D'Artagnan and Three Musketeer. From Paris in Kale and back. Board game "Three Musketeers. Pendants of the Queen" - igrosametka Table game Three Musketeers Pendant Queen

The adventure novel of A.Dyuma about the reckless fourth of Musketeers, led by a fearless Gasconian D'Artagnan for several centuries, everyone reads everything, from Mala to Great. Written in 1844, the work did not lose relevance and to this day - a dynamic plot, a thin humor, amazing fate ... No wonder that the mini-series shot in 1979 left an indelible impression on the whole generation of the USSR centers. Of course, the events of such an outstanding novel had to be transferred to the table. Today on the pink sofa - the metering board game "D'Artagnan and three Musketeer".

In the appearance of the Aramis depicted on the box cover, you can easily identify the actor Igor Starygin, which has played the same role. The remaining Musketeers are "borrowed" from foreign and modern shields. And sorry ... By the way, we have the next game created by domestic developers. This time Alexander Kozyrev and Dmitry Pavlov were pleased. Well, as soon as you remove the lid and go to a fascinating journey!

Several gaming tablets, squeezing of the toe, bag, plastic figures, stack of cards, playing field and decorated under the antique rules of the game. There is enough free space to hide with a dozen spies Cardinal - the container can be easily reduced by threefold, even taking into account the size of the folding field.

Four cunning guards, cast from high-quality plastic, will resist four brave muskets. The hexagoned cube will bring intrigue to the fight of two opposing parties.

The game uses an irreplaceable amount of tokens. I note that once again I was pleased with the cutting - the cards themselves fall into your hand, without effort separating from the ground.

On the path of fearless Musketeers, many cities will meet, in which you can change horses (62 tokens), stocking of provisions (25 tokens) and armed (35 tokens). Also at the first occurrence in a new place, one of the 26 cities of cities is waiting for you. The heart will celebrate the level of endurance on the player's tablet, the servant will help in a difficult situation, and the painting of gold coins (40 rounds) will come in handy on the way.

Traveling to four players can take part in the journey, each of which will take on the role of the famous Musketeer. Located on the left, the strip will remind you about the color of your figurines on the field. Please note the characters have different abilities, harmoniously complement each other in battle.

Since Cardinal Richelieu stands on the guard of the family values \u200b\u200bof the royal family, then returning her suspension to her suspension, it will be quite difficult - the fourth expects 52 events that will complicate, and will make it easier for Musketeers the road. Missing on the way, definitely, not happening ...

On a folded three-mounted game field displayed the path of brave four from Paris to Kale. Explanatory inserts will help players to navigate in the wisdom of the rules, on the right there is a track of the power of the Cardinal, from above - a place for cards of various troubles.

In Kale, a thousand devils!

Sort the tokens of the horses and lay the busbars worth "-1" into the upper right corner of the card (you will get them if you get to feces and defeat the Count de Vard). Also set aside 4 tokens with the values \u200b\u200bof "-2", the rest are mixed.

Near settlements allocated places for horses, goods and cities. Distribute the required number of tiles to the appropriate places, put the balance of the goods in the bag. I recommend this operation to execute together - for the processing hundreds of cards alone will leave eternity.

Musketeers begin their way in Paris, where their plastic sculptures are located. Here they have to return.

Players take individual tablets, on which the heads of the "Hearts" mark the starting endurance value, put on one of the circles a previously deferred horse token "-2", hire the servants and reserves the provisions (one random token). The starting capital of each adventure is five coins.

Cardinal Guardsmen occupy a starting position on the track of the power of His Highness, the events card are mixed and placed in a stack nearby. Near London, a portrait of the Count de Vard is laid out (the first goal of musketeers).

The cells from above occupy cardinal letters, designed to complicate the already difficult task supplied to the muskets: get to Kale, defeat the first "boss", go back to Paris and defeat the second "boss". And all this is under whistle sword and the ringing of glasses ...

Since "Musketeers" - cooperative game, its participants make decisions together. Each move consists of several phases performed by all participants in the campaign at the same time.

At the beginning of each Round, the Guardsman moves one step forward along the track, thereby increasing the level of complexity during the battle.

When crossing the marks with Roman numbers, the corresponding cardinal card is revealed and the conditions specified on it prescribing the guardsmen in certain cities are activated. The power of the patrol is given at the bottom of the card, so the fight in these settlements Will occur on special conditions.

But back to the first phase of the stroke, in which Musketeers increase their endurance indicators into two units (slide the heart to the right). It is impossible to move the marker on the mark "5" on the track. However, with the help of guts, the player can increase the endurance rate to 6.7 or 8 points. The number on the conges is added to current position Marker, surplus "burn", and a token is reset.

The Musketeers are then going to the road and can drive to the next city, spending stamina glasses. The cost of the trip depends on the dropped horse token (from 1 to 4 points). If there is no occasion, it is allowed to ride on the donkey (5 points), which will take almost all the forces, so necessary when meeting with the Guards.

Some big cities Rural roads are connected - the cost of a trip on the wagon, in addition to the standard fee for moving between cities, is shown on the playing field.

For each city, where he decided to translate the Musketer spirit, one event card is removed from the deck and the conditions specified on it are applied. For example, the cost of food and horses for Athos is equal to three coins.

The fact is that after the activation of the event, the last phase comes - buying transport and provinces. But before this, place the city's tokens on the appropriate Player Tablet (Focus on the drawing). These markers improve character performance.

The standard cost of horses and the provisional (open tokens) is indicated on the field. But, as you already know, current events can affect it.

Unfortunately for Musketeers, events can reduce them with guardsmen or aggressively tuned locals. In this case, the battle occurs, the conditions of which are given on the card in the text block. Help Musketeer can have additional weapon tokens that increase its strength.

Unfortunately, after use, they must be reset. Also, do not forget that at any battle the power of the guards depends on the position of the figure on the track of the Cardinal. But there is a positive moment - Musketeers are "immortal" and even with a zero indicator can continue the path (if traveling can be paid).

It remains to remember why the servant is needed - it allows one time for the game to get a coin or endurance point, or exchange objects with another player.

If your expedition successfully got to Kale (all figures arrived at the place and stand in one location), then ... you will fight with a faithful servant of the Cardinal. Count de Vard is a special card, before the fight, depriving bonuses players. Yes, and overcome this character not easy - his power will envy each ...

In the event of a victory, get in London to the tokens of horses and diamond suspensions, restore health and ... in return trip, After all, the decoration has yet to deliver the queen. The defeat in the fight promises the loss of the entire team. By the way, if the guards card on the track docks to the maximum mark, then all the muskets are dropped out of the game.

But the victory over the Graph de Vardom is only a warm-up before meeting with the Count Rochefort, a phenomenally owned sword. For the team, this is a decisive fight: either Musketeers destroy the enemy and returned to the pendant Queen, or fall on the battlefield, disgraced France. Everything will depend on the coordinated action of the entire team.

... and all for one!

"D" Artanyan and Three Musketeer "- a cooperative game, created based on the well-known work, hotly beloved by millions of adventure novels. From now on, it is possible to take part in these exciting events and personally deliver the suspension of the Queen of France by winning its favor. Non-housing rules and many options Solutions of the task will be allowed for "Musketers" not one evening in a circle of family and friends.

Each musket can choose its way to the ultimate goal - roads lead to various cities where you can meet both deadly dangers, and find yourself a frisky horse. Players need to competently spend endurance glasses, as a fight with guardsmen may occur at any time, which will not allow you to continue the path in the event of a lesion (there is no money, no endurance points).

Of course, you need to act together, since alone you will not fall asleep - Cardinal will quickly find a way for your elimination. But, as in any cooperative game, you can play any composition by taking under the command at least all the four leading it to victory.

It is doubly pleasant that the game is completely "ours" - from the development to the publication. And, perhaps, this is the first domestic cooperative game of this level: many cards, tokens and action options. It remains only to rejoice at the domestic game industry and wish to wish the domestic developers of creative success ...

At that moment, when she came into, the curtain of the little lodge, still remained ducklings, was opened, and the pale face of the Cardinal dressed by Spanish Grand appeared in the resulting hole. His eyes dug into the Queen's eyes, and the devilish smile ran along his lips: there were no diamond pendants on the queen.

Alexander Duma, "Three Musketeers"

Who in our territories did not hear about the valiant Musketeers of Louis XIII? Who did not read their adventures, did not try on a mentally blue uniform and a broad-breasted hat with plume? Courage and honor, treachery and cunning, faith and cold steel ... The world of an adventurous novel is based on bright contrasts and steep plot turns. Is it possible to recreate this in a desktop game? Check!

Crown in danger

We overlines the pages of the old good novel. Recall it on one of the climax. Cardinal Richelieu delays the knot around the convoluted the favor of Anna Austrian. His efforts, the Queen should appear on the festive ball in diamond pendants, which secretly gave the Duke of Becking. Her hope - on the braveman D "Artanyan, who is already in a hurry to her with a newly acquired jewel. Does he have time?

The book gives an unequivocal answer. The game of her motives is by no means. Let the suspension are already in their hands at the heroic four ... But the way to put a path from the embankment to the ballroom through the Cardinal Palace with the Guards Guardsmen, and the time is inexorably.

For all people in red there is one person, while in each of the Musketeers, Waves to reincarnate a separate player. One at all, everything against one is the motto of this command Game, Bet in which is the honor of the crown.

In the corridors of the Lover

The game is divided into steps. The sequence of actions in each of them is unique and determined by the flap of the stroke. Musketeers move and fight in accordance with their position on the map. Red stripes with numbers - Cardinal action. The number on such a strip is the number of figures that the cardinal can move or set the fields in the fields specified by the rules.

When both sides are completed, the queen is moving slightly closer to the ballroom and a nationwide shame, after which the next move map opens.

To deal with the Musketeers once and for all at the Cardinal will not come out - these are too strong these cobwebs, from the most severe wounds they will be sent over the course. Therefore, the only way to victory is to take the suspension from them, and then no heroes will no longer help them. But at the beginning of the game Cardinal is unknown who exactly carries the suspension. Play will have not only muscles, but also by the mind.

France's crust

Help Musketeers cope with the forces of the Cardinal is designed to various equipment stored in the chests of the Louvre. Each thing is used only once, but excessive stockness is meaningless, no more than three items with themselves. And rarely the heroes are overwhelmed by things, because they are needed at every step.

Without the help of the equipment, to fulfill the queen's instruction is extremely hard, and therefore it is important to get more objects during the game. But it must be remembered that sometimes the chests are equipped with wests, destructive for hunters for easy old.

Sometimes in the critical situation it is better to leave a companion to a companion than to risk a loss of the party due to banal greed.

Secure, sir!

Dueles are essentially uncomplicated, which is understandable, considering their quantity. For one batch, the heroes cross the swords with the good hundred Guardsmen!

Both sides, each of which has more than one fencer, cast cubes in the amount indicated on the maps. Any success - an enemy wound. The Guard is just one to not rise from the floor of the palace. The battle is completed when only one of the parties is held on the legs.

Not only on endurance, but also in the skill in the ability to fight on the swords of servants of the church hopelessly inferior to the valiant heroes. Cardinal has to get out with his characteristic pragmaticity and strategic thinking: slow down the promotion of enemies, feeding the guardsmen in one, and save the shock fist, capable of at least someone to neutralize.

Trumps of red mantle

Not guards are alone Cardinal. With one flock of such Olukhov, he would hardly be a threat to musketeers. But two mighty ally equalize the scales. The faithful readers of Dumas with the go guessed, about whom is talking.

The first is a stranger from Menga, a man with a scar. Count Rochefort. Fehuette for two and is not bent to use a gun, as a result of which there are more dangerous ordinary enemies. Moreover, to deal with it will not finally be released: the victims defeat, the girlfriend's cardinal returns again.

The second - demon, hanged, the former Countess de la far. Milady. Musketeers are not fighting, and they do not go down to violence over a woman. But the ladies weapons are rarely smaller than the blade: she is able to seduce any hero and to derive whether the suspensions are real.

In addition to the faithful allies at the disposal of the Cardinal - a whole deck of insidious ideas. Every move his arsenal is replenished new card. Most often this is a conscription of reinforcements, but there is tactical tricks: Strengthening the guards on the battle, installing a barrier lattice, return of sputted forces to the reserve.

Finally, at both sides to the extreme case in the sleeve the trouble-free maneuver: the opportunity once for the game to move out of turn or a little restore a shameless health.

Victory and defeat

"Queen's suspension" is not the most intricate game, but it definitely has something to think about both Cardinal and Musketeers.

Select the jewel of the servants of the church is capable only from a serious enemy. And since the forces at all four comrades do not attack, Cardinal is very important to skillfully use Milady and provoke the command opposing him to risky actions.

Musketeers are important to be flexible and be able to change the strategy in a timely manner. If the Four will join in countless master of guardsmen, you need to separate, block the points of the enemy and look for a poorly covered path to the ballroom.

The outcome of duels, determined by cubes, brings an element of chance and sometimes crushes the most competent plans. But the ability and thoughtfulness is much more likely bringing a victory than blinding bravada. And it is right. After all, that the authentic hero is that the real villain is primarily the greatness of the spirit!

The number of players (and optimal): 2-5 (5)
Difficulty of development: low
Preparation time: 5-15 minutes
Party time: up to 1 hour

Who in our territories did not hear about the valiant Musketeers of Louis XIII? Who did not read their adventures, did not try on a mentally blue uniform and a broad-breasted hat with plume? Courage and honor, treachery and cunning, faith and cold steel ... The world of an adventurous novel is based on bright contrasts and steep plot turns. Is it possible to recreate this in a desktop game?

Crown in danger
We overlines the pages of the old good novel. Recall it on one of the climax. Cardinal Richelieu delays the knot around the convoluted the favor of Anna Austrian. His efforts, the Queen should appear on the festive ball in diamond pendants, which secretly gave the Duke of Becking. Her hope - on the braveman D "Artanyan, who is already in a hurry to her with a newly acquired jewel. Does he have time?

The book gives an unequivocal answer. The game of her motives is by no means. Let the suspension are already in their hands at the heroic four ... But the way to put a path from the embankment to the ballroom through the Cardinal Palace with the Guards Guardsmen, and the time is inexorably.

For all people in red there is one person, while in each of the Musketeers, Waves to reincarnate a separate player. One at all, all against one is the motto of this team game, the rate in which is the honor of the crown.

In the corridors of the Lover
The game is divided into steps. The sequence of actions in each of them is unique and determined by the flap of the stroke. Musketeers move and fight in accordance with their position on the map. Red stripes with numbers - Cardinal action. The number on such a strip is the number of figures that the cardinal can move or set the fields in the fields specified by the rules.

When both sides are completed, the queen is moving slightly closer to the ballroom and a nationwide shame, after which the next move map opens.

To deal with the Musketeers once and for all at the Cardinal will not come out - these are too strong these cobwebs, from the most severe wounds they will be sent over the course. Therefore, the only way to victory is to take the suspension from them, and then no heroes will no longer help them. But at the beginning of the game Cardinal is unknown who exactly carries the suspension. Play will have not only muscles, but also by the mind.

France's crust
Help Musketeers cope with the forces of the Cardinal is designed to various equipment stored in the chests of the Louvre. Each thing is used only once, but excessive stockness is meaningless, no more than three items with themselves. And rarely the heroes are overwhelmed by things, because they are needed at every step.

Key - unlocks numerous secret palace moves.

a door - Blocks the path Guardsmen Cardinal.

Medicine - heals one wound.

Boots - allow you to pass the extra room.

Sword - Gives a victory over any opponent.

Cloak - Saves from heavy bout.

Without the help of the equipment, to fulfill the queen's instruction is extremely hard, and therefore it is important to get more objects during the game. But it must be remembered that sometimes the chests are equipped with wests, destructive for hunters for easy old.

Trap - The unlucky hero loses a unit of health.

Poison - slows down the promotion of the Musketeer to one hall.

Sometimes in the critical situation it is better to leave a companion to a companion than to risk a loss of the party due to banal greed.

Secure, sir!
Dueles are essentially uncomplicated, which is understandable, considering their quantity. For one batch, the heroes cross the swords with the good hundred Guardsmen!

Both sides, each of which has more than one fencer, cast cubes in the amount indicated on the maps. Any success - an enemy wound. The Guard is just one to not rise from the floor of the palace. The battle is completed when only one of the parties is held on the legs.

Not only on endurance, but also in the skill in the ability to fight on the swords of servants of the church hopelessly inferior to the valiant heroes. Cardinal has to get out with his characteristic pragmaticity and strategic thinking: slow down the promotion of enemies, feeding the guardsmen in one, and save the shock fist, capable of at least someone to neutralize.

Trumps of red mantle
Not guards are alone Cardinal. With one flock of such Olukhov, he would hardly be a threat to musketeers. But two mighty ally equalize the scales. The faithful readers of Dumas with the go guessed, about whom is talking.

The first is a stranger from Menga, a man with a scar. Count Rochefort. Fehuette for two and is not bent to use a gun, as a result of which there are more dangerous ordinary enemies. Moreover, to deal with it will not finally be released: the victims defeat, the girlfriend's cardinal returns again.

The second - demon, hanged, the former Countess de la far. Milady. Musketeers are not fighting, and they do not go down to violence over a woman. But the ladies weapons are rarely smaller than the blade: she is able to seduce any hero and to derive whether the suspensions are real.

In addition to the faithful allies at the disposal of the Cardinal - a whole deck of insidious ideas. Every move, his arsenal is replenished with a new card. Most often this is a conscription of reinforcement, but there are also tactical tricks: strengthening the guards on the battle, installing a barrier lattice, the return of sprayed forces to the reserve.

Finally, at both sides to the extreme case in the sleeve the trouble-free maneuver: the opportunity once for the game to move out of turn or a little restore a shameless health.

Victory and defeat
"Queen's suspension" is not the most intricate game, but it definitely has something to think about both Cardinal and Musketeers.

Select the jewel of the servants of the church is capable only from a serious enemy. And since the forces at all four comrades do not attack, Cardinal is very important to skillfully use Milady and provoke the command opposing him to risky actions.

Musketeers are important to be flexible and be able to change the strategy in a timely manner. If the Four will join in countless master of guardsmen, you need to separate, block the points of the enemy and look for a poorly covered path to the ballroom.

The outcome of duels, determined by cubes, brings an element of chance and sometimes crushes the most competent plans. But the ability and thoughtfulness is much more likely bringing a victory than blinding bravada. And it is right. After all, that the authentic hero is that the real villain is primarily the greatness of the spirit!

Fascination 2.
dignity Swift and Full Party Fights, Bluff Element
limitations A variety of strategies is small, unchanged card
Interaction 2.
dignity Musketeers needed coherence
limitations Game is sharpened clearly under five or two participants
Strapping 1.
dignity clear Rulesin which there are no extra particular
limitations Duel system underlying, banal
Atmosphere 2.
dignity Adventure mood of the novel of the ramp and swords
limitations For deep immersion, the game is rustic
Quality 2.
dignity juicy field, good performance miniature and chips
limitations Inspection box and discreet illustration

Verdict: If the wind adventure blows into your sails, but breaks about the walls of complex rules and many hours of parties, "Three Musketeers" - what you need. Dynamics - the second name of this game!