The Witcher 3 collect a complete collection of Skellige cards. Putting together a complete collection of cards in Hearthstone. List of all maps and their location


This year, during the football event in the game, you will be able to collect a collection of special themed cards. Remember how in childhood we all collected cards and stickers of football (and not only football) themes and exchanged them at school? As part of the football mode, we have added these vehicle cards to the game.

Collect your team of ten cars and get great rewards!

Football mode kicks off June 14 6:00 (MSK) and will be in the game until July 29, 09:00 (GMT) .

Briefly about the main

In football mode, you can collect cards with "players" who will occupy positions on the field in your collection according to their roles: defender, midfielder or striker. Your team will have a certain rating that affects the rewards you can receive. To see the field with your collection, simply click on the image of Gianluigi Buffon in the client.

And now about everything in detail!

Football cards and field

There are ten positions for cards with "players" on the field:

  • 4 defenders;
  • 4 midfielders;
  • 2 forwards.

As soon as you receive a card, it automatically takes the appropriate place on the field according to its role.

Cards of any kind (defender, midfielder or striker) are divided into three levels. An empty position on the field is filled only with a level 1 card. A level 2 card can only be placed on top of a level 1 card. Level 3 card - only on top of level 2. In this case, the level of the card gives a certain number of points:

  • 1st level - 3 points;
  • 2nd level - adds 3 more points;
  • 3rd level - adds 4 more points.

For example, you filled a position with two cards, respectively, these are the 1st and 2nd levels. They add up to 6 points. And by filling the position with all three cards, you can get the maximum number of points - 10.

Thus, with the filling of positions on the field and with an increase in the level of cards in these positions, the overall rating of your collection will grow. Per 30 , 60 and 100 ranking points you will receive rewards! We will tell you more about them further.

In update 1.20 (1.21), a book appeared in the game called “ The Wonderful Guide to Gwent"(A Miraculous Guide to Gwent). The book itself does not apply to any quest, but it can help in completing the quest " Collect complete collection kart».


The book can be obtained for free in the course of the assignment.

Second option

If the Witcher has already passed the prologue, or lost a wonderful book, a similar one can be found at the dealer of rarities, located near the mark " St. Grigor"Located in Novigrad... The merchant's store is right behind the bulletin board just below and to the right of the map.

How it works

The book does not contain a list of all maps and does not display any hints on the ground. It simply contains the number of maps available in the current location:

Wonderful guide to gwent
This book, compiled at the request of Prince de Berry, uses magic to show where to find the cards for the gwent that are missing in the owner's collection. It is enough to open it and say to yourself: "Or maybe a party in gwent?" And the following will appear:

Velen: 4
Novigrad: 5
Skellige Islands: 19
Number of cards still winnable from players of minor fame or skill: 27

If you get some kind of card, the number in the book changes. Magic and nothing more.

Since Hearthstone is collectible card game Collecting a complete collection is one of the greatest achievements for a Hearthstone player. And building a complete gold collection is an outstanding achievement (especially if you haven't spent a cent on the game).

Let's start with the dust counts, and how many boosters you need to open to get the entire collection.

Let's take a look at what cards are in Hearthstone:

Booster "Classic"

Booster "Goblins vs. Dwarfs"

How many packs do you need to get a collection? Here's a count without dust:

To complete the regular Classic Collection, you need to open 446 boosters (± 34 boosters).

To collect the complete Gold Classic Collection, you need to open 2260 boosters (± 79 boosters).

To collect a complete collection of common and gold cards from "Goblins vs. Dwarfs", you need to open 2178 boosters (± 93 boosters).

To collect the full usual collection of "Goblins vs. Dwarfs", you need to open 278 boosters (+32 boosters).

To collect the complete gold collection "Goblins vs. Dwarfs", you need to open 1316 boosters (± 75 boosters).

To collect a complete collection of common and gold cards from "Goblins vs. Dwarfs", you need to open 1414 boosters (± 71 boosters).

Naturally, no one will play 2000 arenas to get a gold collection (it takes 2 years, 3-4 arenas per day). There are several ways to get gold cards:

  • Since August 2015, you can get gold cards and dust by reaching high positions in the ladder (game mode).
  • Gold cards can be obtained as a reward by completing the arena with 8-12 wins.
  • Receipts from boosters (which you buy for gold or at the end of the arena).
  • Dust crafting.
  • Booster as a reward for winning the first brawl.

Chances of getting cards from boosters.

Booster "Classic"

Rarity Frequency of regular cards Frequency of gold cards
Regular 3.5 cards in a booster
Rare 1.06 cards in a booster 1 card in every 14-15 booster
Epic 1 car in each 4-5 booster 1 card in every 80 pack
Legendary 1 card in each 18-19 pack 1 card in each 180 pack

Statistics are based on opened 11'359 Classic boosters in the period after the beta test. Chance to reveal at least 1 gold card: 1 gold card in every 6 booster.

Booster "Goblins and Dwarfs"

Rarity Frequency of regular cards Frequency of gold cards
Regular 3.48 cards in a booster 1 card in every 13-14 booster
Rare 1.16 cards in a booster 1 card in every 13 pack
Epic 1 card in a 4-5 booster 1 card in every 80 pack
Legendary 1 card in every 18 pack 1 card in every 282 pack

Statistics are based on 847 open boosters. Therefore, the statistics on gold legendary cards may be erroneous, it is better to focus on the chance, as from a classic booster. Chance to reveal at least 1 gold card: 1 gold card in every 6 booster pack.

The queue for creating maps.

First of all, you will need to create a simple collection of cards. I recommend spending dust on creating only legendary cards... You will receive common and rare cards pretty quickly: 97 ± 8 boosters for Classic and 46 ± 7 boosters for GvG. Therefore, you do not need to create common and rare cards.

After all the useful legendary cards have been created, I advise you to switch to epic ones. Only after that you can complete a non-gold collection, create missing cards.

The gold collection should also start with the creation of legendary cards, and gradually descending to the usual gold cards.

If your goal is to collect a complete collection, then you shouldn't dust the cards. Exceptions are extra cards (a collection can have 2 common, rare and epic cards and 1 legendary). It is at the expense of extra cards that you can quickly collect dust to create cards.

After patch 1.07, the trophy became buggy and after collecting all the cards it does not drop. Who has not received the trophy in any case DO NOT UPDATE the game. If the patch has already been installed, then make a separate save before collecting last card and wait for the fix. Thanks for the info

Patch 1.08 fixed the trophy.

The trophy is easy to miss!

There are 199 cards in total:

4 main decks:

  • Northern Kingdoms: 40 Cards
  • Nilfgaard: 38 cards
  • Scoya taeli: 37 cards
  • Monsters: 40 cards
Neutral cards (can be used with any deck, including weather cards): 31 cards

Leadership: 16 cards (4 for each deck).

Out of 199 cards, 79 are duplicates, so for the trophy you will need to collect 120 non-repeating cards. At the beginning of the game, you are given base deck consisting of 32 cards (including 4 leader cards).

There are 11 cards in the game that are easy to skip (1 in the White Garden, 10 in Novigrad), almost all of them can be obtained by completing various side quests, save in front of each in a separate cell, so that in case of failure there would be an opportunity to repeat it.

White Garden:

  • 1 card (Zoltan Chivay). You need to win the first gwent training game, you can play as much as you like, the main thing is to get the map before leaving the location. In patch 1.07, a map was added on the corpse near the Gallows Tree (we appear near it after leaving the castle of Vizima).
  • 3 cards (Buttercup, Vampire: Brooks and Milva), obtained during the sidequest Triss: A Matter of Life and Death. At the masquerade, you need to play with 3 players, they are all to the right near the entrance, marked with an exclamation mark.
  • 3 more cards (Jan Natalis, Fringilla Vigo and Isengrim Faoiltiarna) we get during Zoltan's side quest: Dangerous game... At the end of the quest, you will need to choose cards as a reward, not a day. The quest itself is taken after saving Buttercup, Zoltan will be near the tavern.
  • 4 cards (all 4 leadership levels for each deck) can be obtained during the gwent tournament, the quest is called High stakes. You must have a strong deck and 1000 kroons to be allowed to the tournament, save before signing up for the tournament so that you can postpone it for a while, because during the tournament you will not be able to leave it without failing the quest. You will need to defeat all 4 opponents, save in front of each, you cannot lose. For more information about the tournament, see the tip for the GwentMaster / Gwent Champion trophy.
Other unique cards:

You will receive almost all unique cards by completing side quests on gwent. One of the first rivals will be the Bloody Baron. If suddenly you have not won his card, before completing his quests, the tosama card and the list of players will be in his office, then the same applies to Oliver. It is best to complete the quests of the gwent immediately upon receipt (this does not apply to the tournament), because not only these characters will disappear from the game.

There are 5 such quests in the game (22 cards), not counting the tournament:

  • Gwent: Velen Players: 3 cards
  • Gwent: Playing Innkeepers: 4 cards
  • Gwent: Big City Players (Gwent: games in Novigrad): 5 maps (3 games will be available after you meet with Diykstroy.)
  • Gwent: Skellige Style: 6 cards
  • Gwent: Old Friends (Gwent: old comrades): 4 cards (with Lambert can be played after completing the quest: Unraveling the ball, and with Tyler after completing the Deadly Plot quest, the task is given by Dijkstra after completing the Triss sidequest: Now or never.)
2 more unique cards:
  • The Northern Kingdoms Tier 3 Leader Card can be won at Vizima Castle. Around the exit from the castle (after an audience with Emhyr) there will be a player marked with an exclamation mark. He has a strong deck with which it will be difficult to compete at the beginning of the game, you can safely skip him and come back later, he will not go anywhere.
  • We get the Iorvet card after the druid's sidequest: Shock therapy. The Druid is located in the lower part of the central island near the Gedinate oak. The quest will remain available after completing the game, so don't skip the map.
Unique cards are those that are guaranteed to drop out when you defeat a certain NPC or complete a side quest and are not repeated in the game.

The remaining cards will need to be bought and won from NPCs (merchants, armors, blacksmiths, etc.), as a rule, one random card can be won from one NPC. It is advisable to buy all the cards that come across from the very beginning and play all NPCs that have a gwent game in the dialogue options. So, first of all, you will understand the game and build a strong deck, and secondly, it will be easier for you not to get confused with whom you played and with whom you did not. For example, you can make yourself a sign and mark with whom you played and could win, it is important if you meet a strong opponent and cannot win with the current deck.

You will be able to win 53 cards (including those that will be repeated).

You can buy 79 cards from merchants (including those that will be repeated):

  • White Garden: 5 cards
  • Velen: 28 cards (We free the merchant in the village of Glinnik in the bandits' camp.)
  • Novigrad: 23 cards
  • Skellige: 23 cards
If you did not buy all the cards from the Elzw tavern in the White Garden before the prologue, then in patch 1.04 we added the ability to buy these cards from the merchant whom we are saving from the griffin at the beginning of the game.

One of the 3 Naker cards available in the game can be found in the entrance of Lambert's sidequest: Unraveling the Ball.

List of all maps and their location

Since your main character Geralt is famous for his excellent player in the card mini-game Gwent, then you simply have to collect a collection of cards in the Witcher 3. And in today's article we will tell you about how to complete the task during the passage of the game in The Witcher 3 to collect a complete collection of cards.

We will also tell you what problems may arise when completing this task to collect a complete collection of cards in Gwent, and with whose help (or by what means) they can be solved.

For starters, it's worth noting that the first cards you get by playing with all kinds of merchants. This will lay the foundation for the fact that, of course, you will have a collection of cards in the Witcher 3. The total number of cards you can get from merchants is limited. When you receive all the cards available from the merchants, then after winning from them you will not be given any reward. This will be a wake-up call to the fact that you have already collected all the cards available from merchants. Naturally, at the initial stage of the game, for every first won game of Gwent from each merchant, you receive one new card. Naturally, you can lose. But do not despair, but try again, and after the victory, you will earn a new card.
The second way in the Witcher 3 to collect a collection of cards is to complete tasks. In some quests, the reward is cards in Gwent, and in some quests you get new card in the process of passing.

The third way to get cards for the collection is to buy from individual merchants and innkeepers. Be sure to buy all the cards that come across from the very beginning of the game "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" so that you don't come back for a purchase later.

Pay special attention to the card "Execution", which appears on Skellig at the innkeeper in Kaer-Trold when you approach him for the first time. You buy it. Then come up a second time - he will again have the "Execution" card available. And so three times. You need to buy three "Execution" cards. If you still lack such cards in your collection, then contact this innkeeper and buy more cards.

When it seems to you that you have already beaten all the merchants, complete all the tasks, and the collection is still not collected. We must go in search of the latest problem maps.

Follow to the village of Glinnik, which is not connected with any plot or additional tasks... In this village, there is a merchant by the house, from whom you can buy the last five cards for a complete collection in the game Gwent. However, this merchant does not stay in this place all the time. He needs to be brought by freeing him from the bandit camp not far from the island.

That is, if you lack five cards for a complete collection. Go to the bandits' camp, free the merchant from the cage, who will invite you to the village of Glinnik.

Thus, you know how to collect a complete collection of cards in The Witcher 3. To navigate in numbers, the complete collection consists of 196 cards, 16 of which are leader cards, 29 neutral cards, 3 decks of 37 cards, 40 cards in the monster deck. By pressing the "H" button on the keyboard, you can call up the entire list of collected cards.

We hope this article will help you complete the quest for the complete collection of cards in Gwent.