Skyrim Quests Bard College. Passage Skyrim - Bard College. Joining the ranks of the bard

Bard College is a music school located in Solitude next to the blue palace, in which, in theory, prepare the best professional bards of Skyrim.

In order to start the quest on joining the bards collegium, we should advisively talk to any bard in the game (they are in many taverns) and learn about the location of the Bard College, and then it will be indicated by the marker on the map and we can easily find it.

After finding a board of bards, we should find Viro, which is the director of the Bardery College of Solitude. Viaro is inside the building and will suit us if we go inside, and then ask how he can help us, and we will answer it that we want to go to the board. Before you start the quest, I advise you to look into the section "Why do you need it at all?".

Quest line

The range of quests in the Bard College is very peculiar to be taken into account that main Quest just one, he is the whole plot of the board, and after him there are three more side Quest, whose main task is to search for various musical instruments, but which are quite interesting, because Passing them, we fall into very interesting locations and learn interesting stories.


Viarume tells us that you wanted to go to the collegium a lot, so he asks us to fulfill the order for the board, which is experiencing not best timesSince the Yarl Solituda Elsif has banned the ancient holiday of bards "burning stuffed king Olaf" because of the recent death of her husband. We need to find the "Song of the King Olaf", part of EDDa, in which every Bard leaves his mark. To begin with, let's talk to the historian of bards, Zhiro Zhiman, who can be found in the board, in order to find out the location of the "Layout" King Olaf. We go to "Local" and go inside. We pass a little forward and see the bard's ghost, and ahead on the table is a ruby \u200b\u200bdragon claw.

We take a ruby \u200b\u200bdragon claw, and after that the draped treasures are attacked. We kill the draped and go behind the bard in the passage opened after taking the claw. We reach deadlock and activate the lever, which is located on the left on the wall, after which we go forward, then kill the Pauckans and go to the left. Location itself is a definite labyrinth with several levers, activating which, we close the old parts of the location and open new ones.

Next to the place where we first killed Paukans, there is a piece of wall, which is closed by a web, and if we destroy the web, we will get access to glass milk. From the place where we have the opportunity to detect glass hammer and with whom Paukanov killed, there are two passages, either forward, or left, we need to go left, but ahead will be waiting for a student's chest, as well as several potions, Which are also closed by the web. So, we go to the left, activate the lever, after which the location changes, fight with drarars and examine new opening rooms, and among them there are two passages to the left and forward.

Ahead of us will be expected trap-taran, as well as the book "Trade game" and a couple of potions. We need to go left, and then descend down, passing the corpse of the dead drarew and bypassing the fiery trap. In the next room, we have a battle with frosty sputs and nothing more noteworthy, the okromy of the two iron grills on the floor and the lever on the wall that illuminates the wall candlesticks. Tour the lever and jump into the opened passage in the floor. We will have to swim a little, and then go into a slight root passage.

Having passed on the aisle, we fall into the location where Zokrys and Dragons are attacked. We kill opponents and climb up the wooden stairs, open the gate and thereby activate the danger trap. We need to go through the trap and be on the other side, and there we can pull over the chain, and the trap is deactivated. Climb up the wooden stairs, open the iron door, go forward and see the bard's ghost. In this location there are a pentagram of a shower and a sealed door, which means that we will return here. We pass forward on the location, we kill the Dranegran commander and his minions.

To the left of the killed drags is the room where we can detect the "Circle of Protection" scroll, which then can be sold. We go to the right from the trecdoms, there we will need to go down the steps to the next location, but before that we can open the door of the "Expert" level, followed by the "Master" level chest, from which good lout usually falls.

In the location, we have a fight with dragrams, after which we should be shoved by the chain located in the wall in the center of the room. After we jerked behind the chain, the lattice opens on the floor, after which we need to go down the screw staircase to the dead end, to bypass which you need to, activating the handle to the left of the dead end.

The opening room is the burial site of Bard Svaknira and its ghost, the body, but the most important thing is the "Song of the King Olaf". We take a song, the ghost disappears, and we return back to the location with a locked door, there will be a svaknir and will open the door, go after him, and ahead will be a puzzle door, in which we need to insert ruby \u200b\u200bdragon claw. Right sequence Rings on the door: wolf, hawk, wolf, ruby \u200b\u200bclaw.

Opening the door, we fall into the tomb of the king Olaf. Svaknir Scrouch: "Olaf, time came!", And after that, we have a battle with a bunch of trecras until the ghost shocks: "Get up, Olaf, I will find you!" And after that, we have a battle with the king of Olaf Olaf one-eyed, which will shock: "Cheeky bard, die!" And the strongest of his dramgrams.

True, is he cutie? Only it is not clear why one-eyed, for the Dranegra work both eyes. Kill the king of Olaf, pick up the key from his body, as well as study the word "rage, rapid jerk", which is behind his coffin, and go through the door of the "Master" level using the Olaf key raised from the body. We twitch for the lever and pass through the already familiar path to the exit from the tomb, and then we return to the bard colleague in Solitude. Returning to the College, we learn that the song is not good anywhere, and we offer Viaro to add it. Depending on what answers we choose, our reward will vary.

We can get the highest award by choosing the answers where you need to convince Viarume. The award also varies from the level.

After census, we go to Viarume in the blue palace. We need to demonstrate the "Song of the Korole Olaf" to the Union of Solituda, climb upstairs and listen, as Viramo reads the song Elsif. Depending on the choice made, the reaction is the Yarl, but in any case, it will allow us to hold a holiday and will give a prize of the board, which (premium) will come to us in the future. After the song's presentation, Viaramo sends us to Yorna, who should be said that the holiday will take place. Yorn will tell us that the holiday will take place when it will darken on the street, so we are waiting for up to 20 hours and talk to him again. And the holiday begins, leave the board and the first thing that we can do is to take two bottles of spicy wine from the Ivette San and free sweets that lie on the table next to Bent. After you dress up, we go to the rear courtyard of the board, it was there that there will be a burning of the stuffed king of Olaf.

We approach Viaro, Viarumery says it, it fills the scarecrow, and then turns to us and makes us Bard, and also reports that now the holiday will pass every week! This is the completion of the quest.

Find Flute Panthei.

This is one of three non-core quests for the search for musical instruments. We need to find athe ati in Solitude and talk to her. Pantia will say that necromancers took the flute from her relative, because The relative said necromancers that with the help of the flute can be revived by the dead. The path we have to be distant, because Cave Hob, a place where the flute is hidden is located between Danstar and Winterhold. We find and go inside the cave Hob. Cave Hob - Ice Cave, which is the basis of necromancers. Inside our enemies will be undead and necromancers, respectively.

We pass forward, cling to the left, kill the skeleton, then in a small location of the necromancer-student, go down below and kill the skeleton and necromancer-adept, then rise above, pass through the suspended bridge to the other side of the location, kill the necromancer-student, skeleton and necromancer-novice .
We pass a little forward, here we will again have a battle with skeletons and necromancers, as well as we fall into the location with the pentagram shower, go further from which we can, activating the lever hanging on the right of the barrier lattice. We don't need to go there before, if we certainly want to fully explore the location, find the stone of the Barenzia and kill the Necromancer-Adept, and for this we need to return a little ago, to the beginning of the location with the pentagram shower and find a small passage, which is left, slightly Without reaching location with a pentagram.

We pass through the aisle, we kill skeletons, go down, kill the Necromancer-Adept, we find the stone of the Barenzia, which lies on the closet next to the beds, as well as read the Book "Exodus", which lies on the table and increases the "Restore" skill return and continue the movement Forward on the main location (remind, we will need to pull the lever in order to omit the barrier). Further on the way we are waiting for a trap from the stones of a shower, which you can either get around, or destroy, knocking down the stones of souls from the pedestals, and then we are waiting for the final battle with necromancers and the sad sight - Larina, because of which the flute was kidnapped, dead.

Next to the body of Larina is a black stone of a shower, which represents the value for characters who love enchanted things, because With the help of black stone shower you can kidnap the souls of people.

After all our adventures in the cave of Hob we take the flute of the Panthei from the chest marker, as well as we can take Lut from it. After that, we go to the end of the room, we jump from the protrusion and return back to the Atheu Panthee, which will be extremely happy with the fact that we found her flute and will not pay absolutely no attention to the fact that necromancers killed, but they will teach us all magical skills + one.

Find Little Finn

In Solitude, we have to find inge six fingers, which is usually located in the Bard College. Inge is saddown by the fact that thieves more than a year ago robbed the bard colleague and stole the first eighthore Lutno Finn, which now has no price. Recently, Inge found out where the thieves and lute are now, and they are in a stone stream cave, which is located far in the north of Ripfense. We go to the cave of the stone stream.

Stone Cave Cave - this is a cave located in the bay of a small lake, which is included in the greater underground lake system. It looks rather impressive. Going inside, we will see a wonderful picture, namely Breton hanging on the beam. A small wooden path comes from the water, which leads us to the incident passage. From the passage flows a small waterfall, over which brentonets hang. We go to this pass, we kill along the path of several bandits, and then we meet a fork, one passage leads forward, and the other right, we need to go to the right, but there is a britade ahead and two veins of the lunar stone. We go right, climb, then climb up and kill the maraudiora.

From the body of the Marauder, we can raise a treasure map x

(This must be done after taking the Lutno Finn!

The location of the treasure: you need to get to the stone of Lady and if you see from the face of the stone to the east, then the old mystical fort, located in the Illinat River, will be visible. Reaching Fort, look at the available card and swim to the place, which is indicated as x in a circle, there will be a treasure.)

In the Alchemical Laboratory in the Stone Cave, we can find on one of the tables in the future the valuable stone of the Barenzia, as well as the book "Mystery Talara Part 4", which increases the skill of illusion, and many different useful ingredients. After we pick up valuable things, do not forget about lute, which is located in the marker, the chest with a different melt. After you select a lute, we carry it six fingers. Inge will be grateful to us and will teach us what knows itself, namely +1 to all the skills of the thief.

Find a rioran drum

In the College of Bardov Solitude, we should find Giro Timan, who will happily inform us that they found the legendary drum of Warrior-Bard's second era of Rioran, but in fact they found only the place of the death of the legendary Rorna, and with Him, according to legends, his drum. Giro in a very persistent manner asks us to bring him a drum. After a conversation with the oil on the map, the location of the death of Rioland will be indicated, and they are Cairn Holdir, located in the west of Folkrit. We go to Cairn Holdir, go inside.

Inside, we see an extremely interesting sight: an incredible energy pillar, which beats up, in a special passage in the ceiling. First of all, we need to find the key from the tomb of the Holder and the diary, which lie on the pedestal, opposite the sleeping bags and the very pillar of energy (the location of the things is shown in the screenshot). Taking the key, open the door of the "adept" level and go inside. Raised along the screw staircase, we go to the iron door, passing the ghosts that attackers on us, open the door and go further.

I kill the ghosts behind the door, we go to the left, and then forward, kill the ghosts and the Dranegrome and go to the throne on which the draghres rushes, kill the draped, and then activate the lever, which is located behind the throne. Further we are waiting for a deadly puzzle room, to reveal which is extremely simple. In the room there are three columns, which are quite simple, as well as opposite the columns on the walls are paired signs, namely the sign of the hawk, snakes, fish. We have to build signs on columns so that they are identical to those signs that are depicted opposite the columns, that is, if the snakes are depicted, it should be a snake on the column, but that's not all. After how to build signs correctly, we will need to pull the lever, which is located opposite the secret door-impasse.

Having passed a little further to the mysterious source, the hero will stumble on the ghostly drags and the Holdir himself. Our task is to kill all the emerging ghostly drags and a holding, thereby freeing the souls that the source faped. After we do it, we take from the marker of the chest of the chest and the cherished drum rioran, which in no case should be sold, because Award for the task is much higher than the cost of the drum.

After the hero took the drum, we can extremely quickly go out and return to Giro Timan, if we open the grid, which is in the middle of the location in which we killed the Holdira, and there, jumping, we will quickly come out. Upon returning to the Bard College, Zhiro Zhiman will teach us blocking +1, two-handed weapons +1, one-handed weapon +1, for blacksmithing +1, severe armor +1, shooting +1.

A decent reward for our adventures, better gold, right?

Why do we need it at all?

The question that initially climbs into the head of every reader of this passage, and climbs pretty soy. This section is both an epilogue and a prologue of this passage at the same time, because They will interest both those who begin their passage from this section and those who finish their passage by this section.

But really, why do we need all this at all? After all, even becoming barred, we will not be able to learn to play on musical instrumentsWhat is the great omission of game developers. We will not be able to move along the career staircase of this faction, not to mention the fact that we will not be able to trust in the college even after our adoption in the bards. In general, if you say that the bards of the bards are not necessary, then you will be right, although it is not absolutely, because still the advantages of the faction are and large enough.

If I am drunk, you ask you, and I will answer you that yes, because during the passage of quests of the Bard College, I enjoyed the worn out of interesting locations, in which we will have to visit during passage, and inxical from their originality. In general, the plot in the faction is practically no, except for the quest "ignion!", Which is essentially a matter of all the main plot and the main quests of the Bard College. But after the passage of this quest, we will be available to three more quite complete, although far from the most twisted, side quest, having passed that, the player will increase almost all his skills by +1 units (magician, warrior, thief), as well as enjoy Extremely interesting locations and new, though minor stories.

The fraction will add us about three hours of gameplay, and maybe all five, because The fraction has four full-fledged quests, although weakly related to each other. Each quest is counted as helping Haafingar residents, which means that this passage can significantly bring your formation to Tan Solitude, which is a plus. In addition, if you collect the stones of the Barenzia, then know that in two locations that are the place of action of two quests of the fraction, there are two stones of Barenzia + Treasure Map. In addition, Zhiro Zhiman is a master of eloquence and can teach this gift and player.

List of utility:

  1. Many gold.
  2. Two stone bargenia.
  3. Four quests.
  4. Map Treasure X.
  5. Memorable locations.
  6. Quests are counted as helping Haafingar residents.
  7. Increase almost all skills by +1.
  8. Holiday "The burning of the stuffed king Olaf" in Solitude.
  9. Access to the eloquence master and other teachers.
  10. Free sweet rolls on holidays in solitude.

There are also ten advantages, among which there are as weighty and not very.

For joining this guild, you need to get to Solitude. Lay the house called "Bard College", and there talk to a person named Viarmo. He will tell you that the board takes only those who fulfill their task. That is, you must prove that you will be useful to bards.


Passage skyrim games will continue this task. It turns out that bards have long been a holiday, during which the scarecrow the king named Olaf can be burned. However, in the current times the government decided to cancel the celebration. To prevent this, you need to find the old "Song of the King Olaf". The place of his stay, a kind of dungeon will be shown on the map. There and head. There you need to clean the room and solve the placed riddles. Also beware of traps. To pass the game Skyrim, do not skip the levers in the walls, because with their help you can open the grilles (they are the same door) and, thus pass forward. For example, one lever there moves the grille on the floor. You will need to take a jump in the resulting hole.

With the help of the beacon, find the room closed and click on the left side to the lever. Then operate the "door", followed by the "Song of the King Olaf". Take her away and go after the ghost, which should open a locked magic door. And behind it, the passage of the game Skyrim prepared you a riddle. It lies in the correct arrangement of the rings on the door. By the way, immediately at the entrance to the dungeon you saw the claw and had to take it. According to the figure below, place the rings, then use the claw and open the door

And then you will attack you a lot of enemies, trecdoms along with their commander Olaf one-eyed. Destroy everyone, take a one-handed sword from an ebony and key, then leave the dungeon. On the way, it is easy to get into the royal treasury chest. And on the wall, read and remember the new word of the dragon - "rage. Radish jerk". Now go to the meeting with Viarume and give him a book. However, he will notice some spoiled places in it, so you suggest it to finish the book. Then visit the song song and find Yorn. Tell him that the holiday will and it is necessary to complete the creation of stuffed. Then you need to find the place marked by a beap and watch the burning of this stuffed. Chat with Viaro again and reveal the fact that you have become Bard! Take your deserved 1000 coins and make this completes the current task. For the passage of other missions in Skyrim, you need to talk in the Bard College with three professors.

Inge Six fingers will ask us to find on Lutno Finn

Go to the cave called "Stone Creek". Move along the current upstairs. Be careful and follow the road - do not get into the traps. Spread with multiple robbers and on the first turn go to the right. Ahead you will see the chest in which Luty is located.

A certain alchemist Marauder is a guide at the chest. By the way, he can pick up the heart of Daera. If you proceed along the stream forward, you will come to the place where the lunar stone is extracted. Now you can return to Inge and get a reward for your work. This time you will be trained by alchemy, hacking, secrecy, pocket stealing, light armor and eloquence. Skyrim game passage will allow these skills to raise one point up

Pantea Atia wants to return the stolen flute

The necromancers bought a flute, because according to the stories she is able to return people from the dead. You need to go and find it in the cave Hob. You will pass through Ice Corridors, where they meet a couple of skeletons and necromancers. Kill them all and get to the small room in which the locked passage is located. Pull the chain (right from the passage). By the way, on the left side on the shelf you can find the heart of Daera. Ahead of you awaits an easy trap. She can hit "frostbite".

Further see columns, of which you need to pull the stones of the shower. Also in front of you will be a staircase on the rise, necromancers and, finally, on top of the chest and a flute on it. Taking it, take a jump from the protrusion and get to the entrance. Return to remuneration. For the passage of this task in Skyrim, the Pantea will allow you to improve such skills as witchcraft, destruction, illusion, enchantment, change to one point.

Zhiro Timan need a rioran drum

You must get to Cairna Holdira. In the cave we will see a mystical pillar with energy and corpses. There is a diary in front of the pedestal. It is possible to read the history of the life of unhappy robbers. Near the diary, take the key to the glue. Go there and expect to meet with draraircers and skeletons. Click on the lever in the locked pass (right behind the stone chair).

Ahead of you is waiting for the room, the door in which is made again from the stone. Be careful, the lever here activates the trap. On the walls hang pictures of animals by pair of plates. You will also see stones on the opposite side. To pass the Skyrim game, they need to be located so that the picture with the animal on the stone was identical to the image on the wall.

If you transfer according to the course of the clockwise, starting from the entrance should be so - the eagle, then the snake and finally fish. Click on the lever and go ahead. Consider with the Holdier, which will be a ghost, fascinated in the trecra.

Destroy it and take an expensive staff, as well as a drum in the chest. Open the hatch, take a jump to the entrance. Return to the Bard College for remuneration in the form of new skills: two-handed and one-handed weapons, blacksmithing, shooting, heavy armor, blocking.

What to join the ranks of the bards, go to Solitude, find a "Collection of Bard" building there and talk to Viaramo. He will say that they take not everyone, and to prove their benefit to the board, you need to perform one task ...

The task is taken in Solitude, in Klight Bardov, Viarmo.

Viarumel will tell that bards, from time immemorial there is a holiday - burning the stuffed king of Olaf. But now the holiday is under threat of cancellation, and to persuade the authorities to leave the holiday - you need to find an ancient "Song of the King Olaf"

A dungeon will be marked on the map, which we go:

Get ready for stripping a large dungeon, with a pair of mysteries and traps. First Council - Be careful to the levers on the wall, they open the doors / lattices, for passing further, for example, this lever on the wall opens the grille in the floor where you need to jump:

Find a locked room on the marker, we use the lever to the left, opens the "door" where and lies "Song of the King Olaf". After taking it - follow the ghost.

He will open the sealed magic door, after which there will be a mystery - the door with the rings that you need to turn in the right direction (by the way, at the beginning of the dungeon, there was a claw on the table - I hope you took it?). Turn the rings as shown in the drawings, we use the claw, and the door opens:

Then fighting with huge number Dragles, led by the king of Olaf one-eyed. We kill them all, take the key with the body and an ebonite one-handed sword - and choose out. Do not forget on the way to exit, open the chest with the treasures of the king. And also come to the wall to learn a new dragon word:

We return to Viarmo, give the book. He will say that some pages are spoiled, to which we offer him to add a book by himself. I chose the first options everywhere. After that, we have to be present in the performance of the song, then find yorn and say that the holiday will take place, and you need to finish the scarecrow, then come to the place specified by the marker, see how the scarecrow the king Olaf is set on fire.

There we speak with Viarume once again - now you are bard! We get 1000 gold, task completed.

What would take other tasks - talk with three professors in the bard guild.

Inge Six fingers will ask us to find on Lutno Finn

To do this, go to the "Stone Stone" cave.

We go upstream, look under your feet on the subject of traps, we kill a few gangsters. The first turn to the right will lead us to the chest with lute.

He guarded him one Marauder Alchemist (I had a heart of Daedra). If you go further on the stream there will be a place of mining of a lunar stone. Returning to Inge, she pays our work learning - alchemy, Light armor, Hacking, pocket theft, secrecy and eloquence rises for one point.

Pantea Atia wants to return the stolen flute

Flute was sold to necromancers, because Allegedly can revive the dead. We go beyond her in the cave Hob. Mowing through the ice corridors kill several necromancers and skeletons. Reaching a small hall, we see a closed passage, pull the chain to the right of it.

(Here on the shelf on the left, in the bag of the pharmacist, I caught the heart of Daedra)

I pull out the stones of the souls from each column and pass. We see ahead with a staircase and several necromancers, the flute will be in the chest.

After jumping from the ledge, we turn out at the entrance and go back for the reward. The Pantea will increase the change, illusion, witchcraft, recovery, destruction and entertainment.

Zhiro Timan need a rioran drum

Our path lies in Cairn Holdir. Entering the cave, we see a mysterious pillar of energy and several corpses. The pedestal lies a diary from which you can learn about the fate of unsuccessful bandits. Next take the key from the crypt and go to it. Inside us will meet ghosts and tremges. Reaching the closed passage to the lever - he is behind the stone chair.

Next there will be a room with a stone door to the left, do not hurry to activate the lever - the trap will work. On the walls we see a pair of plates with an image of an animal. Opposite each pair there is a stone that you need to rotate so that the image coincided with the signs.

Clockwise from the entrance it is eagle, snake, fish. Now pulling the lever go further and meet with the Holdier. He himself is a ghost, but will be filmed in the body of the draped.

His defeat, taking a good pricing staff and drum from the chest.

Open the hatch and jump down to the entrance. We return to the bard colleague. Our reward is an increase in skills: blocking, shooting, one-handed weapon, two-handed weapons, heavy armor, blacksmithing.

Descriptions of the following tasks will be added later.

For joining the Bard College, the candidate must complete one task. It will be in finding a long-lost book - "Song of the King Olaf". Go to the focus. Entering, you will find in the center of the table Ruby Dragon Claw, capture it with you. By this you will wake up the draped. Punch forward, avoid fiery traps, pull the rings, boldly jump into the water, pass through the suspended road with mechanical knives and confidently move to the target. Further find the souls pentagram and a sealed door with a glimpse of a blue magic, and ahead will meet the dongor commanders, who will also be very pleased with your appearance. I'll have to fight it. Then go down along the screw staircase. In the dried hands Mummy Svaknira, you will find the desired book. Alas, it will be noticeably poured. Return the way back, the ghost of the Svaknira will open you the sealed door, it will be a long corridor and at the end of the tricky door with three rings. Using a ruby \u200b\u200bdragon claw, open the door. And here the most interesting will begin: you fall into a large hall, where sleeping tremdes are sitting on the stone chairs along the walls in three tiers on the stone chairs, the ghost of the svaknir comes into battle, helping you, and you don't have anything to go to battle. The further you break forward, the more the drags begin to wake up, and your opponents are becoming more and more. Here the carousel begins. After the numerous attacks of the trecdom, at the end you will have to fight the Olaf of one-eyed (!), Which turns out to be quietly rested in his tomb. Fucking Olaf, your best assistant, the ghost svaknir disappears, and you stay alone. Drain, the wall of words will be behind his tomb; Approaching her, you will learn the Dragon Word: "Rage" (rapid jerk). Immediately, to the left of yourself, you will see a closed door to the treasury of the king Olaf. If you can not open the lock with a launder, the key from the treasury can be taken from the Olaf body (however, it is better to still with a wash, as each opened master lock "Master" is a guaranteed rise in the level of hacking. Open the chest and, taking all the contents from there, you We start thinking about the exit from the dungeon and immediately, on the right you see another closed door, and near the lever for its opening. Opening the door and passing along the winding corridor, you get to the beginning of your route. Return to the Bard College and talk to Viaro. He, Of course, they will be delighted with the book you find, but, spilling it, says that she is spoiled, and there is not enough several lines in it for its full-fledged performance. You, as a hero, propose to add some rows in the songs yourself (thus finally and fully translated the story of Skinima of the corresponding period). After a brief thinking, Viarume with this agrees and offers you a choice of several rows options. You have to show yourself and here. These lines are:

Variants of strings for the first verse

  • Olaf attacked him when he slept.
  • Olaf concluded a transaction with numinex.
  • Olaf and was a numinex, a dragon in the human appearance (belief).

Line options for second verse

  • Olaf ordered disguised soldiers to attack Solitude.
  • He forced the Solitude to attack Winterhold.
  • He used magic to blame the solitude.
  • Olaf attacked a dragon (conviction).

After selecting string options, Viaramo offers you to go to the palace with him and sing the song to the crown. After approving the song, the Yarl, the holiday will take place! Talk with Yornom after the occurrence of darkness (later 8:00 pm). Take the place to observe the burning of Olaf one-eyed. Look at the scene, enjoy the type of burning stuffed. Eliaf so much will love the celebration that she orders the burning of Olaf every week. We get a reward. Now you officially declare bard!


When choosing options for dialogs 1 and 1, the collegium generously rewards 1250 gold

When choosing options for dialogs 1 and 2, the board will thank you and rewards 1200 gold

When choosing options for dialogs 1 and 3, the board will thank you and rewards 1200 gold

When choosing options for dialogues 2 and 1, the board will thank you and rewards 1200 gold

When choosing options for dialogues 2 and 2, the board will thank you and rewards 1200 gold

When choosing options for dialogues 2 and 3, the board will thank you and rewards 1200 gold

When choosing options for dialogs 3 and 1, the collegium generously rewards 1500 gold

When choosing options for dialogs 3 and 2, the board will thank you and rewards 1200 gold

When choosing options for dialogs 3 and 4, the collegium generously rewards 1500 gold

In addition, if during the holiday to talk to the Yvette San, then it will give two bottles of spicy wine, and Soronts are vintage - meat pie.

To join the Board of Skyrim Bard's Board Guild, the player should get to the city of Solitude. The house itself is not far from the palace, so passing by, without noticing it, it will not work. Going inside, we will meet with a person named Viarmo, who will tell us how to join the bards.

About the Guild

The board of Bardov "Skyrima" existed in Solitude since the time of the Alessian Order. It is trained by future singers, poets and musicians. Pupils, together with teachers, are actively involved in conducting noisy holidays and provide public music. During the main annual event organized by the board, the participants of the celebration burn special scarecrow. By the way, the prototype for the stuffed was hated for many King Olaf.

Bards, completed their studies in the board, can go to the tavern or rich houses to start there their own career. Some graduates choose another path - the path of nomads, weraldy between cities and settlements and carrying beautiful music at the most remote corners of the northern province.

This is a fairly interesting guild, giving fascinating quests. The only disappointment marked by many players is that the main character So it will not be able to learn to sing or play on tools. Fortunately, this shortcoming can be corrected using special mods on the Bardery College "Skyrima".

Joining the ranks of the bard

To join this guild can anyone, regardless of class and level. To do this, it is necessary to find in the collegium itself of our future mentor, Viro - it will tell us about the rules of entry. We learn from him that only those who can fulfill their instructions and prove their utility to the collegium.

It is noteworthy that after joining this guild, the main character will not receive a room, no bed, nor the chest (unlike the Mages guild, thieves, etc.). Passing tasks, we will not be able to get the title or move on certain ranks. We will also not learn to sing. In fact, everything that the board of Bardov Skyrima gives is auchevka, a good money remuneration and pumping skills.

College's composition

  • VIARMO - Chief Director of the Guild and Drawing Teacher. He loves collecting songs and legends, hold the celebrations and test new members of the board.
  • Zhiro Zhiman - teaches new history and ancient legends, his archives are filled with the most diverse historical books. At the request, the player can raise the level of his eloquence of his eloquence before the "master".
  • Inge six fingers - he is engaged in learning new bards game in Litne and other musical instruments.
  • Antea Pantea is another teacher who teaches the play skills on the flute.

Quest 1: "Gilt!"

In the first task, which we will be entrusted, we will have to talk to the local branches about the ancient traditional feast of the burning of Stuffed Olaf. To be more accurate - we must convince the authorities that the holiday should take place this year (it was canceled for personal reasons for the Yarl).

To begin with, we go on the search "Song about the King Olaf". The book can be found in one of the crypts in which we are waiting for many traps and opponents in the form of spiders and skeletons. We move forward until it is stumbled upon the body of a dead bard named Sangvik. Next to the corpse will be a "song", so we grab it and run back.

On the back path It will help us the ghost of Sanguika - he will get rid of the power field, which will block the pass, and will also make together with us against several strong drags. At the end of the battle, we will have to face Olaf yourself - the opponent is strong enough, so it is important to go to the book search well prepared.

We return the "song" back Viarume and discover that part of the text over time has thinned. We add the required rows and go to the meeting with the Yarl. If we manage to restore the text convincingly, the Yarl will give permission to hold a holiday. Congratulations, we completed the first Quest of the Bardery College "Skyrima" and were taken in their ranks!

Quest 2: "Flute Panthei"

Receive the next task from the Panthea Antei - it sends us for the flute, which is hidden in the cave of Hob. We will have to make their way through the next crowd of enemies, fighting with necromancers and skeletons called them. The flute is stored in the latest hall, which is protected by the most strong opponents.

We return to the College of Bardery "Skyrima", where Pantei, in gratitude for his relic, will increase the several of our magical characteristics: destruction, engineering, illusion, change, restoration and witchcraft.

Quest 3: "Lutina Finn"

For the third quest, we appeal to the character named Inga - it is interested in the stolen lute Finn, which, by rumors, is now in

Upon arrival in place it turns out that local gangsters were settled in the cave, so the case would not affect the cave. We make your ways to corridors to a small room, in which the chest is hidden with a lute. It is worth noting that the room is guarded by the strongest gangster, and maybe it will be a magician. We understand with the enemy, take the tool and return to the college. In gratitude for the work done by the work of Inga, there are several of our skills.

Quest 4: "Drum Bjorn"

We complete the passage of the Bardery College "Skyrim" by the fourth and final quest, who will instruct us Zhiro Zhiman. Thilly thinking, we go on the location marked on a special label map.

Once in Cairne Holdir, we investigate the ancient ruins next to the magical pillar. About what happened in this place, we will learn from several diaries found in the same place. We select the key and pass inside Cairna through the locked door. Inside Cairna, we are met by several drags, as well as the ghosts of fallen warriors. We make it through all the obstacles, along the way, solving several riddles. Riddles are associated with already familiar symbols of various animals: in the hall with two fish - choose fish, in the hall with two birds - choose the bird, and, finally, in the hall with two snakes - we turn the snake in the hall.

At the end of the way, we are waiting for a meeting with the Holder itself. The opponent of it is not as strong as the king of Olaf, but in its reserve he has a lot of health and attack cry. At first, he will attack us in the image of a ghost Dragra, however, having lost half of the HP, he immediately "breaks" himself into three phantom. Our strategy will in this case will be a victory on each individual phantom, after which the Holdir will again acquire a single form. Kill him and take the drum. Now keep the path down and choose out through the hatch.

We meet in the college with the press and give him a drum. As a reward we get pumping in the form of an additional unit to several combat skills. On this, our "learning" in the bard guild can be considered completed.