Cheat codes for Corsairs: the city of lost ships (PC). Corsairs: the city of lost ships. Passage of Sea Dogs City Of Abandoned Ships Passage

The game can be taken over three characters: Peter Blad, Yang Steis and Diego Espinosis, each with his unique storyline.

Scene line for Peter Blady

You appear in the estate of the lights, England. In the yard on January 1, 1665. The servant Jeremy Pitt informs you that Lord Guilde is wounded. Go to the house, talk to the servant Andrew James and proceed to the bedroom, in the western wing on the second floor. Come to the bed with a dying lord. A servant will appear and report that it brings everything you need to treat. You are in your office. Talk to Andrew James. The second servant will appear, Jeremy Pitt and will report that the royal dragoons will jump here. He will advise to take the sword from the balcony and run hide. Exit the cabinet, take the key from the table left and go up to the second floor. Remove the chest on the balcony and take Brett's sword, gun and cartridges. Soon the captain of Gobart appears and the dragoon will attack you. If you kill him, two more will attack you. You can't kill everyone. As soon as they win you, you will be captured and in the plot will be jailed.

You will appear on the cautious. April 1, 1665. Jeremy Pitt will tell you what the Colonel Bishop wants to see you. Get out of the room. Talk to Colonel Bishop. Come home, you can find something useful. But do not take a weapon - the guards will take it when meeting. Go beyond the limits of the plantation and run along the route right. Position on the streets of Bridgetown. Head to the residence of the governor. Talk to the governor sitting at the table, go to the door near him and go up to the second floor in the bedroom of his wife. Talk to Mrs. Stid. Talk to the governor. Tell him that I went to search for Mr. Dan and you need money for the purchase of medicine. Take 1000 piastra. Go outside and turn right. There you will find the house of Mr. Dan. Dan himself in it is not, but there is your competitor - Dr. Vaker. He ask you to come the next day in a tavern for an important conversation. Get out of the house and you will meet Mr. Dan. Tell him that they came for the medicine from the spouse of the governor. He will give it completely free to you. Return to the residence and give medicine Mrs. Stid.

You will appear in the tavern the next day. Mr. Vacher no. Ask the owner of the tavern, where you find Dr. Vacher. Go to the tavern room. There you will find Dr. Vacher, who promises to give you a loan for twenty thousand piras in helping your escape organization. Return to the plantations and find Jeremy Pitt. Tell him that he is the only navigator and the fate of escape depends on him. After he agrees, you will need to find three slaves: Hagtorpa, and Nicolas Dike.

Nicholas Dyke will tell you that Colonel Bishop wants to sell it. Talk to Colonel Bishop. You will find it in his residence on the plantation. Head to the tavern and drink along with one of the drunks. He will tell you that an important merchant has recently arrived in the city, the militia of Colonel Bishop. This is probably Vernon. Find his house. From the tavern, go to the right, pass by the home of the Roshchik, you need to - next. Wait until Vernon rises the top of the stairs and a hotel's seafood, which is right under it. Take everything in it is, and go out. Talk to Nicolas Dyank and let him know that the deal will not take place and he can quietly prepare for running.

Find also a slave in Spotted Bandan - Levya Muier. He complains about his headache and asks you to bring him a medicine. Return to the city of Mr. Dan. He himself is not. Go to the second floor and in the box next to the weights take the medicine. Return and give the medicine to Levai. In return, he will give you a light dagger who will not be able to detect the guards.

Now find in one of the houses of one-eyed slave reality. Return to the city, find the house of the Roshchik and give him a debt of 5000 pirasters.

Talk to Pitt and let me know weapons and a team.

You will find yourself the next day in your hut. Go to the tavern and talk to Dr. Waker. Instead of the promised 25,000 pirasters, he gave you only 18000. The remaining need to get somewhere. Go to the usurist, he has a Deltsa for you. Speaking with him, come back to the Tavern and talk to his owner. Give him 500 piastra otherwise he will refuse to talk. Go to shipyards. Talk to the impostor. Tell him that he is your old debtor.

It is scared and gives 55,000 instead of 30,000 piastra, although it will affect your reputation negatively. Now you can either be noble to return money to the usurist, or leave them for your needs. Now that you have the right amount in your hands, come back to the tavern and talk to a carpenter at one of the tables. Exit the tavern. Soldiers will come to you and order to go to plantation. Return to plantation. On the way, Nathaniel Hagtorp will be satisfied and report that Pitt grabbed the guards. After talking, you will find yourself at night at the gate of the city.

Run to plantation. You will need to imperceptibly get past the guards to the edge of the plantation and take weapons from the chest. Pay attention, each guard has its own patrol zone. The area of \u200b\u200bvisibility in the dark is small, so the main thing is not to pass directly on the path of their following. Get to the longest white building. In the near, the corner of the plantation will see a bunch of burlers and boards. Among them is a co-arms chest. Unfortunately, only a saber and several healing potions will be content. It is almost useless to fight protection. Near the house of the colonel you will see a captured Pitt and two guards near him. See the guards somewhere around the corner and disappear with them. Then talk to Pitt. He will say that Natal has run away on your gate.

Now go from the plantation by the guards, trying not to enter with them into battle. Enter the city. Send all the Spanish Guardsmen, lumbling them one by one, and one lady will come to you, thank for her salvation. She will tell you that the Spaniards captured the city. Go to shipyards. Slide shipyard on the sea and find your comrades. Swim to the ship. Rear to it and cross the security. Then go to the cabin and fight one on one with the captain. Your ship. Get out of the cabin and talk to Pitt. Talk to the team. Only Ogl agrees to serve you faith and truth, the rest will ask you to land them in the first port. On this uniqueness of the plot line of Blady ends.

To start national scene line In the game, you need to get a caper patent (if you want to pass a pirate line, you need to talk to the Morgan in the port-piano). To do this, you need to perform about 10 minor assignments from the governor of the city belonging to the ruler you need. The following options for these tasks are described below.

1) Destroy the gang of thugs in the jungle. Run along the jungle, you will find a couple of thugs, destroying them, soon you will come across the chapter of the gang. Split it, you can return to the governor for remuneration.

2) Search for an enemy cowher in the city. Search it is needed in homes. As soon as go to needed Home, immediately a conversation with him will take place, after which the battle will begin. By killing the pancake, you can return to the governor for remuneration.

3) destroy smugglers.

4) Scatter into the enemy fort (city) and take the documents from the connected. The task is not from the lungs. It will be done under the cover of darkness, from the nearest beach on the jungle. Soldiers in the dark see only in front of them and not very far. Therefore, you have chances to get unnoticed.

Dutch national storyline.

Governor-General of Holland, who you will take tasks, is located in the city of Willemstad.

1) The first task is to deliver to Curaçao chapter Jansenists Chumaikeiro, at the moment it is located on the island of San Martin. Saying to the island Go to the tavernger and ask about Chumaikeiro, he says he took a house that is located near the residence of the governor. As soon as you enter the house, two people will attack you. By killing them, enter the room on the second floor, where ChumaKeiro is. Now swim on Curaçao, where in the residence of Peter Messente, ChumaKeiro will give you 30,000 piastra.

2) The second task is to purchase a batch of coffee, black, red and sandalwood for Curacao in Forto Orange. You will be given papers for purchasing goods at a special price and amount of money. The entire load will take 6,800 centners, be prepared for this. Goods must be delivered to Stavezant for 2 months. Enjoy the Jamaica, train Negril and go to Fort Orange. First go to the governor and give off the paper for preferential prices, then go to the store. Having bought goods, return back. For the task, you will receive 75,000 piastra.

3) The third task is to obtain information about the plans of the British in relation to Holland due to the trading war. Go to Espanyol and talk to the head of the city of La Vega. Chapter Edward Mansfield, but in fact, his surname Manswelt, by nationality he is Dutchman. Also O. confidant Modyford on the affairs of the Spaniards. But Mansfield can say nothing to say the plans of the British, but recently the English envoy from Modyford appeared to him with a proposal for the attack on Curaçao, naturally Mansfield refused. Edik will also say that the British plans are better to learn from the great and terrible Henry Morgan. Go to Jamaica and there you will find out that Morgan on Antigua. Go there and talk to him. He will say that if you help him, he too. It is necessary to know whether his companion Pierre Picardian is honest. It is located on Tortuga, then ask the Roshovist, the owner of the shipyard, the owner of the store, in the tavern and in Bordell. It turns out that he spent a lot of money. Now go to Morgana, he says that she doesn't know anything that plans does not know, but one of his officers who put in prison knows about Modyford plans, go to prison, cross the security. You will learn that the British want to attack the Fort Orange. Swim to the Governor-General and will pay 50,000 piastra.

4) The fourth task is to intercept the British and save the Fort Orange from ruin. Swatch to Jamaica as quickly as possible. Near the island will run a small squadron, consisting of 3 English ships. Speake them and disembark in the bay. Select all the British in the bay and in the next location. The task is made. You can go to Stavezant, it will pay 100,000 piastra.

5) The fifth task is to accompany three flutes to the settlement of Pirates La Vega and back. Swim to laege, sit down. It turns out that the Spaniards attacked the settlement and killed Mansilda. Purchase Provider and go out into the sea. The more shipping ships, the greater the reward. If all the ships are sealing, it will be 60,000 piastra.

6) The sixth task is to find Morgan and notify it that the Dutch is craving for revenge. Swim into Jamaica, take aim in the city and go to the Morgan residence. Henry will say that the attack organized the Spanish Governor Santiago José Sancho Jimenez and we need to reconnaissary, to find out whether Dong Jose will be in the near future. Swim in Santiago and guess at the lighthouse. Go to the city and go to the tavern. Ask the owner of the governor, under the pretext that you want to enter the service. Several Spanish officers will enter. Kill them and run on the ship. The task is made, you learned that in the city there is a holiday and the governor must attend it. Return to Jamaica to Morgan. The task is completed. Place in Curaçao to the governor and get 200,000 piastra.

7) Seventh Task - Deliver Berran Duty Governor to the Governor of the Governor. Swatch on Tortuga in order to deliver Devechen D'Oroneau, then he will ask you to walk for two hours until he writes a letter to a simple one. After two hours, you will receive a letter. In the port You will be met by a messenger and says that the messenger from the governor of Holland is waiting for you in the tavern. Go to the tavern and go to the room, then you will be stunned and will disable a letter. Go to the governor d'eltone. He will tell you to find out in the port control, what ships I left the port in the near future. It turns out that the port left Brig La Rochelle, who goes to San Juan. Go to the shuttleties of Sleep-Juan Take the ship to the board. The captain will say that Antonio, who has taken the letter from you, left the ship and moved At Galeon Isabella, who goes to Santa Catalina. Catch up Galeon, take it to the boarding and Antonio will give up. Take a letter and head to the weatherproof, it will give 150,000 pirasters.

8) The eighth task is a business trip to Aaron Mendez Chumaikeiro. His house is located in the city, not far from the residence. Aaron will give a task, find an ancient book, which was trying to sell in a pirate settlement on Bermuda some English caper. Go to Bermuda and go to the residence to Jackman. After a conversation with him, swim on Martinique, to the local brothel. Ask all the girls there, one will give you new information, for the remuneration, Flibuster, who wanted to sell the book, on an incomprehensible language, called Laurent De Count, usually he dwells on Torch. Swim up cortays. In the local tavern you will learn that now de graph is for two weeks for two weeks as I went to the raid to Cartagena. Swim there. Near Cartagena Laurent, fights with superior powers of the Spaniards. Speak an enemy squadron, not giving it to her the Frenchman's ship. Send a boat on the ship Laurent de Graf. Learn from him about the desired thing, he will suggest buy a burden of burned treasure for 235,000 gold. Pay the desired amount. Clay hidden on the island of Terks. Swim to Terksu, go to the cave and find the chest. Find there with the Holy Book, as well as Muscoketon, a couple of good pistols, expensive Kiraça, 200 gold bars, rings, brook, and a couple of idols, among which a very useful idol is a rat. Swim on Curaçao to Chumaikeiro and give him the Bible. As a reward, get 1,000,000 piastra. Then go to the residence to report on the success of the mission.

9) The ninth task is to capture four linear first class ship, namely Manovarov. They are usually found in large trading caravans, military squadron and gold caravans. For each ship you will give 50,000 piastra.

10) The tenth task is the defense of Curaçao from the attack of the Spanish squadron, consisting of 8 ships, including Manova. Go to the port and go out into the sea, there the fort is fighting the invaders, help him defeat the Spaniards, after the last Spaniard goes under the water, the Curacao protection mission will be performed. Return to the residence for a reward, which will be 200,000 piras.

11) The eleventh task is to reflect the Spaniard's attack on San Martin. Go to the sea and swim on Marigo as quickly as possible. Reaching Sao Martin, enter into battle against 8 enemy ships. Speaking their fleet, go back to Willemstad and get a reward again in 200,000 piastra. Governor's general says it is time to take response against Spain.

12) The twelfth task is capturing Maracaibo. Fort there is not so powerful and disassembled its work will not be. After capturing a colony for the Netherlands, you will receive 300,000 piastra awards and the possibility of capturing for yourself or the Holland of the English and Spanish colonies.

In Game Corsairs: the city of lost ships There are no explicit codes, but there is a path of partially changing scripts in the game, with the help of this loophole we will act. So in the folder with the game we find the file Engine.ini. We open it with a notebook and looking for a line debugwindow \u003d 0, which we change to debugwindow \u003d 1.

Run the game City of lost ships And in it press the button F5. Console appears.

We enter the cheat code to the left line, the list of which is attached below:

Lai_Setimmortal (Pchar, True) - makes you and your ship invulnerable, but not your officers and their ships
Lai_Setimmortal (Pchar, False) - Disables immortality
GiveItem2Character (PChar, "XXX", #) - the number of items #, and xxx it is:
AddMoneyTocharacter (PChar, "1000000000") - 10,000,000 piastra in your pockets.

blade1 - Blade35 - Swords, Sabls, Rapiers ...
topor1 - Topor3 - Axes
toporaz is the most powerful cold weapon in the game, and the hardest
pistol1 - Pistol6 - Pistols
pistol7 - Schotng
cIRASS1 - CIRASS5 - Pigs
spyGlass1 - Spyglass5 - Sylcery Pipes
potion1 - Medical Potion
potion2 - Elekshire
potion3 - Antidote
indian11 - Indian rat God, thanks to which you are completely forget about the rats
bullet - Bullets
Shipyardsmap - a ship drawing that asks you to find the owner of the shipyard
Mayorsring - Wedding Ring, which asks you to find the governor
USERERSJEW - gemstonewho asks you to find a Rostovist
mAP_LSC - CCM card
gold - Gold

Following codes work the girlfriend to enter the code itself, and after the number in the right column, from 1 to 100. Codes themselves

pchar.skill.Leadership - authority.
pchar.skill.fencinglight - Light weapon.
pchar.skill.fencing is a medium weapon.
pchar.skill.FencingHeavy is a heavy weapon.
pchar.skill.pistol - pistols.
pchar.skill.fortune - Good luck.
pchar.skill.sneak - secrecy.
pchar.skill.sailing - navigation.
pchar.skill.accuracy - accuracy.
pchar.skill.cannons - guns.
pchar.skill.grappling - boarding.
pchar.skill.defence - Protection.
pchar.skill.REPAIR - repair.
pchar.skill.comMerce - Trade.
pchar.Rank is your level.
pchar.Reputation - Your reputation. is money.
GenerateShip (XX, TRUE) - where the XX is a two-digit number, after the right part, a certain number appears. Then, below, enter the next pchar.ship.Type, after the right side will again appear - this is the number of your ship. After entering the number from the right column, which appeared when writing the previous Chita.
pchar.ship.crew.Quantity - the number of the team of your ship. How to type cheat, the number will appear in the right column - this is the number of your team, change to the desired one.
pchar.ship.cannons.Type - after entering the Chita in the right column there is a number - these are tools that are already standing on your ship. It is necessary to enter from 1 to 9. 9 - 48 pound guns (fortrooms) 8 - 42 pound guns and so on.

In the game folder there is an engine.ini file. Open it notepad, and find the string: debugwindow \u003d 0 Replace it on: debugwindow \u003d 1 During the game, press the button to appear in the console window. Enter into the left line one of the following cheat code: LAI_Setimmortal (PChar, True) - makes you and your ship invulnerable, but not your officers and their ships Lai_Setimmortal (Pchar, False) - Actually, turns off the immortality of AddMoneyTocharacter (PChar,) - get the specified count Money GiveItem2Character (Pchar, "XXX",) - Get the specified number of items XXX, where XXX is: Blade1 - Blade35 - Swords, Sabls, Rapiers ... Topor1 - Topor3 - Toporaz Axes - Makuutetle, the most powerful and heavy cold weapon in the game Pistol1 - Pistol6 - Pistol7 Pistols - Shotgun CIRASS1 - CIRASS5 - SpyGlass1 Papers - Spyglass5 - Potion1 Pipes - Medical Potion Potion2 - Elixir Potion3 - Anti-Dia Who asks you to find the owner of the shipyard Mayorsring - Wedding Ring, which asks you to find the USERERSJEW governor - a gem, which asks you to find the MAP_LSC Roshchist - Map Gold Gold - Gold or simply Open the X: \\\\ Resource \\ Ini \\ Texts \\ Russian \\ ItemsDescribe .txt and choose from descriptions what you need. For example (PChar, "Pistol6") to write in quotes! pchar.ship.cannons.Type - allows you to put any guns on any ships. After entering the Chita in the right column there is a number of guns that are already standing on your ship. It is necessary to enter from 1 to 9. 9 - 48 pound guns (fortrooms) 8 - 42 pound guns. pchar.ship.crew.quantity - the number of the command of your ship, as you enter the cheat, the number will appear in the right column - this is the number of your team, change it to the desired one. We enter one of the following cheat codes, and a number appears in the right column, change it from 1 to 100: Pchar.skill.Leadership - PChar.skill.FencingLight authority - Light weapon PChar.skill.fencing - Middle Weapon PChar.skill.FencingHeavy - Heavy Weapon PChar.skill.pistol - PCHAR.SKILL.fortune pistols - PCHAR.skill.sneak luck - secrets pchar.skill.sailing - navigation pchar.skill.accuracy - Pachar.skill.cannons - Tools PCHAR.SKILL.GRAPPPLING - PChar.skill.defence - PCHAR.SKILL.REPAIR protection - PCHAR.skill.comMerce repair - PCHAR.RANK trading - Your level pchar.Reputation - Your reputation PCHAR.Money - Money Cheat with peppers: Attention: Do not forget to backup Editable file! In the \\ Resource \\ Ini \\ Interfaces \\ Find the character_all.ini file in it, find the line and two deadlines below: Command \u003d Click, Event: Exitperkmenu Replace it on the line: Command \u003d Click, Event: Acceptperk is now in the game in order to Add any pep to yourself or one of your officers will simply have to simply select the pep from the menu and press the window that appears: "Cancel". The chosen perk will be added, but the pink counter will decrease by 1. Those. If it was 0, then it will become -1.

Sea Dogs: City of Abandoned Ships is a game in action and RPG genre, developed by Akella for the PC platform. The environment in the game refers to the history of history, and you can select the following: action, role-playing game, meat, violence, battles on swords, economics, research, history, solutions have consequences, pirates and others. Such will be available to you. game modes As "for one player."

Worldwide Sea Dogs game: City of Abandoned Ships applies to the model one-time purchase by the Akella publisher. At the moment, the game stage is launched, and the date of its output is 02.11.2018. Free Download Sea Dogs: City of Abandoned Ships, including torrent, it is impossible, because the game is distributed by a single purchase model.

MMO13 has not made SEA DOGS: City of Abandoned Ships rating. The Metacritic website evaluates this game to 6.1 out of 10. The game extends to the Steam store, which has not yet left feedback.

The official description of the game says:

"Fortune and Glory Awaits You! In Sea Dogs - City Of Abandoned Ships yOU CAN Choose to Go It Alone and Become The Seven SeaSt Feared Pirate of the Seven Seas. Or You can Prove Your Loyalty to One of Four Different Navies; FRENCH, English, SPANISH, OR DUTCH. Sail The High Seas As a Swashbuckling Pirate or Dashing Naval Captain. »

In the game folder there is an engine.ini file. Open it notepad, and find the string: debugwindow \u003d 0 Replace it on: debugwindow \u003d 1 During the game, press the button to appear in the console window. Enter one of the following cheat code to the left line: LAI_Setimmortal (Pchar, True) - makes you and your ship invulnerable, but not your officers and their ships Lai_Setimmortal (Pchar, False) - Actually, disables the immortality of AddMoneyTocharacter (PChar,<число>) - Get the specified count. Money GiveItem2Character (PChar, "XXX") or GiveItem2Character (PChar, "XXX",<число>) - Get the specified number of items XXX, where XXX is: Blade1 - Blade35 - Swords, Sabls, Rapiers ... Topor1 - Topor3 - Toporaz Axes - Makuaite, the most powerful and heavy cold weapon in the game Pistol1 - Pistol6 - Pistol7 pistols - CIRASS1 shotgun - Cirass5 - SpyGlass1 kiras1 - Spyglass5 - Potion1 pickle pipes - Potion2 medicinal potion - Elixir Potion3 - Antidia Indian11 - Indian rat God, thanks to which you are completely forget about the rats of Bullet - bullets Shipyardsmap - a ship's drawing that asks you to find the owner of the shipyard Mayorsring - Wedding The ring that is asked to find the USERERSJEW governor - a precious stone that asks you to find the Map_lsca Roshchist - the GPK Gold Card - Gold or just open the X: \\ File<папка_с_игрой>\\ Resource \\ ini \\ Texts \\ russian \\ ItemsDescribe.txt and choose from descriptions what you need. For example (PChar, "Pistol6") to write in quotes! TakenItems (Pchar, "XXX",<число>) - to register the specified number of items where xxx is the name of the subject pchar.ship.cannons.Type - allows you to put any guns on any ships. After entering the Chita in the right column there is a number of guns that are already standing on your ship. It is necessary to enter from 1 to 9. 9 - 48 pound guns (fortrooms) 8 - 42 pound guns. pchar.ship.crew.quantity - the number of the command of your ship, as you enter the cheat, the number will appear in the right column - this is the number of your team, change it to the desired one. We enter one of the following cheat codes, and a number appears in the right column, change it from 1 to 100: Pchar.skill.Leadership - PChar.skill.FencingLight authority - Light weapon PChar.skill.fencing - Middle Weapon PChar.skill.FencingHeavy - Heavy Weapon PChar.skill.pistol - PCHAR.SKILL.fortune pistols - PCHAR.skill.sneak luck - secrets pchar.skill.sailing - navigation pchar.skill.accuracy - Pachar.skill.cannons - Tools PCHAR.SKILL.GRAPPPLING - PChar.skill.defence - PCHAR.SKILL.REPAIR protection - PCHAR.skill.comMerce repair - PCHAR.RANK trading - Your level pchar.Reputation - Your reputation PCHAR.Money - Money Cheat with peppers: Attention: Do not forget to backup Editable file! In the \\ Resource \\ Ini \\ Interfaces \\ Find the character_all.ini file in it, find the line and two deadlines below: Command \u003d Click, Event: Exitperkmenu Replace it on the line: Command \u003d Click, Event: Acceptperk is now in the game in order to Add any pep to yourself or one of your officers will simply have to simply select the pep from the menu and press the window that appears: "Cancel". The chosen perk will be added, but the pink counter will decrease by 1. Those. If it was 0, then it will become -1. This is a very interesting cheat, a lot of space for experiment: generateship (XX, TRUE) - where in the XX enter, for example, 20, a certain number appears on the right side. Then, below, enter the following cheat - pchar.ship.type, then the number will appear on the right side - this is the number of your ship. After entering the number from the right column, which appeared when writing the previous Chita. You from now on the royal mananar "Soleil Royal". You can also enter other numbers. Just look so that you instead of the ship did not find yourself, and you will not be able to go out in the sea - it will throw out the game.