Games for children with musical themes. Developing musical games for children. Musical instruments for children

Sly mouse

Age: 5 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: Teach children to move expressively, in accordance with the chosen musical way.

Necessary equipment: Any musical instrument on which professionally trained adult plays.

Stroke Game. The space allotted for the game is conditionally divided into two halves. On one side there is a "cat", on the other - "mouse minks", they are marked with chalk. Any number of players can take part in the game. With the help of readings, the leading - WADA, which will be "cat". Children become a circle and "are considered":

Tara-bar, rabbar,

Sits a cat at Samovar,

And a mouse - under the table.

WADA - you, from the circle - won!

Under the quiet, but rhythmic and disturbing music, the water depicting the covered "cat". The remaining "mice" players are hiding in their "minks". Music changes, becomes more calm and quiet. This for "mice" serves as a signal that "the cat" finally fell asleep. "Mice" quietly run out of their "mink" and sneak up to "Sweet Sleeping Kot". They get up around it and begin to move clockwise. By pressing the finger to the lips, the "mice" quietly, in the tact of the music of the Naraspev pronounces:

Quieter, quieter, silence ...

We said the cat.

Cat sweetly sleeps

And it does not look on the mice.

It is only worth it,

Cat Our mice can eat! ..

If the music sounds still calm, the "mice" children again sneeze the words again, moving in the opposite direction, that is, counterclockwise. And then the music suddenly becomes fast and energetic, and this means that the "cat" "woke up." This is a signal not only for "mice", but also for the "cat": he must first catch changes in music and warn the actions of "mice". He suddenly jumps up and tries to catch the outragees of his calm. The player who did not have time to hide in his "mink" were caught, which "Cat" managed to touch.

With the end of music ends both the game. "Cat" recalculates its "prey".

Note. The game is repeated until all "mice" will not be caught. That "Mouse", which will be able to stay at freedom, is declared the winner of the game. Under the sounds of the solemn march and the friendly applause of the remaining players, he is assigned the honorary title "The most cunning mouse".

We play steam locomotive

Age: 5 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: The development of musical hearing, coordination of movements, the ability to relate their movements with changing the tempo of the music. In addition, in the process of the game, collectivism and interaction skills are being implemented.

Necessary equipment: A musical instrument or a tape recorder with a record of a simple musical composition.

Stroke Game. Children become each other. The child standing ahead is the driver of the "steam locomotive", the rest of the children are trailers, they "hurt" to the driver, pronounce the patience:

What kind of miracle steam locomotive?

He is without couple and wheels!

Check over to each other ...

Machinist, let's signal!

Departures an hour has come ...

With the beginning of the music "Machinist" gives "beep". The "steam locomotive" comes in motion: the children go through legs, depicting the movement of the wheels and imitating their crossings. "The steam locomotive" rushes from the place and travels to the "station" (for example, Romashkino), with a change in the tempo of music and "speed of the locomotive": CM is slow, then speeds up or slows down.

The task of each participant is not to deploy from ahead of the standing child and keep up, as the "composition" can "maneuver". The train must come to the stop in full.

At the end of the game, children perform a song "Steam locomotive", words O. Vysotskaya, music 3. Farm.

Steam locomotive, steam locomotive,

New, brilliant!

He was joining

Like real.

Who rides a train?

Teddy bears,

Fluffy cats,

Hares and martyrs.

Note: At least 5-7 children take part in the game. The main challenge standing by the players is to act minorly and clearly, the whole team. A team of 3-5 people can also participate in the game. In this case, the game becomes a competition. The winner will be considered the most friendly "train", with its movement that has not lost a single "trailer".


Age: 5 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: Training to the main receptions of the game on the simplest shock instruments, the development of creative thinking and imagination.

Necessary equipment: For the game you will need real musical instruments: maracas, tambourine, triangle, metallophone.

The course of the game. First, the teacher introduces the guys with musical instruments, repeats their names and explains the rules of the game on each of them. After that, the adult invites children to tell the fairy tale, but not just like that, and accompanying each phrase with sound (noise) effects created using musical instruments.

"There was a boy who was only afraid. He was afraid of strong wind, thunderstorms, rain and even the rustle of the leaves. " The teacher must first show how "sound" these natural phenomena. Only after that, he continues his story: "... But one day everything has changed. The boy met one wise and good wizard who not only helped him cope with his fears, but he taught to understand the language of nature. Now the boy is in the rain, in the rustling of the leaves heard music, and the thunder was not so terrible. Now he appeared to a boy in the image of a toddler, sitting on a toucke and playing a rattle. And the boy became friends with the wind and began to run right with him ... "

The tutor requests young musicians to now escape the story with sound comments. Each "performance" is discussed, and as a result, children choose the best. Then the educator invites the guys to come up with their small fairy tale with the help of musical instruments already familiar to them.

Note: Since the game is focused on activation creative abilities Children, there are no winners and defeated. Each participant of the game is necessarily encouraged by the educator.

Who is the king?

Age: 6 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: The game is aimed at the development of reaction and coordination of movements.

Necessary equipment: Chair - "Trone"; Crown made of foil.

The course of the game. Children are 3 meters from the stool. Under merry music, players perform any dance movements familiar to them. With the end of music, they should reach the "throne" and try to sit on it. That child who managed to take the royal place is defeated. He solemnly "proclaimed" by the king of the musical country. On the head of the winner under the applause of the "Courtful Kingdoms" with all the honors, the crown is watered in this case.

Note. Sometimes it happens that the forces and opportunities for players are equal. They fight together to "Trone" and raise the crown. In this case, the task of the teacher (musical leader) is to prevent quarrels and offense. The emerging dispute is allowed as follows: the players are offered another test (for example, to fulfill your favorite song or guess the musical riddle). The most awake (or musically gifted) from the players is "crowded" to the "reign".

Play in transformation

Age: 37 years.

Purpose of the game: Development of imagination.

Necessary equipment: Music record "Rhythmic exercise", music S. Sosnina.

The course of the game. The educator sets the guys the question: how do they relate to transformations? It is unlikely that there is at least one child who does not dream of becoming a fabulous wizard and the happy owner of the magic wand. The adult suggests that it is quite possible to do without magical objects, it is enough to have a rich imagination. He asks for children to try to "include" his fantasy: "Let each of you present that he is not Pete or Masha now, but a small beautiful ball. Presented? Whatever color you wish to be? " Each child mentally picks up a color, that is, paints himself in favorite colors. Merry music sounds, the children perform free improvised movements: "roll", "jump", "bounce", etc. The task of players: enter the image of the ball, to move like him, while carefully listening to music and coordinate your movements with it.

Note. Invitations to the game-workshop can be such words:

One, two, three, four, five -

We will play with you

In the ball cheerful, mischievous,

Rated, not stand!

Do you hear music sounds?

The ball is not worth it!

Skump Rabo: Jump Yesch ...

Did you get my friend?

Well, a little rest

And ... again play again.

This game can also be successfully used on a school change or in kindergarten - for too excited or, on the contrary, are overlooking the apathetic guys. With the help of music and movements, it is easy to remove psychological and muscle tension in children.

Lying to the toy

Age: 6 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: Teach to navigate in space, coordinating their movements according to the musical dynamics.

Necessary equipment: Any small toy, music record.

Stroke Game. Educator, showing a child toy (for example, a bunny), asks him to turn away and grind his eyes. At this time he hides a thing. Then the leader's player opens his eyes. The educator explains him the rules of the game: the child needs to find a hidden toy. If the player is moving in the right direction, then the music and the voices of children feeding the melody are louder. If he is removed from the toy, then the music and the voices of children sound quieter. The task of the child - using the help of children, as quickly as possible to find the hidden thing.

Note. Two children are already involved in the re-game. One hides the toy, another looks around her. As a musical accompaniment, any melody that the children sitting on the spot are escaping for any particular music syllable (for example, "la"),

Music chain

Age: 6 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: Develop a sense of rhythm, musical memory and attention.

Necessary equipment: Music, ball.

Stroke Game. Children are sitting on the chairs or are located on the carpet. The educator (music leader), in the hands of which the ball is located, offers each child in turn singing on one song phrase. Begins the game tutor. He sings a song, well-known guys (for example, "I'm lying in the sun, I look at the sun ...") And immediately gives the ball to another child. He immediately must continue without pauses and the chandeliers to continue: "I'm lying on everything, and Laja, and I look at the sun ..." And immediately pass the ball to a child sitting next to him, who picks up a song, repeating her chorus: "Everyone is lying and lying , And I look at the sun ... ", etc. The task of players: catch the" musical relay "and transfer it to the following.

Note. The game uses previously learned songs. Children who successfully coped with the task receive the right to solo performance at the concert, which will take place immediately after the game.

Guess, who sings?

Age: 6 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: develop musical memory in children of senior preschool age.

Necessary equipment: Cards depicting various fabulous characters. The game will also need a tape recorder and recording of children's songs from famous fairy tales, animated and children's films.

The course of the game. Each character fairytale has its own favorite song, which is well known to children. The teacher invites them to sit down for the tables on which the cards with the image of various fabulous characters are lying. After familiarizing children with the terms of the game they give them to listen to the fragment of the first song. Then the sound is muted, the guys choose the desired card And show the educator. Complete task: Listen to a song fragment and call her artist. The child wins, which will successfully cope with the highest number of tasks.

Note. The game can use fragments of songs performed by Cheburashka, his other crocodile genome; Winnie Pooh; Emes; Fox Alice and Cat Basilio; Pinocchio; Crumb of raccoon; Bremen musicians, etc.

Who heard what heard

Age: 5 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: Develop rumors, attention, observation, skill in ordinary things and phenomena to see unusual.

Necessary equipment: No additional equipment not required.

The course of the game. Children are located on chairs or on the carpet. The number of players does not matter. The educator offers a minute to sit calmly and listen: in silence you can hear a lot. After the expiration time, the players share their observations. Someone heard the noise of passing transport outside the window, and someone - the singing of birds, the noise of foliage, creak of the open door, scraps of a remote conversation, etc. The task of players: for a certain time hear as much diverse sounds as possible. The most attentive and active participant of the game receives the honorary title of the best observer of this day.

Note. During the game, the teacher (music leader) deliberately can add several "extra sounds" (for example, to drop the book, knock down on the surface of the table or "by chance" to press the piano key, etc.).

Dance improvisation

Age: 4 - 8 years old.

Purpose of the game: The development of the creative abilities of the child and its improvisational skills.

Necessary equipment: Recording fun and rhythmic music, for example, "dance of small ducklings."

The course of the game.It can take part in it unlimited quantity Players. To music (in the lively execution or in record), the guys should depict the most different animals: piglets, bunnies, elephants, cats, kangaroo, etc.

Note. The game can be carried out not only indoors, but also outdoors. In this game there are no winners and defeated, originality and brightness in the disclosure of an image of a particular animal are welcome.

Times a word, two words - there will be a song

Age:5 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: Development of creative abilities and deposlaries in children of senior preschool age.

Necessary equipment: Recording funny music.

Stroke Game. A fabulous character, such as Baba Yaga, appeals to the guys. She was invited to the name of his dusty girlfriend Kimor. I decided to sing her famous girlfriends as a gift, but the trouble is a grandmother illiterate, and no memory. I composed a song, and then I forgot half words. Yaga asks the guys to help her remember the forgotten rhymes. She starts to hum:

Christmas lumps,

Spiky ... (needles).

Without broom I like without hands,

Without mine ... (bakers).

Without broom, I do not fly,

Next traces .... (to take).

Mountain, Mount Yaga,

If there is no one ... (brooms)!

Eh, Baba Yaga,

Bone ... (leg)!

I live for how many years

Having helped so much ... (troubles)!

Go dance

Legs of nowhere ... (Dell).

Now I will take my broom

Yes, like a "lady" ... (I wool)!

Note. After the guys will help the Baba Yaga to remember the forgotten words, she will thank them very much and fulfills the entire song by accompanying her movements. The number of players is not limited, as they say, the more, the better.

What we can, we will show

Age: 6 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: The game is aimed at the development of collective creativity skills.

Necessary equipment:musical accompaniment.

Stroke Game. The teacher, he and the leading improvised concert, says that children learned about music classes correctly and sing and move and move. Now it's time to demonstrate your knowledge and skills. In the improvised concert, the guys play famous songs, chastushki, dances and dancing. The task of the players: to hit the audience with their professionalism and artistry. Children perform in the role of both amateur artists and viewers.

The teacher in the role of the host announces the first room, calling the last name and the full name of a small artist. After each speech, as it should be, spectator applause sounds.

For example, one of the concert numbers can be a performance of girls matters that will perform their funny chastushki for the guys.


Here are funny matryoshka,

Adore sing, dance.

Invited their guys

To play your holiday.

Matryushki (chorus).

We wave a waist

Completely tinted heel.

Oh, once! Again!

We start bumbled!

Improvised dance of matryoshek. When the dance ends, all the nests, except the last, the youngest, go and sit in place.

Junior doll.

And I am the younger sister,

Sing Chastushki Caster.

I will not leave the scene

While the chastushka is not easy.

How little registra

I'll go to school right away.

I will sing, dance,

Discos attend.

My mother is dear,

Do not worry about me.

I am a combat girl,

All, mom, in you!

Before you will be

Yes three times worship

(Bow to three sides).

I would still raise

Yes, that's something suddenly tired.

How little rest

Song sing again!

Oh, once! Again!

I'm on the stage for a whole hour!

Thanks for attention,

See you soon!

Baby runs off. On the loss, all the nephews go to the bow.


Age: 5 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: The game is designed for the joint musical creativity of children and adults.

Necessary equipment: "Live" musical accompaniment.

Stroke Game. Adult, owning any musical instrument, and several children take part in the game. Before the game, it is necessary to explain to the guys who such a composer, after which the children are invited to try their strength in the composition of the melody. The players are task: to compose a melody to the New Year's song. In this game, win joint creativity and friendship.

After explaining the rules of the game, the educator (music leader) introduces children with the words of songs:

I am a funny SPEY SPO for you, friends!

And I will sing to singing

At the same time you can dance -

La La La La! La La La La!

At the same time dance!

Words for this song

Clear and simple.

We remember them and repeat:

"Tyrlim-Tyrlim, Tyrlim Tyrlim!" -

We remember, repeat.

We are zadorny song

We sing on all the frets:

"La La La! Tyrlim Tyrlim!

La La La! Tyrlim! " -

From the beginning we repeat.

Then take hands and stand up in the dance,

And with a song cheerful that

We will meet New Year!

La La La La! La La La! Tyrlim Tyrlim Tyrlim!

La La La! La La La! Meet the New Year!

Note. After the motive is invented, the adult picks up the accompaniment and children perform the whole song - from the beginning to the end with the movement. After her execution itself applaud. This song can be performed on new Year's holiday, accompanying singing game on musical instruments.

Musical Theatre

Age: 6 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: awaken in children a steady interest in musical creativity.

Necessary equipment: Record Music E. Tamberg "Dance of Soglongia".

The course of the game. The game is held with a group of children. The task of the players: Try the pantomime to transfer the content and mood of music. The child, during the game, manifested himself the most bright and emotionally, receives the title of People's Artist.

Players are invited to listen to the play and try using movements, gestures and facial expressions to transfer its content. For a more successful entry into the image, poetic lines, characterizing the fabulous character of the musical work, are read.

Witch spell

Not dust, walkway,

Not shumi, grass.

Silence, birds,

Do not romdy, thunderstorm!

You do not blow, winds,

Sun, not lit.

Living is all the earth

You're on MiG Zamri!

Hour for spells

Finally came!

Prepare a potion,

Wizard decoction ...

Oburlit and foam

Welcome mine.

People will collapse

All worldly evil!

Note.If desired, the guys themselves can automatically illustrate the music of E. Tamberg, inventing her plot to her.

Players - repeats

Age: 5 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: The game is aimed at the development of care and training of complex abilities of rhythmic musical memory.

Necessary equipment:same musical instruments (by the number of players).

Stroke Game. Two or more children can take part in the game. Before each of them lies, for example, a metallophone. By an adult sign, one of the children play a simple melody on his instrument. The second child is invited to repeat it. If he successfully copes with the task, then, in turn, the first child should repeat his melody that the first child should repeat.

Note. There are two more attempts to the player who could not spend.

Musical Movable Theatrical Games for Senior Preschool Children

Cold Irina Vladimirovna, Music director MADOU MO G. Krasnodar "Kindergarten № 191"

Description of the material:
I bring to your attention the author's musical theatrical games for preschoolers. Age 5-7 years. The use of musical games with voice acting allows you to maximally reduce the process of learning - to one lesson, and make it possible to use the game in the group or on a walk in the presence of MP3 player.
Equipment: Attributes to games, rim hats.
Preparatory stage:listening to the game, a brief explanation.

1.Iigra "Conductor" (Zamri)
Author I. Cold
Tasks: Teach children rhythmically move, rhythmically accompanying themselves on noise musical instruments. Fasten the ability to clearly respond to the change of musical fragments. Develop motor coordination, coordinating their movements with leading movements.
Attributes: conductor's stick.
Game traffic:
Children listen to the speaker and execute the proposed actions.
"We are in" Zamri "to play everything, we will jump and jump
The conductor today will wave with all of us.
On him we will see and motion repeat
1-2-3 - Zanri! "
The conductor is a child with a conductor in the sidelines. Children move arbitrarily, knocking on the tact of music by noise muses. Tools.
On the word "Zamri" the conductor himself freezes, showing the pose of children. Children repeat the speaker's posture. Further, the conductor chooses the child you like, transmits the conductor wand. The game is repeated.

2. Game "Princesses and Dragons"
Author I. Cold
Tasks:Develop the expressiveness of musical gaming images. Coordinate movements with the nature of the musical fragment.
Game traffic: Children listen to the speaker and execute the proposed actions.
"Dragons are walking with big steps
Huge wings are dismissed
Princesses of dragons are not at all afraid
Make dragons to obey yourself!
Princess ribbon wave -
Dragon, like stone, zoked! "
Girls - Princesses with ribbons in their hands stand in four corners of the hall.
Boys - dragons step by a high step, mashed with hands.
Which Dragon Princess is touching the ribbon, he freezes.
Next, princesses consider caught dragons.

3. game cap and wand
Author I. Cold
Tasks:Improve light dance running in a circle. Develop auditory attention and feeling of rhythm.
Attributes:Cap, wand.
Game traffic:

"On the socks for each other we run a cheerful circle
There will be a wand sticking, and the palms repeat
And back with each other we run a cheerful circle,
Wand, you are not silent! Rhythms clearly no clearer! "
Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle, driven with a wand rising to the floor and in a bright cap, closing the eyes of a child.
1. Eye easily on the socks run in a circle in the same way. Worth worth it.
2. The resulting retracts the rhythm with a stick on the floor, children simultaneously clap your hands.
3. Detty twice clap and say "turn!"
Weeping, leaning on a wand, turns 180%, and so 3 times, when the children say "show!", Drinking by two hands perpendicular to the wand, pointing to a child. Since the cap closes the eyes, driving does not see who shows, the game becomes sufficient interest in children.
The child on whom he pointed out the wand comes out. Himself, or with the help of the teacher removes the cap, then takes a wand, becomes driving. The game is repeated.

4. Themers, on the airfield!
Author's compilation game M. Rukhverger.
Tasks: learn navigate in space using different kinds simulation movements; develop knowledge about countries and continents, improve communicative skills; promote the creation of a positive emotional background in the children's team
Game traffic:
Children listen to the speaker and execute the proposed actions:
1. "Pilots, on the airfield!" Children are sitting on
2. "We start the motors!" Children sitting (a prerequisite, so that there is an alternation of motor activity and recreation) make "a vague" bent hands.
3. "In flight!" Children depict the flight of the aircraft (fly)
4. "Attention, landing!" Children are squatting.
5. Further, the imitative movements of animals of those countries and continents in which aircraft arrive.

5. Game "Little Fairy"
Author I. Cold
Tasks:Expressively transmit the nature of the music. Learning creatively use familiar dance movements.
Attributes: Flower, Fairy Hat
Game traffic:
Children listen to the speaker and execute the proposed actions:
"The little fairy is spinning, dancing!
A twig wonderful magic draws!
Who on the shoulder flower falls,
That with the fairy in the circle to dance will go!
What, the fretka, come on!
Children choose! "
The girl - "Fairy" with a flower improvises to the music, at the ending with a flower to sitting or standing in a circle of children, chosen children dancing along with the fairy. Next, a new fairy is selected.

Music lessons are not only singing and learning to the game tools, but also a great opportunity to make a variety of practically any classes. You can begin to engage in any age, developing musical Games For children will benefit, both for mental and physical formation.

Movable music games

The kids love to listen to music, and children start dancing, almost before walking. At the heart of classes and rhythm for kids are adapted songs that encourage children to make certain actions, for example:

There are a lot of similar songs. Especially love kids songs that need to portray a bear, hare, chanterelle, bird and other animals. As the tasks agrees are complicated: to make lanterns with handles, work out the like. Holding gymnastics, charging for the music is much more fun than under a strict account: once! Two! Time! Two! So, under a funny song and with the use of simple equipment, you can go, run, crawl, jump, stretch to the sun, squat and much more.

Finger games

Only dances developing musical games for children are not limited. Highlighting finger to music is very useful for removing the tone, as a soft massage, for the development of speech and how the way to relax your hands while learning a letter. Probably known to all:

Suitable music can be found plenty, the mass is written precisely for holding finger games. For kids, about a year will fit: "Ladushka" and "forty". Than older childThe task is complicated, for example, for one and a half or two years old:

Fairy tales - Shatilki

Another type of musical games are the so-called fairy tales - shushek. The basis can serve any musical fairy tale or audiobook. And then "revive" with her undergraduate means: when a bear goes, the children hit the drum, hedgehog rustle - to send a cellophane package, the horse jumps - the bells ring. Such games will involve a child in the creative process, help develop attention, figurative thinking and auditory perception.

Children's Orchestra

The game in the orchestra is interesting and useful for the development of musical hearing occupation. The kids are quite forces to master such as: a triangle, drum, tambourine, maratasas. Before losing the composition, children are issued tools, and a place is distinguished in it, where the child should "play." The main thing is that the music is chosen by age, and the child could clearly understand where his tool should play. A little time, the kids will perfectly perform similar tasks.

So, our conversation about developing musical games for children comes to an end, let's make some generalizations. Games, especially collective, children very much like, the task of adults is to come up with or pick up them.

In addition to those games that were described in this article, parents are recommended in gaming form Disposure with kids as many risks and songs as possible. In such classes, toys, which, on the one hand, involve a child in the process, can be played, and on the other hand, serve as a "theatrical details".

And here are the video examples of some finger games. Be sure to look!

Music development, musical games for the child are healing, interesting, useful.

The musical development of the child is not easy, but important. Music, musical games for the child are healing, interesting, useful. There is even a whole direction of musical therapy, for example.

How can you play with children with music?

Violet Ocelander (The world-famous children's gestalt-therapist) often uses musical games in their work with children. I want to tell you about how you can play with children with music. Without any boring learning notes and other. So examples.

1. Put the music.

Include classic music and listen with your child. Ask a child, as it seems to him what this music is. What did the musician thought when he wrote or played it.

Put the composition on the repeat and draw.

Everything that comes to mind when you hear this music. You are on your leaflet, the child is on his.

I recommend to take compositions from children's albums for this game. It is interesting to listen to different mood and rhythm of the melody. For example, "Baba Yaga" and "Mom" P.I. Tchaikovsky. Under them are born quite different images (it is better not to inform the child's child so that he can "give birth", hear something else).

How is this game useful? She develops an emotional sphere (A child learns to hear the mood), fantasy, imagination, perfection, attention, auditory perception, small motor.

2. Play together.

This game is for the company of children, adults, for the whole family. AND for her you will need musical instruments. It is suitable for those with whom the child plays: xylophone, maracas, drum, spoons, lifting harmonica, etc.

Each participant of the game chooses tool on the instrument, and everyone starts to play.

First stage: Everyone is playing together, orchestra.

Second: In turn, clockwise (it will be convenient if you sit down on the floor).

The third: Only those who call the presenter are played, the rest are waiting (you can call both one person and immediately two, three).

The game ends with the fact that the lead calls all those present, and everyone again played together, orchestra.

How is this game useful?In addition, that she is fun and family (and what could be better), she teaches to suffer, wait for her turn.The child learns to "be silent" while "sounds" another, to show respect for the "sound" of the other and himself occurs with the same: everyone is silent when he plays. This is very useful in the emerging group in children's classes. I noticed that after this game, children become easier to suffer until another concern.

3. Dancing!

Dancing is best game to the music, you do not need to invent a bike.

Include home clockwork (or calm, relaxing - depending on your goals) melody and dance along with the child.

You can also use different items. We dance in classes with satin ribbons, and at home with your daughter - with wrapped linen and hang it in the dance on the dryer. We love it to do under the "Dance of the Fairy Dragee" - the process of lingerie hanging becomes very feminine and elegant.

How is this game useful? Basic development, of course. The ability not only to hear rhythm, but also to manage your body, according to this rhythm. And this for a child is a big deal.

4. "Play, like ..."

We return to the tools. And fantasize. The game is to play like ... how the rain is noisy. As the princess is going on the birthday of the prince. How the sun sits down. How hurts the baby when the teeth are growing. How happily when Santa Claus brings what you have asked him. As it was hurt, when someone pushed at the site. As it was bitter when my mother was crowded. How to go to sleep tired boy. How we will go to kindergarten. Etc.

How is this game useful? Here benefits are a whole car. First, the game will allow you to learn a lot about your child. What kind of music does he play about a goal in kindergarten? Body or silent? What will he play about a new friend? Listen - and hear. Just do not turn into analysts - this is just a game.

Also the benefit during the game is removed through the development of imagination and fantasy, of course. Well, everyone needs to imagine and come up with how to play.

Emotional development - if you ask to play on the topic of feelings, as in the examples given by me. There is also the opportunity to live some feelings, respond. And you - divide, with your tool.

5. Press a pencil.

Arming with a pencil and turn on the record. Anyone. Perfectly suitable, again, the composition of the children's albums of the classics. Fast or slow, cheerful or sad - on your choice. Do not try a child artificially funful. If he is sad today - so put the sad, give him his mood to live in full. There is wonderful music about the doll disease at the same Tchaikovsky, for example (yes, this is my favorite composer).

Music plays, and the pencil walks on the paper to the music. Just as if it was not a pencil. Let dance. As if he danced to this music, if it were alive.

Music ends, remove the pencil from the sheet and look. Improve. We look at. What does it seem? The task is something to "find". You are on paper, a child - at home. Something found - we take pencils of other colors and tee down the found.

How is this game useful? The development of imagination and fantasy, as you already, probably guessed. Well, again, the development of the ability to listen and hear the rhythm of the composition.

6. Stop!

Going again with the whole family around musical instruments. We assign the main thing. He will be a conductor. Everyone is playing, and he commands. Louder! Cherry! More slowly! Faster! And the most beloved children team - Stop!

Conducts change.

How is this game useful? The possibility for a child at least a little to visit the main and to manage the general process. To win your desire to command, dictate. Get a legitimate scope and time where and when you can do (and everything really happens). If you play regularly, the desire to command is always and everywhere in the child decreases - checked and noticed.

The second side of this game is to try yourself in a new role.It happens that both children and adults can only command or just obey. And in this game you can try on both both, and more, see where you are more comfortable.

By the way, there are children and adults who categorically refuse to the role of the conductor - and do not need to persuade them. If a person is not ready to take so much power for himself - there will be nothing good for him if they persuade.

7. Animals Saint-Sansa.

Yes, besides Tchaikovsky, there are other excellent composers. For example, Camille Saint-Sans. He wrote a whole, if so it can be expressed, a collection of small musical works under the general name "Carnival of animals". Separate composition - about a separate animal. There is an antelope, elephant, kangaroo, etc. My daughter's favorite work is swan.

Find pictures with all these animals, or toys. Explore the child and turn on the composition. Ask a child to guess, about whom music is played now. Animals can also be depicted.

How is this game useful? Acquaintance with the animals of the world, mood and hablings of different animals.

8. Guess the tool.

Pretty simple game. You just ask the baby to turn away or close your eyes and play on one of your musical instruments. The child is guessing that the tool sounds. The more you have tools more interesting game. You can use conventional tablespoons, or fall paper, for example.

How is this game useful? Developing auditory perception.I highly recommend playing this game, if there is some problems in this area. My daughter and I played, for example, when after transferred otitis, she began to hear worse. Thanks to this game, I checked how much its former rumor returned to it.

Well, of course, the child remembers the sound of various tools and their name.

9. Play a fairy tale.

One of my favorite games. I give the tools to children and ask to help me tell a fairy tale. I tell any fairy tale, and some of her episodes are losing to me. For example, I met a red wolf cap, and what? How did he grow out? Kids are playing. Then she went along the path slowly - how? And the wolf ran up - how? Such an interactive fairy tale is obtained. At home, we are losing your daughter so fairy tales on the piano.

How is this game useful? Develops fantasy, imagination. It gives the child the opportunity to feel its involvement, belonging, be useful and important in the general process, to be active participant, and not just a listener.

10. Talk tools.

Imagine that you can only speak musical instruments. What tool did you choose to say something to a child? And how would you "say it"? Do it and, explaining the Rules of the game, ask to do the same. Let him answer you. Listen to his answer. What is he? What feelings give rise to? How do you think he wants to tell you?

How is this game useful? The ability to say to each other something that is difficult to say words. The ability to hear the other, meet him. Lovely game for the family. It happens that I use it in family therapy.

Here are my ten games. Play, rewar, complete, invent your own. I will be glad if you share what he invented.

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.

Natalia Priconna
Musical educational games for preschool children

Musical educational games

Purpose music games

Musical education in preschool institutions are mainly carried out on music classeswhere children listen music, sing, perform various types music-Thermal movements. Ability to act independently musical tasks, allows children better, better fulfill music material, promotes development Control over their own performance.

Pedagogical studies conducted in this area prove that effective music-Sensor education promotes the visibility of learning, the emergence of consciousness children Natural Associations musical Sounds with the sounds of their lives. Therefore for successful music and sensory development of children A special environment is required. As such a medium musical Pedagogy is considering musical Games.

Music games always contain actionwhich combines elements of entertainment, competitions with sensory tasks. purpose gaming actions is to help the child to hear, distinguish, compare some properties musical soundsNamely6 their height, strength, duration, timbre.

Regularly conducted with children musical Games help systematic and systematic development of musical hearing, we produce skill not just hear musical composition, and listen to it, distinguish between the change of register, speakers, rhythm in the same work. Moreover, music and didactic games and exercisesEspecially with the use of wall-printed material, allow children to independently exercise in the assimilation of sensory action methods.

Jr preschool age

Di "Three Flowers" (I option)

purpose: Learn to determine the character music

Material: Three Cardboard Flowers (in the middle of the flower drawn "face" - Sleeping, crying or cheerful, depicting three types of character music:

Kind, affectionate, lulling (lullaby);

Sad, miserable;

Cheerful, joyful, dance, perky.

Three small flower reflecting character music.

Stroke Game

Musical The head executes the work. The caused child takes a flower corresponding to the nature musicAnd shows it. All children actively participate in character definition music.

Di "Three Bears" (I option)

purpose: develop a sense of rhythm in children.

Material: Flat figures of cardboard bears (on a wooden stand, painted in Russian style - Mikhail Potapitch, Nastasya Petrovna, Misheutki.

Stroke Game

Music leader : You remember guys, fairy tale "Three Bears"? (Children answer)

In the last room, Masha lay for a minute in the crib and fell asleep. And at that time the bears returned home. Do you remember how called them? (Children answer). Listen to who first went into the hut? (Perform a rhythmic pattern on a tool on one or two sounds. Children call who came, showing a bear figure.) How does a bear go? Slow, hard. Let's go like a big teddy bear. (Children go under music) . Similarly, the game is carried out with other figures.

Di "Sweet cap" (I option)

purpose: Fastening the material passed.

Material: Caps of different colors with objects (handkerchiefs, rattle, ribbon, flower). Cats with candy.

Stroke Game

Children are sitting on the chairs, the caps are placed around the hall. Sad parsley comes (adult or doll). He cooked a treat with children, put under the cap, and under what forgot. It is necessary to find this cap! Musical The head proposes Parsushka to approach any cap (in addition, where there is a surprise, and children dance with the subject that found. Under the last cap - a treat. Cap with a treat may not only be in sight childrenBut be hidden. This game can be held on days after festive matinees using musical The rooms of these Matinnikov

Di « Musical window» (I option)

purpose games: develop audio hearing, Hearing attention.

Material: House, animal figurines.

Game traffic:

The cat was sitting on the window and mowed a little bit

And then jump on the path and did not become in the house of the cat

Well, who stayed at home and knocks now in the window?

The caused child passes for the house, chooses one of the toys lying there and with a sound resistance (meow, gav, etc.) voiced by the character. Children guess who it is, and the character shows the character.

Di "Glazhenka teaches to dance"

purpose: Develop a sense of rhythm

Material: Large doll on the stand.

Stroke Game

Sounds Russian folk melody "Ah you sense"

Music leader: Today, the guys came to visit the amazing pupa Glazhenka. Oh and dance, she crawl. Same can and teach you. As she soes, so you repeat.

Children repeat the rhythmic pattern with cotton, you can take a tambourine, spoons.

Di "Wonderful bag"

purpose: develop audio hearing, fix the software material.

Material: A small beautiful bag. In him toys: Teddy bear, hare, bird, cat and cockerel.

Stroke Game

The whole group participates.

Music leader: Children, guests came to our occupation. But where they hid. Maybe here (shows the bag? Now we will listen music and find out who there.

Sounds melodies of familiar children works: Petushok R. n. P., "Sereny kitty" V. Vitlin, "Sparrow" M. Krasov, "Bear" V. Rebikova, "Bunny" STAROKADAMSK. Children recognize the melody, the teacher pulls the corresponding toy from the bag.

Di "Merry girlfriends" (I option)

purpose: develop a sense of rhythm.

Material: Flat figures from cardboard (5pcs painted in Russian style.

Stroke Game

Figures stand on the table, one by another in the column. Children sit in a semicircle or in a checkerboard, face to the table. Sounds Russian folk melody "Shines the month".

Music leader: Meet guys, fun to visit us girlfriends.: Dasha, Glazhenka, Sasha, Irinushka, Marinushka. (Puts them in one car.) They love to dance and want to teach you. That's how Dasha is able!

Musical The head takes a matryoshka and performs a wooden coil-coil rhythmic pattern. You can give children into the hands of cubes, sticks, just to pull the rhythm into your hands or run legs. Figures can be of different values \u200b\u200b(from small to large, in this case, rhythms are given by complexity (from easy to more complex). Rhythms can also be demonstrated to children, fulfilling them on piano.

Di "Merry beeps" (I option)

purpose: develop a sense of rhythm.

Material: Figure drawings and steamer.

Stroke Game

Music leader: See, guys, what a beautiful steamer floats through the sea. He wants us to greet her cheerful beep. (Attaching a steamer to flannelugaph.) Like this! (Pictures a rhythmic pattern on the piano.). Let's welcome it too.

Children beat rhythm palms.

Similarly, the game is carried out with the locomotive.

Di "We brought toys tooth" (ml)

purpose: develop a timber ear.

Material: Musical toys: bell, musical hammer, whistle or dull, cat (soft toy).

Stroke Game

Musical The head takes a beautifully decorated box, pulls the cat from there and sings the "Silent kitty2 V. Vitlin. Then says that in the box are still musical toysWho cat will give children if they recognize them on sound.

Musical The head for a small screen playing on musical toys. Children recognize them. Cat gives toys to a child, he rings the bell (tapping a hammer, the teacher himself played on a pipe).) Then the cat transmits toy to another child.

P / I. "Sunny and Tuchka"

purpose: Learn to determine the character music.

Material: Umbrella

Stroke Game

Children run, jump around the hall under the cheerful music. When music Changes to the sad, the educator opens an umbrella and children are hiding under it. After again, cheerful music And children run around the hall again. So repeats several times.

P / I. "Butterflies"

purpose: develop Spatial orientation.

Material: Large drawings of red, yellow, blue and white colors

Stroke Game

Flowers drawings are laid on the floor.

Pedagogue (sings): Butterflies flew in forest clearing

Wings are tired, if there is no shop

(Children run under music, masses with hands, depicting butterflies)

We would relax a bit, sit down better on the flower

We are crumbs of butterfly, we do not need shops

Children stop

Pedagogue (speaks with question intonation):

Where is your favorite flower,

Red flame flames?

Children are looking for a red flower, a stinks squatted near him. The game is repeated

Where is your favorite flower,

Yellow Sweet Medal?

Where is your favorite flower,

Blue bright petal?

Where is your favorite flower,

White, long petal?

P / I. "Wake up a bear"

purpose: Develop a sense of rhythm

Material: Toy teddy bear, chair.

Stroke Game

Toy-Bear sits on a chair at the same wall of the hall - "Sleeping in Berorga",

children stand against another wall of the hall.

Pedagogue (sings): You are quietly quiet, you will not wake a brand

Children go on socks

And go to the berry, step up with legs start

Once, two, three times, two, three!

Children are to the bill

Children: Bear. Bear, come out!

The teacher takes a bear, growls,

children run away to the opposite wall of the hall,

hide from the bears.

P / I. "Game with the ball"

purpose: develop a sense of rhythm

Material: Rubber ball

Stroke Game

Pedagogue: To kids, the ball has risked, he deleted, although small

He calls the guys to play, with him, like balls ride

The teacher hits the ball of half, shows how the ball jumps,

children jump on two legs under fun music In tact, beat the ball.

The ball is small tired, he has not slept for a long time

I will put the baby, I will sleep the ball.

The teacher lays the ball into the box,

covers scarf, children say goodbye