Scenario in the form of a game where logic. Intellectual entertainment show "Where is logic?". Intellectual entertainment show "Where is the logic?"

Municipal General Education

"Secondary School" P.Priery

"Where is the logic?"

Extracurricular event 1-4 classes

Developed: teacher-organizer

Karakchieva Daria Vladimirovna


Explanatory note


Teach children to work in a team;

Promote the development of a positive assessment of such qualities as erudition, the breadth of the horizons, the torture of the mind of the curiosity;

Encourage children to participate in intellectual Games, contests;


1. Develop creative activity, logical thinking, attentiveness.

2. Rail a culture of behavior when working in a team.


Form of holding: competition competition.

Methods: conversation, game.

Multimedia projector, computer

Event flow

Stage event

Teacher's activities

Activities of students


Breaks children by lot: in the basket there may be: leaflets of different colors - teams of red, yellow, blue, etc.

Choose the cards you like and seard for the designated tables.

Event flow

Hello guys. Today we will have an unusual event, we will check your logic.

Who knows what "logic" is?

Logic allows during the situation in a situation, it is necessary to understand that it was the reason for one or another act. Studying a logical interconnection is important in any profession: starting from the doctor ending with the actor.

I will explain the rules of the game:

1. The work must be command;

2. The team writes the correct answer to the leaves and transmits the master.

3. The answer is given 1 minute.

4. For violation of the discipline, one score will be filmed.

5. You have to answer 2 groups of tasks. Total you can earn 12 points.

Wish you luck.

Children give answers:

Ability to think;

- This science helps each person to see the end result and find the beginning.

Study and find something new and unknown.

1 task

Slides 2-9

Sums up 1 tasks

Phys. Minute

Game "checkbox" (Remove mental and physical fatigue).

Children walk around the room to the music. When the presenter raises the checkbox, all children must stop, although the music continues to sound

2 task

Slides 11-18.

Sums up 2 tasks and games in general

Together solve rebuses and earn points

Winner's reward ceremony.

Of course, it is impossible to win everything,
But in the competition to participate quite simple!
When Azart captures the Spirit,
And all the strength grow stronger suddenly!
When the talent show, smelting,
And here you do not need to ask fortune tune,
Who will win in the most beautiful struggle!
And the first, of course, everyone will become!
Let the competition be happy for you happy
And you are feeling safe and beautiful!
And let the cherished dream come true,
And you will win, of course, kindness!


Guys, we warmly spent time, revealed our intellectual abilities and learned the team to get out of difficult situations. Well done. And in the end I will ask you to tell your opinion about the event.

slide number 20.

Emotional outcome of the event

And now we will play the game "Applause in a circle."

Thank you guys, for good work!

Teams take turns give each other applause.

Goals of the game:

  • stimulating interest in physics, consolidation of skills to apply the knowledge gained in a non-standard situation, the ability to competently explain the phenomena and processes from the standpoint of physics;
  • development of logical thinking, creative activity, attention, resourcefulness and intelligence, memory, intellectual abilities of students;
  • education friendly relationships to each other, responsibility in decision making, spirit of healthy rivalry.

Participants of the game. Two teams can take part in the game or more, depending on the number of classes in parallels. Perhaps the game inside the class. The number of team members is two or three people. There is a lead that a high school student can be. The jury consists of teachers. Fans can help their team, participating in special contests

Equipment: Signal buttons, presentation (Application), Interactive board, projector.

Event flow

Host: (Slide 1)Hello dear friends! I am glad to welcome you all in our show "Where is the logic?". Well-known logical operations, such as classification, analysis and synthesis, proof or refutation are constantly applied by people, and as in solving complex tasksand in everyday life in everyday life. The ability to argue correctly and make the right conclusions require a person throughout its existence. It is the logic that allows you to take correct solutions in a variety of situations. Today we will try to check your ability to logically think and make the right decisions in the course of work on some issues of physics. And we welcome our teams. (Announced the name of each team and its participants).

(Slide 2) And from us Roundcalled "Find a common". I explain the rules of the first round: three pictures are displayed on the screen, the task of participants to associate these pictures logically. Who first presses the button and gives a signal, he gets the right to answer. The command earns 1 score for the won round, and not for each task. Rules are understandable? Then begin!

  1. (Slide 3) Water vapor, water, ice ( Answer: aggregate states of matter)
  2. (Slide 4) Salted cucumbers, spraying perfume, dog attacking the trail ( Answer: diffusion)
  3. (Slide 5) K.E.Siolkovsky, Medusa, Aircraft ( Answer: jet propulsion)
  4. (Slide 6) Earth, Torrichelli E., Barometer ( Answer: atmosphere pressure )
  5. (Slide 7)Speed, weight, time ( Answer: physical quantities)
  6. (Slide 8) Lemon, galvanic element, electric skate ( Answer: current source)
  7. (Slide 9) Jumping in height, football player, synchronist, at the time of jump ( Answer: weightlessness)

Leading: On this Round, Completed and winning the team in it ... (says the name).

(Slide 10) And we have II Round entitled "Who lives in the house?"

I explain the rules II Round: The image of the room at home is displayed on the screen. You need things there to be guessing, who can belong to this room. The command, the first submitted signal receives the rule to answer first, then listened to the response of the second command, etc. 1 score is charged for the correct answer. Rules are understandable? Start. (Slide 11).

Leading: The correct answer is Galileo Galilee. It gives a team ... (Team name), and 1 point is awarded to her.

Yes indeed. This image of Galileo Galileo's room. Galileo Galilee is an Italian physicist, a mechanic, astronomer, a philosopher and mathematician, which has had a significant impact on the science of his time. He was the first to use a telescope to observe the heavenly bodies and made a number of outstanding astronomical discoveries. Galilee is the founder of experimental physics. With his experiments, he laid the foundation of classical mechanics.

(Slide 12). And we go to III Round"DECOMO WIDER". Round Round "Daughter Wisdom". A statement is displayed on the screen. famous manBut it lacks the last word or phrase. You need to continue the saying, for which you will be presented three pictures, one of which will be a hint. The team that submitted the first signal receives the right to answer. 1 score is charged for a round as a whole. So let's go:

    (Slide 13) "Knowledge - force ».
    Francis Bacon
    english philosopher founder experimental method in science

    (Slide 14) "Give me a plot point - and I will turn Earth
    ancient Greek mathematician physicist, engineer

    (Slide 15) "There is only what can measure ».
    Max Planck
    german physicist theoretical the founder of quantum physics, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1918)

    (Slide 16) "Life is like a bike driving. To keep balance, you must move ».
    Albert Einstein
    physico theorist, nobel Prize Laureate in physics (1921)

    (Slide 17) "Sciences are divided into two groups - to physics and collecting marks ».
    Ernest Rangeford
    british physicist "Father" of nuclear physics, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1908)

    (Slide 18) "All that is in the chemistry of scientific, this is a physics, and the rest - kitchen ».
    Lev Davidova Landau

    soviet physicist theorient, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1962)

    (Slide 19) "Freedom of creativity - freedom to do errors » .
    Peter Kapitsa
    soviet engineer, physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences,winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1978)

Leading: Our III Round Completed. The victory in this round won the team ... (Team name).

(Slide 20)We go to K. IV Round,which is called "Element unnecessary". Rules IV Round The following: Four pictures are presented on the screen, one of which is superfluous, you need to determine which and logically explain it. The right of the first response from the command of the first press button. 1 score is accrued for the won round. Understand the rules? Then, forward!

  1. (Slide 21) Thermal conductivity, convection, radiation, performance ( Answer: working, other types of heat transfer - energy transmission without mechanical work).
  2. (Slide 22) DVS, steam turbine, rocket engine, electric motor ( Answer: electric motor, other - thermal motors).
  3. (Slide 23) Fireflies, nighttime, fish-fish, cat with eyes luminous in darkness ( Answer: cat with luminous in dark eyes - an example of fluorescence, i.e. Glow under the action of falling light, the rest are examples of chemiluminescence, i.e. Glows as a result of chemical reactions).
  4. (Slide 24) Galilee, D. Farengate, R.Reomur, and Celsius ( Answer:Galilei created a thermoscope - a mode of thermometer, the rest offered the design of the thermometers).
  5. (Slide 25) Glass cup, porcelain cup, amber spoon, aluminum mug ( Answer: aluminum Mug - Aluminum - Explorer, other substances - dielectric).
  6. (Slide 26) Bat, Dolphin, Dog, Man ( Answer : man - does not perceive ultrasound, the rest are perceived).
  7. (Slide 27) Lever, inclined plane, mobile block, stationary block ( Answer: the fixed block - does not give a win in the work, but only allows you to change the direction of force).

Leading: IN IV Roundthe victory won the team ... (Team name). It's time to declare preliminary results. The account is such ... (announces the bill at the moment the game). And now let the teams rest, and fans who support their team will help earn her an extra point, responding to the proposed questions V Round,which is called "Classics of the genre".

(Slide 28) The well-known proverbs and sayings that have something related to physics are reflected in the slide. Guess what is encrypted in these pictures. If you know the answer to the question, you need to raise your hand. If the fan of one team, the first to raised his hand, is wrong, the answer is responsible for the fan of another team. The jury will make the order of raising hands. 1 Ball gets the team whose fans won in this round. Prepared, started!

  1. (Slide 29) You will not fit, you will not go.
  2. (Slide 30) Rugs like a squirrel in the wheel.
  3. (Slide 31) Murder will out.
  4. (Slide 32) Not all that is gold that glitters.
  5. (Slide 33) At night, all cats are sulfur.
  6. (Slide 34) As it will happen, it will respond.
  7. (Slide 35) I found a braid on a stone.

Leading: Let's summarize the round for fans. For the victory of fans in this round 1 point receives a team ... (command name).

(Slide 36) And we continue the game. Vi Round- Final round. Called O. "What is missing?"

I explain the rules of the VI Round: the picture is displayed on the screen, which lacks some kind of item. You find the missing item and call it. In this round, 1 score is charged for each correct answer, and not for the round. Go!

  1. (Slide 37) Newton under the apple tree ( Answer: lack apple)
  2. (Slide 38) Reporting vessels (Answer: Lack of water in the extreme right tube)
  3. (Slide 39) Barometer ( Answer: Lack of arrows)
  4. (Slide 40) Electrical circuit ( Answer: lack current source)
  5. (Slide 41) A glass with a spoon in water ( Answer: Not enough refraction of the spoon in water)
  6. (Slide 42) Spectrum ( Answer: There is not enough spectrum yellow color)
  7. (Slide 43) Rutherford's experience scheme 1899 ( Answer: Lack of right β - radiation)
  8. (Slide 44) Torricelli experience ( Answer: The end of the tube is not smeared)
  9. (Slide 45) Model internal combustion Answer: Lack of connecting rod)
  10. (Slide 46) The appearance of the formation of an opaque body ( Answer: There is no shadow).

Presenter: (Slide 47) It was a final round. Let's summarize. The word is provided jury.

With the score ... the team wins ... (team name).

Team (s) ... gets a consoletive prize.

Leading: (Slide 48) Dear Guys! I would like to tell you the words of gratitude for the creative activity and a rapid fantasy, for the support and ability to hear and listen. I hope that this game allowed you not only to look at the "physics", but also to develop your logic, replenishing the piggy bank of your life experience. To new meetings!

Description of the game "Where is the logic?" For a class hour aimed at professional orientation of students.

Purpose of the game: Development of logical / critical thinking, general erudition.

Suitable for the last classroom at a quarter or at the end of the year in 8-11x classes.

The game is analogue of the game on the TNT channel, and is adapted to the school curriculum. Approximate time - 45-60 min.

The class is divided into 2 or 4 commands. For each correct answer, the team gets a score.

1 round. There are 3 pictures, it is necessary to find that they are united. You need to look at the pictures themselves, but what they are associated with:

    1 Troika - Judge (hammer, standing, lattice);

    2 Troika - Okulist (apple, white robe, -2);

    3 Troika -Mteorologist ( hadal maps, shaman and petrel);

    4 Troika - welder (saucepan, iron, battery);

    5 Troika - Beekeeper (Beeline, Wax, Smoke Logo);

    6 Troika - Postman (bike, milk "Prostokvashino", cap);

    7 Troika - model (telephone, road signs 90 and 60, mannequin).

    8 Troika - Sailor (Wolf, Pirate, Oleg Gazmanov)

2 round. For three pictures, what a famous film is encrypted:

    1 Slide - "Zverstolis";

    2 Slide - "Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession";

    3 Slide - "Lord of the Rings";

    4 slide - "Pirates of the Caribbean";

    5 Slide - "Diamond Hand";

    6 slide - "Harry Potter";

    7 Slide - Sherlock Holmes;

    8 Slide - "Operation" S "and other adventures of Shurika (partner)".

3 round. A photograph of a famous person in childhood is present. It is necessary to guess who it is.

    Yuri Gagarin.

    Alla Pugacheva.

    Andrei Malakhov.

    Fedor Emelianenko.

    Yury Nikulin.

    Vladimir Vysotsky.

    Ivan Okhlobystin

    Sergey Bodrov.

Spectative relaxation

During the game, your eyes are tired of tension. Let's perform visual gymnastics and thereby let's give the eyes to relax.

4 round. The beginning of the famous statement is given. Of the three proposed pictures 1 picture Tip, the rest are confused. It is necessary to guess the end of the phrase.

    "The profession initially must be an act of love. And in no waymarriage by calculation »Murakov H.

    "The hardest profession is to beman "Marty H.

    "Not for money. Profession needs to choose as a wife -according to love and because of money »Houston D.

    "If the profession becomes a way of life, then the craft turns intoart »Shevelev I.

    "Everyone, in my opinion, is his debtorprofessions »Bacon F.

    "The specialist is the one who knows a lot about verymalom »Batler N.

    "If a cherished dream come true, our world will fillfirefighters and policemen »Voddy G.

    "The job eliminates us from three great angry: boredoms, vice andneeds" Voltaire

5 round. There are 4 images of professions, one of which is superfluous. The task of players to guess an excess profession and justify their choice.

    1 Four - actor, guitarist,security guard , Tester games

    2 four - teacher, doctor, judge,cook

    3 four - violinist, powder,radio head , Director

    4 four -archaeologist , designer clothes, premises designer,Web.-designer

    5 Four - machine gunner,accountant , typist, seamstress

    6 four - racer, shepherd, illusionist,artist

    7 four -taxi driver , seamstress, investigator, surgeon

    8 four - di jay, tractor driverjanitor , croupier

Summing up and rewarding winners.

In educational and cultural purposes the development used photographic materials, including photosYuri Gagarin, Alla Pugacheva, Andrei Malakhova, Fyodor Emelianenko, Yuri Nikulina, Vladimir Vysotsky, Ivan Okhlobystin and Sergey Bodrov, taken with.

Perm region, Gainsky district,


MBOU "Kebratskaya Sosh",


I. Qualification category

Gapurov Victoria Eduardovna

Intellectual entertainment show "Where is the logic?"

Grade 9.

Purpose of the game:repetition and summarizing students' knowledge from the educational field of informatics; the formation of a system and information approach to the analysis of the surrounding world; Stimulating the interest of students to the subject in general, disclosure of the applied nature of the subject.

Tasks of the game:

    Training - deepening, summarizing knowledge from the educational field of informatics

    Developing - the development of the seven, the horizons of students, logical thinking, attentiveness and intelligence.

    Educational - development cognitive interest, Development of communicative skills.

Equipment: Signal Buttons, Presentation, Interactive Board, Projector.

Preparatory stage:

Two teams from 2 people are chosen in the class.

Game traffic:


(Slide 1. )

I am glad to welcome you all in our show "Where is the logic?". it single gamewhere 2 * 2 can be equal to five if you can prove it logically. And we encounter our first team from grade 9: _______________ and ______________.

(Act various questions to the participants of the first team are set: who is responsible for the team for logic? What prize would you like to get?, etc.)

Now we meet the second team, also consisting of nine-graders: _____________ and ______________.

(Act questions to the second team).

Now I suggest our participants to come up with a name for your teams.

So today the team _____________ will resist the team _______________.

And we have 1 round, which is called - find a common one.

(Slide 2)

I explain the rules of the first round: three pictures are displayed on the screen, the task of participants to associate these pictures logically. Who first presses the button and gives a signal, he gets the right to answer. The command earns 1 score for the won round, and not for each task. Rules are understandable?


(Slide 3)

Explorer, calculator, notepad ( Answer: Standard programsWindows )

(Slide 4)

Cut, copy, paste ( Answer:Operations with objectsWindows )

(Slide 5)

Parchment, Gramplastine, Stone ( Answer:Information carriers)

(Slide 6)

Saper, Slove, Spider ( Answer:Standard gamesWindows )

(Slide 7)

Linear equation, "branching" sign, a tale of "Kolobok" ( Answer:Linear, branching and cyclic algorithms)

(Slide 8)

Flexible, magnetic, laser ( Answer:Disc views)

(Slide 9)

Skeleton, monument, mobile phone ( Answer:Models are presented)

On this, the first round is finished and the victory in it is defeated by the team _____________

And we have 2 rounds called "Lost link"

(Slide 10)

I explain the rules of the second round: two completely logically unrelated pictures are displayed on the screen, you need to tie them with a logical "bridge" of two words. The command, the first submitted signal receives the rule to respond first, then the answer is listening to the second command. There is no correct answer here and whose answer will be more logical, he wins. 1 score is accrued for the won round. Rules are understandable?


(Slide 11)

Watermelon ... .. ...... WATHSAPP ( Approximate answer: Watermelon \u003d green \u003d icon \u003d WATHSApp)

(Slide 12)

Boots ... .. ...... printer

(Slide 13)

Baby ... .. ...... flash drive

(Slide 14)

Frog ... .. ...... mouse

(Slide 15)

Fish ... .. ...... webcam

(Slide 16)

Bank ... .. ...... keyboard

(Slide 17)

Santa Claus with Snow Maiden ... .. ...... Antivirus

It was the last task and the victory in the second round led team ____________

And we go to the round number 3 - "Deed Mudrets"

(Slide 18)

Round Round "Daughter Wisdom". The statement of a well-known person is displayed on the screen, but it lacks the last word and phrase. You need to continue the saying, for which you will be presented three pictures, one of which will be a hint. The team that submitted the first signal receives the right to answer. 1 score is calculated for the whole round. So let's go:

(Slide 19)

"Thirty years ago, computers were at work, then they appeared at us at home, and now - in our pockets. They can only climbinside us ».

Sam Vincent

american screenwriter

(Slide 20)

"Machines must work. People mustthink »

Motto of the companyIBM.

(Slide 21)

"Once in the hands taking computer mouseProvided by B.mousetrap »

Mikhail Mamchich

member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation

(Slide 22)

"My children, of course, will be a computer. But first of all theyget books ».

Bill Gates

(Slide 23)

"If you constantly live the viruses on your computer, then you still need to think about who first needbe treated ».

Stas Yankovsky

political figure

3 rounds over and the victory in it got a team ____________

We go to the fourth round, which is called "Elementary".

(Slide 24. )

Rules 4 Round Simple: Four pictures are presented on the screen, one of which is superfluous, you need to determine which logically explain it. The right of the first response from the command of the first press button. 1 score is accrued for the won round. Understand the rules? Let's go, 4 round.

(Slide 25. )

Paint, CorelDraw, Movie Maker, Photoshop ( Answer: Movie. Maker because This is a video editor, and the rest of the graphic editors).

(Slide 26. )

Mouse, Winchester, Cooler, Firewood ( Answer: Firewood, because The rest relates to PC devices).

(Slide 27. )

Wi -fi, fish online, Skype, Bluetoth ( Answer: Skype. because All the rest of the network).

(Slide 28. )

Safe, received letters, transmits keys, pushes the car ( Answer: Pushes the car, because Everything else is associated with information processes: storage, receipt, transmission).

(Slide 29. )

Keyboard, printer, scanner, mouse ( Answer: Printer, because All other information entry devices).

In the fourth round, the victory won the team _____________. The account becomes _________, but everything can radically change in 5 final round - "What is missing"

(Slide 30. )

I explain the rules 5 Round: the picture is displayed on the screen, which lacks some kind of item. You find the missing item and call it. In this round, 1 point is charged for each correct answer, and not for the round in general. Begin!

(Slide 31. )

Site "Odnoklassniki" ( Answer: Lack of "Messages" tabs).

(Slide 32. )

Google Chrome window ( Answer: Lack of letters "E. »).

(Slide 33. )

Keyboard ( Answer: Lack the keys "ENTER »).

(Slide 34. )

(Slide 35. )

Window "Paint" ( Answer: Lasting tool is missing).

(Slide 36. )

Windows desktop ( Answer: Lacks the "Start" button).

(Slide 37. )

Windows window ( Answer: Lack of "Back" and "Forward" buttons).

It was a final round and with a score ___________ wins the team _____________.

The team ___________ gets a consolation prize, and since our show specializes in pictures, then the prize will be in the form of a picture. And for the 2nd place we have a tablet ( Slide 38. )

And the winners of our game receive 5+ ( Slide 39. ) And not only in the picture, but also in the magazine.

Final word

I thank our participants for manifested activity, fantasy and eloquence. I say thanks to our audience for supporting our participants.

Develop your logic, learn computer science! To new meetings!

View the contents of the presentation
"Where is logic 3"

1 Round

Find common

2 Round

Lost link

3 Round

Dobe Mudreza

"Thirty years ago, computers were

at work, then they appeared

we have at home, and now - in our pockets.

They can only get climb ....... "

They can only get inside us. "

Sam Vincent

Sam Vincent

american screenwriter

american screenwriter

"Machines must work.

"Machines must work.

People must ……."

People should think "

IBM motto

IBM motto

you turn out in a mousetrap. "

Mikhail Mamchich

member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation

"Once in the hands taking a computer mouse,

you turn out in ....... "

Mikhail Mamchich

member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation

"My children, of course, will be a computer.

But the first thing they will get ....... ".

But the first thing they will receive books. "

Bill Gates

Bill Gates

need medical help".

Stas Yankovsky

political figure

"If you constantly live viruses on your computer,

then you need to think about who first

needless ...... ».

Stas Yankovsky

political figure

4 Round

Take up too much

5 Round

What is missing


Greetings! Finally on tNT TV channel Something interesting and informative came out! After all, you can do without vulgarities, and create a good project. So this project is called "Where is the logic?" , started on 11/29/2015. From the first minutes the show was interested, and then tightened, and I looked at 3 issues (and this is just the beginning!).

Leading Show - Azamat Musagaliev. I did not watch it in other projects, so I learned about him only now. In general, I like how he leads the transfer. In my opinion, he fully copes with the role of the lead. Well, and if you say: "Handsome, help" - he will give a prompt to participants.

The essence of the game: Participants are two pairs that compete with each other. Quiz includes 5 stages. The score of the game is estimated in points. Who will receive more points, he won. Everything is very easy and simple.

Consider the steps of the game:

  1. Find a common: Three pictures are given, which at first glance, do not at all have points of contact. But if you can "drop" deeper you can find common features.

  2. Two in one: The skillful photosecophers "glue" two famous personalities in one. Task: guess them.

  3. Odea Wisdom: The lead show reads half the quotes of great people (philosophers, writers, actors, etc.), and participants should think and continue the phrase. As aid, pictures appear on the screen, and only one of them carries the correct (suitable) meaning. Based on the pictures, the participants negotiate the phrase to the end.

  4. Lost link: You need to build an associative series of two pictures.

  5. Something is missing: The easiest stage of the quiz - looking, to the picture you need to find what is missing in it.


    Host: "Is psychology need psychology?"

    Dmitry Tarasov: "Of course, psychology in sports is very important."

    Host: "Well, I understand, yes. So that when you lose, somehow explain to yourself."

    Host: "Ol, well, what books do you read?"

    Host: "What?"

    Olga Buzova: "We were told that there would be no intellectual questions."

    Host: "You walked behind the scenes. A lot of men danced Rumba, yes? And why bone?"

    Catherine Varnava: "Well, look at it."

    Host: "I am why I ask."

    Host: "Who is in your pair responsible for the logic?"

    Konstantin Myakinkov: "Daaa, both."

    Ekaterina Varnaba: "both are responsible for its absence."

    Victor Vasilyev: "Handsome, and there are other rivals?"

    Stas Yarushin: "As we are thinking for a long time."

    Host: "Yaruga!"

    Stas Yarushin: "Yes, well, we have this, well, what are you.

    Host: "How often?"

    Stas Yarushin: "Always".

    Victor Vasilyev: "Azamat, because Stas still thinks about the insoles now."

    Victor Vasilyev - Stasu Yarushin: "Yes, you do not ride by car, so you do not understand. If there were electric trains - you would understand."

    Anna Snatkina: "I make a conclusion from the program that men's logic is more correct. I will now always listen to you (addresses to Viktor Vasilyev)."

    Stas Yarushin: "Bravo! Your Ann Words, yes Alenka in the ears."

    I really liked the transfer. It makes it "push out" the boundaries of thinking, find an extraordinary approach to solving the problem. Now I read one book, and there are also given such advice and recommendations: select alternative, and sometimes even a delusional (unreal) path to performing a task. After all, it is so developing creative imagination, and non-standard thinking. Therefore, I recommend it to everyone! In any case, there is no dutch, humor below the belt and bydlyatin.