Stalker golden ball passing military warehouses. "Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage. Continuation of the adventures of Zhekan: passage of the location "Dark Valley"

In this article, we will tell you in detail about the passage of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - "The Golden Ball or the Adventures of Zhekan".

The plot of the new fashion is centered on the second Chernobyl disaster, as a result of which the Zone began to grow rapidly. Its inhabitants mutate literally before our eyes, acquiring new amazing abilities. Expeditions of military and scientists inside the perimeter in order to find out the causes of the disaster end in failure over and over again.

In this situation, the young stalker Zhekan to the center of the Zone with a goal known to him alone ...

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage of location "Cordon"

After appearing on the territory of the Zone, move to the checkpoint until the pursuit begins. Surrender to the military to get into the cell. At the end of the interrogation, you need to pick up the first-aid kit lying on the table, take pills and talk to the military. You have to pretend to be sick. After a few seconds, the soldier will open the cell door - you must immediately run. There is about half a minute to hide in a safe zone, otherwise the hero will be shot by a sniper.

The beginning of the video passage Stalker Golden Ball:

When you run away, you will need to go to a meeting with a man near the village. Together with him you will be taken to the camp, where you will meet the inhabitants. Skidan will give you the equipment. I recommend that you fulfill all the requests that stalkers have on the territory of the location. To get to the other side, you must cross the railroad embankment. Next to the mill near the bridge, catch the signal for help. Move to the window and chat with the Wolf. He was locked, and the key is in the possession of unknown people. Agree to help by stealing the key.

Move to the place where the unknown people stopped, hide behind the boxes and take the key. You need to move to the key from the side where the sleeping sentry is. When you open the door of the Wolf, then talk to him again. Agree to help and follow the unknown, hiding in the bushes. People will go inside the mill, but as soon as you get there, they will disappear. There will be a flash drive on the floor. Pick it up and move to Skidan. Talk about the USB stick.


When you walk past the car next to the road, you will again catch the distress signal. Approach the wounded person, agree to help him, and then immediately face the unknown. You can run away from here, you can kill everyone, one way or another, the wounded will disappear. Tell Skidan what happened. He will tell you what you need to move behind the railway, and also tell you how exactly this can be cranked. After talking with the man, move to the indicated point and wait for the signal that the merchant will give. When you receive a signal, then wait for the moment when the unknown will be near the piece of iron.

Provoke them and wait until people go into the anomaly, then run through the piece of iron. There will be no more than 15 seconds! The path to the Zone is clear, but so far it is impossible to return back.

There is also an alternative way of passing this section. Skidan will tell you about the tunnel where the anomaly is located. It's not so easy to get through it! To do this, you will need a suit located on the territory of the military checkpoint. To obtain it, you will have to put on a camouflage outfit received from Skidan (it will allow you to hide from snipers), enter the territory of this camp and get inside the barracks (in this case, you need to find a hole in the fence near the toilet. But that's not all! You must pick up the code from the safe, at the same time you will be given a hint.From the safe you can pick up a suit, and then leave the checkpoint by any method.

So, as soon as you find yourself on the other side of the piece of iron, then move to the farm and help the scout kill the mutants. After that, together with the man, go to the shelter next to you. When you are there, talk to Andrey. During the conversation, you will see a military man who will fall to the floor and ask for help. Chat again with Andrey, who will say that you need artifacts from the cache (a marker will appear on the map). Do what needs to be done, go back and see that the soldier has already recovered. In a conversation with Andrey, you will learn that the scout checked the hero for decency.

Talk to the military to find out who he is. The soldier wants to get to the checkpoint, but you can't go through the piece of iron. To get through it, you will need a unique artifact that Vasily, a stalker living in the Garbage, has. Go there three of us. There will be corpses near the checkpoint, and on its territory you will see bandits. One of the most notable figures here is Abdul, who works for the gang.

To go further, the bandits demand 200,000 rubles, but we have no such money at all. You are offered to hide from the checkpoint, but main character decides to talk to Abdul. Show that the flash drive found earlier. Give it back, and in return ask to neutralize the bandits. Abdul will comply with the request. You will receive a key, after which you can proceed further. Abdul will disappear.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage of location "Dump"

Once on the territory of the landfill, pay attention to the clouds-anomalies. The hero must get to the car near the transition to the "Bar" location. The best way for this - move along the right side of the location. Having approached the carriage where Vasily is hiding, you will find that the stalker is not at home. A little later, however, he will appear on the spot. Once inside, talk to Vasily and find out that you cannot get into the bar because of minefield... You can get through it on an armored personnel carrier, but that one is broken. You must find the machine gearbox lost in the Dark Valley. However, the passage to the valley is already blocked by an anomaly called "Cloud". In order to dispel it, you will have to combine three artifact-balls - red, yellow and green.

Move to the cross near the shelter and read the clue. Find the yellow ball that is located inside the excavator. There is a green artifact on the tree. In front of the tree itself, you will see an anomaly that selects artifacts. Before going there, it is best to hide the artifacts in another place beforehand. Finally, a red ball lies on a barrel near the ruins. To climb the barrel, you need to catch the teleporter that lives nearby. Wait for the teleport (spot of light) to fly up to you so that it will transfer you to the red ball.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage of location "Dark Valley"

Near the transition point, you will meet Seryoga, who is a scout. Together with him you will find yourself in a shelter, where you will hear a story about the Pied Piper and mutants in a factory. Also you will recognize for the same reducer. Find the remains of the Pied Piper inside the factory (there will be a marker) and take the flamethrower, suit and canister. Read the note to find out another fuel canister is required. Go to the gas station, but be careful - there are security turrets here. Find a corpse with an empty canister.

Climb to the top of the tank, hide from the turrets behind the barrels and fill the canister with fuel through the neck. Combine both canisters (for this you need to use one of them), load the flamethrower, put on the suit and clear the mutants' lair. After that, take the key and make your way inside the shelter. Find the Pied Piper's Tools and Equipment. The door to the laboratory will be closed. Find the parts for starting the cutter, cut the blockage and go down into the dungeon.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Walkthrough location "Laboratory X-18"

A test subject attacks you at the entrance. After waking up in the punishment cell, talk to the mutant and find out what exactly happened here. After a few seconds, you will see the Thirteenth. Together with him, you will go on experiments. The hero will be in a cell with increased radiation. Chat with another test subject to find out about the cache under the stairs. When you aim at the box, you will see a puzzle. As an answer, you will need to enter the date when the mainland was discovered (found on the Internet).

After picking up the items, you will be able to exit, since the Thirteenth will let you go. But you cannot leave the laboratory yet, but you can move freely around it. Search the room with the barrel, take the gearbox for the armored vehicle and meet other mutants. You can complete their tasks. Having done this, you will have to find yourself helping the Twelfth in opening the safe. To do this, you need a decoder located in the room near the entrance to the laboratory. Walk up to him, but the door will be closed. Electricity is required. Interact with the electrical panel, read the instructions and try different combinations of pressing the levers. When you do everything right, the door will open, and the decoder can be taken from the diplomat.

Opening with his help the safe of the Twelfth, hand over the documents to that one and agree to take the food to the punishment cell for the Tenth. Talk to the Thirteenth, so that he will allow you to go to the Tenth. Chat now with him to find out about the conspiracy. After the conversation, move to the prisoners inside the cage and take their knife. Help the mutant near the barrel with the repair of the wiring, and then patch the hole in the pipes. Proceed to Thirteenth and agree to take part in the emitter test. After testing starts, pull the lever located on the device to the side of the wall. The thirteenth will be neutralized, and you can finish him off.

Search the corpse and take the map, and then follow to the first tier, where you will need to finish off the mutants in robes. After meeting with the prisoners near the door, you will receive the next task - to find three large and two small schemes. These parts are scattered around the boxes and backpacks in the laboratory. Having found the schemes, open the door and make your way through the laboratory. After you pass into the hall with the turrets, jump into the passage on the left side. There will be equipment. Break the box to find grenades. Use grenades to destroy the turrets and go to the doctor's office. After talking with him, take the key, things and leave the laboratory.

Continuation of the adventures of Zhekan: passage of the location "Dark Valley"

When you sort out the laboratories and find yourself on the surface, you will receive a message from Serega. Go to him and chat. So you will learn about the building, the "Hive" artifact. The latter, by the way, needs to be found. Find the thief's lair, where you have to meet with Broken. Talk to the creature to learn about the headache. He asks to find pills. After agreeing, using the laptop, talk to Pilman. So you will learn about the scientists who are waiting for you at the location. Find the marker and follow to them. Scientists offer to buy the artifact, but to get the pills, you need a level 3 artifact. Agree, give the tablets to Izlom in the lair and ask for the "Hive". Which is located near the metal building.


Talk to Seryoga and go to the box near the factory. Talk to the scout again and enter the factory grounds. When you go down the stairs, an explosion will occur - this is a stretch. Once in the cell, you will see how Seryoga is being killed, and you will also meet Abdul. Talk to him, ask about the experiment, find out how to leave the cell. Throw the bolt into the button on the wall. When the door opens, run to the dead in the far corner, search their bodies and take the knife. Talk to Abdul again, leave the basement and go in search of the key. You also need to find the door, and on the way to deal with the agents.

When you find the key inside the backpack on the first floor, in the room opposite the arsenal, then go to Boar's office and take another key from the arsenal. Find the generator on the roof of this building, disarm the turrets and disable the protective barrier. Destroy the crystal on the same roof, go down to Abdul and talk to the man. Follow to the shelter, talk to Abdul there and return to the Garbage dump to the armored personnel carrier.


Unfortunately, there are no partners at the Dump anymore. Find the note and read it. Talk to Abdul and tell him about the kidnapping. He will share the interception plan. Go to a meeting with the bandits, talk to Abdul again near the camp and move to the racketeer you need to talk to. After completing the dialogue, activate the artifact and take the PDA from the corpse. Run to the marker that appears on the map, and find friends in the indicated area. Chat with Vasily, return to the shelter, where you will continue the conversation with him. Give the gearbox, jump into the APC, start it up and go to the bar.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Walkthrough location "Bar"

Once on the territory of the bar, leave the armored personnel carrier and talk to Abdul in order to advance further afterwards. There is an anomaly on the bus. Without getting close, talk to Abdul, then move over the corpses and jump to the door located in front. Taking the radio will disable the anomaly. Move forward to the corpse of a soldier, near which a walkie-talkie is lying around. After taking it, contact the scientist to find out that he is located inside the tower at the factory. Talk to Abdul to learn about the machine gun inside the truck. Follow the tower and kill the dead. When you are near her, chat with a scientist about the virus, and then with Abdul to find out that the man is also infected, and the medicine is not working.


Talk to the scientist again and inquire about another medicine that was lost during planting. A marker will appear on the map where the cargo should be. Go to the indicated place, find the Dwarf and approach him. Follow him, approach the dead man and search to find a key. Continue to follow the Dwarf, find out that you must find the Cheburashka. Head back to the scientist and chat with him about the Cheburashka. You will recognize the warehouse, a label will appear. Opening the door with the key, you will see a zombie with a weapon. Move to the basement and go through the door leading to the arena.

Talk to Alan, find out for a mutant and go to battle. This is a pseudo-giant. The arena will have a green anomaly. Damage to the mutant is possible only when a person located inside the anomaly falls into it. After each successful hit, the anomaly will move. It will take about ten shots from the anomaly to destroy the pseudo-giant.

After killing him, search the body and find the key to the safe. Talk to Alan and find out as a scientist. Take the toy from the safe, use it near the Dwarf and get the vaccine in return. Return to the scientist to find out about everything. The vaccine can be administered by a person in the helicopter. Also, a group of customers needs the vaccine, so the hero will have to buy it back. To do this, you need to find a unique artifact. Pass the artifact, the scientist will spray the vaccine and leave this place. Talk to Abdul to find out that he cannot leave here. After a while, you will receive a message about readiness. Until then, you can help Alan.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage of location "Army warehouses"

Talk to Abdul and move to the barrier, which will be closed by an electrical anomaly. The man will ask you to find a unique material with which the anomaly can be passed. Go to the place, a scout hid in the central structure inside the refrigerator. He pretends to be crazy and tries to escape from GG. There is no point in pursuing him. Go to the first barracks and take the documents from the box by killing the poltergeist. Follow the marker to find the scout's cache, take the key and go to the second barracks. There will be a spatial anomaly of different colors. It is easy to pass it - white, blue and red.

After overcoming the anomaly, find other documents inside the box and you will see a marker pointing to the cache. There will be a bottle inside it. Drink the contents, and when you come to your senses, you will be in some village. Leaving her is not easy. You will receive a message from Makar. Run to his house avoiding bloodsuckers. Examine the buildings, bring the necessary items and get the task. You need to either find the details of the icon, or fix the device. If you decide to fix the icons, then move along the markers and inspect the boxes. When you find four parts, they will be combined into one. You will return to Makar's house, and the anomaly will disappear and you will be able to move freely.

Dead bloodsucker

If you decide to take up the device, then climb up the tower and use the device from your inventory. This will dispel the anomaly. Return to Makar and leave the village. Go to the madman, talk to him and show the device. He will say that in order to discharge the anomaly at the barrier, you need to turn on the antenna. Do this and return to Abdul. Go to the Radar with him.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage of location "Radar"

As soon as you find yourself on the location, the main character will feel bad. You will pass out, but you will see a scientist in front of you trying to figure out the plans. Talk to him, come to your senses and chat with Abdul. Follow forward, Abdul will be in stretch marks and will be injured. Four agents will appear, which you must finish off. Having done this, talk again with Abdul, who will ask for time to recover, but for now he will offer to deal with the destruction of the agent Phoenix, the best in his field.

Go to the crashed helicopter where Phoenix will appear. If you shoot at him, he will use teleportation. You must hit the agent's head. This will lead to the fact that he will fall off his feet, and you can interrogate him. Then return to Abdul and see that he was kidnapped. Read the note at the crime scene to find out its location - laboratory X-10. You can immediately go to Pripyat, or you can go to the laboratory and try to save Abdul. If, in this case, you put on a suit of agents and a gas mask, then they will not recognize the GG. You can even chat with them and complete a series of quests to get to Lab X-10. But you can immediately attack them in order to find the key to the entrance to the bunker from the Prophet.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Walkthrough location "Laboratory X-10"

If you hit here with a fight, the timer is activated. When the time is up, the agents will kill Abdul. Therefore, you need to try to get to the distant room as soon as possible, killing everyone in your path. Save Abdul, he will ask you to turn on the brain burner. Do it with the lever in the hall, and then run away from here.


Run as soon as possible to the transition point to Pripyat. If you do not have time before the end of the time, then the burner will kill, including the GG.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage of location "Pripyat"

If you came here without saving Abdul, then a task related to the search for his caches is activated. In the stash, you will find a note telling you what to do next. If you came with the character, then talk to him and move across the street. At the fork, Abdul will be mortally wounded by a sniper. In the last conversation, you will learn about the time capsule. Follow the marker to the kindergarten, find a case in the yard near the car and take out the documents, and then make your way inside.

V kindergarten you need to avoid the teleport moving along the corridor, otherwise you will return to the courtyard. Find the brownie on the first tier. After killing him (focus on the sound), pick up the key from the first-aid post. Inside the infirmary on the second tier, read the journal, follow down and kill the second brownie. Take the key to the refrigerator, follow to the kitchen and find a jar of pills inside the refrigerator. Jump into the teleporter located in the corridor to transfer the main character to a secret room with teleporters. Go through three similar rooms and at the end you will find yourself in the director's office. Inside the safe there is a newspaper that tells about the time capsule. Now go to the bus station.

On its territory, find a room with a safe. Fight the bloodsucker, kill him and open this safe with a claw. There will be a note inside with a meeting point. Go there, talk to the Apostle, who will be a neutral character. You will have two options - agree and listen to him, or attack the agent. If you attack, then be prepared to fight with a dozen more enemies, which should be killed. On the body of the Apostle there will be a key to the stadium. Move there. If you agree to listen to the sermon, you will find yourself at the stage where the agent is giving a speech. Once completed, he will ask you for a drink. You will lose consciousness, and will come to your senses already on the roof of the house. Reason will appear. Chat with him, protect him from ghosts and then come back. Agents will be deactivated. Interrogate the Apostle, take the key to the stadium and go to him.

When you are on its territory, a helicopter will appear. Run away from him in the direction of the fallen helicopter, take out the rocket launcher and shoot down the enemy turntable with one hit. Search the agent's corpse inside the carriage and follow the marker to the time capsule, which contains the scheme. Now you can go to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage of the location "ChNPP"

There is an anomaly that changes the weather and increases the level of radiation. There are also several vortexes that destroy armor. It is best to use a science suit in this area. Search the corpse near the bridge for the task of finding the fourth part of the code for the door leading to the station. Follow the markers and search the dead. A radioactive storm will begin. Hide from him in specially designated areas indicated on the map.

Find another agent who turns out to be alive, but will be hiding from the GG. Read the information on his laptop to get the marker on the altar. Search him, take the shard and return to the agent. Give the shard to get a piece of the code. Open the door, after which you will find yourself in an ambush.

"Stalker: Golden Ball. Completion". Passage of location "Control Center"

This last level which you will overcome without hindrance. Find the computer in the central room on the table. Apply the microcircuit to it so that the chief scientist appears. Talk to him. Use the computer to deactivate the protection of the Golden Ball to open the door to the hall with it. Approach the Ball, after which there will be two options - to touch it or wait until it overheats and hide through another door. This will define the ending that was gone.

About the plot:
The action takes place in 2008 (more specifically - on August 18). A year has passed since the second explosion, the Zone is still young, but abnormal activity in it is already widespread. There are no groups (everyone who penetrated inside calls themselves "scouts" or "newcomers" depending on their experience), there are no bases, in total there are from 30 to 50 people in the Zone (not counting the military at checkpoints). No one really knows anything about anomalies, mutants, etc., but the first artifacts have already fallen into the hands of scientists and humanity has been able to appreciate them.
A young man comes to the Zone. Only known about him: 1) Nickname (Zhekan); 2) Aim in the Zone (find the "Wishmaster"); 3) In the past, he is an ordinary person, with no experience of survival in extreme conditions.
Secondary quests: Walkthrough guide:


  1. We appear in the zone, we go to the checkpoint, where the military is immediately sent in pursuit of us, we surrender, we get into the cell
  2. After the interrogation, we need to take the first-aid kit from the table, take the pills, and talk to the Soldier who runs to the toilet (It is necessary to pretend to be sick).
  3. After a while, the Soldier will open the door for us, and we need to immediately run. We will have about 30 seconds to reach a safe distance, otherwise the sniper will kill GG
  4. After escaping, we need to meet a man near the Village, he will take us to the camp, where we get to know its inhabitants. We can get the equipment from Skidan. Then we can act independently. I advise you to fulfill all the requests of the Stalkers in the Village
  5. The path to another part of the location is blocked by a railway embankment, which kills anyone who approaches it. At the Old Mill, which stands by the bridge, we catch Peleng for help
  6. We approach the window, talk to the Wolf, find out that he was locked, and strangers have the keys. We agree to paint the keys.
  7. We go to the parking lot of Strangers, and while remaining inconspicuous, we take the key from the backpack (Strangers will also sit by the fire, so that we are not found, we need to get close to the backpack from the side of the sleeping sentry)
  8. After we open the door, you need to talk to the Wolf, he offers to follow the strangers. We agree, we hide in the bushes
  9. Strangers enter the mill, as soon as we approach them, they will disappear, an object will remain on the floor that looks like a USB flash drive
  10. We go with the Flash Drive to Skidan, he recognizes some kind of electronic device in the USB flash drive.
  11. After we pass the trailer by the road, we will catch the bearing for help.
  12. We approach the wounded man, agree to help, but after that we are immediately attacked by strangers
  13. You can run, you can kill strangers, in any case, after the conversation, the wounded will disappear.
  14. We tell Skidan about what happened. He advises to go for the piece of iron, Skidan tells how this can be done.
  15. After talking with Skidan, we go to the indicated place, wait for a signal from the merchant
  16. As soon as the signal is received, we wait until the strangers come to the piece of iron
  17. We provoke them by our appearance, wait until they fall into the anomaly, and then quickly cross the piece of iron (We will have about 15 seconds). The path to the zone is clear, but back to this moment will not work.
    1. Alternative passageway !!!
    2. Skidan tells us an alternative option for passing through a tunnel with an anomaly, through which it is impossible to just get through
    3. To get through the Tunnel, we need a suit from the military checkpoint, in order to get it we need:
      a) put on a skidan camouflage suit (for cover from army snipers),
      b) sneak into the checkpoint and into the barracks itself (you should climb over the fence in the outhouse area and try not to be noticed),
      c) pick up the code for the safe with the arsenal (there will be a hint) and, taking the suit from there, leave the checkpoint in any possible way.
  18. After we made our way behind the piece of iron, we go to the farm, where we help the scout to fight off the mutants, we go with him to the shelter nearby.
  19. After we arrive at the shelter - we speak with the scout Andrey
  20. During the conversation, a military man enters the shelter, falls to the floor, asks for help.
  21. We speak with Andrey, he asks to bring an artifact from the cache (The cache will be marked on the map)
  22. Upon our return, we see a healthy military man. In a conversation with Andrey, we learn that the task was to check the GG for decency.
  23. We talk with the military, we learn that he was the co-pilot of the downed helicopter. The major wants to return to the checkpoint, but Zhelezka blocks the way. The ability to cross the piece of iron without sacrifice can provide a special artifact that the stalker Vasily has in the Garbage. Since there are no more options, we go to the Junkyard at 3.
  24. At the checkpoint we find the corpses of newcomers. At the checkpoint itself, we see the racketeers Tyrsu and Shustrila and a certain Abdul who is in the service of the racketeers.
  25. For the passage, the bandits asks for 200 thousand, and since GG does not have that kind of money, Andrei begins to threaten Tyrsa, for which he receives a psi blow from Abdul, the major is also disarmed, Tyrsa invites us to get out of the checkpoint
  26. In order to resolve the situation, we turn to Abdul, show the USB flash drive from the elevator, give it back, in return we ask to neutralize the racketeers.
  27. Abdul fulfills our request, we get the key to the door, and Abdul disappears, like strangers from the mill.

2) DUMP.


4) X-18.

  1. Upon entering, the subject immediately attacks us.
  2. We wake up in a punishment cell, we speak with a mutant. Find out what's going on here
  3. After some time, the Thirteenth comes to us, who takes us to experiments.
  4. GG is driven into a radiation-contaminated chamber
  5. We talk with another experimental, find out from him about the stash under the stairs. (When aiming at the box, a small riddle appears. The answer is a code, the date of discovery of some continent, or something similar)
  6. We take away the items, after which the Thirteenth lets us out, but we cannot leave the laboratory, although we received freedom of movement.
  7. After that, we search the hall with the barrel, take the gearbox for the armored personnel carrier
  8. We meet other mutants, carry out their tasks.
  9. After completing the tasks of other mutants, you will need to help the Twelfth open the safe, for this we need a Decoder, which lies in the room next to the entrance to the laboratory
  10. We come to the room, but it is locked. Power needs to be applied. We interact with the shield, read the instructions, and alternately try different combinations of switching on the switches. After we do everything correctly - the door will be open, the diplomat will have a decoder
  11. We open the safe with the help of the Decoder, give the Twelfth the documents, agree to give the Tenth to the punishment cell to eat
  12. We speak with the Thirteenth, he lets us to the Tenth.
  13. We talk with the prisoner, find out about the conspiracy
  14. After the conversation, we go to the prisoners who are sitting in a cage, we take a knife from them.
  15. Helping the mutant at the barrel fix the wiring and then patch up the holes in the pipes
  16. We go to the Thirteenth, we agree to participate in the test of the emitter
  17. After the start of the procedure, we must press the lever, which is located on the unit itself, from the side of the wall
  18. Thirteenth faints, kill him
  19. We take a map from his body, go down to the first level, where we kill all mutants in robes
  20. We meet with our accomplices at a closed door. They ask to find us 3 large microcircuits, 2 small ones. They are scattered in backpack boxes throughout the laboratory.
  21. We find the microcircuits, open the door
  22. Carefully move into the laboratory, after entering the hall (Caution, there are turrets) - quickly jump into the passage to the left. There we will find some equipment, and there are grenades in the breaking box.
  23. With the help of grenades we destroy the turrets, go up to the room to the Doctor
  24. We talk to him, after the conversation we get the key
  25. We take our things
  26. Getting out of the laboratory


  1. After the GG finishes his affairs in X18, and comes to the surface, a Message from Serega will come. We go to the shelter, talk to him
  2. In the conversation, we learn about the unfinished building, about the stolen "beehive" artifact, which we need to find.
  3. We find the thief's refuge. There we meet a break, talk to him, find out about headache, we agree to bring pills
  4. Using a laptop, we turn to Doctor Pilman. We learn that a group of scientists will be waiting for us somewhere at the location. We are looking for a mark - we go to them
  5. Scientists can buy artifacts, but for pills they will ask for a level 3 artifact, we agree
  6. We give the break of the pill, find out about the hive that lies next to it on a metal structure
  7. We speak with Seryoga, we go to the box at the plant, we speak with Seryoga, we make our way to the plant.
  8. After descending the stairs, we blow up on a stretch. We find ourselves in a cell, Seryoga is killed, and we meet an old acquaintance
  9. We talk with Abdul, learn about the experiment, as well as how to get out of the cell. Throwing a bolt into the bullets on the wall
  10. After the door has opened - we run to the far corner to the corpses, we search, we find a knife
  11. We talk with Abdul, get out of the basement, go to look for the key, the right door, along the way, killing agents
  12. We find the key in the backpack (1st floor, room opposite the armory)
  13. In Borov's room we find the key to the Arsenal
  14. We find a generator on the roof of an unfinished building, turn off the turrets and the protective field
  15. In the same place on the Roof we destroy the crystal.
  16. We go down to Abdul, talk to him, go to the shelter
  17. At the shelter, we talk with Abdul, then we head to the dump to the armored personnel carrier

6) DUMP.

  1. At the Dump in the shelter we do not find our partners, but we find a note, we take it.
  2. We speak with Abdul, we tell about the abduction. Abdul tells the interception plan, we go to a meeting with the racketeers.
  3. Not far from the camp of the racketeers we talk with Abdul, then we go to talk with the racketeers.
  4. After the end of the dialogue, we activate the artifact, take the PDA from the corpse, and quickly run to the appeared mark
  5. In the indicated area we find comrades, we talk with Vasily, we go to the shelter
  6. In the shelter we talk to Vasily, we give him the Reducer, we sit in the armored personnel carrier, start up, go to the Bar

7) BAR.


At the beginning, we talk with Abdul and go to the barrier, which is closed for passage by a large electrical anomaly. Abdul asks to find a special material on the military unit that will allow you to overcome it, we go there. In the central building in the refrigerator we find a frightened scout who pretends to be crazy and runs away from us. There is no need to chase him, you should go to barracks 1 and take the documents there in the box (along the way, kill the poltergeist). Then, according to the mark, we find the caches of the psycho, we take the key there and idm into the barracks 2, we see there a spatial anomaly that shimmers in different colors. Passing order: white-blue-red. We pass it, in the same place in the box we find more documents and we get a mark for another cache. In this cache we find a strange bottle, we drink, we cut out and come to our senses in a forgotten village. You just can't get out of it. We receive a message from our grandfather Makar, we run to his house, avoiding the bloodsuckers. We examine the houses that he asks for, bring him objects (including a strange device), then we get the task to find either parts of the broken icon, or do something with the device. If you have chosen to search for an icon: we find the parts by marks in the boxes. When we find all 4, they will connect together, we will return to the grandfather's house and the anomaly around the village will be discharged, it will be possible to move freely around the location. If you have chosen a device: we climb with it to the upper tier of the water tower, there we use the device in the inventory and the anomaly is discharged, you can return to your grandfather and leave the village. Now we go to the crazy warrant officer, talk to him and show the device. He confesses everything, tells us that in order to discharge the anomaly on the barrier, you just need to turn on the antenna installation here, on the territory of the unit. We carry out this and return to Abdul. Now you can go with him to the Radar.


Immediately after switching to the Radar, we feel like it, we lose consciousness and see the Chief Scientist in front of us, who is trying to find out our plans. After talking with him, we come to our senses, talk with Abdul and move forward. Abdul gets into a stretch (he is wounded), then 4 agents appear, they must be eliminated. After the fight, we talk with Abdul, he asks for time to recover and sends him to fight with the best agent Phoenix. We go to the fallen helicopter, when we go, Phoenix comes running. If you just shoot at him, he will teleport, you need to hit him in the head, then he will fall and you can interrogate him. After that, we return to Abdul and see that he was kidnapped. In a note left, he says that they want to take him to an underground bunker (X-10). We can immediately go to Pripyat, or we can go to the entrance to the X-10 and try to save Abdul. If at the same time you put on a costume of agents and a gas mask, then they will not attack us first, you can talk to them and get access to X-10 for a chain of quests. You can immediately attack, then the key to the entrance will be on the body of the Prophet's agent.

10) X-10.

If we made our way into the bunker with a fight, then a timer will turn on, after which Abdul (who is in the back room) can be killed by agents, so we will need to get to him, eliminating everyone along the way. We save Abdul, he asks us to turn on the brain burner. We turn on the switch in the main hall and quickly run to the exit.

11) RADAR. 12) PIPYAT.

If we came to Pripyat without Abdul, then the task to search for his cache is automatically activated, in which there will be a note with instructions on what to do next. If we came with Abdul, then we talk to him and move along the street. At the crossroads, Abdul is mortally wounded by a sniper, in the last conversation he asks us to find a time capsule. We follow the new mark to the kindergarten, where we first take documents from the suitcase in the courtyard of the car, then we climb inside. We need to beware of the teleport in the corridor, it will throw us into the yard. On the first floor we find the brownie, we kill him (by sound, but you can just beat around yourself at random), the key to the first-aid post falls from him. In the mepunkt (second floor) we read a magazine, go to the first floor, there we kill the second brownie and the key to the refrigerator falls out of him. We go to the kitchen, in the refrigerator we find a jar of pills. Now we jump into the teleporter in the corridor, he throws on to secret room with teleports. We pass three such rooms in turn and in the end we find ourselves in the director's office. There, in the safe, we find a newspaper with a mention of the time capsule. Now we need to go to the bus station.
At the bus station we see a safe in the room, we fight with the bloodsucker (it is very easy to kill him with an icon from the military), we kill and open the safe with his claw. It contains a note that you need to meet at the specified location. We go there, there we are met by the leader of the agents Apostle (he will be neutral). We talk to him and we have 2 options: either agree to listen to his sermon, or attack. If we attack: 10 more agents come running, we kill them. We take the key to the stadium from the body of the Apostle and go there. If we agree: we are transferred to the scene where the Apostle reads the speech. After finishing we approach him, he makes us drink something and we lose consciousness, we come to our senses on the roof of the house. Our Mind appears, we talk to it, we protect it from the ghosts of obscurantism, and as soon as the latter is killed, we are transported back to the stage. All agents will be inactive, after interrogating the Apostle, you can take the key to the stadium from him and go there.
As soon as we step into the stadium, a helicopter will fly in and fire at us. We quickly run to the fallen turntable, take the RPG from the box and knock it down (1 hit). Now you need to search the body of the agent in the trailer and find the time capsule in which the microcircuit will be located. We can safely stomp on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

13) ChNPP.

The entire area is under the influence of a large weather anomaly and is highly radioactive. There are many vortices here, damaging our armor and contaminating with radiation. It is imperative to put on a scientific suit, then search the body of the agent at the bridge. The task will appear to find 4 parts of the code from the door to the station. We find by the mark and search the corpses of the agents, when we do this, a radioactive storm begins. You need to hide from him in special places (marked on the map). We find the last agent, he is alive, but runs away from us. We read information from his laptop (where he was sitting), get a mark on the altar and search it. We find a shard in the altar, return to the agent and hand it to him, for which we get last part code. We open the door. An ambush will await us outside the door and go to the control center.


This is the last location, we overcome it without interference. In the central hall on the table we see a computer, we activate it using a microcircuit. The Chief Scientist appears and explains what's what. Next, we turn off the Golden Ball's protection system through the computer and the door to the hall with the Ball will open. We approach it and we have 2 options: touch the Ball or wait until it overheats and escape through another exit. Depending on the choice, we get one or another ending.

Walkthroughs Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl: Golden Ball Walkthrough: Completion Guide

So: The action takes place in 2008 (and more specifically - on August 18). A year has passed since the second explosion, the Zone is still young, but anomalous activity in it is already widespread. There are no groups (everyone who penetrated inside calls themselves "scouts" or "newcomers" depending on their experience), there are no bases, in total there are from 30 to 50 people in the Zone (not counting the military at checkpoints). No one really knows anything about anomalies, mutants, etc., but the first artifacts have already fallen into the hands of scientists and humanity has been able to appreciate them.
A young man comes to the Zone. Only known about him: 1) Nickname (Zhekan); 2) Aim in the Zone (find the "Wishmaster"); 3) In the past, he is an ordinary person, with no experience of survival in extreme conditions.

The passage begins with the fact that you need to overcome the checkpoint on the Cordon in order to get into the Zone itself. In the process, the hero is caught by soldiers, locked in one of the rooms and interrogated. After interrogation, the opportunity arises to escape. You need to talk through the window with a rookie who often runs to the toilet. During the conversation, she will pretend that we feel bad. Ask for a medicine, hurry up. The soldier will believe (to believe, you need to take pills from the first-aid kit on the table), open the door and we must run. We have about 30 seconds to get a safe distance before the military opens fire. Morphine can be taken to make the escape more secure.
After liberation, we must meet with a man who will show us the shelter of local scouts. We know the coordinates of the connected person. We go to him, he takes us to the village. There we immediately talk to Sanya, he advises to turn to Skidan (the merchant). Skidan in the bunker gives us some things and talks about the local people. Then we can act independently. During the exploration of Cordon, we come across an obstacle, because of which it is impossible to overcome the railway bridge and all the railway track, dividing the location into 2 parts. This barrier is a vast anomaly that kills anyone who approaches railroad... Locals also call it "Iron". There is a version according to which the "piece of iron" can be overcome only by giving it a living person as a sacrifice. After that, it is deactivated for a short time and the track can be crossed in time.
Not far from the bridge, we catch on our PDA a signal asking for help, it comes from a locked mill. We approach it and speak through the window with the newcomer sitting inside. This is the Wolf. He was trapped because of his curiosity: some strangers locked him here while he ransacked the premises. The wolf asks us to go to their camp located to the east, steal the key from the door from there and free him. After we do this (you need to steal the key from the backpack lying by the fire. You should get to the camp from the side of the sentry who is sleeping), the Wolf offers to wait until the strangers return and track them. We hide in the bushes and wait. Three strangers enter the mill. As soon as we come to the window to examine them, they disappear, as if vanishing into thin air. On the floor in the place where they stood, we find an object that looks like a USB flash drive. We take it and show it to Skidan (as the most experienced one). He recognizes the electronic key in the "flash drive". He has no versions about the appearance of strange armed people in the Zone. Further events develop as follows: not far from the village, we catch on the PDA a signal that there is a wounded man nearby and he needs help. We find him in a trailer near the road, but as soon as we agree to help, we are attacked by three armed people who look just like strangers from the mill. You can just run away, you can join the battle. After defeating them, we speak with the recent "wounded" who threatens us and disappears out of the blue, like his comrades. During the conversation, he asks us to return the "key" we found earlier, but he is refused.
We tell Skidan about the events. He is concerned about the threat that has arisen and advises us to overcome the "Iron" as soon as possible and go to the Zone, arguing that on the small Cordon the pursuers will easily find us and innocent people may suffer along with us. We decide to follow his advice. The question arises: who to donate to the anomalies? Skidan tells us that we must first provoke the strangers to attack, then lure one of them into the anomaly, and when it works, quickly break through for the "Iron". We agree and go to the bridge, lying down there and waiting for a signal from the merchant. The signal comes after a few minutes - strangers visited the village, asked about us, and now they are walking towards the bridge. Preparing for the attack. Three armed men approach the bridge and start looking for us. We provoke them to attack (before that you need to remain unnoticed!), After one of them is killed by the "Iron" - we quickly break through the bridge (we have about 15 seconds). Thus, the way to the Zone is open for us, but the bridges back are burned.
In case we do not have time to cross the railway track, there is another option. To the west of the bridge, there is a tunnel in the embankment with a powerful Arc anomaly. It is impossible to go through the tunnel because of her, but Skidan tells us that if you put on a special scientific spacesuit, then theoretically you can withstand the impact of the "Dugi" and break through to the other side. The spacesuit is at the military checkpoint, it lies in a locked safe in the barracks, where we were held for interrogation. It is necessary: ​​a) put on a skidan camouflage suit (for shelter from army snipers), b) sneak into the checkpoint and into the barracks itself (you should climb over the fence in the outhouse area and try not to be noticed), c) pick up the code for the safe with the arsenal (there will be a hint) and, taking the suit from there, leave the checkpoint in any possible way.

Further, our goal will be a meeting with a local scout (scouts are the prototype of the first stalkers). We find him on the farm, where we help to fight off wild boars. Then we leave with him to the shelter located nearby. There we can find water, a hearth and a place to sleep (there are similar shelters in other locations). In the course of the first conversation, Andrei (that is the name of the scout) treated us coolly, without much trust. Suddenly footsteps are heard and a wounded man in military uniform rushes into the room, shouting for help. After that, he falls to the ground and loses consciousness. Andrey orders us to immediately go to his hideout and bring an artifact that has healing properties - they can help the wounded. We bring the artifact and see that the military man is already much better and he is conscious. Andrei admits that he needed the artifact as a test of our decency. We talk with the military (Major Ovrakh). He says that he is the co-pilot of an MI-24 helicopter that crashed nearby. When landing, the car got into a moving anomaly, the crew died and only he managed to escape. The major wants to return to the checkpoint, knowing that the rescue expedition will not be sent for him soon. Andrei, who intervened in the conversation, says that although the way back is blocked by the "Iron", there is supposedly a way to get through it without bringing human casualties. To do this, you need to have some unique artifact with you - this will give you a single opportunity to overcome this deadly obstacle. This artifact is owned by another scout named Vasily, who lives to the north, in the Garbage. Since Andrey also needs to make his way there, there is no way out for us either. The decision is made to go to the Landfill in three.
On the way to the Dump there is an old checkpoint. On the approaches to him, Andrei notices the corpses of newcomers whom he met here earlier and warns us of the danger. At the checkpoint itself, we see a company of people settled there. These are Tyrsa (chief), Shustrila (his assistant) and someone Abdul, who at first glance looks like a madman. The passage to the Dump is blocked by a door, the key to which is in Tyrsa's pocket. For the passage, he demands a lot of money: 200 thousand rubles. Since there is nowhere to take them, Andrei begins to threaten Tyrsa, but Abdul hits him and the major with a directed psi-blow emanating from his body, from which they lose consciousness. We ourselves also suffer from it, but much less. After that, Tyrsa invites us personally to get out, claiming that the scout and the military will still be finished off, and there is nothing to take from us personally. Seeing the helplessness of our friends, we can do the following: turn directly to Abdul, show him the found "flash drive-key" and when he demands to give it to him, in return demand to inflict a psi-strike on Tyrsa and Shustrila, which he does. Andrei and the major, who have regained consciousness, chase the reketers from the checkpoint (we will meet with them later), having previously taken the key to the door to the Dump from them. Abdul, having received our "key", disappears like strangers from the mill.

2) DUMP.
After getting the pass to the Garbage, we go there all together. At the entrance, we see that the northern part of the location is occupied by many strange anomalies that are constantly moving. We overcome the danger zone, leading Andrey and the major behind us (you need to try to keep them alive). We get to the southern edge of the location, where we find the scout Vasily's shelter trailer. Soon he himself appears. All together we settle down in his shelter and talk with the owner. We ask him about the way to the center of the Zone (where, according to legend, there is a "Wishmaster" that we need). He says that the passage directly north (to the territory of the Rostok plant) is mined. You cannot sneak through the mines, but there is another option: to repair the abandoned armored personnel carrier and cross a dangerous section of the road on it. There is an opportunity to get into the Dark Valley, where we can find a spare part to repair the car. According to Vasily's information, she must be in an abandoned factory. In turn, the passage to the Valley is blocked by a large "Cloud" anomaly. To defuse it, you need to find artifacts "green", "red" and "yellow balls" in the Garbage. We find them and find ourselves in the Dark Valley.

Near the crossing, we are met by a local scout Seryoga, he shows us the way to his shelter and explains the situation. The factory is home to mutants and many anomalies. His comrades, who had previously arranged a shelter in the basement of the factory, were killed. Since they were collecting all sorts of things in the workshops and premises, the spare part from the armored personnel carrier that we need is most likely with them. You will need to find their remains, get the key to the shelter, unlock the door and enter the basement. In the basement we find the scouts' diary, it says that someone who got out from behind a rusty door in the very corner of the basement robbed their cache and, among other things, took away a part from the armored personnel carrier. Our next step is to find spare parts from the welding machine on the territory of the factory, unlock the aforementioned door (welded by scouts) with it and enter the secret laboratory (X-18).

4) X-18.
At the entrance, the test subjects (mutated people) immediately attack us and lock us up in the punishment cell. One of the mutants is sitting with us, you can talk to him. It is revealed that the dungeon is inhabited by a number of former X-18 test subjects. After the second accident, the staff hastily left it, and the test subjects, getting out of the cages, founded a kind of society with their own hierarchy. Their society is built on semi-religious principles and rules, somewhat similar to the biblical commandments. They consider their "God" a certain "Great Doctor" - the last of the surviving scientists of the laboratory, who barricaded himself at the lowest level and, through the observation system and intercom, controls the life of the test subjects. Our main task (along with the search for spare parts for the armored personnel carrier) is to find a way to leave the laboratory, since the test subjects, observing the Doctor's rule, do not let anyone out of it. After some time, Subject Thirteen comes to the punishment cell, he conducts a short interrogation, after which he sentences us to death. However, he is not interested in just killing us, and he decides to benefit from it. We are being driven into a highly contaminated area of ​​the laboratory, where we have to repair a broken electrical appliance in some time. Thus, the experimental subjects, in turn, want to conduct an experiment on a person, wanting to find out how long his body can resist lethal radiation. A chance comes to our rescue: among the wreckage of equipment we find a stash of anti-radiation drugs left by someone and thus remain alive. After that, Thirteen lets us out, but we still cannot go outside the laboratory. The test subjects give us the following task - to find a number of electronic circuits on the first level of the laboratory and install them into the generator processor. This generator must be started on the orders of the Doctor himself. In the process of searching, we get to know some members of this society and find out that among them a conspiracy is brewing against the second-level test subjects - more privileged ones, chosen by the Doctor for a certain purpose. The Chosen are not involved in the rough work and gathering of food, all supplies for them are supplied by the test subjects of the first level. IMPORTANT: as soon as you get freedom of movement around the lab, immediately go to the hall with the tank and there in the box take the gearbox from the armored personnel carrier. Next, we must first help the Nineteenth (find a coder and unlock the safes), then he will ask us to transfer food to his friend, who is sitting in the punishment cell. We speak with the Thirteenth, he lets us there. We speak with Ten, he explains the situation and we agree to help him make a coup. After the punishment cell we go to the prisoners sitting in the kitchen, we exchange three rat carcasses for a knife. Next, we go to the Thirteenth and ask to participate in the test of the Cayman emitter. During the procedure, we press the hidden switch (from the wall), the device is overloaded, a burst of radiation occurs and the Thirteenth faints. We need to have time to kill him with a knife. Then we take a card from his body and go to the door to the lower tier, together with other experimental we go downstairs. Aggressive test subjects wander below, killing with a glance, you need to run up to them from the back and beat them with a knife. The tenth asks to find 5 microcircuits, they are in the boxes on the lower tier of the lab. We bring them, the controller (mutant) appears, we bring him down. Then the door opens, but you should not immediately run forward - there are two turrets. They can be neutralized with grenades from the pantry. Then we make our way into the room upstairs, there we talk with the Great Doctor, we get the key and the opportunity to get out of the X-18 laboratory.

As soon as we get out of the dungeon, a message comes from the scout Serega, he wants to talk. We go to him. Serega noticed something interesting in an unfinished building, wants to get there and asks us to cover him. We agree. Serega first sends us in search of the "Beehive" artifact, we go to the indicated place, we see the Werewolf Broken there. You can attack him immediately, but you can talk to him. If you agree to get him the medicine, you will need to call the scientists from Dr. Pilman on the laptop (in the shelter), then buy pills from them and bring them to Izlom. He will give us the Beehive. We return to Seryoga, we make our way with him through the gallery to the unfinished building. We get there in a stretch, we come to ourselves already in captivity by the agents (in the cage). Agents in our presence will execute Serega. Abdul is sitting with us in prison, we question him and get detailed information about the Chief Scientist and a little about the Golden Ball (supposedly he is in Pripyat). Next, we agree to escape, we throw the bolts into the button on the wall until it breaks and the cell door opens. Now you need to carefully make your way past all the agents (there are about 15 of them) and climb to the upper floors, where to find the generator (by sound) and turn it off. This will also turn off the guard turrets around the base. Not far from the generator there will be a crystal of Gamma-substance, it must be broken. Once we do this, all agents will fall unconscious. You can also go to the leader's office, where you can take the key to the arsenal in the box (there are our confiscated things). Then we talk with Abdul, he warns about the agents' helicopter, next to us. We run with him to the shelter wagon (hiding from the bullets of the turntable), as soon as we go inside, the helicopter will fly away. We speak with Abdul and he offers to go to Pripyat together. We leave for the Junkyard.

6) DUMP.
At the Dump in the shelter, we see the absence of Vasily, Andrey and the major, there is a note on the floor. In it, on behalf of Tyrsa, an invitation to the "arrow" and words about the ransom. We tell Abdul, he gives us the "Itch" artifact, we go to the place of the "arrow", Abdul is hiding. We speak with Tyrsa, right after the last remark we use "Itching" in our inventory. The bandits fall unconscious, Abdul kills Tyrsu from an ambush, we take the PDA from his body and read the information. We run quickly to the point that appears on the map. There we kill the last raketer and free the captives. Now we are talking with Vasily, we give him the gearbox, he repairs the armored personnel carrier and you can move on it through the minefield to Bar.

7) BAR.
IMPORTANT: as soon as we appear in the Bar, it is boring to immediately jump out of the armored personnel carrier, because it will soon explode. We speak with Abdul, we go to the anomaly "Bus". To overcome it, you need to quickly dash from one skeleton to another, until we find ourselves at the front door of the bus. We see a tape recorder in the cabin, turn it off and the anomaly is discharged. We speak with Abdul, we go to the place where a broken UAZ-ik stands by the road and a radio hisses. We select it, use it and get in touch with the scientist. We talk with Abdul again, we find out that a virus is raging in the bar and we break through the crowds of infectious zombies to the tower. In the tower we talk with Vladimir, he asks to find the medicine that fell from the helicopter and gives a mark on it. There is no medicine on the label, but there is a dwarf mutant, he takes us to the corpse of another scientist, from whom we take the key. We talk about this with Vladimir, we get a mark on the door to the basement. We go there, kill the zombies along the way and go down into the dungeon. There we see the exhausted scout Alan, who asks to kill the pseudo-giant. The monster is very tenacious, it is almost impossible to stupidly shoot him in the forehead. To kill him, you need to shoot at him, being at the green anomaly, which periodically appears on the boxes. Enough 6-7 hits from the anomaly and the monster is ready. We speak with Alan, take a Cheburashka from the safe next to it, go to the dwarf and use a toy near him. The dwarf gives in return a can of vaccine. We go to Vladimir, he reveals the cards. We agree with him, after which he disinfects the territory and flies away. After a while, Abdul will be ready to continue on his way to the Army depots.

At the beginning, we talk with Abdul and go to the barrier, which is closed for passage by a large electrical anomaly. Abdul asks to find a special material on the military unit that will allow you to overcome it, we go there. In the central building in the refrigerator we find a frightened scout who pretends to be crazy and runs away from us. There is no need to chase him, you should go to barracks 1 and take the documents there in the box (along the way, kill the poltergeist). Then, according to the mark, we find the caches of the psycho, we take the key there and idm into the barracks 2, we see there a spatial anomaly that shimmers in different colors. Passing order: white-blue-red. We pass it, in the same place in the box we find more documents and we get a mark for another cache. In this cache we find a strange bottle, we drink, we cut out and come to our senses in a forgotten village. You just can't get out of it. We receive a message from our grandfather Makar, we run to his house, avoiding the bloodsuckers. We examine the houses that he asks for, bring him objects (including a strange device), then we get the task to find either parts of the broken icon, or do something with the device. If you have chosen to search for an icon: we find the parts by marks in the boxes. When we find all 4, they will connect together, we will return to the grandfather's house and the anomaly around the village will be discharged, it will be possible to move freely around the location. If you have chosen a device: we climb with it to the upper tier of the water tower, there we use the device in the inventory and the anomaly is discharged, you can return to your grandfather and leave the village. Now we go to the crazy warrant officer, talk to him and show the device. He confesses everything, tells us that in order to discharge the anomaly on the barrier, you just need to turn on the antenna installation here, on the territory of the unit. We carry out this and return to Abdul. Now you can go with him to the Radar.

Immediately after switching to the Radar, we feel bad, we lose consciousness and see the Chief Scientist in front of us, who is trying to find out our plans. After talking with him, we come to our senses, talk with Abdul and move forward. Abdul gets into a stretch (he is wounded), then 4 agents appear, they must be eliminated. After the fight, we talk with Abdul, he asks for time to recover and sends him to fight with the best agent Phoenix. We go to the fallen helicopter, when we approach, Phoenix resorts. If you just shoot at him, he will teleport, you need to hit him in the head, then he will fall and you can interrogate him. After that, we return to Abdul and see that he was kidnapped. In a note left, he says that they want to take him to an underground bunker (X-10). We can immediately go to Pripyat, or we can go to the entrance to the X-10 and try to save Abdul. If at the same time you put on a costume of agents and a gas mask, then they will not attack us first, you can talk to them and get access to X-10 for a chain of quests. You can immediately attack, then the key to the entrance will be on the body of the Prophet's agent.

10) X-10.
If we made our way into the bunker with a fight, then a timer will turn on, after which Abdul (who is in the back room) can be killed by agents, so we will need to get to him, eliminating everyone along the way. We save Abdul, he asks us to turn on the brain burner. We turn on the switch in the main hall and quickly run to the exit.

11) RADAR.
Here we need to run very quickly to the transition to Pripyat, if we do not make it before the end of the countdown, then the Scorcher will turn on and kill us.

If we came to Pripyat without Abdul, then the task to search for his cache is automatically activated, in which there will be a note with instructions on what to do next. If we came with Abdul, then we talk to him and move along the street. At the crossroads, Abdul is mortally wounded by a sniper, in the last conversation he asks us to find a time capsule. We follow the new mark to the kindergarten, where we first take documents from the suitcase in the courtyard of the car, then we climb inside. We need to beware of the teleport in the corridor, it will throw us into the yard. On the first floor we find the brownie, kill him (by the sound, but you can just beat around yourself at random), the key to the first-aid post falls from him. In the mepunkt (second floor) we read a magazine, go to the first floor, there we kill the second brownie and the key to the refrigerator falls out of him. We go to the kitchen, in the refrigerator we find a jar of pills. Now we jump into the teleporter in the corridor, he throws it to the secret room with teleports. We pass three such rooms in turn and in the end we find ourselves in the director's office. There, in the safe, we find a newspaper with a mention of the time capsule. Now we need to go to the bus station.
At the bus station we see a safe in the room, we fight with the bloodsucker (it is very easy to kill him with an icon from the military), we kill and open the safe with his claw. It contains a note that you need to meet at the specified location. We go there, there we are met by the leader of the agents Apostle (he will be neutral). We talk to him and we have 2 options: either agree to listen to his sermon, or attack. If we attack: 10 more agents come running, we kill them. We take the key to the stadium from the body of the Apostle and go there. If we agree: we are transferred to the scene where the Apostle reads the speech. After finishing we approach him, he makes us drink something and we lose consciousness, we come to our senses on the roof of the house. Our Mind appears, we talk to it, we protect it from the ghosts of obscurantism, and as soon as the latter is killed, we are transported back to the stage. All agents will be inactive, after interrogating the Apostle, you can take the key to the stadium from him and go there.
As soon as we step into the stadium, a helicopter will fly in and fire at us. We quickly run to the fallen turntable, take the RPG from the box and knock it down (1 hit). Now you need to search the body of the agent in the trailer and find the time capsule in which the microcircuit will be located. We can safely stomp on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

13) ChNPP.
The entire area is under the influence of a large weather anomaly and is highly radioactive. There are many vortices here, damaging our armor and contaminating with radiation. It is imperative to put on a scientific suit, then search the body of the agent at the bridge. The task will appear to find 4 parts of the code from the door to the station. We find by the mark and search the corpses of the agents, when we do this, a radioactive storm begins. You need to hide from him in special places (marked on the map). We find the last agent, he is alive, but runs away from us. We read information from his laptop (where he was sitting), get a mark on the altar and search it. We find a shard in the altar, return to the agent and hand it to him, for which we get the last part of the code. We open the door. An ambush will await us outside the door and go to the control center.

This is the last location, we overcome it without interference. In the central hall on the table we see a computer, we activate it using a microcircuit. The Chief Scientist appears and explains what's what. Next, we turn off the Golden Ball's protection system through the computer and the door to the hall with the Ball will open. We approach it and we have 2 options: touch the Ball or wait until it overheats and escape through another exit. Depending on the choice, we get one or another ending.

That's all.

10) Outskirts (dressing room).
Write a walkthrough,

The ceremony began with the fact that the young man was dressed up in gold jewelry in every possible way, given clean and expensive clothes and showed signs of attention. For some time he was taught to play the flute, manners, culture of food and drink. When the young man went out for a walk, the people who met him fell to their knees and prayed with tears, honoring him as a god. The chief priest himself made sure that the young man had everything, but at the same time, that luxury did not affect his physical attractiveness. The "young god" was guarded by a special detachment, which was responsible with its head for its safety. Twenty days before the ceremony, the young man was given four noble maidens as wives, and five days before they organized magnificent feasts in his honor. Finally, on the last day, he was taken to a separate island, accompanied by servants. On that island, the priests opened his chest, took out his heart, and carried the body down on his hands, after which they chopped off his head.