Solution of problems. XCOM is not started: enemy unknown? Inhibits the game? Crashes? Buggy? Resolving the most common problems

Xcom returns! And there is not only the best thing in it that was in original gameBut also full of new interesting ideas. A new game It differs markedly from the first, so even the X-COM veterans may need some tips and tricks. We bring to your attention a useful guide with a bunch of tips, tricks, useful and interesting information on the XCOM pass strategy: Enemy Unknown. We will tell you about the main classes of fighters in the game, their features and tactical techniques, tell me how to defeat all kinds of aliens, as well as give some tips on the construction of the base.

Create a database of the XCOM project

Start the game after learning
Education in XCOM is very useful for studying the basics of the game, but it is also very linear. If you start anew when you pass the learning stage, you will get more freedom in creating such a base that you need. And then you definitely do not lose three fighters during the first mission.

Win a race in space
Create satellites! There are no second bases in Enemy Unknown, so it is very important to run satellites and buy interceptors to find UFOs.

Secondly, each satellite you run gives additional resources and reduces panic in the country over which it is running.

Thirdly, when you finish "envelop" continent by satellites, you will get the same bonus as if you set your base there. Therefore, it is meaningless to stop in South America, because All you need is two satellites that will make all the work for you.

Copy, you need steam!

Thermal generators are much better than ordinary electrical generators, but they can be built only in areas in which there are. So the best way to produce energy is to quickly dig until you find a steam source, build a thermal generator there, and then surround it with ordinary generators to get additional bonuses.

Engineers are better than scientists

To build something you need a certain number of engineers. Conversely, one scientist explores everything in the game, and several scientists simply speed up this process. So if in the game you need to make a choice between engineers and scientists, choose engineers. Some laboratories do not need at all, but the workshops will be very useful, because they give access to a greater number of items and help update resources.

Weapon or armor?

Pretty difficult choice. Armor to explore much faster, while for each class exists miscellaneous weaponsAnd one armor fits all. If you have veterans that would not like to lose, put priority for armor. If you are dealing with newcomers, then better make focus on weapons. Updated rifles will help recruits to kill at least someone.

Train your officers

The construction of a school for learning officers gives you access to really powerful upgrades. You can accelerate the gain experience, increase the size of your platoon and help your soldiers survive. But all this is just necessary if you want to grow veterans from them.

Tips in battles

Keep your ear in Egor
Moving on the battlefield, you can notice the sound waves coming from the edge of the screen. This will help you determine where the aliens are located on the map - an excellent solution for all those old X-COM missions in which you have been looking for the last aliens for half an hour. As an additional bonus, now on the sound signal you can determine which allegedly will be waiting for you. For example, Topot and Breathing in the style of Darta Vader talk about the presence of a muton, and the insect-like runny is crissalides, vague letty and the sound of the burner indicates flyers.

The key to success is a combat
Boarding is the version of the reaction fire in XCOM and one of your most powerful weapons. Always put one or two people in the mode of combat readiness before moving on. You can neglect the combat readiness only in cases where you have already found the enemy and are engaged by eliminating it.

Use the movement of the enemy
As soon as the enemy finds you, one movement is allowed. Enemies focused on the remote battle, recently and rush into the shelter, while the troops of the melee, on the contrary, move forward.

You can use these movements - for example, put the entire team in observation, except for one soldier, and then move this last soldier forward, provoking the enemy that rushes right under your fire.

Act quiet
What we talked about above is acting when the enemy has discovered you, and not the opposite. This means that using an invisible ghostly armor or a battle scanner of a sniper, you can find the aliens even before they detect you. Just throw a grenade in them, and the case with the end. Quiet, peacefully, safely.

Make your own door
In the original X-COM, the opening of the door was equated to suicide. Now everything is not so bad, because now you can shoot from shelter from either side of the door. In addition, you can surprise, otherwise to scare the enemy, just thoring through the hole in the wall and making your own door.

Explore explosions
The explosion of power supply UFOs causes significant damage, but then you will not be able to examine them at the end of the mission and pick up as trophies. However, if you use thermal or energy weapons, you can simply enhance your damage. The same applies to cars, so it's better not to stand next to the burning machine - it will explode in the next go.

Classes of fighters

Heavy infantry
The class of heavy infantrymen has two main types of weapons - machine gun and hand pomegranate. This type of fighters in the XCOM is best suited for fire for the suppression and destroying of shelters, as well as applying the greatest damage by one blow.

Recommended peppers:
Lead rain - Shooting in XCOM usually means the end of the stroke for your soldier, but with lead rain, if you are standing calmly and shoot, you can have a second chance for movement, recharging, or other actions.

Suppression - Fire for suppression is a special kind of shooting. It does not cause damage, but reduces the sight, destroys the shelter and gives you the opportunity to strike back if your goals are constantly moving. Very useful weapon, especially if the enemy hides behind the explosive subject.

Heat ammunition - Double damage on enemies-robots. This ability at first may seem useless, but the two most powerful enemy in the game - cyberdis and sectopodes - robots, and this weapon will very help you in the fight against them.

The attack aircraft are guys who can quickly get close to the enemy and shoot him right in the face. Their business card is "run and shoot", thanks to which they move twice as much and faster or often leave them in the mode of combat readiness.

Recommended peppers:
Lightning reflexes - This pep does it so that the first shot in your soldier always passes by. It is almost cheat, as in this way, he not only stays alive, but also has the opportunity to get close to the enemy, even if half of your enemies are in the mode of combat readiness.

Master of Middle Fog - It gives the possibility of retaliatory shooting in all who will be within four squares from the soldier. You will betray, trying to count how many times it will save your life to your soldiers.

Running fire - Double shot, but with reduced accuracy. At close range it can be very powerful, and if you use a gun, it works at a great distance. There is another reason for using exactly this peak - his "fellow" flash is much less useful, and often does not work at all

Snipers apply a large damage from a long distance. They are able to kill even such powerful enemies like mutones, one shock. But they can not move in one way and shoot from sniper, and there is little use in the melee from them: the accuracy of the fire is sharply reduced.

Recommended peppers:
Headshot - Allows you to move and shoot from sniper, although not with such accuracy. Choosing between this pep and command vision (shooting on all who see other than your soldiers) is quite complicated, but the second perk is not always applicable due to uncomfortable walls, and the shooting shot allows your Snayper to keep up with the rest of the platoon and at the same time Stay helpful.

Boy scanner - This Perk is often underestimated, because This is one of the few sniper skills that does not require shooting. This scanner gives you an overview of the battlefield, including nearby enemies. But at the same time the enemy can not detect you, i.e. He will not hide.

Adaptable - removes fines for aiming. This allows the snipe to rise to the hill and easily cover the entire platoon. The ability to adapt will help to compensate for the aiming penalty for the shotchidka shot.

This is one of the most diverse classes in the game. They use standard rifles and can throw smoke bombsBut their main advantage is excellent medical abilities. It is better to use a couple of soldiers of this class in the detachment - so much useful.

Recommended sniper peppers:
VOVERRACH - This incredibly useful ability allows you to use one first-aid kit three times. Mandatory object in inventory of any physician and the best way to keep the platoon on the feet of the whole mission.

Resienator - The second useful thing in the Arsenal of the Medica. It makes it possible to revive the dying soldier, and let nothing stop the XCOM soldier in the fight against the aliens.

Deep pockets - Each support fighter receives this skill in Major's rank. It allows you to take two subjects to the inventory instead of one. For example, you can carry a grenade or body armor, in addition to a standard first-aid kit.

When soldiers receive extrasensory abilities, they unlock the second talent tree (smaller). Using these abilities, you get access to this tree, making your soldiers even more powerful and helpful.

Recommended peppers:
Attack of Mind - The ability to have any medium. It shortens the target's sight, the power of the will and the mobility of the enemy. It acts very precisely at long distances, quickly kills weak aliens and weakens strong.

Inspiration - at last! This is a way to make nervous newcomers to panic and shoot in their. Inspiration eliminates the soldiers from panic, and the attack of the mind increases their willpower.

Control of mind - The ability of which you dreamed about. She gives you the opportunity to use the same tricks as sedom commanders and manage enemy platforms. Unfortunately, your version of this skill is not as effective as them. Aliens have several detachments that are simply beyond this ability. Although this pek is still funny, especially in combination with the attack of the mind.


T BPP - These are small tanks that can replace XCOM soldiers. They can't hide, and they have no more health than a good "booked" soldier, but they have excellent weapons and (if aboutpgraded) they can use suppression. In general, T BMP better newcomersbut worse veterans. Their best trump card is immunity to the impact on the psyche, which makes them particularly comfortable for the murder of aliens-telepaths.

Skeletal Spa Tander / Armor Archangel

They work equally, give their owners the ability to "rise" over the rest (with the help of a hook or flight). Best suitable for snipers.

Ghostly armor
If the reservation function Archangel is obvious, then the ghostly armor is not a completely understandable type of armor. Hook for grab and light protection is suitable Snayper, but the invisibility of the armor is more under the attack aircraft. As a result, it is probably better to use it on attack aircraft, in combination with a hook for approaching enemies from above in the style of "Spider Man".

Shard pomegranates apply three units of damage to all enemies within the radius of action, usually this damage is much less than from shooting, but the grenade ability to fly due to shelter and destroy everything in its path is priceless. Useful "tool", so you should always have a couple of mission with you. Cyberdis killing grenade will allow you to improve it to the pomegranates of the aliens.

Set of Nano armor / chitinist

They increase your health slightly, which is very useful on the first missions, but quickly weakens when there are durable armor. More benefit you get from the secondary ability of chitinos, namely, the reduction of the damage from the melee. Great way to protect against berserkov and cissalides.

Give a simple bonus +10 to the aiming. It is very useful for a shot in the head, which is used by snipers, which allows them to move and shoot. As your troops increase the level, the "goal" becomes less demanded.

Aid kit
You should always have a couple of mission with you, because they will help restore health glasses, cure poison and return to the life of dying soldiers. Aid kits are better to carry support soldiers that can improve them with several perics. Perform an opening of the dowel as soon as possible to double the amount of damage that you can heal.

Just need to complete the game, because this is the only way Stun and catch a live aliens. But that's not all. It is easily getting rid of weak enemies at close range, and the caught alien of each new type gives a bonus. The utility of the dugomet falls as the aliens increase their health, but it is necessary to profite it, and then he will become interesting again.

Martial stimulators
Expressive abilities you exhaust? Why not smell the powder from the bones of Mutona-Berserka? Apparently, there are many reasons for it, but positive effect Provided. Having accepted this medicine, you will increase the power, speed and resistance to damage, which means you can get rid of even more aliens-mediums.



Settows are easy to kill, but they love to surround you very much. Their special "mental" ability allows one sector to treat and increase the health of the other. If you saw this disgrace, melt in the sectoide, which started this chain, then you will kill both one shock.


Dackers are similar to sektids, but faster and movable. Create quickly jump over obstacles. Their special ability is to spit a poisonous cloud, which poisons your soldiers. It is better not to walk a bunch, otherwise you just do not have enough aidhechki to heal all the fighters.


Ltunas are some of the most maneuverable enemies. Their volatile abilities allow them to easily overcome obstacles on the way. Usually they love to take off straight up and fall behind your platoon. Always leave a person in the mode of combat readiness so that this does not happen. In the future, a more improved version of these enemies will appear - they also act, but it is more difficult to kill them.


Knights serve as a kind, captains of enemy ships and live in the pitched UFOs. They have more health than standard enemies, and their plasma rifles can greatly harm you. Fortunately, on every ship is only one of the rank, and they appear only when you go to the ship. This means that it is best to clean the territory from all other enemies before entering inside. One of the ripple is not a hindrance, but to face him in the midst of the battle is a great problem.


one of the most terrible enemies of the first X-COM. But this time they are not so terrible. And although they kept their huge speed, deadly blows and the ability to turn their victims into zombies, their health has been noticeable. Crissalides are always running out, in the very thick battle, so it is better to keep the distance.


Mutons are a super-resistant platoon of melee. They are not so movable as the dowel, but much stronger, and it is much more difficult to get into them. They also love to move grenades and destroy the shelter. As soon as Muton's health scale drops to half, it uses his ability to disappear, dissipating panic in platforms with a reduced level of will. In principle, the strategy here is one - shoot, shoot and shoot again. Later, elite mutones will begin to appear in the game - more stringent versions with even more impressive weapons.

Commands sedomes

The commanders of sectids are more health and more powerful attacks than in ordinary sectoids, but usually they prefer to manage their troops telepathically, and not to use weapons. With this, it is quite difficult to fight, especially considering that they are usually a pair and use an attack of the mind to suppress the force of the will, and then capture control over the victim. If this happened, kill the controlling sector as quickly as possible to return its soldiers. The best way Against commanders of sectoids - technique, which cannot be managed by telepathically. Or improve your willpower with combat stimulants or inspiration.

Drones are very fast, maneuverable flying enemies in Xcom: Enemy Unknown with low levels of health and damage. They can literally get on the mission of the intimidation, where their pond pond. Although most of the time they hold close to cyberdis or sectopods using their ability to recover to "improve health". The best way to deal with drone is to shoot a rocket or throw a grenade of aliens, so you will kill the drone and apply a tangible damage to cyberdis. Improved dummeted can be used to take control of drones into their hands, although it is not always convenient to do.


Cyberdisi is the first indeed "heavy" enemy, which you will meet in XCOM: Enemy Unknown. They can fly in a closed state and in the open, inflicting tangible damage and throwing grenades. Behind them also often follow the drones that are releasing them. The weakness of cyberdisks - in their inability to hide, which makes them a light target, as well as in their vulnerability before rockets. It is best to shoot in cyberdis as much as possible from a larger distance, reducing all the chances that he will fly away from behind or throw a grenade in you.


Berseries are a special kind of muton. He has no weapon, but there is a terrifying attack and the ability to break through the shelter. He also has another, more interesting ability - every time he falls into it, he makes a few steps forward. So he can get to your soldiers rather quickly, which means that it is better to kill it a couple of powerful shots, and not small queues. Smart commanders can take advantage of this feature by shooting it from the distance from sniper so that it goes to the attack radius, or forcing him to run around with circles, shooting various soldiers from different positions.


The sectopod is one of the most complex enemies in the game. These walking tanks have a truly horsepower of health and can apply an incredibly huge damage. The sectopod has three types of attacks - a powerful straight ray, an artillery charge and plasma. Fortunately, they are also very big and slow, which gives you the opportunity to avoid the arc of their shooting and gradually reduce them. Use grenades from a safe place against them, reflect their attacks with lightning reflexes and meet their face to face, only if you are a durable shelter.


Large daddy in the world of aliens. Eterlean is your most terrible enemy. Like the sectors' commanders, he likes to manage your soldiers at a telepathic level. That is why you should avoid meeting with an etherial in a closed space. Secondly, they return all the shots that they did not fall into them back to opponents, that is, to you. This means that to fill, like a crazy - it is useless, it is better to shoot very aiming and for sure. Fortunately, this trick does not work with weapons of mass lesion, so calmly throw it with rockets and grenades.

Absolutely any game at the time of release and in the first few months (to patches, although even after them) has a number of problems in the technical plan. But what is the most important thing - technical problems There are different: the game is buggy, lags, slows down, it is not trivially started, flies on the desktop, it gives an error, simply crashes and no saving. So the same applies to the game. also has technical problems.

That is why this technical article was created and was created, which helps to understand all errors and thereby solve all the problems. After all, if this is not done, the passage of the game will not just be normal - it will simply, will not. Since errors are different and more - there are a lot of them. On a major playing portal "" You may not find the answer. Therefore, to still find it, write it in our official group in contact, where we are always ready to answer all your questions and even solve them! Well, below you can view all the well-known problems and their solution!

Minimum system requirements

. OS:
. CPU:
. RAM:
. Video card:
. HDD:
. DirectX:

. OS:
. CPU:
. RAM:
. Video card:
. HDD:
. DirectX:

Update software (software)

Before we start disassembling more serious problems, I recommend carefully learning system requirements Games and update software (If you did not do this). Quite often we all we are looking for a problem, but in fact the problem is simple as a day. So to start, update your "firewood" for the video card:

→ Download or drivers for AMD Radeon video card;

→ or download drivers for the NVIDIA GeForce video card.;

→ There is also a sense to put the Razer Game Booster program, which will help optimize your "pitch" under the need of games;

→ Of course, do not forget that it may be worth updating such software like DirectX?

→ Most simple way Update your software, is the utility for the name "Driver Scanner". Without any problems, it will help you quickly and only one click update all your drivers. How and where to download? You can download anywhere, and after jumping just run it. After installation and launch, about five minutes will be spent on scanning system. As soon as the scan approaches the end, you can upgrade the drivers (if required) only with one click;

→ Do not forget that there is also a possibility that you also need to update or even install other auxiliary software. This includes: DirectX, Microsoft Visual C ++ and Microsoft .NET Framework. You can download on the official website of the company "Microsoft".

The game crashes and throws out on the desktop

→ The most frequent problem at the moment. More often, this is due to the fact that the 64-bit version of Windows is installed on your "hardware". I remind you: it works only on 64 systems. So carefully check that you have;

→ There is a possibility that the departures come back for the reason that on the same system you have several video cards. So, if you are the owner of the Tandem, then it is best to turn off a secondary card, therefore the game does not support SLI and CrossFire profiles;

→ If you possess a laptop and so play in it, then you should switch from the "built-in" video card to "dedicated". In any case, you need to find out which movie cards you will have, and the game will not work;

→ Explosions continue? It's time to try the most common launch of the game on behalf of the administrator with all surrounding rights and in the seven compatibility mode (Windows 7). As a rule, it is in combination of these two parts a problem of departures;

→ If it really happens, we go to learn the operational memory of your PC, because if you do not have enough of it for minimal requirements (4 GB of RAM), then it means that you just do not have enough memory, so you will further throw out And no comfortable game will not be;

→ But if with memory everything is more or less normal, then I recommend close all the unnecessary programs that occupy a lot random access memory. For example, this list of programs includes the same "Skype" (Skype), some browser (Opera, Google, etc.), or even antivirus, so it is desirable to disable it too at the time of the game;

→ And never forget that, perhaps, the departures occur due to the fact that you are owner pirate version games. If it really is so, then wait for either correctional patches, or change the game to licensed version.

Game shows red screen

→ If you really have this problem, that is, a red screen appears when you start, then you will probably have a pirated version of the game, so you have to either go to the licensed version, or wait for a patch from some pirate studio.

The game does not start

→ First of all, it is necessary to make sure that any important files that relate to the game have not been deleted on your computer. For example, before installing, it is best to turn off the antivirus again, or put the folder in which you install the game, in exceptions for antivirus;

→ There are also more "subtle" problems. So, for example, if there are Russian letters in the installation path (and only Latin), then the game may not be launched because of this. Especially if the game was purchased in the popular Steam service. In addition, at the same time, it is better to check the kesha integrity in the STEAM library;

→ The last option is to run games on behalf of the administrator in Windows compatibility mode. If it did not help run the game correctly, then expect correctional patches from developers.

The game slows down, buggy, lags or how to raise FPS in XCOM 2

→ It is not excluded that, perhaps, the kesha integrity in the Steam service was damaged, with the result that one of the files was removed.

The game does not work or not Russian language

→ Since the games are officially localized, then most likely, the problem lies in what you need in the library with "Steam games" to switch the language in the properties into Russian.

An error about the missing DII file appears

→ In this case, you need to download the application called "DLL Fixer" to your computer, or another similar program. They have been downloaded, then run it and scan your PC. You need to enter the missing file in the DII field, which appears during an error. Next, it remains to install this file and only after that start the game again.

Crashes with an error or error "Files Name: XCOM2.exe"

→ If you have nothing helped, then you will probably have the owner of the pirated version of the game, so you have to again either change the game to the license version, or wait for the patch.

There is no sound in the game, or the sound disappeared

→ To begin with, check, correctly and most importantly - is well connected to the sound playback device (for example, columns, or headphones) to your computer. A rather simple and common problem, and not significant, so even if you do not want, check anyway;

→ If the problem is that there are sound in other games, namely, there is no, then go to the settings and set all the meanings to the most maximum level;

→ If you are a happy owner of the external audio card, then it's time to check and download the latest drivers;

→ The last option is that you need to check the integrity of the cache, because quite often it is so that some file is deleted. It is possible that the file with sound retired.

The game is not saved

→ Not working saving is not a rare problem. The first thing you need to do is check the save path. Because it should not be Cyrillic;

→ There is also the likelihood that it may endured the presence of a free place where the game is stored. Because of this, the game is not saved. At a minimum there should be a few gigabytes, consider.

Error during the installation of the game, or there is an endless installation

→ As a rule, errors during the installation of XCOM 2 occur for the reason that the game files conflict with the antivirus turned on (in other words, it swears and removes them). Usually, the antivirus accepts some files for doubtful and acts with them as with a virus - removes them. That is why there is either an infinite installation, or an error occurs during installation.

Characters do not move, do not work, the game is buggy

→ The first thing you need to keep in mind is more often saved. In the event that any bug with the task, characters and other things occur. You can always reboot. As a rule, after rebooting the error disappear. There is a possibility that you will have to reboot more than once, therefore, take care of patience and wait for the patches that bugs.

If you encountered the fact that XCOM: Enemy Unknown slows down, flies, XCOM: ENEMY Unknown does not start, XCOM: ENEMY Unknown is not installed, in XCOM: ENEMY Unknown does not work control, no sound, pop up errors, in XCOM: Enemy Unknown Work saving - we offer you the most common ways to solve these problems.

First - check whether the characteristics of your PC meet the minimum system requirements:

  • OS: Windows Vista
  • Processor: Dual Core 2 GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB
  • Video: 256 MB (GeForce 8600 GT / Radeon HD 2600 XT)
  • HDD: 20 GB

Be sure to update the video card drivers and the other

Before remembering the most bad words and express them towards developers, do not forget to go to the official website of the manufacturer of your video card and download the latest drivers. Often, specially optimized drivers are being prepared for the release of games. You can also try to set a later version of the drivers if the problem is not solved by installing the current version.

It is important to remember that only the final versions of video cards should be downloaded - try not to use beta, as they can have a large number of not found and not corrected errors.

Do not forget that the stable operation of the games often requires installation latest version DirectX, which can always be downloaded from the official site Microsoft.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown does not start

Many of the launching problems happen because of the incorrect installation. Check if there were no errors during installation, try removing the game and start the installer again, after turning off the antivirus - the files often need to work for the game are deleted. It is also important to remember that on the way to the folder with installed playing There should be no signs of Cyrillic - use for the names of the directories only the letters of the latice and numbers.

It does not prevent Check if there is enough space on the HDD to install. You can try to start the game on behalf of the administrator in compatibility mode with different versions of Windows.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown brakes. Low FPS. Lags. Friezes. Freezes

The first is to install fresh drivers on the video card, from this FPS in the game can significantly climb. Also check the computer load in the Task Manager (opens by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Escape). If you see before running the game, that some kind of process consumes too much resources - turn off its program or simply complete this process from the task manager.

Next, go to the graphics settings in the game. First of all, turn off the smoothing and try to reduce the settings that are responsible for post-processing. Many of them consume many resources and their disconnection will significantly increase productivity, not strongly affecting the quality of the picture.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown flies on the desktop

If XCOM: ENEMY UNKNOWN often flies on a working slot, try to start solving the problem with reducing the quality of graphics. It is possible that your computer simply lacks performance and the game cannot work correctly. It is also worth checking the updates - most modern games Have a system automatic installation New patches. Check if this option is turned off in the settings.

Black Screen in XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Most often, the problem with the black screen is a problem with a graphics processor. Check if your video card satisfies minimum requirements And put the latest version of drivers. Sometimes the black screen is a consequence of insufficient CPU performance.

If everything is fine with iron, and it satisfies the minimum requirements - try switching to another window (Alt + Tab), and then return to the game window.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown is not installed. Hung up installation

First of all, check if you have enough HDD to install. Remember that the installation program is required to work correctly, the stated space is required, plus 1-2 gigabytes of free space on the system disk. In general, remember the rule - at a system disk should always be at least 2 gigabytes of free space for temporary files. Otherwise, both games and programs can not work correctly or altogether refuse to start.

Installation problems may also occur due to lack of an Internet connection or unstable operation. Also, do not forget to pause the operation of the antivirus during the installation time of the game - sometimes it interferes with the correct copying of the files or deletes them by mistake, counting with viruses.

In XCOM: Enemy Unknown does not work saving

By analogy with the past solution, check the availability of an HDD space - both on where the game is installed and on the system disk. Often saving files are stored in the document folder, which is located separately from the game itself.

In XCOM: Enemy Unknown does not work.

Sometimes control in the game does not work due to the simultaneous connection of multiple input devices. Try turning off the gamepad or, if for some reason you have two keyboards or mouse, leave only one pair of devices. If the gamepad does not work for you, remember - officially support only controllers defined as Xbox joysticks. If your controller is determined differently - try using programs that emulate Xbox joysticks (for example, X360CE).

Sound does not work in XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Check if the sound works in other programs. After that, check whether the sound is not turned off in the settings of the game itself and whether the sound reproduction device is selected to which your speakers or headset are connected. Next, during the operation of the game, open the mixer and check if the sound is turned off there.

If you use external sound card - Check for new drivers on the manufacturer's website.