Server sight WORLD OF TANKS 0.9 15.1. Old Server Sight, Zoom, Zoomx4, Noscroll. Server Sight For World of Tanks

Server scope - this is what actually " sees"Game Server. Due to the distance and ping (the time for which the query goes to the server and returns back to the client) the game sight may not show where you really do. How to enable and how to use in this article.



This material is no longer relevant! The server sight can be enabled in the settings of the game itself!

The usual sight, which we all see in the game, is drawn on the client side, that is, the player. If you look under the hood of the game, then actually a sight is only a graphic display of aiming coordinates. For the program, the sight is nothing but just the data that the game client sends to the server, that in turn this data processes.

So because of the existence of such a thing as ping (ping - the time required to transfer information from the client to the server and back Wiki), we often observe lags (lag - delay in the computer application when it does not respond to the input of Wiki in time). In this regard, information on the server relative to the location of your sight is delayed. It immediately becomes noticeable when the server is turned on (seen in the screenshot below).

How to enable server sight?

You can enable the server sight with the following combination:

Capslock + 0. - Capslock is the same button that converts letters into the upper case, plus the number of the number 0 (press simultaneously). Turn off it can be repeatedly pressing this combination.

To see how the server thinks where your dutch is very important, since it is where your projectile will fly, but the enclusion of the server sight loads the game interface and it turns out that this is the third sight: 1-mouse, 2 - Dutch (Tower Rotation), 3 - Server sight. When the server's enabled, you can easily get confused, so you decide to include it or not. But it's worth trying.

Server sight - This is the only alternative to the developers standard sight. Appearance Sights can come to many not like the soul, but this is not the most important thing as the sight performs one of the important functions in the game, since the game World of Tanks has a client-server architecture. This suggests that part of the functions reproduces your computer, and part of the functions on the game server.

This system gives the whole list of the possibilities of a multiplayer game, but has several minuses. One of them is distorted, in other words, when you have a picture alone, and on the server it is completely different. For example, when you have already been drunk on weakness On the enemy's armor and are ready for a shot, and the server still does not know about it in the end, this shot is most likely not to reach the goal.
In general, the server sight was always present in the game and it activated with the Ctrl 0 keys, but the developers, thinking, decided to add it to the settings menu, where it could be turned on. However, it only worsened the sight, he began to tremble and twitch, which became very complicated to be guided by the enemy. All corrected ordinary players who were improved on their own and improved.

Especially this sight will like players on artillery, which most often complain that they are kissing in one place, and shell flies to another place.

Be more prepared that when it is turned on, it may be a sight, but at the same time the sight reduces the likelihood of misses to a minimum, although if you do not know how to shoot, nothing will help you.



  • adaptation for 0.9.17;

Installing a server sight

  1. Copy the contents of the archive in WORLD_OF_TANKS / RES_MODS / 0.9.X /. (X - number of the current patch)
  2. When you go to the game, check the game in the game settings.

Server Sight For World of Tanks

We present to your attention an important mode of aiming the WORLD OF TANKS, which must be installed in the first place - server scope.

The World of Tanks game consists of a client and server part. The first is installed on the player computers and is responsible for most of the graphics. Second part - on gaming servers And designed to calculate the interaction of players in battle. Since the information is transmitted between the client and server part over the Internet, there are situations when the picture is possible, which the player sees the player and the one that "sees" the server is different. The most frequent manifestation of the so-called "Rasinhron" is the disappearance of shells or a shot into the place where the tank gun was aimed at a moment ago. When disinfecting, the projectile can not fly out of the gun, and from the side of the tower, which leads to a guaranteed slip.

The server scope eliminates the problem of "wrong" shots showing the player's position sights as it "sees" the game server. MOD adds to you a bright marker and additional reductionwhich must be used for aiming. You can install fourteen marker options for different colors.


  • Download the archive, unpack the contents
  • GUI and Scripts folders from the Server Sight Folder Copy in RES_NODSORSIY_GE
  • In the folder "Markers", using screenshots, choose a suitable view of the marker
  • Copy the contents of the corresponding folder in version_iguimapsingameaim

Note - In each folder there are several options for the same marker in different colors - you need to select and copy only one file.

  • Renewal date: August 16, 2017.
  • Total marks: 9
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Information about the last update:

Updated 08/16/2017:
  • updated Script Fashion;

The server sight is designed to ensure that your shot will fall into the target and that the projectile is not lost on the Internet, when synchronizing between the client and the game server.

World of Tanks has a client-server architecture. This means that part of the functions of the game is implemented on your gaming machine, part - on the game server. This makes the entire range of multiplayer game features available to players, but has its own minuses. One of them is the so-called "Dzinchron" when the player in the client of the game sees one thing, and something else happens on the server. For example, you have a sight on a vulnerable point of the tank, and the game server still does not know about it. A shot in such a situation, most likely will give impetusement or a ricochet that it can cost you victory.

With the help of a server on a server sight, you can also replace the central aiming marker - cross-to-one of the options contained inside the mod.


  • Download the archive with a set of server sights, unpack it.
  • Select the sight of the sight that you want to use - old or new.
  • Copy the contents of the folder in the catalog for modes RES_MODS \\ version game

If you want to change the standard crossroads of the server sight

  • Taking advantage of the hint in the picture, select the View of the Crosshairs Server Travel (WOT Serverside)
  • From the corresponding folder in the archive, copy the contents to the RES_MODS folder / game version / GUI / MAPS / INGAME / AIM

The game: World of Tanks (WOT)
File: Server sight, mod

This mod replaces the blue crosshair to the accurate server sight of the high contrast with the configurable color according to your choice and activates it automatically by default. In combination with this supplement, the remaining mods on sight, such as the "Reload timer", work.

Why do you need a server sight and what is it?
The client screen interstate is very inaccurately different from the actual gaming situation foldable on the server. There are big inaccuracies in the calculation of the client, it is precisely the server sight is accurate. But the main reason for using the server crossing is the lagging server (delay). The server scope has a lag in the calculation of the current position, and there is no crossroads of the client, as it is processed immediately on your computer. (This is very important when shooting on the go or turn the tower!)
If you look at the angle and shoot in the opponent, relying on this client sight, then often your shot crashed into the wall next to you, even if you were clearly shot on the enemy. This happens because the server still believes that you are on the same position where 2 seconds ago (for another wall).
If you have a server sight on the enemy, you will always get into it (if you have Paketloss of course).

When turning the tower at the maximum speed, the gap between the client sight and the actual position of the tower becomes huge (even if you take into account the delay and packetloss) and even more when you turn the case. Today I made a turn in my lotorine and the difference in the sight between the client and the server was 90 ° (!) For 5 seconds.

If you completely disable the transition of the client part, the server sight will display only minor errors and a delay of 40-100ms.

In fact, it is important, but the developers thought about people with weak color perception:
Most game developers do not take into account that many players have problems with recognizing some colors. And in fact, there are not enough such players and some players do not even know that they have a weakness of color perception.
Red / Green Weakness: About 15% of Players
Blue weakness: less than 1% of players
All players must have equal chances and this mod equals them. Additional "Crosshair Pack" offers a crossroads in 8 colors and good contrast, so that all players get a chance to play with excellent visibility sight.

Installation Instructions:
- Scour and paste "" in "res_mods \\ \\ gui \\ maps \\ ingame \\ AIM" (if the folder does not exist, create it)
- Scour and paste "avatar.pyc" in "RES_MODS \\ \\ scripts \\ client" (if the folder does not exist, create it)
-Basp the game and change the settings by removing the client crossbow.

Changing color sight and shapes:
-Open "crosshair_catalog" image file and choose a form and color
-This to the folder "Crosshairs" folder and copy to your choice in "res_mods \\ \\ gui \\ maps \\ ingame \\ aim", and then rename it to ""