Passage of the game Stalker Shadow Chernobyl Dark Valley. Stalker Chernobyl shade - Full passage: quests, secrets. Video: Passage Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl

Location The dump will prepare you the warmest reception in the form of half a declaration of the selected garbage - gangsters with AK-74 and grenades. After each receives a dose of lead, you can search them for a grenade, aidhechkops, information on the caches.

The landfill is simply sisit of artifacts that will greatly help in the passage of the stalker pure sky. One of them is located on the right of the road in the anomalies (about 50-150 meters will run on the road from the bus).

On the left of the main road there is a dump of technology, turned by bandages to a concentration camp for stalkers who captured. Bandits on this facility are more than a dozen, but you will receive a reward for the release of stalkers and you can find several artifacts.

One of the artifacts is located behind the entrance to the dump of equipment, to the left of the road.

Artifact is located in the center of the machinery, in the anomalies is frying.

Another artifact can be found per parking, on the left (southeastern direction). Anomalies in which this artifact is located near the parking lot, which must be protected from bandits.

In gratitude for helping to beat off the Local Stalkers' concentration camp, will throw them off the location of their cache. In the area, in anomalies of electra, there are 2 artifacts.

You, as an experienced stalker, will be asked to help clean the parking lot behind the concentration camp, then the same parking is to protect, and then clear the depot from the bandits.

If you do not help keep the parking, then soon stalkers from there will be taken forward with their feet, and they will attack every two minutes. Sniper sight and the far distance will be great ways to carry out passage stalker games Clear Sky. In this area. You need to get rid of the enemy, the main base of which is located in the depot, which you will then need to be cleaned. The faster you will move - the better, since the flow of the bandits is endless, and there are no cartridges .. On the way you will have to bring a couple of camps alone.

If a request for help from a hollow, it is better to help: they will not last long. There are more than 10 gangsters in the depot itself. The battle is very hot ... After the victory, you will be informed that the bandits are completely crushed and that today is a great day. After that, find inside the depot of the local shop with an eloquent inscription on the wall "Baryga", it is located in the southern part of the building, to the right of the entrance. Inside will find a lattice door, a basement with a box, in which two artifacts are waiting for you. It's time to return to the main plot pass. Stalker clean Sky.

When you get to Digger, they can already be dead, but searching the body of one of them, learn that the diggers gave the desired detail to the fang, but he needs more details, so the diggers of money will not see until the whole set will be received. Diggers decided to send a messenger to the fang, to get at least some of the money. To pass the stalker Clear Sky, it is necessary to find this stalker.

After that, it may well happen that the dump will be re-occupied by gangsters, and your efforts and eggs are not worth it. Wasyan, so the name of the Stalker, who went to the fang, drove into a dead end in a small gorge. When you get to him, then most likely there will be no balls. I advise you to get on the stones, as Wasyan tells you. When the dogs are calm (forever), Wasyan runs out that the fang in the dark valley, where and now it is necessary to keep the way.

On the way there is a block post of grouping freedom, which is now actively attacked, the assistance to the freestovers will eventually be paid.

Dark Valley

When your foot (virtual of course) is set to the Dark Valley, you will immediately need to hide the trunk, and stand still; Since these are not bandits, it will not hurt. It is important to stand in place when the NPC is in the field of visibility, only then the senior will be suitable for you and talk to you. Free, and it is their post, in lately Subjected to attack, and therefore armed and very evil. For searching the fang you will be told to go to the main base. This base is important plays an important role in the passage of the game Stalker Clean sky, because except the opportunity to enter into "freedom", this base has an excellent wizard that will be written below.

On the way, hear the SOS signal, running into place, see several corpses and a bulldozer. Click on its roof, and calmly shoot your pieces if this appears.

After hitting the base of freedom, you will immediately feel some freedom from the danger of attacks. To the commandant, who spoke with the fang, will not immediately get to get: it will have to task his assistant Schukin. According to him, the entire base was tortured by a psycho dog that must be calmed.

Nearby is a calorite Ashot trader who has always fresh and expensive cartridges, weapons, armor, first-aid kits - in general reserves for passing Stalker Clear Sky can be replenished.

No less colorful and local bartender. Asking him, as he came here, envy patience and fantasy authors of the text. He has a reward for you for your feats, if of course you have committed them. At the opposite end of the building there is a mechanic who can get a task, improve or repair armor or weapons. If you have AC-96, then he will be able to improve it significantly. This mechanic is perfectly disassembled in automata, sniper rifles and armor. It will be possible to improve the exosclet, which will appear in the end of the passing of the Stalker game. Clean sky.

Psycho is located near the base, its feature and in the ability to create phantom, but, on the map, a red point, it will be displayed only, so you can jump onto the truck cabin and calmly kill it. Next you will be invited to the base again.
After questions about Tuzik, you will get a new task - attribute cartridges to the checkpoint. These cartridges are at Ashota.
At the post, all the most likely will be dead (but there is something to get started), but the information in the PDA one will be interesting: it turns out on the basis of freedom, a rat-comment is started, which merges information on the cartridges. It is in the punishment of this bastard that the stalker's pure sky is consisting

You will need to go to the second floor of a building where Czechs are located, which will offer you the exchange of information about the fang on the commandant - living or dead.

Information about flash drives for rifles can be bought from a merchant and bartender, you can make sure that this is this information about flash drives, asking the question of type what lies there. Do not worry, the money spent now will return a hundredfold after you return the flash drive.

In the closed base area, a high level of radiation, but there is an artifact. What would be to get to the easiest way to jump out of the window of Chekhov (antiradin and first aid kits). Further on the road to the south, the artifact will be located in the anomalies of Electra.

Technician Yar will ask you to bring the PDA with information about improving, which carried him to him. The friend does not come to contact, and the information is needed - so he asks you to bring it. Friend, rather, what remains from him is located on a gas station on a huge tank. This task can be obtained only after 23:00, but payment is small. The appearance of bloodsuckers.

If on the bridges at the top run to the next tank, then in the anomalies there is a very useful artifact.

Another artifact is among the pines, behind the Western fence of the Freedom base, not far from the cache with Flashka.

Commandant, with his friend, sat down on the farm. Freedom must help in the attack, therefore there should be no special problems. After you find a corpse of the commandant, you need to return to Chekhov.

If there are problems with money, you can stop scene passage STALKER CLEAR SKY and go to the base of the military on the cordon and replenish the stocks of the weapon (sold merchant), first-aid kits, bandages, cartridges. It will very well jump on the base of neutrals - if they tried well - the award will be expressed, in monetary, ammunition and artifact equivalent. If you get north as a reward, then it is possible to improve it from the mechanic on the basis of freedom.

After the Chekhov receives the CCP of the traitor, he will tell that the canch returned to the landfill. In addition, "Freedom" still can not deal with the enemy. Chekhov asks you to help capture objects on which there are devices for tracking what is happening in the dark valley. This action is necessary to pass the game Stalker Clear Sky.

One of the points can capture and without you, but the help will not hurt the second. After the installation earn, the information will be received that the passage to the dark valley is in an abandoned factory. Stripping this factory is the main task for "Freedom" and you. After stripping the plant, you will receive a flash drive from Chekhov with modifications and excellent relations with "Freedom".

The first steps

As soon as you choose the complexity and begin the game, the roller will start, in which you will see a prologue of the story of "labeled". After the video, you will go to the Sidorovich's shelter - the chief merchant in the district, which buys and sells everything that lies within the zone.

This person saved you, and therefore you have to give it a service. During your first conversation, if you are familiar with series Stalker, Ask Sidorovich to contact you, as with a newcomer so that he puts you into the course of the case and explained the basics of management.

The first task during your work on the baryguh will be the search for a person on nicknamed smart, which kidnapped the carrier with important data.

Having finished the conversation, leave the refuge and talk with the stalkers outside, and specifically - with a wolf who will give you the first weapon.

Before leaving, inspect the starting village, the houses of which are mostly open. It is especially important to look behind the back of the wolf, where the staircase is leading on the attic - inside the provisions boxes lie.

Moreover, from the attic you can move to the outdoor ledge of the house, to then jump on the structure on the contrary (you can only dig up from there to one house) and find a box there. Attack it from the gun to move closer to the cleft - then the cargo breaks, and you can get the equipment of the mercenary.

By the quest from the wolf, go to the stalkers on the other side of the road, whose group is marked on your PDA. In the way, you can hear the moans of the wounded person - give him a first-aid kit, if you want to get a first friend in the zone, as well as increase the respect of stalkers.

Explore the car for ammunition and keep moving. Together with the group of stalkers, you have to attack the base of the bandits - do not run on them in the open, if you are playing even at the average difficulty level, since the enemy with a crop can kill you instantly.

Wake up the territory through the hole in the fence and start the battle. If you are confident in your abilities, you can tell Petruch that we can handle the battle alone, for which he will eventually give you a good pistol Fora 12.

Select all the gangsters in buildings, and then go to the two-storey building, inside which lies the associated smart. Take the USB flash drive, collect a habar from corpses and drawers, and then return to the Sidorovich.

After putting the job, you can immediately begin the next story mission. but the best option It will be the execution of third-party quests, as you now need to get more steep equipment.

Be sure that the tasks of stripping the territory from monsters, bandits or the search for artifact you can always hand the nearest NPC like a wolf and smart.

N and Agroprom!

When you feel ready to continue the plot, take instructions from Sidorovich, who will ask you to find important information. According to him, they must be somewhere on the territory of the "Research Institute of Agroprom", which is protected by armed fighters.

Before sending, do not forget to purchase first aid kits, bandages and cartridges, if you do not want to get to come. Mercenary armor or equipment across the quest smart here will be especially useful.

To get to the agriculture, you have to Milk Cordon soldiers at the bridge. You can solve the problem in several ways: to fade the head of five hundred coins (for this you need without shots, quietly and quietly approach him) to pass one way (with a re-attempt to pass money with you will not be taken - you will start shooting right away) or immediately Same with them.

An open fight with the military will be not so easy, since these guys are armed with the first word of technology: there are only six of them, and in the hands of each shortened "Kalashi" and the mass of the aidhechki.

In addition to the options described above, you can also try to bypass the cordon on the radioactive embankment or through the tunnel on the left, full of electric anomalies.

In the first case, you will receive a considerable dose of irradiation when, as in the second you will have to gently bypass anomalies that kill instantly (use the bolts to discharge the trap and go a little more).

After passing the outpost, you will receive a message from Sidorovich, who will tell you about a certain stalker on nicknamed fox. Fox fell in front, and you can help him if there is a desire to get another other.

Moreover, the guy will tell you about the arrow - the person who managed to get into the epicenter of the zone. Severe the surrounding shelter Fox Fenius to get one and a half thousand rubles.

If you have a grenade - take advantage of her to smoke opponents who sat down in the building. When the shootout is completed, collect a habar in the district and, most importantly, do not forget to choose Vijuku-5 - a great machine at the first time of the game.

From Valka

The new location approaches you with another danger. Bandits pressed neutral stalker, which you can save. By the way, no one will disaggregate to the bandit and just pass by, because in Stalker: Chernobyl shadow you can upside any fractions, including bandits, just killing their enemies.

After the booming, you will receive information on the PDA, where the infa is specified about the attack of the gangsters directly to the landfill (not location, namely the dumps). In place you will be aware of the demon - the leader of neutrals, who asked for help.

He will tell you that gangsters owned the landfill in the past, but then they (demons and his comrades) managed to win this place. Now the guys reap the fruits of constant attacks, and they ask you to help them understand the threat.

In front of the battle, explore the landfill on the subject of cartridges for viper, which lie in the drawers at the top of the turrets. During the battle, try to protect the demon, which, like any other NPC, can perish. In case of success, he will give you rubles and artifact, which can be sold.

Collect the cartridges for AK-74U, which you use it directly in the battle on the territory of the agriculture (since it is there that it will be expecting a particularly difficult rig, for which something more powerful will need, rather than Viguka-5).

Next, go to the hangar in the middle of the location, where there is a gray - this person knows something about the arrow. On the approach to this place, you will again receive a message about the attack of gangsters, which are simply precipitated a landfill.

The battle between the stalkers and gangsters will be played in the hangar - help the latter if you want to contact with the neturas in the future. In the battle, do not stand in the center, as you can hook both sides.

To clean the hangar, go into the forehead, because in the direct path in will be able to climb the car, or move to the stalkers and fight with them shoulder to the shoulder.

Another option is also available - then you will have to go on the side to get into the rear and take the suddenness of the attack.

After a shootout, talk with gray, which will tell you about "whining" the arrow, as well as about another stalker, which can know the approximate location of your main goal.

We are aimed at the county and go to the Agroprom, taking the left path left. On the way you will have to defend themselves several times, but nothing will be serious.

N i "Agroprom"

In the way, neutral will meet you, who is known that Mole (the same stalker with a new info about the arrow) was attacked by the military. Next, you will see a small cat-scene with disembarking fighters who will start attacking stalkers.

So far, do not waste time collecting resources, as the battle goes in real time and each second in the account.

Minute the fence and, being in the territory of the agriculture, proceed to shoot the military. Be sure to fight them into the open is extremely difficult - you need to kill opponents due to shelters.

Soon you will reach the central part of the base, where the mole itself is protected. This guy can die very quickly, so act very quickly and disperse with all the military, if possible, substitute for bullets, intended for the mole.

Also here you can use grenades and blast the barrels, but resort to it neatly, as a friendly fire is present in the game.

When the battle is completed, Mole, if he survived, will take you to the building and tell you about the cache of the arrow, which is at the lowest level of the agriculture.

Before sending, it is worth noting the north of the agriculture, to the swamps where the valuable artifact is located, as well as an interesting hero on the nicknamed a deserter with which you can communicate.

N omeways "Agroprom"

Going down to the lower level, explore the first corpse. Following slowly attend the stairs down, the open room is located (between columns).

Throw grenades there or open the fire, if you have not noticed yet, because there are enemies inside. Also inside there is an incendiary barrel that you can explode.

After the battle, go to the corridor, which is written by electric traps, which you could see in the tunnel near the cordon of the military. Passing the anomalies with the help of a bolt, go to the next room, from where you can go down even lower - in the tunnels leading to the shront arrow.

If you can't pass "Electra", in this case, look at the nearest room and use the screw staircase. It will lead you to another corridor with more gentle anomalies - acids that open strong bleeding.

Latin yourself with bandages and quickly get to the end of the way to then get out to the main hall. Here we try to move slowly, holding the walls, as nearby is a dangerous creature on the nicknamed bloodstream, which for the most part remains invisible.

If you do not discover yourself, then soon the monster will face the military (otherwise you will help grenades that are in the drawer at the wall on the right).

By the way, pressing the use key (standard f), you can highlight objects up to three meters to simplify the task of searching for the seals.

In the same room there is an artifact "Yozh", which must be chosen, but only after the battle. Go around the wall in the wall, minute the corridor and turn left, where there is lighting.

Here you will find many valuable things like an improved Kalash, Stalker's armor, various artifacts and, most importantly, a medium with data (lies with the card).

Now you have to leave the dungeon: go through the main tunnel to get to the mine with a screw staircase. The latter will lead you upstairs, but in the way you have to constantly fight.

C and documents!

After leaving the dungeon, you will find yourself within the western part of the agriculture, where the military sketched. Here you have to act neatly, as the opponents occupied positions on the towers and generally patrol the entire district.

If you are noticeable, then in this case, hide somewhere in the building or by other durable shelter, then play from defense and do not attack yourself. Ultimately, you need to get to a high building (at the input you will find the loudspeaker in which it is worth a palpable).

Inside the house, prepare for the resistance - the soldiers will stand at each angle. On the third floor you will stumble on a white diplomat, where you follow the information you want. When you take it, Sidorovich will contact you, who will report on the next attack of the military on their base.

Accordingly, for some time you will not be able to meet him, so it is sending away to another man - Bartender.

The latter, by the way, presented you with duty and asked this grouping to open the way to the plant sprout.

Now you need to be removed from here, since after a conversation to the territory of the agriculture, there is even more military. Go through the far entry, as there is the least opponents.

Well, to the eastern part of the agriculture, the soldiers also live there. There is no valuable lute, so immediately go to the landfill. Before leaving the location, it makes sense to explore the terrain around the Research Institute, since artifacts are guaranteed.


Leaving the Research Institute, you will come across the gangsters that you can not kill. However, if you figure it out with the whole gang and help local stalkers, you will receive the recognition of the bartender, as he heads this territory.

Continue to go to the deployment of debt, be a witness to the attacks of monsters on their base. You can help your debt, and then you will be handed over to the stalker armor. One way or another, you will be missed inside.

On the location bar, move along the right way. Soon a pack of dogs will be painted on you, from which, if you wish, you can escape, coming to another debt outpost. Inside the same base is safe. Now visit the bar, where the Barman is located to whom you must give information.

Sell \u200b\u200ba hubar merchant and talk to him. After the conversation, do not rush to start to the next task, as there are many interesting things on the basis.

You can ask local about such things like Arena, where stalkers fight for big baryrs, while risking with their lives. With the passage of the arena, you will receive more than ten thousand rubles, as well as the recognition of all stalkers.

From keeping from x-18

Bartender will hand you the next story mission associated with the search for information from the Laboratory X-18. In itself, the task is different from the hike to the territory of the agriculture, since the location of the Lab Bartender is unknown.

Moreover, the first thing you have to find the second part of the key opening access to Laba. The key is the leader of the gangsters on the nicknamed of Borov, in the soul of which you have to go first.

Borov dwells on its own base in the location of the Dark Valley, to get where you can through the landfill. You will have to go back and amuse many monsters and gangsters again.

In front of the transition to the Dark Valley, explore the end of the landfill. Very often in this place (right at the hill) are anomalies, among which is the artifact for five thousand rubles.

T. Valley

At the start of the new location, you will meet a punch dolly engaged in the interrogation of a shotgun gangster. From their conversations, you will find out that Barmen's interlock was in the ambush, and now the bullet wants to save them.

Not far from here you can find an artifact lying at Boulder. These are "Mamins Beads", which increase resistance to gunshot wounds.

Naturally, the pool will need your help - he will ask to rescue the other stalker held by the bandits.

You can refuse to arrange an ambush along with a loving if you do not want to raise a reputation with this fraction. In a reward for performing, you will receive a sight for 74 and interesting information about the state of the valley.

After that, go to the gangsters base, where you can get in two ways - in the forehead, but then you have to withstand incredibly strong fire, or through the sewer, the road to which is marked on the label map. In the second case, you will have to move sitting without using a PNV or flashlight, otherwise you will notice.

Moreover, the enemy is able to hear even how you change the gun or shooting mode (this also applies to recharging), so prepare in advance.

As a result, you should calmly get to the garage, from where you can get to the pipes, and then - in the window where the foul will finally begins. Neutralize opponents quickly, using the surrounding effect.

Under the van you can accidentally fall into the pit, where the "heat" anomaly is located. Before the explosion is running from there, lift Abakan - an analogue of "Kalash", but with a little big damage and higher accuracy.

After killing all the gangsters in the yard, proceed to cleansing homes. Act from the biggest hangar, in which there is a way to the top floor, and then - the ability to go to the roof of the neighboring house, where the largest number of enemies is located.

In the same red building, you will find a lattice behind which the debt is sharpened (it can be saved to increase reputation).

You do not need to parse with all thugs - the ultimate goal of the task is to be in the office space, where the leader of the gangsters is located.

Naturally, it will be safer to deal with everyone. Finally, you will reach Borov - kill it and explore the corpse to get the missing part of the key.

By the way, in the process of the quest, you can stumble upon a gangster in a raincoat, which is armed with Abakan with a property. This powerful weapon can be returned to one of the debtivers who lost it.

L Abooretor X-18

Inside the laboratory, explore the corpse of neutral, and then pass to the room with a protected door. To open it, you need to get a code that is from one of the researchers (at the end of the corridor with "heat" and snarles).

To simplify the battle with snarles and poltergeists, take the powerful monolith armor, which lies in one of the lockers on the same floor.

Verify the key, go back to the door and enter it. At the lower level, the only guide is the elevator on the contrary - it must be remembered.

Here you will again begin to attack Poltergeist, vying various utensils - doubt flying items and reduce the distance, as you kill these bunches in the melee.

On the right side of the elevator is a corridor leading to another blocked door. Behind the elevator is another corridor ending with an empty room, from where you can go into a room with a hole. Go to the last.

After that, you will find yourself in a huge room with a small amount of light, in the center you will find something - pseudogigant. This creature will deliver you great amount Problems, as it has a gigantic amount of health and causes a lot of damage.

Do not let him go to yourself and continue to shoot - after the battle, examine the body of the researcher, which is in the corner of the room. Having received the key, go around the room (here Il 86 and RPG-7 lie here and come back to the right corridor.

During the opening, someone will be broken at the door, but in the end, no one will be. Next you expect new battle with poltergeists. In the room, move on the left side to open doorwhich will shut before your nose.

A battle with Fiery Poltergeist will begin, which is a little stronger than its "blue" fellow (it creates a label under your legs, which soon flashes the fire post). After the battle, get to the control room and take the information to run the cat-scene.

After awakening it turns out that you are not alone here - soldiers were guided. Now you have to get back, naturally, with a battle, but if you wish, you can try to move the quiet sap.

Outside, Sidorovic will contact you, who will be delighted that you are alive, and tell you about the closure of the landfill. Because of this, you will have to go on old tunnels leading to Cordon.

In crude

You will find yourself on the territory of Cordon, but on the other hand, which at the beginning of the game attacked. Take the sidorovich information from the lava and sell all the habar.

Before performing the next story task, you can perform secondary: the trader will ask you to paint the info from the military base, and the fan is to kill mercenaries. Next you need to reach the landfill to get into the bar. Speak the same path that turned out to be captured by the military.

In the bar, talk with a bartender who will continue the storyline. Also here you can transfer to the lad in the past one of the debtivers, if there is a desire.

To laboratory x-16

According to Barman, researchers in the course, from where you can get into the X-16, so you need to go to them. You have to go through the wild zone where the hidden transition will appear in new location - In place you will hear the negotiations of the thugs, with whom you have to fight.

Inside the house, disperse with the remaining opponents and go out on the other side. Outside, you also have a fight, so do not relax. After the battle, go to the railway, where the cat-scene will start, after which you will need to protect researchers from the attack of thugs.

Get to Dr. Kruglov, who needs help. If you help him, then promote the main scene line Even faster, since his subordinates will be loyal to you.

Reach point with a fallen turntable, in parallel cutting enemies, and then talk to the researcher. Now Kruglov will need to be accompanied until amber, where their refuge is located. Soon the two powerful detachments of the Wolfhide are attacked at once - behind and in front.

The hotel has another battle, and then the battle at the construction site. After that, a group of scientists will start passing the zone with anomalies - move behind them, since these guys know a safe way.

Immediately, zombies can attack you, who are not distinguished by special intelligence, speed and damage, but devoid of cowardice.

Overcoming a dangerous zone, you will receive a gift from the Kruglov - a carrier with valuable information, which is worth passing the bartender. From here to the base, scientists will reach independently.

I Ntar

You will find yourself on the scorched expanses, once filled with water. Now this catch is a swamp with a powerful background, anomalies, snarles and other creatures, which is eager for your flesh. In the center of the lake is the base of researchers, where you need to get.

Inside the base will launch a cat-scene with a conversation Kruglov and Sakharov. After that, talk with the latter - he can mark the entire Khabar (especially the artifacts for which he pays more than the usual traders); Also, the scientist will reward you for the maintenance of Kruglov an excellent protective suit, which will be useful for the commissioning of anomalies (in battle it is useless).

According to Sakharov, you can get in X-16, but first you will have to calibrate the equipment, since the past group, without assessing all the dangers, died due to incredibly high psi radiation. Fix the status of the background will be friends personally, but he himself will not go there - it will have to accompany him.

If your inventory is filled, throw off the unnecessary things in the scholar base box, since after this mission you will return here. However, be sure to capture both ordinary armor and a spacecraft.

In the way, look for snarles, moving on ahead, as they will try to attack the researcher, whose health is limited. At the site, the scientist will begin to study the environment - the land for the first time asked.

Inside, act in the same way, moving ahead of Circle. During the second study, vibration will begin again, and in the third - emission.

After that, a crowd of monsters will be pounced on you, which is guaranteed to devourge Kruglov, if he first received a lot of damage. By the way, after the fall, the researcher will relieve the gun, which you can pick up and throw him under your feet - then he will pick it up.

On the basis, talk to Sakharov, which will mark the Location X-16 on your PDA and will give you a suit with protection against psi-background. Go to the marked point, moving near the fence.

On the swamps, deal with the zombies that stand on the islands of the earth, because when you step into the water, they will immediately attack you.

But before that, you should inspect the place of the wreck of the helicopter, where the body of the researcher is with information about the laboratory. In his records will also be mentioned by a kind of ghost consisting in the group of the arrow.

After that, go back to the database to scientists and equip, as it should, as you have to visit the amber plant. Being a protective scientific costume, move neatly and not substitute, as it has a very small physical resistance.

In place, go to the van, to the left of which is a dilapidated building with supplies. From there you can bypass the zombies and just throw them with grenades. Reaching the cherished entrance, descend to the laboratory.

To OmPlex x-16

Inside the laboratory, snark will attack you - kill it and take it into the elevator shaft. After the descent, then run to the control cabin, getting to which you can on the stairs (to the left of the elevator).

Move quickly, since there can be snarling on your soul. Speak from the cabin forward, parallel to the monsters.

Waving along the corridors, exploring the shelves on the subject of provisions and medicines, until finally reach the room with a broken barrels. It is worth throwing a grenade there, because they are opponents.

After that, go to a large room where the Psi-device is located - you need to turn it off within five minutes, deactivating meals.

It is necessary to cut four choppers, which are located around the perimeter of the room. The allocated time you must have enough if you do not stop and for a long time to fight with enemies.

After completing the task, the hero will again get off. Waking up, choose from the laboratory (turn right leading to the corridor). Observe the zombies and get ready to open a massive door behind which the controller is located.

After the battle, explore the ghost corpse with valuable information about the arrow and powerful armor. Next, use the hole in the right cage that will lead you to the tunnel.

Inside you will have a battle with snarles that will be selected directly from under the ground. Go straight until it turns on pseudogigant - kill it and go out. After that, sugars will be spoken to you.

Finally, you can only get to the database of the researchers. Sakharov will express you greater thanks for the shutdown of the "dear" and will give an excellent sauce.

Also give him a ghost vest to get the money, and take the task to find an even coolest armor armor. Now you can only go back to the bartender.

To the Ordon and Agroprom

After completing the above task, it is not necessary to immediately begin the storyline, as a conductor who owns information about the location of the doctor will appear on Cordon.

Get to the point of destination through the landfill. Soon you achieve a dilapidated building, near which the conductor sits (formerly here you saved Fox).

The conductor himself, by the way, is considered one of the most skilled stalkers, as he arrived here one of the first and still alive. According to him, the doctor hid in the refuge arrow, so you need to go there - on the Agrod.

Inside the complex, prepare for the battle with the gangsters. Next, making your way to the destination point, you in any case come across a stretching, which will start the cat-scene. The doctor will raise you to your feet, after which you will finally understand what hunted for yourself (the shooter is labeled).

Further, Kostoprav will inform you about MONOLITE: It really, as the arrows believed earlier (that is, you), a sample from under the Chaps itself, where you can get only with a rare key. The latter is hidden in pripyat. Finally, come back to the bartender.

B Armen

The owner will tell you about the debt, the head of which (Voronin) wants to communicate with you. Also, the key quest will now turn off the next "dear", but already on the location of the radar, which is characterized by a special complexity.

Voronin will ask you to find unique optics on the basis of mercenaries, for which you will get a Vintar. Also if you are looking for good armor (and if Seva does not suit you), you can visit the Freedom Base - the opposite debt of the fraction, which also has a lot additional tasks. Increase the reputation and eliminate the traitor to get a powerful light armor.

After the completion of secondary quests, return to Cordon Freedom, blocking the path between warehouses and radar. You will have to reflect the attack of monolith, after which you can go to the next location.


The new location will be limited due to a strong background around the perimeter, so you can not approach the rocks and machines. Go directly in a straight line to the post of military and read it, then keep moving.

In this case, a vintar or a different long-range cannon will help you, as it will not come close to the snapyr. Go along the main road, bypassing the redhead forest, and do not particularly select, as the monolith camp is nearby.

Explore the boxes with suits near the tank - a few grenades will be useful to you. Clean the patrol ahead and take to the hillock, followed by a turn where the enemy fell from RPG.

You need to detect it first or choose a particularly protected position, as the hitting of this weapon has a large radius of defeat. In parallel, we will deal with the remaining sacotos and work out the camp.

Next you are waiting for new snipers: one hid straight in the gas (look at the body), the other is on the balcony to the left of the road. Although they can be in other positions! After the hill, you will constantly face small detachments with which it is easy to figure out.

The closer you will approach the "tolerant", the stronger you will begin to bullure - ghostly monsters will appear in the district, which do not cause damage. If you shoot one of those, then you lose some HP.

Closer to the destination point, continue to kill enemies until you reach the base with sniper and simple military. Load them all, and then run to a fenced tunnel car and pass inside.

L Abooretor X-10

The new laboratory will turn out to be more civilized and illuminated than previous. Minute the corridor to get into a large room. Here move neatly, since blood circulats are growing across the labetes. This time you will not need to search for codes or passwords - step immediately to the marked point.

Soon you will come across the controller - kill it and go down to the stairs to get to the boiler room. Go to the other side of the room and pick up the corridor, from where you can get to the control panel "Intrigor". Using the lever, you lose consciousness.

When you awaken, then you will turn to your mysterious voice, the owner will be the most real black stone, or the performer of desires, which, in fact, is engaged in the fact that there are different requests of people into reality. As you remember from the words of the doctor, then this voice is glitches from Laba under the Chernobyl.

Now come back. In the way, you will come across the divisions of monolith, whose fighters are equipped with exoskeletons. Shoot them to save the cartridges, as the rest of the bodies of these enemies are incredibly strong.

Once from the outside, you will notice the change in the situation - the bustle began, since the military has arrived at the radar with a task to clean the monolith. Go to the camp near the base with Laba.

There you will find a wagon with an excellent costume of freedom. After that, put forward to the extensive road, where there is a broken UAZ.

Here you will have to witness the battle of the Sundovo and Distoliths, during which you can assist one of the parties or simply wait. Finally, you can only return to the bar if you need to restore forces. As a result, you should visit Pripyat.

P ript

In the illuminated the town of you from the very beginning, it is waiting for an interesting scene - you will meet Mother mercenaries that can accompany you to the garages. There is an option to refuse, because in reality there is little sense from them.

Passing the streets and coming to a bare area with a statue, look around, as snipers are sitting on the roofs with Gauss's guns - an incredibly powerful weapon that kills from one shot. At the bottom there are no less terrible opponents - monolithic.

Ultimately, you need to get to the hotel, where more or less calm. When you get to the destination point, you will learn the number of the room - 26 (April 26 there was a catastrophe for Chernobylum).

It is not worth running to the number, as the enemies with Gauss-cannons await you on the way. In place, collect valuable information and leave the building, going through the stadium. After that you can get to the transition at the end of the card, which leads to the station.

H nuclear power

At first, you have to fight back from numerous attacks by opponents, while moving quite quickly, as the time to emission is limited. During the passage, it is not worth stopping, as many of the tel ahead will be simple models without a luth.

Behind the concrete fence you will find w / d - from there run to the station, shooting from enemies. To kill them all will not come out, so just pierce along the wall to the goal.

A BTR will be selected on the spot to you, from which it immediately needs to hide, as it breaks through any armor. Jump into the hatch to get to the next level.

The entrance to Laba is somewhere nearby, and you need to find it. By the way, no one will forbade you to find the sarcophagus directly to perform the ending of the monolith, but those on the calibration will turn out to be negative. Go forward, holding a room.

After the corridor, go down to the lower level and go through crevice in the wall, where there are about seven enemies. Then, look for the staircase upstairs, which is in the end protected by monolithpetes. In order not to issue yourself, go up without light.

On the next floor you will find corridors that can lead both the laboratory and sarcophagus. Go to the corridor with a red lighthouse to find the stairs. If you choose a sure way, the game itself will inform you about it, pointing out in the tasks that you find Laba.

Finally, you can only go beyond the door, which you will have to open at first. During the decryption, you will have to fight back from monolithpers, after which you can go inside.

After the first part of the collision, you will pass into rooms with lanterns and a symbol of monolith in the middle - destroy everything to interrupt the signal. With each destroyed flashlight you will attack fiery poltergeadists.

As a result, when you fulfill the task, you will contact you a mysterious scientist with whom you can talk. Ask him about everything that interests and, perhaps, you will understand what the zone is actually representing.

At this stage, you can accept the offer of this person to join them, after which the game will end one of the good endings.

If you refuse, then you will be expecting another level during which you will jump along the portals, as long as you will not get to the room with these scientists who lie in the station. Kill them or spare - to solve you, since there is no faithful or wrong version.

Video: Passage Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl

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Date added: 07/13/17Views: 31951


Modification guide Sigerous mod. COP 2.2. This article discusses all aspects of the passage of this modification of the Locations of the Dark Valley and X18, as well as the cards of the locations data caches. (Passage by: STALKER77Alex)

1. Spatial teleport.
The task is issued by the SBU command after passing the laboratory X8. You need to find anomaly teleport on the territory of Jupiter (see Screen No. 1)

2. Dark Valley.
You switched to TD. At the entrance you will be checked, night stalkers - grouping from the dark valley. (I suspect - the scene is taken from CN) Then you can go immediately to the base or wait for the conductor, which will take you there. The base is on the old farm

3. Robbery (secondary quest)
Questodel: Leviathan (old farm)
Conditions: Issued immediately after arrival in the Dark Valley
Performance: Go and Ralm Renegades at the specified point. They are sufficient, so be careful.

4. Chimera.
On behalf of Akulov - leader, night stalkers, we go to An. Split and Gasim Khimera.

5. Clusters of snarks.
Sharks entrust you to destroy groups of snarks at the bridge that interfere with moving to the Bandyuki base.

6. Bandits.
After the destruction of the snorkens, put forward with the squad of stalkers to the plant. There are destroying the gangsters (carefully, they are armed perfectly), gather the PDA from them (all of them 4) and carry the shark.

7. Baltazar.
When talking with shark, after carrying out the base of the bandits, the sharks gives you a tip on the Baltazar - it is in the dispatching. We go there, we take out the gangsters (one of them is RPG) and we obtain the data that the documents for the SBU are in the Laboratory X18

8. The door of the door
We go to the plant. We descend there, where the laboratory in the shadows of Chernobyl was located. But just so do not pass. Need a key. Go to the shark. He says that the key is possible at the leaders of the gangsters (since they killed the Baltazar, they were awarded naturally the key to themselves) we go to the former base of freedom (in CN) and the valves of all Bandos. We rise to the safe in the office (where the Chekhov stood) and try to open. Again need a key! At this time, approximately 5 gangsters appear. Ralm them, one gangster in the eczema is visible the key. We take, open the safe, take a key card from x18.
Then go down to the laboratory

9. Laboratory X18.
Here we are in x18. Here we need to find 3 documents. We shoot zombies (about 40 people) and looking for documents. (See Screenshots No. 2 - 9). Before taking the 3rd document I advise you to recharge all weapons, bait. For you have to fight with a librarian from Metro 2033, comparable to pseudo-hydrogen. You will also meet burers. After you get out of the laboratory, run to the connected on the pripe and give documents. Then you will be instructed to go to military warehouses.

10. Quests Leviafan and Colmoor after passing x18 (secondary quests)

10.1. Secret Development
Questodel: Leviathan (old farm)
Conditions: Advanced Robbery and Laboratory X18 has been completed.
Performance: Go down to the underground laboratory. It is always sisite with mutants. Take something cold. Where is the Gauss rifle, see Screen No. 1

10.2. Riddles of the past
Questodel: Kolmogor (old farm)
Conditions: Laboratory h18 passed
Performance: In Quest, we run to the liberty agent Lucas. He wants us to fix the signal from the antennas (remember the CN). There are only 3 of them, everything is easy enough.
Then Lucas will ask you to destroy the dignulum detachment. Click on the tower on the basis of freedom and desirable from sniper shoot them. They are not bad armed, carefully! As soon as the squad is destroyed, get ready for the search. After all, Lucas now wants us to find documents on the territory of the former base of freedom, namely:
1. Documents Chekhov
2. Chart information
3. X RAY: X18 TOP Secret
Where are the points of the spawn of these documents, see the screenshots (2 - 16)
As soon as they found documents, we are waiting for Lucas based on. But it is not! He tells us that mutants go to the base. When all mutants are dead, go to Lucas. We swear with this coward and go towards the farm. Then, when Lucas already brought to pick up the reward from the column. Kolmogor will give us a major award and in addition will offer, go, north, east or west. Choose one of the sides of the world and get a verbature to the cache.