Quests for a children's birthday. Quest Scenario for Children at Home - Gift Search! Interesting quests for children 10 12 years

The first option is ideal for a small company not exceeding 5 people. The halls of the cafe and outdoor locality are ideal to spend quests for 10 children in Moscow and provide a high level of dynamics.
It is important that for students of the younger and middle classes there was a sufficient number of movable relay, where they will be able to release energy, run and sorry. The main goals of the game are the development of attention and logic, acquire new knowledge, increase the coordination of movements and communication skills.
For kids school age And adolescents are suitable one of three types of adventures:

  • Escape-room - the main task is to find the output. At the stage of passing, the players are non-standard ways to be tipped, which help them open the cherished door;
  • Perfomance is a format where the main roles are assigned to the participants, and the secondary actors. As part of the game, it is necessary to achieve the goal;
  • Sports genre - the event is to fulfill the tasks, 50% of which require the training and conjunction of muscles.

Choosing one or another kind of it is important to pay attention to sports training or intellectual development Participants of the game. It should be fun, and not painful search for answers.

What is good entertainment

Gaggage puzzles - universal pastime. Adults, adolescents and even reoxberries are involved in it. For the younger generation, professional scenarios are carefully developing scenarios, taking into account the preferences of the birthday name, the number of guests and the desired theme.
Quest, as a central entertainment of a solemn event, allows you to:

  • Get a flurry of indescribable emotions;
  • Participate in the present adventure;
  • Fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of another reality;
  • In the final enjoy the prizes and awards.

In addition, despite the fact that quests for children for 10 years in Moscow are developed taking into account the age group, adults are often involved in them with no less joy. In case parents are busy, they can go on business, leaving off the organizers. During the game, the teams will be fully engaged in guessing puzzles.
Adventures in the form of puzzles ensures not only unforgettable sensations. In the process, each team member can show strengths And learn to collective work.


Tasks should be carefully selected. In the first place are the favorite films and books of the culprit of the celebration. On their basis, a cheerful scenario is being developed, within which one or several commands operates. The mechanics of the game are simple: the plot of the plot leads the chain of tips, but to get them, you must perform the task. Main types:


  • Tasks using the requisite;
  • Active actions.

The first type develops logic, teaches go beyond traditional thinking. Tips are encrypted in anagrammas, crosswords and rebusters. Successful passing opens a code word that helps move along the plot further.
The props opens a wide field for activity. It is possible that players will be prompted to find a way to open a box or show an invisible inscription. different ways. The desired tip is hidden in the chest or on the wall until the surface is heated.
Active actions make up a significant part of the scenario, according to which quails are held for 10 people in Moscow and the nearest Moscow region. Many quests in the city and large areas in the area help to implement complex tasks associated with the overcoming band by obverse. In addition, this type of task includes handmade - it may take a whole subject from parts and weld magic potion. Necessary components Previously have to find.
Our professional scenarios will develop a program taking into account the wishes of parents and the interests of the participants. We offer events in Moscow on specialized sites, as well as in cafeteria or outdoors. Bright props, devices for relay, non-standard riddles will turn into an ordinary party in honor of the birthday in fabulous adventurewhich will want to worry again and again.
See also.

Who of us would not like to find vintage treasure Or treasure, slyly hidden by their former owner. Plunge into the world of adventure and secrets! And in order to find answers to all the questions, it is necessary to rewar a pile of books and old documents, to resemble the libraries among multi-storey dust shelves, it is possible to ride on other corners of the world, to solve many riddles and just think about it! That is, to go through the quest, which step by step will lead you to the cherished goal!

What is a search for a gift for memories?

The participant is given (or he finds himself) a letter where he is invited to participate in the quest - game and in the final to find a cache with a gift. To do this, it is necessary to consistently find and solve tips. Tips are cards with tasks and various logical puzzles. Each note is encrypted the location of the next tip.

If you are on this page, it means that you want to organize a similar quest event for children and arrange them not just a holiday with eating sweets, but an interesting and fun time.

We are offering to you ready scenario Search quest game for children, which can be held at home.

The scenario of the quest "Treasures of Maga"

For whom: This quest is suitable as an entertainment event for guests at the celebration of the birthday (or another event) of the child of age 13 + years.

A place: Suitable for holding in a private house / apartment, since all the scenario caches are associated with interior items (for example, a refrigerator, an oven, a sofa, a book, etc.)

Purpose: Finding "Treasures of the Maga", following the riddles and sinking them. The prize can be one at all, for example, cake, cakes, other sweets, small souvenirs.

Encrypted caches: box, door, book N. V. Gogol "Nose", bed, ice, computer, washing machine / Other of your place, window sill, balloons, kettle / Other Your place, Pan / Pillow / Refrigerator / Oven / Other Your place.

Through the "/" options to choose from one task.

Quest quality: 3.5 on a five-point scale.

Passage time: From 40 minutes.

Quest is relatively difficult, you will have to think well the whole team and break the head somewhere. He and the team - one head is good, and two better. But it will be interesting! Also players during the execution of one of the stages recognize the unusual chemical properties of the orange peel. This will be a practical experiment.

Inventory will be required:

  • printed Cards on Color (Preferably) Printer
  • box
  • several balloons
  • confetti (optional)
  • orange
  • book
  • candle (wax)
  • empty bottle
  • paints for drawing and water
  • package (with lock)
  • computer with access to the Internet

Preparation: It is better to prepare at least a day before the event! It will be necessary to print materials on a color printer, cut and hide all the prompts according to the apartment according to the script. Some tasks require special preparation (for example, freezing the hints in the ice).

More about tasks

  1. It is necessary first unravel the phrase - anagramAnd then guess what it means (door).
  2. Will be needed solve the riddlewhich will lead to the participants to a specific book (N. V. Gogol "Nose"). If you do not have such a book, then the set will cover the title in which you can complete any suitable book.
  3. Players will find an "empty note", where the inscription has yet to show And guess how to do it.
  4. Next will need to find the text encrypted by the magician - riddle and decrypt it on the site (reference is given), but before find a special tip codewhich will allow you to read the text.
  5. Solve the riddlewhich opens from encrypted (in the previous task) of the text. The answer will be the letter that is to be found indoors. She will indicate the location of the next prompt.
  6. Further orange helps Find the next prompt in magic stones - balloons.
  7. Interesting Task with envelopesWhere to find out on the inscriptions on them, in which envelope is a hint. If the players open the wrong envelope, it will have to go through an erroneous path, and then return to the beginning of the task and find a right decision.
  8. Will be needed solve puzzle Maga himself.
  9. Final task - puzzle.

An example of a random task and an introductory letter:

What is included in the set (materials in PDF and JPG format):

  1. Detailed instructions and script.
  2. Opening letter - the beginning of the quest.
  3. A set of cards with JPG and PDF tasks (text is optimized separately for the group and for one participant).
  4. Graphic blanks for some tasks.
  5. Cheat sheet - Quest diagram.
  6. Templates for your changes / additions.

You can purchase this quest for only 149 rubles.

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How to entertain the birthday girl and its guests of the age category 10-12 years? Quest is an excellent solution. During the quest, guests of the holiday will be able to feel like real spy and adventurers, solve charaks and puzzles. The guys will receive a task: to find "artifact of endless happiness" and will certainly cope with him! The child's birthday scenario is a detailed preparation description and a list of requisites.

Quest progress:

  1. Parents offer birthday and guests of the holiday to look into the mailbox. There is a child and his guests find an envelope with a letter, tattoo translating and lubricating newspaper article.

Text of the letter: " The Ministry of Secret Affairs welcomes you and congratulates Happy Birthday! We have reached information that one of our spies hid an extraordinary invention - "artifact of endless happiness" at the address (address of the holiday destination). Our colleague left the tips, which will bring you to the place of storage of the artifact, your task is clearly followed by tips and then you will find it. As you like no other else know every corner of this house, we appeal to you with a request to find an artifact and check it out.

P.S.: Our colleagues will help you in every way to get their help. You need to apply mystery sign of our ministry on the forearm "

The child inflicts a tattoo translate.

Article text:

« Sensation! Sensation! Sensation! Unknown flying object!

An unusual event occurred in our city. Eyewitnesses declare that UFOs saw.

"It appeared from the sky as a bright outbreak of the light, hanging ten minutes in the air, and then it began to approach, the sound was such an ears," says Nina Ivanovna, and then it sank to the window of my neighbors, I was so frightened ! It is blinked that purple, then green light. Published some incomprehensible sounds! "

Special service has already left the scene. "

Everyone is sent to the window between the batteries find the first piece of puzzle and the clipping point for it.

  1. Article: "TTT control campaign" Warns the tenants of turning off the water in our city. On this day in the tubes in the bathroom there will be no way to run "

Everyone is sent to the bathroom on the pipes. There they find a second piece of puzzle and belonging to him fragment of the newspaper

  1. Newspaper: " Weather for the week:

Monday: -31, the wind is crushed 10m / s.

Tuesday: - 32, impaired 15m / s.

Wednesday: - 33 wind impaired 5-7m / s, snow.

Thursday: - 31, snow.

Friday: - 34, the wind is crushed 10m / s.

Saturday: -30, snow.

Sunday: -31, the wind is crushed 10m / s.

Council Meteocentre - dress warmer. "

Everyone is sent to place where warm clothes are stored. There is another piece of puzzle.

Example of puzzle

  1. Folding all puzzles Children understand that this is a plan of an apartment where they are and one room is marked with a red arrow. They go there. Searches it at almost a prominent place you need to hide the second envelope similar to the first. Opening it, they find a letter with invisible ink. It may lie under the iron, it will help children guess how to read it. If they cannot guess, then you can send a hint by SMS.

In the letter invisible ink written the word, for example, the "wardrobe", where the following letter is hidden.

  1. Children go to the closet there is another letter with Sharada. It must be solved.

The letter written a charade (you can use one of the options):

Option 1:

« To solve what I am

Tell me how in English "Mal"

Then add the animal big

Which has grown up.

On the russian Translate

And you can lie down

But only you in the verb

L on P Try the replacement. "


Option 2:

« Next to the other often put

And seem to be called

His name with the letter "O"

With the letter "y" mine. "

Option 3.

"The first syllable is a pretext

The second two syllables are often glad

The last - alias, use online

Three syllables you unite you know where to find it. "

Under-window nickname.

Gose Sharada go to the place.

  1. Find a casket under it lies a photo of one of the guests.

Children go to the "guest spy." Guest Spy says: "I will speak only with a selected marked label." The birthday girl shows the label to him give the envelope.

Text of the letter: " I came to an extraordinary house and saw different items: black chairs, green tables, purple boxes. In the far room, I found a long brilliant black piano. I was delighted because I love Beethoven very much. There was still a closet with books Chekhov, Tolstoy, Ostrovsky, Dostoevsky, Pushkin "

Children read it. At this point, the birthday name for the phone comes SMS with recommendations: " For an encrypted message for an encrypted message, you need to remove from the letter: all verbs, all prepositions, all pronouns, all names are our own, delete all nouns not multiple in the sequence of figure 5. »

One word remains there and the key is stored. In this text, this word "drawers" can be replaced with any other place where you hide the key.

  1. Children find the key. Open the casket. There is a book in it. In the book on different pages in different words in the correct order circled with a pencil letters refrigerator.

Children go to the refrigerator there is a bottle of children's champagne and cake.

Quest Tips:

  1. To get the guests of the holiday did not climb there, wherever you want to be on the cabinets and boxes that do not participate in the quest, stick stickers with the sign "Stop", and pre-warn guests that this furniture is not involved in the game.
  2. Some tasks can be difficult for children. For prompts you can use mobile phone. With the help of the phone, it is convenient to send tips in the form of text messages during the quest, as well as to make photos of places where objects are hidden and send them if the guests cannot find the item. Photos can be processed a bit in the editor if you want to complicate the prompt.

List of requisites for a child's birthday quest 10-12 years old: Envelopes 2 pcs.; puzzle with plan plan; paper, cotton wand and "invisible" ink (lemon or milk juice); iron; casket; lock and key; Tattoo translate; texts (letter from the ministry; articles; letter from a spy); telephone; book; Cake or baby champagne.

How to prepare a quest:

  1. Prepare props: Print the necessary letters, articles. In Quest is used: a letter from the ministry; articles; a letter from the spy; Puzzle (you need to draw a plan of the house or apartment and mark one room with a red arrow). Cut the puzzle and articles.
  2. With a cotton wand or brush, writing a word with milk or lemon juice on white paper, for example, a "cabinet" where the letter with charaks will be hidden.
  3. Dispatch props in places:
  4. Envelope (letter from Misness; Tattoo translate; piece of article) - Mailbox
  5. Slice puzzle number 1 and article Tip - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe window
  6. Slice of puzzle number 2 and article Tip - in the bathroom
  7. A piece of puzzle number 3 and the article Tip - in the place of storage of warm things.
  8. Envelope with writing written ink ink and iron - in the room labeled red.
  9. Sharada - in the closet.
  10. Book with a book and a guest photo of a spy in one of the places from Charads (Options: Microwave; Window Sill; Chair)
  11. Letter text to give the guest.
  12. The key is to glue the scotch of the box.
  13. Cake and baby champagne in the refrigerator.

Interesting pages.

It would seem that the end of the working day ... you remove the tablet in the safe, hang the shaped jacket into the closet, and already almost one step for the threshold, like all the evening tomorrow is covered with the very copper pelvis. The large-scale operation comes to an end, the hands are missing, the cartridges are not enough ... Yes, there is not enough of things, because we are proven partners - cheerfully dragged at the last stage of the "trap" operation. Nothing remains: to visit the last refuge of the leader of almost completely eliminated criminal network, and save the world from spider times and forever. It would seem that it would be not necessary to go - all the accomplices are caught, all accounts are blocked ... But it is not for nothing that it is considered one of the most dangerous and unpredictable criminals of modernity. Well, where can he go? Yes, we underestimated the spider, and at least we opened his asylum, the mother of colleagues, and even a couple of traps went around ... But then, then Ka-ac is spinning! There was no minute to think about the reflection, it was necessary to act to have time to prevent all the nasty, which the generous hand scattered on ... But Figu, and not only by, but also out of his asylum. How not to remember the honor of the uniform to keep the bastard on long years ... In fact, the account was going for seconds! And with much big emotions! Quest is very peculiar. And entirely and fully justifies its name. It is Brain ... to chase the brains oh how will you have! And that's fine! Start with the fact that this is the real linear quest, you will not think more than you. One clearly follows after another, not giving relaxing. There is nothing superfluous, no extra details. Here it is asylum, from which the spider was safely removed, leaving a bunch of traps not only for unreasonable guests. There is nothing to distract from the process here, everything is issued minimalistly, and only the necessary one. And the more surprising as it was possible to fit so much on such a small place. And here in this combination: stuffing the mysteries, minimalist entourage and lies the main charm of the game - the players are really one on one with the criminal. You can't get it, but you can have time to prevent trouble, and still catch it. And most importantly - there are no prompts here. That's completely! You are operatives, and you are in full autonomy. The only rule that is worth remembering is not to twist and not break. It still will not help. So it all depends only on how quickly you can turn on the process. There is no classic of the genre: I found it - I decided - I applied - I was happy - I went to decide further - I could not decide - I asked the prompt and decided. Here is another principle: I decided - I exhaled - I rug on a restless spider - and again decide - I did not decide - he quit, stealing and went to decide again. The riddles are complex at the expense of the process of the process, time for pumping to everyone that they found in everything they found will be extremely small if it is. Although if weighing, and think about it, then nothing is completely translated in the process in addition to one point - no)) The main thing is that attentiveness and observation of memory are activated for a hundred percent. Otherwise, everything will end badly ... and for you, and for others. And this is despite the fact that the finals are somewhat))) You can still say about the light and about the sound components, but ... there is a paradoxical picture here - we can say that they complement each other, but not a fig. The light is just light, real refuge, and only ... But the sounds ... Sounds are drawn into the game, especially when you hear a crash behind your back and you understand that you do not have time. According to the result, we have an excellent quest, mixed on a practically real situation, and does not fit on the entourage, but on the gaming component. And he is not for children. Too hard will have to act. Recommend it is difficult, but it should be in the piggy bank passed. Perhaps someone will turn the nose, but the game is worth the candle. Well, ready to take a challenge from spider? Then ahead ... And remember that this is a game of the wave. No, he will not kill you, but it is much more difficult to live with a feeling of guilt.

Who read, watched or somehow touched the creativity of the magnificent Agatha Christie, he remembers that ten completely strangers to each other people, not counting one married couple, were found killed on the island. The murder gun and the crime scene will simply differ indescribably, and you need to understand who did it, why and how to stop the psychopath. The police have already flooded everything here, but with chronology and the main suspect came out of the seams. Therefore, players come on the stage))) you all cards in your hands)) To the question about spoilers who read, saw and remember what and how - can calm down. The killer is unknown to you, as the best half of all the rest is unknown))) Nonlinear quest, and this is a huge plus. Without any action, do not move further - yes, but otherwise you decide what you decide. What prompt found, they decided. Sometimes we stalls, sometimes too smarted, but the pleasure of this was the sea. We played together, and I had to run away from the riddle to the riddle, from the room in the room) the location itself is just interesting. The entourage and design are designed in the style of 30-40s. Everything is so stupid, right, concisely and strictly! The mechanisms are inscribed almost perfect, some cause delight. And yes - original riddles. Something is familiar, but it is interesting and the solution will not fall into my hands. Something is not less pleasure to solve. And with each evidence, with each tip found, getting closer to the solving the killer's personality. The main thing is not to turn off attentiveness and observation with logic, and not too incurring, otherwise you can completely get stuck))) and in the final ... but I feel the final, as they say. He is sudden, he is unexpected, and he ... logical, damn it)))

Madly liked it! Lot interesting tasks, Dynamic, spectacular! Delight! The only moment I would like a couple of rooms for completeness and deeper immersion, and in time a little longer. Otherwise, very satisfied!