Hang out cards. Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering. What needs to be conjured in order for fortune-telling to be correct

Almost every person in the world held a deck of cards in their hands. For some, this is a simple playing instrument, someone predicts fate using them, but for someone this is a real job. Even for the simplest card game, shuffling is used to change the order of the cards in the deck and add an element of randomness. People whose work is related to cards, be it a croupier or a magician, know how to surprise the audience even before the show or game begins.

Their shuffling methods are mesmerizing, it seems like real magic. But there are shuffling methods that cheat players with, so knowing how to shuffle can save yourself from being cheated.

Basic shuffling techniques

It is impossible to count all the mixing methods. Experienced players, magicians and croupiers add to this list every day. Anyone can learn how to shuffle a deck, but shuffling like a pro takes no day of practice. Here are some of the most common deck shuffling methods.


This is the simplest and most common method, which involves transferring cards from one hand to another. We take the deck with our left hand, and with our right we raise a small part of the cards and throw them into the deck. It is enough to do 7-8 reps.


This mixing method is somewhat similar to juggling and looks very impressive. The method consists in quickly shuffling the cards in the hands, divided into several separate piles. Since it is not difficult to shuffle cards using this method, anyone can learn. First you need to divide the deck into 3 or 4 parts, holding the deck in your left hand with three fingers, with your index finger you need to raise a quarter of the cards and move it to the right. We fix our finger on the edge of the pushed cards and move them to the left with the right finger. It turns out that the pile of cards is wrapped between the palms and the cards are moved to the right hand. We repeat the same movements with the rest of the parts. The movements are simple, but to make the mixing look effective, you need to do everything quickly.


How to shuffle cards in this way is clear from the name. You need to distribute the deck like a fan, divide it into two halves in two hands and skip one half of the deck between the other. For the cards to take on a random order, you need to fan the fan several times.

Shuffle in parts

This shuffling method is mainly used by cheaters who need to fold cards in a special order. The essence of the method is to move the necessary cards down the deck, and shuffle the rest of the deck without affecting the necessary ones. At the end of the shuffle, the sharper carefully moves the pending cards to the top of the deck.

Swallow's tail

As in a fan, card deck it is divided in half and one half is passed into the other, but the fraudster needs to cover one half with his right hand and describe the movements to the right. Separating a part of the deck, he again shifts this part to the top. Everything happens quickly, it seems that the cards are shuffled, but in reality everything remains in place.


This is a more complex type of card shuffling and can be equated with tricks. This method requires a new deck, this trick will not work with the old one. The idea of ​​the number is that the cards should fit into one another practically by weight, flowing from hand to hand, like a waterfall. Experienced croupiers advise how to learn how to shuffle the cards in this way: holding the deck in your left hand, drag half the cards with your right hand, then align the halves and put them vertically one on one. We remove our hands little by little, and the cards smoothly disperse to the sides.

Knowing the principle of how beautifully to shuffle cards, and having enough time for practice, you can independently learn this craft in order to surprise your family with unusual shows.

In the arsenal of any wizard there are always several ways in which he shuffles cards, both genuine and false. As well as every avid player in card games there are skills for beautiful and competent mixing of the deck.

What is a shuffle? In English, this word is pronounced as shuffle (Shuffle) and translates as shuffle, shuffle. It is this term for this action that has taken root in the colloquial speech of all gamblers and tricksters.

There are several ways you can learn to shuffle the cards cool. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

This kind of shuffling is performed only on the table and is not suitable for controlling the card in tricks.

False Shuffle Options for Tricks

The appearance-only shuffle is essential for those who want to perform both simple and complex tricks. This mixing allows you to control one picture or several pieces at once taken for a break.

There are two main types of fake shuffles:

  • break with actual shuffling of the rest of the deck;
  • break with imaginary mixing of the deck.

In the first case, we are talking about the fact that the deck is really shuffled thoroughly and completely, with the exception of the controlled card. In the second variant, the mixing is false. The magician seems to be making shuffling movements, but in fact the whole deck remains in the same order.

For successful implementation card tricks mastery of shuffle techniques different types, including false ones, surely!

The most commonly used version of the fake shuffle is the "Indian shuffle". Based on the strip shuffle technique, but performed only in the hands.

You can watch a video of training in shuffling cards at this address:

To show such tricks with cards, you will need specials. cards with special coated. You can order these

The first cards appeared in China in XII century. Once upon a time, card games in Russia were considered not godly and even illegal. But if you don't get too carried away with cards, don't play for money, but just entertain yourself by playing cards in good company - why not? If you dream of surprising your friends every time you play cards, learn how to beautifully shuffle the cards.

Let's look at some ways to shuffle a deck of cards.:

"Push-Move". In your right hand, you must put the entire deck, face down (to the palm). Then, with the thumb of your right hand from above, push several cards into your left hand. And again, with the thumb of your right hand, push the cards from the bottom of the deck in the left hand (e If you are left-handed, then initially place the deck on the left palm, and move the cards to the right).Thus, by colliding cards from above and below, the deck from the right hand will move to the left. To better reshuffle the cards, the process must be repeated from the beginning, again putting the cards face down on the right hand and moving them, colliding, on the left. Perhaps the first time such shuffling will seem difficult, the cards will fall out and crumble. But it takes a little practice - and everything will work out. Such shuffling looks spectacular, plus everything, the cards do not bend or deteriorate. This method is also suitable for shuffling a deck of tarot cards.

"Card method". Great for shuffling playing cards... Divide the deck in half. In both hands, take half of the deck, putting the cards face down (on the palm). The cards need to be mixed as they are lowered onto the table surface. That is, lifting the ends of the cards directed towards each other, one card is released from each half of the deck one by one. Then the connected deck is aligned. This way the cards curve a little in the middle. Sometimes this shuffling is also called "pigeon's tail", it is even used professional players... At the end of the shuffle, according to tradition, the bottom of the deck is pulled out and placed on the top. The deck mixes well with this method. It looks nice, but over time the cards can deteriorate.

"General mixing". This method will require some free space. You can use the table or spread the cards right on the floor. And there move them in a chaotic manner. This method is good because several people can participate in it. Thus, shuffling the cards becomes entertainment for the whole company.

Watch the video: how to beautifully shuffle a deck of cards

Learning to shuffle the cards beautifully is not difficult. One has only to practice a little. But then friends will be surprised at your sleight of hand!

Any card player, professional or amateur, knows perfectly well what a shuffling of cards is and how they should be shuffled. There are several main ways to mix cards:

Hand-to-hand (or soda) shuffling and grooved shuffle. The first method is most often used at home and has two types: up-down mixing and "jogging". In the first view, when the cards are shuffled, the bottom group of the deck is at the bottom. In the second, a slightly extended card or a group of cards is used to build a deck (in-jogs and out-jogs), shuffle over the pack.

At grooved shuffle use deck control, card or group control, ledge shuffling, grooved selection, assembly movement.

Another type of shuffle - "Pharaoh", where the alternation of cards occurs evenly from the two halves of the deck.

Shuffle (shuffle) is any mixing and movement of cards in order to create their unpredictable and indefinite output during the game. Shuffle is a preparatory procedure before the cards are dealt. The deck is thoroughly mixed and trimmed.

All dealer operations must be clear, the optimal speed when shuffling the cards is medium, and the pace is uniform. All this happens in front of the eyes of the players. Good and effective shuffling of cards involves a certain skill and dexterity of the dealer's hands and is sometimes a decisive factor in the outcome of the game.

The casino uses several basic types of shuffles: riffle, shaimi, strip.

V riffle shuffle shuffling of two halves of a deck of cards is used - this is a thorough and quick mixing.

V shaimi shuffle there is a chaotic mixing of cards.

Block mixing of cards, where 4 or more parts of the deck of cards are mixed with each other, is called strip shuffle.

Each shuffle is accompanied by a mandatory card alignment procedure and ends pruning... Pruning is the final step in the full shuffle cycle. It is performed by the dealer only once and strictly with one hand; at home, the deck is cut by the player sitting in front of the dealer.

The complete shuffling process is an alternation multiple shuffles, leveling and pruning and performed before each distribution. In the casino, the dealer mixes all the cards, after which the player is invited to cut them with a special cut card. Then the cards are folded into a special device called a "heel" or "shoe" from which the cards are taken to be dealt. In some cases, the first few cards from the "heel" are removed "face down". Previously played cards are put in a specially designated place. As soon as a scoring card comes out of the "heel", the current distribution is played out and the whole deck is shuffled again. Thus, the cards that are left behind the cut are not included in the game.

In the casino, and in Lately more and more often at home, special devices are used to shuffle cards - shuffle cars.

The machine effectively mixes a deck of cards in a fully automatic mode. With its help, the preparatory stage for the game is significantly accelerated and cheating at the stage of mixing cards is excluded. Convenience, practicality and reliability in using the shuffle machine guarantees fair distribution of cards to the home gaming tournament, high level of play and prestige.

The short answer to the question of how to properly shuffle a deck of cards is - carefully. It is necessary to destroy the existing chain of cards without leaving a single previous sequence. There are several methods. During official tournaments and in casinos, the classic methods are usually used. When holding private games, you can surprise the audience with the most exotic tricks.

Basic methods

- Traditional... This method is simple and anyone can do it. The deck is in the left hand. The right one takes part of the cards and gives them back to the left, but in a different order. The so-called "peeling" allows you to shuffle cards quite well at home.

- Faro (Fan)... A more complex method, it is often used by experienced croupiers. Keeping the cards in balance, they need to be divided into two approximately equal piles, joined by the edges according to the principle of a gear, bend in an arc and quickly mix through one. Looks impressive, but it takes practice and a solid deck.

- American variant(aka Sidebar and Rifle). Shuffle in the hands or on the table. The deck is bent up to 90 degrees and "folded" into the other hand by about half. Then bend both parts, holding the edge with your thumb. Quickly "shoot" at the map from each side, so that they are mixed.

- Strip... The deck is divided into blocks and then shuffled. There should be at least three parts, they are simply thrown on the surface of the table, one on top of the other, and so at least 7-8 times.

- Chemie... With a smooth movement, the croupier spreads the deck into two ribbon-like fans. After that, he simply mixes, distributing with his hands on the table in random order. Then he collects it in a pile.

- In indian... The deck is divided into blocks and mixed, as in the Strip variant, but not on the table, but while holding it in your hands.

Shuffle machine

Want to shuffle the cards so that everyone gasps? Learn to do this very quickly. But it is important to understand that there is always room for an unconscious mistake and a loophole for cheaters.

For example, when shuffling in parts, the dodger can shift required cards down, and after shuffling move them up again. There are dozens of such tricks.

To eliminate the human factor and mistrust, use a shuffle machine... This device will save you from the worries of how to properly shuffle cards. Everything will be done perfectly and quickly. There are both inexpensive amateur models and professional-grade options, usually they are built into the table.

Completing the shuffle

The preparation of cards for the game is not limited to shuffling. The dealer must align the deck. In home games, his role is usually played by the person who sits to the left of the dealer.

To do this, take a trim card, it is in most poker sets. It is placed under the pile, this will not allow accidentally "light up" the bottom card. The deck is sent to the "shoe" and from there it is handed over until only the trimmer remains.