GTA San Andreas Review of the game. Development of the storyline

Computer Games B. lately Too much attention is paid to the graphic component, focus on attracting as many users as possible thanks cooperative regime And the multiplayer, however, it turns out extremely little to actually high-quality products that were made with a soul, which would be nice to plunge into many parts, and after completing the passage of which it would be sad, I would like to erase my memory and go through the game again. Well, one of the similar masterpieces of recent times was the game GTA 5 - a review on it you will read in this article. This project was extremely expecting, since all previous parts of the series were extremely successful. And he justified the expectations that were imposed on it - and with more than it was justified. If you have long been fond of computer games, then you most likely familiar to the feeling when I want to play a certain simulator of life, that is, not to be a superhero, do not lead the armies, do not fight with robots or monsters, and live in virtual world. Of course, this opportunity offers a series "Sims", however, it is a little about a friend - about a much more realistic life that is full of its turns. In one day you can just sit at home, go to work, take a walk to the bar in the evening - and the next day everything will turn upside down. If you have been looking for a similar project for a long time, then you waited for your own hour. The fact is that earlier the developers did not have the opportunity to offer something similar to the gamers - lacked technology development, and often desires, because it is much easier to lend a bright linear game for a couple of dozen hours than to make a project with open world and unlimited possibilities. Fortunately, the GTA 5 project is close to this result - the review will demonstrate to you how it happened.


It would seem that at first glance there is nothing revolutionary in the game GTA 5 - a review, naturally, without problems it will refute. But it is better for you to independently reach an understanding of what the fifth of the fourth is different. Of course, we are not talking about the graphic component and other technological aspects - it would be strange if through so many years the game would not make a step forward in this direction. However, there is something impressive in this project, which is not in other games, and what was not in the fourth part of the series. This is an opportunity to get into the role you play out. Now you do not manage some character, which performs the actions prescribed by the system. Now you can drink a glass of alcoholic beverage, play with someone in tennis, go to the strip club and closely chat with one of the girls. In general, a huge number of trifles were added, which make the gameplay much more interactive, which adds a gym. And now the most important thing - all this is multiplied by three, as now the main character Not one - their whole three. Everyone has its own character, their behavior, and monitoring how the links between this trio are developing are invaluable experience, which adds a huge number of points to this project. Thus, the game did not change only at first glance - if you look deeper into it, penetrate her, you will find yourself on the other side of the monitor, you are inserted into your own role and you will get a lot of pleasure from what you do in the game, independently From what is precisely this occupation. You can feel free to say that it will be sinner called an ordinary simulator of the automotive car GTA 5 game - the review has already gave reason to believe that this is a real life simulator, and further information will be convinced of this.

Scene changes

Do not hurry to add 5 fashion to GTA 5 - the review will show you that without them you will have several dozen hours of the gameplay, which will be just amazing. So, what has changed in the approach to the construction scene line? If earlier your character was a hero, who simply has a muddy past, which no one knows about anything, and it was important only what is happening here and now, then everything is completely different in the fifth part, and all changes exclusively for the better . The fact that you will be told not the same storyline history, but as many as three, you have already learned. However, this is not all what you should know about. The fact is that now the characters have become much less "wooden" - they have their own expressive character, and most importantly - their past, which you will learn gradually. Thus, the plot will unfold in a huge number of directions - you will develop three stories of the main characters that are intertwined together, but at the same time are interrupted by the stories from their past, which turns the game into a real storypour. Well, why in this case are needed in GTA 5 fashion? An overview of the time continues to gain momentum, and you can learn more about this game and, of course, make sure it is worth trying.


Of course, you can tell a lot about the game GTA 5 - Overview of the machines, an overview of the tasks, and so on, but all your time. More attention is still worth paying for what makes this game such a unique - plot. So, three main characters are Franklin, Michael and Trevor. The first is a young guy who lives in the ghetto and works as a low rank in a gangster hierarchy. The second is a family man, who has serious problems with family members, and he does not give peace of his past robber. Well, the third is the most striking of all, as he is a practically a psychopath, who considers himself a great Delian and is ready to go to everything to realize his desire to become one of the best gangsters in the world. Attracts the fact that none of the heroes seek to make the world better, no one wants to subjugate the whole city with their influence, become president and so on. Everyone has their own problems, and everyone tries to solve them, sometimes getting up before the moral choice. About how attractive it seems such an approach to fans of plot deep Gameswill tell you any gTA review 5 - on Xbox 360, on PS or on PC.

Development of the storyline

Many computer games throw a gamer in the smallest of events, the plot is developing there quickly and lightningly, and although it may well be exciting, it does not always have to do with lovers of deep lines. GTA 5 Review (Xbox and other versions) shows that this project does not apply to such - here the plot allows you to slowly immerse yourself in history, gradually grunting into the role of each of the heroes. That is, you do not immediately come across serious problems and start spinning the tangle of the storyline. Not at all, you first get used to your heroes, you perform fairly simple tasks, such as photographing the celebrity, ride with your son on a bicycle and so on. But gradually you start getting more serious tasks, passions are glowing, and over time, the degree increases so much that you are in the very hurricane of passions that you do not let go. This makes very many GTA 5. A review on a PC will not differ in this plan from console versions, so there is no point in separating it into parts.

Setting compliance

As you already understood, there is no difference in the plot questions, whether GTA 5 Xbox, GTA 5 PC or GTA 5 PS4 - the review still shows how magnificent plot in the game. And here I would like to say another final word that will relate to the setting. In this game, everything is done just fine, and the setting has been created wonderful, but most of all amazes the fact that it is very realistic. That is, you will not see the gangster district where funeral men and women go. If you need a strong word, then you will hear a strong word. If you need to show sexual intercourse - be sure that you will be given to enjoy the whole scene. Sometimes, of course, there are generally terrifying moments in general - for example, when Trevor tries to man, pulling his nails, and in this you need to be directly involved. But all this is dictated by the setting and allows you to plunge into the game even deeper. Did you convince you to start the game GTA 5 review? You can do it on PC as easily as on consoles - you just need to check the compliance with system requirements. But if you are not yet sure, it's time to leave the plot alone and walk through other elements.


Well, it's time to switch the game review GTA 5 to another channel, and now you will learn how the missions look here, and in general the gameplay, - given the fact that the main characters are only three. Naturally, you can manage simultaneously with one, but at the same time you can switch to any of the two remaining and continue to play for it. This allows you to be provided in the most incredible and interesting situations. As for game assignments, the camera is often often switched between characters to ensure the cinematic development of the plot. The tasks are the most diverse and incredibly fascinating - from small orders to large-scale robbery that you need to commit, carefully melted. Now you can see for sure how different from the fourth part of the series The Overview game does not end up - other exciting details are waiting for you ahead.

The abilities of heroes

In some way, the GTA series has long moved to the RPG hybrids, since the main character already in the previous part had indicators that could have improved over time. Now everything has become much more advanced, but the principle remains the same - if you want to increase any parameter, then you need a long time to perform actions that will require its use. Naturally, there are progress - now each of the three heroes have their own talents that are not available to two others, which makes heroes dependent on each other, and the game is much more interesting and fascinating.


The events of the fifth of the game occur in the city of Los Santos, which is statistically the most huge for the history of this series. However, it is also the most unique one - in the same third part of the game, which for the first time suggested the fans of a series three-dimensional graphics and an open city, the areas sometimes looked identical. In the fifth part, the city is ten times more in size, but in it you can hardly find a repeated location of buildings or similar intersections. Everything is unique here and greatly pleases the eye.

Life of the city

Also also pay attention to the fact that now the city is not just a cardboard scenery, which serves only by the background for what is happening in the plot. The city lives his own life, people are not aimlessly lunged on the streets (although there are also present), but are engaged in their affairs. Between them, conversations are lit, conflicts, everywhere constantly something happens, and at the same time it can matter. Did someone hijacked the bike? Help the poorhage and return him to his property. And live on while suddenly you will not call the phone and it will not be that this person who you have already been safely forgotten is a millionaire who wants to thank you for help. Any action may be a new task, a new turn, if not in the plot, then at least in the life of heroes, which can be folded in a wide variety of directions.

Things to do?

If you do not want to move along the plot - it does not matter, there will be dozens of different classes in the city, which you can spend your free time. And it can be both activity and simple sitting on the Internet, because here the Internet is simulated as well as life.

Graphic component

Of course, everything was not as impressive if it were not for the graphic design, which was just a masterpiece. Graphics in the game is just beautiful, and it was hardly possible to think that, together with such a volume of game merits, developers decide to pay attention to the image. But they did it, turning GTA 5 to a real masterpiece.


The biggest question that is tormented by the gamer, causing 5 dozen hours for GTA - what's next? How can the game industry be able to do something that will be better than this masterpiece? Well, it remains only to wait, because there was always something better. But so far the best game of modernity is GTA 5.


Usually at the end of the review summarizes: what games have pluses that are present minuses. In this case, this is done to do anything, because in the count of minuses you can write a dashboard, and in the column of advantages to designate the modest word "all".

Publication date: 08/09/2013 16:04:40

Very soon - already in the fall of this year - it turns out the long-awaited fifth of the best goseries about robbers, car hijacks and a large virtual world. Promises to do that if not a revolution in the segment of GTA-like games, which have long become a separate genre in the gaming industry, then, at a minimum, the translation of the evolution of the initial ideas of ideas. Instant switching between three available characters, a huge open world, surpassing around the square all the released games from Rockstar Commonly taken, improved graphics and physics. It is unlikely that something from this list can be called a real breakthrough, but Rockstar True to your course and make point cosmetic improvements from the game game, keeping huge audience players in front of the screens.

The players will take into their warm embraces Sunny Los Angeles, that is, of course, Los Santos. We have seen it back in the distant 2004 - in. It's time to go back there and remember what he is, the Virtual state of San Andreas (which is part of which is one of three cities - Los Santos), and in the future and compare with what will suggest us Rockstar In the fall of 2013 in a new wrapper.

Si Jay (Karl Johnson) is a former criminal from Ghetto Los Santos, a member of Gang Grove, who participated in the wars of criminal groups and the ex-fully involved in the criminal life of his area. One day he decides to start new life And moves to Liberty City, seeking to be a typical tolerant and law-abiding American. But he managed to enjoy free to enjoy: in Los Santos, his mother will die from the hands of the opposing gang (and the brother), and Carlo has to pack the suitcases and return to their native fenats. Immediately upon arrival, Karl faces a harsh reality: it takes "under the hand". From this, Saga begins on the adventures of the most famous Niger of the Gaming Industry.

This Funny People.

San Andreas is not just another gta-post-referee. Here all possible stereotypes about the American society came up with a wedge, which developers are virtuosically ridiculous throughout the fifteen scene watches games. Almost in each mission, the developers poured a huge concentrate of satire and cynicism, filling them with various funny characters and absurd situations. But in order to feel and understand the entire charm of the work done by Rockstar, it is not enough just to watch everything that happens - it is necessary to have a certain cultural luggage and understand the wrongness and essence of the society around us. For many SA, just a banal children's entertainment, but it is on the surface and it is not quite the right opinion. For the gripping gameplay and deliberate frivolousness, powerful social allegories and deep parodies are hidden on modern American reality. Now, already on the Russian, yes, for the cross-cultural globalization seized the world.

Rockstar They were sproduced in SA everything, to which the hands of talented scenarios met, and what could be squeezed into the amount of limited time frame and game resources. Coloric archetypes common in typical human communities with which everyone has to come across real lifeThe world of SA is inseparably associated with the world of material reality. Players will surely see many characteristic types, present in society, and from the soul laugh at them. The game is filled with unique heroes that are collective images of real characters.

Tenpinni and Pulaksi - Firmed, Mate Corrupt Cops. Sales of government officials, due to which all global problems in the world of SA are unleashed. Actually, this is happening in real life. The opposition of power holding under the iron fifth its population, the red thread passes through the plot of SA. Although this storyline, like everything in GTA, the OBMERA, and Wasteban, is the topic raised by the developers, is very relevant both now, and in Russia too.

True, the graying elderly hippie, together with the government agent, Taro, is brightly symbolized by popular conspiracy theories that are reflected in public opinions and heads of ordinary ordinary people. Their unforgettable monologues are sometimes forced to think: and maybe the colossal volumes of oil sales on Earth control the snakeholders aliens, and for each resident two two satellites are followed at the same time? Missions that have to do with such charismatic characters, great and, obviously, would lose the lion's share of Sharma without their participation. Remembered ingenious tasks with a jump from an airplane on a multi-kilometer height, heavy training in flight school, the abduction of green duries and a flight wreck, escape from the country farm of truth, with associated burning of marijuana bushes. By the way, this mission literally quoted last year - this is such a kind of tribute GTA SA. from Ubisoft..

SA has a close connection with and - the characters of these projects are caught from one game to another. Here and Catalina - antagonist GTA 3. - Plays a small, but bright role in SA. She is tied by a novel with Si-Jeme, which is no good ends, given the explosive temperament of the latina. In this woman, many easily see their girlfriend or already his wife. Permanent soldiers for the slightest occasion, inflaming conflicts on empty place, Passionate scenes of discord and reconciliation, ending with rapid sex practices using unusual remedies. Catalina rightfully deserves the place of the charismatic woman in SA. Her sexual dissatisfaction and a big broken heart will augate Claud - the chief hero GTA 3. - in the form of unexpected negative consequences, because in the chronological order, SA occurs before the events GTA 3..

Carlo will meet other heroes from previous parts series. This is a memorable neurasthenical lawyer Ken Rosenberg, once again shone in trouble. Now instead of Tommy Versetti, it is necessary to cut off from the front, Si-Jyu will have, that he managed to be glitter, "only thanks to the efforts of Karl, Ken can start a new life outside the state of San Andreas. With him, a couple of Karl saves and odious floor ken - a familiar chop for Tommy Vice City. . Present in the game and the notorious Italian mafiosi Salvatore Leone, who still make a lot of things in GTA 3.. Charla also connects fruitful relationships.

Extremely funny line Zero - Nedland Botany. He has a "cruel" confrontation with his sworn enemy - Berkeley, the same leaf, as he himself. And their decisive battle filled with deep drama will be held on the battle field ... Toy models military equipment. That's right, these brutal men will be measured by the size of the toy aggregates produced by the same themselves. And only the CJ can help in this unequal confrontation of the Zero, which is invited to play a player during passage. side missions. This is such a hello from Vice City.where "toy" tasks were very numerous and had a lot of nerve cells players.

But SA is not only a brilliant social allegory and parody. San Andreas is a gameplay orgasm, this is the concentration of all the best, for which they love the GTA series. Hasive sandbox. A large open world with a lot of opportunities, where the player is free to do everything he is pleased. Even now, in 2013, the world of SA seems quite large and still in it can be found in the soul. Despite obsolete combat mechanics And the schedule, SA is still able to awaken in the soul that distant nostalgic is rejoiced when we spent the days and nights, studying every shorn of San Andreas state. And if you show the SA to a person at all familiar with the games, then he will no doubt surprised by the wealth of the world and the scope of opportunity.

San Andreas is a huge virtual staff consisting of three large cities and a spacious countryside between them. Separate cities of majestic forests with multi-meter trees, high mountains and endless deserts. First passing out to the city, naturally lost. I want to do everything in a row: try out all the cars passing by past, climb all the available buildings and visit all entertainment facilities. And their mass here: a rocking chair, where the steroid Ronni of the Kolmenan without steroids can be made from Si-Jay - with just pressing the buttons on the keyboard or gamepad; Clothing stores, hairdressers, tattoo shops and more. In the players instantly opened the researcher who had spared earlier, who, with the scrupulousness of Nikolai Drozdov, examining pairing babians, studied every square meter of the terrain, seeking to find some secret secret. And there were a lot of them. On the first days, Internet and game magazines fill the information sections of Easter, most of which were straight from San Andreas. In magazines, their descriptions were spent sometimes for several pages - they were so numerous.

Great to SA and the possibility of customization of the main character - from it, if desired, it was possible to make a natural gangster, tattooed and short-cut. Many upset the weak castomization system in: Niko remained until the end of the game is migrant, although dressed in an expensive suit. But here Si Jay can be any - thin, thick, fat, pumped out, he could even run naked through the streets and beaten by the sizes of women with a huge purple phallus. This is unimaginably nice - to make your own unique character, an example of the popularity of Skyrim with his deep study of the castomization system here is very indicative.

Flying on the plane floor of the state, jumping with a parachute to the city center, where they transplanted on the ultrafine racing car, move to the helicopter platform and hijaculate the helicopter - this is the most common situation in the game. Sophisticated players, of course, come up with an even more confusing chart of movement on the giant expanses of the SA world. Can cross the whole state on women's bike? There are all kinds of transport that we can see in real life. There are even paintings with the train. Some enthusiasts, pumping the skill ride on a bicycle could jump from the roof on the roof of low-rise buildings on the cluster of a pair of buttons. Pumping makes the necessary variety in the gameplay and motivates to develop further, because it is not just screwed for the species, but is really useful in the gameplay. For example, if you constantly use machine guns, then by the end of the game Si Jay becomes a real killer with two rapid ultrasound, sowing death and chaos at the state of the state.

A separate mention deserves the possibility of flying on the prototype of the military aircraft of the vertical take-off - "Hydra". This aircraft makes it possible to feel in GOD MODE mode without cheats. Shooting by self-controlled rockets from a huge height by defenseless from such an attack of tanks somewhere below, on earth; huge speed, developed on the exhaust altitude, behind the clouds, very close to the beginning of the outer space outside the planet, - even Prototype did not give to such an extent to feel omnipotent.

San Andreas became the quintessence of all erotic fantasies of players of that time. Want to doubl in volatile, and so that there was nothing for that? You are welcome. Want a huge, worked outdoor world? Get, lay down. Want to make your unique hero, with only him external species and game style? NATU. For its time, SA was a real breakthrough, because there was no analogues. There was a lot of attempts to repeat the success of SA, many imitators who tried to make a parody - their GTA, but, nor in quality, neither by the number of fans, no game could not even get close to SA. Ubisoft took note of the concept of an open, rich world, where he changed the setting into medieval and released the killer simulator with a hidden dagger. There are still a lot of similar examples of the release of "His GTA" by other studios.

Exquisite gourmet gourmet loves to call games gTA series "Games for shkolota", but do not forget that it was the GTA that introduced the fashion on the open world, gave rise to a bunch of imiters seeking to repeat her path, in the desire to gain commercial success. Not to mention the fact that adults are stored with it, and people are extremely distant from the games, nor wants to choose in their lives. This is her huge merit. And the GTA series itself, and SA became real phenomena of the gaming industry, promoting gaming culture In the mass, making the game with part of the lives of many people and first showing the invitation of society in the video game. They made a new way to look at many people on themselves and on a popular culture. You can cut some breakthrough concept for years and, as a result, to release the game excellent in some individual components, but when everything is performed at the highest level, with a huge number of successful gamedizain and scenario moves, and only Rockstar can. SA, in this case, is the perfect example.

Four years later Rockstar Let's release GTA 4.where will go away in the direction of realism by making new game Even more similar to our life. There will be a new realistic physics, improved graphics and even stronger the story close to reality, with serious motives in it. GTA 4 will be very different from the previous parts of the series, you can also say a lot about it, but it is, as they say, a completely different story. And San Andreas will remain in the memory of the players forever, as one of the best games with the open world with the widest possible features. Doubt that GTA 5. will find such a high cult status as GTA SA., do not have - Rockstar I never let us down.

Hello everyone. In touch, the team of the GameBizClub. Today we present you detailed review GTA 5 - one of the best games recent years And on the part-time of the highest quality simulator of gangster life. This game came out on April 14, 2015 and from the moment, probably there is no such gamer who at least a little was not interested in her.

From this article you will learn:

Whole world from your feet

Let's start, perhaps, from the storyline, which from the first minute drags into the game with your head. Look at her official trailer.

Prologue throws you into the most thick of events, namely, the bank's robbery located in Northern Yankton. There you have to intimidate clerks, and explosions, and shootouts with hated coppers, and after all, some three minutes have passed from the moment you launched a newly installed toy.

After the prologue, the main development of events starts - you start passing for the Black Guy Franklin, which dreams of big money and industries notorious hijacles for the owner of the local car dealership.

It would seem that the clichés - in all the games of this franchise we begin to play for the simple gangster and try to develop faster. However, not everything is so simple - the gamer, as it turns out, it opens the opportunity to play abroad for two characters - calm and calculating Michael Townley de Santa, as well as for hot-tempered and, perhaps, the most charismatic from all the Trinity Trevor Philips.

So, the presence of three main characters, instead of one, it is already something new, but the developers decided that such an innovation would not be enough, therefore there was a lot of different entertainment, which are available in parallel with the passage of the game, for example, games on the exchanges during the leter tasks - thanks to the cunning Manipulations in the style of Jordan Bellfort (we sincerely hope that you know about such a magnificent machinator) on LCN and Bawsaq you can raise colossal amounts, like that: by the end of the storyline on all three characters you can fade about $ 6 billion dollars, and even more .

There will be a natural question - "Why such amounts?". The answer is extremely simple - this is grand Theft AUTO. 5, with all its tuning, confused, bars, and the purchase of real estate no one has canceled (although, of course, they really wanted: Deng Hauser in his interview for Game Informer, ten months before the release of the game on the counters, complained that the acquisition Real estate will be eradicated from the series, however, fans of the franchise reheated the course of events).

Real estate, by the way, it is a fabulous money, for example, for Golf Club, the gamera will have to fork out 150 million dollars, and this is far from the only property - as many as 27 properties are available on the expanses of Los Santos and Blaine County. Of these, only two will get the character for free, the remaining 25 will have to buy for heavy cash bags.

Among other things, it is impossible not to note the atmosphere of the game - most of the Russian (and, most likely, all non-English-speaking gamers) are torn off the hair and indulge in the lack of Russian voice acting.

Well, ladies and gentlemen - learn English, because Rockstar does not give permission to transfer Grand Theft Auto V to other languages.

In principle, it is also understandable - it seems that localizers will be transferred, charismatic and accents of characters. Although subtitles in Russian are present in the game.

Staging the cat-scenes, the study of dialogues is all done with a bang. Very happy fancy humor, as well as references to other real interests of the world real - it is no secret that the developers are warm to soul to Easter.

Three Bandits - Three Merry Friend

We glimbally told about each of the characters, but came to the conclusion that the barely noticeable mention is not what the main characters deserve.

Let's start with Franklin - quite a typical character of such games, it is interrupted by small, and, of course, the illegal earnings, what helps "brothers from the area". The guy is open to adventures, and, confidently feels behind the wheel - his fellowship is slowing down the flow of time while it is behind the beam. This, by the way, is very helpful to pass different types of turns, leave the police, and in general, very cool skill.

Michael de Santa, nee Michael Townley - old friend And the accomplice of Trevor, now a person who wants to move away from all cases. Calm and measured life T-shirt is interrupted when a car is trying from his house. Further, the events are starting to be tangled in such a ball that your headphones confused in your pocket are just a children's prank. For this guy, you will often offer to shoot, and what pleases, he shoots canceled. If it's very bad - you can slow down the time and deal with opponents on Maner Max Peyne, however, jump and avoid other acrobatic etudes do not have to do, as is Mr. Townli for a long time not 20.

For dessert - Trevor Philips - a drunkard, a killer and just a good man who is very angry with the slightest mention of his Canadian accent. In his assets there is a friend of Ron and an employee of the Chef - a sort of analogue of Walter White - the guy is fighting off from the raids of competitors to the laboratory, which friends proudly call Trevor Philips Industries, in it Trevor spends enough time. Often when switching to Trevor, you will find it in spiritual flour - it will drink, climb on the roofs, yelling at all and beat a particularly distinguished. Periodically, they can be lost in a rue, which will ensure incredible stability before the damage that Hulk himself would envy.

After all three meet - incredible - torture, surveillance, chase and even work on the government, if it can be called that. And what are the love calls of Trevor? Such a fine fucking girls, perhaps, looks very cute, for such an ambitious Mr. Phillips.

Moments with sexual subtext in the game, by the way, very, very much, so that in order not to injure relatives, let off the art of the instantaneous disconnection of the monitor, or master the tactics under the code name "Alt + Tab". Hundreds of words are spinning in the language, but it does not get any one, since the action that happens on the screen is almost impossible to describe words.

New features

Gameplay - strong side Most games of this series, so within the framework of this review, it would be wrong to bypass it. Since Grand Theft Auto V is already 15 games issued by developers within this franchise, our editors predict the reasonable question of the reader: "How can this game be surprised?" And with all confidence we declare: "Everyone! Absolutely everyone! ". Now in order:

  • A huge world, fully open to research and interaction with him: often rushing on the highway, or exploring urban passages, you will meet random people who need your help. What more noteworthy, some of them will pay for kindness with interest, and others will be ready to go with you to the "case."
  • On PC and NextGen Consoles have a first-person view, and now GTA can be positioned as the most complete simulator of life from all existing.
  • Switching between the main characters - during the game you can change one character to another at any time (if, of course, they are already open). Each of them has their own family, a house, and the life itself, in which you literally lifts through the game. Only the passage of the task or the pursuit of the police can impede this, but it is understandable, artificial Intelligence For you from the chase will not go away, and the mission will not pass.
  • For the first time the game of this scale and type is equipped online modethat will allow you to enjoy the game on the network along with friends. And if you arrange unrest, the character will be assigned the status of the "unreliable player" and it will be able to play on servers only with the same hooligans.
  • Mass entertainment in case the passage is tired: tennis, strip club, amusement park and much more.
  • For lovers, it is easy to get a bunch of money in Multiplayer mode now there is a donat, there are four types of acquired cards worth 100 to 700 rubles.
  • In LS Customs salons, there is a wide range of different parts and accessories, and therefore tuning a car is more than entertaining.

In addition to the above, I would like to tell about the implementation of such missions as plot robbers - here the gamer really is where to roast.

For example, you yourself choose a team to fulfill this work, and it happens that, thanks to one or another solutions taken during the free walk through the colorful Los Santos, you have additional accomplices. When planning the robbers, there are several options for their passage, as a rule, two ways are available - like the agent 47 in the first pairs, turn everything quietly, and then put on the ones, or make fun on Earth, exploding everything in its path.

Well, and, of course, nextgen graphics - in our time, looking back, on more square releases of the series of games under discussion, it is difficult to say that earlier the GTA has allocated at the expense of graphic indicators, the stop went on gameplay and interactivity, but now all parameters are implemented at the height. . Praise the picture can be infinitely, even reflections, light and shadow are filled at the highest level.

The whole series of GTA is characterized by availability interesting moments, and the fifth part is no exception.

The amazing interactivity of the game world is capturing the spirit - about your tricks are constantly mentioned on radio stations, and something is even broadcast on television. And the variety of actions outside the plot is directly infinite. For example, the possibility of buying a property that allows you to perform additional tasksIn order for money even more. As we indicated above, for the misdemeanor in the multiplayer mode, the player "send" to the server for unreliable gamers, but also did not cost without interest - such a misconduct is the only opportunity to get a cap with the inscription DUNCE (Stupil).

In GTA 5, an application for mobile iFruit devices appears. With it, you can buy cars and tuning them. Also, Franklin appears chop dog, which can be trained through this application. You can teach a dog to various tricks and teams: sit, lie, give a paw, etc. Training helps to develop dog skills: it will be better to obey you and help, on the scent will find the nearest hidden item when you will withdraw the chop for a walk.

Also Rockstar Games. decided to make fun of traditional way modern Mira - Surely most of you are interested in social networks - For you there is LifeInvander, please hang out how much you want in a virtual analogue of VKontakte and Licening. Also available purchases via the Internet and, of course, what turned the world! That thing that furior produced! I will not tomorrow intrigues - Selfie! Now you can photograph not only what surrounds you, but also your loved one.

To be or not to be

If you are still wondering - is it worth playing GTA 5?, Then our answer is unequivocal - certainly! And in order to dispel all doubts by generalizing the positive and negative sides of the game:

  1. Huge game world With a high degree of interactivity.
  2. The magnificent realization of the surrounding world and filling it objects.
  3. Mars of spending time, even if the missions are over.
  4. Online mode.
  5. Colorful dialogues and picturesque cat scenes.

In full form, this list will consist of dozens of positions, so we will leave the opportunity to add it to your taste for you, dear readers.

The minuses could not be identified because the toy was implemented at the highest level.


Describe this masterpiece can be infinitely long, so we advise you acquire This wonderful game, because it is better to see once than hearing a hundred times.

On this, our review is completed, sincerely hope that this article gave comprehensive answers to all your questions. Subscribe to blog updates and leave your reviews in the comments. So far.

After the release of revolutionary GTA 3. and no less triumphal GTA: Vice City The gaming community was waiting for a new part with the "fourth", but perfectly understood that the developers finish the last part of the trilogy. Therefore, the frankness in terms of technical characteristics was not: a little corrected schedule, the former engine. In any case, the game did not fail, and many fans of the series to this day recognize it with one of the best among the "AutoWorks".

The main reason for this is perhaps a large number of opportunities, which will not be able to recalculate, using their own and their relatives. In the game, you can change clothes, changing her elements, you can make tattoos, play casinos, on tote, fight with gangs for the territory of influence, swim, build your business, collect oysters in the deep waters of the state, meets girls, modify the cars, go In any sebaus, fly on airplanes and much more-lots.

Unexpected was the choice of developers in terms of protagonist and plot, but that the events will occur in the 90s, only lazy said. The main character was made black bandwois and his life in black ghetto.

Of course, animation and physics were improved. Perhaps to realistic gestures, facial expressions and behavior of characters and transport were still far away, but the noticeable step towards progress was made. If the physics of cars sometimes gave a failure, then physics of airplanes, bicycles and swimming agents were more noticeable better. The appearance of bicycles and jumps on them gave inspiration by many truths that learn the springboards and various similar sites Vice City almost by heart.

Now and so can be done in your favorite game.

In addition to the huge amount of transport, the players pleased with a large number of weapons in the game - what we just do not find in. There are also rocket tapes with bazuki, and heat points, and night vision glasses, and a spray can, and a fire extinguisher, and gas checkers, and a gun with a silencer and so on and the like. Unfortunately, blood splashes were missing on the screen, similar to what remained on the other side of the monitor / TV after using chainsaws. Apparently, it was a step towards the "softening" of the age rating, although later the game will still get their "18+" on the cover, but for other reasons.

Basically, Russian localization cannot boast anything (Ukrainian, unfortunately, not in nature, with the exception of several self-taught and fanatics), but this case cannot but please not to please such trifles.

The video below contains the bug and glitches that have happened in my game for last days two three. The first scene is the yield of Denis from the house when she for some reason appeared in the same place where the car stood. As a result, the car exploded, and Karl also for unknown reasons two fell. The next scene clearly demonstrates the glitch while watching the repeat, which does not show if the hydraulic machine works. The rest of the video is a blatant bug, during which the character who came out of a sinking car, not having the reasons, turns on the target animation.

There was no game deprived and glitches with problems. For example, I sometimes refused the mouse at Vista: I did not twist around the screen, did not twist the wheels, did not press the keys. In the event that you have a similar one, put the game pause, go to the control settings menu and change the configuration to the joystick, and then return to the "mouse + keyboard". You can also add a little in the menu. GTA: San Andreas. Stated interesting gamewhich is played now. Part gained himself, although the former developers brought a lot because of the constant scandal, including the loudest around the series.

Series of Games "Grand Theft Auto" from the popular company "Rockstar" from a dozen years ago, won the hearts of lovers computer games. Starting with the first-generation consoles, everyone knew what GTA was, even if he never was taken for passing.

In 2004, the most successful and bright part was published, called "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas". A stunning atmosphere and complete freedom of action made a game of a real classic of the genre, which all developers began to focus.

It would seem, not so long ago "GTA: SA" perfectly looked at the PC, and the phones were not suitable for games. But thanks to the sharp increase in the possibilities of mobile devices, the game came out on Android.

The owners of phones and tablets received a full-fledged and official port, which in addition to everything turned out also very high quality, which can rightly be considered a real rarity. So why do we like a series of games GTA? We will try to disassemble the main advantages of the San Andreas part, capable of getting acquainted with the game of those whom she has not touched.

Game process

The first thing for which the user buys San Andreas is a fascinating gameplay. It is worth noting that no one limits us in GTA. In addition to tasks, we can freely move in a huge territory and do everything that only wants.

There are still people who do not know the plot line of the San Andreas part of the San andreas, as they just came in order to travel around the map or arrange a shootout with the police. Even this fascinated for many hours, not to mention the passage of quests that are fully original.

Quest system in San Andreas, as in most games, is divided into major missions and side. In some of them there are even freedom of choice, which is very unusual for the game of those times. But this is not the most important thing. The basis of the game is the atmosphere of a criminal city, which is filled with intrigues and cunning, which can be seen as passing.


San Andreas is a city, divided into several quarters, in each of which they rule their local authorities. Someone fights for their lives and wants to rest, and someone is trying to capture power throughout the city. Regularly grouping face each other, killing each other for the slightest misdeed.

Si Jay is an ordinary guy who arrived in the city to his friends consisting in one of the most peaceful gangs, as it seems first. But in the future it turns out that everything is not so simple and the gangster life demonstrates their pitfalls. The main character immediately captures the adventure, complete shootouts, car heons and a fight with the police. And all this for the sake of order on the streets of San Andreas, despite the cruelty of the methods.

Graphics and Music

It is unlikely that the visual component of the game for Android and IOS can impress anyone at the moment, since ten years have passed since the release. But even after a while, it looks nice and wonderful to the style of GTA, which, by the way, is at a high level even according to the current standards.

Huge San Andreas looks amazing, ranging from the villages on the outskirts, and ending with skyscrapers, on the roof of which almost every player loved to climb. Android completely adopted the graphics from the original, only slightly improving and optimizing it, so that it should be enough to enjoy gaming process on mobile device.

The corporate identity from Rockstar has always been noticeable with a naked eye. Especially strongly affected the entire GTA series. Wine all the set of excellent soundtracks, westing in memory from the first launch of the game.
It is enough to remember the main menu with this relaxing and slightly pathetic motive, which fans clearly remember so far. The Android version completely retained and musical accompaniment that can be considered a big plus game San Andreas.


Discussing android I. iOS -Vervia GTA, it is impossible not to talk about management. If PC owners at one time could freely play on the keyboard, the phone can spoil the impression from the game. For those who immediately considered that it is not interesting to play on a small screen, you can immediately declare - it is not.

According to the majority, this is a matter of habit, since, playing such a game on a smartphone for the first time, you really have to get used to it. Undoubtedly, San Andreas for Android and IOS is excellent optimized and will not slow down in responsible moments, but at first you will still miss the desired keys.

GTA for Android and iOS uses standard virtual joystick management, which is located in the lower left corner. On the bar on the right are the action buttons, like hit or jump. In case the game begins to hide, it is recommended to lower the quality of graphics in the settings. It will provide good performance, but not too affect the beauty of the picture.


Discussed in detail part of the series called San Andreas for Android and IOS, you can draw conclusions. The game is obviously worth attention. It will have to taste both new players who have not previously encountered a series and the user who passed the game once for a long time.

The familiar atmosphere will easily plunge into the sense of nostalgia, and freedom of action will simply take a walk through the streets and go to all than the player himself, if there is no desire to re-pass old tasks.