World of Tanks is the best tank. Tips for beginners: what tank is better in World of Tanks, and how to buy it. What model is better

The best tanks in World of Tanks: classification of tanks in WOT + 6 ways, how to get a tank in the game + top 3 large-caliber / armored / tank in the game + top 3 best tank in World of Tanks for Pharma and Cebris.

Tanks in World of Tanks - the main tool for battles. The developers tried to recreate the technique with maximum accuracy, given the majority of engineering features and physics of armored vehicles.

The project has even tanks that could not be implemented earlier, but in the game were recreated according to the drawings of those times.

Today we will analyze the best tanks in the World of Tanks and highlight the top three in various categories.

Classification of tanks and ways to receive them in World of Tanks

The primary classification is divided into just two branches - tanks for direct hostilities and auxiliary armored vehicleswhich is used as a complementary element in improving the battle tactics in WOT.

Classification of technology in World of Tanks by type:

    Light tanks.

    Created for tactical tricks, since their main advantage is speed. Armor and firing power in such armored vehicles below average, exceptions may be some units of premium technology.

    Due to its maneuverability, tankers on a light technique can easily launch the best tanks of the enemy and give information to comrades, so that they carried out the sighting artillery raids exactly by purpose.

    Medium tanks.

    In most, they have miniature sizes and high level of maneuverability to attack heavy equipment from the back and side. The level of armor is better than in the lungs, but with accurate blows from powerful guns, almost instantly lay.
    Used in key moments of fighting for the capture of the opponent base, or leveling risk from artillery or PT.

    Heavy tanks.

    Frames in the offensive actions of the team, which are shields for medium and easy equipment in the game. Powerful tools can break through almost any armor - for light tank There is enough one exact hit to remove even the top technique.

    A loss heavy tanks The most sensible for the team, since the level of protection is significantly reduced.

    Machines with high imperceptibility rates that may lead aimed fire from key tactical points and to hide from the opponent's gaze.

    PTs have different sets of characteristics, it is impossible to clearly highlight the prevailing feature. At some better armorOthers have a greater punching power. It all depends on the country of origin of technology and its design.

    Home combat power team. It has an insignificant level of protection, but the attacking ability to head is higher than that of the rest. Always located in the rear and masked as much as possible. Leads targeted shelling from far distance at the best tanks of the enemy.

    Loss of artillery in battle reduces the likelihood of victory by 20-40%, depending on skill and replacement tactics in critical situations.

Another separation of technicians in World of Tanks is based on the type of acquisition. Highlight basic and premium tanks. The second and possess the characteristics that many times better than their basic analogues.

How to get the best tanks in World of Tanks:

    Buy for silver (loans).

    Available absolutely to all players WOT.. Silver is earned in the process of conducting battles, and only the speed of pumping the tank with its crew depends on you.
    To buy the best tanks located at the end of the Tree Tree, you will have to study the previous armored vehicles and its key modules.

  1. Buy in premium shop For those who want to accelerate the pace of development, and not against infusion real money in Game. Here you can get the best tanks, both in terms of firepower and for a silver pharmacy with experience in World of Tanks.
  2. Win in the competition.

    You can get the best tanks through participation in contests and quizzes on the official website or group in VK Wargaming.

    The frequency of such events is 1-2 times a month, but such proposals can be found on thematic sites that allow you to get tanks for reposities and other actions to popularize the resource.

    Through a affiliate.

    The referral system of the project provides for the premium technique of the 8th level, if you invite a friend to the project on your referral link, and it hits any tank until the level of level is 10.

    Through participation in special events.

    There is a "big campaign" and temporary events for which the best technology is issued 8-10 levels. In a large campaign you need victory in clan warsWhat requires non-gravity combat skills.

    Temporary events are easier performed, but are entered much less frequently - to get a tank, it is simply necessary for the set time to perform a number of conditions and pick up the prize.

    On an invite code.

    Special sets distributed on thematic forums for activity or as prizes in draws on the websites of popular streamers on the game World of Tanks.

Try not to get involved in dubious resources, as the game is very popular, the number of inexperienced players is growing in geometric progression. To avoid sad fate, buy equipment only through the official website or from Wargaming partners.

The best tanks in World of Tanks by category

Everyone has its own subjective opinion - it is difficult to choose tanks, which will bring absolutely everyone. One is easy to manage with heavy machinery, the other one prefers to wonder the lungs and maneuverable tank, and someone in general to fall into the opponent from the ambush from his art-saau.

On the official resource of World of Tanks there is a section dedicated to the description of absolutely all tanks. Here you can choose the best tanks based on your own preferences and desires regarding the characteristics of armored vehicles.

We decided to make mini-reviews of the best tanks in various specializations and directions. In the lists of the best will be both basic and premium tanks.

a) The best tanks among large-caliber.

We decided to start with large-caliber techniques, because it was the fire power of the team. You can take an enemy from the card with only one sighting shot, and if the opponent survives, the fear of your gun will remain until the end of the battle.

№1. T92 HMC.

A type:PT-saau

The key feature is a high level of overflow of the opponent from one-time volley, which provides the best indicators for the destruction of the enemy tanks among similar tools.

It is not adapted to the near battle, since its protection can even break through the light armored vehicles, and considering the position of the gun, in 90% of cases of the enemy tank will be inadequate for the T92 T92 trunk.


  • the best level among SAU;
  • maximum in the World of Tanks Area Split Shards;
  • masking above average + high-quality UGN.

The minuses should include the duration of recharging armored vehicles and the complexity of the hit. To learn aimed to shoot on the enemy, not one week of practice may be required.

Without taking into account the negative sides of this handsome, learning to skillfully manage with the sighting shooting, you appreciate the high class of its penetrating art strength.

№2. O - I.

A type:PT-saau

Japanese tank with large punching power and decent protection (the frontal part consists of 1.5 cm high-strength steel). And this is all at the 6th level of development of the technique! The big slope of the Tower allows you to unhand most small shells, which significantly increases the vitality of the car on the battlefield.

In addition to protection, the tank has two guns - one is distinguished by high rapidity, but low accuracy, the other produces frantic numbers of one-time damage - more than 900 units.


  • one of the best UVN;
  • large indicators of mass damage + punching ability tools;
  • compared to other SAU, it has one of the highest reservation reserves;
  • excellent review opportunities.

The minus tank has its dimensions that reduce mobility and opportunities to protect against more serious techniques. Side boards are the most punched part of the armored vehicles. Thin armor + ammunition, vulnerable to the enemy, can deliver many problems to the player.

To improve the safety of technology, it is usually assumed by "accompaniment", which increases the survivability and general figures of the team damage in battle.

Number 3. FV215B.

Very difficult in mastering, but, if you study all the wisdoms in his management, you can become the main combat force of the team in battles world. Of Tanks. High reduction and low scatter allow you to conduct aiming fire even at high speed.

In addition to accuracy, you get complete and range, which makes it possible to carry out fire attacks even by barely noticeable parts of tanks on large distances. All the dignity described makes a magnificent sniper from this armored person with high characteristics and potential in battle.


  • it has the highest rapidity and accuracy among heavy equipment in World of Tanks;
  • high reservation tank;
  • overview of over 400 meters;
  • shoot on the go much easier than from its analogues of the 10th level.

By cons carry low maneuverability and weak armor of the bottom of the hull with sides. One-time damage does not shine, but for the conduct of a sniper fire, such characteristics are enough.

Especially it is worthwhile to beware of the coverings from enemy SAU, since the upper and side of the armor does not exceed 0.4 cm.

Large equipment with a large penetrating / covering power allows the team to increase chances of winning, and you make a key player party in World of Tanks.

b) The best tanks in the World of Tanks among the technique for Pharma.

Gold is only auxiliary currency in World of Tanks. Swing and buy tanks, modules with crews Players can be for silver and experience that is given after each fight. Tanks for Pharma increase the growth of these indicators and increase the overall profitability of each battle.

Now we will understand the best representatives This direction that will allow maximum benefit for tanker.

№1. FCM 50 T.

In terms of combat operations in World of Tanks, it is a strong middling, which has sufficiently high reservation performance. Raisin Tank - a gun with a high break and guidance accuracy. Beginning to the features of shooting, the tanker can be aimed to fall across the enemy without regretting the ammunition, since they do not differ much cost.


  • dynamic and maneuverable;
  • wide selection cheap shells during battle;
  • review range and communication are one of the best among the analogues.

Given the fact that we are talking about a heavy tank, the armor level for such armored vehicles is clearly enough. With the control, problems may also arise due to the fact that the machine housing has an elongated form.

This tank refers to a premium - the purchase will cost almost 12,000 gold, but it is more than one of the investment by increasing resources from the battle.

№2. Su-122-44

Country:the USSR
A type:PT-saau

A premium tank worth 6,750 gold units, which means pumping the modules to the player will not need. Special characteristics cannot boast, it is used for breakthrough attacks along with heavy machinery, while the key location during the battle is the middle line, behind the spins of heavy machines.

Mobility allows you to conduct aimed fire on the middle peasants of the enemy tanks and quickly hide from their field of view.


  • in the range of 60 seconds, it has a strongest rate of damage in World of Tanks;
  • low landing + thick gun mask;
  • good mobility in combination with correct corners of the armor.

The minuses should include mixing and accuracy, first of all, due to the corners of the review and low fit of the technique.

By virtue of their characteristics, the car is rational to use in World of Tanks for Pharma - for the shooting such tanks do not drive at the beginning of the battle, because you can quietly "Skhodno" the enemy, making your damage to the general offset and earn additional resources.

Number 3. Löwe.

Another premium tank worth 12,500 gold units - has one of the greatest rates of silver and experience in World of Tanks during battle. In battles is a car for support - a high landing is very vulnerable and in the near battle, it has no chance against more maneuverable rivals, especially from the weak sides.


  • powerful gun with high heights of armority + shell flight speed;
  • armor is one of the best in World of Tanks;
  • it has a large reserve of shells.

This tank does not differ in high speed - 20-24 km / h. The onboard armor with a thickness of 1 cm allows you to withstand direct hits of medium tanks and make them due to their range and accuracy.

Low speed makes it a frequent victim of artillery attacks, because this tank stands very carefully martialctionsIn order not to get into the enemy traps.

Almost all Pharma tanks are available in a premium store. such a unit of technology, you can significantly speed up the earning process gaming currency, accordingly, pumping in World of Tanks.

c) Best armored tanks in World of Tanks.

These tanks are directed to the absorption of the main damage and can bring the enemy a lot of trouble. Use of artillery and the search for weaknesses is vital measures if you want to survive in a fight with such an opponent.

№1. Maus.

Very heavy tank (more than 190 tons), which is used as a shield, both in the attack and in terms of protection of the base. But priority give it to participate in attacking actions.

I remove such heavyweight back, you can protect the key point, but the advanced will become much weaker, and after the partition of the main forces of the allies of heavyweight will be put on the blades due to the numerical advantage.


  • best armor in world of tanks;
  • good stock of shells;
  • good stabilization of guns, both in standing condition and on the go;
  • middle damage for 60 seconds above average.

Use this tank as a shield is the most rational on the city landscape - when building a chain and leading aiming shooting due to the back of Maus.

Previously, such a tactic was one of the best, but after the release in World of Tanks A RAU of the 10th level, Mouse moved to the background. However, it is not completely unambiguous to reset it.

№2. ST-I.

Tactical purpose - a breakthrough of the position of the enemy. Such a solution is caused by thick armor capable of withstanding direct contact with a distance of 220-240 meters without tangible consequences for the tank. The gun is accurately affecting the enemy, which makes it an excellent breaking element in any battle.


  • high quality armor around the perimeter of the car;
  • tower with an instrument - one of the best in World of Tanks, thanks to the protection and corners of the vendor;
  • maneuverability tank.

Although armor and very good, rely on a single breakthrough is not worth it. Support must always be 2-3 ally, then you can put even more eminent tanks on the blades of 9-10 levels.

Having a lot of weight, the tank has good mobility, which makes offensive actions not only more efficient, but also speeds up the breakthroughs, and this is especially important on the flanks.

Number 3. IS-6.

The tank is premium and costs 11,800 gold units. The average speed is 33 km / h, but picking it up pretty quickly, which allows you to call the IS-6 one of the most mobile among heavyweights in World of Tanks.

The front armor is 1 cm due to the bevel allows you to withstand even direct hit of middle peasants and some heavy tanks.


  • armor around the perimeter at the level above average;
  • shielding + low landing;
  • single figures of the damage applied - 390 units.

Low planting equipment makes it possible to easily hide from artillery shelling and get to the enemy to the close distance. Given the small distance of fire, the GOB from the tank will be only in the near battle.

Thanks to the large numbers of one-time damage, even a pair of volleys around the enemy can significantly damage its technique, and such cars in battle are not unnecessary.

d) the best tanks in World of Tanks for cybersports.

Tournaments I. command battles - The usual thing in World of Tanks. The question arises: what technique will be the right, and what will just become ballast? We selected the top three tanks that are most often used in the events of this kind.

№1. LTTB

Country:the USSR
A type:Light tank

One of the top light tanks in World Of Tanks worth 2 400 000 silver. A magnificent tool makes it possible to gut the weak points of heavy rival tanks, and high speed and maneuverability provide evasion from most guidance of an enemy gun.

Armor is well ricochetitis strikes from light and medium tanks, and an overview is almost 400 meters and disguise help in a couple of seconds to hide from the sight of the enemy.


  • dynamics;
  • an optimized tool with all necessary (speed, breaking, accuracy);
  • armor + disguise.

Tactical purpose - breakthrough to the enemy base and help in capturing. Here, use the enemy tanks and tactfully retreat, and after hitting the aruta of the allies, repeat the flare.

It is good to apply the advantages of the machine by the end of the battle, when the defense will weaken - to break through the enemy artillery in such cases for LTTB will not be any problems.

№2. M41 Walker Bulldog.

A type:Light tank

Used for breakthroughs and lighting the enemy tanks. Speed \u200b\u200band maneuverability provide protection from heavy sediments, and radio communication, reaching 350 meters, will allow you to notify allies about the task made and give green light for artillery shelling.


  • guns with excellent vertical tip angles;
  • DPM guns;
  • dynamics and speed of moving on the battlefield.

The minuses should be attributed to weak armor around the perimeter and, and the prices of them are unreasonably overestimated.

Although the tank has a breakthrough nature of tactical actions, large dimensions may affect the task. But if you do right choice The guns, this problem is leveled by itself (two types of guns in the study are available).

Number 3. AMX 50 100.

France's pioneer in heavy tanks with drums, on the game tactics is very similar to their lighter colleagues from the average category. Thanks to the most powerful cannon, the tank becomes a paramount goal for the enemy, and thin defense only simplifies its destruction for enemy artillery.

Tactical application is very widely - catching the opponent on recharging, keeping the sighting shooting from the ambush, finishing the semi-axis enemy tanks 1-2 volley and so on.


  • high breakage of armor;
  • high-speed and maneuverable tank;
  • gun damage - 1800 units.

Although the car and high speed indicator, it is not worth it - the oblong case reduces maneuverability and get to the artillery shelling becomes easier than simple.

Take the armored vehicle to the shelter to recharge and watch the opponent's arts - only then the profit from action will be the greatest.

In cybersport, the tanks capable of solving the outcome of the battle are important. The priorities are lightweight machines at high speed and penetrating force, allowing them to successfully evode the enemy and destroy enemy artillery.

e) the most talked tanks in World of Tanks.

Accuracy is one of the key items in World of Tanks. Meaning to have strong armor or punching force if when shots do you rely on good luck factor?

We selected the top three of the most likely representatives, when using which it will be enough to capture the target and simply press the mouse key.

№1. Object 263.

Country:the USSR
A type:PT-saau

Basic machine of the USSR, gathered in itself top Qualities Multi Fri in the WOT WORLD. The frontal armor shows particularly beneficially at a distance of 250+ meters, as the chance of getting into vulnerable places of the car increases.

The key tactical goal is to conduct a sighting fire along the tanks of the enemy due to shelter. Imperceptibility of technology is also provided by low landing.


  • optimization in terms of dynamism and maneuverability;
  • the rear speed is the highest in World of Tanks;
  • the strongest armor of the forehead + low silhouette of the tank;
  • gun with the best accuracy and high frequency of shooting.

The minuses should include poor armor on the side and the oblongation of the tank, and the engine in the front of the body can become easy prey for mobile machines at a small distance.

№2. Grille 15.

A type:PT-saau

The car with an impressive cannon, capable of scaring the enemy only with its own kind. Armor is below average, because the main task of technology is to conduct aiming fire on the enemy from the shelter, and one should always keep nearby 1-2 tank in support of this armored person.


  • high-precision massive gun;
  • high speed information;
  • dynamic and mobile.

By cons carry a mediocre wake and open logging. They make PT easy target for high-speed light tanks, which are sent to the enemy bases to light the enemy and destroy the key fighters.

You did not have enough information about top tanks from the article?

About another 5 imbid cars tell an expert in video:

Number 3. AT 15A.

Universal machine used both to protect positions and breakthroughs on the base of opponents.

Armor and rapidity are perfectly suitable for the removal of the enemy's tanks in narrow openings, where to hide from the eye is most problematic. Thanks to the tip horizontally, the sighting attacks due to the shelter will not be any problems.


  • accuracy and rapidity;
  • high reservation;
  • high-quality shells with good punching power;
  • optimized horizontal tip.

By cons carry a small reserve of one-time damage on the targets of the enemy and the low-speed machine. Although the armor of the technique is above average, there are still problem areas in defense, and if we take into account a bad review - these two factors make PT easy prey for enemy artillery.

To avoid problems, let armored vehicles accompanied by 2-3 tanks, which will provide protection and enable the sighting fire, without thinking about the protection of problem areas.

World of Tanks is not the game where everything solves the tank. The skill of fighting and tactical subtleties can give a weighty advantage to even weak armored vehicles.

Each unit of technology in the game has both strengths and weaknesses. Considering them and covering the help of assistance to teammates, you can become a truly good tank in the leader's abilities that can come in handy and in real life.

We accounted for several mini-reviews where you tried to consider the best tanks in World of Tanks with various tactical appointments in battle. We hope the information for you will be useful and choose the standing tank will be much easier.

And what tanks in WOT consider the best you?

The game presents equipment from 7 countries: Japan, USSR, USA, Britain, France, Germany, China. Of these, the Tanks of the USSR, USA, British and French technicians are most popular. In WOT, there is a strict separation of tanks by goals and tasks:

  • Light tank is not the best solution for beginners. They are used to maintain fast and active battle, but differ in complex control. You can download some types of easy equipment up to 5-8 levels.

Tip! If it is decided to start a game with a light tank, then you should choose the Tank of the USSR, USA or Germany. Models of other countries behave on the battlefield unpredictably.

  • The average is the most popular option, there is a cross between light and heavy. They can be swing up to level 10, preferring a dynamic game. The average tank is universal, it is able to apply different tactics.
  • Heavy tanks best keep the blow, can attack alone or as part of the group. About 56% percent of new-night players from the first steps of the game begin to swing heavy tanks. The choice is not bad, because these tanks are the most powerful.

You need to choose a tank corresponding to the tempo and style of the game. For example, you play Wot with a friend and choose tanks different classes. You swing a lightweight model, and Comrade Heavy German Maus. In the first possibility of the branch development of only 8 levels, and reaching 9 levels, a friend will be able to pump a heavy tank, and you will have to choose another class of technology.

What is anti-tank installations?

This technique is designed to hold the enemy, the management of it is suitable for a person who prefers the seat in ambush to active battles. Almost all PT-SAU in the game there is no tower, so the turn to the enemy is carried out by the installation case.

Experienced players advise to give preference to anti-tank installations of the United States, by the way, they have a tower. But for the further game, France or USSR, characterized by imperceptibility and frontal armor, will be a classy option.

What is a saau and how to choose it?

Self-propelled-artillery installation is designed to apply a huge damage from distant distances. SAU has practically no armor and for neighboring battles are not used.

Important! SAU is a special class of technique that shoots a canopy. They choose a goal by reviewing a card from a height, which is the special fire regime.

SAU has a number of features:

  1. Laying the fire.
  2. The angle of horizontal tip.
  3. High accuracy and damage to goal.

The choice of sau is a controversial question, since good models are found in British and french branches. And here soviet saau 261, which are considered the best in the game, have a confusing branch. Best learning will be held in French, state or british saau to GW Panther.

How to choose a tank, and what you need to know about it?

When choosing a tank is to rely on the following criteria:

  1. The tank hits the target, inflicting damage.
  2. Tank, giving the opportunity to learn, with good armor.
  3. Maneuverable and dynamic technique. There are tanks with disgusting maneuverability in the game. This is the Soviet model A20, BT-7 and BT-2.

In stock one tank is unreasonable, because the player can kill until the end of the current battle. Therefore, it is better to download 2-3 spare branches. Of the good classes of tanks, experienced players recommend:

  • The average Soviet branch of tanks, leading to the T-62A technique.
  • German branch leading to E-100.
  • The branch of American PT-Sau tanks.

Tip! If there is a desire to get the tanks of all classes, it is worth choosing a US SAU branch that leads to T92 tank.

What model is better?

Choose a tank in wot - difficult taskdepending on the aggregate factors. Serious tanks are chosen at the level 5, and all levels before it are old-timers of the game with disdinned are called sandbox:

  • At the level 5, it is worth highlighting the models of the USSR tanks, they are all excellent: powerful kV-1, the legendary T-34 and kV-220, which has excellent circular booking. Pleasant bonus 5 level will be US SAU T-67 with excellent speed, ease and high break.
  • At the 6th level of the top three, these are Art, of which 1 Soviet (T-34-85) and 2 British. British Cromwell, which has practically no armor, is distinguished by maximum speed and imperceptibility - the perfect tank for the strategist. The second Briton is the legendary Sherman Firefly, which in the game boldly comes against the level of level 8.
  • On the 7th level of the technique more balanced, from the best you can choose different configurations of the IP, the German tank Tiger I and a heavy American tank 29.
  • 8 Level is serious, and the first in the top three follows IS-3, right behind it goes FCM 50T, suitable only for experienced players, the third French AMX 50100.
  • At the 9th level, experienced players are recommended to give preference to the universal German tank E 50 or American M 103.
  • The tank for level 10 is chosen on the basis of the situation, because the outcome of each nation is important. At the level 10 there are slow heavy MAUS, various st, loud PT 10 and other technique.

No matter how experienced you have in WOT, never be lazy to watch new reviews and videos, getting fresh information about the game and updates. Remember that the simplest tank becomes weapon in experienced hands.

Top tanks for beginners: video

Hi everybody! In this article we will tell all lovers and players of the "Peace of Tanks" about the best heavy tanks in the game. In general, it has a lot of heavy tanks, which are famous for their own or other characteristics. Nevertheless, one must not forget that each tank must be selected under a specific player. Someone likes a tank of good armor, someone has a powerful gun with a big damage for a shot, someone's DPN tank, and someone is interested in exclusively heavy tanks with high shooting speed. Today we will try to tell about the best heavy tanks at their own level, assessing the situation that is in the game and the preferences of all players.

Let's start with the fifth level, which is the basic, because it is truly you can see how the character of heavy tanks is manifested, their level of armor and power. The most prestigious and favorite heavy tank at the fifth level among all the players is the KV-1 and it is right that it can be rightfully considered the best such as at its level and in its category. Yes, of course, in lately Popularity conquer japanese tanksBut this is solely because of their novelty, which happened and after the introduction of other new tanks in the game.

Sixth World Tanks Level Of Tanks

As for the sixth level, it should be noted here two tanks, which are definitely the best at its level. These include the Japanese O-I and the Soviet Tank KV-85. They are not only the best on their booking level, but also in a cannon, which is different from others not only by a large break, but also by the damage for the shot.

The best heavy tank of the seventh level has long been customary to consider such tanks as Tiger I and AMX M4 45. As for the first one, then after he applied it was just God at his level. In addition to 1500 units of strength that make it at their level of tank, he also has a gun with the highest number of lifestyle. He also has armor, which can not only tank while playing with tanks of its levels, but also with lighter tanks. As for the second tank, he is also a very good gun with a high break and a good DPM. With armor, however, he is not so good, like a tiger, but in the skillful hands they can easily tannate armor and do not worry about anything.

The eighth level of World of Tanks tanks

And now let's move on to the eighth level, on which the players expect the stubborn, because after the sixth level, the support is considered to be exactly the eighth, since this level is not only on which you can play comfortable, but not to leave in the minus, which is never like that Players. The best heavy tanks of the eighth level, all have long considered such tanks as IS-3 and Tiger II. These tanks have a good armor at its level and just a wonderful gun, which can be carawing all opponents with ease. The main thing here is to maintain strength points and live as long as possible, then these tanks bring the most damage more efficiently than others.

Let's move on to nine who very much like gamers for the simple reason that it remains quite a bit to the 10th top level and everyone is so hurry to roll out their long-awaited tank. So, at the level of the largest heavy tanks, such tanks as E-75, VK4502B and ST-1 are considered to be rightfully. These tanks have the best armor at their level, which sometimes misses the tenth-level tanks in horror when they try to break you. There are also good guns to the excellent armor, which cannot be complained, so they are the best tanks in their type at the ninth level.

Tenth Tank Level World Of Tanks

Well, finally, we came to the most sweet, tenth level. There is a very large number of heavy tanks that are truly worthy of attention, so it is difficult to decide on the choice. Those for me less, the opinions of the players diverge in such a way that better The tenth level is considered to be such tanks as IS-7. E100 and T57 Heavy. Despite the fact that they are very different among themselves, players are very much loved throughout all the history of the game and do not change their choice even now, when there are so many other tanks. The main for these tanks, as for the rest in their category, is an excellent armor. In the latter, it is true, an order of magnitude is weaker, but this is perfectly compensated by a drum gun, which gives its advantages during the game.

The main thing in the game is obviously tanks. Historical, existing and fought on different continents of the world, paper reliable layouts and grains of projects that have already been completed and imagine developers from each individual car in the world of tanks have their own, special and unique story. And, as they say, there is a merchant for each item, and in our game for each tank there is someone who can call him the most beloved!

Well, I think it is clear here that every player for himself decides which for him the best in the game, we will try to tell you what the most attractive, playing on which is very nice, and bend easier / affordable.

As you know, in our game, the levels of technology and each Laver stands out / highlighted its heroes. In parallel, the inhibitory tanks will be covered, it will also be told about the machines of the most popular on the servers of the world of tanks. At each of the levels, we highlight 3 cars (there will be exceptions) that most stand out + bonus, which seems the most fan, as players called.
Though in the game and levels 10, let's start a review from the 5th level tanks, since it is still non-serious machines, a sandbox, as they like to call most players levels until the 5th.

5th level

On the V-level there are several applicants for the title of the best tank and they are all Soviet.
First, we note the most popular for the game, not counting the first levels is the Soviet power of the KV-1. Circular armor, diverse guns, and of course, the historical component, made this tank such a reputation! Each player, especially the generation of older, considers it his duty to roll out this car.

Secondly, it is T-34 - with an equally rich history, compared with the KV-1, one of the best tanks of the war that changed her move. What makes it so popular? Its punching guns are 57 mm ZIS-4, with a high break, but a penny damage. The two most popular branches in the game are the Soviet Art and TT, and through the 5 levels there are two great tanks: T-34 and kV-1.

And the third, only for selected kV-220. He has a magnificent circular booking, which is extremely difficult to take the 5-level gun, and even some six feels the problem with the breakdown of this car, and plus its preferential level of battles! All this makes this tank of real immesh, but to get very difficult.

The 5-kah bonus is T67 - American PT-SAU, which does not feel himself. An excellent speed, imperceptibility, high breakage and low silhouette allow you to bend your classmates, and in battles at the bottom of the list, with the help of gold, do not feel suffering!

6th level

On the VI level in the troika tanks, all three centuries are one Soviet and two British.
Let's start with the legend, which everyone knows from Mala to Great, almost every city has a monument to this significant tank T-34-85.
The middle USSR is a versatile fighter on the battlefield of his excellent gun with a good breakdown of BB and a comfortable golden fight against 8-k, accuracy and mobility make this tank popular. Of course, you should not forget that this tank is downloaded and because of his huge combat story, and the fact that it goes next after T-34, but this does not make it less excellent.

The second is the British Cromwell, technology for real statists. Unlike 34-85, Cromwell has no reservation, but its maximum speed and gun, in a coupe with imperceptibility allow you to make excellent results forcing even the driver himself.

And the third, newcomer in World of Tanks - Sherman Firefly. One of the most successful models of British tank construction, with the legendary OQF 17-PDR Gun MK gun. VII, on which you can fight without gold and at the bottom of the list, even against the 8 levels.
The 6-kakh bonus is the legend of Baba - KV-2. It is both for the nagiba and for fan. His Duda 152 mm M-10 with Alpha Fugas 900 points allows you to fight even with x-levels (!!!), where one shot on Waffenträger AUF E 100, or other cardboard machines, can be deprived of half of the HP.

7th level

The 7th level according to the players is the most balanced, therefore, and choose the top three leaders here is very difficult.
The first, or rather the first is the IP / IS-2 / IS-2. It is impossible to identify one of these machines, because they are practically identical, so we will make all three units in this list. The most famous tank is included in the 10-ku Popular World of Tanks Tanks. His advantages - D-25T with Alpha with 390, mobility, tower armor. In the top of these cars make a fight, distributing the "Soviet Vertukhans", and at the bottom of the list playing in PT, representing that you are - SU-122-44, which also fights with 9 levels with the same tool.

The second unit is German Tiger I. German TT, who fought in the Second World War, having a rich history, was implemented great in the game. 1500 strength points, 8.8 cm kw.k. 43 L / 71 with 203mm breakdown, 240 alpha and with DPM-Ohm 2000 points per minute, playing comfortable, nice and interesting. At the top of the Tiger list - the thunderstorm of enemies, punching everyone, disassembled any dpm-y, and at the bottom of the list we play PT, alternating BB with gold.

The third car is American heavy T29. If the 29-ka became from the hilly, then even the 9th level will not be able to pierce it from the first time. The tank has strengths, but also has pain points. Its balance and application on the battlefield make the car excellent on which you want to play again and again.

The bonus acts as hated by all aggregate - bloha, bug, mosquito, the machine gun of Gatling is german PT-SAU E-25. An imperceptible tachacan that causes a lot of problems for opponents, especially blind types of Soviet TT. Comrician bites for 150 points in 3 seconds withdraw anyone who falls on the fly of this typewriter. Well, if you get to the platoon of the E-neck, if you are in the field without shelter and they aimed at you - wait for troubles. The enormous popularity of the car contributed to the fact that it was taken out of the sale, but there were no less in the battles.

The 7th level is so diverse that I would like to note even five cars - it's T-34-1, T71, M41 Walker Bulldog, LTTB and SPähpanzer SP I C. We will not tell about them, just note that they are also worthy attend this list.

8th level

We close to the vertices. VIII Level is not a sandbox. At these levels and global Card., and utensils and road fights.
The first tank at the 8th level put the IS-3. The machine that is suitable for all the above battles, and also floats with rand. The frontal armor of the hull and tower, the presence of falsebates, a good gun, mobility and low silhouette - the key to the success of the machine.

The second is FCM 50T. The machine is not for everyone, because the huge body and the lack of armor make the tank on the tank very difficult for beginners, but experienced players show excellent results on the tank, setting records on the damage again and again. Tanks with a preferential level of battle and excellent weapon 212 breakdown, so suffering on this machine is excluded. Analogy to this machine can be offered another Frenchman - AMX Chasseur de Chars. An even less armored car, which bursts from the Fugas and does not have a preferential level, but has a high masking ratio and the greatest maximum speed at the VII level among the article by the MAYBACH HL 295 F engine in 1200 horsepower.

The third is another Frenchman, also a frequent guest in the streams, rotes and at the GK - AMX 50100. A car capable of picking up any classmate for one drum and quickly hide from the scene of the crime - this is his trait. High breakage and alpha of each bullet in 300 is what opposes the drum to all its enemies. But the most difficult is to alter the drum CD in 50 seconds when it becomes defenseless meat for the enemy. Another weakness - Lack of armor, but it is characteristic of all cars from the branch of France.

Bonus on the VIII We note two cars - PT-SAU UK Charioteer and Japanese average STA 1. Both tanks - secret samurai that lead their battle from the shadow, supporting the godding allies. High breakage of a hundred and magnificent Emergency gun 105 mm at gun L7 with in 268mm - Swords of these tanks, which they poured their opponents, even playing the list at the bottom.
Another applicant is IC-6. Tanks that have become among the most popular prem-tanks of the game, having the same DRN D-25T, armor and a preferential level of battle.

9th level

The 9th level by the 9th level is considered to be an AUSF appoucted vk 45.02 (P). B, or alpha-tapkov, who returned to life the last couple of patches back, raising the thickness of the armor. Now VK 45.02 (P) AUSF. B Tankers even PT-SAU X-levels, sometimes even their gold shells. Crush the direction, or to restrain it, be the first on the tip of the attack - this is the real calling for this tank! Of course, he remains weak onboard and enemy art, but these are small disadvantages, compared with his advantage. Plus, sneakers also mobile, as for their weight.

The second copy is the middle Germany E 50. Another universal fighter, which can and tank at the right moment, and go to another part of the card. Having on board a gun with German accuracy and high punctum, a game on Epist, as it is called, turns into a pleasure. E 50 can go both with the Allied Articles and to be a tank of the second line, moving with TT allies. Who to be in battle is the choice only for the player, but the name is a huge potential, as on E 50, you shouldn't suffer to suffer.

Third machine M103. All American TTs are famous for their foreheads of the tower, and 103 no exception. Tank even top guns with huge breaks? Very easy! An American can hold back the direction even against several allies, or play a cat-mouse with other opponents, if the card allows. It is perfectly balanced, so you will not have to suffer on M103.

The Bonus on the IX is the Soviet Art T-54. As his tower is not nerf, as the 54-ka armor does not change the armor remains an excellent station, one of the most popular at its level. Speed, mobility, low silhouette and the fact that the tank can forgive, due to the reduced armor - all this makes the car so popular.

10th level

Xth level is the crown of each branch, the result of each nation. Each tank at this level has its own chips, their own directions. Everyone has good characteristics. Of course, there are imba type Waffenträger AUF E 100, which will soon be replaced, or an ART SAU, which does not normally relax in battle, as well as the presence of PT 10 with huge babes.
10-ki is the level of extremes. There are also drum TT, there are also slow cast iron walls of type Maus-A and E-100, there are diverse art. Therefore, each player must choose for himself, what tanks he is as interesting and to allocate one of some would not be correctly, at a minimum.

So, dear friends. It was only the opinion of one person, and not the crowd, because, as already mentioned earlier -At taste And on color. But, undoubtedly, those who are provided in this list can bend, can become the best, but only in the hands of the right player.
And that is all! Come in World of Tanks, and choose your own, the best in the game, and prove that he is really the best! Good luck on the battlefields of the world of tanks!

The article will talk about the top five of the most invisible and flexing tanks from world Games Of Tanks. By pumping them, you can play very effectively from masking and shoot a lot of damage in every battle. Let's start!

Fifth place

Chinese tanks have always been famous for their disguise. 121 No exception: the tank has an excellent masking coefficient and a very powerful tool 122-mm. Because of the large caliber 121, it glows with a slightly better than others, but in the stationary position the tank can be invisible for a long time, and only after a powerful shot on the enemy, he may be lit. But the "Chinese" smartly and can always leave on time.

At 121 the biggest "alpha strike" among all the average tanks of the level of the level of level 10, which is very impressive. The gun is not so accurate as soviet tanksBut it always grabs it on any distances. In addition, this gun has a good DPM and excellent breakdown. No need to forget that "Chinese" is a rather strong nut for the middle tank. His forehead books well, and the tower can be perfectly used damage.

The only thing that does not please - terrible UVN. The gun down is very bad, and you have to get used to it. The rest of the tank is very good.

Fourth place

In the fourth place - the invisible tank, the object 140. It is worth noting that the T-62 can be used instead. They look like a style, although T-62 is a little worse disguise. The object 140 is a low-size tank, with a low silhouette. With grazing disguise and purchased camouflage, the tank can often and for a long time to disappear from the opponent's radars. At the same time, due to the small caliber of the gun, the 140th can shoot enemies and at the same time not to glow.

The unconditional advantage of the tank is high DPM, great accuracy and good stabilization of the gun. In addition, the gun is quite punching. The tank is very cool, smart and high-speed, which allows him to occupy the most comfortable bushes first.

Attacks the tank is not bad with a relatively stingy armor. The tower, though, sometimes reflects the eases of the enemy, but also often breaks through, and the body is easily "sewn." In any case, the object 140 is a magnificent tank and most of the player who want to play neatly disguise.

Third place

The third place in the top of the best average tanks in World of Tanks is occupied by the object 907. This is a tank, it is difficult to get it, but you can pump the object 430 instead of it, they are similar.

The object 907 has a very good disguise, perfectly suitable for ambulance tactics and for intelligence. The object 907 is the best dynamics among all Soviet average tanks. It quickly gains speed of up to 55 km / h. Tank of small size, bizarre design, the form of the tower someone can resemble a flying plate. Due to such a specific form, the object 907 often break into the tower, which is one of the disadvantages of the machine.

But the hull under a good slope and often reflects enemy shells. Like other Soviet average tanks, this tank has a rapid, accurate, punching tool, which allows you to effectively shoot damage at great distances. In general, the focus in the object 907 to make masking and driving quality, while aggressively play it is not so simple, but perhaps.

Second place

In second place - the tank of the 8th level object 416, in fact, semi-PT, semi-art. The masking of this car is better than the other average tanks in this top. At the 8th level, many enemies have a weak review. Therefore, being in the first lines, the object 416 includes invisibility and bombed enemies from the bush.

Incredible disguise is not the only plus of this tank. Object 416 level 9 level! This usually happens only on PT Sau, and here - on the middle tank. The gun is really impressive! A good breaking through the main type of shells and the excellent breakdown of gold. The gun has good accuracy and rapid information, high DPM and decent alfa. The tank is very fast, turning and dynamic, but there is one drawback: the tower turns only partially. Therefore, the object 416 does not exhibit itself in the attack.

But he is an excellent appearance of a fighter, which can be checked to change his position for the shelling of the enemy.

First place

The best average tank for the game World of Tanks from masking and bends of enemies is the French Tank Bat.-Chatillon 25t. The magnificent masking coefficient allows this tank to occupy the most risky position on the map and at the same time not to glow. High maximum speed, excellent dynamics will be useful in any battle, for example, for classes key points on the map or for retreat to a safe place. "French" has a drum on 5 shells, which is especially useful in the most critical moments of the battle, for example, when an ally requires help.