Call Pripyat Anomalous activity How to pass. S. Passage of the game (2). Sitting.t.a.l.k.e.r.: Call Pripyat. Passage

Stalker call Pripyati and got the best answer

Answer from Almaty [newcomer]
Survivor "Monolith"
Description: Detachment "Monolytsev", before - fanatical fighters, came out from under obsessive suggestion. Now these people are looking for shelters from emissions and monsters. It is necessary to agree with the inhabitants of the station "Yanov" so that "Monolytsers" could cover there
Quest issues: tramp
Conditions for issuing: -
Award: Duty Costume Ps5-M "Universal Protection"
Passage: In order to take a task, you need to find a squad of monolithpers. He is a little south of the VK Volkhov. We are approaching the leader of the "tramp", agree to talk to the stalkers. To successfully complete the quest, you must have a good relationship with one of the groupings. So, we go to the debt leader - Lieutenant Colonel Shchulge. If you have done everything right, then he must agree to shelter monolithpers. We take a debt detachment and object to fanatic. Further, we look at an interesting picture, as a monolith takes the oath of debt and on this mission is completed.
Anomalous activity + "Debt History"
Description: Scientific scanners registered anomalous activity north of the bunker. It is necessary to explore the locality with the help of a perfect detector.
Quest issues: Herman
Conditions for issuing: Previous scientific tasks
Reward: Thunder-C14, cartridges, charges for a grenade launcher, 4000
Passage: In order to accomplish this task, the "Svarog" detector will be required (see the quest "Taming Business"). When you have an improved detector, you can go to the cooling towers, north of Yanova. If you passed there before, you could hear scraps of calls for help on the radio. But the input or some hook was impossible to find. We go to the specified mark, get the detector and the anomaly "Spatial Bubble" appears in front of us. A few seconds, a dead debt detachment crashes out of it. We find their commander of General Tkachenko, we take PDA, listen to the recording. Now you need to transfer information about the founder of debt, Shchulge on Yanov.
Taming business
Description: The owl trader suggested participating in one profitable case. To do this, you need to find three detectors "Veles", attribute them to the bunker of scientists and give it to Novikov.
Quest issues: owl
Conditions for issuing: Covers of Sultan
Reward: Detector "Svarog" +
Passage: One Velez is given to us for the quest "Lair of bloodsuckers", the rest of two can be bought from the owl or remove from the corpses in Pripyat. After we have got three detectors, we refer their novikov to the scholars camp on the location of Jupiter and wait until he gives new spikes through the conductors. When we come to him, he reports that the beard does not pay his share, and sends to talk to him. Barman gives us a prototype of the "Svarog" detector, which is necessary for the passage of the quest for scientists. And it proposes to demand his share of owl. As you know, they do not get together among themselves, so the information merchant offers to contact Sultan to deal with the beard. Here you need to make a choice - to bind your share now or go to Sultan. If we take the money now - we get 1500, and if we go to the leader of the gangsters - we get the quest "Dark Business", with the possibility of breaking the work of beard.

Complete passage of Zov Pripyati:

In Stalker: Call Pripyat the main character Differs from protagonists previous partsSince it is an employee of the Security Service of Ukraine. In order to find the crash places of the five helicopters of the Ukrainian army, Degtyarev operates under the cover, acting as an ordinary stalker with the usual equipment in the zone.

Son: plot tasks

From the very beginning, open the map to assess your location. On your PDA, you will find that they are thrown out in the northeast of the card, which is called Zaton.

Opening the list of tasks, you can see five priority purposes: search for helicopters Skat from the room 1 to 5. Specifically, there are three broken turntables in the raise, and each of them is marked on a circle map.

If you go on a straight path, bypassing the fop, then you will soon reach the squad of stalkers. These guys will not attack you first, so do not be afraid of them. After the conversation with the leader, you will ultimately be aware of Skadovsk - a local bar arranged in a broken barge.

Once at the Skadovsk Bar, you can get instructions from a wide variety of personalities. The instructions of both bandits and stalkers will lead you to multiple habarars and artifacts, collided with various mutants and anomalies.

Initially, to reinforce your financial situation, it makes sense to take quests like the disappearance of stalkers, an inaccessible cache and hitting.

To learn about the freshest rumors, buy food or sell unnecessary things, refer to the bartender on the nicknamed beard. More valuable equipment is better to grade Sichi, which is located on the top floor of the barge.

Barga Owl sells guns, armor, gas masks and other useful items. If you have a little cash, buy a "Bear" detector, since it will be easier for you to find artifacts. Finally, broken equipment can restore the mechanic Kardan, who sits near Owl.

On the way to the first helicopter, beat the mutants or go around them so as not to spend the ammunition. Soon you will reach the crash site "Skat-5", above and left of which there are several buildings, which are combined by the general name of the sawmill.

There are many opponents, - all sorts of zombies and ordinary bandits - which can be practiced in shooting. In the call of pripyat the dead, by the way, sometimes armed with cannons from which they are quite well shooting.

After some time, the release will begin, about which you will immediately be warned by the radio. Whatever affairs you are now delayed, how quickly run into the shelter. If you were near "Skat-5", then the marker on the map will stop on the nearest pipe of the swamp, where you will have to sit down.


In the town called Top, you will find the bog from the acid, followed by the first of the helicopters you need. Without special equipment, do not even think to climb into the bog - it is better to just go around it.

After inspection of the fallen Machine, Degtyarev will find out that all the electronics in it failed. From here there will be a new goal - to know the cause of the breakage of the electronics, but you will start later to this task (located in another location). Now it makes sense to get to Skat-2.

Council. Look into the area behind the helicopter tail to find a pair of boxes with supplies. Here, not far in the swamps, there is an artifact, which moves above the water in the form of a bunch of energy. Use the detector whose signal will help you decide on the exact location of this jewelry and catch it.


You will find the next helicopter below and left the location of Zaton, in the town, called the Iron Forest. Reaching the fencing, you will see the LAP, as well as the directly fallen car and poltergeist - electric flying ghost.

Difficulty in the battle with the latter is his weakness, so you need to find the sphere of Poltergeist as quickly as possible and put a place from weapons into it.

Near the turntables you will find electrical anomalies that it is worthwhile. Also among them, there will be an artifact. Having finished the battle, get to the helicopter and explore it. Degtyarev will detect a map, after which you will get a new task - sell the map.

Buyer you will find in Skadovsk - they will be a man named Lotsman, located in the main hall. In a reward for the map, he will make you a discount on accompaniment to the location of Jupiter (one thousand instead of three).

Stalkers will tell you that specifically, this turntable fell onto the plateau, to which it is impossible to get blindly. There is a secret trail, to hold you only one person.

Stalker Noah is located in its own barge, which is just below the bar. When you arrive in his Halup, he's palter in response, so after the knock should be quickly moved to the side. Next to shoot will not and will agree on a conversation.

After the accompaniment agreement, go to the plateau, and then, together with the conductor, the burned farm for anomaly. Noah will run on a special path between the anomalies and jumps into the portal - repeat its actions exactly, without turning from the distance.

If you have forgotten the path, use the bolts that need to be thrown in front of you to find anomalies.

As a result, you will find yourself on the southern plateau and you can explore the car. Inside the corpses will not be, so you will have to examine the likely evacuation points.

Point "B2"

At first, get to Skadovsk to find out more information about the military from the beard. It turns out that there was no warrior here, so this point disappears.

On this plot tasks on the location of Zaton end. The next stop is Jupiter, where Lotsman can accompany you.

H Athon: secondary tasks

The disappearance of stalkers

In the Skadovsk Bar, talk to a depuhare to get this task. The man will ask you to find the disappeared comrade, who tried to unwind the nest of bloodsuckers. According to the woodcut, it is these creatures that are guilty in recent disappears.

Get to the anomalies of the pineodub, where you will find the body of bloodsucker. After that, the handshake will contact you and asked to go behind him, north. In the township of the circle go to the house in which the mutant flashed.

Inside, you have to go down to the basement, where you have been waiting for a previously seen monster - immediately throw a grenade into the next room, so as not to suffer with it.

In the first one will follow the second, and now you will have to fight on equal. The battle with bloodsuckers will give you a lot of trouble, since this creature often goes into invisibility.

Then follow the depth and use the elevator shaft. You will find yourself in the dungeon, full bodies of stalkers (inspect them). In the next room, step carefully, as there are sleeping mutants here.

Use securing move, otherwise you will wake them up, and then the troubles will not be avoided. In another room, go above, then jump into the hole and overcome the tunnel. Musthary could not find a comrade, and at this stage the task is interrupted.

The disappearance of stalkers (continued)

A day after the first part of the quest with you will contact the deserter, who, despite the failure of your mission, will decide to try happiness again.

In place in Skadovsk, you will not find a depth - a beard will tell you that he went to the port. In the south of the cranes you will come across a small building, within which it turns out both the body of Muhahar and his comrade Danil.

Here you will find a killer - a doctor of tremor, who is sick of seeak vampirism. He is fished in the deed and kill himself. You can only return to the beard and get a reward.

Talk to the stalker on nicknamed Koryaga, who lives in the Skadovsk bar. He will ask you to find a box left to him in Zaporozhet after the earthquake.

Get to the point on the map and the coupling of the snarles. Walk the refueling and descend to the bottom of the cleft, where the car is located. Inside the last you will find the desired container, but it will not be released on the usual way.

Go through the cave where you have to fight with new snarles and avoid anomaly. The exact path is as follows: from the car to the left, after once again to the left, then to the white cobblestone, near which the building is located with the window in which you need to climb.

After that, again, right, to the cave up, again left, right and outward. Return to the tenant and get a reward.


A person named Chuster will hand you the task. It is located on the third floor of the bar. The trader will offer you an order only after you buy weapons.

On the task you need to make some kind of snag shut up. Together with the new cannon, see the cigarette, which will immediately say that this weapon is it.

Now go back to the shustroma and tell about the deception, to which he will begin to get on and once again send you to the squab, but already with more serious intentions. Koryaga himself will hide and go to the Yanov station, which is located in the next location.


At the station Yanov, put any thing in your own storage box. Wait for a while, and then return to the box - it turns out that all things are disappeared.

In search of the disappeared gear, talk to the inhabitants of the station. Medic will answer that he saw near your box of a snag, which now went to the Zulus tower. Get to the last and ask him. Zulus will tell you about the gangsters that they recently tried to rob him, but he drove them by fraction.

Now visit the half-wings that in the north. Here you will find some kind of gangster and defeated the root. Talk to the first to keep neutrality, or kill it. Skoryaga simply will not open you where your habar hid.

As a result, you have three options:

1) Find things manually. They are in the same building, in a hatch, where there is equipment and the Koryaga himself.

2) cure a court, for which he will voluntarily give you all stolen.

3) kill the root and learn about the coordinates of the cache from his PDA.


Lay the mercenary on the nicknamed of the Tessen in the place of the substation shop. To fulfill the quest, you will have to distribute the food mercenaries in other workshops. I will need to be mined manually.

Having examined the crash site "Skat-2", Degtyarev will find a map. The protagonist will want to sell them, so you have to talk with stalkers and find the buyer. As a result, you can sell Lotsmana cards.

After performing the first part of the task, the disappearance of stalkers visit the beard and tell him about the foundation of bloodsuckers. As a result, the Barman will offer to destroy all the lair using poisonous gas.

The location of the gas is not available to you, so the information will have to buy out Owl in two thousand. Then you can pick up the cylinders that are on the Bridge named after Preobrazhensky.

There you will find transport with cargo, however drawers will be closed. It also lies about the location of the keys - in the trunk of the first transport at the beginning of the bridge and in the car at the bottom under the bridge.

Favoring the substance, visit the nest of bloodsuckers again. On the approach to the lair, get to the panel on the outside of the building and apply cylinders to it. After that, you have to defeat two mutants. Ultimately, the nest will be destroyed.


Quest gives Gopnik Sultan, living in the bar. He and his comrades decided to go into all the grave and robber other stalkers, in which he will need your help.

During the task, you will have three solutions:

1) Get to the destination and take the direction at the last moment, attacking either bandits or stalkers. Remember that your choice will affect relationships with groupings.

2) Help Sultan and beat stalkers.

3) Talk about the intentions of gangsters a delayer or beard. As a result, the battle will not be at all.

Camp mercenaries

Owch is interesting plans for the organization of mercenaries, and therefore it will pay for any data that you can provide him.

In the southwest of the location, you will find a garbage processing station, where the gopot is lit. Inside there is ten people, so the battle is to be hot.

If you can't overcome them in an open battle, you can come back from behind using Stealth. Sniper in this matter will also help if you have enough money.

Overcoming enemies, collect PDAs with corpses. Directly in the building you will find the computer on which the main information is contained. All this must be delivered to Ochich.

Strange phenomenon

Beard will tell you about the strange anomaly, which Stalker began to notice. It is necessary to visit the dredger and explore the ship.

In place you will find the ship full anomalies, so it will have to be selectively. Get to the steering wheel and take the artifact. When you choose outside, a gangster will speak with you, which is also required by this jewel (for his aille friend, as he says).

As a result, you can hand the artifact of the Gopnik and stay with anything, as it will not give you any award. If you follow it, you will not find any friend.

If you decide to leave the value yourself, then in this case you will have to fight both a talkative bandit and its minions that will get out of the bushes.


Barman Beard will ask you to book on Bartz Shevchenko and stretch your local help hand. At the point you will find the slckers who are going to disrupt the deal between the dealer and Hopniki. The whole essence of the task is to kill the bandits.


In the Kardan Bar asks you to find three packs of tools, each of which will allow him to better handle your weapon during modernization or repair.

Rough tools You will find on the sawmill, which is in the upper left of the location corner. Find the house and climb the attic.

Thin tools lie in the place of the substation shop, namely: the box, where mercenaries are talking. Calibration tools are already in another location - pripyat. There you must find the store and look into the basement.

Three comrades

When you complete all the quests of Sultan, the Cardan will give you a unique order - apologize for him in front of the barges and joker.

Cardana's friends have become former in every sense for him, since both comrades died. The corpse of the first you will find near the township of the burnt village, lower and left.

Locate the hole in the ground there and look into the cave, which branches it in two ways - at the end of one of them and lies barge.

The body of the second is rotting in the town of Sosnodib, just below the zone itself, near the stones.

Taming business

In the Bar Owl, when you complete all the instructions of Sultan, will offer you to enter into a share in one ambitious enterprise. Your contribution is three detectors of "Veles", which need to find and bring the Novikov researcher.

The first detector of such a brand will be given to you for the completion of the task "Lair of Blood axle". The second and the third are sold at the owl, but they can also be simply found on corpses especially steep enemies.

Having received a gift, the scientist will improve all the devices, after which they will be called "Svarog". It is necessary to wait 24 hours during which the couriers will deliver the owl product.

Next, you must talk with the owl, which has no money to pay, as the beard refuses to contribute to their share, despite the agreement. Now talk to the Barman himself, who will send you much away, but at the same time will give one detector.

At the end, the owl will want to be bought with a beard, for which he will need the help of Sultan. You can ask for help, so ask to give your share and leave. In the first case, you will get a new task of Dark Delichets.

Dark Deliche

After completing the task of a tempting business and accepting the Owy's side, talk with Sultan. The gangster will decide to teach the bartender, but for this you will have to find a couple of skeletons in his closet.

At first you will receive a compass quest, in the course of which it is necessary to find the same artifact. The whole essence of the assignment is to visit Noah.

Sultan will suggest you in confidence in the bartender, as he gives detectors only to proven people. You will have to follow the search for artifact.

During this task, a lot of beard workers will go beyond value, so you will have to visit each of them and pick them up their detectors (murder, redemption or contract).

As a result, you take the beard in your own hands and start receiving interest. Ten thousand will be passed to you immediately, and then you will receive eight hundred per day.

A certain type of nicknamed Soroka threw a detachment of shonts, leading it to the paws of chimeras. Guys almost died, and now demand retribution.

The task is issued in the location of Zaton, but develops already in the following. You can find Jupiter in the location bar on the location bar, but under the new name - Flint. To bring it to clean water, you will have to find evidence.

Visit the location of the quarry where the wounded pinion is. The guy will tell about betrayal and empties the spirit. As a result, you should return to Flint and tell everyone that he betrayed the squad trigger and left the chips to die. You can transfer information to two main factions (debt and freedom), as well as shingle.

Gone will offer you to go to the chimera and kill the creature. Squash in the basement of the bar after a conversation with the customer. Three hours of the passion, you need to talk with the truncation and get to the town of Emerald.

Chimera you will find in the open space, so your group will have an advantage. The battle, despite the fact that the monster is wounded, it will be difficult, so prepare.

Yu Peter: Scene Tasks

The main base of stalkers in Locations Jupiter is at the Yanov station. Here you will find a baryguon with a characteristic nickname box, as well as representatives of the two main factions - freedom and debt. Finally, on the lowest floor you will find dock for mutants and your own scroon for things.

Point "b205"

Continuation main scene missionwhich begins in location Zaton, gets development. You will find the second point below and left from the station in the town called SPR "Volkhov".

On the SPK, you will have a battle with the dead, armed firearms. After the battle, inspect the house where you can find information from Sokolov. From his documents it will become clear that he visited this place, and then headed for the base of the researchers.

Council. In the dungeon of SPK is a secret. In the hangar, roll up to the right tunnel and get to a dead-end door, in the panel of which you want to enter the code. You can find the necessary numbers in the military documents.

Go ahead, until you drink in the stones, then turn right into the mine. Bypassing the barrier from the stones, kill the Burera (you will help the ball or just a knife). Next, you can only climb on the top floor, where the hubar is located.

Go to the database of researchers. Inside you will find Sokolova, who can easily tell you about yourself, but will not give any useful hooks.

The twist point of the helicopter is located in the south of the location, in the town called the helicopter platforms. On the way, get ready to stumble upon a minefield, overcome which an indispensable bolt will help you. By the way, the piece of iron does not activate mines, but bounces off them if you get.

Explore the turntable and take the crew information box. It's time to leave, but at this moment the Horde of Kabanov will attack you. Part of the wave itself will be killed about the mine field, but with the remaining you will have to deal personally.

Visit the mechanic named Nitrogen on the main location base and give him a black box to decrypt. We'll have to wait three hours, and also pay three thousand. From the data you will find out that the military decided to fall at the point "B28", which is located far in Pripyat.

Catchily with Lotsmana about visiting Pripyat. The conductor refuses to lead you to the familiar way, but still report the secret path, which is under the plant. Go to the specified location and take the necessary information about the location of the hidden trail.

In the corner of Jupiter, you will find the required zone from the bottom to the right, to get on which you can only through the main gate. Inside you will attack a small flock of pieces, so there is nothing to fear. After the battle, visit the central building, on the second floor of which there are information.

Council. The fourth floor of the house described above contains a secret. In one of the premises you will find information for the secondary quest "Recent Developments". Here lies the penny "bump". When you pick up the documents, you are attacked by mercenaries.

After receiving the main documents, visit the neighboring building, without going out (inside you will find a tunnel connecting two houses on the second floor). In the new room, pick a sheet.

Another required document is in the same area - visit the delivery department and pick up a sheet with information.

Council. There are tanks on the territory of the plant, under which you can detect scroll arrow (one of the additional quests).

Now look into the mechanical compartment. There you will have to use the staircase and go down to another level, since only the dungeons can be found in the hall. Next, take up the top and visit the control unit with the necessary information.

Then leave the room on the second floor to get into the hangar with a broken turntable "Skat-4". Inspect the car. For an iron barrier you will find a logging where the flashing red glare is visible. Here is another document.

Finally, leave the building and starve the small department above and right on the territory of the plant. There you will find the last hook, which will allow you to make a common picture of the path. It turned out that Lotsman did not lie about the secret path, but to go through it, first you will have to open hatches using the generator.


All information found in the factory handamate mechanic nitrogen. He will go with you, as you can not understand the electrical wiring yourself. To protect the same nitrogen, you will need a more numerous group, as well as special equipment.

First of all, get myself the gear "Seva", which costs twenty-five thousand. Next, go to search for the team, what can help Zulus (you will find it near Yanov).

In the course of the negotiations, good-natured stalker moves you, after which you will turn off. The next morning Zulus will give its consent, and now you have to send new people for the expedition to it into room.

You can take with you only three unique warriors, since ordinary artifact seekers do not fit here. By the way, in your power to limit ourselves to one fighter, but then you will not get a achive and bonuses on HP during the task.

The first candidate is the warrior of the Sokolov, which you have already had or can only have a service. In return for the help, he will agree to stand in your ranks, but you will have to buy a suit on your own.

Chat with Ozersky, who, if you complete a number of instructions for him, give the necessary equipment for Sokolov.

The second candidate is Vano, which you meet at the station. Complete the two quests of this stalker to take it to the command. Racing with the gangsters that threatened him, you will have to buy a suit for five thousand.

Tramp - another one suitable manwhich in the past worshiped "monolith". You will find his group below from the town of Vokhvov. To go for you, you have to find a refuge for his "waking up" team.

Chat on Yanov with leaders of freedom or debt and enlisten them to confidence so that they can give you good to skip the former monolithpets.

"Pripyat-1": overpass

Now that the group is collected, go to Zulus. Together you will go to the tunnel. Remember that if you do not lose any of the team members during the task, it will affect the final.

At the beginning of the tunnel, explore the cars with cartridges, and then overcome the mutants. Follow the locked gate, activate the panel and go inside, where you have to fight again.

Continue to study the environment using the detector, then go to another corridor. After examining a part of the location, go to a new room. Here is the coupling of snarles and go to the largest part of the dungeon.

You can not use the door here, as there is no energy - it is necessary to restore it. Get to the top platform and use the lever.

In the control room, click the button, and then hide behind the wall, as you will start shooting new monolithic. When the case is done, go to the unlocked door. You can only figure out a small group of mutants, after which you can leave the dungeon.

Yu Peter: Secondary Tasks

In Quest Nitrogen, find spare parts for it. You must visit the plant on the right and on top of the location, which will be closed.

You will have to take advantage of the water tower staircase to get to the roof and find yourself behind the walls. All the necessary materials you will find on each of the four floors.


Nitrogen requires tools in three more acquaintances to you instances. Watch them for the execution of this task.

Rough tools can be found in the middle of Jupiter, and specifically: on the railway in the train car, where electric anomaly flies.

Thin tools are located near the town of Jupiter, in the house on the left in the attic. Calibration tools, as in the case of a similar task in Zaton, you will find on arrival in the pripe, in the town called the old CBO.


Stalker Mityai was in the hands of Gopnik, and now they are threatened to kill him. To rescue the comrade, you need to either collect a raid or pay redemption.

The first option offers a bear, who believes it is easier to kill the thieves. Keep in mind that there are a lot on the basis of gangsters.

The second option, with the words of the rig, is to exchange.

You must give gangsters an artifact "Goldfish" in exchange for Mitya. If you choose this opportunity, then you are not finished with one gift. If you do not have artifact, you can pay fifteen thousand immediately in the hands of the brutal.

When Mityaya let go, you will have to first bring it out of the enemy's log house. You paid only to their leader, so his minions will be searched on the way.

One of the bandits will ask a certain percentage of your sum, respectively, the more money will be in your hands, the more you have to give.

Having rolled the rudeness to the extortion, you will provoke it to increase the percentage. The second time he does not serve such an appeal, after which you have to fight with all the camp.


Vano will ask you to deal with the threat, with which he cannot pay for the acquired gear. He will give you only five thousand, refusing to pay interest.

When meeting with the leader of bandits on nicknamed currency, you will have to betray both the above-mentioned amount and two thousand tops.

In addition, you can intimidate the gopniks, but for this you will need a reliable projectile good quality: The price of armor should not be below twenty-five thousand, the gun should be fully fixed and upgraded a couple of times. Only in this case, Gopnik will retreat. The last option is to deal with them by the Dedovo way.

Uncle Yaru requires help in the fight against mercenaries. Send them all. In Yar, you will visit the place of Kopach, full of dead.

Zombies will not touch you if you are secretive reach the house as a partner will advise you. After that, the mercenaries suddenly come to the point, with which to dealt. In this case you will come in handy sniper.


Doc on mutants on nicknamed Svetch wort will ask you to eliminate the threat in the form of bloodsuckers, which were seen in the smooth zone.

Visit the point and prepare for the battle with three mutants. Their movement here is easily controlled in the footsteps in the water, but for this you will have to fight only in it.

Hunting number 2.

After the first task of the Hypericum, he will give you a new one - for the destruction of unknown mutants, with which stalkers faced higher from the plant.

Get to finish railwayTo the left of which house is located. Minute a couple of rooms until you find yourself in a large room - here you will expect a couple of bures.

These monsters have a large amount of health and prefer to act from afar. Try to cut the distance and attach them from a shotgun or with a knife. Also, they love to snatch guns from your hands.

Night hunting

After the second job, the hunturica will give you a quest for the elimination of chimeras. To battle with this opponent, you will need excellent gear, powerful weapons and tolik of luck.

Chimera is one of the strongest mutants, so prepare. You will fight with a monster in the night, as it leaves the lair only at this time of day.

Warehouse "duty"

You can take this task as a leader of debt and freedom. For access, you will have to execute previous quests of fractions.

Together with the Longsov, get to Skron Fleodovtsev and override them. To speak in this battle on the side of freedom, then when I find the PDA, you need to give it to Loki.

On the basis of researchers, talk with Garick, Stalker, who wants to finish work with scientists. To go on peace, he needs to find two artifacts.

Lay "Kolobok", which is in the town of Sosnodub, at the tree. Another jewel can be detected in most of the caustic anomalies.


If you managed to find a helmet with resistance to mental radiation, then you can get a unique quest from the German researcher. It is necessary to assist the poplar group.

Get to the point of destination, where the poplar and his squad are already expecting you. Examine the tunnel, taking the artifact, then prepare for the battle with the controller. You should calculate as soon as possible and kill this mutant, otherwise it will postpone the rest of the fighters, after which they simply move each other.

Herman researcher, when you help him and the toppol, will ask you to pick up the scanners from Novikov, and then attribute them to the appropriate points.

Taking the necessary devices, visit all the anomalies and install the devices. From this point on, you can always contact Novikov with the question of the appearance of new artifacts at these points.

And again, Herman will need your help. You have to do with other stalkers to calculate in the anomalies. Visit the two stalkers in different places at will.

In the floats you will have to fight with the waves of mutants, so it makes sense to capture more cartridges. The ashes are waiting for you. There and there it is necessary to fight back from the Horde of the enemies a certain time, while comrades will not finish the measurement.

Anomalous activity

If you do all the instructions of Herman, it will give you this task. In the course of the quest you need to scan the mysterious zone for anomalies.

Visit the place of the cooling point, be sure to capture the detector "Svarog" (otherwise you will not find anything).

Soon you will open an anomaly in the form of a bubble, from where the bodies of the body will begin. To find out what is the matter, pick up the PDA from the body and activate the record.

The data can be transferred to both the debtovs themselves and the freestovers or Oich. Your choice will affect the opening of the quest with Schroon and relationships with groupings in general.

Recent developments

Herman wants to get more information about the place of the plant "Jupiter". You need to go there and get documents.

At the point, look at the top building. On the top floor you will find the required information - pick them up to run the battle with mercenaries.

After the quest with the research of the factory, Hermann again will need your support. Lay new guards for its base to complete the task.

You can find protection in the face of two groupings - debt or ordinary stalkers. In the first case, visit the group leader at the station, in the second one - Spartacus, which manages the detachment of free fighters in the location of Zaton.


The researcher on the basis of scientists with the surname of Ozersky will decide to find the mythical oasis. Probably, in this place there is an inexhaustible source with clean water, so you should try happiness.

During the task you will not be guided by the hand, so finding a mysterious place will have to be on your own. Go back down the location until you reach the dead end. Next, go to the left to the small house, from where you can get into the dungeon with the tushki. Use ventilation to get to the hall.

Once in a new place with columns, you will find a strange anomaly. It is standing here to step a little forward, as you will immediately return back.

Look again to the columns that are in four rows. They are a trick - it is necessary to go between specific columns, since this is a kind of labyrinth.

When you make the right choice, the light of the light will be above the opening - it will be it that will guide you to the desired columns. At first, you need to connect the first row, then the third, and then the fourth. The right way in the second will have to look for at random.

After that you will get to another room that global Map Displays a giant tank to the right of the complex. This is an oasis. You can only pick up the artifact and report before scientists.

Ozersky wants to test some thought in practice. Pass to the point and install the device.

Ozersky needs to be inspected with anomalies on the subject of the changed flora. Visit the territory below and to the right of the Base of Researchers.

Go all the caustic traps and get to the hillock. In the center you will find the necessary anomaly.

Survivor "Monolith"

The tramp, which is located in the lower and left corner of the location, will give you a task. It is necessary to attach "sense" fighters "Monolith".

Fanatics "Monolith" are no longer inspired by this building, so now the mind returned to them. You need to attach these people who cannot find asylum.

Detachment of former fanatics you will find out in the southwest. The tramps tends to place his comrades at the station, but for this it requires the approval of one of the factions.

Visit Janov and talk with the leaders of debt or freedom. Your proposal will only take the leader with the fraction of which you have high relationships.

Lay the worker drone and deliver it to the mechanics on Yanov or a scientist on their base. When the module is transmitted by the nitrogen, all scrons will eventually clean the Gopnik Senka, but its corpse with all the melt can be found from the last cache. After decryption, you will learn the location of all three caches from the arrow squad.

The first cache is in the town of Cement Plant. There spend above the zones, to the tops, and look into the tunnel. The second cache is located below the station inside the excavator. To climb the car, use the woods on the rock.

The third cache is at the factory. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe zone, find the building with tanks, under which the pipe is located - there is your goal.

P ripen: plot tasks

Outside, the military will meet with you, however, you are easily finished from suspicion, since if you remember, you yourself are an employee of the VSU. Compare behind the group in their headquarters, what will be your temporary shelter in the location of Pripyat.

Kowalsky will answer you that the turntables were shot down by fanatics with the help of a mysterious cannon - it is for you to find it in the first place.

Unknown weapons

Hospitals meet with a group of warcar and follow them. From the building shoot the fanatics and go out to explore the corpses - then you attack another group. Hide in the building and over all opponents.

Now you need to get a laser gun, which fanatics operates. He sits on the roof and knows the nizna, so you have to hide among the corners and walls.

There is an option just to reach the building from which the monolithic is shooting in you, and then remove it from below. After death, the fanatic will fall down, and you can get a gun. Gauss Punch.

Return to find to the military commander. Kovalsky will declare that the weapon is damaged, but it can be restored. We will have to find the technique, but first - to deal with the SOS signal.

Get to the marked point where the bodies of the military lie. Here the commander will contact you and report the nearest ambush "Monolith".

On the way to the store you will be supplied to support in the form of two fighters - along with them you will have to clean the building. There you will find an antenna that controls fanatics - destroy it.

Council. Visit the shop's basement, as there are calibration tools.

Unknown Weapon: Riprage

Talk to Garick based on it to spend you to Zatka. In the first location, visit the technique in the nicknamed cardan bar, with whom you are already familiar. Seeing Gauss-gun, he will lose consciousness.

After half of the day, the mechanic will find and explain to you that it was he who participated in the creation of this weapon at one time. Now, however, he is required additional information About the development process that you will find in the town of Iron Forest, in the test workshop.

Visit the specified location and go to the building using Cardan. Inside, you will find yourself in a spacious room where pseudogagant will attack you.

On this heavyweight, there will be a lot of ammunition, but you can immediately reach the stairs and climb up, as he does not get there.

In the room you will find a large variation of Gauss-cannons, as well as find the necessary mechanics information. Before leaving, read about the X-8 secret laboratory and capture the skip. You can return to Kardan weapons to restore it.


The commander will need your help in search of the watch. At the noted point you will find a fucking soldier who will start to fill in all directions, and then dies.

Soon you will meet the controller - kill it. During the battle, use shelters and look out periodically to reduce the chance of hypnosis.

The desired place will be found in the zone of the "Jubilee". At the point you will have to restore the power supply to the elevator to come down to the underground floor. You will have to disintegrate every floor up to the sixth, since it is where the generator is located. After that, use the elevator.

Inside you stumble on the spacious, but confusing with small rooms the room. You need to explore the entire labyrinth and collect six packs of documents. If you find only one, it will affect the final.

  1. The first information lie in the instrument on the left side, where the electric anomaly lives. Go around it and capture documents in the bottom of the bottom.
  2. The second information is in the dining room: the stairs will get to the turn and roll to the right, and then go to the side toilet. Here, deal with the Board, so as not to interfere, and then return to the dining room and take the docks.
  3. Third information lie in the room in front of the dining room. Use the hole in the floor and on the tunnel step to the boilers.
  4. Fourth information can be found in the laboratory. From the center, go to a half-hearted room with a strange apparatus in the middle. Lay the table with the computer.
  5. Fifth information is on the laboratory. Get to the room with the second mini elevator (on the lower floor) and pick up inside, to then go upstairs and get to the upper floors. Next you will have to defeat three burers at once.
  6. The sixth information you will find in the next room - use the bridge and arouse upstairs.

Council. From the center, visit the laboratory and take advantage of the downstairs, which will place you with a fire staircase in a room with a machine gun.

After the start of this task, you will no longer be able to move into old locations, since the conductor will disappear. All secondary quests must be performed now.

Talk to the military commander who will tell you that it cannot communicate with other groups. It is necessary to establish the cause of interference.

At the point you will find two bodies, as well as information about the location of the hostile tower. Next, get to the orphanage and use the previously found bomb to break the door.

In the building, shattered with the mutants, go to the top floor and go to the next branch, from where go down to the first. There is an antenna "Monolith", which needs to be destroyed.


Evacuation is suspended, since the military is asked to establish the exact cause of the destruction of previous turntables. You need to trace the signal that was discovered near the base.

At the intended point you will not find anything, but then get new coordinates. As a result, it becomes clear that someone sneaks to the military underground.

Run back to the database and wait.

Finally, it becomes clear that no attack was planned - the arrows familiar to you, which is a protagonist of previous parts, moved in the tunnels.

The arrows will tell that the reasons for the fall of the cars lie in the anomalies, where they hit during the flight. They used outdated cards, as traps during the time they had time to move.

At this stage, you can hand the arrow all his documents if you have found them before additional quest. This decision will affect the final.

After the ejection, Kovalsky will finally give good to landing helicopters. This is your last mission. You need to get to the northern zone in location, which is near the cinema. During the way, cover the arrow, as he needs to save life.

When the turntables are in place, you have a battle with monolithpetes. It is necessary to beat off all the waves of enemies (a Gauss-gun or sniper is useful), after which you will finally get to the helicopter.

At this stage, the main scene line Stalker: Call Pripyat ends. If you wish, you can stay to complete secondary quests.

P ript: secondary tasks

One shot

The warrior named Garik will ask for the chapter of the mercenaries during the meeting, since only he knows about the location of the laboratory.

In a conversation with the commander, you can solve the fate of the group - to kill the whole detachment or only their chapter. Go to the point and take the position. Here you will be handed sniper, so the task will not be difficult.

If Zulus remained alive after your expedition, then you can meet it in Pripyat. At some time he will contact you, being in the Western.

Go to the SOS signal and overload all the snarles. Act quickly, as mutants can kill Zulus.

Video: Passage S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call Pripyat

Like, if it was useful

Achievement "Researcher" (English Research Assistant) to "Stalker: Call Pripyat" opens after the fulfillment of half of the tasks of scientists to study new anomalies, phenomena and places in the vicinity of Jupiter. Professor Ozersky and Herman are experiments in a mobile laboratory in the bunker of scientists southwest from Yanov Station. Both professors will agree to give tasks after the first meeting with Degtyarev. But full-fledged cooperation with scientists will begin only after increasing the sustainability of Psi-radiation or the acquisition of equipment with psi-protection, for example, the overalls of the Seva or Exoskeleton.

Teamwork will bring an excellent result in the form of access to unique modifications of costumes that makes newcomers, to the unique and purchase of various medicines, including, helping to carry out the open-air emissions. You can use joint research fruits throughout the game. The task of the "Study of the Anomalies" is particularly benefited, after which, Germany can be recognized at any time about the appearance of new artifacts in the anomalies. Help scientists affect the ending of the game. Achievement "Researcher" is associated with achievement ".

Quests of scientists to achieve the "Researcher" to "Stalker: Call Pripyat":

  • Task "Variable Psi-Radiation" - on behalf of Herman, we investigate together with a poplar group anomaly in the tunnel west of the cooling towers in the southwestern part of Jupiter. We clean the territory from zombied. We go around electrical anomalies. In the room inside the depot, we find the artifact - a changed insulator, immediately we run to the exit and kill the controller until he managed to apply hypnosis. Return back to the bunker of scientists with an unusual artifact. In the award we get 6000ru and coordinates of the cache.
  • Task "Study of anomalies" - On behalf of Herman, we establish five scanners in the archives "bitumen", "concrete bath", "smooth", "ashes" and in the parking lot. We protect the poplar group from boars, pops and zombied. As a reward for salvation of the group and installing scanners, we get 14500ru, the detector "Veles", the ability to modify suits in Novikov.
  • Task "Hypothesis" - on behalf of the Ozersky, we take a scanner of the presence of mutants from Hermann, set the device in the "bitumen" anomalies, fight off from the snorkels fled to the signal and return with observations back to the bunker of scientists.
  • Task "Abnormal activity" - on behalf of Hermann, we go to the cooling towers in the north-west of the surroundings "Jupiter", focus on the informed radio signals with calls for help, get the "Svarog" detector, rising to the iron platform and at a distance of a pair of meters scan the transparent sphere from which Tacachenko's bodies and Fighters detachment "Debt". From the body of the general, select the PDA Tachenko (the subject will help get one of the achievements "", "", "" or ""). In the award we receive a new task "The History of Debt" "and return to the bunker of scientists.
  • Task "Recent Developments" - on behalf of Herman, we go to the Jupiter plant. On the way, we clean the territory from blind dogs, climb the stairs to the top floor of the administrative building, go into the room and take the folder with the "administrative documents" from the table. On the way back, fought back from mercenaries, on the first floor we finish the remnants of the detachment, from the body of the commander, we take the CCP of black and return to the bunker of scientists. As a reward from German, we get 9500ru and a set of medicines.
  • The task of "security of scientists" - on behalf of Herman, we find new guards for the bunker of scientists. Protection of scientists will agree to the fighters of "Freedom" and "Debt", if you talk to Loki and Shulgoy on Yanov (agreement depends on relationships with groups, the choice of part affects the achievements of the "friend of freedom" and "Debt friend"). If you do not want to interfere in the affairs of groupings, you can find guards for the bunker on the takon - the tessel with a detachment of mercenaries from the substation shops between the "Circus" anomalies and the Iron Forest in the south of the location, happily agree to part-time job, but only after the food delivery . Also in the shops of the substation can be. It will be not bad to cope with the role of the security officers of the bunker squad of Spartacus from the Shevchenko's dry cargo, if the beard in the fight against the tasks of "hitting" and "deal" on Skadovsk.
  • Task "Research Group" - In the event of the death of a poplar squad, Professor Herman will send in search of new volunteers. Fighters of "Debt" and "Freedom" with Yanov are suitable for the role of researchers. Loki or Shulga, depending on the reputation of Degtyarev, will agree or refuse to send a detachment to the bunker of scientists. If you do not want to communicate with the groups, you should visit Zaton and visit the shunt to Skadovsk. The hunter agree to become a researcher after performing personal assignments. The last suitable candidate will be a detachment of Mitya with Yanov after the liberation of a free stalker from the gangster captivity in the task "". If the poplar group will destroy after all research assignments, free stalker with their guys thanks the set of anti-radiation drugs, scientific aid kits, psi-blockade, antidote, radio protector, an anabiotic and a slave.
  • Task "Product No. 62" - We carry out the instructions of the Colonel Kovalski from the laundry in Pripyat to track the "Monolith" fighters near the hospital, on the takon - on the tip of the Kardan technique from Skadovsk - we find in the laboratory under the anomaly "Iron Forest" documentation for "Product No. 62" and bring paper in The bunker of scientists, where they will remove the copy and give up 12000ru.
  • Task "Abnormal Plant" - In exchange for overalls of a closed respiratory system, Professor Ozersky will offer to find and explore the plant in an anomalous grove between Yanov and Anomaly "Bitum" in the central part of Jupiter. We reach an abnormal grove, get the detector "Veles" or "Svarog", bypass the side of the anomalies and find an abnormal plant near the tree. We return to the bunker of scientists, we receive a suit and lieutenant Sokolov from Germany, which.
  • Task "Oasis" - on behalf of the Ozersky, we redeem along the railway tracks, located a little west of the ventilation complex, to the underground structure, divide the boards with a knife or shot from weapons, we enter inside, clean the room from tushkans and zombied, rising through the pipes to the corridor with teleport, reach the hall with columns . To get to the oasis, you need to run only through the arches in which the rain of falling snowflakes flickes. The correct path changes after emissions. If you solve a puzzle with an oasis incorrectly, Degtyarev teleports back. Hanging on a tree branch over the "healing" lake. As a reward for finding an oasis, Professor Ozersky will give 7000ru. Rarey Artifact. Better until the time to carry with you, and at the end of the main plot to give the scientist. All this time, he will thicken hunger, which will allow to free the place in the inventory from food. The fate of the artifact affects the ending of the game.

A good ending game after the help of scientists in Stalker: Call Pripyat ":

The research expedition of Professors Herman and Ozersky was crowned with success: the collected data helped in developing several unique devices and drugs. In the light of this, the financing of the research programs of the zone was repeatedly increased.

The bad ending of scientists in the "Stalker: Call Pripyat":

The research expedition of the professors of Herman and Ozersky could not collect enough data and was cooler. After returning to Large land Both scientists took up activities that are not related to the zone.

Stalker call Pripyati and got the best answer

Answer from Almaty [newcomer]
Survivor "Monolith"
Description: Detachment "Monolytsev", before - fanatical fighters, came out from under obsessive suggestion. Now these people are looking for shelters from emissions and monsters. It is necessary to agree with the inhabitants of the station "Yanov" so that "Monolytsers" could cover there
Quest issues: tramp
Conditions for issuing: -
Award: Duty Costume Ps5-M "Universal Protection"
Passage: In order to take a task, you need to find a squad of monolithpers. He is a little south of the VK Volkhov. We are approaching the leader of the "tramp", agree to talk to the stalkers. To successfully complete the quest, you must have a good relationship with one of the groupings. So, we go to the debt leader - Lieutenant Colonel Shchulge. If you have done everything right, then he must agree to shelter monolithpers. We take a debt detachment and object to fanatic. Further, we look at an interesting picture, as a monolith takes the oath of debt and on this mission is completed.
Anomalous activity + "Debt History"
Description: Scientific scanners registered anomalous activity north of the bunker. It is necessary to explore the locality with the help of a perfect detector.
Quest issues: Herman
Conditions for issuing: Previous scientific tasks
Reward: Thunder-C14, cartridges, charges for a grenade launcher, 4000
Passage: In order to accomplish this task, the "Svarog" detector will be required (see the quest "Taming Business"). When you have an improved detector, you can go to the cooling towers, north of Yanova. If you passed there before, you could hear scraps of calls for help on the radio. But the input or some hook was impossible to find. We go to the specified mark, get the detector and the anomaly "Spatial Bubble" appears in front of us. A few seconds, a dead debt detachment crashes out of it. We find their commander of General Tkachenko, we take PDA, listen to the recording. Now you need to transfer information about the founder of debt, Shchulge on Yanov.
Taming business
Description: The owl trader suggested participating in one profitable case. To do this, you need to find three detectors "Veles", attribute them to the bunker of scientists and give it to Novikov.
Quest issues: owl
Conditions for issuing: Covers of Sultan
Reward: Detector "Svarog" +
Passage: One Velez is given to us for the quest "Lair of bloodsuckers", the rest of two can be bought from the owl or remove from the corpses in Pripyat. After we have got three detectors, we refer their novikov to the scholars camp on the location of Jupiter and wait until he gives new spikes through the conductors. When we come to him, he reports that the beard does not pay his share, and sends to talk to him. Barman gives us a prototype of the "Svarog" detector, which is necessary for the passage of the quest for scientists. And it proposes to demand his share of owl. As you know, they do not get together among themselves, so the information merchant offers to contact Sultan to deal with the beard. Here you need to make a choice - to bind your share now or go to Sultan. If we take the money now - we get 1500, and if we go to the leader of the gangsters - we get the quest "Dark Business", with the possibility of breaking the work of beard.

Description: Scanners of scientists registered anomalous activity north of the bunker. It is necessary to explore the locality with the help of a perfect detector.
Quest issues: Hermann
Conditions for issuing: Previous scientific tasks
Reward: Thunder-C14, cartridges, charges for a gneadomette, 4000
Passage: In order to accomplish this task, the "Svarog" detector will be required (see Quest "Decaying Business"). When you have an improved detector, you can go to the cooling towers, north of Yanova. If you passed there before, you could hear scraps of calls for help on the radio. But the input or some hook was impossible to find. We go to the specified mark, get the detector and the anomaly "Spatial Bubble" appears in front of us. A few seconds, a dead debt detachment crashes out of it. We find their commander of General Tkachenko, we take PDA, listen to the recording. Now you need to transfer information about the founder of the debt Schulge on Yanov.