Problems in the organization of the child's activities. Essay on the topic "Games Activity as a means of comprehensive reaches of preschool children. Problems of the game of modern preschoolers

Paznikova Tatyana Ivanovna

SP "Kindergarten" Alenushka "GBOU SOSH №2 IM.V. Maskin J.-D. St. Klyavlino


Modern approaches to the organization gaming activities in Do.

The games of modern children there is an ambiguous attitude of adults, which manifests itself in the ban on teachers of some game topics, toys, which makes the game of the child more closed from adults than it was before.

After analyzing modern games preschoolers' children, we can conclude that in children's games preschool age Traditional plots that have existed for a long time are preserved. In the games of girls for many centuries, there are ... Beauty, Tsarevna, Princess .... The formation of the girl, its inner world, sex identification is associated with the desire to become a woman who has a family, children. Initially, these desires are implemented and realized in games.

The boys prevail paramilitary plots.

W. modern preschool children The XXI century appeared new gaming roles: a person - Spider, Batman, police and others. A feature of the subculture of modern childhood, formed under the influence of the media, can be considered a characteristic feature that social and family roles are increasingly interesting for modern children, the fact of the preference of the roles of cartoons and films (mainly foreign) is becoming new. According to the scenes of films and cartoons, the plots of games are presented: "Ken and Barbie", "Family on vacation", etc.

Often the game comes down to manipulating a bright, fashionable toy is often reduced by a children's game: "Dress Barbie, led to work, in a cafe, for a walk."

Modern toys occupy a special place in children's games. Not always understandable to an adult, often useless and undervolving toy - the characteristic sign of our time.

Often the game comes down to the accumulation, because to have as you can more Barbie, Batmans, transformers in a children's subculture are considered prestigious.

Playing with modern toys, children, as a rule, refuse to enter into the plot of traditional toys, explaining this by the fact that "so it is impossible" or "don't want."

At the moment, educators need to focus on the following principles of working with children:

Provide enough space to organize different species games;
- games, toys, benefits must be in the place available for children (at the level of children's growth);

Creating conditions for individual, group and collective games;
- ensuring the conditions of insolation between the zone elements;

Simulation of the game space;

Enrichment of the life experience of children with information and impressions that can be implemented in the game;

Free selection of children of any kind of games.

The use of diverse forms of learning, including different specific childhood activities;

Providing interconnection directly educational activities with the daily life of children, their independent gaming activities;

Use of cyclicity in organizing the game activity of preschoolers;

The creation of a developing substitution environment that functionally simulates the content of children's gaming activities and initiating it;

Widespread use of game techniques, toys; Creating emotionally significant situations for children;

Providing a child opportunity to navigate the peer partner, interact with him and learn from him (and not only in an adult);

Formation of the children's community, providing each child a sense of comfort and success.

It is also necessary to take into account that it is impossible to plant or put the children around yourself, in any case. The game process should proceed naturally, that children are "trained" to play, there should be no feeling.

The position of the participant of those events about which the child will learn in the process of observation, listening to books, watching cartoons and movies, should provide indirect guidance techniques. The indirect development of the game should ensure the development of a positive, emotionally painted attitude of children to the phenomena of the surrounding reality, which can be reflected in the game, child interests. To do this, through excursions, reading books, conversations, didactic games It is necessary to enrich the ideas of children about social reality.

Modern change in the gaming environment, selection of toys and gaming material, different on topics and shaped solution, help the child to restore recent impressions in memory, encourage their own game.

A prerequisite for proper upbringing is well organized games. In order for the educator to organize the game of children most appropriate, while actively influencing the course of games and the relationship of children will require some reorganization of conditions. Games will take a prominent place in organizing children's life with proper pedagogical work

Problems of organizing game activity of children in modern kindergarten

The game is a special activity that blooms in childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life. It is not surprising that the problems of the game attracted and attracts the attention of researchers, and not only teachers and psychologists, but also philosophers, sociologists, biologists, ethnographers. Currently, it is generally recognized that the game is the leading activity of the child of preschool age. The developing character of the game is that it puts forward a number of child requirements.

The first requirement facing scene-role game To the child, this action in the imaginary plan. The need to act in the imaginary plan leads to the development of the symbolic function of thinking in children, the formation of a plan of representations, the construction of an imaginary situation.

The second requirement - the ability of the child to certainly navigate in the system of human relationships, since the game is directed to their playback.

The third requirement is the formation of a real relationship between playing children. Joint game Impossible without coordination of actions.

We all know how important the game for children of preschool age, we all realize the fact that the development of children in the preschool institution is ineffective outside the game. Children have few impressions, emotions, holidays, without which the game is impossible. Most of the impressions of children get from television gear, the game mapping the life of adults, playing a child imitates them, simulates a variety, socially cultural situations and relationships. IN lately Children do not know what their parents are engaged. In the column, the position - realtors, managers, dealers, agents, etc. Parents cannot clearly explain to the child than they do. From children's surveillance, the profession of the seller, tailor, cruel, etc., was gone, and meanwhile conditions for these games are created, in many gardens there are artificially created game zones, but attributes for these games do not cause special interest in children. Currently, there are three basic methods of leadership games for children.

The first method - the leadership of the scene games of children was developed by D. M. Mengeritsky. In her opinion, the main way of influencing the teacher to the children's game and raising children in the game is the impact on its content, that is, the choice of the topic, the development of the plot implementation of the gaming action and the explanation of its meaning to partners - an adult or peer, and the distribution of roles And on the implementation of game images.

The second method is the method of formation of the game as activities belong to N. Ya. Mikhailenko and N. A. Shkova. It is based on the implementation of the three basic principles.

First principle of organization scene game In kindergarten.

The second principle, the educator should play with children throughout the preschool time.

The third principle - at each stage of preschool childhood, it is necessary when forming game skills to simultaneously orient children, both on the implementation of the game action and the explanation of its meaning, adult.

The third method - the organization of an independent storyline received the name of the method of comprehensive playing game. He was proposed by E.V. Storgin and S.L. Novoselova. Currently, in the practice of preschool institutions, this method is often used in the presence and relationships of the following conditions: the active activities of children aimed at familiarizing the surrounding, training games.

All components of the integrated guide to the formation of the game. All components of the integrated guidance formation of the game are interconnected and are equally important when working with children of different ages. The level of development of the game achieved as a result of such a guide allows the teacher to go further, given the new opportunities of his pupils. Having studied three approaches to the guidance of the game of preschoolers, we will draw conclusions - the game should be free from adults imposed by adults, and the child's implementation - the child must be able to master the increasingly complex language of the game - the general ways of its implementation that increase the freedom of creative realization of his own designs. The game must be joint activities of the teacher and children, where the teacher has a playing partner, so that the game in all age-related stages was an independent activity of children. Children of different age groups on the game, during the day, is given from 3.5 to 3. 30 minutes. The main goal of teachers is to use this time correctly, in every way encouraging children to independent games, participating in them and helping children to master new ways of playing.

", In new Sanpines. Another problem is to restore in adults, teachers have the ability to play along with children and competently lead the children's game. Currently, there are three basic methods of leadership children. The second method is the formation method as activity - owned by N.Ya.

Mikhaylenko and N.A. Short.

It is based on the implementation of the three basic principles.

The problem of organizing game activity in modern kindergarten

There are three main methods of guide to children's game: 1 Method Designed by D.V.

Menezheritsky. The main way of influencing the children's and raising children in the game is the effect on its content (i.e.

the choice of theme, the development of the plot, the distribution of roles, etc.) The teacher must enter into, taking over one of the roles, as a partner.

2 Method - Method of formation as activities belong to N.Ya.

Preschool age

"Pre-school age / education of preschool children"

Site for kindergarten, for educators of kindergartens and parents

Consultation for educators

Nikitina I.V., Educator II Caval. categories

D / s №54 "Sparkle G.

Naberezhnye Chelny

First requirementfacing the scene-role-playing to the child is an action in an imaginary plan. The need to act in the imaginary plan leads to the development of the symbolic function of thinking in children, the formation of a plan of representations, the construction of an imaginary situation.

Second demand - The ability of the child to certainly navigate in the system of human relationships, t.

to. directed to their reproduction.

Third demand - Formation of real relationships between playing children. The joint game is impossible without coordination of actions.

First method - Guidelines for the scene games of children developed by D. V. Mengeritsky. In her opinion, the main way of exposure to the teacher to the children's game and the upbringing of children in is an impact on its content, t.

e. The choice of the topic, the development of the plot implementation of the game action and the explanation of its meaning to partners - an adult or peer, and the distribution of roles and the implementation of game images.

Second method - Method of forming the game as activities belong to N.

Ya. Mikhaylenko and N. A. Shkova. It is based on the implementation of the three basic principles.

Third method - Organization of self-scene received the name of the method of comprehensive playing game.

He was proposed by E.V. Storgin and S.L. Novoselova. Currently, in the practice of preschool institutions, this method is often used in the presence and relationships of the following conditions: the active activities of children aimed at familiarizing the surrounding, training games.

Consultation for educators "Problems of organizing games in the modern kindergarten"

But in many preschool institutions there are artificially created gaming zones. Unfortunately, such games and attributes do not cause great interest from preschoolers. 3. With the child do not play adults.

They forget that you can teach the baby to play only playing together with him! 4. Veliko desire to "please" parents.

most of them want to give their Chado to the gymnasium, and as a result, the child has no time for the game.

There are three main methods of guide to children's game: 1 Method Designed by D.V. Menezheritsky. The main way of influencing the children's game and raising children in the game is the effect on its content (i.e.

the choice of theme, the development of the plot, the distribution of roles, etc.) The teacher must enter the game by taking on one of the roles, as a partner. 2 Method - Method of formation as activities belong to N.Ya.

", In new Sanpines.

Another problem is to restore in adults, teachers have the ability to play along with children and competently lead the children's game. Currently, there are three basic methods of leadership games of children. The second method is the formation method as activity - owned by N.Ya.

Mikhaylenko and N.A. Short. It is based on the implementation of the three basic principles.

The main activity of children of preschool age- the game in the process of which the spiritual and physical strength of the child is developing: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity, etc.- this is a kind of pre-school method of assimilation of social experience. "

D.V. Menderitskaya

The game is a special activity that blooms in childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life. It is not surprising that the problem of the game attracted and attracts the attention of researchers, not only teachers and psychologists, but also philosophers, sociologists, ethnographers, biologists.

There are a number of theories that consider the game from two points of view:

Game as an activity in which the child is developing integrity, harmoniously, comprehensively;

Playing as a means of acquiring and studying knowledge.

Currently, it is generally recognized that the game is the leading activities of the child of preschool age. Let me remind you that psychologist A.N. Leontyev considered the leading activity such, which has a special impact on the development of the child in this age period. For kids early age Leading is objective activities, for children of the younger and senior preschool age, the game becomes the game.

Developing nature the game is that she puts forward a number of requirements for the child:

First requirementfailing to the child from the scene-role-playing game is an action in an imaginary plan. This moment is celebrated by all researchers of the game, although it receives different names. The need to act in the imaginary plan leads to the development of the symbolic function of thinking in children, the formation of a plan of representations, the construction of an imaginary situation.

Second demand -the ability of the child in a certain way to navigate in the system of human relationships, as the game is directed to their playback. The main content of relationships, which is modeled in the game, consists in various combinations of coented social roles. It is this content that is primarily the subject of development for the child.

Third demand- Formation of real relationships between playing children. The joint game is impossible without coordination of actions. In the process of such coordination, children develop "community qualities", according to A.P. Terminology Ushova, i.e. qualities providing a certain level of communication.

This is the main specific developing value of the plot role-playing game.

In addition, there are experimental data on development in the game arbitrary behavior managementinitial shapes deliberate memorization, activity, organization.It is also generally recognized that knowledge of phenomena of public life, about the actions and relationships of adults, etc. form in the game.

So, we all know how important the game for children of preschool age, we all realize the fact that the development of children in a preschool institution is ineffective outside the game.

Nevertheless, we are forced to state that the game "leaves" from kindergarten, children practically do not play. And the reasons for this several.

Children have few impressions, emotions, holidays, without which the game is impossible. Most of the impressions of children get from television gear, whose quality, alas, leaves much to be desired.

The game is the display of the life of adults: playing, the child imitates them, simulates a variety of sociocultural situations and relationships. But, perhaps, for the first time in many years, educators of large cities, in particular Moscow, were faced with the fact that children do not know what their parents are engaged. In the column "Information about parents" appear mysterious abbreviations, and in the column "Position" - realtors, managers, dealers, agents, referents, etc. Parents cannot clearly explain to the child than they do. Only the activities of adults directly observed in life remain. But they are very small. The profession of the seller, the postman, the Cutter of the Atelier and the tailor took away from the children's direct observation. Meanwhile, the conditions for these games are created, in many kindergartens there are artificially created gaming zones. But attributes for these games are dusting on the shelves, without causing special interest in children.

Do not play adults. The game is impossible to teach otherwise than playing with the child.

Also one of the good reasons for the care of the game from Dow is our desire to "please" by parents, as a result of the teachers only make that "do" with children, trying to inform them as much information as possible. There is practically no time for the game. This uses such a commander phrase as "social order." In essence, this notorious social order is used by many as an excuse, dictated by reluctance and inability to organize a children's game.

Meanwhile, time on the game in Dow is - it is laid in the regulatory documents that are fundamental to us, in particular in a guidance and methodological letter "On hygienic requirements ...", in new Sanpins.

Another problem is to restore in adults, teachers have the ability to play along with children and competently leadchildren's game.

Currently, there are three basic methods of leadership games of children.

First methodguidelines for the scene games of children developed by D.V. Menderitsky. In her opinion, the main way of exposure to the teacher for the children's game and raising children in the game-influence on its content, those. To choose the topic, the development of the plot, the distribution of roles and the implementation of game images. And in order to show children new techniques of the game or enrich the content of the game already started, the teacher must enter the game by taking on one of the roles as a partner.

Second method- Method of forming the game as activities - belongs to N.Ya. Mikhaylenko and N.A. Short. It is based on the implementation of the three basic principles.

First principleorganization of a story in kindergarten: In order for children to host the game skills, the teacher must play with them. An important point that determines the "drawing" of children in the game itself is the character of adult behavior. It should be the position of the "playing partner", with whom the child would feel free and equal in the possibility of including in the game and exit it.

Second principle:the educator should play with children throughout the preschool childhood, but on each age stage to deploy the game in a special way, so that the children "opened" immediately and learned a new, more complex way to build it.

Third principle:starting from an early age and further at each stage of pre-school childhood, it is necessary when forming game skills at the same time orient children both to the exercise of the game action and the explanation of its meaning to partners - an adult or peer.

The principles formulated above are directed to the formation of gaming abilities in children, skills that will allow them to deploy an independent game (individual and joint) in accordance with their own desires and interests.

Third methodorganizations of an independent story game called name method of integrated guide game.He was proposed by E.V. Storgin and S.L. Novoselova. (See the scheme)

Currently, in the practice of preschool institutions, this method is often used in the presence and relationships of the following pedagogical conditions: active activities of children aimed at familiarizing the surrounding; Educational games; timely change of the grade environment; Activating communication of the teacher with children during the game itself.

1. Systematic enrichment of the experience of children.INbyem, in class, on a walk, while reading books, watching gears, the child absorbs the appointment of objects, the meaning of the actions of people, the essence of their relationship, he has the first emotional-moral assessments. All this can serve as a source of plans of the game, constant enrichment of its content.

2. To transfer real experience in the game, the conventional plan, for the assimilation of the children's reality reproduction methods in the game educational games (didactic, theatrical, etc.) they must contain elements of novelty, introduce children into a conditional situation, emotionally attached to the acquisition process.

3. Timely change of the gaming environment selection of toys and gaming material contributing to the recent impressions in the memory of the recent impressions obtained when meeting others, as well as in the training games, aims of preschoolers for an independent, creative solution of game tasks, encourage different ways to play reality in the game. The objective gaming environment should be changed with the practical and gaming experience Children. It is important not only to expand the theme of toys, but also to select them on the principle of varying degrees of the generalization of the image.

4. To secure in an independent initiative game, the experience gained experience communication with adults during gameplay. Communication should be directed to the formation of progressive (for each age period) methods for solving game problems. For this, the teacher organizes the activities of preschoolers in the complicating problem gaming situations, taking into account their specific practical experience, as well as the gaming environment.

All components of the integrated guidance formation of the game are interconnected and are equally important when working with children of different ages. The level of development of the game achieved as a result of such a guide allows the teacher to go further, given the new opportunities of his pupils.

Having considered three approaches to the guidance of the game of preschoolers, it is necessary to draw the following conclusions:

The game should be free from the subjects and regulatory action imposed by adults. The child should be able to master the increasingly complex "language" of the game - the general methods of its implementation, which increase the freedom to the creative realization of his own ideas.

The game must be joint activities of the teacher and children, where the teacher has a playing partner, so that the game in all age-related stages was an independent activity of children.

Time to play in preschool institution

For the development of gaming activities, it is necessary to perform several conditions: the creation of an object and development environment, the presence of a certain time in the day and professionalism of teachers. Without the fulfillment of these conditions, the development of a creative amateur game of children is impossible.

As already mentioned that one of the reasons for the "care" of the game from kindergarten is the desire of teachers as close as possible an educational and educational process in a preschool institution to the "school" model. The main time and attention of teachers pay classes with children, forgetting the importance of independent children's game and its meaning for the development of children. "We have no time on the game! His catastrophically lacks! " - Typressors say.

This is not true. There is time on the game. It is laid in any comprehensive program. pre-school education. After analyzing the programs and the regimes of the day, as well as a guidance-methodical letter "On hygienic requirements ..." and new Sanpins, we came to the conclusion that in the mode of children's day in kindergarten, time to play the game. The main goal of teachers is to use this time correctly, in every way encouraging children to independent games, participating in them and helping children to master new ways of playing.

The statement that in the upbringing and development of the child of the preschooler, the leading role belongs to the game, has long been an axiom for teachers of preschool institutions. Ask any educator, and most will answer that the child is developing reality in the game, gets certain knowledge and skills. The teacher will call a lot of tasks solved by the game.

BUT B. last years The game in kindergartens began to wear an applied, learning character, gradually losing its significance as a type of creative activity. There are several reasons for it.

First, as already mentioned, the game became a means of learning.

Secondly, most modern families have one child, which does not contribute to the transmission of gaming experience from generation to generation - on the one hand and the development of the communicability of the preschooler - on the other.

Thirdly, toys currently have almost disappeared, giving space to children's imagination. Strict zoning of the gaming space of group rooms deprives the child a free manifestation of creative abilities.

Another significant reason is the inability of teachers to play with the child. And finally, the latter - a decline in interest in the creative game of children is explained, in part, the desire of teachers of kindergartens to fulfill the "social order" of parents. As a result, more time is paid to learning, and not an independent creative game, which projects the further success of the child.

The issues of organizing the game activities of preschoolers and preparation of educators to the pedagogical management of the game have always occupied the leading place in the work of any preschool institution. Regularly for pedagogues of the kindergarten are held theoretical and practical activities on the problems of gaming activities. These are consultations, workshops, workshops, practical solutions to problem situations. Themes of the activities are diverse: "Development of preschoolers in gaming activities", "The role of the educator in organizing the game activity of children", "Game and toy in the life of kids", "Organization of an objective development environment for development gaming scenes" etc.

Annual open-door days allows you to make a pre-school institution more open, attract the attention of parents to the game problem.

In the planning of working with parents, such types of work were reflected as the questionnaires "What do children at home are played?", Flakes "We Play", Mamina School meetings on the problem of children's game, disseminate memos and recommendations.

In kindergarten games children are given a significant place in the day. In the field of view of the educators is constantly updating the subject and developmental environment, the selection of game equipment, child artistic literature. But this is still not enough for children to play. Practice shows while the child is not very independent, he does not know how and does not like to play. Therefore, our educators in any kind of children's activities are trying to provide the guys as many opportunities as possible to show their independence. Of course, we do not impose the game to our pupils, but do not leave it without leadership. Independence even from senior preschoolers in the game is relative game culture Not always high. Therefore, children need support in the development of the plan, refinement gaming actions, Distribution of roles. And there is nothing better here than the very teacher to become a playing partner.

Teachers support the principle of organizing the game: play with children, play with children throughout preschool age.

In kindergarten, experienced teachers use in working with pupils of the game, helping to correct the behavior of children, rather than apply punishment, prohibitions, morals.

Games with rules are good in that they are clearly provided for the requirements for the behavior of children. The child is forced to obey these requirements if he wants to play and does not want to destroy the game.

Games competitions are a strong "test" for an impulsive, impatient child. In the competition games, the rules differ in clarity, obviousness, openness: the child performs the rules of the game or violates - this immediately notice other players, which creates the best conditions for independent control over their own behavior.

Dramatization games helped overcome uncertainty, shyness, anxiety, cowardice, acquire such personal qualities as courage, confidence, initiative.

Collective didactic games help develop cooperation skills, interaction based on common intellectual intelons and cognitive interests. Participating in games, stubborn, selfish children gradually realize that it is possible to successfully solve the game task, it is possible to get satisfaction from the game only in conflictial interaction with a partner.

Director games perform a psychotherapeutic function, where a child can spill out his aggression, "hiding" for the character's doll.

The game for a child is doubly more interesting when the child feels the interest of the most relatives and beloved people - parents. However, unfortunately, parents rarely play with children. One of the tasks facing the pedagors of the kindergarten is to form relationships with children in the game of the game.


Create ideas about the game of children as a leading form of activity in preschool age.

Give to understand parents that they are the same active participants pedagogical processlike their children and teachers.

Often parents do not know that many homemade things can easily turn for children in entertaining games And with something to teach kids.

The educators organize conversations and consultations for parents, invite in the evening clock and mothers to play a group with children, watch the games for children. The presence of parents in the group allows you to create a special psychological atmosphere, awaken in pupils the desire to communicate with each other and adults.

At the same time, the game is the most important means of forming the identity of the child and the disclosure of his cognitive opportunities.

No wonder there is such an opinion: "The game is useful, a game with adults is a very useful thing, a game with parents is a very useful thing!"

The game organically entered the life of every children's team, skillfully combined with other activities. It is organized in many cases. If the children are tired of classes and they need a discharge, if you need to make an interesting task, the work process - in these and other cases, the game can be an indispensable assistant to the teacher, a universal and indispensable means of raising children.