What to put on 59 Patton. Collapse of TTH tank

It is better late than ever, it is according to such a principle that WG lives. Yesterday was February 14, lovers gave each other gifts, which is why today, February 15, WG rid special offers - Rare tanks with discounts and combat tasks.

Attention, if you already have data tanks, then in fact you buy gold at a discount (equal discount on the tank), and also get a combat and slot in the hangar. Offers operate from February 15 to 21 (up to 9 am).

China, TT-8 level, benefits. I was issued to everyone for the marathon, and only 2 times was sold, and sold for $ 70 (at the rate of potatoes for today, it is 3,850 rubles), which made it the most expensive tank in the game. Now Vazik is sold for 2 345 rubleswhat is 15% discount on its price in gold, or 39% from the old price. The tank is an improved IS-6, faster, vigorous, comfortable in shooting, but with a standard damage for the 8th level per minute. This tank can be farm, but it makes it a middle, like a 170 breakdown - frankly enough, but for the crew pump or fan the car simply fire.

China, LT-7 (8-10 levels of battles). Fights for the title of the worst premium tank in the game and sells for 949 rubles. from 15.5% discount. Tank is not suitable for Pharma in general, he is the worst light tank At its level, and in general - it makes sense only if you are a rich collector.

China, ST-8. Once considered the benchmark of a bad balance, but after APA just a good tank with good overview. An elephant hybrid with a rhinoceros for 1 399 rubles. With a discount B. 15% . The tank is poorly suitable for Pharma, but can be used to pump the crew. But in general, the car is more for rich collectors than for the game.

USA, PT-7. It has an excellent test for the 7th level, an incredible line of 28 hp / t and a surprisingly low maximum speed in 45km / h. A and yes - a unique gaglette, 1mm armor will allow you to lose even when driven from the Repa 10-20 %% of your health)) The tank could be a real imba, but due to the zaneflen maximum speed just a good bush PT. Sold by 999 rubles. from 17% discount. Suitable for farm and pumping the crew, from flaws - pretty boring bush gameplay. If the balance sheet would give this PT a full-fledged tower or + 10m / h maximum speed, the tank would just be a wonderful machine.

Britain, TT-6, benefits. Last tank With a unique maximum speed of 14 km / h, when HD cards will appear in our game, you can admire the clock on your tog, you still eat all the enemies, well, well, all your allies die. The tank is also unique in that any opponent seeing it, rushing to eat all of his 1400 units of health, any art and even anyone LT) also breaks you)))) In general, now it is a Hochma tank, a gift to the enemy, or a hard copy to the collection. But if the maximum speed is applied, there will be a funny tank)) for sale the legend of turtles for 709 rubles, what is 15% discount

Britain, ST-6, or Bysyatank)) is distinguished by remarkable male dignity and the fact that this gameplay this is a pierced, somewhere on 10-15 %% Ferflay. In fact, the tank is not an average tank, and PT with the tower. The tank can be farm and pump the crew, and besides, deliver the appearance, if you, of course, love to look at the penises.
Sold Byatyatank For 709 rublesAnd the price includes not only the tank and slot, as well as an unnecessary 100% crew, emblems and camouflage for all types of cards. If you consider the price of the tank and camouflage, then the discount on the tank is 25% .

Additionally, a combat task is to buy to all tanks:
* on x5 experience in case of victory (starting with the 2nd victory per day)
* Can be executed 15 times before March 15
* Only those victories in which you hit the top 10 by experience are considered.
* Perform only on the tank that you bought.

thanks for the info Hedgehog in World of Tanks

13-05-2016, 23:30

Hello to all lovers of World of Tanks on the site portal! Friends, now we will talk about a rather strange car, the Chinese premium average tank of the eighth level - in front of you 59-Patton Hyde. To get this apparatus in the hangar is not so simple, it can only be bought in a premium store, where it is extremely rare and will have to wait for such an opportunity, for example, the corresponding action.

Many, probably, it became wondering what is so strange in this unit? And the fact is that his appearance The avid tankist can already tell a lot. It costs the case from all the well-known Type-59, the Chinese fellow, but the tower is installed from American Pattone.

It would seem that such a terrific combination, a 59-Patton tank, despite his fancy appearance should be very strong, but not everything is so simple and now you will be sure about it.

TTH 59-Patton

Let's start, as usual, from the parsing of the TTX of this device, because there is always something to talk about and what to focus on. First of all, consider the 59-Patton features of mobility. As can be seen from the screenshot, we have pretty good maximum speed and really good maneuverability. However, the engine capacity is not enough and if we speak frankly, the tank seems to be tight, he lacks the speakers, he dials slowly, and ride rides with creaking.

The booking of the case is quite interesting, because two different tanks are combined. All this suggests that we can sometimes catch ricoes if the enemy will shoot the frontal projection of the body, but in general the lower part of the 59-Patton Wot makes it easy, because the level of battles we have 8-10.
The tower of things is not much better, here again the richest side is forehead, which is not surprising. And although this large American element is endowed with some single-shaped shapes, in fact, it is possible to beat the shells only a mask of the gun and that is not always. Also in terms of armor 59-Patton tank has one huge flaw - a gigantic commander turret, which absolutely everyone can shoot with a break.

Otherwise, approximately typical indicators of the safety stock, and that is very pleased after the update 0.9.15 59-Patton received a great overview that is now 400 meters, while this figure was only 370 meters.


In terms of weapons, again surprise especially nothing. No, you do not think, the gun is not bad, but do not wait for some outstanding characteristics. So, the 59-Patton gun has a 90 millimeters caliber and typical for premium techniques of our level one-time damage. In sum with rapidity indicators, this unit is able to issue approximately 2000 units of damage per minute.

Regarding armored me, everything is not so bad again, but not super. The usual shells are more than enough to break through the majority of level 7-9 tanks, but it will be more difficult with the tops and seriously armored targets. There or need to charge gold, or try to drive into board or stern and push weak spots. In general, the average 59-Patton Tank USA is capable of farming well, but do not wait for the big comfort, if you are not at the top of the list.

True, there is still a couple of nuances, the first is accuracy. In the update of 0.9.15 59-Patton, there was a number of positive changes here, because his instrument became more accurate due to more comfortable scattering and speed indicators, and the stabilization of the car was always present. Otherwise, this prem very quickly turns the tower, and the gun bends 7 degrees down, which is also good.

Advantages and disadvantages

The total characteristics of the machine and the parameters of the guns are considered, and therefore it has come to sum up the first results and allocate the most obvious advantages and cons of 59-Patton World of Tanks.

Good mobility and maneuverability;
Not bad dpm;
Sufficient armor-proof;
Decent stabilization.
Good review.

Bad tools accuracy;
Insufficient dynamics;
Not a preferential level of battles.

Equipment for 59-Patton

For more comfortable and successful game, It is necessary to improve some parameters of this machine, namely: some more raise damage per minute, increase accuracy, review and all characteristics in general. Unfortunately, as in any other tank, on 59-Patton equipment can only be delivered in three versions at the same time.

, , .
The last module can be replaced by, both options are good and have their own advantages, here you can choose what is more important for you.

Education crew

As always, pumping up correctly on the 59-Patton pepper crew, we get an excellent opportunity to raise the machine efficiency and the comfort of the game on it. In our case, there are 4 tankers in the tank, so the choice will be as follows:
Commander - ,,,
Powder - ,,,
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Charging (radio) - ,,,

Equipment for 59-Patton

If you want to save and use this Chinese apparatus purely for Pharma, you feel great such a choice :,, And for those who do not experience great difficulties in the presence of silver or gold, it is better to take on 59-Patton equipment in the form ,,. If you wish, you can also replace the last consumator on, it will give a good boost characteristics.

59-Patton Game Tactics

Given all the strong and weak sides This car, play it caution. We have no phenomenal booking, for confrontation with the enemy in the near battle, and the big silhouette imposes its mark on the comfort of battle.

For these reasons, the 59-Patton battle tactic boils down to the game from the second line. The most reasonable option will play from shelter, terrain and disguise. Try to fire on someone else's light and glow as much as possible to save your precious strength points. If you find it, it is better to change the position, pull back and then take a favorable position again, from where it will be good forces forces by the enemy.

But in those cases when the near confrontation is already imposed and has nowhere to retreat, the main thing is to move, keep and do everything so that the opponent is more difficult to force your point weak.

59-Patton WORLD OF TANKS Tank is good tank Support. We have a good mobility that allows you to confidently change the flanks, help allies in different directions or to protect the database.

Otherwise, it is always necessary to react to different situations in battle, constantly analyze the situation and look at the mini-card, only so you can bring the benefit to the team and increase your effectiveness.

In general, the 59-Patton should take or not to solve you, there is definitely a more preferred technique for earning silver loans and getting pleasure from the game, but this device is very good, especially after the patch output 0.9.15.

Today we will talk about the Tank 59 Patton, which is a review below. Note that we are talking about a combat vehicle in the game "World of Tanks". Her story began with the emergence of a number of images on specialized resources.


So, the topic of our conversation is 59 Patton. Review should be started with setting the machine class. In this case, this premium. The design combines the M48 Patton Tower and the body from Type 59. Although information about this development is not enough, it exists. Presented in sketches. The game refers to 8 levels. The place is chosen for sure. Since the tank clearly by its capabilities of competitors level 7, its equipment is not enough for the ninth. Consider our hero in various projections and try to figure it out in its main features.

Middle Tank 59 Patton: Overview of Fire Power

The first thing to talk in detail is an instrument. It does not differ in anything cardinal, if compared with other level 8 representatives. For example, you can pay attention to T95E2 or T26E4 Super Pershing. With the first of our hero, the tools are identical, if you do not take into account minor deviations in the parameters of stabilization and CD.

Overview Tank 59 Patton will continue information about the information. It is 2.5 seconds in this case. The indicator cannot be called decent, because we are talking about the middle tank. For example, T26E4 is also reduced 2.3, but it is slow, and also is equipped with chitting screens that save position. In our case, the situation is different. Our hero has a huge commander's tower. Shells flies into it.

Let's go back to the gun. CD at the tank - 6-7 seconds. This indicator at a decent level. Accuracy is set at the mark - 0.39. The result is good, however, it will not work in motion. With this indicator, this could be done on the T26E4 tank, because its maximum speed is 40 km / h. It accelerates slowly, and therefore shooting in motion easily. And what does the Tank 59 Patton offer us? Review of the high-speed indicator later.

So, this combat machine is equipped with 520 horsepower, which accelerate it to an impressive 50 km / h. In some cases, it is very useful to supplement the configuration of the tank by the vertical tank stabilizer.


This case in our case is similar to Type 59. With the tower, everything is not so simple. It has a lot of orange and red, but they do not always indicate invulnerability. With a detailed consideration, it can be seen that the maximum thickness of 170 mm, and it is observed near the mask and in the cheeks. All other elements go down to the indicators of 140 - 127 mm. We have a huge commander turret. It is possible to hit it even at the middle distance. The thickness of the armor in this area is 100 mm. This indicator for the eighth level is incredibly low.

Other features

We have already mentioned that the engine is able to disperse this model of the tank to 50 km / h. The rotation indicator of the hull is set at 46 degrees. / S. This indicator can be considered decent. You should pay attention to the strength of the tank, it is equal to 1350 hp. The review in this case is 370 meters. The indicator is very low, if you compare it with other similar combat machines 8 levels. Let's compare our hero with competitors. T-54 is not much ahead of him, but it does not have a commander turret. As for Panther 8.8, it is also similar to our hero, however, it has acceptable figures and accuracy. T26E4 is compared with the model described in many parameters, however, it has excellent screens. The French AMX CDC Tank is distinguished by incredible speed. It is at the highest level among its class. T-34-3 - pretty thick design. Before purchasing the combat vehicle described, it is necessary to think well and weigh its positive and negative features. Now you know everything about Tank 59 Patton. The review of it we led to above.

Today we will talk about the Tank 59 Patton, which is a review below. Note that we are talking about a combat vehicle in the game "World of Tanks". Her story began with the emergence of a number of images on specialized resources.


So, the topic of our conversation is 59 Patton. Review should be started with setting the machine class. In this case, this premium. The design combines the tower and the case from Type 59. Although information about this development is not enough, it exists. Presented in sketches. The game refers to 8 levels. The place is chosen for sure. Since the tank clearly by its capabilities of competitors level 7, its equipment is not enough for the ninth. Consider our hero in various projections and try to figure it out in its main features.

Middle Tank 59 Patton: Overview of Fire Power

The first thing to talk in detail is an instrument. It does not differ in anything cardinal, if compared with other level 8 representatives. For example, you can pay attention to T95E2 or T26E4 Super Pershing. With the first of our hero, the tools are identical, if you do not take into account minor deviations in the parameters of stabilization and CD.

Overview Tank 59 Patton will continue information about the information. It is 2.5 seconds in this case. The indicator cannot be called decent, because we are talking about the middle tank. For example, T26E4 is also reduced 2.3, but it is slow, and also is equipped with chitting screens that save position. In our case, the situation is different. Our hero has a huge commander's tower. Shells flies into it.

Let's go back to the gun. CD at the tank - 6-7 seconds. This indicator at a decent level. Accuracy is set at the mark - 0.39. The result is good, however, it will not work in motion. With this indicator, this could be done on the T26E4 tank, because its maximum speed is 40 km / h. It accelerates slowly, and therefore shooting in motion easily. And what does the Tank 59 Patton offer us? Review of the high-speed indicator later.

So, this combat machine is equipped with 520 horsepower, which accelerate it to an impressive 50 km / h. In some cases, it is very useful to supplement the configuration of the tank by the vertical tank stabilizer.


This case indicator in our case is similar to the tower not so simple. It has a lot of orange and red, but they do not always indicate invulnerability. With a detailed consideration, it can be seen that the maximum thickness of 170 mm, and it is observed near the mask and in the cheeks. All other elements go down to the indicators of 140 - 127 mm. We have a huge commander turret. It is possible to hit it even at the middle distance. The thickness of the armor in this area is 100 mm. This indicator for the eighth level is incredibly low.

Other features

We have already mentioned that the engine is able to disperse this model of the tank to 50 km / h. The rotation indicator of the hull is set at 46 degrees. / S. This indicator can be considered decent. You should pay attention to the strength of the tank, it is equal to 1350 hp. The review in this case is 370 meters. The indicator is very low, if you compare it with other similar combat machines 8 levels. Let's compare our hero with competitors. T-54 is not much ahead of him, but it does not have a commander turret. As for Panther 8.8, it is also similar to our hero, however, it has acceptable figures and accuracy. T26E4 is compared with the model described in many parameters, however, it has excellent screens. AMX CDC is distinguished by incredible speed. It is at the highest level among its class. T-34-3 - pretty thick design. Before purchasing the combat vehicle described, it is necessary to think well and weigh its positive and negative features. Now you know everything about Tank 59 Patton. The review of it we led to above.

November 24, 2015.

Today we will talk about the Tank 59 Patton, which is a review below. Note that we are talking about a combat vehicle in the game "World of Tanks". Her story began with the emergence of a number of images on specialized resources.


So, the topic of our conversation is 59 Patton. Review should be started with setting the machine class. In this case, this premium. The design combines the M48 Patton Tower and the body from Type 59. Although information about this development is not enough, it exists. Presented in sketches. The game refers to 8 levels. The place is chosen for sure. Since the tank clearly by its capabilities of competitors level 7, its equipment is not enough for the ninth. Consider our hero in various projections and try to figure it out in its main features.

Middle Tank 59 Patton: Overview of Fire Power

The first thing to talk in detail is an instrument. It does not differ in anything cardinal, if compared with other level 8 representatives. For example, you can pay attention to T95E2 or T26E4 Super Pershing. With the first of our hero, the tools are identical, if you do not take into account minor deviations in the parameters of stabilization and CD.

Overview Tank 59 Patton will continue information about the information. It is 2.5 seconds in this case. The indicator cannot be called decent, because we are talking about the middle tank. For example, T26E4 is also reduced 2.3, but it is slow, and also is equipped with chitting screens that save position. In our case, the situation is different. Our hero has a huge commander's tower. Shells flies into it.

Let's go back to the gun. CD at the tank - 6-7 seconds. This indicator at a decent level. Accuracy is set at the mark - 0.39. The result is good, however, it will not work in motion. With this indicator, this could be done on the T26E4 tank, because its maximum speed is 40 km / h. It accelerates slowly, and therefore shooting in motion easily. And what does the Tank 59 Patton offer us? Review of the high-speed indicator later.

So, this combat machine is equipped with 520 horsepower, which accelerate it to an impressive 50 km / h. In some cases, it is very useful to supplement the configuration of the tank by the vertical tank stabilizer.


This case in our case is similar to Type 59. With the tower, everything is not so simple. It has a lot of orange and red, but they do not always indicate invulnerability. With a detailed consideration, it can be seen that the maximum thickness of 170 mm, and it is observed near the mask and in the cheeks. All other elements go down to the indicators of 140 - 127 mm. We have a huge commander turret. It is possible to hit it even at the middle distance. The thickness of the armor in this area is 100 mm. This indicator for the eighth level is incredibly low.

Other features

We have already mentioned that the engine is able to disperse this model of the tank to 50 km / h. The rotation indicator of the hull is set at 46 degrees. / S. This indicator can be considered decent. You should pay attention to the strength of the tank, it is equal to 1350 hp. The review in this case is 370 meters. The indicator is very low, if you compare it with other similar combat machines 8 levels. Let's compare our hero with competitors. T-54 is not much ahead of him, but it does not have a commander turret. As for Panther 8.8, it is also similar to our hero, however, it has acceptable figures and accuracy. T26E4 is compared with the model described in many parameters, however, it has excellent screens. The French AMX CDC Tank is distinguished by incredible speed. It is at the highest level among its class. T-34-3 - pretty thick design. Before purchasing the combat vehicle described, it is necessary to think well and weigh its positive and negative features. Now you know everything about Tank 59 Patton. The review of it we led to above.

Source: FB.ru.

