Thief main character. Thief is a big kush. Review. Customize the complexity

Thief 2014 is an absolute restart of the series, which has not so many similarity with previous parts. And the point here is not only which new thief has system requirementsThis also includes all sorts of elements of the steampunk, fantasy and other things that were covered here to this minimum, which would seem to be added solely as Dani previous parts of the series.

New thief steals in old

Self the main character Also suffered certain changes. He still remained a cold-blooded professional robber, who deftly obscures the estate even before someone had time to come to his senses, which, given the system requirements in Thief-2014, looks pretty colorful. However, from the history of the city in which our Garrett operates, all the memories of the keepers completely removed, making the ordinary thief from the main hero, which he should do where he should not, and takes what he wishes necessary.

It would seem, against the background of what new Thief has system requirements, all this must disappoint true fans of the series, but in fact, in Eidos Montreal decided to leave the most important thing - Garrett remained a pacifist. Moreover, so that the players do not have a desire to make him deviate from the planned path, the developers decided to even take away absolutely meaningless dagger.

Now the player remains exclusively a double, which, if necessary, you can simply disable some hour that got on your way. And if you really want to send an enthusiast security guard to the next onion, a reliable onion remained, but such actions clearly do not build a general result and are far from being necessary, because it is much more interesting to carefully bypass the near-minded seats, having completed all the cereal places, and at most Landscapes that provide us in Thief-2014 system requirements. After all, Garrett is a professional thief, not some kind of killer, and he is proud of his unique style of execution.

Invisibility - the basis of being

The stealth system in the game has been worked out to the last trifles, and the greater in Thief system requirements correspond to the parameters of your computer, the better you can feel it. You can use a wide variety of shelters and complete darkness in direct appointment, but it should be understood that Garrett is extremely vulnerable and can fall from a pair of malicious guards, which further motivates to pass in full secrecy and avoid any tied battles. Of course, one one is not so difficult to kill the enemy, but if the opponents become already two, it is already quite a serious problem.

Customize the complexity

The developers tried to praise a huge number of settings - starting from the possibility to adjust the system requirements in Thief and ending with the adjustment of complexity. In fact, the sense of such a variety is not so much - in most cases it creates only all sorts of problems. Moreover, even if they do not know how the system requirements are regulated in Thief 4, then, perhaps, you can safely go through the default settings. Not deserves special attention and prescribed by the developers adjusting complexity. It represents only the ability to arrange a personal "Challenge" in the form of a ban to kill or even stun the guards, raise anxiety, etc. The only thing that is really useful is the possibility of turning off the concentration at all in order to make the game as close as possible to the canons of the old version.

System requirements

If you are interested in thief-4 system requirements, which will be enough for the game, then they are as follows:

  • Windows Vista and above.
  • Dual-core processor.
  • Radeon 4800 Series / GeForce GTS 250.
  • 4 GB of RAM.
  • 20 GB of free space.
Stealth action Developers Looking Glass Studios.
Ion Storm
Eidos Montreal
Publisher Eidos interactive.
Square Enix.
Platform Game engines Dark Engine.
Unreal Engine 2.
Unreal Engine 3.
The first game Thief: The Dark Project / November 30 Last game Thief / Official site

Game process

The player manages the character named Garrett (Eng. Garrett) - a professional thief. The action of the games occurs in Steampunk -Mir, which simultaneously reminiscent of the Middle Ages and the Victorian Epoch; In addition, there are elements of fantasy (magic, fantastic creatures) and techno (unusual electrical and mechanical devices).

Series Thief. Differs from other games of the industry special manner of character movements with many degrees of freedom. So, in the second part, the player had five speeds of the character of the character (unlike two or, maximum, three in the overwhelming majority computer games), and his style directly affected the hearing of each step.

Game world

Action of all games series Thief. happens in large citywhose name in the game is not mentioned. The city has its own guide, the protection of the order is engaged in urban guards, the population of the city is divided into classes: Velmazby, aristocrats, poor, beggars, have their own gangster groups in which Garrett is recognized as great authority. Also in the city there are various groups divided by interests:

  • Hammerits (Hammers) (English. Hammerites, from English Hammer - Hammer) - Religious Order, whose members are adherents of a cult, which are based on the worship of God to builder, the patron of stone and the art of its processing, as well as ferrous metallurgy and blacksmith; The objectives of the Order are the expulsion of undead, the glorification of their deity and the fight against other groups (especially pagans) for influence in the city; The hammers use hammers in battle; The hammer is also their symbol.
  • Mechanics (Eng. Mechanists, also translated as "mechanics") - a religious order, which is entirely founded at the Order of Hummerites, practically fully supplanted it in the second part of the game. Recognize the main construction and structural material metal; Storm to the same builder, but, according to their teaching, patronizing mechanisms, mechanical engineering technologies, they are adjacent to learning. Unlike Hummeritis, reached the heights of the development of engineering thought. The battle use steel brows with a tip in the form of a gear - their symbol, the robots-guards and security mechanisms are widely used. The existence of undead and magic does not recognize (despite the fact of the reverse), since the time of their rise of the manifestation of the latter was almost completely expelled from the hidden places. Like Hammerits, Lyuto hate the pagans, but they themselves cause dissatisfaction with the Hummerians who curse them as heretics. After the destruction of the Chief Cathedral of the Soulfort mechanics and the death of their leader Carras, the Order was disbanded, and its activities are officially prohibited.
  • Pagans (English Pagans) - People who worshiped nature and living in the world with the pristine natural chaos in which they seek to immerse the world; worship God Trikester (eng. Trickster, deceiver); Hate technical progress and rely on magic, with the help of which they are capable of both growing various plants and call on woody beings to help and help allies in battle; Inhabit the suburbs, sewers, caves, abandoned houses, parks, where plants are actively growing, landscaping "gray soulless city landscape." Swamped enemies of Hummeritis.
  • Guardians (English Keepers) is a secret order, which controls the life of the city and follow the equilibrium to him. Keepers also collect various knowledge, for which they are not bent and ordinary theft. The only group in the game using magic signs (glyphs). As a child, Garrett was chosen and brought up by the Guardians, and thanks to them developed his unique abilities that made him a master of thief (Eng. Master Thief). In the service of the keepers, there are powerful telepathy killers (performers (eng. Enforrs)), which they use in the city only as a last resort.
  • Kurskoki (Thief, Thief DS) (English. Kurshok) is a warlord raus of ancient sophistication, outwardly similar to amphibians, thanks to their gills. It is believed that they are descendants of those pagans who have been crossed and thus fell into the tricker opal and were overtaken under the ground. Most events are neutral to others, only defending.
  • Magi. (Thief) (Eng. Mages) - Ancient Order of Unknown Origin, referred to as the "Brotherhood of Hand". Possessing extensive knowledge in the field of classical magic of elements, magicians are engaged in research in a complex of huge towers away from the city. Their interests are rarely intersect with the interests of other groupings; Mages prefer privacy and fully dedicated themselves to the knowledge of the nature of the matters. Neutral to the inhabitants of the city, they nevertheless can enjoy the power of their power on a stranger who disrupted them to peace.
  • Mantle (Thief (2014)) A group of urban nobility, headed by Baron Nordskst, who tried to apply the strength of the stone of Primal to make the industrial revolution.

Games series

Name Year Platform
Thief: The Dark Project
Thief Gold.

Thief (4) marks a full-fledged series restart. As the main character of the game, they will be well acquainted to us in the previous parts of Garrett, never seemed to become a professional thief to become a hero. Eidos Montreal spent not little time behind the concept planning, in order to hand over the essence of the Thief series as much as possible. The developers tried and sent a lot of different ideas into scrap, among which even a view from a third party and a kind of parkour. New game events develop in the city ... Expand

Thief (4) marks a full-fledged series restart. As the main character of the game, they will be well acquainted to us in the previous parts of Garrett, never seemed to become a professional thief to become a hero. Eidos Montreal spent not little time behind the concept planning, in order to hand over the essence of the Thief series as much as possible. The developers tried and sent a lot of different ideas into scrap, among which even a view from a third party and a kind of parkour. The events of the new game are developing in the city called the city. The ball here is ruled by a cruel baron and plague. As for supernatural phenomena and magic, in Thief they will not play a big role.

The "matured" garrett does not have advanced combat skills, so the battle with four and more opponents is unlikely to end well. Here it is worth noting and pleasant artificial intelligence. Different NPCs will look for the hidden garrett in various ways. The main character can use the ability called Focus in order to find objects for interaction: pipes and ledges to which you can boil or light sources that can be repayed. Focus can be improved by increasing its area of \u200b\u200baction. With it, there is also a search for vulnerable enemy places. Choosing the correct point for the attack, the enemies can be disorienting that it gives time to escape. Professional players Will be able to disable Focus in the settings and try to go through the game without it. Most likely, this option is designed for those who want to achieve the goal without a single murder. As for weapons and abilities, Garretta has a club (stuns opponents) and a multifunction bow. The latter "compatible" with various types of arrows: Ice will extinguish lamps, smoke - provide cover. With the help of arrows, Garrett can create noise in the right places, distracting the attention of the guards. The last well-known adaptation of the hero is a special hook, which allows you to climb into some hard-to-reach places.

In addition to all, the Eidos Montreal team decided to change the situation. A modern megapolis, made on the canons of the local universe, will arrive at the usual width. The developers did their best to ensure that the city is not associated with the players with the second main hero. Therefore, instead of the shadow and darkness, they made a bet on lit streets and fog. This can also include some statements by the director Thief: "Garrett must be popular. Smaller gothic, more action "; "The architecture of the city is a mixture of medieval and Victorian styles"; "We are withstanding the same level of difficulty as in previous games of the series, but do it with the help of the game itself, and not through hardcore management."

February 28, 2014 License Patented by Genre Stealth action Age

ESRB- T - Teen "

PEGI- "16+"

Creators Head Nicholas Contin Technical data Platform PC (Microsoft Windows),
PlayStation 4,
PlayStation 3,
Xbox one
Xbox 360.
Game engine Unreal Engine 3. Game mode single-user Interface language The main languages \u200b\u200bof the world, including Carrier Optical disk
Digital Distribution
requirements Control Gamepad, keyboard and mouse Official site
Common rating
GameRankings.(PS4) 71.59%
(Xone) 69.64%
(PC) 69%
Metacritic.(PS4) 69/100
(Xone) 69/100
(PC) 69/100
Initial publications
Game Informer8/10
Russian-speaking editions
Riot Pixels.65%


Prologue. The fall.

During the summer festival, Master Thief Garrett (in the Russian version Alexander Soskov) and his student Erin (in the Russian version, Elena Ivasishin) receive an order for a certain stone attached, located in the castle of North Crest over the bridge Oldale. Those who seemed at first, the case takes a dangerous turn when the thieves are found in the ceremonial hall of the Baron Northcrest itself (Alexander Novikov is voiced in the Russian version) and several of his minions preparing for the challenge of energy. Garrett, suspecting something wrong, decides to leave as soon as possible, but Erin does not want to miss mining and climbs on the dome of the building. In the process of ritual, the glass cracks, Garrett has time to grab the girl by hand, but he does not hold her and Erin falls into the center of the hall, where he was magic stone. The hero himself loses its balance and breaks down, but he managed to throw up the "claw" (a device resembling harpoon), which falls in the leg of the thieves who have noticed the thieves on the roof. An explosion is followed, and most of the building collapses.

Chapter 1. Blockade.

Garrett comes to himself in the old indoor wagon among the boxes, which is taken towards the city gate two vagrants. The guard does not produce anyone from the city, on the streets of Chaos, everywhere, people are causing and dying from the darkness. Under the roofs of houses, ruffers and thieves hang. One of the poor, standing on the drawer, loudly condemns the Baron for his indifference to the lives of ordinary people and glorifies some Orion, which will "change the city." The patrol appears right there, and it is enough of the heels, but one of the vaga, lucky wagon, begins to panic and causes suspicion of guards. He is shot by a crossbow, but the second poor thing distracts attention and Garrett has time to get out of the cart and hide in a dark alley. He does not remember anything about what happened in the mansion. Breaking through the roofs of the city, he learns that in the city of Blockad and the Commandant hour is established, and empty streets patrol the guardian of Baron.

Robing along the way the jewelry shop, the hero gets to the clock tower - his refuge. The place looks abandoned, the clock has long stopped, everywhere dust and scraps of book pages. His presence, Garrett disturbed the birds settled in the tower, and among them recognized his pet - Soroka named Jenivers. The bird sat on the windowsill near the matchbox and, pushing it to the Warmer, fastened. On the box it turned out to be a message from Basso (in the Russian version, Alexander Novikov voiced) - the buyer of the stolen and old friend of Garrette. " Where are you, damn it? Go to me when you come back! - B. "

Chapter 2. Dust to the dust.

Basso Garrett learns that she disappeared somewhere over a year. Taking the buyer an order for a ring of some Cornellius and deciding that the answer can give the Queen of the Beggars - the Elderly, blind woman, who knows a lot about the events in the city, the hero goes to her chapel near the cemetery in Morningside (the former guardian chapel). She says that after the incident on the roof of the mansion, Garrett plunged into a lethargic dream, and her subordinates were taken to the thief from the city. But a year later, the darkness began, something began to wake Garrette, and he was returned back. Finally, the queen warns: " Beware - in the shade hide things more.ยป

Garrett goes to the old casting plant (now turned into a crematorium), where the corpse of the recently died Cornelus was taken away. In the hall, where the corpses examined, taking all the valuable, the thief sees the general (he is the catcher of thieves) (Alexander Gruzdov is voiced in the Russian version), who also wants to get a ring. The general makes his subordinate to cut the thing from the body, and then goes into his office. Garrett penetrates the room and reveals a safe puzzle with the image of the coat of arms of Baron. Ring the ring, he recalls that during the ritual Baron called the name of the deceased, and she sees the stone lying on the pedestal. When the vision passes, the door to the office suddenly opens, and the general appears on the threshold. In a short skirmish, Garrett pushes the enemy and supports the door to the chair, and it goes through the rear yard of the plant.

Chapter 3. Dirty Secrets.

Five days passed. During this time, Garrett brings order in his asylum and reveal the clock. Then he gets a message from Basso: " Go to the black alley. We must talk with one client. - B. " The client turns out to be Orion - "voice of the people" and the leader of illuminated, seeking to save people from the darkness and tyranny Elias Northcrest. He was for whom Garrett stole a ring, and now he asks to get an old book, which is hiding somewhere in the house of flowers - a local brothel. During a conversation with Orion, a sick girl passes, but he hears Creek Erin and loses consciousness. Having come to themselves, Garrett leaves the refuge of illuminated and decides to go on the old mill, where Erin's refuge is located, in the hope of finding more information about the house of flowers, as the girl had a chance to visit there.

Penetrating to the shelter, Garrett enters a different reality, where everything is immersed in darkness, walls and other things are collapsed with long roots of the incomprehensible plant, and only a small part of the space around the hero is illuminated. There he sees Erin, who asks to find the key from the truth that remained at home before she received this name. Erin leads Garrett through a labyrinth of dilapidated rooms, and in one of them the thief finds three paintings drawn by a girl. Two of them disappear from touch, but the last one is his portrait - it remains. When reality is returned, Garrett finds a cache for this very portrait, from where the medallion is taken from the glyphs carved.

In the House of Flower Search Book, the thief begins with Madame Xiao-Xiao chambers, but it finds her diary there, where she describes the "whispering corridor" and a strange pedestal. (note: If climbing the black staircase from the first floor to the second, you can see a spare outlet; looking into the keyhole, you can overhear the conversation of Madame and who came to the general taxes). The amulet turns out to be the key that opens the passage to the abandoned library, and from there in the ancient ruins under the city, where there used to be the monastery of the keepers. There, Garrett sees a strange creature, which rapidly surprises from the light of the torch. Having found a book, the thief is pierced by the guards, which found an open pass to the library, and gets out through ventilation mines In one of the brothel rooms. It turns out a room where he decided to "rest" at the expense of the institution General, but Garrett, taking advantage of his confusion, runs out of the room and blocks the door to the cane of the catcher of thieves.

Chapter 4. Friend in trouble.

7 nights later. Garrett checks the arrows when the rustle hears and finds wounded Jeniver for drawers. Someone shot a bird, and Garrett hurries to check the Basso's bench, whether everything is fine with the latter, but finds the Orion there, who is frantically looking for a book. The general arrested Basso, and Garrett demands to explain that this is in the ill-fated found. Orion says that it contains ancient knowledge, with the help of which he wants to eradicate the darkness. The thief opens a cache in which the bidder managed to hide the book, but before giving it, asks where Basso was taken. Orion says he is in a well-protected fortress, and advises to appeal to a certain Jacob for advice to find out how to penetrate. Having received a book, the rebel claims that they are largely similar to Garrett, because the thief also carries changes and once people thank it. Garrett does not agree, saying that Orion knows the people poorly.

Unrest grow in the city. It is rumored that the fortress will soon fall from the onslaught of illuminated, although few people believe in it. Having come to Greystone, Garrett sees hanged Jacob, but one more option remains - to get into the house of the architect of the convention that built the fortress. On the way, he becomes a witness to the explosion on top of the tower. Near and in the mansion was gathered by the guard sent by the Baron for the Iiction, and Garrett had to go to the architect's office through a secret move. As it turned out, the girlfriend Baron hanged himself, not wanting to cooperate more. Garrett finds a fortress plan and runs away from bursting guards on the roofs. Expanding the card, it displays the path inside, and also notices the sketch of the safe with a sequence of numbers under the picture.

By the time Garrett gets to the entrance to the fortress, this half is covered by fire. Penetrating inside through the exhaust channel, the thief rises to the prison level and frees the Basso, and he decides to rise even higher - in the repository with the safe. The buyer is trying to dissuade him, because no one will pay for the risk, "but Garrett says that it is not a matter of payment, this is a matter of principle. The thief almost reveals the safe, but here the general appears and shoots his left brush. Candying from security, Garrett completes the started, but detects inside the steel storage of a fragment of the stone. Barely touching him, the thief again falls into the world, created by ancient energy, and sees Erin. She says that if Garrett wants to learn the truth and remember what happened a year ago, let him go to the shelter Moir, where "the secrets that everyone wants to forget" are stored.

Chapter 5. Shelter Moir.

After six nights, Garrett finds the Basso in the tavern "Sirena peace" and asks to help him get into the shelter, located on the island outside the city. By that time, the streets flooded the streets and represented the danger of anyone, even Garrett. The buyer will dismiss the hero on his boat to the island, passing the unnatural silence in the shelter after the riot; Several boats sailed there, but none returned.

The entrance doors are boarded, and while Garrett is looking for another way, hears strange sounds from the windows. Then the opposite creak is heard, and the main doors swap. Suspecting that someone is waiting for him, the thief goes inside and falls into the main hall, from where it rises to the female branch, where Erin contained, but it turns out to be closed on one of the new Baron's castles. From the journal of Personnel, Garrett learns that one of the patients suffering from Kleptomania, stole the key and hid in his cache. Having found him in the men's wing, the thief faces an incomprehensible being, invisible to the eye, which can only be seen on air fluctuations.

In the female wing, Garrett finds a report on Erin, where it says that without a calming girl constantly screamed about a thousand votes in her head and called upon someone to wake up. And also finds an entry on the translation of the patient to the 3F room for "qualifying experiments". Going into the procedural, Garrett sees crazy, locked in rooms opening with electricity. It starts the generator and presses the emergency button on the control panel, opening all the chambers. In the room 3f, there is a vision in front of Garret, and he learns that North Crest, with the assistance of doctors, tried to extract the Primal from Erin, but nothing came out of this and they had to locate it on the prison level, where she would not have been able to influence patients who behaved Aggressively and inadequately next to the girl. By passing liberated psychos, the thief descends even lower. The prison is completely overgrown with blue luminous poppies and full of strange blind creatures - geeks, which, however, are very well heard and feel Garret (even if they look in the other direction) if he concentrates. Opening the passage in the corridor, the thief sees the beings from the chambers that cannot reach him, but they are missing him, dragging it into darkness ...

Garrett comes to himself in the corridor immersed in the darkness among the colors covering the road, the monsters screams are still heard, but when the thief tries to get out from there, the corridor begins to change, and in the end, Garrett no longer runs, and falls down. Restoring in the world was attached, Garrett sees a few doors, each of which is hidden part of the answers. He hears Erin, who tells how Primal changed people, turning them into disgusting creatures, and admits that he always dreamed of being similar to Garrett. At one of the doors, the thief finds a girl, but she stuns him with one blow. Further, the thief sees Erin's eyes, as North Crest takes it during the rebellion. The girl asks to help her, and the vision disappears. Having woken up, Garrett turns out to be in front of the shelter, where he himself unconsciously came. It is time to ask a baron a few questions.

Chapter 6. Single.

The next night, Garrett goes through the city's uprising to the North Crest mansion. The remaining defenders of the baron are preparing to meet an enraged crowd. Carefully penetrating the inside, Garrett rises on the third floor, but further because of the collapsed staircase, the Wargo has to be closed by the elevator mine. After halfway, he sees the general, which also participates in defense, with another guardian. When Garrett enters the office, North Crest first takes him for a hiring killer, but then he learns and, understanding what he came, tells the Warmer about his goal for the benefit of the city to subjugate the original energy, mined from the depths of the earth - Primal. Only a few could see and feel it. Such people called awakened. And he tried to extract energy from Erin, because it has a terrible effect, distorting the body and mind as a carrier and others who are not able to resist strength. After the question of Garrett about the whereabouts of the girl, he adds that her brother Aldus took her brother from her shelter, the rest of the people known under the name Orion. Baron took him to the seven awakened and allowed to help with a ritual, but now his fanatics came for a fragment of stone. He says that Garrett, without knowing himself, pulled out for him almost everything necessary for the new ritual components. But when it comes to the last detail, the Baron notices how the right eye of the thief is unnaturally, because of the fragment that has fallen into it. It turns out, Garrett is the last missing link.

At that moment, rebels are broken into the mansion, and Northcrest opens the elevator through which the thief descends down. Taking advantage of the turmoil, Garrett penetrates the solemn room, and not restored after the explosion, and there through a secret passage enters the laboratory of mechanics, where a fragment is fixed in the device behind thick glasses. By increasing the frequency of rotations, the thief causes the resonance in the stone and the storage is destroyed. Touching the stone, he sees the moments of the rite using Erin's blood, and disoriented, falls from the platform to the base of the repository. When he climbs back, the general suddenly appears and Garrett comes on the wounded hand with his prosthesis (which appeared after the incident, a year ago), not allowing to move. He in anticipation describes the pace of his death, but Garrett gets up to the claw and beats the catcher of thieves in the leg, and then jumps into the aqueous stream. Selecting the pipes, the hero runs through the collapsing Bridge Oldale and at the last moment I have time to escape.

Chapter 7. Secret City.

Later, the queen of beggars comes to the clock tower. A woman says that the balance was broken after the fear and hate Erin were captured in the attached and desecrated her, turning into darkness. In addition, the energy did not just enter the girl's body, but made it part of the city. If Erin perichs - it will not become the city. Having decided to return energy to the stone as soon as possible, Garrett pulls out the fragments found, and they are connected in his hands. But one still does not have enough. The thief remembers that he saw him once at Orion, but then did not pay attention. The Queen reports that the leader of the illuminated went to the old destroyed Cathedral of the Order of Hammerites, where the ritual will conduct.

By passing the guard of fanatics, Garrett makes his ways inside the cathedral and descends to the ruins of the secret city on a cargo elevator, but the old mechanism breaks and the thief turns out to be several levels below. Walking back, Garrett goes to the Rotunde, where Orion is engaged in healing. He pronounces a speech about the victory over the tyranny of Baron and that after the obsession, everyone will go on a trip to the distant shores. There, on the table lies Erin and, when Garrett comes closer, his right eye permeates pain. The girl, before that, lying unconscious, when he approached his eyes and the thief begins to see everything around across the prism. He passes between the gathered illuminated, which now look like awakened baron, and takes the amulet with a fragment from the stationary Orion. Illusion disappears. Aldus notices Garretta and requires to return the stone. The thief is trying to cross it and says that the people of people will not stand the strength of the attachment, which Orion wants to fall them. But he does not want to believe and grabs Erin. The girl again comes to himself and shouts. With a cry, energy is broken down and knocks down all who was on the way. Garrett rises to his feet and wants to catch up with the outgoing Orion, but the path of thieves appeared from the spare entrance to him. Next follows the battle in which you can kill the general or leave alone.

Chapter 8. Morning Light.

According to the tunnels, Garrett goes to the sea for the old quarter, where is ready for the departure of "Morning Light" - a ship, "shot down from half of docks." The illuminated were taken away, but the thief sneaks on board and finds Orion on the Far Part of the deck. He retreats, without giving the Erin, and accuses Garrett in the desire to take hold of the Primal. The thief replies that he came only for a girl, but Orion does not hear him and the fanatic rage claims that only he is one worthy of power. At this time, the spirit of Erin is separated from the weakened body, and Garrett barely falls into the failure on the deck from the surging pain. Erin, with the help of Primari kills Orion, but does not want to lose their acquired power and does not let the Garrett. When the Warmer still succeeds, the girl throws his wave of energy, which is why the stone is repeatedly split into pieces. With difficulty collecting fragments, Garrett thus weakens the prior, which loses control over the mind of the girl. Erin asks to complete the started, but, barely, Garrett brings to her a stone, Primal in the last attempt destroys the wall of the ship behind Erin. The thief has time to grab the falling girl by the hand and activate the book, thereby returning energy to the stone. The process affects him, picking up the remaining part, and Garrett again misses Erin, but this time he dares to leave her claw. When he comes to himself, the claw sticks out in the beam next to him, and from the edge of the ship drove the ship wet traces of bare feet.

Video on the topic


Thief. is not a continuation of the previous parts, since with the exit Thief. A series of games was restarted. Thief. .

Gameplay is based on "elections." At the levels in front of the garrett, there are several possible paths and approaches. The hero can use the features of the environment and rock characters. If the guards and other NPC will notice that Garrett is trying to steal something, then he threatens a danger. Different NPCs will look for a hero. Artificial intelligence is familiar with the design levels, so his behavior will be simulated in various algorithms.

Game world

After the release of the game, 27 Eidos Montreal employees who developed Thief.were dismissed. The management of the publisher has reduced the staff after sufficiently low estimates that the game press awarded Stels action Thief. .

Support game


Seven patches were released to the game developers. They are free and available for free download users. Also all the patches are multilingual, that is, suitable for any language version of the game. Patches correct many small mistakes game mechanics, game code, graphics and sound, and also solve some problems with the game process and code, increase stability. Alternative API - Mantle developed by AMD has also been added.



At the Oxm official press conference, Nick Kentin from Eidos Montreal hinted on a possible continuation of the thief.

This game, like the previous series of it, gives us the opportunity to be in the form of a professional hacker of safes, door locks and other extensions, valuable things. Of course, much of old game could not manifest new versionBut still for those who have not yet played in the past adventures of Garrende, the acquaintance will be like him.

Events in Thief occur in the city in a simple called city. The initial screensaver of the game tells about how the protagonist and his partner trying to steal the valuable artifact, fall into the field of action of the ritual, which group some magicians spent on the purpose of the task of Garrett. After that, after a while, it turns out that Garrett lay in the oblivion of Already for a whole year and during this time the situation in the city was not the best.

Ruler-tyrant, Baron Northskrest, and the whole rich layer of society brought the city not only to progress with its electricity and steam engines, but also to the state of war, poverty. And the epidemic of terrible illness with the title of darkness literally turns away the population.

Of course, on the shoulders of the main character immediately lies the mission to save the city and finding the missing student. Although the Garrett himself does not really want this, he will have to try. This will help him with the abilities obtained by him at the time of the influence of the ritual at the beginning of the game.

For example, the ability to concentrate, allowing Garrett to see opponents, traps, hidden jewels, more than aptly shoot or even slow down the time to cut out the guard that he has not raised the alarm. It is impossible to stay in concentration mode for a long time, since the energy you can restore is spent, only ate a certain type of flower.

Even at the disposal of the main game of the game all kinds needed tools. Dubinka, water and suffocating arrows, ordinary arrows and stupid, which you can simply break anything, not spending a valuable arsenal. There are also arrows with a rope that can be stuck in the beam intended for this in order to climb somewhere or descend.

Pumping Hero in the game is not entirely convenient in terms of accumulation of experience, too rarely and too greedy towards playing. You can go through and without it the whole game. Many elements taken from other games, such as Deus Ex: Human Revolution Or Tomb Raider slightly improve the process of passing.

Against the background that a new game Thief seems to have a set of different features of other games, and at some moments there are turns, still play it interesting in terms of plot and ways to pass missions. Each time, after completing the next task, the desire to find out what can happen next.