A collection of games for the socialization of the child in the game. Games aimed at the successful socialization of preschool children. The role of play in socialization

preschool child socialization game

Childhood is a special state, the essence of which is the process of growing up a child, his entry into the social world of adults, which provides for the acquisition of the properties and qualities of a mature person. The child begins to focus on other people, on the values ​​in their world, learns the norms of behavior and relationships. For him, both the society of adults and the society of children are already important, since each of them enriches his social experience in its own way.

Entry into the social world occurs directly through the interaction of the child with adults. This interaction between man and society is designated by the concept of "socialization". However, the function of socialization is not limited to the possibility of interaction between man and society. It also ensures the preservation of society, since socialization contributes to the assimilation of ideals and values ​​by new citizens.

Socialization is the process of personality formation, the individual's assimilation of language, social values ​​and experience, culture inherent in a given society, social community, group, reproduction and enrichment of social ties and social experience.

Socialization breaks down into stages, each of which “specializes” in solving certain problems: the formation of adequate self-esteem, the ability to find a constructive way out of conflict situations, the reduction of aggression and self-doubt in children, without which the subsequent stage may not come.

Adaptation is the adaptation of the individual, independent and violent, to the conditions of the social environment.

Social adaptation is the active adaptation of a person to the conditions of the social environment, thanks to which the most favorable conditions for self-expression and natural assimilation, acceptance of goals, values, norms and styles of behavior adopted in society are created.

Integration is the unification of any parts into a whole.

The integration of a preschooler is a combination of the emotional sphere, the nature of perception, an adequate response, and the child's own activities.

Personalization is a process as a result of which the subject receives an ideal representation in the life of other people and can act as a person in public life (Petrovsky).

The result of socialization is socialization.

Socialization in its most general form is understood as "the formation of traits given by the status and required by a given society", from another point of view - the assimilation of personal and social qualities. The main criteria for socialization include: the content of formed attitudes, values; personality adaptability, its normative behavior; social identity. Socialization acts as the achievement at each age stage of a certain balance of adaptation and isolation in society. In preschool age, successful socialization is determined by the formation of the ability to overcome difficulties in communicating with peers, the ability to find a constructive way out of conflict situations, as well as the presence of adequate self-esteem.

The successful formation of socialization skills, at present, is facilitated by various means of socialization of preschoolers, exercise, storytelling, conversation, various options for observing children, visual activity and construction, but preference is given to means play activities, because play, being a simple and close to a person way of knowing the surrounding reality, should be the most natural and accessible way to master certain knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Play is the leading type of activity for preschoolers, in which they take on “adult” roles and, in play conditions, reproduce the activities of adults and the relationship between them. A child, choosing a certain role, also has an image corresponding to this role - a doctor, a mother, a daughter, a driver.

This image also implies game actions child. The figurative inner plan of the game is so important that without it the game simply cannot exist.

Through images and actions, children learn to express their feelings and emotions. In their games, mom can be strict or kind, sad or funny, affectionate and tender. The image is played, studied and memorized. Everything role-playing games children (with very few exceptions) are filled with social content and serve as a means of getting used to the fullness of human relations.

Through the game, the child comprehends the world objects and people, "grows" into the community of adults. The child must master this activity and get enough of it in order to school age, he no longer confused educational motivation with play, he distinguished when it was necessary to fulfill the requirements, and when only to imitate their understanding.

Play has a significant impact on a child's development. In play, the child learns the meaning of human activity, begins to understand and navigate the reasons for certain actions of people. Knowing the system of human relations, he begins to realize his place in it. In the game, children learn to communicate with each other, the ability to subordinate their interests to the interests of others. Play contributes to the development of the child's voluntary behavior. The mechanism for controlling one's own behavior, obeying the rules, is formed precisely in a plot-based role-playing game, and then manifests itself in other types of activity (for example, in educational activities). In a developed role-playing game with its complex plots and roles that create a wide scope for improvisation, children develop their creative imaginations. Play contributes to the formation of voluntary memory, attention and thinking of the child.

The game creates real conditions for the development of many skills and abilities necessary for a child to successfully transition to educational activities.

The game takes its origins from the object-manipulative activity of the child in early childhood. At first, the child is absorbed by the object and actions with it. When he masters the action, he begins to realize that he is acting himself and as an adult. He had imitated an adult before, but did not notice it. In preschool age, attention is transferred from the subject to the person, thanks to which the adult and his actions become a role model for the child.

At 3-4 years old, the child actively moves from object interaction to the reproduction of human relationships, his game reflects the norms and rules of social contacts that affect the formation of his moral sphere. An adult, despite the child's need to act independently, is interesting to the child as a carrier of various information. Therefore, playing independently, the child feels the need to constantly communicate with an adult in order for him to look, express his attitude to its construction, actions: “Did I do well? So how should it be?".

Preschool age is considered the classic play age. During this period, a special type of children's play arises and acquires the most developed form, which in psychology and pedagogy is called plot-role. Role-playing game is an activity in which children take on the labor or social functions of adults and, in specially created playful, imaginary conditions, reproduce (or simulate) the life of adults and the relationship between them.

According to the concept of children's play by D.B. Elkonin, role play is an expression of the child's growing connection with society - a special connection characteristic of preschool age... The role-playing game expresses the child's desire to participate in the life of adults, which cannot be realized directly, due to the complexity of the tools and their inaccessibility for the child. In role-playing games, children reflect their world around them and its diversity, they can reproduce scenes from family life, from relationships between adults, work activities, and so on. As the child grows up, the plots of their role-playing games become more complicated. So, for example, the game of "mothers and daughters". Ethnographic research by D.B. Elkonin showed that in more primitive societies, where children can very early take part in the labor activity of adults, there are no objective conditions for the emergence of role-playing games.

In children 2-4 years old, in a role-playing game with the use of toys, its content is enriched by combining individual actions: the bear washes its paws - eats - sleeps. Applying methods of direct and partially indirect guidance, the teacher contributes to the development of short game chains. For example, a mother combes her daughter - a daughter puts on a dress - a mother feeds a daughter - leads a daughter to Kindergarten... You can build such a chain with the help of leading questions ("What will my daughter do now?").

Theatrical play is a theatrical performance based on fairy tales in the persons of literary works. For children three to four years old, it is characteristic to take the actions of adults as a model. It is through the role in the theatrical play that the child learns the rules of command accepted in the adult world.

In the amateur play of children, literary and artistic material is reflected, with which the teacher introduces them throughout the year. Experts say that only vivid artistic images, memorable, fascinating stories, close to the child's life experience, become the basis for free children's play.

Directing is a kind of creative acting. In them, as in all creative games, there is an imaginary or imaginary situation.

Through the director's play, the child acquires the ability to act out plots, act for all characters, combine various storylines; his ability to take the position of the character is being improved. The director's games reflect the everyday life that surrounds the child; there is an operation with understandable concepts. The kid is able to grasp the situation as a whole: the doll-daughter came from a walk, will undress, wash her hands, her mother will feed her lunch. The ability to take on a role is gradually developing, to speak on behalf of the character and reflect his mood, emotions; the child masters role behavior.

The didactic game is an educational game: "Couples", "Pick a picture". Such games are created by adults in order to educate and educate children. As noted by A.N. Leontiev, didactic games refer to "milestone games", representing a transitional form to the non-play activities that they prepare. These games promote development cognitive activities, intelligent operations, which are the basis of learning.

At the age of 3-4 years, didactic games can cover the entire lesson, including different types of activity (play, music, word, movement, visual activity). These games also include dramatization. Imitation of animal images, through the heroes of favorite fairy tales, contributes to the expression of children's attitudes to the depicted phenomenon through facial expressions, gestures, intonation. For example: "Cat and Mice", "Cars and Pedestrians".

In children 4-5 years old role-playing game takes a leading place in their life. They have not only the desire to play, but to play this or that role: the seller, the driver ("Toy store", "Garage").

Games with rules are didactic games where the fulfillment of gaming obligations is required: "Merry Lotto", "Wonderful Bag", "What's gone?" Learning rules help to reveal to children what and how to do: they correlate with play actions, strengthen their role, clarify the way of implementation; organizers - determine the order, sequence and relationships of children in the game; disciplining - warn about what and why not to do.

At this age, children begin to dominate collective games, in which there is a place for invention, competition, initiative: "Bus", "Ship". They are happy to fulfill the teacher's request to teach the game to a peer who does not know how to play it, or does not understand the rules of the game. In this case, the training is active, the children obey the rules and jealously monitor the implementation of the rules by other children.

In the middle preschool age, a child, having taken on a role, behaves in accordance with the rules that she imposes on him. Relations between people become the content of the game. The subject content of the role requires the fulfillment of play circumstances (for example, the teacher teaches children to wash their hands, make the bed, feed them lunch); this expresses the unity of the objective and social content of the preschooler's play. In games, the plot helps to obey the rules: imagining himself as a driver, the child, at the signal of a traffic light, sets off on the road.

Games with rules teach children to come up with new game actions, foster a creative attitude to the game in general.

D.B. Elkonin concludes that the method of action with an object can be mastered through a model, and the meaning of the action will be understood only through the inclusion of action in the system of human relations. Children of the middle group are keenly interested in the professional activities of adults. They love to watch how the store weighs the goods, how their mother ironing the laundry. Baby in real life not yet ready to master many activities, but he can do it with pleasure in the game, for example, the games "Shop", "Family", "Garage". For the development of role-playing games, the educator must expand the life and play ideas of children, telling the meaning of relationships between people in professional activities: reading books, taking excursions, etc.

The work on the formation of the theatrical activity of preschoolers must begin with the accumulation of emotional and sensory experience. Children of middle preschool age, subject to the systematic engagement in theatrical play, have an increasing interest in reincarnation. Children willingly act out familiar fairy tales and works that made a strong impression on them. Incarnating in the role, the children of the middle group strive to reliably portray the character. If earlier they had a predominant desire to participate in dramatization, to play a role, then at this age it becomes important to perform a quality role.

At this age, the director's game also develops. Boys have fights and girls dress up dolls. Table theater occupies an important place in the director's game. Children are happy to play fairy tales in their free time: "The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster", "Mashenka and the Bear". Reflecting in independent play, these tales contribute to identification with different characters, entering an imaginary situation, manifesting emotions and feelings, experiencing all plot collisions with their characters. For example, a theatrical performance based on the fairy tale "Teremok".

Role-playing game at 5-6 years old reaches its peak. The imitation of the relationships between adults in their social life is increasing due to the expansion of children's ideas about the world around them, the further development of play skills, and the complication of play ideas. There is a need for a chain of roles (loaders - drivers - sellers - buyers), in coordinating role actions (loaders unload the goods brought by the driver, the seller specifies the availability of the goods, buyers are waiting for new products), the ability to come to terms with the game, determine role behavior according to plot twists. For example, in the game "Shop", while the movers are unloading the goods, the buyers decide in different ways what to do: stay at this time at home, go to another store, or stand in line until the end of unloading. The teacher plays the role of an advisor and partner in the game and can suggest several plots, for example, in the game “Theater” he asks: “Who works in the theater? How to behave in the theater? What can you see in the theater? What is intermission? " Guiding questions provide the most general idea of ​​the content that should be fleshed out.

Dramatizations are invaluable in developing a role-playing game. In dramatization games, children of this age play out the plots of various works of art. Children can imagine the theater, the work of its employees, the behavior of spectators based on their experience (they go to performances in kindergarten or visit the theater with their parents), gain knowledge from conversations about the theater, and find themselves in the role of props, directors, and costume designers.

As their independence develops, children have more and more ideas for theatrical games, the impetus for the deployment of which are fairy tales, stories, stories, cartoons, causing with their vivid images and interesting stories desire to play. Work on the development of theatrical activities and the formation creativity children brings tangible results. The art of theater, being one of the most important factors aesthetic education, promotes comprehensive development preschoolers, their inclinations, interests, practical skills. In the process of theatrical activity, a special, aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world develops, general mental processes develop: perception, imaginative thinking, imagination, attention, memory.

By this age, as a rule, children have played many roles in the performances. Showing the advantage of one role or another, the educator encourages them to change roles in order to try themselves in a different role, learn in different ways, and interpret the same image. The exchange of roles provides a chance to feel different and in this "shell" to master new roles, choosing the means of expression characteristic of the given image - intonation, gestures, posture.

The development of consciousness leads to the fact that children begin to understand the social value of certain roles. They have less and more preferred roles. When distributing them, conflicts can very often arise. In order to remove them, it is necessary to introduce appropriate norms of play activity: rules according to which children take turns playing attractive roles, or a strategy according to which a less attractive role can become more attractive due to new play actions.

In this age new level development gets the director's play. It becomes more developed, the child uses many additional details for it: builds fortifications, erects the necessary buildings.

In didactic games, children 5-6 years old show independence and stability of attention, increased interest in solving mental problems: "Lotto", "Assemble a square", " Logic train» .

If in middle group children were mainly carried away by the process itself, but now the result is more important, winning a prize. Children 4-5 years old in the process of playing act emotionally, rejoicing in the action itself, and at 5-6 years old they show concentration and purposefulness, trying to perform the action most accurately. They have an increased desire to overcome obstacles, to cope with the task. This has a positive effect on the quality of the game and makes you want to play on your own. E.I. Radina notes independence and sociability in children of this age, which has a positive effect on the ability to self-organize.

Children 6-7 years old in the process of playing activity, children mainly reflect relations between people, which is expressed in the presence of such plots that reflect characteristic life situations (for example, the birth and upbringing of a child, choice of profession, human illness, etc.). activities can cover a wide play space in which several play centers, representing a special system of interaction (for example, there can be a center-hospital, a center-hairdresser, a center-store at the same time), moving between which children play one or another role.

At this age, a conscious attitude towards fulfilling the rules of role behavior reflects the depth of mastering the sphere of reality. Role fulfillment becomes a significant motive of play activity. Role encourages children to obey certain rules behavior and follow social norms. If earlier in the choice of a role the main place was occupied by its external attractiveness, now there is a conscious use of the role. Stories about courageous people (rescuers, pilots), fantastic adventures, and fascinating stories are very popular among children of this age. Guys eagerly determine the share of their participation in the game, striving to get the most socially significant role. The place of action of the game is unrecognizably transformed: children use various improvised materials, toys, interior items. They use in the game knowledge borrowed from different sources: from life experience, from books, films, stories, works of musical and visual arts, sightseeing impressions, special conversations, thematic evenings: "Travel into space", "Fire extinguishing", "Salon beauty ".

In children 6-7 years old, you can often observe games of a mixed type, in which dramatization and outdoor play, fun and didactic game, travel game and joke game, entertainment, etc. are combined. Common is the presence of an imaginary situation and the desire of children to learn, also the desire of the teacher to improve the game in which their playing skills and personal qualities will develop.

In the minds of children of this age, the role-playing game and dramatization are closely related to each other. All external structural elements games are general: an imaginary situation, an action, a role, a plot; The sensations in the role are also similar: in dramatization, the child, for example, in the dramatization game "Ball," loses the state of Cinderella in anticipation of the ball, and in the role-playing game, fighting the enemy, he really feels anger, and the feeling of revenge takes possession of him entirely. In both types of games, the child is interested in the relationship of people. Both dramatization and plot-based role-playing games can only have a certain basis for developing a full-blooded plot, the actions of children in them can be creatively free; they have a lot of room for improvisation. There is an opinion that the role-playing game by the end of preschool childhood fades away, however, if we proceed from the concept of the continuity of play in the child's life, then we can rather say that it is being transformed and combined with other types of games.

Theatrical games are also interesting for children. Children are keenly interested in theater as an art form; they are carried away by stories about the history of theater and theatrical art, special excursions, photo and video materials telling about the external features of the theater building (advertising, theater name, repertoire list), the internal arrangement of the theater premises for spectators (foyer with photographs of artists and scenes from performances, wardrobe, buffet auditorium) and for theater workers (stage, auditorium, rehearsal rooms, wardrobe, dressing room, art workshop). They are also interested in theatrical professions (director, actor, make-up artist, artist). Children are attracted by the acquisition of elementary knowledge and skills in these professions (putting on makeup, choosing music, coming up with a design), which are in demand in direct preparation for the performance.

Researchers believe that the joy of being exposed to art is often lost with age if it is not consciously practiced. When working on the embodiment of means of expression, on specific skills, it is important not to lose sight of the education of an attitude towards the theater as a temple of the arts; not to oversimplify or belittle its impact on the spiritual and moral difference of children. It should be remembered that children of this age are looking for their hero in the theater, whom they would like to be like, and if such a meeting does not take place, they turn to action films, are forced to adopt the habits of superheroes and actively imitate them.

A theatrical play in kindergarten should give the child a positive character who would like to imitate and believe.

In children 6-7 years old, personal mechanisms of behavior begin to take shape, in which the main place is occupied by the awareness and mediation of their own behavior. At this age, arbitrary behavior and intellectual activity are effectively developed in games with rules. Didactic play should become one of the most important steps in preparing children for school. By the end of preschool age, children accumulate quite a lot of experience in didactic games: "Fold the square", "What first, what then?", "Read it," "Mathematical Lotto." Playing independently, they can teach each other unfamiliar games, introduce new rules, conditions in famous game... Mutual learning has an important role in shaping the activity of children, the development of their intellectual sphere.

Thus, play is essential. social development children. At the age of three, children learn the world through manipulating toys; for this age, didactic games are recommended, which are also a form of learning. By the age of four or five, the child begins to learn the system of human relations, therefore, plot-based role-playing games are characteristic for children of this age, which teach the child to imbue with the thoughts and feelings of the people portrayed, going beyond the circle of everyday impressions into the wider world of human aspirations and heroic deeds. Children six to seven years old are interested in relationships with peers, in which conflicts often occur. Children of this age are characterized by games that contribute to the development of the ability to overcome difficulties in communicating with peers, to reduce aggression and self-doubt, these are games of a mixed type.

In the game, children get acquainted with different types of activities of adults, learn to understand the feelings and states of other people, empathize with them, acquire communication skills with peers and older children. The game has an excellent psychotherapeutic effect, since in it the child can unconsciously and involuntarily release the accumulated negative experiences through play actions, "play out" them. Playing gives him a special feeling of omnipotence and freedom. Play is the most natural and productive way of assimilating the culture of the society in which a child lives.


Preschool childhood is an important period in the formation of the child's personality, including in his communication development... During the period of preschool childhood, the child goes through a number of stages of socialization: non-independent elements of interaction (in the form of revitalization), the emergence of a need for communication with peers, adaptation to a preschool institution, the ability to subordinate his behavior to the laws of children's groups based on the learned rules and norms of behavior. Thus, if at each of these stages a favorable society is created, the necessary communication skills corresponding to a given age are formed in time, then a 5-6-year-old child already communicates freely with others, observing the norms and rules adopted in this society. Therefore, already in the preschool years, it is desirable to form the pupil's communicative competence, which helps him to communicate effectively with other people. Communicative competence the ability to get in touch with a stranger, to understand his personality traits and intentions, to anticipate the results of his behavior and to build his behavior in accordance with this

The proposed games are aimed at developing communication skills, the ability to receive joy from communication, the ability to listen and hear another person, the emotional sphere, relieve muscle and psycho-emotional stress, enhance communication with each other, and form a positive attitude towards peers. These games can be used to work with children with special educational needs.

"Magic wand"

Target: the formation of the child's ideas about the capabilities of their own and their peers.

Game progress:

An ordinary object (pen, pencil, ruler, etc.), by common agreement, turns into a magic wand. Children sit or stand in a circle and pass the stick to each other in random order or clockwise, while pronouncing phrases according to the previously established rule, for example: the transmitter calls the object, and the receiver calls an action that can be performed with it (the carpet is lying), you can name a fairy tale and its characters.

"Bridge of Friendship"

Target: Development of empathy in children, overcoming indecision, stiffness in shy children.

Stroke games:

The teacher shows the children a ruler and says: “This is a bridge of friendship. Let's try to hold the bridge with our foreheads. At the same time, we will say something pleasant to each other. "

The game can be played in the form of competitions, the winner is the couple that lasted longer than the others.


Target: Develop the ability to establish positive relationships with others.

Game progress :

The players stand in pairs facing each other. One of the partners is a "mirror", the other is standing in front of him. The "mirror" should follow the movement.

The options are:

The teacher (child) plays the role of a person standing in front of a mirror, playing - "fragments of a mirror", its reflecting - "reflected" facial expression, mood (gloomy, joyful, offended, etc.)

"Bake a pie"

Target: Learning to respect others, the development of imagination, creativity.
Equipment: A blanket.

Game progress:

One of the children is covered with a blanket and asked to lie face down on the carpet. Then they stroke it with their hands, "sift the flour", "roll it out", "knead", "cover it with jam." The cake is then turned over and decorated.

When the "pie" is ready, he will say. Then they unfold it, and it rises like a pie from the oven.

"Send a letter"

Target: Development of group cohesion.

Game progress:

The players stand in a circle, holding hands tightly. The driver - the postman - is in the center of the circle. He says: "I am sending a letter from Seryozha to Lena." Seryozha begins to hand over the "letter". He presses the hand of his neighbor to the right or left, he shakes the next and so on in a circle until the "letter" reaches Lena.

The goal of the postman is to "intercept" the letter, i.e. see which of the children has it.

The child drives until the letter is "intercepted". It is advisable that every child has been in the role of a postman.


Target: develop the ability to calmly communicate with each other.

Game progress:

Each child, on a signal, without leaving his place, finds with the eyes of the one who looks exactly at him and stops his gaze on him. For some time, the "scouts" remain motionless, looking into each other's eyes. This is how pairs are formed, which then can perform a certain task.

« Storm"

Target: Develop a sense of group unity.

Game progress:

The facilitator starts the game by stopping in front of someone from the circle and rubbing his palms. The child, in front of whom the presenter stopped, imitates the sound of an incipient storm in the same way. The leader moves further in a circle and invites each participant in front of whom he stopped to do the same. The children themselves begin to rub their hands when the presenter moves a second time, snapping fingers and inviting each participant to do the same. During the third movement along the circle, the leader makes a sound by lightly stomping his feet. The peak of the storm is indicated by full blows of the feet on the floor.

Thus, at first, just the wind rustled in the foliage of the trees, then it began to rain, turned into a downpour, and finally a storm began. Seconds later, the storm begins to subside. The stomp of feet is replaced by light stomping, snapping of fingers and, finally, rubbing of palms, until there is complete silence.


Target: The game allows the child to feel their importance and the warm attitude of those around them.

Game progress:

“Probably you like to swim in the sea? Why? Probably because there are usually small waves in the sea and it is so nice when they gently wash you. Let's turn into sea waves now. Let's try to move like waves. Let's try to smile like waves when they sparkle in the sun. Let's try to “rustle” like waves when they hit the pebbles on the shore, let's try to say out loud what the waves would say to people swimming in them if they knew how to speak. Probably they would say: "We love you!".

Then the presenter invites everyone to take turns “swimming in the sea”. The “bathing one” becomes the center, the “waves” run up to him one by one and, stroking him, quietly utter their words: “We love you!”


Target: Formation of group unity.

Game progress:

The driver is chosen by the counting rhyme. He leaves the room. The rest of the children join hands and form a circle. Without unclenching their hands, they begin to get confused - as best they can.

When confusion has formed, the driver takes them into the room and unravels them, without opening the hands of the children.

"Day comes - everything comes to life, night comes - everything freezes" "

Target: develop the ability to cooperate, to achieve the desired result.

Game progress:

After the words “The day is coming, everything comes to life! Game participants move chaotically (running, jumping, etc.). When the teacher says: "Night comes - everything freezes!" children freeze in bizarre poses. Gradually, the game becomes more complicated when a "condition of the day" is set: each participant must perform certain movements in a common situation for all, for example: harvesting, a zoo, a railway station, etc. In this case, children can be united in pairs or small groups.

"Lost Child"

Target: The game helps children to express their emotions, to show the ability to empathize.

Game progress:

“Let's pretend that we are in the forest. What are we doing there? Of course, we pick mushrooms or berries. But one of us got lost. We are very worried, both loudly and affectionately in turn, calling him, for example, "Hey, Sasha!"

The "lost" child stands with his back to the group and guesses who called him.

"Draw a pattern"

Target: Encourage people to work together, to help a friend.
Equipment. Paper template mittens - for each child, pencils.

Game progress:

Children are divided into pairs. The teacher distributes colored pencils, paper templates for mittens and asks to decorate them so that each pair has the same pattern.

After the game, a competition is held, which takes into account the identity of the patterns of paired mittens and the complexity of the ornament.


Target: Develop collaboration skills.

Game progress:

Children, split into pairs, lie on their stomachs opposite each other. A ball is placed between their heads. Touching the ball only with their head, they try to get up and pick the ball off the floor.

When children learn to cope with this task, the game can be made more difficult: increase the number of people who pick up one ball to three, four, five people.


Target: The game draws attention to the appearance of children, makes it possible to realize external similarities and differences.

Game progress:

The teacher asks the children to take a close look at each other: “Each of you has different hair colors. Now let's change places so that the one on the far right, here on this chair, sat the one with the lightest hair, and next to him - the one with the darker, and the one on the far right, on this chair, sat the one with the darkest hair. We started. "

An adult helps children, approaches each of them, touches their hair, consults with others.

Options. The task is the same as in the previous game, only the children must change places by eye color.

"A toy shop"

Target: developing the ability to understand each other, relieving mental stress, fear of social contacts, communicative timidity.

Game progress:

Children are divided into two groups - "buyers" and "toys". The latter guess what kind of toy each of them will be, and assume postures characteristic of them. Buyers approach them and ask: what kind of toys are these? Each toy, upon hearing a question, begins to move, performing actions characteristic of it. The buyer has to guess what kind of toy they are showing. The undersized one leaves without a purchase.

"Guess who"

Target: Learn to mentally reproduce the images of your friends and describe their individual characteristics.

Game progress:

The teacher chooses one child - the storyteller. The rest of the children form a circle. The narrator describes one of the children: appearance, clothing, character, inclination to certain occupations, etc. Children guess who they are talking about. The one who guessed the first, takes the child - the "answer" in a circle, and they, together with the narrator, hand in hand, walk to the song performed by all the children:

Become children

Stand in a circle

Stand in a circle

Stand in a circle.

I am your friend

And you are my friend

Kind, kind friend.



Develop a sense of responsibility for the other person.

Foster a trusting relationship with each other.

Equipment. Blindfold - by the number of pairs of children, chairs, cubes, hoops.

Game progress:

Objects - "obstacles" are laid out and arranged in the room. Children are divided into pairs: leader - follower. The follower puts on a blindfold, the leader leads him, telling him how to move, for example:

"Step over the cube", "There is a chair. Let's go around it. "

Then the children switch roles.

"Shop of polite words"

Target: develop goodwill, the ability to establish contact with peers.

Game progress:

Preliminarily, a conversation is held with the children about "magic words".

Educator: I have polite words on the "shelf" in my store: thanks (thank you, thank you), requests (please, please), greetings (hello, good afternoon, good morning), apologies (sorry, sorry, sorry, very sorry) affectionate treatment (dear mommy, daddy, sweet mommy, granny, etc.). I will offer you various situations, and you, in order to properly behave in them, take turns approaching the "shelf", buy the necessary words from me.

Situation: Mom brought delicious apples from the store. You really want to try them, but Mom said you need to wait until lunchtime. How do you ask her to give you a piece of delicious apple?

Situation: Grandma is tired and lies on the couch. You really want her to finish reading you an interesting book. What will you do? How do you ask her?

Situation: Mom brought your favorite cake from the store. You ate your portion, but you want more. What will you do?

« The Snow Queen»

Target: Help your child see positive character traits in every person.

Game progress:

The teacher asks to remember the tale of G.-H. Andersen "The Snow Queen".

Children tell that in this fairy tale there was a mirror, reflected in which, everything good and beautiful turned into bad and ugly. How many misfortunes have been done by the fragments of this mirror, falling into the eyes of people!

The teacher says that this tale has a continuation: when Kai and Gerda grew up, they made magic glasses, in which, unlike a mirror, you can see the good that is in every person. He offers to "try on these glasses": imagine that they are wearing, look closely at your comrades, try to see as much good in each as possible and tell about it. The teacher is the first to "put on the glasses" and give a sample description of two or three children.

After the game, the children try to tell what difficulties they experienced in the role of contemplators, how they felt.

The game can be played several times, noting in the subsequent discussion that each time it was possible to see more good things.

"Hands get to know each other, hands quarrel, hands reconcile"

Target: develop the ability to express your feelings and understand the feelings of another person.

Game progress:

The game is played in pairs with closed eyes, children sit opposite each other at arm's length. The teacher gives assignments. Close your eyes, stretch out your hands towards each other, meet your hands, try to get to know your neighbor better, lower your hands; stretch your arms forward again, find your neighbor's hands, your hands are quarreling, lower your hands; your hands are looking for each other again, they want to make peace, your hands are reconciled, they ask for forgiveness, you part as friends.

"Mat of reconciliation"

Target: Develop communication and conflict resolution skills.

Game progress:

Coming from a walk, the teacher informs the children that the two boys had a fight on the street today. He invites opponents to sit down opposite each other on the "Mat of Reconciliation" in order to find out the cause of the discord and find a peaceful solution to the problem. This game is also used in the discussion of "How to divide a toy."

"Seven-flower flower"


Encourage children to discuss their desires and choose one more significant one.

Encourage the desire to care for others.

Equipment: A seven-color paper flower with removable petals.

Game progress:

Children are divided into pairs. Each pair in turn, holding hands, "plucks" one petal and says:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south

Come back in a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be, in my opinion, led.

Having considered and coordinating with each other a common desire, they announce it to the rest.

The teacher encourages those desires that are associated with caring for comrades, old people, about those who are weaker, assures children that their desires will definitely come true.

Games for the formation of a culture of communication in preschool children

Game "Life in the forest"

The teacher sits on the carpet, seating the children around him.

Short description:

Imagine that you are in a forest and speak different languages. But you need to communicate with each other somehow. How to do it? How to ask about something, how to express your own friendly attitude without a word? To ask a question, how are you doing, we clap our palm on the palm of a comrade (showing). To answer that everything is fine, we bow our head to his shoulder; we want to express friendship and love - we gently stroke the head (show). Ready? Then they started. It is early morning, the sun came out, you just woke up ...

Game progress:

The teacher unfolds the further course of the game arbitrarily, making sure that the children do not talk to each other.

The game "Good Elves"

Short description:

Once upon a time, people, fighting for survival, were forced to work day and night. Of course, they were very tired. The good elves took pity on them. With the onset of night, they began to fly to people and, gently stroking them, gently lull them to sleep with kind words. And people fell asleep. And in the morning, full of strength, they took up work with renewed vigor.

Now we will play the role of ancient people and good elves. Those who sit on my right hand will play the roles of these workers, and those on the left - elves. Then we will switch roles. And so the night came. People, exhausted from fatigue, continue to work, and good elves fly in and lull them to sleep ...

Game progress:

A wordless act is played out.

The game "Chicks"

Short description:

Do you know how chicks are born? The embryo first develops in the shell. After the allotted time, he breaks it with his small beak and crawls out. A large, bright, unexplored world opens up to him, full of mysteries and surprises. Everything is new to him: flowers, grass, and pieces of shell. After all, he had never seen all this. Let's play chicks? Then let's squat down and start breaking the shell. Like this!

Game progress:

Everything! Smashed! Now let's explore the world around us - get to know each other, walk around the room, sniff objects. But keep in mind, chicks do not know how to talk, they only squeak.

The game "Ants"

The teacher seats the children around him.

Short description:

Have any of you ever seen an anthill in the forest, inside which life rages day and night? None of the ants is sitting idle, everyone is busy: someone is carrying needles to strengthen their homes, someone is preparing dinner, someone is raising children. And so all spring and all summer. And in late autumn, when the cold comes, the ants gather together to fall asleep in their warm house. They sleep so deeply that they are not afraid of snow, blizzard, or frost. The anthill wakes up with the onset of spring, when the first warm rays of the sun begin to break through the thick layer of needles. But before starting their usual working life, the ants throw a huge feast. I have such a proposal: we will play the role of ants on a joyful day of the holiday. We will show how the ants greet each other, rejoicing in the arrival of spring, how they talk about what they have dreamed all winter. Just don't forget that ants can't talk. Therefore, we will communicate with gestures.

Game progress:

The teacher and the children play out the story with pantomime and actions, ending with a round dance and dances.

The game "Shadow play"

Short description:

Have you noticed how, on a bright sunny day, your own shadow follows you incessantly, exactly repeating, copying all your movements? Whether you walk, run, jump - she is with you all the time. And if you are walking or playing with someone, then your shadow, as if making friends with the shadow of your companion, again repeats everything exactly, but without speaking, without uttering a single sound. She does everything silently. Let's imagine that we are our shadows. Let's walk around the room, look at each other, try to communicate with each other, and then together we'll build something out of imaginary cubes. But how? We will move very quietly, without uttering a single sound. So here we go!

Game progress:

Together with an adult, children silently move around the room, look at each other, shake hands. Then, following his example, a tower is built from imaginary cubes. The success of the game depends on the imagination of the teacher.

The game "Animated toys"

The teacher sits on the carpet, seating the children around him.

Short description:

You have probably been told or read fairy tales about how toys come to life at night. Please close your eyes and imagine your favorite toy, imagine what she, waking up, does at night. Have you presented? Then I suggest you play the role of your favorite toy and get acquainted with the rest of the toys. But again, we perform all our actions in silence, so as not to wake up the elders. And after the game we will try to guess who was depicting which toy.

Game progress:

At the end of the game, the children, at the teacher's request, tell who was playing whom. If someone is at a loss, the adult suggests once again, walking around the room, to show his toy.

Games for the development of the emotional and moral sphere and communication skills in older preschool children

The game "Name yourself"

Target: to teach to introduce oneself to a collective of peers.

Game progress:

The child is asked to introduce himself, giving his name as he likes, as he is called at home or as he would like to be called in the group.

The game "Call affectionately"

Target: foster a benevolent attitude of children towards each other.

Game progress:

The child is offered to throw a ball or pass a toy to any peer (optional), affectionately calling him by name.

The game "Magic chair"

Target: to educate the ability to be affectionate, to activate gentle, affectionate words in the speech of children.

Game progress:

One child sits down in the center on a "magic" chair, the rest say kind, affectionate words and compliments about him. You can stroke the seated person, hug, kiss.

The game "Transfer of feelings"

Target: teach to convey various emotional states in a non-verbal way.

Game progress:

The child is given the task to convey a certain feeling "along the chain" with the help of facial expressions, gestures, and touches. The children then discuss how they felt.

The game "Reincarnation"

Target: teach the ability to transform into objects, animals, depicting them with the help of plastic, facial expressions, gestures.

Game progress: Children take turns thinking of a certain "image", depicting it without naming it. The rest guess, giving a verbal portrait.

The game "My favorite toy"

Target: develop the ability to listen to each other; describe your favorite toy, noting its mood, behavior, lifestyle.

Game progress:

Children choose which toy they will describe without naming it and talk about it. The rest guess.

The game "Gift to a friend"

Target: develop the ability to non-verbally "describe" objects.

Game progress:

One child becomes a “birthday boy”; the rest, “give” him gifts, conveying their attitude towards the “birthday man” with movements and facial expressions.

The game "Sculptor"

Target: teach to negotiate and interact in a peer group.

Game progress:

One child is a sculptor, three or five children are clay. The sculptor "sculpts" the composition from "clay", arranging the figures according to the conceived project. The rest help, then together they give the name "composition".

The game "Magic flower"

Target: teach to express your individuality, to introduce yourself to other children in the group.

Game progress:

Children are encouraged to imagine themselves as small sprouts of flowers. At will, they choose who will be what flower. Further, to the music, they show how the flower blooms. Then each child tells about himself: where and with whom he grows up, how he feels, what he dreams about.

The game "Multi-colored bouquet"

Target: learn to interact with each other, getting joy and pleasure from it.

Game progress:

Each child declares himself a flower and finds himself another flower for the bouquet, explaining his choice. Then all the "bouquets" are combined into one "bouquet" and arrange a round dance of flowers.

The game "Candle"

Target: develop the ability to manage your emotional state, relax, talk about your feelings and experiences.

Game progress:

Children in comfortable positions sit around the candle, gaze intently at the flame for 5-8 seconds, then close their eyes for 2-3 seconds (the candle goes out). Opening their eyes, they tell what images they saw in the flame of a candle, what they felt at the same time.

The game "Sunny Bunny"

Target: continue to foster a friendly attitude of children towards each other, to develop an atmosphere of warmth, love and affection.

Game progress:

Children are offered to "catch" a "sunbeam" with the help of a mirror. Then the teacher says that he also caught the "bunny", offers to pass it around in a circle so that everyone can caress him, keep warm with his warmth. When the "bunny" returns to the teacher, he draws attention to the fact that during this time the "bunny", treated kindly by the children, has grown and no longer fits in the palms of his hands. "Bunny" is released, but everyone catches particles of its warmth, tender rays with their heart.

The game "Pyramid of love"

Target: foster a respectful, caring attitude towards the world and people; develop communication skills.

Game progress:

Children sit in a circle. The teacher says: “Each of us loves something or someone; we all have this feeling, and we all express it in different ways. I love my family, my children, my home, my city, my job. Tell us who and what you love. (Children's stories.) Now let's build a "pyramid of love" out of our hands. I will name something favorite and put my hand, then each of you will name your favorite and put your hand. (Children build a pyramid.) Do you feel the warmth of your hands? Is this state pleasant to you? Look at how high we got the pyramid. High, because we are loved and love ourselves. "

The game "The Magicians"

Target: continue to cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to show attention and care.

Game progress:

Children are asked to imagine that they are magicians and can fulfill their wishes and the wishes of others. For example, we will add courage to Volodya, agility to Alyosha, etc.

We develop the ability to cooperate:

We teach to hear, understand and obey the rules

The game "Bunnies and fox"

Short description: Children (bunnies) gather at one of the walls, one child (in a fox mask) hides behind a "bush" (chair). The teacher stands at the opposite wall and counts loudly: "One, two, three, four, five, the bunnies are out for a walk."

Children run out into the middle of the room and start jumping merrily. A minute later - another teacher continues: "Suddenly the fox runs out, she will catch gray hares."

All the bunnies scatter, the fox is trying to "catch" someone, but in vain. The teacher adds: "The foxes did not fall into the paws - the bunnies all ran away into the forest."

Choose another fox, the game repeats. Such play is an elementary form of dramatization, to which children are gradually led. It is necessary to ensure that they act in strict accordance with the verbal instructions of the educator.

The game "Owl is an owl"

Short description: Children are shown an owl (picture, photograph), they are told about it. One child is an owl; the rest are forest birds. The owl sits on a tree (chair, box, etc.), birds run around it, cautiously approach it.


"Owl is an owl, big head,

Sits in a tree, turns his head,

Looks in all directions.

Suddenly she flies ...

At the last word (not earlier), the owl "flies" from the tree and begins to catch the birds. The captured bird becomes the new owl and the game resumes.

Even toddlers are happy to play this game. They still do not know how to catch each other, but they happily run around the hall, waiting for a signal (clap their hands, exclamation “stop!”), At which they must stop.

The game "Changers"

Short description: The game is played in a circle. Participants choose a driver. He gets up and carries his chair out of the circle - there are one fewer chairs than the players.

The teacher says: "Those who have ... (blond hair, red socks, blue shorts, braids, etc.) change places." After that, those who have the named sign should quickly get up and change places: the driver at this time is trying to take the vacant seat. The player without a chair becomes the driver.

The game "Platter game"

Short description: The players sit on the floor in a circle. One child goes to the middle of the circle, puts a plate on the edge, spins it, calls the name of some child, and returns to the circle. The one whom he named must have time to touch the plate while it is spinning. Spins it up again and names the next player. Those who did not have time to reach the plate and pick it up are eliminated from the game.

We learn to control movements and work according to instructions

The game "Cold - hot, right - left"

Short description: The teacher hides conditional subject(toy), and then with the help of commands such as "Step to the right, two steps forward, three to the left" leads the player to the goal, helping him with the words "warm", "hot", "cold". When children learn to navigate in space according to the verbal instructions of an adult, a plan diagram can be used.

The game "Play the transformation"

Short description: The leader in a circle passes objects (ball, pyramid, cube, etc.), calling them by conventional names. Children act with them as if they were objects named by an adult. For example, a ball is passed in a circle. The presenter calls it an “apple” - the children “eat” it, “wash” it, “sniff” it, etc.

The game "Mountain path"

Short description: Before the game, children read S. Marshak's fable "Two rams" and conduct a conversation on its content.

Why do you think there was a misfortune with the rams?

What qualities killed the rams?

Think and tell me: was there a way out of this situation?

What, in your opinion, should the rams do?

Game progress:

Then the game begins.

Educator: Imagine that we are high in the mountains. Before us is an abyss, through which we must cross. You will go towards each other (remember the rams). Your task is not to fall into the abyss. Remember that you are walking along a very narrow path and a narrow bridge over an abyss.

A chasm 2 m wide, a bridge and a path 25 - 30 cm wide are bounded by a rope or outlined with chalk.

Children split into pairs and, moving towards each other, cross the abyss.

The results are summed up:“Which pair did the best? Why?" Activity, attention to a partner, mutual assistance, options for solving the problem and the choice of the most suitable one, as well as the execution time are assessed.

The game "Eyes"

Short description: The teacher uses images from geometric shapes... Before starting the game, together with the children, he analyzes these images, distributes the children into pairs: one has blindfolds, the other does not (he is “the eyes of his pair). Next, a blindfolded child draws on paper, listening to the “eye” commands: “Right, left, up, down, left ...” (commands are given based on the sample). Then the children change roles, the game is repeated.

The game "Freeze!"

Short description: The sea king is selected with the help of a counting ringer. He monitors the immobility of the "sea figures" and "magic wand" removes the intruder.

The presenter says: “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, sea ​​figure- freeze! ".

Children, frozen in any position, are waiting for the signal: "Otomri!"

We cultivate trust in each other, a sense of responsibility for the other

The game "I do not have"

Short description: The teacher prepares in advance plot pictures related to acceptable and unacceptable relationships (in the systems an adult - a child, a child - a child, a child - the world around him), and the template “I shouldn't” (for example, the image of the “-“ sign).

The child lays out near the template those pictures that depict situations that are unacceptable in relationships between people, between man and nature, man and the objective world, explain their choice.

The rest of the children act as observers and advisers.

The game "Animals in the swamp"

Short description: All children of the group are playing. They are "beasts" that have fallen into the swamp. Each has three tablets (three sheets of paper). You can get out of the swamp only in pairs and only on the boards.

One of the players had two planks broken and sank to the bottom. To prevent him from drowning, he needs help - this can be done by his partner (his “couple”).

Every child should be a victim and rescuer.

Both the willingness to come to the rescue and the proposed options for salvation are assessed.

The game "Guide"

Short description: Objects - obstacles (chairs, cubes, hoops, etc.) are laid out and arranged in the group. Children are divided into pairs: leader - follower. The follower puts a blindfold on his eyes, the leader leads him, telling him how to move, for example: “Step over the cube”, “Here is a chair. Let's go around it. " Then the children switch roles.

We develop the ability to actively listen:

We learn to communicate on the verbal and non-verbal levels, to determine the emotional state of other people, to express our feelings

The game "Pantomimic studies"

Short description: Children are offered to walk like a little girl, a boy in a good mood, an old man, a child who is just learning to walk, a tired person, etc.

The game "Fairy Tales Inside Out"

Short description: Puppet or table theater based on a famous fairy tale.

The teacher invites the children to come up with a version of the fairy tale, where the characters of the heroes are changed (for example, the bun is evil, and the fox is good), and show with the help of a table theater what can happen in such a fairy tale.

The game « Reflection of feelings "

Short description: Children unite in pairs, agree who will be the “speaker” and who will be the “reflector”. The teacher whispers in the ear of the "speaker" a phrase like: "Mom came for me." The speaker is emotionally repeating, and the "reflector" must determine how his friend feels at the moment when he uttered the phrase.

Developing auditory perception

The game "Telephone"

Short description: The telephone operator is selected with the help of the reader. He thinks out a word and gives it to the first player (in his ear, in a whisper), he goes along the chain to the next, etc. When the word reaches the last player, the telephone operator asks him what word he “received through the call”. If the word is named incorrectly, the operator checks each player and establishes where the connection was broken.

The game « Word chain "

Short description: The driver is selected. He comes up with and names three to five words, then points to any player who must repeat the words in the same sequence. If the child copes with the task, he becomes the driver.

The game "Pack your suitcase"

Short description: Children are invited to go on a journey. What is needed for that? Put your things in a suitcase: "Think: what do you need to take with you on the road?" The first traveler names one object, the second repeats and names his own object. The third repeats what the second traveler named and names his own. Etc.

Condition: you cannot repeat yourself.

The game "Echo"

Short description:

1st option. A poem is read to children, they repeat the last word of each line.

2nd option. Children are divided into two teams: "Echo" and "Inventors".

Game progress:

The “inventors” agree on who will say which word on a certain topic, pronounce the hidden words in turn and ask the players: “What word did Kolya say? Sasha? Etc.".

The game "Mutual citation"

Short description:“We are going to play this game. I will knock my knees with my palms twice and say my name twice, then I will clap my hands in the air, saying the name of one of you, for example, "Vanya - Vanya". Vanya will first knock on his knees twice, calling himself, and then clap his hands and call someone else, for example, "Katya-Katya". Then Katya, taking over the course, will do the same. And so on. It is important not to look at the participant you are calling, but to pronounce his name into space, looking, for example, in the other direction or at the ceiling.

We teach to ask open and closed questions

The game "Mail"

Short description: A dialogue is established between the participants in the game and the driver.

Driving. Ding, ding, ding!

Children. Who's there?

Driving. Postman.

Children. Where?

Driving. From Ryazan.

Children. And what are they doing there?

Driving. They dance (sing, laugh, swim, fly), etc. (children depict the actions named by the driver).

The game "Yes" and "no" don't say

Short description: The game involves two teams. The teacher offers one of the teams to choose a "volunteer": he stands in front of another team, whose players "fire" questions at him for a minute. The "volunteer" should answer them, observing the rule: "Yes and no, do not say."

Guidelines: If a player utters one of these words, it will mean that the opposing team has outsmarted him and he must return to his place. If the player holds out for a minute and does not utter the forbidden words, then the opposing team recognizes itself as defeated. The "volunteer" receives a token. Then the teams switch roles. At the end of the game, the chips are counted: the team with the most of them wins.

The game "What is your name?"

Short description: The participants in the game come up with funny nicknames (a bubble, a hairbrush, a pen, etc.), then the driver asks questions. Answering them, you can only call your nickname. You have to answer quickly. Without hesitation, in no case should you laugh, even smile.

Game progress:

For example, the driver approaches the one who called himself a broom and strictly warns: “Whoever makes a mistake will get caught! Whoever laughs will have a bad time! ". This is followed by a dialogue like this:

Who are you?


What did you eat this morning?


What can you ride?

On a broomstick. Etc.

This continues until the player laughed. If the player laughed, he must give up the forfeit and leave the game.

The game "Chest"

Short description: There is a chest on the table with an object in it. They call one child, he looks into the chest. The rest of the children ask him questions about the color, shape, quality, properties, etc. of this object until they guess what is in the chest.

The game "Art Gallery"

Short description: Children are invited to look at the pictures they already know and make the one that they like best. Then all the children sit in a circle, one child is called. He says: "All pictures are good, but one is better."

Guidelines: With the help of questions, children try to guess which picture this child liked. If she is guessed correctly, the child says: “Thank you everyone! It really is she - a picture called (calls). "

The game "ABC of why"

Short description: Ask questions so that their first words begin with each letter of the alphabet (in order). The player who loses first, who forgets the sequence of letters in the alphabet.

Is watermelon a fruit or a vegetable?

Hippopotamus - who is this?

Are there wolves in our forests?

Where do hedgehogs winter?

Who brings up children?

Does the spruce look like a hedgehog?

Is Ruff a bird?

Where is greed manifested?

Why does a fox need a tail?

Is the iris a flower or a candy?

Where do birds fly in the fall?

Do you like animals?

Can you offend little ones?

Is night part of the day or time of year?

Are the clouds running or floating?

Do you help your parents?

Looking forward to your new toys?

Is a dog a friend of man?

Do you often ask adults questions?

Is it always useful to study?

What do they do with felt-tip pens?

Did you have a good rest in the summer?

Where does the heron live?

Do you often read books with adults?

What balloons can you decorate with?

Whose children are the puppies?

How many floors are in your house?

Is Yula a toy?

What are the colors of apples?

The game "Pum - pum - pum"

Short description:“Now we're going to play the Pum-Pum-Pum game. Pum - pum - pum is some kind of item that is in our group. "

Choose a child who must guess the object. Children ask him questions to guess what kind of "pum - pum - pum" is.

The one who asked for the item must answer the questions in full sentences.

We teach to paraphrase what has been said (keeping the main meaning)

The game "What did I say"

Short description: An adult asks the children: “Listen to what I am going to say now. The dog is running. A trickle runs. Water runs from the tap. What did I say? " Leads the children to the conclusion: "You said that a dog, a stream, tap water can run."

Guidelines: Each child is given three object pictures. The teacher's thought will be paraphrased by the child whose pictures will be discussed. For example, “Put your things down. Put your hands together. Lay down the wood. A duck is swimming. A man is floating. The ship is sailing. The plane is flying. A bird is flying. A cloud is flying. Table leg. A mushroom leg. Furniture leg. The doll's ear. Cat's ear. The eye of the needle. " etc.

In society, the requirements for the adaptive capabilities of the individual are increasing, due to social processes. Therefore, at the present stage of development of Russian society, the issue of full-fledged upbringing of the younger generation does not lose its relevance, but, on the contrary, is more acute than ever.

Particular attention is required by preschoolers, since it is at this age that the primary orientation of the whole future life takes place, the spiritual and moral foundations of the personality are laid, the first invaluable experience of interaction with society is formed. It is this age that is sensitive for the formation and development of most vital mental formations that determine the success or failure of the individual in the future. At the preschool age, the entire motivational-need sphere of a person is rebuilt, it is during this period that the manifestation of the need for recognition also changes qualitatively. Unrealization at this stage can affect the formation of an inadequate self-concept, as a consequence - an asocial behavioral orientation. Mistakes and miscalculations in upbringing made at this age can cause irreparable harm to the personality of the child. At the same time, correct and comprehensive education serves as the foundation for a successful and rich life in society, guarantees social activity in the future of every child, and therefore the development of society as a whole.

The most important aspect of the development of a child's personality in the early stages of ontogenesis is his socialization, due primarily to communication with adults and other children. Indeed, in the child's walking in modern world it is impossible without mastering the initial ideas of a social nature, without being included in the system of social relations, i.e. outside socialization.

Socialization is a process and result of assimilation and active reproduction of social experience in communication and activity.Socialization of the individual goes on throughout a person's life, but the foundations for its successful implementation were laid in childhood. Preschool childhood is a period of active mastery of the mechanisms of socialization, assimilation of the norms of social behavior. Socializing, the child masters the world around him and determines his place in it.

Socialization is carried out under the conditions of the spontaneous influence of various life factors and under the conditions of upbringing, which is the leading and defining principle of it. Family and kindergarten are the central and primary institutions of the child's socialization.

But today the situation has developed in such a way that the modern family in the overwhelming majority of cases is not able to fully ensure the full development of the personality, difficult task the formation and development of the adaptive capabilities of children, preparing them for further socialization falls on preschool institutions. To solve this global problem, it is necessary to optimize the educational process, competently using all available opportunities, traditional and innovative approaches to working with children.

Social development of preschool children is an important direction indomestic education. In the pedagogical activity of the preschool educational institution, itmastered taking into account social dominants:

- the child develops confidence in his abilities (he is neededothers love him);

- self-esteem and freedom develops (he chooses friends, activities, he has personal belongings);

- fosters a positive perception and attitude towards others (tolerance, respect for peers, interest in valuescooperation, responsibility for a given word, for one's business, for another person);

- the pupils of the preschool educational institution develop an understanding of those around them (theiremotional state, need for empathy).

Scientists have found that the most effective activity for entering the world of other people is play. A child's play is the main means of becoming an autonomous, independent person, freely and independently building their relationships with their peers. Play provides the child with self-realization and emotional comfort. The core directions of a child's development in play are the development of imagination, figurative thinking (as one of the main means of cognition) and voluntary regulation of activity.

In the game, children master new social roles, self-realization, and the acquisition of new social experience. She, like no other method and form of education, emphasizes the role of social interactions in the development of children.In addition, play as a means of cognizing the social world is at the same time a means of modeling it. In play, both the child and the adult construct themselves, learn to be better. These games are conventionally called "adult games for children" or socially oriented games.

In children preschool institutions the leading activity of preschoolers is a game from chaotic and superficial, under the influence of specialists, to a systematic and in-depth one. This leads to the adaptation of the child to his own internal changes associated with growing up, to the changed requirements for him in the family and other adults, to the requirements and norms of the children's team.

Play, being the leading activity in preschool age, is the main means of ensuring the harmonious development of a growing personality; facilitating the development of knowledge about the world around and the ways of its cognition, legal norms, norms of communication, accepted values.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten of the combined type No. 4 "ROSINKA"

Games card file,

aimed at the development of socialization of children

senior preschool age.


Henrikh I.V.



"The Snow Queen"

Purpose: development of the ability to give a benevolent assessment to another person.

Course: The teacher offers to remember the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" and says that she has a proposal: Kai and Gerda grew up and made magic glasses through which you could see all the good that is in every person. The teacher offers to "try on these glasses" and look carefully at each other, trying to see as much good in each as possible and tell about it. The adult puts on the "glasses" first and gives a sample description of two or three children. After the game, the children say what difficulties they experienced in the role of contemplating how they felt. The game can be played several times, noting that each time the children managed to see more good things.

Option. You can invite the whole group to "put on glasses" and take turns looking at each participant in the game.


Goal: development of the ability to establish " feedback»When interacting with other people.

Move: Four children - "signalmen"; the rest are observers; educator - the sender of the telegram; one child is its recipient. The signalmen and the recipient of the telegram go out the door. The teacher invites one signalman and reads the text of the telegram to him once. The first communicator, in order to better remember the text, can ask clarifying questions. Then he invites a second signalman and gives him the text he heard; the second to the third; the third to the fourth; the fourth - to the recipient. The recipient retells what he heard to the observers and asks: did he understand everything correctly?

Sample text. I am leaving on flight 47. Meet at 13.00 Moscow time. Don't forget about candy and flowers. See you. Your friend.

"A toy shop"

Purpose: developing the ability to understand each other, relieving mental stress, fear of social contacts, communicative timidity.

Course: children are divided into two groups - "buyers" and "toys". The latter guess what kind of toy each of them will be, and assume postures characteristic of them. Buyers approach them and ask: what kind of toys are these? Each toy, upon hearing a question, begins to move, performing actions characteristic of it. The buyer has to guess what kind of toy they are showing. The undersized one leaves without a purchase.

"Bridge of Friendship"

Purpose: development of empathy in emotionally isolated and selfish children, overcoming indecision, stiffness in shy children.

Course: The teacher shows the children a ruler and says to one of them: “This is a bridge of friendship. Let's try to hold the bridge with our foreheads. At the same time, we will say something pleasant to each other. " The game can be played in the form of competitions, the winner is the couple that lasted longer than the others. You can use a stopwatch.


Purpose: the development of sustainable interest in a peer.

Stroke: Children playing sit in a semicircle so that they can see each other well. According to the counting, the driver is selected (for the first time, there may be a teacher), he chooses one of the sitting people to describe and turns his back to them and says into the “microphone”: “Attention! Attention! A girl (boy) was lost ... (gives a description of one of the children). Let her (he) come to the announcer. " All children, according to the description, determine who they are talking about. Then the role of the announcer is played by the child who was described.

This game will help to establish contact of children with each other in a team, will contribute to the ability to listen to the opinions of others, to form a positive attitude towards peers.


Purpose: development of the ability to establish positive relationships with other people.

Move: In order to play this game, we need to split into two teams. To do this, I have cut pictures, each take one fragment of the picture for yourself. Your task is to collect a picture, find a place for your team. Further, the teacher offers the children an imaginary situation: they are going to rest without adults. On the eve they put their suitcase themselves. In order not to forget anything, you need to make a list of what you need and what will help you quickly get to know other children. The list must be compiled using diagrams, pictures, icons.

Teams need to prepare materials, discuss and sketch what to take for the trip. To do this, you have 10 minutes (set hourglass). After the expiration of the time, the presenter offers to exchange lists - sketches and guess what the other team takes with them on the journey.

By organizing this game, we used the rules of socio - gaming technology: work in small groups, change of leader, change of mise-en-scène, integration

types of activity (socialization, communication, productive, search, etc.).


Purpose: development of empathy and creativity in communication, the ability to foresee the desires of another, to assert their positive "I".

Move: In order to start playing this game, you need to split into two teams. To do this, I propose to stand in a semicircle according to the numbers of the houses in which you live, in ascending order (the players stand up), and now pay off for an apple - an orange. All "apples" are in the inner circle, and all "oranges" in the outer circle. Children form two circles and move to the music, in a circle, in opposite directions. At a signal, they stop, join hands with a peer standing opposite and turn to face each other. Assignment: First, the children from the outer circle make up their minds about what they would like to receive as a gift, and the children from the inner circle guess. If the child guesses, the guessing gives him a token, if not, gives his. Each player has 3 tokens. We play 3 times, then we count the tokens.

I ... Games for the working mood


1. "A letter through the air." Children choose a leader. He, with his back to the players, writes a large letter through the air, the rest guess. Letters can be written with hand, shoulder, head, foot, knee, etc., in a mirror image.

2. "Round dance letter". A group of children, holding hands, follow the presenter in a round dance like a snake and write the letter that he thought of. The rest guess the letter.

3. "Building letters." A group of children "builds" out of themselves a conceived letter as a frozen living pyramid, the rest guess, write down, sketch. “Letters-riddles” can be short riddle words (cat, poison, mustache, catfish, chorus)


The teacher (child) beats off a simple rhythmic pattern with claps. "Echo" on a signal (by sight or others) repeats the rhythm with claps (tapping, beating on the table with palms, etc.)Option: pronouncing syllables, words, phrases, reading aloud. The speaker (reader) pronounces - those who play "echo" repeat in a muffled tone, but in the same way as was pronounced by the author.

"Magic wand"

"Magic wand" (pen, pencil, etc.) is transmitted in random order,

the transmission is accompanied by a speech according to a predetermined order-rule.

The options are:

The transmitter names the noun, the receiver names the adjective to it;

The transmitter names the tale, the receiver names a character from this tale, etc.

If the receiver does not answer, the "stick" returns to its original position or changes the receiver. Children agree on the condition of the transfer:

Look into each other's eyes

Get up if you agree with the statement of the host

The sender is chosen one for all, the wand is returned to him

"Uncorrupted phone"

Children pass the word to each other in a whisper in the ear, children "catch" the word by ear. The success of the program is assessed by the following criteria: “they did not catch” the word, all the players took part in the program, the last one “received” the word transmitted by the first player.

Variants :

Word, difficult word, phrase, full name, tongue twister (counting-out), foreign word

Two telephone lines (relay race): a fast, unspoiled telephone.

"Flies - does not fly"

The teacher calls nouns, the children perform the given movements

(an airplane - they clap their hands or wave their hands, a wardrobe - do nothing or press their hands along the body). The one who is wrong is out of the game. The speech therapist selects words for inanimate, animate objects: titmouse, fly,

Tu-134, crane, mosquito, rocket, parachutist, ostrich, acrobat, poplar fluff.The options are: growing - not growing, moving - not moving, more - less, living - non-living, etc.

II ... Games to get started


The teacher (child-presenter) beats off a simple rhythmic pattern with claps. "Echo" on a signal (by sight or others) repeats the rhythm with claps (tapping, beating on the table with palms, etc.). The speaker (reader) pronounces - those who play "echo" repeat in a muffled tone, but in the same way as was pronounced by the author.

Option: pronouncing syllables, words, phrases, reading aloud.

"Dispute with pretexts"

The teacher invites the children to play out an argument between 2-3 groups using a picture: between a preposition and words (1 gr. - girlv coat, 2 gr. - girlv boots, 3 gr. - girlv forest); between different prepositions: 1 gr. - bookon the table, 2 gr. - bookunder lamp, 3 gr. - bookat me, 1 gr. - bookabove floor, 2 gr. - bookv room, 3 gr. - bookfront eyes, etc.). Children perform tasks one by one from the group, in order (relay). Each utterance is related to the previous intonation.challenging or intonationconfirmation.

"Drawing story about what I see"

The teacher (child leader) asks the children to describe in words what is behind him (use epithets, comparisons). The teacher (child) finds an object or setting according to the description (outside the window, in the office, in a group, etc.). Descriptions should be understandable, clear, coherent.

"Make up a word"

Children play in composing words from syllables, define words by syllable. The game consists in creative attempts to compose a variety of combinations, in collecting, reading words for speed. Children connect syllable cards, read, write down words. The winner is the one who collects the most words.

Option: make up words from letters (syllables) of one long word.


All participants in the game perform a number of movements synchronously:

Clap their hands in front of them

Clap the knees with both hands (right hand - on the right, left - on the left)

Throw up your right hand to the right, snapping your fingers

Throw up your left hand to the left, snapping your fingers

Option :

Change the pace of movement

Introduce speech accompaniment,

Pass the baton with your eyes, voice.

"Punctuation marks"

The teacher invites the children to voice punctuation marks, distinguishing interrogative intonation from affirmative, exclamatory, narrative in this sentence (A Christmas tree was born in the forest:!,?,.).

Option: non-reading children are offered picture material, pure phrases, lines of a poem (symbols).

III ... Warm-up games


The players sit (on chairs, on the carpet). The teacher (child) claps 1 time - a command to the hands (raise, lower, on the belt, behind the head, etc.), claps 2 times - a command to the legs (stand, sit, cross, etc.).

The sequence of movements (claps), tempo can vary.

"Clockwork Men"

The teacher offers children pictures-symbols (clockwork men who do exercises). Each pose has its own number. Children, looking at the card, perform the exercise, repeating the movements several times.


Exercises for counting, for claps - change of movements,

Changing the pace of execution,

Execution in pairs, threes, standing in a line, in a row, in a semicircle, etc.

"For 5 senses"

Children conceive a situation, depict according to a given "ticket": drawn (nose, eye, mouth, ear, fingers) or written. During the game, the teacher pays attention to the work of each of their senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, which are manifested in human behavior. At the first stage, play one sense organ, at the second - 2, 3, at the third - all 5 (a story-story about a character in circumstances).

The options are:

Live a piece of a fictional story with a character and circumstances,

Complication - comparison of characters (dwarf - giant, Thumbelina - Karabas Barabas, mouse - bear).

"Words with one letter (sound)"

The game begins with the words "Here around us ..." or "I see ...", "The ship was loaded ...". Children name (write, read) words for a given sound (letter). The task is carried out in small groups. The players count which group has named how many words and determine the winner

"Catch the little animal"

The players take turns taking "tickets" with the task of whom they should catch

(a grasshopper, a butterfly, someone else's cat, your kitten, etc.). The player completes the task, the rest get up in the event that the transformation has occurred and "the animal is caught." The teacher asks to name the "guessed" animal and compares it with the task in the "ticket".

Option: completing the task in pairs, triplets, etc.

IV ... Games for creative self-affirmation

"Poems by Role"

For the game, the teacher selects dialogues from the poems of Chukovsky, Marshak, Barto, Zakhoder, Mikhalkov, Kharms. The players pronounce the text in different voices, intonation, using different images (costumes), decoration elements. Children discover different interdependencies between the final result, text, concept, methods of execution.

"Assigned Words"

The teacher offers the children a text that needs to be justified (to construct a situation in which the text is pronounced, to invent the characters involved in the situation, to determine the behavior of the speaker and listeners, to understand the nature of the pronunciation of words). Start the game with common everyday phrases (Don't do this, please!), Go on to literary ones (remarks from fairy tales, poems, fairy-tale plays, etc.).


The player must pronounce the "given word (words)", finding a suitable goal, motive, choosing, inventing who and why it can be said (FIRE, NO, DAY PASSED, etc.),

The same player performs the task in different ways, justifying the pronunciation of the given words

"The body is in action"

The teacher invites the children to come up with a certain pose (photo) of some business (looking at a picture, reading, doing articulatory gymnastics, etc.). The player demonstrates his “photograph”, the rest guess, comment, show the answers-actions, compare the “photographs”.


Supplement "photography" with your understanding

Show "photos" before and after what was conceived

Each "case" requires a completely specific "body". The entire musculature, from the direction of the gaze to the movement of the center of gravity, from the musculature of the face to the position of the legs, is defined in its own way depending on what and how a particular child is doing.The meaning of the game - establishing

"Phrase with given words"

The teacher calls a set of words (ladder, person, clock). Children compose a sentence using intonation (scary sentence, fairy sentence, etc.). It is allowed to change words by case, word order.

"Collect dialogue"

The teacher invites children to remember the heroes of familiar fairy tales, phrases from these fairy tales. The children agree among themselves, who will speak the remark for which hero, determine the sequence (in a group of players, a certain plot arises with actors, characters, dialogues). It is better to start the game with one remark (phrase), gradually bringing the dialogues to 3-5.

V ... Free games (free)


The players are divided into 2 teams, stand opposite each other (the "Sparrows" team, the "Crows" team). The team that the teacher calls

(child-leader) - catches, the other - runs away. They catch and run away to a certain line (2-3 steps behind the standing team). The teacher (child-leader) speaks slowly: "Vo-oh-oh-ro-oh-oh-oh-oh ...". At this moment, everyone is ready to run away or catch (this moment of conflicting readiness, initial mobilization of each player is especially important). After a pause, the teacher (child-leader) finishes: “… us! (… Hit! ”The players run away - catch up.


The complication "stop-freeze" is introduced: children are divided into pairs and agree on who is in a pair "sparrow", "crow". Children on the playground are chaotic. On command: "Ravens!" The "crow" catches up with the "sparrow" until the command "Stop!" or "Freeze!" Late couples leave the game (even if one of the couple fulfills the rule)

"Day comes - everything comes to life, night comes - everything freezes"

The teacher (child-presenter) says “The day is coming - everything comes to life”, the players move around the playground chaotically (they run, dance, jump, catch up with each other). When the teacher (child-leader) says the second part “Night comes - everything freezes”, the players stop in bizarre poses. At the choice of the presenter, some of the players "come to life" with an invented movement (jump, dance, run).


Use of any movement "The day comes - everything comes alive"

The use of targeted movements "The day is coming - everything comes to life" (harvesting, anthill, Railway, swimming)

"Words with one letter (sound)"

The game begins with the words "Here around us ..." or "I see ...", "The ship was loaded ...". Children name (write, read) words for a given sound (letter). The task is carried out in small groups. The players count which group named how many words and determine the winner.

"I love - I do not love"

Children stand in a circle. The teacher (or the child presenter) passes the ball clockwise and says:"I don't like it when children quarrel" , the next one should offer his own version"I do not like, …". Counterclockwise the game continues"I love, …"

"Stand up on your toes"

The teacher (child) stands with his back to the children, shows a number on his fingers and slowly counts to 5, after the word “freeze” there should be as many children as there were fingers shown.


The players stand in pairs facing each other. One of the partners is a "mirror"

the other is in front of him. The "mirror" should follow the movement.

The options are:

the teacher (child) plays the role of a person standing in front of a mirror, playing - "fragments of a mirror", reflecting it

- "reflected" facial expression, mood (gloomy, joyful, offended)

"Depict the profession"

The players depict actions typical of a certain profession (the driver sits down, takes the wheel, turns on the engine, drives along the road). Children name a profession.

The options are: children refer to the series of actions shown by the planner as a group of children; draw objects recognized in the show (doctor - thermometer, pills, driver - car, steering wheel)