in the amusement park. Shararam Freak is waiting for the task to be completed. I have insomnia - I just can’t remember Shararam the line of the lullaby that I sing to myself before going to bed. Help me and I'll go to sleep in the Dark Realm. Replace the letters with the previous ones in alphabetical order and write the answer in the cells: sleep, evil freak, sleep! I have insomnia - I just can’t remember Shararam the line of the lullaby that I sing to myself before going to bed. Help me and I'll go to sleep in the Dark Realm. Replace the letters with the previous ones in alphabetical order and write the answer in the cells: freak, fall asleep, bye-bye! The fifth Shararam tree house with evil spirits in Shararam is located on the square in front of the disco. Shararam Freak is waiting for the task to be completed. I found some signs here on the Shararam tree. And sho, all of a sudden, that secret message or some kind of spell? You can decipher it! I'll leave then. Decipher the words and write the answer in the cells: Chudikus Disappeared I found some signs here on the Shararam tree. And sho, all of a sudden, that secret message or some kind of spell? You can decipher it! I'll leave then. Decipher the words and write the answer in the cells: Freak Propadaikus Sixth Shararam Kit's house with evil spirits in Shararam is located in the dense forest of Shararam. Shararam Freak is waiting for the task to be completed. I’m lying, Shararam Barashey counting before going to bed, and here you are! Knocked me down! If I don’t remember which Barash I stopped at, I’ll never fall asleep! Help me and I'll leave. Count how many sheep are in the picture: 16 I am lying down, Shararam I am counting sheep before going to bed, and here you are! Knocked me down! If I don’t remember which Barash I stopped at, I’ll never fall asleep! Help me and I'll leave. Count how many sheep are in the picture: 14 Krosh in Shararam congratulates us! Great job! Wow! You drove away all Shararam evil spirits! Get a costume for this as a gift to Shararam, like 2 drops of water similar to my house! ATTENTION! ANSWERS AND WALKING: SHARARAM LABYRINTH ANSWERS AND SHARARAM HOUSE ANSWERS - SHARARAME HOUSES WITH EVIL - PART 2 (LINK) LABYRINTH ANSWERS AND SHARARAM HOUSE ANSWERS - SHARARAME HOUSES WITH EVIL - PART 2 Smesharik, it is very dangerous in Shararam labyrinth! Only a secret agent can enter there! Find Shararam the brownie and find out what happened to him! Shararam Domovoy lives in a labyrinth under Nyusha's house. Find the entrance to the Shararam labyrinth and find the Shararam Brownie's room there. Find Shararam the brownie and find out what happened to him! Find a clue in Shararam Brownie's room. Find Shararam the brownie and find out what happened to him! Wake up Shararam brownie! Decipher the Shararam Cheerfulness Spell with the Shararam Decoder: Rise, spellbound! You woke Shararam brownie! Friend, thanks for your help! I'll run to put things in order in Shararam Smesharikov's houses, and you celebrate housewarming in your new Shararam castle and get Shararam a medal! ATTENTION! ANSWERS AND PASSAGE: SHARARAM EVIL ANSWERS! FIND HOUSES WITH EVIL IN SHARARAME AND DRIVE THE VILLAINS ANSWERS - PART 1 (LINK) That's it!!!

Having a friendly relationship with Shararam after the 2011 New Year Quest.


Most of the Zyabrians, of course, live on Zyabra, so it is not known how many there are in total, although Zyabra is represented by a rather small one in the view from the telescope.

In Shararam, the Zebras, as a rule, do not live alone and permanently, but only arrive for their holidays.


During the stay of this people in Shararam, only traditional clothes became known about the culture, but the fact that the Zyabrians love holidays.

All holidays are the same. The Zyabrians rely on them to have a bite to eat, light the Sunshine, launch balls in the form of planets into space, bake pancakes and listen to the singing of birds called Zyabrushki.

You can also notice that they love bowling and non-standard (in our opinion) clothes.


Being an extraterrestrial civilization, the Zubrians, as it should be according to the law of the genre, are more advanced than most Shararams (in the original), and their technique can only be compared with the NGR. Zyabriy ship

Like all traditional aliens, these people travel on space saucers.

Zyabriytsy in Shararam

The first time the Zyabrians appeared in Shararam was during the transition of 2010-2011, becoming the characters of the New Year's quest. Then they were cursed, always having a bad mood. In that quest, they stole the symbol of the coming year - Krosh - so that the New Year would not come in Shararam. According to the plot, Smesharik must rescue Krosh and disenchant the Zyabrians, after which they fly back to Zyabru.

The second time they appeared in June 2012, having arrived in Shararam in a small group in order to tell Smeshariki about the Day of Laughter. Then they became the main characters of the quest-Olympiad. After that, they fly to Shararam almost every month.

Probable danger of zyabrians

One day, Rollerman, having replayed the game Xcom: Enemy Unknown, staged a raid on a Zhubri ship. The raid was successful, after which Rollerman spread rumors about the danger of aliens, and also created the little-known organization Shararam Space Infantry. After the next successful roundups, he contracted an alien infection and departed the Department.

Looking at the strange mechanisms on the flying saucer, as well as at the old New Year's event, where the Zyabrians kidnapped Krosh, we can conclude that Roller was not so wrong. Most likely, these alien organisms despise the Shararamians and are preparing to destroy them.

Zyuzel Senior

Zyuzel Sr. is the captain of the flying saucer "Dawn" and the commander of a small group of aliens that sometimes flies to Shararam (usually during the Zyabri holidays). Has a younger sister, Zyuzel Jr. He enjoys space bowling. Age approximately 47 light years. Our knowledge about the relationship between the age of the Zyabrians and our age is negligible, but I think it would be enough for a short article.


Perhaps this is all a lie, but there are rumors that one Smesharik was able to climb on Zyuzel's head and he was instantly banned. He was never seen again in Shararam.

Zach the Chef

Zach - kok zyabrisky spaceship which is located in the forest. An NPC that starts the Pancake Baking quests (Zabrian Feast quest).

Zach is 40 sugar years old. He does donut work. Caring character.

Z-radio operator

Z - the radio operator of the Zyabrian spaceship, which is located in the forest. An NPC that starts the "Wake up the Fawns" quest of the Fawn Feast quest.

Z 25 Z (because of this, confusion begins, xs). Engaged in morse code tap dancing (heh, apparently the admins have no imagination). Character responsive to signals.

Storm Navigator

Storm - the navigator of the Zyabrian spaceship, which is located in the forest. An NPC who starts the quest about launching the planeballs (the quest about the Zyabrian holiday).

Stormik 36.6 for long years. Engaged in jumping without a parachute (xs, how can he). Active by nature

Brook boatswain

Break - the boatswain of the Zyabrian spaceship, which is located in the forest. The NPC that starts the Donuts quest (the Zyabrian Holiday quest).

Bryak is 59 years old. Engaged in donut eating (xs), as well as eating them. Also good natured.

Has one eye but two eyebrows.

  • His clothing is similar to the uniform of the Nazis, which is why some people hate him.

juve helmsman

Juve - the helmsman of a Zyabrian spaceship, which is located in the forest. An NPC you can collect Stardust from and purchase the Zyabrian Salute.

Juve 167 star years. Arranges fireworks. Seasoned character.

Gathering Stardust. Every time a Zhubri ship arrives, he invites everyone to collect stardust to set off fireworks.


Vyun - cabin boy of the Zyabrian spaceship, which is located in the forest. An NPC who starts the "Light the Sunnies" quest (xs) of the quest about the Zyabrian holiday.

Vyun 17 green years. He does aerial gymnastics. Trusting character.


  • On their home planet, the Zyabrians walk in spacesuits, which means that it is not native at all, because somewhere the Zyabrians must happen without spacesuits. Or maybe there was a catastrophe that caused the atmosphere to disappear, but the Zyabri seem quite pleased.
  • Zebra is more like a satellite than a planet. It is especially similar to the moon, only yellow.

The passage of the zyabri: