Custom missions for War Thunder. Custom missions in the game War Thunder. Missions with jet aircraft

Please note: in this section, Lyiv has a filter for the best airplanes and tank missions for the entire existence of the game - you need to choose it.

Community of Modestov War Thunder. Already created great amount Non-standard missions, many of which will be very useful for training and testing tanks / aircraft, including those that you have not even explored. Several such missions for training (and not only) we will look further.

Tank polygon

If you prefer tanks, you can be interested in a landfill. It would seem that nothing remarkable: ordinary location for shooting in targets. However, it is here that you can check the improved weapons, new technique Or just practicing in shooting to improve your skills. You can find the tank polygon by reference:

If you are going to play on a tank polygon, consider that because of the large number of participants in the mission may be observed fPS drawdors And other small lags. Work on their elimination is conducted.

Airplane mission

Any plane over time is annoying to drive in standard modes battle. Want to try something new? Pay attention to these aircraft missions from Top

  • Bulge from HJOHN. Tanks and aircraft can take part in the battle. Fights are conducted on a picturesque slaughterhouse location, which allows you to make many beautiful screenshots.
  • Practice Mission from Rider2. Here you can practice the launch of missiles and reset bombs for land targets.
  • Ironman from novaa29r. The mission with the destruction of the opponent's base, in which the player instead of the aircraft will have to control the superhero iron man.
  • Firstairshow from ISMIRM98B1. On a small biplane, you have to fly between two poles along the confusing route to come to the finish.
  • CrazyBombing from Hran. Destroy all terrestrial enemy technique with a super secretary experimental Japanese bomber with an infinite amount of bombs on board.

Missions with jet aircraft

Players who prefer tank battles, as a rule, do not swing the branch of aircraft, but also probably would not refuse to play on the jet plane. How to fly for a moment 15 in this case?

Custom missions For War Thunder with reactivities will allow flying to any aircraft equipped with a reactive turbine. To do this, do not have long and tediously pump the entire branch, starting with the dull of the smooth "feeds". To fly at reactivities, namely on a moment 15, download the mission on the link:\u003d%23%D0%9C%D0%B8%D0%B315

This method of using MiG 15 is suitable only for a single mission. To take part in the network battle, you will have to pump the entire branch of jet aircraft!

How to install user missions

Installation additional missionsCreated using CDK is simply running: the downloaded file archive must be placed in the War Thunder folder in the usermissions directory.

Files with a mission content with extension.BLK must be in the folder with its name!

To start the downloaded mission, restart game client. And in the main menu, open the "Fights" section, and then go to "Custom Missions". If the mission does not start, you may have unknown it wrong: Check if all files are located in the target directory. The option is not excluded that the archive is damaged - then it will be necessary to download it again. How to play a specific mission is usually indicated in its description.

In this post, I will tell you how you can fly on an absolutely any plane in War Thunder in a user mission to test it and for other purposes. The plane may not be investigated and not purchased. This became possible quite recently.
CDPV, you can fly even to Li-2.

First you need to download the archive with flight models and the mission and unpack the folder with the War Thunder, or unpack and copy everything to the folder with the War Thunder. Download.

Check. When you go to the game (you can not go out), select the menu Custom missions. You must see the mission.

Try to turn it on. If everything is done correctly, you should be on the N1K2-JA Shiden-Kai aircraft next to the B-24 group. Arrows are turned off. You can fly. The aircraft will be with reference characteristics.

Now how to change the plane (this can be done without leaving the mission). In the folder with the game, find the file units2.csv (It contains the names of all units in Russian, English and their internal names) and open it in MS Excel, OpenOffice Calc, or an extremely notepad or any other text editor. For example, I want to fly to Attacker FB 1. Call the search by pressing Ctrl + F and enter ATTACKER (or enter the name of the aircraft as in the hangar).

Copy the name from the highlighted red cell corresponding to the aircraft we need. Then go to the folder \\ Warthunder \\ usermissions \\ and open the file aircraft_Test.blk. Notepad or other text editor (not MS Word).

We turn to the text fragment as on the screenshot.

Now allocate the name of the aircraft between the quotes ( n1K2_JKO_TYPE1) and insert the desired we ( attaker_fb1_0). Important! We change _0 at the end of the name on _Type1. That is, there will now be not attaner_fb1_0, and attaner_fb1_type1. Exactly the same thing for any other aircraft. You can also change the opponent aircraft, only _0 Just remove (for example, we want to change the B-24 on the B-29. We are looking for in the B-29 table, insert instead of b_24d b-29_0 and remove _0 . It turns out just B-29.)

We return to the game, click ESC, play again. You will appear on a new plane.

Not all airplanes on which you can fly are shown in the table. All names of aircraft on which you can fly see folder \\ Warthunder \\ CONTENT \\ PKG_USER \\ Gamedata \\ FlightModels \\.

All these aircraft can be used in their user missions. They can be created using War Thunder CDK or download from

In the mission there is an opportunity to increase the speed of up to 800 km / h (click the bombs reset button) and up to 600 km / h (press the release button).

So I can tell how to put ribbons and change the presets of bombs / rockets by plane in the mission if you want. Write in the comments if it is necessary.

I ask DMS to fix in the header.


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In War Thunder Mission allow the player to fill experience, get new skills and just have fun. So far beginners understand gaming processes And sit on the main cards, experienced gamers can pass special missions of the Var Tander, which are created by users. How to do it and where to take them, we will tell in this guide.

The developers took care of their players and created a platform where each user can develop its campaign itself. Moreover, everything is done not at the level of "deal with yourself". This is a full-fledged designer, with which you can create your own battles, machines, camouflage and full location. All this can be done independently and make workers.

Custom missions for War Thunder allow you to try new sensations, work out the strategy and just have fun. On the official website of the game you can download a designer that will create unique campaigns. Run the installation file, wait until it turns onto the computer, and run the program.

How to create a campaign in Var Tander

The simplest mission can be created, without any skills in general. When opening the program, Location "Britain" will immediately start. You can start doing the game directly here, but you can change it through the Scene View menu. Then it is worth going to the Mission Settings section, select the installed location and start making a campaign, giving it a name.

The settings set the time of day, weather And other data allowing you to diversify the game. Click on Create Unit and create a plane. When you click on the P key, the menu will open where you can specify the characteristics of the machine. Keep them, and you can start flying.

Unfortunately, development parameters include only aviation, you will not be able to get tanks or ships. But if you prefer to fly, then this is great entertainment - create your own unique campaigns.

How to set a user mission

So let's figure it out how to install custom missions in War Thunder. You can run them in the game and pass both alone and in the company of other players. If the game is created for the network, the following requirements must be followed:

  • The mission must necessarily be adapted for a multiplayer battle, and therefore, it is necessary to make the zones of the revival of commands.
  • You need to use an existing game location.
  • Must be the initiator (creator of the session). To comply with this item, you need to purchase any product in the game store in the amount of $ 10.

When performing all conditions, you can enjoy a multiplayer game. To start, follow these steps:

  1. Open the mission in Live and click the "Copy Link to Mission" button.
  2. Enter the game, open the battles window, go to the "Polygon" tab.
  3. Next, click the "Create Session" button, select the Session on the URL session and add a mission.
  4. Give the name of your campaign and insert the copied link in the field.

Now it remains to run the mission and open it for all players. In the near future you will immediately experience your campaign.

Single game mode

If you want to play on your own, having fun and practice skills, enough mode single game. For example, you want to create a unique location and test it. This is possible, the launch instruction is as follows:

  1. On the official website of the game you need to find the mission you are interested in or find your created campaign there. Download it.
  2. On the computer in the folder with installed playing You need to find the usermissions folder. The downloaded file with format.BLK must be added to this folder.
  3. Run the game, go to the tab with battles and select Custom Missions. There you will find the campaign that previously downloaded, and you can run it.

Playing custom campaigns are interesting. You can simply have a good time, take the skills and work out new tactics and strategies. It is worth noting that the developers are watching user missions and notice the attention of the session.

If there is your project among them, the company will offer you any payments. And it is not necessary that everything is perfect. Developers pay attention not only to common parameters Campaigns, but also on camouflage, models and characteristics of aircraft, location and so on. However, a number of conditions must be performed, including the campaign must comply with the latest updates.

It will give you and other players to enjoy interesting campaigns. Downloads such missions are simply, they are represented both on official websites and other resources. Cut tests, develop a creative veil and enjoy interesting campaigns in War Thunder.