The simplest fortune-telling for the fulfillment of desires. Elementary fortune telling on cards. Anyone will repeat! The most accurate folk fortune-telling

Since ancient times, people have wanted to know their fate. How will tomorrow go? Will you be lucky in love? Will the next year be successful? In ancient times, fortune-telling for the future was as commonplace as it is for us now to go online. For divination, cards, bones, colors and many other paraphernalia were used. Today we offer you fortune-telling online to find out everything about the future.

What is online fortune telling to make a wish come true?

Another second and you will find yourself in wonderful world fulfillment of desires, on the development of which professional fortune tellers, connoisseurs of runes and ancient Tarot cards, craftsmen in card solitaire worked. You don't need to light candles, send your photo, or walk in the moonlight. Fortune-telling is absolutely free, and gives a 99% correct answer. Are you ready to find out your fate?

If so, close your eyes and imagine the desire you are waiting for. Formulate the question clearly, visualize it and boldly roll the dice (sign "Start fortune telling").

Roll the dice

After 2 seconds, you will receive an answer to the question:

  1. The wish will come true very soon.
  2. Be fulfilled, but a little later.
  3. Will not be fulfilled.

Or maybe everything will turn out differently? It is impossible to predict the answer of our magic dice-bones, because it is individual for each person. Virtual fortune telling on the fulfillment of a desire does not easily give dry answers "yes" or "no", depriving you of the right to choose. Fortune-telling pushes, brings clarity, and going to a dream is your happy path, filled with experience, sweet anticipation and the achievement of your goal.

Will the expected come true or not? Now this question no longer bothers you, you know whether it is worth going towards the goal, or whether it is pointless. We invite you to plunge into the world of your secret or open desires. Look into the future with magic dice cubes that never deceive and give the most truthful answer.

The background of dice fortune telling, or all about card predictions

There are many technologies of fortune telling: on coffee grounds and melted wax, when a genie or other signs were looked for in a blurred image. Fate can be seen in a mirror or a ball of fate, read it in a book, simply by guessing the page and line number.

Fortune telling on the cards appeared, probably with the invention of the first card deck... Of course, these were still primitive drawings, and the decks were used for games. But only people who were enlightened and gifted with a natural gift knew that in their hands the cards turn into messengers of the future and predict the most accurate development of events.

Fortune telling on the fulfillment of a wish today can be free on the Astrog website. For example, card cards "Goldfish", "Yes, no", "Four Kings" and others. The principle of these online fortune telling on cards is simple: each card and its suit has its own meaning. So, for example, the ace of hearts in fortune-telling is good news from afar, and the club of clubs means a friend, the peak one is sad news.

Remember that fortune-telling on a real deck requires “non-playable” cards, that is, a new deck. The cards that were played in "Fool" or "Preference" lose their true power.

A simple way of card fortune-telling

The easiest way to wish is fortune-telling with the help of 36 cards of a standard game deck. Make a wish, if you cannot concentrate, then write it down with a pen on paper. After that, shuffle the deck and draw a card. A red card is good luck and success, and a black value is pipe dreams.

The history of divination on bones

Fortune telling on the bones is as old as the world, generations of people have resorted to it, and dice are found even during excavations in the territories of disappeared cultures.

The use of bones, as we have already understood, is rooted in divination and fortune-telling. Initially, parts of the spine of a sheep called astragals were used for these purposes. This part of the spine has a relief surface, it was convenient to throw it and, importantly, it was convenient to interpret meanings on it.

Such ancient bones in each culture were made using a special technology: they cut out conventional signs, painted patterns with red and black natural paint. The latter option is the great-grandfather of modern dice, which are made from plastic, wood is also used.

Surprisingly, fortune-telling on cubes according to desire gave truthful answers. But the person who made this wish had to throw the dice. If a stranger is guessing, then it is worth putting the cubes in a glass, shaking them and throwing them on a table or other flat surface to get an accurate result.

Plunge into the world of your desires, and find out the most accurate answer using online fortune telling on the bones!

Everyone loves to dream, and everyone wants to know if they will come true. Some out of simple curiosity, and some for practical reasons - why waste energy on something that will not come true anyway? Only now we do not have a time machine, and we cannot find out how this or that undertaking will end with one hundred percent accuracy. Although some prediction can still be made with the help of fortune-telling on the cards. Moreover, the cards can tell you about possible obstacles and what you need to pay attention to in order to make your dream come true.

Fortune telling on playing cards

There are many options for fortune telling playing cards, we will now consider the simplest of them. The main rule is that the deck must be new, never used for the game.

  1. Shuffle the deck of 36 cards, then remove with your left hand to yourself and make a wish. Lay out the cards in 9 piles, face down. Open the top cards of the pile and remove the matching pairs. If at the end of the deal all the cards are removed, then the wish will come true.
  2. Shuffle the deck of 36 cards, then remove with your left hand to you, making a wish. Place 15 cards face-up on the table, setting the aces aside. Now collect all the cards and again look for aces among the 15 cards, if they are not all collected, repeat the operation. If this time too, 4 aces did not come to you, then the wish will not come true.
  3. Shuffle the deck of 36 cards, then slide your left hand towards you and make a wish. Divide the cards into 3 piles, take out 3 cards from each pile - from the bottom, from the top, from the middle. Lay these 9 cards in 3 rows, with the bottom cards in the first row, the middle ones in the second, and the top cards in the third. Look what cards are more: "pictures" (jacks, queens, kings), small (6-10) or aces.
  • if 4 aces or 2 aces and 2 "pictures" lie in a row, then the wish will come true. If all fell out small maps, then this bodes well for failure and failure to fulfill desire.
  • the combination of an ace, a "picture" and a small card promises family troubles, 2 aces, 2 "pictures" and small cards - marital infidelity.
  • 3 aces combined with one "picture" says that you have or will have strong enemies.
  • 4 kings promise success, 4 ladies talk about the threat of your love, and 4 jacks promise stupid work, fuss and all sorts of troubles.
  • Ace, king, queen, jack and small cards promise neither good nor bad.

Fortune telling on tarot cards

Tarot cards have always been considered especially accurate predictors, and for good reason, because these are not just colorful pieces of cardboard, this is a whole philosophy. But this is the main difficulty of fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a wish on the Tarot cards, the prediction will always be vague, so you will have to seriously think about what the cards wanted to say to you.

The most in a simple way will make a wish and draw one from the shuffled deck of cards. Its meaning will be the answer to the question.

If there is no way to tell fortunes on real cards, you can use fortune-telling on the cards for a desire online. Now many resources offer such a service, claiming that such layouts are no different from the usual ones, and the accuracy of predictions is amazing. True, this opinion is disputed by professional fortune-tellers, since here the computer is responsible for the results, and the person does not play any role. But no matter what fortune telling you decide to use - on real maps or online, you need to do this only when the question is worthwhile, it is not worth trying to look into the future for trifles.

Fortune telling on cards is the most popular way to open the door to the future, to find out fate. Fortune-telling will help you get an answer to an exciting question, and will even calm you down by telling what will happen.

The most accurate fortune telling on playing cards

Eight wishes

We write down 8 wishes on a piece of paper, only 3. We mix two decks of 52 cards each.

  1. We shuffle, then we lay out 8 cards on the table in one row, face down. Each will have one wish assigned.
  2. Further below row number 1 (we leave room for row number 2 in advance), lay out row number 3 of eight cards with the front side.
  3. We are looking for matches in ascending sequence from # 3 to # 1. Let's say the first card from # 1 is a four, so we put a five under it. Or if the second of No. 1 is a queen, then a king is placed under her. You need to put a two under the ace. We shift the cards if there are matches.
  4. After that, remove the remaining cards from number 3 aside. We lay out eight cards again, but this time in # 4. We transfer the suits that will be suitable for moving to No. 3.

We distribute the whole deck in this way. In the vertical rows, where the suits from ace to king are formed, the plan will come true.

☞ Another simple fortune telling

We take a deck and stir it well, thinking about our question. We take out the cards and put them face down in 9 piles. When finished, open the ones located at the top of the stacks. If those that coincide in value fall out, we remove them to the side. We open those that lay below. If all the suits are completely removed to the side, the plan will come true, if not, it will not come true.

☞ Video plot

Black Rose

We use the standard playing deck... When shuffling, think about your desire. After a while, without hesitation, we draw out any card. The value will answer the question asked. The meaning is described in the table.

AceA positive responsePositive resultThe plans won't come trueThe plans won't come true
If you make an effort, then the execution will beExecution will be, but not soonPlans not implementedNegative answer
After a while, the dream will come trueThere will be problems, but everything will come trueLittle chance of a positive resultSmall chance that a wish will come true

The most detailed fortune telling

The layout will help determine whether the wishes made will come true and predict the near future. You must use a deck of 36 cards. During the shuffle, we concentrate on the conceived. We begin to lay out the cards with the front side, pronouncing for each "6-ka", "7-ka", "8-ka" and so on to the ace. We postpone those whose meaning coincides with the word. We repeat the action 3 times. The suits left will give meaning to the question asked.

The values ​​are shown in the table.

AceStrong loveThe plans will be fulfilledLuck will turn awayFamily support
KingYour plans will come trueDeceivedNeed to rush to make a decisionA pleasant surprise
LadyDo not give vent to feelingsExpect to be insultedGet a reward for your effortsPlans will come true soon
JackThey remember you and want to meetJealousy is unfoundedA loved one will bring sorrowEmpty chores
10 Unexpected joyWork will help you find happinessDon't make new acquaintances anytime soon.
9 Someone loves you very muchAdversity will soon passReceiving sad newsDon't reveal your secrets to anyone
8 A new important person will appear in lifeGood News AheadThe news of a relative's illnessThe danger is near
7 Need to be vigilantLife will change for the betterEnemies are plotting something behind your backTroubles
6 Plans can failBetrayal awaitsA pleasant surpriseDon't be rash

Some combinations have additional meaning:

  • K + D - insidious woman;
  • 10 + 10 + D - declaration of love;
  • 7 + Ace of Spades - trouble for a loved one;
  • 8 + D - gossip;
  • 10 + K + T - moving up the career ladder;
  • 10 diamonds + Ace of Spades - betrayal;
  • 10 + D + K (one suit) - mutual love;
  • 4 Aces - a dream come true;
  • 4 Kings - will be accepted by the new team;
  • 4 Ladies - empty talk is expected;
  • 4 Volts - chores;
  • 4 Dozens - wedding organization;
  • 4 Nines - changes will come soon;
  • 4 Eights - get the long-awaited news;
  • 4 Sevens are big trouble;
  • 4 Sixes is a long road.

Nine cards

Making a wish and concentrating on it while shuffling the deck (36 cards). We begin to lay out in turn into 3 piles, face down. From the first pile we take the top one, one - from about the middle, another one - the last one from the bottom. We repeat the same with the second and third stacks.

The result is 9 cards. We divide them into those that were below, those that were taken from the middle, and those that were taken from below. The meaning should be interpreted in a row, taking into account which card was drawn from the deck for which.

  1. If all Aces or two Aces come out in a row and two suits are higher than Ten - the implementation of all plans.
  2. Ace, picture (King, Queen or Jack) and suits below Ten are troubles in personal life.
  3. Three Aces, one picture - an enemy will appear who is plotting against you.
  4. All Kings are unexpected luck.
  5. All Ladies are a love quarrel.
  6. Ace, King, Queen and suits without pictures are routine life, but without failures.
  7. At first, there are only cards without pictures - the desire is not destined to come true.
  • Before you start fortune-telling, consider the following recommendations.
  • Better to use a new playing deck (it cannot be played, not even).
  • Not (there is an inscription "satin" on the box). For each method of fortune telling, it is better to take a separate deck.
  • During the alignment, strangers should not be present in the room, except for the person to whom you are guessing.

The simplest guessing on the cards for a wish is very easy. We take a deck of 36 cards. We shuffle the cards, draw 6 cards from the deck, open them and make a wish for any card that is not among these six.

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The remaining 30 cards are shuffled and laid out in piles of 2,3,4,5 and 6 cards. We put the remaining 10 cards aside. If the hidden card is in any pile, then look!

In 2x - the wish will not come true.

In 3x - hardly.

In 4x - he will meet serious obstacles.

At 5 and - maybe it will come true.

At 6 and - it will come true for sure.

If your card still has not dropped out, then these piles (2,3,4,5 and 6 cards) must be removed, and those first open 6 cards must be mixed with the remaining 10 cards, well shuffled and laid out one card at a time, saying: “Wait -be patient "," Rejoice "," Be strong-angry "," Wave your hand. "

On what words your conceived card will fall out, those will be the answer whether the wish will come true .

Here is the simplest fortune telling on the cards for a desire, which you can definitely repeat. Guess and have fun.

Fortune telling on cards for a desire, as a rule, is not a difficult method that allows you to get a vital clue on a question of interest. First of all, you need to make sure that a deck of cards that has not been previously played is used for the divination rite.

This type of fortune telling has some peculiarities. The ceremony is recommended to be carried out during the full moon period before sunset, in seclusion in a separate room.

In order to find out whether specific desires will come true, it is necessary to choose the right day for the ceremony:

  • On Mondays, fortune-telling is allowed.
  • On Tuesdays and Fridays, you need to look for answers to difficult questions related to love relationships.
  • On Wednesdays, you need to guess on the desires related to the business sphere.
  • On Thursdays, it is recommended to conduct fortune-telling for a desire related to material well-being.
  • Fortune-telling will not be true on Saturdays and Sundays, therefore it is not recommended to carry them out.

Popular card layouts

Fortune telling requires the use of a deck of 36 cards. There is a huge variety of layouts that allow you to get an answer to the question of whether a particular desire will come true. It is important to understand that the divination rite must necessarily be carried out in a secluded place. It is necessary to fully focus on your desire and make sure that nothing distracts you during the magical action with the cards.

The simplest way

The simplest fortune-telling on cards for a desire is carried out as follows. First you need to start shuffling the deck and make a wish. After that, the first nine cards are laid out from the deck in front of you, face down. If aces appeared in this situation, then they are put aside. The cards are then collected, connected to the deck, and shuffled again. Then again nine cards are laid out, and again aces are removed from the layout. The action is repeated one more time. If, as a result of a threefold alignment, all the aces are out of the deck, then the wish will come true. There is absolutely no chance of fulfilling the wish if not a single ace has been postponed. In all other cases, the question remains unresolved, and in order to clarify it, another fortune-telling must be carried out.

Fortune-telling is very famous, which has the name "Black Rose". It is conducted using a deck of 36 cards. Fully focusing on your desire, you need to start shuffling the cards. When the feeling comes that the cards will tell the truth, you should draw one card from the deck in an arbitrary way. It is she who will clarify the question of whether the wish will come true.

For interpretation, the following card values ​​should be used:

  • Aces: hearts - there is a high probability that the wish will come true; tambourine - the wish will come true; club and peak - the wish will not come true.
  • The king, queen and jack of hearts indicate that the wish will come true.
  • The king, queen and jack of the tambourine portend that the wish will come true, but certain problems will arise.
  • The king, queen and jack of clubs or spades warn that there are great doubts that the wish will come true.
  • Other cards of the suit of hearts portend that the wish will come true.
  • Other cards of the tambourine suit emphasize the fact that although the wish will come true, problems will arise.
  • Other cards of the suit of clubs and spades indicate that the chances that the wish will come true are slim.

Having retired in a separate room, you need to shuffle the cards and start laying them out in front of you, pronouncing the name of their meanings. It should sound like this: "Six, seven, eight, etc." If the value of the laid out card coincides with its pronounced value, the card is put aside. It is the postponed cards that will give the answer to the question of whether desires will come true.

The cards must be laid out in front of you and the layout must be deciphered in accordance with the interpretations of individual cards and their combinations provided below:

  • Sixes: hearts - the wish will come true, but will lead to big life troubles; tambourine - treason awaits; clubs - an unexpected turn of events; peak - you cannot achieve the goal by any means.
  • Sevens: hearts - you need to be careful; tambourine - positive changes; club - wait for the approval of others; peak - a streak of bad luck.
  • Eights: hearts - everything depends on the other person; tambourine - getting good news; clubs - receiving news about the deteriorating health of loved ones; peak - danger.
  • Nines: heart - love will become support; tambourine - the end of a difficult life period; clubs - getting bad news; peak - it is important to keep the secret.
  • Dozens: hearts - fortune-telling needs to be repeated; tambourine - it is important to get rid of a sad mood; club of clubs - you should not make friends with new people now; peak - joyful events will occur in life.
  • Jacks: hearts - they want to meet with you; tambourine - you need to get rid of jealousy; club of clubs - sad news associated with a loved one; peak - all attempts will be unsuccessful.
  • Lady: heart - they are watching you closely, so it is important to hide feelings; tambourine - you may be offended; club - a worthy reward; peak - the wish will come true soon.
  • King: hearts - everything you wish will come true; tambourine - deception is possible; club - you need to take urgent action related to your loved one; peak - good news.
  • Ace: heart - you are loved and supported; tambourine - the wish will not come true; club of clubs - there will be no success due to an error; peak - you will receive the right news.

The following combinations for decoding fortune-telling are very important:

  • Nearby, a lady and a king of any suit indicate the loyalty of your loved one.
  • The next king, queen and jack indicate that the chances of the wish being fulfilled are very high.
  • Four aces indicate the obligatory fulfillment of a wish.
  • Four ladies foreshadow gossip and intrigue.
  • Four jacks symbolize big trouble.
  • Four sevens warn of big trouble.
  • Four nines indicate major upcoming life changes.