Fallout 4 star core card. Quest "Star dispatcher" (DLC NUKA-WORLD). Scene Quest "World of Freshness"

We are looking for star kernels in Fallout 4

Star cores in the cinema "Star Light"

On the territory of this cinema you can find 4 star kernels, that's where to search for them:

  1. We go to the main hall and we are looking for a terminal there, the first star core is calmly lying on it;
  2. Next, we move to the toilet and looking for the body of the trigger, in close proximity to it you can find another kernel;
  3. Now we rise to the top floor, for this you will have to use the elevator, we are looking for a rack with equipment and take the kernel from there;
  4. Next, we descend again to the cinema and looking for the kitchen, it is in the kitchen that the fourth star kernel can be found.

In this location, the star kernel is found, now moving to other locations.

Star cores in the arena "Robko"

In this location, according to the "Star dispatcher", there are 6 star nuclei, it follows them in the following places:

  • If you face the entrance to the isna "timidly", then the room will be right, that's just 2 star kernels can be found in it;
  • If you go to the arena not from the main stroke, but from black, then you can straight straight to another kernel;
  • Another kernel can be found next to the most powerful robot;
  • The last 2 kernels are located on the arena itself, on which there are aggressive robots, but these robots can be turned off through the terminal.

Star nuclei in this location ended, go on.

Star nuclei in the location "Nuclear Galaxy"

Council: Before you go beyond the kernels in the "nuclear galaxy", replenish the stock of the ammunition and type more stimulants, they will be useful to you, because the whole building is simply teeming with robots.

In the location of the "Nuclear Galaxy" you can find 7 star nuclei, here are the locations of their location:

  • First of all, we go to the control room, it lies the first star core. The control room is immediately at the end of the stairs leading down, if you come from the main entrance;
  • After they took the first core, unfold, we find the cabin of red and the door next to it. This door is closed on the castle of a complex level, an office space and as many as 2 star kernels;
  • If you hang on the room in which there is kernels-Gerl, then you know the same kernel in it, it is on the terminal;
  • From the room in which Kedan-Gerl found, we go to the right, reach the stairs and go down to it until you stop, there you will see a rack with the equipment, here in it and there is a star core;
  • 2 more kernels are in the uppermost and the bottom of the building, in both cases, focus on the terminals, usually the kernels are located on them.

In this location, the kernel ended, moving on.

Star cores in the location of Volt-tech "among the stars"

Many are advised to start a search of this location from a black entrance, it is more convenient to look for the kernels, which in the location of 6 pieces.

  • Going from a black entrance, it is necessary to go constantly ahead, on your way there will be locked doors, but most often there will be tables in which there are keys from these doors. You need to stop in the room (which is still up to the atrium), in which there is a door that is closed on the "complex" level lock, the room in which you can find 3 star kernels;
  • Three more cores scattered on the location, first look in the laboratory, the second must be sought for a break in the wall and the third kernel in the location of the Volt-tech "among the stars" is located on the main exhibition, to find it a good exposition, you need to look for a cliff, it will be The door, it is closed on a complex castle, but on the territory of the location you can find the key from this door, so unpain the door and take the latest kernel out of the room.

Now it remains to find the latest kernels, which are scattered in all sectors of the "Nuclear World".

Quest " Star dispatch» Performed during the passage of the story quest "Big Tour", additions to Fallout 4 NUKA-WORLD. During this quest, you need to know the history of the Galaxy sector, repair the central computer, with a passing sector capture for the main quest.


Passage of the quest "Star dispatcher"

This quest begins immediately like the main character Suitable for the "Galaxy" sector. The execution of this quest allows one of the tasks of the story quest "Big Tour", namely, "capture the zone" Galaxy ".

Task # 1: View the battlefield.

Going to the entrance to the "Galaxy" zone, you will see the battlefield where the bodies of merchants and robots lie. After examining this place of the battle, it will become clear that the merchants shot out from robots, in an attempt to escape from them, but it did not work out. Among them, you can find a girl Tian Alston, in the inventory of which she lies her diary, you need to pick it up and in the next task to get acquainted with its contents.

Task # 2: Read the Tian Diary.

In the diary of Tian Alston's girls, only two records, in the first she tells what he walks with his father to the zone "Galaxy", she likes that all the workers' attractions, but it is very sad for that the park is disassembled on scrap metal, he immediately wants to ask that Tian again wants Sit "Star dispatcher" and hope that the central computer still works.

The second record is very messy, Tiana writes that they wanted to run the park, but the nuclei did not have enough, but Tiana warned someone about it, but he did not listen. A girl is afraid of someone, because he writes that with the onset of the night, they will try to break down to the gate, as we took a diary from the dead body, then they didn't have a little bit.

Passing the quest becomes clear that she warned her father, because all the star nuclei was very difficult, and feared robots that came out of control and attacked merchants.

Task # 3: Space the "Star Dispatcher".

Tiana mentioned the computer called the "Star dispatch", you need to find it, because most likely, it is somehow connected with this attack of robots on merchants. When you go to the "galaxy" be careful, because the robots will immediately attack you, it will be Mr. Penka, Robboke, Nadrontron-Guardian, as well as laser turrets are installed at the entrance. As you move on the "galaxy", you will continue to attack robots, shooting from them reaching the "core-space", in the spaceport zone, the composition of your enemies will expand, will be more turrets, drifts will be added, and some unknown, nimble novotrons.

As a result, we reach the central building in the marker, this is the center of the Galaxy zone management center, in the center of the room there is an elevator and judging by the marker, you are just there, but if you want to know the history of the Galaxy sector and get more information about the "Star Dispatcher" sector , Hug a room to the left of the entrance and read the reports in the terminal.

From these reports, it becomes clear that the Star Dispatcher computer was designed to manage all sector robots, time was going, the number of robots increased and then the number of accidents and problems with robots and technique began to increase. It became clear that the "Star dispatch" simply does not cope with the load, they reported to the leadership, but it did not respond, the load increased and increased and increased it to the catastrophe.

After reading this information, we leave the room and go down the stairs to the floor below, because there are no electricity in the "galaxy". Open the glass door and enter the room where the Star Dispatcher is located.

Task # 4: View a central computer.

When approaching the central computer, the main character will stumble on the Tian Father's corpse. When you try to enter the main terminal of the "Star dispatcher", a message will appear that at least 1 star kernel is needed, it's good that along the way they came across enough, so we insert the kernel and the job reboot the computer.

Task # 5: Reload the central computer.

When trying to reboot, it turns out that one star nucleus is not enough, but you need to 35 pieces, and it takes 20 pieces to fully repair a computer, taking into account the already installed 19 more pieces. Star kernels are scattered throughout the location, taking into account the fact that the location is full of enemies, to look for them in the muro and dangerous. In the future, you can find out from the computer that the kernels are located in the following places:

  • 5 pieces. - Arena "Robko";
  • 4 things. - Cinema "Star Light";
  • 6 pcs. - Exposition "Volt-Tech: Among Stars";
  • 6 pcs. - in the sector;
  • 5 pieces. - Located outside the "Galaxy".

So you need to go and search for these kernels.

Task # 6: Consider a central computer.

For the fixing of the central computer, there are enough 20 star nuclei, so it is gradually as you find them, go to the "Star dispatcher" and install them, as you can install with the help of a computer, deactivate certain types of robots.

In this guide, we will inform the location of the star nuclei, and also explain the best way to perform this task.

To begin with, you need to open the main quest "Big Tour", which is divided into a series of quests, part of which is the Quest "Star dispatcher". To fulfill it, you need to go to the part of the map called "Galaxy". This is a medium-sized quest due to the fact that the opponents will be strong robots and protectors, something like enemies from DLC "Mechanics".

Your task is to get through with the battles to the central zone of "Galaxy", where you will see the X-01 quantum power armor, it has improved protection and increases the player's actions glasses, so you obviously stand for it to compete:

Behind it, there is a server from which too many boards (star nuclei) pulled out, because of what he failed, and the robots were crazy. To start it, it will take at least 1 star core, which can be inserted into any free block. It is lying next to the corpse of Kendel Alston:

Make it and go to the terminal in the depths of the room, located behind the power armor so that the central computer reboots. It will report that automatic repair is possible for which it is required to find 20 star nuclei:

  • seven of them are scattered directly on the territory of the "Galaxy Zone", at this level;
  • seven other can be found in the building "Nuclear Galaxy";
  • four lie at the Star Light Cinema;
  • six can be found in the exposition "Volt-Tech: among stars";
  • the following six can be found on the "Rob Co. arena;
  • the last five lie in other sectors of the game world.
As you can see, you can find 35 nuclei, so the search for 20 of them should be light. Well, everything is so simple. First of all, you must find 20 star nuclei and install them in special slots. Immediately you can turn off the protective mode and the robots will cease to be aggressive, and, on the contrary, will become best friends.

Last Star Core HiddenYou can only pick it up after the completion of the quest with 20 cores: Equipment Equipment on the second floor of the "Star dispatch" room, go to it and climb up the last kernel.
As soon as you find all 35 star nuclei and install them, the computer will open the protective window in which it is worth power armor "Kvant" X-01, and you can pick it up. We recommend collecting first 34 kernels, because I pass the quest for 20 cores, markers and location counters will disappear, so you have to look for the remaining kernels blindly.

The cinema "Star Light" offers four star kernels:

  • Go to the main hall and carefully inspect the large terminal - it lies the kernel.
  • Now go to the kitchen, it is to the right of the entrance, look for the kernel behind the locked door, beware of turvers.
  • One more lies in the room at the top level where you can climb on the elevator, by the way, two, but not a single role play.
  • The last kernel should be sought in the toilet, to the left of the entrance, near the body of the merchant.
The building of the nuclear galaxy with seven star nuclei can be searched in two ways. The first assumes a frontal attack and a good skill hacking complex locks to open every next room. To achieve the second, the jetpak will need to climb the roof, find the key for the rooms and move down to the exit.
  • If you entered the first way, you first need to get into a small control room, in which there are two nuclei. To do this, climb on a long ramp staircase, to the left of the entrance, until you refer to the room with two protector.
  • To get into it you need to go to the next room, the door right under the control room is closed on a complex lock and is located behind the Red Cabin. Broasting the castle, you will find yourself in the office, on the second floor of which two cores lie.
  • Right opposite this door there is another control room with a starry core, if you do not have the skill of hacking locks, then look for the key, there are several at the level.
  • The next your goal is a room with a nuclear-girl, look for a key and star core on the terminal. If you came on top, then it will be your first kernel, then go back.
  • Now move from the statue of the nuclear-girl to the right, against the directions of Monorail (look at the rockets), to the big planet around which monorails goes. Fuck turons and protectors. The kernel is hidden in a snack, where monorail leaves below. There is still someone skeleton lies.
  • Come in the space where monorail leaves below. From here you can jump in the power armor or go down the stairs into a huge hall, similar to the surface of someone else's planet. Pass the hall to the end and look for the terminal with the kernel on the stairs leaving up;
  • Come in the nearest room and come back on the elevator, turn right and now up the narrow corridor, then again straight and up until it is stumbled upon the terminal with a kernel protected by two galatrons.
In the "Arena Rob Co." building, six cores, they can be quickly found, but for this you need a powerful gun, we can escape heavy robots:
  • Directly from the entrance, go straight to the spectator room, but do not go down, and turn left and moving along the walls. Find the hidden door "only for personnel only" by opening the control room with two cores.
  • Now leave this area and go straight to the robots arena, after which turn left into technical tunnels. Look for the kernel B. souvenir shopIt just lies on the shelf, the store next to the black move and the exit sign.
  • Immediately then move in the opposite direction on tunnels, to the room leading down. Looking for the core in the terminal, in the very deaf corner of this room, but pre-destroy all robots.
  • To get the last two kernels need to go into the arena. Cards will see immediately how to enter. At the same time, the Arena flashes and you will have to survive and destroy the four waves of powerful robots. Just in case you will preserve.
The following six star nuclei should be sought in the "Volt-Tech: Among Stars" building, but it is necessary to act carefully:
  • As soon as you get to the level, do not sit down in the elevator, but move the right, by the attraction, and forward. Having achieved a plot with large stone boulders and a bunch of protectors, kill them, and then look for the door in the snack, you can only find it near, it is not visible from afar. You will find the kernel by opening the door.
  • Further move along the path past the "Refuge" layout until you find a living room. On this site there will be a lot of doors, followed by concrete walls, do not be distracted by them, all you need is to move straight and straight. Carefully inspect the living room, it has a door closed on the castle, hack it and find a room with a star core and a nuclear block.
  • Do not go far, another starry kernel lies in a room with a high level of radiation. Now you can go to the main entrance.
  • To open a service room, you need to find the key of the Volt-Tech employee, there are several of them at the level. Open the door and immediately left - go to the main observation center. There you will find three star kernels and a large bin with supplies.
Star kernels on the territory of the galaxy zone are scattered in different places, and for the search for the five last nuclei, it is necessary to search the entire card at all, so it is best to see their location in the following videos:
As soon as you find all the kernels, fill the sockets with these "motherboards" and you fulfill the quest!

Fallout 4 developers have created an exciting "nuclear world". This is an ordinary amusement park that was destroyed. nuclear war. Now there are horrible creatures there and the robbers are dominant. Players are provided with a unique opportunity to visit the Park of Entertainment and become the head of the Raiders gang. But to achieve the goal, players need to successfully complete all missions. One of the tasks in the game is the collection of star nuclei. Today we will tell, for what they need and where they can be found.

During the passage of the Mission "Star Dispatcher" in location called "Galaktika" you need to run a heavy duty computer. But this is possible only after all the kernels are collected. In the park they are scattered thirty five. These are a variety of chips and boards, without which the computer does not start at all power. For the collection of all the star nuclei, the player as a bonus will receive a quantum C-01 V. Tip about how many items and where to find the nuclei to see their location in the terminal.

You can find one of them in the same place where the Star Dispatcher is located. After determining what is necessary, you can go further to search for other star nuclei. First of all, it is necessary to search for the Locations "Galaxy", as you can collect there are still six nuclei.

So, for the second core, you need to rise in the same building, where the "Star dispatch" is located. To do this, climb the next level. The kernel is located in a shop window. But in order to open it, the keys will need. You can find them in the next room.

See also: Fallout 4: time on the outcome

The third star core lies in the backyard of the building. You can pick up the chip near the killed merchant.

Not far from the "nuclear galaxy" is a tower. Here on it and there is a next star core.

Then you need to approach the red booth, which is located near the entrance to the "Nuclear Galaxy". There is a fifth microcircuit. You can only get it to get it only after the successful completion of all the main tasks, which are supposed to be in the plot.

The last two cores in this zone can be found near the attractions on which ArcJetg-Force and SpaceWalk is written. In the zone "Galaxy" there is no longer a chip and the following will have to go to the exhibition "Among the Stars".

At the exhibition called "Among Stars" you can collect six star nuclei. In order to find the first three cores, you need to go through a secret move, served that input for guests and go through the very end. On the left side there is a locked door. In order to open it, you need to hack the castle. Then proceed to the stairs leading down. The keys will come across the way, they must be collected. The kernels are behind one door with a complex lock.

The next kernel is in the laboratory. In order to open the door to it, you need to use the keys that were collected along the way. You can also find a key that opens the door to the control room and the nuclear unit. After that, it is necessary to return to the room where the first three cores were found, and find the hole in the wall. It will have a big level of radiation and one more, fifth star core. After that, you need to go to the exhibition and open one of the numerous doors. The sixth kernel is behind the stone. Zeta is needed to go to search in the "nuclear galaxy", there you can replenish the collection of the nuclei and collect more seven more pieces.

See also: Gun games in Fallout 4

Seven star nuclei in the "nuclear galaxy"

Just like in the "Galaxy" location, seven cores can be collected here. Pick the first can be immediately in the control center. After that, it is necessary to find the door that is behind the red cabin, and hack the castle. The second microcircuit lies at the next level, in the room behind this door. The third kernel can be found nearby in the room for monitoring all systems. The next kernel will be found in the same room where there was a protective suit for female character. The fifth core can be found by passing the hall where the planets are located. And between the small office, located in the corridor, and the entrance to the attraction, you can find the latter two nuclei at the exhibition. Then you need to go to the cinema, there are four more fees.

The cinema, though it does not have a large territory, there will be four chips to launch a supercomputer. One of them can be taken in the central room, lies the kernel directly on the terminal. Then you need to go to the toilet. Near the truck's corpse take the next stellar core. The third is located in the kitchen room, and for the latter will have to climb the top floor of the cinema. Thus, by visiting the cinema, it remains to collect the last five microcircuits.

Five star nuclei in different zones

It remains to collect the last five boards. All of them are scattered in various zones of amusement park. One can detect one of them on the square where the market is located. There is he in the "nuclear tauna". Looking for the market, find the kernel on one of the numerous counters. Behind the next core, you need to go to the "World of Freshness". The kernel lies near the body of a dead soldier. Then, in the "Nuclear Arcade" it is necessary to find a hangar, there, in a small office there is another star core. The latter fee is found in the "dry gorge", near the salon of the dock of phosphate.

NUKA-WORLD (cores of the world) is the last official add-on For the game Fallout 4 and is a huge flock of amusement park with many quests. Unfortunately downloading this DLC not all gamers know where to find the cores of the world And how to go through all her quests. Therefore, this article will be devoted to the passage of the Nuclear Fallout 4, ranging from its location and ending with the results of the main quests.

How to get into the nuclei of the world

Find the cores of the world is quite simple, but before that you should prepare. First of all, you need to stock as much as possible cartridges, bars, stimulants and antiordin. These resources are extremely necessary, since the nuclei of the world is filled with various gangsters, guys, closed doors, traps and high radiation. Also, for the successful passage of all quests, your level should be at least 30, and hacking over 50. High charisma will also not be superfluous.

By collecting all the resources and reaching the required level, you can start searching for the entrance to the nuclei of the world. To do this, turn on the "Nuclear-Cola" radio station, which will appear immediately after installing the DLC. Listening to the radio station, on the western edge of the map will appear new mark « Transit Center Nuclear World"Where you need to go. Reaching the center, you will come across a group of bandits, to deal with which will not work.

Next, go down to the subway, in which you will meet Harvey, which will try to make you trap. Harvey can be launched at high skill Charizma choosing a red level of dialogue. No matter how the dialogue does not end, Harvey in any case will give you the code from the monorans, which will take you into the nuclei of the world.

Testing and batter fight

So, with the help of express you drove to the nuclei of the world, but before getting into the bulk of the location, you must pass the so-called "tests". More on the way to express you will contact by a man named Gage, who will warn you about the trap. Next, the geege will say that if you pass the test, he will give good work. To pass tests you must do the following:
  1. Go through the first room with a bunch of hostile turvers. You can destroy them by running and shooting turons first from the left, and then from the right wall.
  2. In the second room you will be expected a lot of traps and a fragile wooden bridge at the end.
  3. When climbing the stairs, you will reach up to three red doors, and two of them lead to a trap. By safe door will be leftAfter passing through which you can enter the arena.

In the arena you will meet boss Hollerwhich will be offered to fight with you. To defeat the boss and his impenetrable armor Take a water pistol in one of the lockers on the Gage advice. As soon as the battle is started, spray the arms of the colter. Thus, a closure will occur, and you can break through the protection with the help of ordinary weapons. For the victory you will be prescribed a boss gang instead of the killed colter - tests are passed.

Combining three gangs

By completing the tests, you can go into one of the six main areas called the "Nuclear City". Only in the area there are three beds, operators, adepts, and to attach them to themselves will need to persuade all bosses separately. Each of the bosses has its own preferences to be used in the dialogue with them:
  • The pack believes that the boss can only become the strongest, so you have to prove it. Starier's leader Mason.
  • Operators will go for you only because of the big money. Head of Maggie Black operators.
  • Adepts simply want to hack everyone left and right - promise them such an opportunity. The leader of the Adepts Niche.

Thus, you combine three gangs of the district, and the Gage will become your right hand. After that, you can start capturing the rest.

District Galaxy

The capture of the entire nuclei of the world can be started with the Galaxy area, which controls the computer. To activate it, you must collect all 35 star nuclei scattered on five unique rides. If you do not want to collect the nuclei, then just read the area from all opponents and thereby the "galaxy nuclei" will be captured.

District Children's Kingdom

This area is almost completely covered with high radiation, so it is desirable to stock up with a large number of antiordin. The main opponents in the children's kingdom are Guli, but this is not the most important danger for you. To capture the area and get to the "leader-commentator" Oswald you will have to go through three buildings: Pavilion laughter, tunnel, theater. At the end you will reach the gole on the estate of Oswald. To capture the area you need to kill or release Oswald, as well as post your banner on the flagpole next to him.

District disassembly in a dry gorge

To post your flag in this area you must execute the quest robot Sheriff-Jastreb. On the task you need to find three ciphers that are at robots named scout, one-eyed Ayk and Phosphate dock. You can get data ciffers in two ways: with the help of the ability of the "expert on robots" or by completing the tasks for everyone. After that, on the flooring of the sheriff, you must climb into the cave and kill all the crotching there. After completing all the tasks, post the flag on the flagpole located on the roof of the facility next to the sheriff.

District World Freshness

In the area, everything is simple. It is enough just to clean the whole plant from various opponents, in particular cerebral nuclear. Clearing the area, climb by the lift to the roof of the plant, and find the flagpole.

Safari district

Reaching the Safari area you will immediately see the Character of Cito, which fights the monster. Help quoto and after the victory, talk to him. During the conversation, you can ask for help from the gorillas in the clearance of location. Next, clean all goals, and come back to cyto, which will tell about the American hill. Reaching the top of the American slide, you will be able to find Heine's corpse and passwords from the doors you need. Returning to the center of reception of guests (where cyto is located) Open the door where the crocodocrify will be located. To take the area under the control, you must convince the cyto to go for you or leave. If he refuses, you will have to kill him and all his gorillas. Regardless of the choice of cyto, pick up the roof of the reception center and post your flag there. Everything, the last location is captured.

Occupation of the Commonwealth and Bunt Suppression

Now you have to fulfill the promise that has given the raiders, and capture several settlements of the Commonwealth. Capture can be carried out both peacefully and military. At the same time, from the choice of gang for capturing and settlement will depend on who the riot will raise against you. After all, at the end of the gross wars, one of the gang of raiders will be dried against you. Destroying all the rioters, you will get full control over gangs, and all scene missions The cores of the world will be passed.

By summing up

Now you know the whole process passage of the Nuclei of the World Fallout 4. It is worth noting that the minitmen faction will not be delighted with your raider actions and their relationship with you will be significantly reduced. Therefore, it is desirable to try to seize the settlements by the peaceful way that the relationship does not deteriorate in any way. Good luck in NUKA-WORLD!