Code from Treasure Abigail Foy. Prey - the passage of the quest hunting for treasures. Side Quest "Pravdnolub"

From the studio Arkane contains a lot of cunning secrets and mysteries that have to solve the gamers along the passage. After just a few days after the release, the players compiled a list of all codes and secret passwords from the game.

The opening of some locks is mandatory, while others allow to obtain excellent gear at their disposal. Access to any closed door can be obtained if you consider the surroundings on the subject of audio recordings or reserved notes. The site publishes a list of all passwords for locked locks in the game Prey.

List of static codes and passwords for locked doors, locks and safes in Prey:

  • Morgana Office Yu (Morgan Yu) - 0451
  • IT-Division - 0913
  • Safe Dr. Calvino (Dr. Calvino) - 0523
  • Waiting room - 1129
  • Safe Dr. Devrie (Dr. Devrie) - 7324
  • Safe Debrofing - 5150
  • Security Safe - 0526
  • Dr. Igwe Cargo Container (Dr. Igwe) - 2312
  • Reactor compartment - 3845
  • Arsenal - 8714.
  • Dr. Torstein Safe (Dr. Thorstein) - 9954

In addition to static passwords, the game prey also has a special kind of locks that are locked up by a unique combination for each passage. The combination will be saved in the desired note.

The location of the changing passwords and codes for locked locks, doors and safes in Prey:

  • Find the Marco Simmons code (Marco Simmons) in the location "Division of neurodes: a simulation division" unit, you can notice on the Simmons workstation
  • Password for safety booths in the location "Division of neurodes: Foye" is noted near the corpse of Divya Naaz (Divya Naaz), but you need to return later
  • There is also a security station code in the same location "Division of neurodes: lobby"
  • Jason Chang code in the location "Lobby: Offices" is noted in the workplace of Chang
  • Password Rooms of Volunteers in Locations "Lobby: Offices" Hidden in the message on the computer Bianca Goodwin (Bianca Goodwin)
  • Password to the room for pilots in the location "Lobby: a recreation room of employees" can be found in the duty at the Oktavia Figgs corpse (Octavia Figgs)
  • Find a password for the office of the director of Torstain (Director Thorstein) in the location "Laboratory of equipment: a workstation of Tadeus York" You can in a letter on the computer Tadeus York (Thadeus York)
  • Code of the room of small tests in the location "Laboratory of Equipment: Tests" is located in one of the notes on the floor nearby
  • Password safe store mechanisms in the location "Laboratory of equipment: tests" hidden in the message on the computer in the laboratory of small tests
  • Password for the safe of the ballistic laboratory in the location "equipment laboratory: ballistics" can be found in the corner, shifting the gate that requires an upgrade
  • Password of the mechanism safe mechanisms in the outside location is recorded in one of the notes of Dr. Calvino (Dr. Calvino) found on the TRANSCRIBE device
  • Password to Arsenal in Locations "Psychotronics: Armory" can be obtained from Aaron Ingram (Aaron Ingram), if you give it to survive
  • Password for maintenance tunnel in the location "G.U.T.S.: Tunnel" is notching on the Kimberly Bomo Kimberly
  • Code for the safe in the control room of the magnetosphere in the location "G.U.T.S.: Rest room of the magnetosphere" can be found in the toilet on the shelf, noted under the toilet paper
  • Code Julien Howard (Julien Howard) in the Location "Arboretum" is a note on the corpse Iris Stein (Iris Stein)
  • Password for the fitness center in Locations "Residential premises: Concierge" found in the message asguard
  • Code Abigail Foy (Abigail Foy) in Locations "Residential premises: Abigail's cabin" Easy to find right under the Toy Table
  • Password for Safe Calvano in Locations "Residential premises: Calvino Cabin" is hidden in the third record of Calvan on its workplace
  • Password for a fitness center in Locations "Residential premises: Recreation room B" Local to a local toilet
  • Password in the room of a shopping center in the location "Residential premises: residential subtya" you can easily find a note in the residential capsule Anders Kilna (Anders Kline)
  • Code to the freezer in the location "Residential premises: kitchen" will introduce the cook himself if you allow him to do it
  • Password to the apartments of leaders in Locations "Residential premises: Cabina Will Mitchell" is in a message on Will Mitchell Will Mitchell
  • Password to apartment executives in Locations "Residential premises: disposal room" is found in a note attached to the table
  • Password to apartment executives in Locations "Residential premises: Fitness Center" Hidden in the message on the computer Emmy Bathti (Emma Beatty)
  • Password for the landing in the location "Storage: Corporate Information Technology" is found in a note next to the Zachary West Zakhari West Desktop
  • Imveyor can be found and Ivey Song (Ivy Song) in the same location "Storage: Corporate Information Technology"
  • Password to Storage Saiga in Locations "Storage: Command Center" you can get from the workplace from the Danielle SHO)
  • Code of Gas Magill (GUS Magill) in the location of the "cargo compartment: sending and receiving" is not slyly hidden under the phone on the Magil Table
  • Code to safeguarding the cargo compartment in the location of the "cargo compartment: the office of the apartment officer" will say during the conversation of Sarah Elzar (Sarah Elazar)
  • Password to the storage of spare parts in the location "Power Station: Monitoring" is hidden in Duncan Krasikoff (Duncan Krasikoff) from Transcribe
  • Broodoia Price Code (Price Broadway) in Locations "Life Support: Water Cleaning" is noted in the drawer near the price list
  • Password to the storage room of life support in the location "Life support: oxygen control" will be found in the notch of oxygen control room
  • Password from the safe post of life support department in the location "Life support: access to the main elevator" can be found in the eye of Eric Tig (Erica Teague)
  • Password to the safe on the bridge of Talos-1 station in the location "Captain Apartment" is reliably hidden right in the book on the shelf

Previously, wrote that players in Prey found a serious bug using which you can

At the very beginning, we choose the main character, a man or a woman. After wake up, wear the shape hanging on the door. You can look around, read logs and notes, see messages on your computer. In the future, all viewed messages can be viewed in the menu. When will be ready, leave the room, go to the roof on the elevator and sit down to the helicopter.

Arriving in place, go inside the building and, at will, talk to the robot. After that, descend down on the elevator. Come to your brother Alex. After a small conversation with him, go to the test chamber.

Go to the glass wall, where there are several scientists. After a small briefing, press the red button, and then put the boxes from the circle appear. Go to the next room. You can hide behind the chair, but you can do anything - the test still falls. The next room is pressing a button, jump over an obstacle and press another button. Further the last room. Sit down at the table and start a psychological test. Answer questions as I want, then see a small cat-scene.


Waking up again, we look at the room again, we read everything that will get, as well as view messages on your computer. We select all the items, shake the boxes, and then wear the form and leave the room. In the corpse, we select the confusion key on the left, and then the mysterious "January" will contact us.

We go back to the room and divide the window using a confront key. Learn all computers and notes that you will come across.

Go to the right, bypassing your room. In the room with a chair for experiments on the closet there will be a suitcase with a sewer shocker, which is extremely effective against robots, as well as the Chip "Kinesthetic Assistant." We pass through the door with a burning orange light bulb, then to the room with a helicopter. From there - in the corridor, where we met with Alex. Through the reception open now. In the second side room there will be two stools - one of them Mimik, the same as attacked by a scientist at the end of the dough. These minor paciases are masked for different items that are nearby. You see two cups nearby - one most likely Mimik. The garbage tank rolled - again most likely it is Mimik. And so with each subject.

Raised the stairs and go straight through the chamber disinfection. We look at how Mimik spreads with scientists, after which the newcomer will multiply. When they discern, the doors will open. In the next room on the nearest computer on the left, read the message "URGENT!", Then get additional task "Fingering corpse."

We have a closed door to which you need skip. Here you can do differently. First, you can take advantage of the hatch of the ventilation mines to the right in the far corner. Secondly, the right will be the Cabinet Bellamy, in which the key will be the key card from the laboratory of simulation. Fuck the Mimicians who hid among the items around.

Having passed into the next corridor, we will see more terrible opponent - a phantom, the truth can not be afraid of it, he will not leave the limits of that room. We go along the corridor and select the gypsum gun. From the corpse also collect ammunition to her. Using it, you can make improvised stairs on the wall, close the holes in the pipes, etc. She will help in battle - with its help you can immobilize opponents for a short time and make them more susceptible to damage. In the foyer there will be several mimics. Test a new gun on them. After that, "January" will offer to take a neuromode from the showcase, the additional task "everything is about to change." We take it, pumping it, look at everything around, and then pass in the hall. Let's go down the stairs, after which "January" again contact us and proposes to go to your office.

Cabinet with excellent view

Standing face to elevator, the right will be the "Exhibition of Transtar". There you can take a neuromode from the pedestal, but there goes the phantom. In the early stages, it is easiest to deal with it in 2 stages: first neutralize with the help of a gypsum gun, and then apply a shot by a separate key, if the gun or shotgun has not yet been found.

We rise to the third floor on the stairs nearby. We approach your office and enter the code 0451 in the panel to unlock the doors. In choose everything you see. On the table near the operator distributor will be a pass to the Morgana apartments and a gun. Also in the room there will be a manufacturer and utilizer. The utilizer is used to process any items in the materials, of which later on the manufacturer, in the presence of the desired drawing, it will be possible to make weapons, first aid kits, cartridges and more, extremely necessary for passage.

After watching everything around, go to the computer. Take a pass to the Teleconference Center and read a note attached to the monitor. We enter the password, read messages and turn on the video "Look Me Morgan" in the "Functions" menu. Wrap and watch the video. In the video, you can consider the code - 5150. This combination is suitable for the safe from the neurodes department.

Through dim glass

To the end to see the video you will not be given. After your brother Alex is contacted with you first, and then January, go back. Before the stairs there will be two lateral premises. In the distant on the table, there will be a pass to the trauma. (Also, the pass to the trauma can be taken on the first floor at the rack behind the elevators). We go to the center of teleconferences, located on the other end of the staircase. Keep at the ready plaster gun, because Several Mimikov will attack you at once. Imagine them, and then achieve a separate key. Immediately behind the door there will be the corpse of Elias Black. Take from his body the cartridges for a gun and shotgun, as well as a drawing of 9-mm cartridges needed for a pistol. The pistol itself lies beside.

It can be descended into the trauma. It is located on the floor below. Inside there will be two phantoms - ordinary and fiery. Try to shoot cylinders to cause the maximum damage. It is worth moving quickly and not stand still, because the new kind Tifons creates a fiery pillar directly under the hero. In the lobby of the injury from the computer, you can download the sector map, as well as view mail. The latter will continue the quest "Fingering Corpse". Also inspect the entire medical compartment. There is a distributor of operators, where you can call a medical operator, which can always cure you, essentially an infinite first-aid kit, but tied to a certain area. In one of the premises there will be a living person, Trevor J. Young, which is under the control of the mind. So far, you will not be able to neutralize it, without killing, so if you want to get the achievement "do not harm", wait until you have a special grenade - a zero-wave muffler.

On the first floor near the stairs there will be an office security office. You can get inside by a pipe that is worth jumping at the beginning of the corridor, and then jump from it into the ventilation shaft. Inside, you can find a shotgun and cartridges to it. There is also a note with the code from the interrogation room - 1129. In the safe there is a drawing of cartridges for a 12-caliber shotgun, code 0526, it can be found here in the Carabet of Sarah Elazar, in the book of the Orit. Also take a note from the table - the quest "Kidnapped Neurodes" will begin.

If you go through the center of teleconferences and then on the bridge on the other side of the hall, then you can get to the sales department, where the "Hunter" will be labeled on the floor. Also here you can find a box with four neurodes - finding it, complete the quest "kidnapped neurodes."

On the second floor with a staircase, you can get back to the recreation room for staff. Behind the bar rack will be the body of Octavia Figgs. After listening to its transcriptor, learn the code for the door to the pre-flight preparation room - 3884.

When you finish inspecting the hall, climb on the third floor along the same staircase at which you climbed into your office, pass through the center of teleconferences and turn left, after which go to new location - hardware laboratory. To do this, you will have to clear the path from the hardened foam.

Inside there will be a new enemy - an infected operator. For him, you can use the shocker "stalk". He cuts out a robotic enemy for a while, and also inflicts him a significant damage. After stunning, it is possible to finish it by an enlightest key, but it is worth considering that when it is destroyed, it explodes, causing damage. Passing a little further, in the corridor on the left you can take neuromode. There will also be another infected operator and Mimik, and at the end of the corridor there will be a hall, where it will be possible to see the scene through the glass about the unequal struggle of the scientist and phantom. From the body of Sean Larsen, take a pass from the entrance to the staff. Next, you can jump down, especially if you want to go hide, and climb into ventilation. You can go back and go to the clause where you can take cartridges, weapons, as well as the drawing of cartridges for a gun.

In the next room with elevators on the second floor, you can get through or through the front door near the point of protection, or through ventilation, which was previously written. Inside will be phantom. On the first floor in the side corridor, you can find the corpse of Eme Schmidt, from which you can pick up a pass to the laboratory of ballistics and a recycling grenade. It can be used to destroy Typhones, as well as clear the path, processing large boxes in the materials. Nearby there will be the laboratory of the ballistics. Inside you can find a variety of materials. Code from Safe 8028 - You can read in a note lying on the floor behind the bars.

In the southern part of the room, near the workshop of Dr. Calvino, you can get into the demonstration scene, the very room where it was possible to observe the killing of the phantom of a scientist a little earlier. The phantom itself will be lower below. There you can also find a utilizer and a dart "Hunter". In the central room on the floor lies a chip with protection against essential damage.

We approach the workshop of Dr. Calvino. After January contacts you again, we return to the place of protection and put the marker on Lorenzo Calvino in the hardware laboratory. We rise to the second floor on the elevator in the adjacent room. If you go to the corridor to the left, then there they will attack Phantom and several Mimicov. Near the porthole will be the terminal. Password is in the note on the floor nearby. In the second letter there will be a code from the storage room of the mechanical workshop - 9501. Next, you can get into the Cabinet of Torstain. Code from Safe 9954.

On the second floor in one of the lateral corridors, a label is hanging about Lorenzo. If you go there, you will find out that you can get to it only outside the station, and for this you will have to make "Archs". We go to the next room - the mechanical workshop. You can do this through the main entrance, but you have to repair the electrical installation so that you do not crush the current or use the gypsum gun so that for a few seconds to stop the sparking of the shield for a few seconds. You can also go around the venture side. We kill several infected operators and mimics. To get back to the drawing and fabricer, climb up the bikes on the side. After you do everything, open the gateway and go out into open space. Fly to the marker, a hotel is a modest of Lorenzo Calvino, taking the pass and transcriptor and return back. Go to the workshop of Dr. Calvino. In the far corner of the room we turn on the supply of energy. On the terminal in the center check the network utilities, and then watch the entry. Please note that on different screens video from different angles. So you can access the secret Safe Doctor. The thermos is lying on the floor from the large screen to the right in the smoke, if you face the terminal. Put it on the scales, and the panel will open nearby.

Return back to your cabin. The hall will again be populated by mimici and phantoms, so be careful. We watch the video.

Talk with "January"

One of the shortest and easy missions in the game is just talking to the operator.

Skip general access

After the conversation "January" will give you a pass and neuromode - take them from the table.

Data store

Go down to the main elevator and try to run it. When nothing comes, you will contact you "January" and will give the following main task "bypass path."

Who are you, "December"?

Go to the door to the psychotronic laboratory. On the way, another operator will contact you, which to introduce as "December". Follow in the neurodes department, there in the lobby you will see a small scene, after which we are aiming the remains of the operator. You can continue the main plot or look out and climb onto the second floor. There you can search the cabins of volunteers and production. In the last room, in any case, you will have to return in the future to remove copy protection (an additional task you get, if you don't do it now, it will be so called - "copy protection") so that neurodes can be created on the manufacturer unlimited quantity time. We need Cabinet Holden Graves. We'll have to sweat a little, because It will be a rather strong opponent - technopath. The most effective against it is "stalk", but only at close range, or recycling grenades. Below will be a corpse with skipping in the desired office. Use the computer. When you finish with everything, come back to the main task.

Bypass path

Go ahead through the only path. The right will be the clause. Inside, you can get or using a dart (split the glass, and then shoot the button), and you can also simply hack the code lock. On the terminal inside you can download the location map.

Go to the showers. In the floor there will be a hole. We jump into it and at the end of the tunnel take a scientist psychoscope from the body. It will allow you to scan typhons and get their ability. Scan the immobilized Mimica nearby, and then return back to the showers. Go further and climb the elevator. Scan an open capsule to calibrate a psychoscope.

You will receive an additional task of "Neurodes of Dr. Kellstrup". It is recommended for passage, because Get a drawing of the neurode. Just go to the lateral premises and a hotel is all there. In the safe there will be a cherished drawing. On the terminal it will be possible to watch the video about the typhony, and from the body of the doctor to pick up a key card. If you create a lot of modes, the lock will turn on and the copy protection defense set will appear if you have not taken it earlier. If this has not done, you will have to return to the neurodes department. The passage of this quest is higher in the mission "Who are you," December "?".

When will be ready to continue, go to a big round door. If the psychoscope is calibrated, you will be allowed further.

On the right there will be a staircase, which can be climbed by the second floor. At the far end there will be a gateway that is better to open, and on the opposite side you can find a transcriptor at the body of a girl on a chair and get an additional task "Pravdvube". When you finish here, descend back down the stairs and scan weaves for a large glass. Here is a fork.

You can go left. In this case, it will have to hippery holes in the pipes to stop the fiery jets, there will also be several mimicaries there. Passing further, you will find yourself near the glass chamber with the experimental and get a new task: "Prisoner in a psychotronic laboratory". Here you will have the first choice affecting the ending: you can free the prisoner by opening the door of the camera, or kill him, running the Mimikov to him. All this is done on the terminal near the camera. If you go back the prisoner, then he will tell you the door from the door to the next room. There, among other things, the drawings of the 12th caliber cartridges for a shotgun and a pistol with a silencer will be.

Also in a large room with the camera there will be a corpse of a woman with a psychos. Nearby there will be a transcriptor, listening which you will be given the task "Sealant for a million dollars". To perform it, you need to go out into open space, the benefit of the gateway is not far, and close the slot in the case with the help of gypsum guns. After that, return back to the place where Christine Lloyd transcriber was found and kill the phantom in the room next to her corpse. Here you can find a variety of exotic matter. Having finished on this side, we return and pass by the larger glass, followed by weaving. We fall into the sighting room. On the right can be descended on the elevator in the morgue. Just here you can continue the quest "Fingering Corpse". It is impossible to get into the desired room without skipping, however, you can smash the window and shoot a button that you can unlock the door, from the "Hunter" dart.

Take a pass from the corpse of Silvesen Bellamy. Further passing of this additional task can be continued later when access to the residential section will appear. When will be ready, come to the terminal at a large glass camera and alternately offer the offered items in the "Management of the Exploration Office" section. Kill the phantom appeared, and then follow the new Sagita location. You can immediately go through the gateway, and you can go down the stairs before it and look around. Before us is a long tunnel. Fly forward, avoiding cystoids and their nests. Path forward several times will block locked gateways and other obstacles. To advance further, or hack the lock, or fix the electrical panels where it is necessary, or find ventilation. If the fan works, fix it with a gypsum gun. Fly until you get to the gateway for which the skip is required. Next will be branch. You immediately recognize it, because It will be with a gravity change field. Follow there. Inspect everything and listen to the transcriptor. Beware of energy emissions. Every time he will approach, you will be warned - hide behind the cabinets. In the far corner, read the letters on the terminal and get the task "Project" Blackbox ". Tick \u200b\u200bhere at the terminal Location Film Josh Dalton and download the location map. Climb the second floor and take into a field with zero gravity. Take a pass from the service tunnel from the body of a scientist and go back to the locked gateway. When you get to the fork, focus on the markers: the arboretum on one side, the body of Josh Dalton in Quest "Project" Blackbox "- to another. To begin with, perform an additional task. Fly towards the marker, and you will see a large metal round tube running along the wall. The body is behind her. To get into this pocket, flies along the bottom of this pipe and there will be enough space near its bend to fly under the pipe. Take a pass from the body to the Laboratory "Blackbox", as well as next to Laying to-Blowing - a rather strong weapon. Now you can continue the main task.

Fly towards the marker in the arboretum. On the way, you will have to face weaving. K-ray will be extremely effective against it. We make my way through the gateway, and then go to a new location. The corpse with the transcriptor will be ahead. Listen to it to get the task "Unfallen Employee." Close the stairs, and then climb into ventilation. Here will give another task - "problems with elevator".

To perform it, go to a new location and disperse there with the technopath. Use the "stalk" and EM charges to cause damage and bring it out of order. As soon as the terrain is, a trip to the elevator will be available. With the help of it you can quickly move between the hall, life support and arboretum. Here, the devolnis corpse is here and take a key card. Listen to the transcriptor, lying nearby, and get the task "do not harm!". To perform it will have to go down in the hall and go into the trauma. In the devris office, read letters on the terminal and download the encryption key. Listen through the inventory Audio recording "Morgan: Hysterics". The code from the safe in the office can be viewed in the long room of the injury room, behind the glass, - 7324. Next, go to the office to Dr. Kohl nearby and run the test on the computer. Use the proposed response options: A, C, B, A, C. Safety Deposit Bowls. Listen to the transcriptor there, which complete the task.

When finished, go back to the arboretum. Here you can take some more side tasks:

"Save Rani." It takes in a greenhouse - the building is located on a hill above the entrance to the residential section. However, do not rush to go there. To begin with, go through a narrow path, starting not far from the entrance to the residential section and leading to the gazebo. Read a note from the ground and get the code. Go to the greenhouse. Here be careful. There will be a dangerous opponent - telepath. He subordinates people and sends to you. Once nearby, their heads explode, inflicting significant damage. Null-wave muffler or "storm" will help to neutralize them. Open the greenhouse on the control panel using the received code. Do not close to people, make a couple of shots from a shotgun by telepath, after which he will leave the greenhouse, and it will be possible to calmly figure it out without substituting people. Remember that the wound should survive so that you get this task. The second option is not to open the door and climb onto the roof, from where you can start to fill on telepath. When he dies, talk to Rani. It will give code from the Ar01 warehouse. Go to the warehouse and complete the task.

Golden Pistol. Create a staircase with a gypsum gun on the stones on which the Alexa office is located. Rise on it upstairs and climb into the space under the house of your brother. There will be a corpse Marietta Kirkas. Observe the electric shield, and then take a pass and transcriptor from her body, which is worth listening. Next, the quest will continue in the residential section.

"Gardening Tips." Next to the body of Marietta Kirkas, from whom we just had, there is a slight elevation of stones. Close to them, and then jump into a kind of crater. There will be the body of Julien Howard. Listen to its transcriptor and create the required device on the manufacturer. After that, go to the watering system next to the greenhouse. Place the device in the groove and press the button. Now you need to wait for 10 real minutes to grow out the "Superfruit of Dr. Howard". Take it to complete the task. You can grow an infinite number of times, the main minus is a long wait. At the same time, the fruit perfectly heal wounds.

Let's go back to the main task - "bypass path." Go towards the marker and descend on the elevator. Listen to the Zhakharia Vesta transcriptor - its corpse will be directly before entering the data store. Get a new main task - "collecting voices," and "bypass path" will end. Do not forget to take a pass and a note that the Treasure Camera will be on the quest "Treasure Hunting". Now our path lies in the residential section, but it is worth looking back to Alex's office.

Who are you, "December"? (Part 2 - Arboretum)

Climb the Alex in Arndaria's office. Elevators do not work, so build a staircase along the edge of the hill with a gypsum gun. Go inside and move the box blocking the entrance to the hatch, located near the table. It will take the ability of "Lifting II". Climb inward and unfix safe. Code - 2512. Take a key card from Alelex Yu. Continuation of the quest - in the residential section.

Collecting voices

Go to the residential section. Here you will immediately make a nightmare and many people controlled by telepath. While the nightmare did not react, immediately throw a zero-wave muffler in the nearest people if we want to keep them their lives. If you kill at least one, then I don't get the result "I'm not harmful" (if people bloom themselves about you, it will not be considered a murder). At the time they can be immobilized and plaster guns, but if you pass nearby, they will still be exploded. With a nightmare two options: you can run away and remove 2 with a little minute in a secluded place or kill it. For the second option, it is ideal for the first - a room with a recycler on the second floor (the door to the left, as soon as it raise the stairs to the left of the entrance to the residential section). There will be one phantom. From his corpse you can take a pass - preparations with limited access. Also in this room there will be a piece of paper from elevators to the apartments of directors - 3302.

"The request of Coca" is a side task automatically, as soon as you find yourself in the residential section. The cafeteria is located on the first floor in the far corridor to the right, if you stand back to the entrance to the location. The path will block many infected people. Use a zero wave silencer or the sewer shocker (the latter is only effective in a small distance). Against telepaths apply to-rake. As soon as he dies, all people controlled by him will lose consciousness. After that, go to the kitchen and talk to Cocom Wille Mitchell. Take the pass and head to his cabin. Inside, listen to the transcriptor by performing a part of the "Collecting Voices" task, and also grab the medal from the bedside tables near the bed. Return back to Mitchell and give him his award. Go to it into the kitchen. Cook will complain that the water pressure regulator is broken. You can do in two ways: you can repair the one that is lying around, or return to the arboretum and pick up a working device from the greenhouse. When reappear, COC will let you in the freezer. When you want to go to the long room. There will be the body of Abigail Foy. Listen to its transcriptor. It will promote you on the main task, giving the desired sample of voice, and also get a new task - "Daniell Show". Move the ice block, if you have an appropriate skill or shoot the pipe on the left to melt the ice. After that, open the hatch and climb the ventilation. The task "request of Coca will be completed. Do not hurry to leave the kitchen - Mitchell left mine at the doors. Sick the button opening the door, from the dart to neutralize the trap.

"Pravdvube" is part of this additional task in the residential section. Go across the marker and a hotel's corpse of the girl. Listen to its transcriptor. After that, go to the security point on the first floor of the residential section and listen to the record and read the report. Continuation of the quest - in the cargo compartment.

"The fading corpse" - go to the Bellamy's room and a well-alone, and the quest will end.

"Golden Pistol" - go to the desired cabin and open the safe (code 3479).

Let us continue the main task. Visit the Daniella Show cabin and listen to the transcriptor there. Also on the computer you can take an additional task - "Treasure Hunting". Another transcriptor will be in the cinema on the second floor under armchairs. Another part of the voice can be obtained in the bar located also on the second floor. In the far corner, climb into the ventilation and turn on the power supply. Near the scene will be a small room with a terminal. Listen to entries. The following sample will be in the recreational center on the table on the second floor. On it, you can take a pass to the cabin Abigail Foy. Listen to the computer there, and get 100% voice samples.

Having gathered all the samples of the voice, or even if they were not collected, and it was too lazy to continue, you can proceed with the side task of Daniell Shaw. Go to fitness center (door from door 5078). Be careful - there are a lot of people subordinate to the telepath. Telepat itself in the far largest room - the pool. Kill him, and then go to the window in the far corner and knock on it. A Daniella Show will appear to give a sample of voice, and will also offer to deal with Kok. It is necessary to search for it in the arboretum.

In this location you can take another side quest. In a residential compartment for the crew on one of the upper beds, listen to the Laurence Baxter transcriptor. So you will receive the task "gift of the beloved." To fulfill it, you will need to return to the arboretum.

Who are you, "December"? (Part 3 - Living Section)

Enter the password from the elevator (you can find the second floor in the room with a utilization - 3302). The right skip will be under the globe on the bedside table. Just hit on it by an adjustable key. Next, you can leave the station with a rescue capsule, returning to the arboretum, but the game does not appreciate and offer to play further.

Restore from backup

Return to the arboretum. Here, along the way, you can perform two side tasks:

"Daniella Show" - we go to the bridge "Talos 1". In the long capsule on the left will sit our pretender. As soon as you enter the capsule, immediately run away, because It will work another one device. After that, the task will be completed.

"Gift Beloved." If you become back to the waterfall, then the left will be a thick tree. Move the stone near him. Take a pass from the pantry A2. Kill inside the phantom and pick up valuable items.

Now you can return to the main task - "Restore from the backup". We go to the data warehouse. Unfix it with voice password show. Go forward and kill the technopath.

There will be a staircase on the second floor. There, the terminal can continue the quest "Unfallen Employee" by entering its number - 1129. After that, at the Security Service Terminal, mark its location. It is located outside the station, so you have to fly in open space.

There, at the top, take the security of the security service to get into the room on the first floor. There on the terminal unlock the door to the archive. Follow the room with zero gravity. Fly down to a hard disk. On the way there will be a lot of cistoid nests, as well as at the bottom will wait for weaving. Take the backup hard disk and connect it to the server above. On the terminal, click "Connect Disk" and return back. Raise again to the second floor in a room with a utilizer and a manufacturer. On the computer, download the file "Key_AK_YU_ME". After that, you will be given the following task "Keys of Paradise". It leads to one of the embodiments. Since getting one key simply, it is enough just to create it on any manufacturer, and the second can be mined only in life support, and it can be done only much later in the plot, you will return to Quest to "Restore from the backup".

On the adjacent computer Daniella Show, get access to the data module in, then go to the opposite part of the location on the second floor. It will be necessary to push the cabinet. If you do not have the right skill, use a recyclable grenade. Having understood with weaver and phantom, follow the desired corridor. Open the hatch and click on the button, after which you will find yourself in the capsule in open space.

Waking up, press the button and fly to the cargo compartment. Dr. IPP will contact you on it with you and the Quest of the same name will be taught. Remember - you have only 7 minutes to save it. If you do not have time or simply open its container, he will die, and this will affect the ending. Fly to its capsule and remember its number. After that, we fly in the cargo compartment and on the terminal enter the number of the desired container - 2312. The container with the game will come into motion and docked with the station. After that, through the same container, get inside the station.

Reception and dispatch

Go through the central doors (on the bridge) to the room with survivors. Climb on the second floor and talk to Dr. Ive, by completing his quest, and then with Sarah Elazar. She will give the task of the "File Defense". It also affects the ending. To find the drawing of the turret, you should go outside again and find the desired safe through the sliver. Code - 7527. To feed food to the manufacturer, you need to go through a long corridor covered by blue fire. It is possible to do this at the top, moving through racks and pipes. Click on the button on the camshaft, and then exit through the door. It is necessary to install in front of the door in the compartment in (the zone is highlighted with a dark gray metal) at least three turrets, as you achieve them - it does not matter. You can create them on the factor, and you can get ready ready. One will be directly on the bridge, another in the container at number 05. To get to it, lift the cargo elevator on the terminal opposite. The third turret - among the survivors in the warehouse on the first floor. To open the door or hack the terminal, or get a note from the body of Gas Magill. Having installed three tures (more - better), Sarah Elazar will offer to open the door and provide code. After you open it, from there will use a large number of different tifons. After you deal with them, the task "Reception and Sending" will end.

Follow the room with containers. You can search them, and you can go further into the loading compartment of the Sagitt. There will be a container ahead. Hack the castle and take the Annaliza Halloze flash drive from the corpse. Thus, you complete the Quest of Pravditube. Next, go to a new location - life support.

Ekaterina Ilyushin will contact you. First, climb the floor above the stairs to the right. Name the corpses. Erika Tig will have a password from the safe in the Security Service Cabin - 9193. There will also be a passage, barricated plaster. Slide the obstacle and read the note from the corpse of Elton Weber. It will be said about the cache. We descend back and go past the failing switchboard (you need or temporarily neutralize it with a gypsum gun or fix it). With the help of the elevator go down to the floor below. There is a passage to rescue capsules. Where it bends, jump down, under the bridge. There will be a cache. In one of the capsules there will be a corpse Emily Carter. Listen to its transcriptor to get another side task "Detox". To accomplish it, you need to go to the water purification station in the same location (the "Lifting III" skill is required). It is necessary to restore the supply of energy (the remote control on the entrance) and go down on the elevator at the far end of the room. Use the terminal there to open the hatch and complete the task.

It will also be useful in the future before sending to the power plant, look at the atmosphere control point at the level above. Observe the enemies and go around the whole design from the back. On the terminal, stop the fans, jump down and get a beam that interferes with the correct operation of one of the fans, after which you quickly leave the danger zone, until the fans have earned again. You can do it and later, at the same time, it will greatly save time in the future.

When finished, go to the power plant. Ahead will be a blocked door. Hack the security terminal in the room in the middle of the corridor or with the help of plaster guns build a staircase to ventilation mines In the far corner of the corridor over the station operators. Go forward and descend on the elevator. You will find yourself in a chamber with a coolant. Disagree with enemies. The gateway is locked. The desired key card will immediately left. Extinguish with a gypsum gun fire and take the skip. Go further and talk to Catherine Ilyushina. Let us help or not - will affect the ending. You can go immediately for the medicine into open space through the cargo compartment or first restart the reactor and exit through the gateway here. For all about everything you have 2 real hours.

Go down to the reactor first on the elevator, then along the stairs. Inside the control point, you can get the easiest way through the roof (you need lift II). You can also hack the lock (level 4). On the terminal, click "Emergency Switches". Next, read what is written on the tablet nearby. There will be the correct procedure for changing the position of the opened levers: first three on the left, alternately, starting from the far from the terminal, and then three on the right is similar. After that, on the computer, run the restart procedure. When the breakdown happens, go out of the room and enter the reactor through glass doors. Go around and see a broken diverter. Now two options: longer - pick up a good spare part from the elevator, what can be obtained from the transcriptors lying here (you can get on the stairs to the elevator), or repair the existing part (3 repairs level). Install a good diverter, go back to the control room and continue restarting. Return to Catherine Ilyushina.

Now you can fulfill her quest "Help Catherine Ilyushina." Unlock the gateway and exit open space. Follow the marker, find the desired hole in the stance of the station and take medicine from the locker. Return to Catherine and undergo it.

Keys from Paradise.

Return to the hall. It will be necessary to go back through the chamber with the coolant, but this time the room is shrouded with a gray fog. One shot, and the game is over. Pass or on stealth, or using gypsum gun. In the hall you can immediately get through life support - elevator at the top level of location. You will also get a new additional task "Ekaterina Ilyushin". To fulfill it, just return to your office, where Dr. Ime and Catherine will be waiting for you. Talk to them, and get a new task - "Father Catherine".

It will have to run into the data warehouse through the arboretum. Passing there, you will additionally get the quest from Dr. Ive - "Gustav Litnener". Finding the storage, follow the marker. The door is locked. The paths are two: hack the castle of the 4th level or to build a staircase from the plaster gun to climb on the blue wires, and from there one more to get into the hatch. When you get to the computer, you will have a choice - erase the recording or move it to the computer in your office, then return to Catherine and listen to the record. If the record does not appear on your computer, then talk a few times with Catherine, and then check again. In both cases, the task will be executed, however, what decision will reflect on the ending.

"Gustav Litnener" - through the arboretum in the residential section and go to the game of the game. There, near the picture, lose the proposed entry through the inventory and take the connector. Give it to the game in your office to complete the task.

Make both of these tasks better before visit Alex's office, because After that, life will be seriously complicated. Before this, it is better to revenge on the cartridges, especially charges for the shocker, as well as EM grenades. When will be ready and complete all the side tasks who wanted, then head to the Alex in Arndaria. Now you will have the code from the elevator - 1696.

Before I give you the key

Enter the password on the Alex computer and watch the video. Take the chip from the table and install it. You will go into open space and scan two coral nodes, then return to the Alexa Cabinet in Arndaria. Completely started. There will be two combat operators.


To begin with, it is better to perform an additional task "Dal-pursuer". Run in the data warehouse and in the room on the second floor deactivate your bracelet-beacon. You need to enter the code on the terminal - 0913. There will also be contacted Luther Glass and will give an additional task "to help Luther Glass. To fulfill it will have to return to the trauma. In fact, this is a trap, and Luther has long been dead. We will also have to survive when attacking a huge number of combat operators. After that, the task will be performed.

In the lobby, you can also talk to Dr. The game about his task "to disable Dalya." This task is sure if you want to leave the station. Follow the shuttle compartment - the door on the first floor of the hall. On the left there will be a corridor, according to which you can get into the room of the pre-flight training, the code is 5593. The only way blocks a large wardrobe - or move it, or use a recycling grenade. Here, take a pass from the point of control of the shuttle - located on the right, if you stand back to the location inlet. Inside pay attention to non-working rivolifts. From this room, descend down the stairs to the lower level. A little closer to the center will be the door that can be unlocked by the existing pass. Activate the riverifes and raise back along the same staircase, and then use the elevator to rise even at the level above.

The control point is hanging separately under the ceiling. Bridge to it is broken, so pick up the railing, turn away and jump out. Pull the bridge using the terminal, and then descend back and log in to the shuttle. Before you, you can also perform another side task - "an attempt of flight." To do this, descend on the stairs in the same corridor that we freed from the big closet. You will find yourself at the rescue capsules. You will be asked to blow up the hatch. Exit the open space (the gateway at the lower level compartment for the shuttle), get to the desired hatch and knock on red latches. Return to capsules, open the hatch on the panel and run the capsule 2. The award will be on the lower floor in the toilet on the panels under the ceiling.

When you are ready, go to Shttl. The terminal will be near the cab - it moves the file with the task parameters. Now you need to find Dalya technique. For this, we go out into open space. As soon as you find yourself outside, the distance will still complicate your life.

"Ultimatum Daly". It is given for its execution for 15 minutes of real time, while the outcome of the task affects the ending. We fly to the power plant gateway, from there - in the bias compartment. We go to the atmosphere control point. If you have not corrected the fan earlier, then you go around the perimeter and on the opposite side of the terminal on the terminal, stop the fans, quickly jump down and get the jammed beam. After that, we as soon as possible leave the recess with the fans. Now we go to the room here on the second floor. If you stand back to the entrance, it will be left (Dahl - in a similar room on the right). On the remote, run the disinfection procedure. So far will lose consciousness. If you want to save the survivors, then do not kill Dahl. Go to it in the room. The door is locked on the 4th level lock. It can be hacked, but you can also break the glass near the stairs and go through it. There will be a wall with panels, one of which is red. It is necessary to repair the air mixture lying nearby and put it in place. Now the life of people does not threaten anything and the timer will turn off. Now we'll figure it out with Dalya technician - Kaspar. We go convenient for you in a psychotronic laboratory. On the way, Dr. Ive will contact you and suggest to look into the neurodes department on the task "to disable Dalya." To get to Caspar, go to the Cabinet of the Director, and then in the passage of the future of the room (you need to allow access to the conference room on the terminal in this room). The necessary operator will hide behind the mirror.

"To disable Daly." The execution of this task will open access to one of the endings - without this you will also not be able to save the survivors. We go to the neuromode department. Just follow the marker, and find yourself in the surgical terminal. With the help of a computer, lock the Dahl, scan the brain, and then spend neotroid.

The keys to paradise (part 2 - arboretum)

Go to Alex in Arndaria's office. The brother of the main character / heroine will hide in the road - the door is easy to find around the marker. Open it and talk to Alex Y. To save your brother - just drag his body back to the back, from which it came out and dampen the door. Next will be the actual ending.

Mind without borders

In this embodiment, create a prototype of a zero-wave muffler on the manufacturer, go to the psychotronic laboratory and install it in the heart of coral. Then you need to go through the arboretum on the bridge "Talos-1". There will be a choice here, but if you want to activate the device, and not to blow up the station, then kill "January". Run the zero-wave device on the terminal. See the video - the game is passed.


In this case, go to the power plant and descend to the reactor. In front of the glass doors in the floor, open the hatch and click on the button. Go down to the passage. Insert two activator keys. Then you need to go through the arboretum on the bridge "Talos-1". Activate self-destruction. Next, several options:

  1. Die along with the station. Sit in a chair on the contrary, next to the window.
  2. To escape. You can escape in several ways. First, on the shuttle, however, the distance must be alive. The survivors, if any, will go with you. You can leave the station and on the rescue capsule. In this case, follow the task marker "Who are you," December "?".


This is a true ending - you will see it after the titles. Here you will remember everything you did through the game. To get the maximum good ending need to:

  • Do not install neurodes in the branch of typhon skills. A little can, but completely without them - better.
  • Save in the laboratory of psychotronics of experimental ingrama
  • Save Dr. Ive, and then find it connects
  • In the cargo compartment to help Sarah Elazar and put the turret, and also not to give gale to strangle her and her people.
  • Spare Dahl and leave him alive
  • Bring medicine Catherine Ilyushina and let her listen to the compromising record of her father
  • Find Daniella Show (knock on the glass in the fitness center) and finding then trying to escape Volunteer 37 (Coca Mitchell).

After you find out the truth, Alex will suggest to shake his hand. You can or agree, or kill everyone.

This article will consider all the actions that must be taken to pass all additional missions In Prey (2017). Part of the most simple tasks was described in separate articles on the search for the crew.

Side Quest "Fingering Corpse"

Where to get: the department of neurodes.

To start this task, go to offices after you see the killing Gavrilovich Mimica (Namely Corpse Jovan Gavrilovich) in the neurodes department. Behind the first table, there is a terminal - read the letter entitled "URGENT!". You will learn about some kind of body, the additional task will begin. Immediately we describe his passage, but we note - to pass the mission, you will have to visit other locations.

Go to the "Hall Talo-1" location and go to the trauma (key card at the bottom, on the rack in front of the corridor leading to the shuttle compartment). Take the bracelet-beacon from the table marked with a marker, as well as read the letter "wounded on the approach." Task will be updated.

Next goal is a psychotronic laboratory. When you are at a glass chamber with a corpse, which in the phantom will turn the weak, then go down on the grain and in the long part of the morgue. Wait, when the operator flies inside, or scroll the glass and shoot the dart into the button near the door. Categories Dr. Dr. Silvesen Bellamy to get a key-card from cabin. When you are in the residential section, then just look at the doctor's cabin to complete the quest. Inside you will find 3 neurodes.

Sidelive quest "Who are you, December?"

This quest you activate in the plot. IN specific moment Games will contact you "December" and say that you left him a message - you need to leave Talos-1. This is one of alternative endingAfter which there is a regular load from the last control point.

Go to the neuromode department and talk with Decabre. The briefing room opposite the Morgana Apartments Yu (at the beginning of the game) on the closet there is a suitcase. Name it to make sure the key card is not there (if you did not earlier). Go again to the meeting place with "December" and see that "January" destroyed it (if a suitcase searched earlier, this will occur immediately when returning to the neuromode department). Naturally the remains of the operator "December" and from the note to know the code from the safe in the Alexa Y.

When you find yourself on the Locations "Arboretum", then follow the same way, which is described when taking a quest "Golden Pistol". From here, find the point at which you can rise above, to the Alelex Y. Cabinet of course, you can hack a grain, but you need 4 skill level.

Upstairs move the box (the ability "rise-II") and open the protective hatch to find the safe behind the wall. Entering the code, take the Alex Yu and key card from the Alelex Yu key card.

Once in residential compartments by activating the elevator and climbing up the apartment of directors, go to the apartment of Alex and under the globe on the bedside end, find the key card you need.

Now go back to the arboretum and climb the Alexa Y. Cabinet. Here there is a terminal - if you hack it, then the bridge will be prompted. The terminal requires "hacking-IV". Later Alex will give you a code anyway. Complete in the capsule (before it, if sick, can fly and without a bridge) and launch the evacuation. See one of the endings. Next to the capsule lies the bracelet-beacon of Alex Y.

Side Quest "Stolen Neurodes"

Where to take: a note from interrogation rooms in the Security Service Office in the Hall "Talos-1".

In the interrogation room of the Security Service Cabinet there is a note table. Read it to take the quest. To fulfill it, it is enough to rise to the center of teleconferences (get there on the storyline) and go through the bridge in the sales department. Under the office table, 4 neurodes are lying at once. Quest is fulfilled.

Side Quest "Sleeping"

When you find yourself outside "Talos-1", choosing there from the hardware laboratory, then fly to the doctor of Dr. Calvino. Repair the sparkling panel to the left of the door, and then return to the hardware laboratory. Climb on the grave and go inside the wave laboratory. Quest is fulfilled!

There will be a terminal with information on the project "Blackbox". This will begin an additional quest "Project Blackbox".

Side Quest "Project Blackbox"

Where to get: Explore the data in the Laboratory of Wave Physics Terminal on the Location Laboratory.

To perform the task and at the same time break through the laboratory of the wave physics laboratory, you need to find the corpse of Josh Dalton. You will do it on the location of Sagitt (read the article on the location of the Sagitt).

Side Quest "Pravdnolub"

Where to get: on the location "Laboratory of Psychotronics" find the corpse of Annaliza Gallegos with a transcriptor. Listen to the entry to start making a mission.

This task is activated after you listen to one of the recordings on the Annaliza Gallegos Annaliza transcriptory in its office in the psychotronic laboratory. When you find yourself in a residential section, then go around Marcéra and lift the "Survessment Request: Annaliza Gallegos from the corpse of Maria Fowelz.

Go to the terminal on the first floor near the riverifet (concierge table) and move the views of the observation. Next, when you find yourself in the cargo compartment and pass through the plot to the room with containers, do not look for the desired here. The container in which Kvinten Pervis wanted to escape is in the following spacious room directly opposite the door.

Container with corpse of Kvintenna Pervis.

Searcable it, you complete the quest.

Side Quest "Distillen Employee"

Where to take: the next additional task is taken in the process of listening to the Jia Kyun-ho transcriptor, the corpse of which you will find immediately after the transition from the Sagitt to the arboretum.

Continue you in the data warehouse. When you are around the terminal Daniella Show at the top, then go to another terminal on the left and lean the Lockswood grant bracelet number - 1129 (or something like that specified in the task description). Activate its beacon, after which on any terminal in the Security Service Office, select Lockswood Grant for Tracking. Go beyond the "Talos-1" and fly around Marcéra until you find the corpse of the Lockwood grant.

Corpse of the Lockwood grant.

Side Quest "Do not harm"

Where to take: listening to the record from the deviris transcriptor (on its corpse at the main elevator, if you come from the arbrury).

To perform it, go on the elevator down, in the Hall "Talos-1", go to the trauma and the key card open the door of the Devris Cabinet. From the terminal, download the decryption key, open the inventory, go to the "Data" section and select the Morgan: Hysteria Auditory. Click on Enter to listen to it again.

You will hear some code combination - A, C, B, A, C. Go to the neighboring Cabinet of Matias Kolya and from its terminal, run the test. Go to the terminal at the table on the left and answer the test questions precisely in this order, as written above - ACBAC. A safe will appear, from which you can reach 3 neurodes and a Matias Transcriptor Kolya "Session Audio Research: Morganu.

Hidden safe in Matias Kolya's office.

Side Quest "Smuggler on Talos"

Where to get: After listening to the Lilly Transcriptor, Morris in the corridor arboretum leading to the main elevator.

Corpse Lilly Morris.

You need to find 6 points in which smugglers hid the resources. All of them are inside safes hidden behind red fire alarms. To open them, you need to knock on three times. But the alarms on "Talos-1" more than six. Therefore, you need to recognize those that are really hidden smuggling. And make it easy - a red light burns above them. Here is the location of all cargo:

1. On the wall right above the corpse of Lilly Morris in the arboretum, where the quest is taken.

First cache.

2. In the Hall "Talos-1" on the first floor there is an exhibition hall - on the wall near one of the doorways.

Second cache.

3. In the Hall "Talos-1", go on the first floor to the restroom, but in front of them to roll into the corridor on the left. On the wall on the right, high.

4. In the hardware laboratory, go to the atrium with a graviliift and climb upstairs. Here is a circular bridge and one of the walls has a large statue on a stone pedestal. On the wall hangs alarm with a light bulb.

5. In the residential compartment, go to the fitness center and turn on the corridor to the right to detect a cache on the wall.

Fifth cache.

6. In the cargo compartment, climb upstairs on the Grazier and enter the room with Dr. Ime (if you saved it) and Alice Musayeva, sitting on the floor. Look at the wall on the left.

Last cache.

Quest is fulfilled!

Side Quest "Request Coca"

Where to get: When you find yourself on the location "Living Section", then hear a monologue of the chef. Soon the quest will begin.

Kok Will Mitchell.

You need to kill the telepath in the cafeteria and neutralize or kill infectious people. After that, go to the specified window and chat with Kok. He will give you a key card from the cabins Will Mitchell. Go to the cabin and open it. Find the award to the award to the best chef and give it to the quest.

Sign in the kitchen through the side door. The cook will ask to repair the flow of water. If you have not yet selected the desired detail, then go back to the "Arboretum" location and in the greenhouse on one of the tables, find it.

Heaven water pressure regulator.

Install in place. The cook will open the freezing chamber. Log in and damn you in it. Find the output by moving the ice floes or melt them with fire (shoot in the pipe from the side). In the refrigerator you will find two corpses for the long door and one corpse near the ice floe, blocking protective hatch. You will also find the beacon. Choose from here to complete the quest.

Side Quest "Treasure Hunting"

Where to get: Read the letter in the Terminal Daniella Show (in her cabin on the territory of the residential section). You need to find four parts of the card:

1. The first will be found on the Vesta Zechariah corpse on the "Arboretum" location at the transition point to the data warehouse.

Treasure map Zechariah Vesta.

2. The second Treasure map of Emma Bitty can be found on her body in the fitness center corridor, in a place where fire is picked out of the pipes.

3. The Treasure Map of Elias Black is located in the recreational center, on the table on the second floor.

Treasure map of Elias Black.

4. Map Daniella Show can be found on the location of the Data Storage. Climb on the second floor and download the card from the terminal in the command center.

Now you need to go to those places that are depicted on each card, and find four digits.

- Map of Hordinbafla (Zaharia Vesta) shows a water purification station in the livelihood sector. Go to the far left corner and find the number "3" on the wall. Part of the quest takes automatically when you will be next to the digit.

Figure "3".

Location on the map.

- Rosalin map indicates the cargo compartment. In the cargo compartment, go to the door leading to the livelihood department. Standing to her face, turn right and on the wall further find the digit "5".

Figure "5".

- Middle card leads to a room with a recycler in the residential section. Go to the entrance door to this location and climb the stairs to the right, if you look at it. Roll into the room on the left and look at the number "6" directly opposite the door.

Figure "6".

Last map. will lead you to the sagitt. Go to this location through the arboretum. It will be easier! Fly down the mine where the fuel storage is located. Go inside and jump over the destroyed bridge. There will be an entrance to the shuttle compartment. On the right in the corner, on the wall in front of the graviliptes, the figure "1" is depicted. Look at it to count the quest.

Figure "1".

When all the numbers are found and tasks are noted, both completed, then go back to the residential section. Go to the cabin Abigail Foy and enter the code "1365" in the terminal. You will receive the drawing of the Arsenal Finder Adventure. If you make it on the manufacturer, then get a chip for a suit that gives several advantages. Read more on the screenshot. Quest is fulfilled!

The functions of the chip "Arsenal Finder Adventure".

Side Quest "Gift Beloved"

Where to get: Listen to the audio recording on the Laurence Bakster transcriptor in the residential section (read the article on this location).

Sunbed, where there is a transcriptor for taking a quest.

Go to the Location "Arboretum" and go to the fountain. A little further, the corpse of a woman is lying around - it was her a gift Baxter prepared. The corpse is under the tree with the initials. Find close to the stone stone that can be moved. Under the stone, you find the key card from the pantry A2. Enter the storage room to complete the quest. By killing Phantom, you can search the last corpse on Laurence Bakster location.


Рrey | 2017-05-17

In the process of passing prey, you will be available different additional quests. Most of them should not cause any difficulties with you, because it is enough to just follow the marker marketer marked on the map and perform specifically set requirements. However, there are quests such as treasure hunting, where you independently need to find the right solutions. It is about passing this quest and will be discussed in today's article.

In order to take quest hunting treasure, go to the location Residential section. Here you need to find cabins of crew members. If you follow the storyline, then you will need to record Speech Samples Daniell Shaw. In the cabin Daniella check email on the terminal. After reading the appropriate letter, you will run the task.

Where to look for treasure cards

  1. To search for the first card, you need to go to the arboretum and seize the body of Zecharia Vesta. Many players, including me, find this card before launching a quest, because the corpse lies on the way to the residential section. In the arboretum you need to go down to the output to the location of the data storage, the body will lie near the door.
  2. Card Elias Black you will find in the recreational center of the second floor of the residential section. She will lie on the table.
  3. Being in the residential section, go to the fitness center to search for the map of Emma Bitty. Going to the center, follow the right along the corridor, and then find and wait for the body near the fire.
  4. To search for the Daniella map, go to the data warehouse. Upstairs you will find its working office with a terminal, the map is loaded directly from it.

Studying treasure cards

However, the search card is not limited. After their find, you need to guess what place is depicted on the maps. Each map shows the path to the wall on which one of 4 digits is depicted. After all the numbers are found, you must have the code "1365".

Note: Award can only be obtained if you personally find these places on the map. Each number must be scanned by a psychoscope.

  1. Figure "1" You will find in the location of the Sagitt, in the fuel storage (engineering level B). Follow the rampage room from the cargo tunnel, the figure will be depicted in the corner opposite the riverifts.
  2. The number "3" is located in the location of life support. If you look at the card, the figure is to the right of the lowest circle in the water treatment plant.
  3. Figure "6" you will find in the residential section. If you look at the card, then the figure is in the left far room (with a utilization) from the "yellow tulip". To do this, climb the stairs and turn left.
  4. To search for numbers "5" follow in the cargo compartment. If you look at the card, the digit is in the lower left corner of the sagitta loading compartment.

After all the numbers are found, follow the residential section. Here find the cabin Abigail Foy, where in the terminal utilities you need to enter the received code. As a reward, you will receive a drawing of the chip arsenal of an adventure crawler, after the manufacture of which you will get good characteristics.

  • Additional tasks (45 pieces) .
  • Achievements . Questions - Answers .
  • Walkthrough

    6. Laboratory of Psychotronics
    Codes and skips in Prey 2017

    Security Service Terminal. From the side of the locked room of the guards, we can open it by shooting from a dart in the buttons on the computer screen ("functions" - "open door"). Inside there is an improvement in weapons and two turrets that can be installed in the main corridor.

    Ahead locked door requiring some device. We go into the female toilet, there is a break in the floor, go down to the floor below. In the luggage department, we kill the Mimikov, inspect a person, finding psychoscope - A device for searching and scanning Typhonov. As well as chip Psychekop "Full Mimics Detection". Scanning several monsters, we get access to their branches of the abilities "Energy", "Transformation", "Telepathy". Now you can add them as neurodes (but at the first passing it is better not to use them to get the achievement). We return to the floor, with a psychoscope we are passed to the elevator.

    Atrium. In the center we can scan monsters in tanks. On the side there is a barricated gypsum Cabinet director of Kelanp, pass there, neutralize the electrical device. Search the body of Hans near the computer, we find skipping cabin Gansa Kelanp, Cabinet Cabinet Kelanp.

    With the pass, we can open the back door and go to the room the Mirror station. Find there chip "Lift Control" And audio messages. On the screen click several times on the green button, the mirror with a monster will turn on. Just at that moment, a real monster will come to the room at the room, we kill him and leave.

    When we leave the cabinet, we will call Alex Y and will give code from the Kelanp safe - 3951 (random code). Inside found 2 ready-made neurodes And the drawing of the neurode. If we try to create a neuromode on the factor, it turns out that this opportunity is blocked by one of the directors, it will appear additional task "Copy Protection".

    Through a round gateway we go to a large room. Ahead of the glass we see a new monster - weaving, in his web turned out to be the first soviet satellite Earth. At first we can rise to the second floor and inspect the laboratories.

    Laboratory "A". The staircase on the top floor is broken, but on the wall you can make a ladder of plaster. Upstairs there is a medical compartment, where the bot can cure us. There is a room blocked by plaster, inside 5 mimics, it is a good place for getting achievements "Massacre Mimikov", Just throw a recyclable grenade there, and all monsters will die. Inside the Cabinet Drum Dr. Anna Gallegos, its audio recording and neurodes. From audio recordings extra. Task "Pravdvubub" - Anna was going to tell everyone about illegal experiments in humans, she hid the evidence in her cabin in a residential compartment.

    Laboratory "B". Throw through the lattice window audio message Mitsuko Tokazzi. The room itself can be opened if you shoot a dart into a computer. Inside the improvement of weapons and reports of a certain 37th experimental. In the next room, a bunch of notes on things so that they can be seen that they are real, not a facial express. Mimics here are only two, both are easily at a psychos. In the last room "Telemetry of behavior", several test rooms, where a zero wave and bait for typhonians were tested. Near the entrance to a small room with golden tape threads lie 2 neurodes.

    Processing of raw materials. We pass around a big round capsule with a fabric. In the eastern room behind the glass locked a live volunteer gangster, we get extra. Task "Prisoner in a psychotronic laboratory". We can raise his facial scans or release free by opening the door. If we help a person, he will say code 8741 from Arsenal, inside there are pistols, shotguns, cartridges, neuromode.

    On the left there is a locked door to the laboratory of exotic matter, near her corpse with audio record. Listening to the transcriptor, get extra. The task of "sealant for a million dollars" - It is necessary outside of space to close the hole in the compartment so that you can enter this laboratory.

    Observation department. Further the door is closed, so we go around the capsule on the other side. In the next room on the table we find chip "Accelerated Scanning". In the center there is a glass room, by pressing the button you can release weaving. It will be flown to the corpse and create an electrophantom from it, which will come to us. Scan new monster. The best tactic against him: cementing with plaster and throw a recycling grenade under the feet. It is necessary to kill the monster to remove quarantine from the room. After the victory, we go to the southern room, there is a transition to a new compartment. Morgue. On the elevator from the viewing branch we can go down to the morgue. At the bottom there is a locked door, but it can be opened, shooting from a dart through the glass into the door button. Inside on the table 2 of the neurode and the pass of morgue. Among the corpses, we find the body of Dr. Bellamy ( extra. Task "Disappearing Corpse"), we get passing cabin Silvesen Bellamy.

    7. Sagitta
    Location of all secrets Prey 2017

    Under the entrance there is a utilizer and computer. Recycling everything is superfluous, we go to the zone of reduced gravity, fly on the tunnel, inspect the corpses on the way.

    2 pipe compartment. We will meet new monsters - the nest of cystoids is a living radioactive mine left by weaving. We destroy monsters from afar, they fly to the sound, so we can use grenades, attract them with shots to gas pipes around the edges, or just throw items in front of ourselves.

    3 compartment. The gateway between the compartments is closed. Nearby there is a ventilation hatch, stop the blades of the fan with a gypsum gun, prolazes inside.

    4 compartment. In the next compartment too much nests, the cartridges are not enough for everyone, simply fly past them by inertia, without making sounds.

    5 compartment. In the last part of the pipe, the door is locked with a code lock, you need a skip. Near the side wall there is an exit to the zone with normal gravity - to the research floor.

    Magnitosphere control. We see a large capsule in which a movable magnet is running, a dead cosmonaut dangles there. Here on the first floor we enter the toilet, we find a green book " Conqueror of stars. Volume 2."needed to achieve. We look at the corpse, we take an audio message, get extra. Task "Project Blackbox" - You need to find Josh Dalton to find out the details.

    We climb the floor above, there can be included in the electromagnet zone. We catch a good moment between the magnet pulses, we fly inside, search for the human body, we find the right skip service tunnel and chip "Drive Artx".

    Cargo tunnel. We return to weightlessness, open the gateway pass. We fall into the compartment filled with the golden threads, hearing the voices of the aliens in the head. Ahead in tunnels two weaver, they are killed for a long time, and can stun us for a while. It is better to simply fly past them.

    First we can visit a dead end on the right. There at the very end of the human corpse flies, there is an entrance to the cargo compartment nearby, where we do not need it yet. On the way there is an entrance to the intermediate floor "fuel storage", there is a thermofant and a couple of mimics. Find the last 5 body of the employee on the location of Saggita, her skip Fuel Storage. Include emergency food behind a large installation, pass on the side door, inside 3 neurodes. Upstairs we can open the door to the "shuttle compartment". Find here digit "1" on the wall

    We fly to the left tunnel, we enter the gateway Arboretum. We hear the broadcasting of two surviving girls: Sarah and Catherine.

    8. Arboretum
    Games Prey 2017.

    The door on the path is locked, go through the hatch, from where a person fell out. We reach deadlock, we climb up, we turn out to be on the surface. Next to the watering plant, we read a note about the invention of rapid growth of plants - extra. Task "Gardening Tips".

    Greenhouse. Slightly above there is a greenhouse where zombie people are inhabited, controlled by Typhon "Telepat", but in the inside you can only hacker's skill or climb through a high roof. Near the computer, jump on the installation to the right, from it on the lamp above the door, and from here to the left we build a ladder to the roof. The whole roof of the greenhouse is glass, but it is better not to jump up to do not accidentally kill people. We blame the tipon of telepath to yourself, neutralize the zero wave, and we kill.

    Inside the greenhouses are found chip "High Temperature Amplifier", quest item " Water pressure regulator"And a lot of fruits on the trees. One girl after the death of the telepath did not faint, we communicate with her, we get extra. The task of "save wound". Nearby you need to enter the AR01 warehouse, take a couple of turons from there and install them on the road. While we will do it, Rani Chodari will already get to the cargo compartment, and the task will be fulfilled.

    Central Elevator. In the center there is an underground tunnel leading to the central elevator space stationbut to use it, first you need to repair it - extra. Task "Problems with elevator". In the entrance tunnel of the elevator we find the body of the girl, listen to her audio recording, get extra. Task "Smugglers on Taloshoe" - Find 6 caches.

    Extra. Task: smugglers on Talos. All caches look like a fire alarm on the wall, there are many of them throughout the station, but the caches are distinguished by the fact that they burn a red light bulb over the alarm. To open such a cache, knocking on a wrench 3 times panel. Location of all caches:

    1. Arboretum, tunnel in the hall. Right near the place of receiving the quest.

    2. Hall. Exhibition on the 1st floor.

    3. Hall. Corridor to the left of the toilets.

    4. Residential compartment. Fitness center, in the corner to the right of the entrance.

    5. Hardware laboratory. Atrium, 2nd floor, behind the statue.

    6. Cargo compartment. On the 2nd floor of refuge near the seated girl.

    We go to the elevator platform, there we find Typhon of the "Technopath", which controls the bots and the rest of the electronics around. After his murder, the elevator will work. We look at the site, find the body of a person, he has skip Cabinet Hendrik Dervis and audio recording. On audio get new extra. The task "do not harm" - decipher this audio message in the lobby.

    Hall. Emergency room. Extra. The task is not harmful. We enter the previously locked Cabinet Dervis, download the decrypt key, we listen to the second part of the audio message. In the neighboring room of a psychologist on the main computer, we include a re-test, perform it, answering questions like this: A, C, B, A, with. After entering this combination, a safe will open in the picture, take 3 out of it.

    We go further along the arboretum on the right way, past the rocks and thickets. On the left in the forest there will be a large screen of the mirror, smash it for a first-aid kit and new monsters - higher facial expressions. On the round glade on the bench lies the book " Conqueror of stars. Volume 4.". On the latest platform Waiting for Essential Phantom, he quickly moves, it is better to slow down to a plaster.

    On the side branch there is a waterfall, it is not real, and created with the help of the "mirror". We divide the glass bottom of the waterfall, jump into the intermediate floor, we find there chip "Psychoactive Regenerator".

    We descend on the elevator in the data warehouse. Open the gateway into space, but do not go out. In the corridor inspect the corpse, take it from him skip living section and paper drawing " Treasure map for Hordinbafla flagldasterus".

    On the lower floor, near the elevator there is a gearbox if you hack your door, you can download the compartment card inside on the computer and see the location of the entire personnel.

    9. Residential section
    I can not pass Prey 2017

    Here all the location roam zombied people. If you approach them close - they will explode. To leave people alive, they need to stun a zero-wave grenade or shoot from the shocker.

    Reaction Center. Poltergeist dwells in the leisure room. This is an invisible monster, so we put on the scanner to notice it. Upstairs on the big table are leaflets with desktop characters role-playing game "Rock Fortress. 6th edition", here we find audio Research Show (40%), passing cabin Abigail Fi and card Treasure for Memes (The map shows a local room with a utilization, inside it we look at the elder, we see the number "6" on the wall).

    Extra. Task: request Coca

    Cafeteria. Monster telepath, controlling zombied people, lives in the cafeteria. With him, it is better not to get involved, and bypass this place. The best tactic against him: to die from behind and shoot a shotgun, so more health is fond. Zero-wave garnet can be temporarily deprived of the monster of all abilities. When I kill the monster, Coke will come to the connection with us, he will not let us go to the kitchen, but will give pass in the cabin Will Mitchell.

    Calutes of the crew A.. In the corridor, electric phantom will meet, here he has an advantage, because the entire floor in water, lick it and kill him. In the toilet Poltergeist.

    Cabin "101 - S. Elazar".

    Cabin "102 - J. Marks". The key to the cabin lies in the shuttle compartment.

    Cabin "103 - H. Kelstrup".

    Cabin "104 - D. Igwe".

    Cabin "105 - M. Ilyushin". You can only enter into a small object.

    Cabin "106 - W. Mitchell". In the cabin Mitchell, we find a chef's medal, in his computer there are code from apartments of directors.

    Kitchen. Returning to Cocca, he misses us to the kitchen, inside there is a formist. The cook will ask for us to repair us a water supply (you can bring a whole piece from the trend of the arboretum, or repair the broken local item). After that, Kok will miss us in the refrigerator. But it will be a trap, he prohibits us inside. In the first chamber a piece of meat of real Mitchell. There is a new weapon in the side chamber - laser gun "Marcgraf". In the far chamber we find the corpse of the girl Abigail, her audio Research Show (60%). Nearby there are ice boulders that interfere with go into ventilation. We shoot the gas pipes on the wall, the fire emerged will melt the ice, and we can get out. Kok during this time already disappeared.

    Pool. Concierge computer has a location map and audio with code from the fitness center, through it we go to the pool. On the top floor near the treadmills there is a neuromode. Telepath flies over the pool, several people around him. Here one of the people have treasure map for Rosalin Swift.

    The dead man find a message from Daniell - we get extra. Task "Daniell Show". Just come to the windows of the pool, and knock three times the key on the glass. Outside, the living Daniell will be cleared, we communicate with her, she asks to take revenge on Coca, who killed her beloved Abigail. At the same time recorded part of the Voice of Show.

    Cinema. In the distant hall under chairs, audio recording shows.

    Bar "Yellow Tulip". I look at the breakdown in the bar, he has passing the storage room "Yellow Tulip". In the storage room two corpses, pistols and drink. In the Far Hall we can crawl into ventilation and turn on the light in the bar. Near this place above the table above there is another hatch, it leads to a fitness center where zombies roam.

    Near the bar there is a separate room with a utilization, inside find a note, on it code 2512 from Gravily. In the same room we look at figure "6" on the wallThe treasure map indicates it.

    Apartments Directors. On the gravyphtum rose to the director. In his cabin "Morganu, we find 2 neurodes and chip Psyoscope "Potentializer". The computer has audio recordings about all significant characters at the station. The cabin "Alex Yu" locked. Guest cabin dwells phantom.

    Calutes of the crew B..

    Cabin "107 - J.Thorstein" is chip "Battery Optimizer".

    Cabin "108 - S. Belamy". Pass from the cabin can be obtained by performing quest "Fingering Corpse". When we enter inside, the quest will be completed. Inside the reward: 3 neurodes and chip Psychoscope Psi-amplifier.

    Cabin "109 - a.foy". Nothing interesting.

    Cabin "110 - H. Devries".

    Cabin "111 - L. Calvino". Inside the neurode, several records, there is a note code from Dr. Calvino safe. Safe is hidden behind the glass of the mirror, inside 3 neurodes.

    Cabin "112 - D.SHO". Return to the cabin Daniell, inside there is a book " Conqueror of stars. Volume 1.", neuromode, near the bed lies audio recording (80%), but it still needs to repair the engineer's skill. There is a small computer recording her voice (90%). After reading the messages, get extra. The task of "treasure hunting".

    Residential capsules. We inspect all capsules, including on the second floor. In one of the capsules we find code from the post office (near the concierge computer, inside 3 neurodes), in the other in audio messages we will teach extra. The task of the "gift of the beloved". We look at the dead body of the reach of the additional. tasks "Pravdvubub". We find Daniell's friend's capsule, there is the latest audio recording (100%). We can leave the sector.

    We return to the arboretum, there are many electrical and essential phantoms on the way. We get to the entrance to the repository, imitate the voice of Daniell Shaw, and pass.

    10. Data warehouse
    Prey 2, game 2017

    Task: Restore from backup

    When you enter the compartment, Alex Yu blocked the door behind us, and will be temporarily can not be temporarily. On the computer found code from access to the stairsnear Neuromode. The second room is waiting for a monster technopath, he wakes up all the nearest devices and attacks with ball lightning.

    Go down to weightlessness between floors. We see the server computer, but the central hard disk is removed from it. You need to fly down the weaver and its min, and get a disk from the bottom. Speed \u200b\u200bto the server, the disk passes automatically. Download the information about the key.

    Control center. We return to the floor with normal gravity, from here on the cabinets we climb the floor of the security service. In the computer of the security chief, you can track the staff by the ID of the bracelet number. We can enter the number 3232 (random code)To find an employee of Grand Lockwood ( extra. The task of bellying, an unhappy employee). Near the table we find security service skip and 2 neurodes.

    Daniella Show is calling us and tells how to leave the blocked compartment. In its computer, you download the file key_E_U_M. Here in the files find map Treasure for Melindra Shadowkoner. There is a neighboring table chip "Optimizer (telepathy)".

    Confidential entries. The door is locked, but you can crawl through the top. Inside the data on experimental volunteers and safe.

    Task: Top here!

    Data modules. The entry is barricaded by heavy cabinets, we can move them with the skill, destroy the recycling grenade, or scatter the balloon explosion. Inside the room weaver, run or destroy it. From here, on the Council, Daniella go into open space through the gateway. Alex Yu closed all other gateways from the inside, but you can still get through the cargo compartment, where the gateways are semi-automatic.


    Extra. Task: Sealant for a million dollars

    On the way we can perform the previously obtained task. In the trim Talos-1, we find a long crack from which the air leaves. Fill the entire surface with gypsum gun so that the air stop going out. After that, access to the unwrapped room will open. Come there later.

    Extra. Task: displeased employee

    If we included a search on the ID of the bracelet number, now we see where the Grand Lockwood is located. It is far beyond the protective field of the station. When we go beyond the field, we will slowly kill solar radiation, so you need to rush. We find the corpse of the astronaut, in his suitcase there is a special chip "Atrax 2"allowing you to do a double jump.

    Extra. Task: Dr. Ive

    Padded to the cargo part of the trim Talos-1. Here Dr. Ivep comes with us to contact, he hid in a container, which is now drifting in space. The task is given for 7 minutes. It is impossible to open the container, otherwise the scientist will die without air, it is impossible to push it too. In the input panel, we find the container number 2312.

    We fly into the deepening of the cargo compartment, there are many mines, we clean them. On the side wall there is a load control panel, we enter the container number on it, and it automatically docks to the ship. So we save the scientist. After that, we will be able to go through the dyed container to the station.

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    . 9. Residential section. 10. Data warehouse.
    11. Cargo compartment. 12. Life support. 13. Power station. 14. Shuttle. 15. ending.
    Additional tasks (45 pieces). Achievements . Questions - Answers.