Dungeon Raiders. In underground corridors. Overview of the Board Game "Dungeon Race" Dungeon Raiders Board Game

"Packers of the Dungeons" - a card board game about the adventures of heroes, battles with monsters and search for wealth in a multi-level location. The five-storey dungeon is tatting a lot of rooms with artifacts and gold, traps and monsters. Immersing further in darkness behind the treasures, players try to calculate the moves of rivals and return alive and rich.

Prestigious awards and nominations

  • 2013 BoardGames Australia Awards. - 1st place
  • 2012 Boardgamer.ru.
  • 2011 Boardgamer.ru. - Laureate in the nomination Best Filler

Simple short dungeon game

Despite the scale of location (5 rooms on each of the 5 floors) and random construction of the dungeon (light / dark rooms) The "Crowders" game is distinguished by ease of rules and mechanics variability: dropping cards can be secretly or open. Fast, No. fascinating game For 2-4 adventurers tired soon, and each of the adventures promises to be rich and bright.

Exciting philler

Always a newly created dungeon includes 4 types of rooms:

  • treasures (1 or 2 chest);
  • monsters (with different indicators of force);
  • trap (magnetic, cobblestone, lava, with spikes);
  • cache (torch, ball, key, sword).

I search for traps and treasures adventure is not limited. At the end of the 5th floor of the 5th floor of the dungeon of surviving heroes expects no one else like a boss! Map of the main monster has its own unique advantages. Do not be bored!

Rules of the game

Like any game of dungeons and monsters "Dungeon Raiders" requires preparation: Create a deck of dungeons, distribute a number of floors, choose a character, picking up the card for strength and objects.

Going to the dark labyrinth, the heroes go through the room at the room in which they are:

  • Place the cards (the higher the rate of force, the better, because the treasure will take the strongest, and the damage will get weak).
  • Recharge the effect of the room (treasure, monster, trap or cache).
  • Go out of the room (reset the map).

At the end of the campaign, the player with the smallest indicator of life drops out, and the most resistant and rich is considered the winner.

Who will like

"Crowders of the Dungeons" will be interested in lovers of duchsher walks on dungeons, connoisseurs of strategic adventure games and all those who do not like long rules and complex training. You can play an exciting card filler in the company of friends or in a family circle (from 8 years old).

Indecent treasures, gold bags and other jewels on a centuries-old tradition hide deeply under the ground, in secret dungeons for boring creaky doors. Terrible monsters looking for in the gloomy corridors of peace and privacy in the gloomy corridors become the keepers of the boys of yellow metal rounds and mold covered with mold. Do not conduct a trick, monsters are engaged in a new place and lead a dimension lifestyle until uninvited guests appear. Today on a pink sofa - a monstracial desktop game Dungeon Raiders (Dungeon Croppers).

Thirst for profit leads under the land of brave heroes of all stripes. Each of them is ready without tired of dragging the treasures on his back, the first to break into secret rooms with riches and the last to fight with monsters, carefully watching the feats of their comrades. The main rule of the raised discrepancy of the dungeons is politeness.

Entering an unfamiliar corridor, always skip friends forward, because death traps can be in darkness. Do not allow the ladies to drag heavy load on the back - in the production section, take yourself a majority of gold and jewels, be gentlemen in everything!

In order to make a descent in the dungeon, you will need a small, laid out by a stone masonry, a box with a skepting of tokens and a stack of cards. Modest, but a fairly detailed scheme of underground corridors is applied to the kit ...

A decadent fearless, charming, selfless and cute monsters (Lower range) will have to face five of harmful and insidious heroes, which illuminate the total darkness with their bright torches (top row).

Eleven bosses tremble relate to the inviolability of their homes and ask a good beat of anyone who dare to break their peace. These characters will appear only "under the curtain" of the adventure and make the hearts of someone else's ownership will make tremble.

In the corridors, dungeons researchers will find gold chests, caches with all sorts of useful artifactsAlso, they will meet a variety of deadly traps.

Go to such a dangerous journey is necessary fully equipped, you never know what to meet you on the way. Adventures are available four types of items that can help the knight in shaking armor to deceive their teammates.

Its income comrades for arms and rivals on the production section will be celebrated on individual tracks of achievements using cards. The dungeon leads five doors, the corresponding number of cards will indicate the inputs into the gloomy world.

With the help of the handstone of round cardboard tokens, players celebrate the vitality of the characters. It makes no sense to focus on them, since the path of the warrior is too brief, from the depths of the dungeon, not all will return, and remember the missing comrades in the circle of friends is considered a bad tone. Also in the box there are 25 card cards, but you will see them soon.

I go out one in the corridor

Before you start a trip, select yourself a character, take the specified number of lives, mark the starting capital and take a special subject. For example, "Researcher" keeps the torch in the hands, has three coins and eight lives. Then give each player to five power cards with the values \u200b\u200bfrom "1" to "5".

Preparation of the five dump devices are intricate, mysterious, mad, chaotic and not amenable to no brief descriptionSo read about it in an ancient manuscript attached to the box. Lost from the dungeon, lay out stacks of objects - their researchers of the dungeons will have to be found in cache.

The journey lasts five rounds, in each of which the extreme left stack of the corridor is revealed, part of the cards in which is open, and part is closed. In each corridor there are five rooms in which players will go alternately from left to right. The torch allows you to view the folding card down the map before the voting starts. Of course, it is necessary to do it in secret from rivals (or rather, weapon comrades).

Treasure hunters simultaneously play with the hands on one power card with a picture down, then open. The first explores the room (gets bonuses) the holder of the maximum value further - descending. With the same force, mining is divided equally. Then voting cards go to personal reset and return to hand only at the end of the round (before visiting the next corridor). The room is reset, and the group bravely trembling heroes is included in the next ...

In the cache, each player receives a bonus in accordance with the meaning on the played map. For example, "Unit" brings its host coin; Playing "Troika" earns one life.

Treasure chests will only get the most prompt players who have posted maximum values \u200b\u200bof power cards. The obtained coins are marked on a special scale. If you are lucky, and capital will pass for the "ten" gold, turn over the upper marker, adding an extra "zero" to your state. For more than twenty coins you will not earn - you will not have time.

As I mentioned earlier, you calmly live in the dungeon and go to each other for a cup of potions of various monsters, whose peace you are so unceremoniously broken. Of course, they must be destroyed, as the heroes always fight with monsters, and those, in turn, eat uncompatible heroes. The general strength of the attack team should exceed the numerical value on the enemy's shield (depends on the number of players).

Since the smart warrior tries to save a card with a high indicator, and, as a true gentleman, misses his comrades to the enemy, then quite often the monster wins. In this case, damage (indicated on the right on the monster's card) receives the owner of the minimum value of force.

Some traps act on all dudders of the dungeon, some - only on the richest. You are waiting for those who fall from the ceiling stones, powerful magnets, poisonous spikes and streams of lava. In a word, you will not be bored.

In the last room, the adventures survived in this collapse wait for the boss, which will try to deliver the soldiers a lot of trouble before they come out on daylight. But on this, the difficulties of the dungeons do not end.

It is not enough to earn a bag of coins and pull it into the light, you need to have a good health, which, as you know, do not buy. Heroes consider the number of wounds on their bodies and the most wounded of them goes to "the light", without having survived the emotional shock. It's time to calculate the capital and define the winner who ruthlessly selects all the gold itself (such is the custom of dungeons).

Passing the fifth corridor

A fun and unfair game in which the chances of survival are not so great, and a fearful shoulder comrade will push you in the section of another wealth. In the dungeon, monsters will be happy to tear off from the vanity body of the hunter to someone else's good a couple of limbs, the stones will suck the remains of the hero to the state of the "pancake", and Lava will incite the remains, spreading the ashes in the most remote corners of the dungeon. In short, you are waiting for the romance of real adventures without embellish, a friendly team of comrades in arms, a lot of terrible monsters and the grim horror of underground corridors! According to the developers, the game will be perfectly replaced by the order of the children's "fairy tale for the night" ...

Since the "Crowders of the Dungeons" is a game of voting and peculiar bets, then try to save the card forces of the larger nominal for rooms with treasures and do not fly at the end of the squad during a fight with a monster. Do not despair if the rivals rewarded unpretentious wealth - insidious traps will fix the situation and deprive the "wealthy heroes" of the solid part of the amount, giving the chances of being lagging behind the leader. The boss does not greatly affect the situation, nevertheless, will deliver a team of several unpleasant moments.

It is necessary to go down to the dungeon in the company of adequate arms associates with a developed sense of humor. Otherwise, there are all the chances of getting a midwife on the head from the too emotional player. Parties flow fun, preliminary preparation from newly well-known explorers is not required. "Dungeon Raiders" is entertainment game For adequate adventurers.

The game is provided for the review of the St. Petersburg table game stores "Gaga.ru" whose sellers will provide qualified assistance in the selection and choosing the goods you are interested in.

A little about my meeting with the game .

With this game, but under the foreign name "Dungeon Raiders", I have known for a long time. My first edition with another design, which you can judge the photo with BoardGameGeek.com was purchased at German Amazon.

The design was pretty simple, cartoon. Someone liked, someone is not, but on average it was rated as normal.

In terms of the gameplay, again, the reviews were moderate, the second batch immediately after the first one did not offer. Personally, I sin on cards with english text, whose properties exactly knew only I (although I translated it out loud constantly).

It is due to the moderation in the estimates of my game partners the game had to sell (and I advise everyone to do it - leave only the best in the collection).

But let's return to the second edition ...

What is inside?

The box rose twice compared to the first edition. The first change that rushes into the eyes is tokens live. Very dense and comfortable, by the way.

The overall style varied, which is called, categorically. Beauty rusted from each card. Undoubtedly, the game began to look richer and tastier (again, by surveying players).

The method of counting gold from the first version has not changed. There are two cards: "Lestenka" and "bag". With the help of the second card, we cover the first so that the latter can be seen the number of coins that hero speaks now. If the coins are greater than 10, then turn the card with the bag, and there already "+10" is drawn. Everything is simple.

Heroes in their properties from each other in the game will not differ, but everyone has different starting set: Someone has more money, someone lives, and someone has additional disposable action cards.

Standard for each player a set of cards. The digit on the map displays the power of the hero action.

Disposable action cards. The torch allows you to view dark cards, the sword can be played in battle with a monster, the key is played in the deregious treasure, and the crystal ball allows you to predict the actions of other heroes.

This set is obtained by a player before the start of the party: a character and life on it, a bag with money and actions of action in hand.

The photo above shows the rooms of the rooms with which our heroes will have to face. There are traps, chests, and monsters, and useful warehouses. What and when comes, unknown. Sometimes, to learn about the contents of the room, when you already come to her.

But these cards in the first edition was not. Before you, bosses cards. One such boss is selected for each batch that adds a variety game. The scenes in the bosses will be varied from being proven to quite standard, but unique properties will not be represented.

How to play?

Adventure players are waiting for an unforgettable feeling in visiting late. \u003d) The main task of each of them is to collect as much as possible treasures and at the same time do not die. For one party will have to go through 5 levels, each of which will have 5 rooms.

Part of the rooms will be open, part is turned over. Hidden rooms will open when the heroes reach it, not before. For the curious there is a way to spit the room in advance (play torch card at any time of the game). To enter the rooms will be consistently from left to right. As you can see on the example, the first treasure chest meets first of us.

To pick up treasure yourself, you need to play a map of the action as much as possible with a large face value. Action Maps Players are played at the same time - put a shirt on the table upwards, and then two times or three and turned over (the cards are so played for everyone (!) Rooms). On this photographic, the player who played the top five, counts 4 treasures to himself.
Important! Played maps are not returned to the next level.

In case of deregulation, the treasures can be used by a special key card (if you have it). She is disposable, but this is a top five and saves the map in hand. For example, two adventures need to be divided into half the contents of a large chest, and the playing unit takes one treasure from a small chest unhindered.

If there is a creature or monster in the room, then adventure will fight with it. For victory, it is necessary to apply a certain amount of effort, expressed in the maps of action. In this example, it is necessary that 3 players in the amount scored 8 forces, but it did not succeed, so the snake joins for 3 years of who posted less than everyone (who put a one).

During the battle, you can play a sword with my hands, it replaces the top five. There is also such a tricky card as a crystal ball. It allows you to see what other players played, and then put it wanted. For example, in example above, we can save the top five, playing the fourth and defeating the monster.

In the dungeons there are also caches, where you can replenish your life, get some treasures or solve special objects (cards of objects). It doesn't matter here, who will take, if there are cards in stock, will be enough for everyone.

The most brutal rooms that are in this game - traps cards. Here the richest losing money, the most enduring losing their lives, and sometimes everyone is losing something together. Condition for successful activation are cards of action. Basically, the condition looks like this: "To the trap worked and take something from someone, you need at least one played ... (unit, twice, triple and so on)." Moreover, the degree of damage depends on the smallest or largest card played. Here is an example - a trap with spikes. If at least someone plays the top three, then all the players will lose one life, two - 2 lives, one - half of their lives are deprived.

At the end of the way, the boss is waiting for us. You can play two cards at once. Each boss has its own properties (for example, you can successfully play against the Sphinx crystal balls). The rest are no different from the monsters.

After the players passed all 5 levels, proceed to the calculation of points. But first of the calculation will have to exclude the weakest adventure (who has fewer lives). So whether you are rich at least three times, but weak, it is a deliberately loss. Wins the richest of survivors.

"We go as if together, but we will consider gold to count separately." Under this slogan passes the game party in the "Dungeon Races". \u003d) You wander in the company of nonsense, which remain like to make you a dirtyness and even cry, if you do not reach the finish. The battle with monsters passes so, if only it is not to determine. The author of the game was invented by an excellent rule that the monster beats the most lazy. \u003d) For me, it is so logically to interpret the meeting with the monster so: who fastened the faster, he was not touched. And slowly caught and broke.

Happiness zolotishko or save strong map on battle? There is no unambiguous answer, you need to follow the balance. Total 5 cards per level, but every move is a serious dilemma for the player. Whether it is healthier as possible and as richer as possible. The most healthy and rich will turn out, believe me, in exceptional cases. And even if it turns out, there are so many cards to change this status, which will not have to relax.

Azart, approximate calculation of the situation, the constant adoption of vital decisions is the key to the success of the "Dungeon rates". In my company, the work colleagues game went with a bang. Some of them like the point, some really consider risks ... I don't know if the players feel the atmosphere of the game? For example, I very brightly perceive the situation on the field and my fantasy works very brightly, when someone lowered a trap or brought a snake. A little difficult to fantasize on the topic, how the power is used in the degree of the contents of the chests (although it is to rewrite the rules and remake the key in the potion of speed ...), but this is not the problem of the game. \u003d)

For the Teller (I'm silent about roleviks) the topics of the game, you can say, Popsova, although for non-chames the theme is normal. All Raisins B. game mechanicswhich you will not meet in the classic representatives of the genre "take a walk in the dungeons, I make mend what is there." From this mechanics I frankly dragging, the author can be proud of.

In one evening you may seem that one party is not enough (we, for example, it is so) and it is quite normal if we take into account that with knowledgeable rules The party takes place in 30 minutes.

Total I can say that the new edition is more beautiful, more interesting at the expense of bosses and at least this time has received support from my game partners.

You can buy the game on Gaga.ru, time to the New Year's table, which is essentially best time For alert.

Still, how many people pull to get into the dark dungeon. Though it is scary there because of the hordes of the toothast monsters, wandering along confusing corridors smelling dampness, but fear nothing, and the thirst for adventures is all (the motto of all adventure). And if you drank gold like in the depths of the dungeon, it was generally wonderful to go - says any hero who is not sitting at home. How many games have already invented about the descent in the dungeon! Hundreds, probably, if not thousands.

I will reveal the secret - I adore the games about the dancenes. I like the feeling of anxiety when you do not know what is waiting for you by turning and whether the fellow trap found is a trap. And what cool montorar in the dungeons! There you are goblins, skeletons, and zombies, and bats, vampires, and dragons of all the masters.

About one of these games I want to tell you today. It is called Dungeon Raiders.. At the beginning of this year, a chain of desktop games Gagagames. Released this interesting about the dancer the game in Russian. It is about this location and will be discussed in this review.

Cards from the head

I have long served weakness to card games. I wonder how the crafts, airplanes, weapons, tunnels, monsters, heroes, etc. Dungeon Raiders. (DR) entirely consists of cards - cards, dungeons, objects, characters, treasures, bosses, etc.

About each type of cards will tell a little more:

1) Cards of dungeons.

Players will come down in the dungeon to find a bunch of treasure. The dungeon is divided into 5 levels, each of which is closed by the door. Before the game, all these levels need to be prepared in advance. To do this, all the cards of the dungeons are mixed, 6 cards are retracted to the box, half the remaining cards turn the face up, the deck is mixed again, and then all maps are folded on the table in 5 stacks. In order to start your journey through dark tunnels, it is enough to take the first pile and put all the cards from this stack in a row. Some cards will be open, because When we prepared a deck, then turned the half of the cards, and we can see partially what awaits us at this level.

On the cards of the dungeon can be caught: monsters. (you need to fight with them) trap (You need to dodge them). hidden treasures (they need to collect), cainies (They are purchased with useful things).

2) Power cards.

For such a loud name, only cards are hidden with numbers from 1 to 5. Each player takes on one map of each nominal. When players enter the room (i.e., look into the most extreme left level card), then they are required to play on the same power card back. When all players do this simple action, the power cards are turned over and the room is played out.

If the room was a treasure, then he gets a player who played the most large map Forces.

If a monster was hiding in the room, then players must kill it, folding all the numeric values \u200b\u200bof the force cards together to dial a certain amount of points needed for victory. If the monster is not killed, he causes damage to the player who played the most weak power card. If the monster is defeated, then happy heroes are moving along the level further.

If the players hit a trap room, then one or more players carry losses based on the conditions of the trap. For example, if there will be a threshold card in a trap room with spikes, then all players will lose 1 unity of health. If a twice is played - 2 health. And if one, then everyone will lose half of their lives.

Sometimes caches come across the rooms. On the map of the cache, it is written for what a player player player receives a certain map of the subject. For example, played 4 - got a wonderful new sword.

3) Card objects.

These are the very objects that you can get in a cache. All items possess unique propertieswhich can be used during the dungeon wandering. Disposable items and after use goes into reset.

Torch Allows the player to spill all the level cards that are laid out with a shirt.

crystal ball It makes it possible to player first see the cards of the rivals forces, which they posted on the table, and then decide which card to play the power to himself.

Key It is a replacement of a power card 5, but he only played in a treasure room.

Sword It is also a replacement of the five, but it is played purely in the room with a monster.

4) Characters cards.

As you already, probably, you know, the heroes that roam the dungeons must have belonging to some profession or occupation. In Game Dungeon Raiders. players before the start of the game take on one character card in which researcher, knight, warrior, thief and wizard. But the characters differ not only by the title and picture on the card - they have a different amount of both starting health (from 8 to 10) and coins and cards of objects.

5) Treasure counting cards + bag cards.

These cards replace the usual coin / tokens / tokens / tokens / fields for counting points. It's great that only 2 customary cards allow you to count the coins earned by players.

6) Cards Bossov.

Does there be a dungeon without a huge, powerful, lever and flaming boss? So I'm sure I can not. Monsters monsters, but the boss must be! And it is, just one, at the very end of the fifth level. One randomly selected boss card is placed under the bottom of the fifth level card decks. In fact, bosses are the same monsters, they only have more health and they can affect players with curses.

Thus, the game process DR is approximately like that:

We take a level map, lay them out in a row. We begin to deal with the most extremely left card. For disassembly with a map of the dungeon, you need a force cards that players choose secretly out of hand. The selected cards are revealed and players play the properties of the dungeon card. Understood with one card of the dungeon, go to the next. If the first-level cards are over - we declare the second cards. If the health of the player's character falls to zero, he is considered dead and drops out of the game. When the fifth level was completed with the removal of the boss with his legs forward, players consider the number of remaining lives. Who will have them less than everyone, he loses consciousness from lost blood and leaves the game. That of the remaining, who will have the most treasure, wins in the game.

Player player friend or enemy?

I am straight to be asked to write asking about what a wonderful filler is. And I will write! Dungeon Raiders. - Game cool.

In this game, for me, the most interesting idea is that the game is actually a half-operative, because despite the fact that the monster need to beat together and laid out in full, someone can form, leaving best cards Forces for later. This in other games I have not yet met.

I will try to explain the foregoing. You and your friends fall on new level And you see that they are open 2 dangerous monster And 2 treasures, and the chests with gold are very profitable and everyone wants to get the biggest of them. Naturally, you also want to gain more treasures, because they will bring you to victory. Therefore, you decide to leave the cards of force 4 and 5 to the treasure. But the monsters at the level are quite strong, and for victory over them, players must play as much as possible high maps. If someone plays a unit - writing gone. Therefore, when four players give all the strength to fight the dragon and because of one of the rig, someone from the players will be forced to gain damage from the monster, then the greedes will be cursed and mowed with curses. Therefore, on the one hand, I want to make more treasure more treasure to win, and on the other, it is necessary to play commander, because if someone crashes out of the game, then it will be difficult to play further. It is possible that no one comes to the boss in this case.

Iii ... Slisen won!

From such a break of the brain between the treasures and monsters with traps, I have a tremendous pleasure, because if you write down the team in the battle with a monster, then you can stay without coins, and if you do not help, then the campaign in the dungeon can end sadly for all players.

Dungeon Raiders. (DR) I recalled the game with auction, only here is not a fact that winning the auction can be reached the end of the game.

You can play DR from 3 to 5 players. Xem more players at the table, the more interesting and the fun game process. At least it is my personal impressions. Fixter walking in the dungeon of everything, because monsters will be the most healthy and defeat them will be quite difficult, especially if players play the role of Swan, Cancer and Pikes from Krylov's Basni.

Registration of the game comic-humor. Looking at the cards, immediately set up on a positive way, relax and play pleasure. I think that in such a game you can safely play with children - art for them will be just suitable.

Probably, one of you already noticed that both the theme and doors, and the DR monsters can be compared with the Great and terrible Macchin. Indeed, there is some kind of similarity, but at the same time in terms of the gameplay it is completely different games. DR is still more alert than desktop alluland under the guidance of Steve Jackson. If a Macchin - it is mostly riding role-playing games (in some kind of roblaseism), then DR is alert with a clear gaming mechanism and exciting gaming process. Personally, I am more interesting for me to play DR.

Additional piquancy game gives her card. Those. The game itself is entirely and fully consists of maps that perform a variety of functions. I like an amateur card gamesThis format really likes. In addition, on the table, the game looks compact and does not take too much space.

I want to say a little about the quality of localization, especially since I have something to compare with (I mean the original edition). In general, the Gaga turned out to be a game of good quality - a box, separator, tales in bag - all this complaints does not cause. But the cards are still better to wear into the protectors, because after a few parties they will start to get rid, after which the mysteriousness of the "closed" doors can be lost. Plastic red cubes are replaced with cardboard round tokens. There is an amateur who likes how much more. And also on the eyes caught that on the box on the two sides it was written that the game from 2 to 5 players, and on the other two, that from 3 to 5. Is irrelevant, but still the corrector promoted this thing.

Original Cubes, Round Localized Tokens

Inside the original box, another organizer

Gaga. Well done for the fact that the board game was chosen for the start of their publishing Dungeon Raiders.. This game is an excellent cheerful filler, which was unfairly deprived by the boarding game market in the post-Soviet space, because of what some fans of board games were forced to do the PNP version. Now the game can be easily bought in Russia (and in Belarus already). Little-dependent game, easy for perception, humorous. Emotions during the game are excised, passions are boiling, treasures are digging, bosses scare the size, but this heroes are only inspiring on the feats.

3 finalists of the contest "Mr. Dungeon"

I understand that you need to say about some shortages of the game, but explicit minuses somehow did not find it. Isn't that the reflexion not very high, since almost all the cards can be sorted over one party, and through a dozen-other parties, the game can begin to substitute among the same traps and monsters. But it seems to me that it is still not worth waiting for a high reeigulation from Filler. Yes, and in this form the game is good. I advise you to pay attention to it to all lovers of phillers and "Macchin" games.

And Gaga want to congratulate with the excellent start of publishing!

The game Dungeon Raiders. Provided for review table Games Network"GAGA.RU"

Today, in the desktop game Dungeon Raiders we will go to the dungeon full of cunning traps, hungry monsters and other hazards.

Play will be able to up to five people and it is desirable that the number of players is at least four, otherwise disappears a sense of competition and zador. For more detailed rules of the game, read in the appropriate section.

Dungeon Raiders is a simple and cheerful underground rod for a company of up to five people, which will take an average of 20 minutes. Not it is worth waiting for her depth and difficulty. It is designed rather for merry sitting with friends. Graphic design board games On an amateur. Illustrations can not decide to be a full-fledged parody or not.

Crowders of dungeonsmanaged to get the title of the best board game in Australia in 2013. In general stars from the sky, she is clearly lacking, but some fun and memorable parties will bring you.

Board Rules Dungeon Raiders


As can be seen on the cover, the game is quite stereotypical and a bit parody. Each player chooses or gets in the closed character of the game: warrior, thief, wizard, knight and researcher. By the way, this is the second edition of this desktop game and compared to the first, the design of it is not so up with that.

Preparing for the game takes three of the thirteen pages of rules, including detailed examples and illustrations.

A deck of dungeons is formed, which often will be open, and part is closed. One random boss is put under the deck. This deck is divided into five stacks closed by the doors. All other items are sorted by type.

Each character has a certain amount of health. There may be starting items, as well as it has a starting amount of gold, which is displayed here in an interesting way using two cards. Also, each player is relying five power cards from one to five.

Entrance to the dungeon

Once all are ready, time to enter the dungeon. The first door opens and all cards from under it are put in a row, as they lay. Something can be seen immediately, and something is not. In the game terminology, this is called a series of levels, which consists of five rooms.

Players will pass the dungeon by levels, and each level sequentially opening room after room. If you have a closed card, opening it you can detect both useful items and terrible goblins!

Depending on what is there, players choose one of the cards with the hands and put it in front of them in a closed one. Then they, as it is not difficult to guess open and further depends on the type of room. In a treasure room player with the greatest value Gets treasures from the most valuable chest and divide it with a draw.

  • If there is a second chest in the room, its contents are inserted, which took the second place by I.T.D.
  • If in the monster's room, players fold their strength and fold it with a monster force, depending on the number of players.
  • If the heroes in the dungeon are small, then the monster begin to succumb. If the heroes have enough strength to defeat the monster it becomes defeated and can go on.

If not, the monster attacks the hero who caused him the smallest damage, and then happily washed off, apparently he is not afraid to get a surrender from such a weak.


Separate rules have rooms with traps that can carry the danger to the richest, living or generally all heroes. But they still work on the basis of the cards played by all the cards, so be prepared for the fact that someone necessarily activates the trap that can harm you.

In the caches, the participants receive what is indicated under the number of the cards played.

Choice complexity

In the game, everything is very simple, although there are also difficulties. Five rooms on each floor, five cards in hand each round. Play the top five for a guaranteed victory over the monster, or get from him to face, but save a powerful map in case of treasure deception - to solve only you.

Special maps will come to the rescue, which are not enough that they are added to the base five, and have special useful properties. But they, like everyone else quickly end.


As soon as the players passed the whole level, they return all five cards on the hand, and then open the next one. As in any self-respecting role of the dungeon, in the most recent room last level Participants will wait for the boss. There are also 11 pieces here and each of them, in addition to great strength, has a special property, most often unpleasant.

Boss won - Check out health, because the weakest player loses consciousness and drops out of the game. However, the characters risk even not to live to fight with the boss, having received enough damage earlier.

Definition of the winner

Then, as it should be supposed to be gold. Who is most of all the dump out of the dungeon - he won.

At the end of the book, there is not very interesting rules For two players, all the same, the game offers a noisy company, and not meditative gatherings in a pair.

The tactical option is more interesting. In this case, players will play cards not in the closed, but open and in turn, which will really add tactics. And the game is felt at all very differently.

Photo board games