Corsairs: To Each His Own (2012). Headache for nerds. Corsairs to each his own Corsairs Mary

Passage of the Corsairs To each his own. Pirate saga Part 02
Sail to Cartagena, we go at night, through the Coveñas bay, you can hide in the prison, follow to the tavern to find out where to find Enrique Gonzalez. This is the Hanging Man. The bartender will inform you that Enrique's house is located near the port office. Follow him, try to scare him, or speak politely. The result will be one, but with the first option, Enrique will need to be killed. Wow, this is not the same Enrique! The mistake came out ... Follow to the church (it is around the corner), order a prayer service for the wife of Henry the Hangman.
From the magazine: Live and learn! He's not Enrique, and certainly not Gonzales. We urgently need to visit old Alvarez. I give my hand to cut off that this is our Henry the Hanged Man.
From here you will learn that Henry, aka Alvarez, lives in the lighthouse near Cartagena. Head there (leave the city and run straight to another location), learn a lot in conversation interesting information... For Henry, this is the last conversation. He will give you a ring and a chest with money.
From the magazine: Poor Hanged Man! The old pirate's heart gave out. But now Jackman can't get to him. Calm down. Lord, the soul of this vagabond.
So, what I managed to find out:
1. Helen MacArthur is the daughter of the pirate Bucher, who was hanged in St. John's twenty years ago, and captain of the frigate "Neptune", on which the current pirate lord of the Leeward Islands Jacob Jackman was the first mate.
2. The former executioner of St. John's knows something of interest to me.
3. Gladys is Helen's adoptive mother, but the girl may not know about it.
4. Henry was a boatswain on "Neptune" and had to give Gladys gold from Bucher to support the child.
5. As a password, he had to present the captain's ring, which the nurse was supposed to identify. I wonder if she will recognize him after all these years.
But first you need to consult with Svenson. I will not return to him empty-handed.
From the magazine: Hurry to Blueweld, go to Jan and tell him about everything. I told Ian Swenson about Henry the Hangman's death and his last words. But to shed some more light on this tangled story, I should try to speak to Gladys McArthur frankly. I think the ring received from Henry will play a role in this matter.
Ian will invite you to chat with Helen's mother. Talk to her, she will thank you again. The conversation with Gladys took place. Mrs. MacArthur did not deny the words of Henry the Hanged Man. I also got a piece from her old card, which belonged to Helene's mother and was, in her words, "inheritance." Gladys is sure that this is a bad joke, but my sixth sense tells me that it is not so ... Perhaps I will visit Ian Swenson again ... Go to Ian again, show a piece of the map. When he sees, he will understand that the worst fears come true. Helene is the daughter of Beatrice Sharpe, and this part of the map is the legacy. You need to find the other half of the map, after which Helen will become the full owner of Sharp Town. Next there will be a slightly different quest.
From the magazine: It gets more and more interesting. Helen MacArthur, it turns out, is the only heiress of the whole island! True, in order to confirm the rights to the inheritance, you need to find the other half of the map, which belonged to Blaise Sharpe, the adopted son of Helen's grandfather. It is noteworthy that Blaise was recently killed - I am sure that Jackman's thugs were involved in this. Svenson said that Helen wants to go to my service as an officer ... Well, on my ship it would probably be safer for her, because now it is very clear to me what will become of her if Jackman gets to her. I'm going to the MacArthur house. Helen is my officer. I would never have thought that I would have such a wonderful girl under my command. And now it remains to wait for Jan Svenson to develop his own, known only to him, a plan ...
Passage of the Corsairs To each his own. Shark hunting
Three days later, Jan Swenson gives us an assignment.
From the magazine: But I didn’t have enough desperate religious fanatics for complete happiness! But there is nothing to do, you will have to communicate with Zachariah in any case. Sail to Cuba first. Dock at the port of the pirate city of Puerto Princips.
Go and talk to Baron Zechariah.
From the magazine: From my conversation with Zechariah, I learned two things; the first - that the search for the Shark reached a dead end, the second - that the Pastor would give his vote for Dodson in exchange for a theosophical treatise "The Hammer of the Witches" in English version... The suggestion that the Shark is hiding on the "Island of Justice" northwest of Havana does not hold up to any criticism, since the very existence of this "Island" is in question. It is also unclear where to look for the treatise. However, the treatise is still of no use if the Shark is not found. The solution is obvious - go back to Swenson, let him help me in solving this puzzle. To my surprise, Swenson supported Zechariah Marlowe's suggestion that Shark might have escaped to an island in the northwestern Caribbean, since, like Pastor, he had seen the longboats of either smugglers or buccaneers hanging out in this before. area. Although he does not believe in "Isle of Justice" (thank God!) And considers this strange place to be a secret base for smugglers. I can get more information from the Spanish cartographer Jose Dios. I can find him in Santo Domingo.
Sail to Hispaniola, disembark at the port of the pirate city of La Vega, exit to the city gates, but follow them to the right to another location. Take the following turns - left, right, left and exit at the gates of the city of San Dominigo. Enter the city at 00-00, when there will definitely be no guards at the gate. During the day, go to the part of the city farthest from the gate, the house of Dios is not signed, and when you approach the door, you will see the usual inscription “House”. It is located on a hill, to the side of the brothel. Find Dios and chat with him.
From the magazine: There was one last hope for Dios - and it was in vain. The cartographer could not tell me anything definite, except for various hypotheses and assumptions. Oh yes, he also gave me Captain Alvorado's notes. But in them there are no coordinates, nor any other clues where to look for this "Island of Justice". On the other hand, why did I get it into my head that the Shark must be there? I’m stumped again - I don’t know what to do next.
Return to Blueweld to Jan Swenson, talk to him, the quest is over.

So you're saying that this bearded guy has learned to revive corpses?
- Yes, I myself would not have believed it if I had not seen it with my own eyes! And on my own skin I did not feel ...
The conversation took place in the morning on the "Queen" between Mylene and John. Holford narrowed her eyes knowingly - she guessed that Merriman was a powerful sorcerer.
- Okay. It's good that you and Charles survived. Go to sleep, I guess the skeleton put a fly in the ointment for you. Go-go, today you are freed from the watch.
When Workman left, Mylene approached Charles:
“I think I can guess who lifted the body of Beatrice Sharpe from the grave.
“Me too,” de Maure nodded grimly.
- Still impressed by the night rendezvous?
- Not a rendezvous. I have a bad feeling that something is about to happen.
- Oh, come on! What could happen in our God-forsaken archipelago? Unless the invasion of the punitive expedition of the Castilians, which I strongly doubt!
The Frenchman shrugged his shoulders and tried to change the subject of the conversation:
- Michelle walks all morning with a worried expression on her face. Did something happen to you?
Holford shrugged vaguely.
- Yes, so jealous ...
- And what, there is to whom? - Charles was surprised.
- He found it! - the redhead laughed. - Oh, come on. Let him go on with an anxious face, scaring away my sailors with a scar. I have lived without him for quite a long time, and I will live even longer!
- What, you decided to leave Michel? - the Frenchman was puzzled. Mylene did not answer, thinking over his words.

So, what we have: two walking corpses, one of which is a couple of weeks old, and the second is more than twenty years old, and an idiot who likes to revive such corpses, - concluded Charles. It was in the afternoon in the wardroom, where, in addition to de Mora, were Michel, Mary, Helene, Mylene and three officers of the frigate. De Monpe listened to his brother, glancing menacingly at Jah. At one point, Preston got tired of catching sidelong glances on himself and he yawned defiantly, showing that he was not at all afraid of the Frenchman with a scar on his face, which almost pissed him off. Workman saved the case: noticing that Preston was yawning, the Englishman did not immediately understand the situation and smacked the pirate on the head so that he would listen carefully. Michel relaxed with satisfaction, Mylene chuckled, and Jah pretended to be offended, although he did not blame John. After all, how did the naive Workman know what kind of love triangle was formed here?
- Hey, are you even listening ?! Yes, you four! Charles was beginning to get angry. “I don't think you give a damn about what's going on in the archipelago!
- So what? Holford asked. - As a last resort, you can always escape to Europe, and the trick is in the bag.
- Firstly, problems can come to Europe after, and then there is no escape from them, - Helen objected, - and secondly, I will not leave the archipelago until I know what is with Stephen and how to get him back!
- And here problems threaten our lives! I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to risk my son’s life, yes! - Mary interjected.
- That is, no one cares that the danger threatens not only us, but also the inhabitants of the Caribbean ?! - exclaimed de Maure.
A thundercloud of quarrel appeared in the wardroom, which was actively growing in all directions. The quarrel risked turning into a brawl in which everyone would fight for himself, but suddenly everyone was distracted by the cry of the sentry:
- A sail on the horizon!
Milen became displeased:
- The council is declared closed! It is necessary to find out whether it is a friend or an enemy, and she was the first to leave the wardroom. The others followed her.

On deck, the company instantly forgot about the fight that had almost begun. Charles, Mylene and Michel looked at the unknown ship through telescopes.
“Wow,” Holford said. - Floating against the wind!
- There is no flag, no signal lights, no name ... - de Monpe said thoughtfully.
- It's a ghost ship! - Grimacing a terrible grimace, said Mary and together with Helen laughed.
“Mary, this is no joke,” Charles said seriously. - No one can understand whether it is a friend or an enemy, and what to prepare for - for an exchange of news or for a serious battle.
- Well, he is at least one, - said Mylene thoughtfully and looked back at her team. - Of course, I would not refuse fire support for your "Paris" or "Fortuna", Charles, but they remained in the settlement, and I am inclined to think that the "Queen" will repulse a stranger in case of danger.
- Look! - Michel did not lower the telescope and therefore noticed it first. - He's rolling out the guns!
- Cannons for battle! Holford shouted to her sailors. - Let's show this shell that you shouldn't mess with pirates!
The frigate crew fussed. In the end, who knows when the unfamiliar ship began to prepare for battle and how much time the pirates have for this preparation.

As it turned out, there was almost no time. Everyone had a strong feeling that the stranger was on full alert long before he rolled out the guns. As soon as the ships drew level, the "Queen" was fired at with buckshot and boarded.
As soon as the crew of the strange ship went to board, everyone, without exception, had a frost on their skin. They were creepy zombies who knew no pain, fear and sympathy. The felling was for life and death. The pirates were encouraged only by the fact that the enemy was not immortal, and obediently fell to the deck, receiving a mortal wound.
Charles laid another walking dead when he noticed the captain of the attackers. It was difficult to see him and not understand that he was the captain - he was strikingly different from the team. De Maur decided to end this in one fell swoop and rushed at the captain. The flamberge strike was lightning fast. The Frenchman expected anything - from the fact that the captain will be injured to the fact that he immediately dies, but not what happened. The blade cut through the air. The captain of the enemy ship was not flesh and blood, he was a ghost. And this ghost grinned disgustingly, looking at the enemy and not even trying to draw a weapon.
- Who are you, the devil tear you apart ?! - Charles flared up.
- I am an instrument of darkness, a weak man! No one can hurt Captain Crowe! the ghost laughed.
- What do you want from us, bastard ?!
- I just wanted to say hello from Joaquim Merriman! But you made me angry, and you will pay for it ... - Crowe waved his hand. The zombies stopped fighting and began to slip.
- Farewell, pathetic pirates! the ghost captain threw in at last. The Queen's deck was half cleared of corpses - the fallen zombies disappeared into thin air. The enemy ship fired a single shot and shot down the Queen's foremast. Now the frigate could only reach out to any settlement, but in no way set off in pursuit of Captain Crowe. And the ghost ship, meanwhile, quickly disappeared on the horizon ...

What was that? .. - finally asked Michelle.
“Greetings from Joaquim Merriman,” Charles replied, looking at the horizon.
“Damn it, he’s lucky that my ship is not able to chase him, otherwise he would not have got off so easily! - Milen said angrily and shook her fist into space.
- Where is Mary? - de Maur looked around nervously.
"I don't know ..." Holford said, puzzled and frightened.
The search lasted for about half an hour; there was no corner left on the "Queen" that they would not have looked into. But only Mary's weapon was found, and two more were found missing - Helen and the worst thing - little Louis disappeared.
"But you made me angry, and you will pay for it ..." - echoed in Charles's head the words of Crowe.
“He took them ...” the Frenchman said dully.

Hello guys, first I would like to express my deep gratitude to you, not only from myself, but also from all the fans of the Corsairs series. For such great game, it was very cool to go through your favorite game again, but only in a more competently thought-out wrapper.

You made for real best game in series K. adding to it just one of best stories which is in games. The story is so competently and well spelled out, the characters, events, places, etc. gameplay... Honestly, after the reef of the skeleton, I cried.))) A touching moment, in fact, I love it when there are things that affect my mind. So is the moment with the choice of Mary or Helen, a purely vital moment, that there are women who simply love you, without any actions for them, great accomplishments, etc. ... (Mary). Or people like Helen, save them, get a star from the sky, do something for them and then you will earn their love (Helen). You perfectly managed to wrap up a lot of life situations in the plot. Not to mention what Charles was like when he arrived in the Caribbean and who he became and what changed in his mind under the influence of his current life. In general, just bravo guys.)

And even if the old engine, crashes and bugs remained in the game, but against the general background, all this looks so insignificant that you don't pay attention to it at all.
I was also pleased with the appearance in the game of Nathan and Denis, a kind of greetings from 2 Corsairs or Pirates of the Caribbean, I remember, I passed it 10 times, I really liked the game at that time.

And if someone there says that the game does not reach the atsosin series, in terms of the ship theme, feel free to send them to ... A game in which there is no wind direction and in which direction you do not turn, the ship is still flying as if on nitrous oxide, a game in which you can sink Manovar on a brig, and then two, in principle, cannot even lie next to the Corsairs. She is so flawed and wretched that I can say this is a game from the KubeSoft studio and that says it all.

I also read somewhere, where I don’t remember, that another DLC is planned, speaking of DLC, one cannot but mention Kaleuchi - an excellent addition, and the ship is simply beyond praise, I drowned the golden fleet on it.) two playable characters past Charles. Guys such a question, why? Charles is already the foundation and basis "To each his own" why change or add this change? Do not dilute the wine with water.) Therefore, I would like to offer you a couple of ideas, if, of course, you are interested in this and you will be interested in their implementation.)

1 If we compare it with the GPC, then in the KKS there are at least 2 more places left for quests. 1st is the temple of the Incas, which is in Maine and which is in this moment closed (That is, Oskold's quest) if I'm not mistaken. And 2e (this is the capture of Havana with Morgan). Why don't the two or more characters you want to add to the game fit into the overall narrative thread? (I understand working with scripts, events, etc ... it's all time consuming and difficult) But the fans would say a huge thank you to you. For example, after the turtle - Shark offers to concoct one little business, which will subsequently lead to the capture of Havana, new intrigues and danger. The same is with the temple of the Incas, some of Charles's acquaintances, Svenson, Marcus, Tirax, and even Barbosa or someone else, will offer to profit from Indian trinkets and we all know perfectly well what this will lead to.) Well, etc ... After all, if you remember Kaleuchi, guys! True, you did great and interesting addition, you have excellent experience in writing stories and events.

Just by the way, for the pirates of the Caribbean or the 2nd corsairs, once upon a time I found a patch that allows you to build your own colonies, changing the skill development system, etc. There are actually not so many possibilities in the game, but the lack of building your own colonies does not look like as it is critical. It's just that if you suddenly want to add some new features to the game, you could start with this patch, see what is there, pull out anything interesting from it, etc.

On this, perhaps, that's all, I have long wanted to thank you for the game and finally I was honored to write. I think that having voiced my thoughts about the future fate of the game, I spoke not only for myself, but possibly for many others who think the same way.
Thank you guys again for this great game. Suum Cuique ...

Hello everyone, you are on the fantasy and science fiction blog! Sometimes there are releases here that are not related to science fiction, but this is not the case. In these "Corsairs" there is enough devilry. In all senses.

The game turned out to be made on the engine of the previous corsairs, that is, the same bearded year. Even then, everything was squeezed out of him that his senile powers were capable of, so the picture could not boast of anything new. Perhaps some screensavers, character models and icons were redrawn. A couple more videos were added.

However, I am comfortable enough to play like that.

So the game. We do not have a choice of character, you can play only one - a Frenchman named Charles de Maure. Next, we select the parameters, focusing on fencing, handling heavy weapons, pistols and muskets, or trade and public speaking. In my opinion, it is better to choose one of the first two options. I settled on rapiers and swords.

Attention! Never set the difficulty higher than Level 2! All but the most avid nerds, play on Minimum Difficulty. Masochists who are confident in their God-chosenness can choose the second difficulty. In different versions of the game, this is either the Boatswain, or the Courageous privatier.

The game is insanely difficult, and if you felt confident on the "Captain" difficulty in "City of Lost Ships", then set the difficulty here to minimum and set all possible perks in the menu next to it.

If you played on the "Admiral", and you were more or less tolerant, then you can risk setting the second difficulty.

If you choose a higher difficulty level, you will quit the game after a few hours, cursing the developers and the whole world. I'm serious.

No, you will curse and yell in any case, even on minimal difficulty, but then at least there will be a chance that you will not quit the game, but will go to the Internet for tips and manuals.

Important! This game must be played exclusively with a detailed manual! This is due not only to the prohibitive complexity of the game, but also to bugs - not knowing at what point the catch is, you will not have a chance to avoid a fatal bug. I will give a link to one of these at the end of the article.

Okay, difficulty is selected, everything is set, let's go!

I did this: Z - shot, Q - active key of action, C - power strike and parry (instead of a wheel). It's pretty convenient to play this way.

First impressions

They are great. We are introduced to the game in detail, led a little by the handle, talking about buildings and game possibilities. It seems that the game is also designed for new players unfamiliar with previous parts franchises. Don't fall for this impression!

The first difficulty is that over the past time I have quite forgotten the controls in battle, but here no one is in a hurry to explain which keys to press. Therefore, in order to understand the types of punches, feints and parries, go either to YouTube or to thematic sites. For those familiar with the early parts, I will briefly explain the innovations:

1) A new parameter for melee weapons is balance. It is very important, and is closely related to two factors: the type of weapon (rapiers, sabers or broadswords), weight, type of blow.

For a rapier, 0.0 is the ideal balance. In this case, lunges (by default, right mouse button) inflict maximum damage. Slashing and power strikes are not for light weapons.

Sabers perform well with a balance closer to 1.0. They can both chop and stab, and carry out power strikes. The problem is that the saber does not do any of this perfectly. In Corsairs: City of the Lost Ships, the saber was my most convenient weapon. Here they are kind of stupid. I do not advise.

Broadswords and axes. The balance is closer to 2.0. Chopping and power strikes. It hurts, but consumes great amount endurance.

It was not possible to find out how weight affects damage. Most likely, the same as balance - the more weight, the more damage the slashing weapon has. In this case, it is best to choose rapiers as light as possible.

2) Pistols can now explode when fired. It happened to me with Stroyev and Duel pistols. Repeaters, muskets and shotguns did not explode.

3) New types of charges: in addition to bullets, there are shot, harpoons and nails. There is also a hand mortar with grenades.

New is good, but there is a big but. The shot hits only one target, thereby completely devaluing itself. I have a Gunshot shot shot at the crowd (although if you believe thematic forums, this should not be), but the damage there is ridiculous.

Removed the "berserk" skill, which is white in the previous part. On the one hand, that's right - the thing was absolutely cheating, turning any duel into nonsense, but I somehow got used to it. Yes, and the local quest duels with her would not have torn one place so much.

First quests

The first serious problems you will have in Guadeloupe is when you need to go to Fadeus.

Important! Yes, these problems will be the first only if you play by manual. Otherwise, you will be stuck in Martinique. Play only by manual!

I still don't understand how Fadey's quests work. If you take them in the wrong order, then you will easily break some scripts, and he will not give you the order that your brother was talking about.

If you have the patience to cope with all this, then you have to choose a side - the quest "The Dutch Gambit".

I passed for the Dutch - there are tricky restrictions on the level, reputation and skills. The Dutch are unpretentious to this.

To play for England, you must be: positive reputation, level below a certain value (it looks like it differs in different versions, I had less than 12).

Secret organization: negative reputation, pumped all weapons to a certain level (about 30+).

Difficulties await you here. Time-limited missions, mind-boggling duels, and more. But if you played the previous parts, you can master it all.

And I will move in the cherry on the cake.

Quests that break the player

This joy is called "The Pirate Saga". It's global, must-have and story-driven interesting quest... Made by consummate sadists.

The first difficulty - you will need to save one girl - Rumba, aka Helen - for 16 calendar days... This will be at the very beginning of the quest line. And if you fail this salvation, then fill up the whole line.

The first difficulty is that there is not a word about deadlines in the task log.

The second difficulty is that even with a fair wind, you will not have time to swim to Antigua in time. No way.

What to do? Go out to battle map, and swim along it, periodically going out on global map to check the direction.

How do you like this game design?

There are still many complications in the "Pirate Saga", but I will turn to the next extravaganza of absurdity:

Two naval battles in a row. First, you have to cope with a corvette and a frigate on a polacre (a ship of the 3rd class). And then, on the same floor, board a heavy frigate. And it's just hard, even on the second difficulty.

Then you can still break the scripts to hell in many places, if you go through the quests in the wrong order, and much more fun.


Because of the really interesting story company, I can't dare to call the game bad. I got a huge amount of pleasure from her. Yes, it was a somewhat perverse pleasure, especially until I thought of digging into the manual, but still.

Large, variable and interesting storyline. This is awesome, and for that the developers have a lot of respect.

A good partner is Mary Casper. But if you do not play according to the manual, in life you will not guess what to do so that she joined your team. You may not even meet her. Despite the fact that the location of the Isle of Justice is not that big. But confusing ...

Reworked the characteristics of ships. Now corvettes are useless troughs. Otherwise, the rebalance is good.


If you are good at game series, then you should arm yourself with a manual and detailed walkthrough, and play "Corsairs: To Each His Own".

If you are more or less fumbling in the Corsairs, then you can try your luck on minimal difficulty. Again with a manual and walkthrough. But be prepared to suffer.

If you have not played Corsairs before, then starting to "Each his own" - the idea is worse than you can imagine. "Town lost ships"At one time named the most difficult game series, and "To each his own" - it is 5 times more difficult ...

It’s always like that: a good story doesn’t want to get along with a good game design. Almost always you have to choose one thing, especially in more or less independent projects like this one.

Play is at your own peril and risk. I will go through the game to the end. Now I brought 3 church relics to the inquisitor, and took a long pause - to calm my nerves.

Walkthrough I used: Start Walkthrough. on the same site there are detailed manuals for later quests.

See you soon!

By the way, "The Witcher: Blood and Wine" announced better RPG 2016 🙂 Yeah, addon. I have on the site who have not played or have not seen all the endings - I recommend that you familiarize yourself. There are also links to 2 other articles on the world of The Witcher.

  • Helen Mac Arthur- adopted daughter of Sean McArthur, an old friend of Ian Swenson - the pirate baron Blueweld. The daughter of Beatrice Sharp and the pirate Bucher - Lawrence Beltrop. Nicknamed "Rumba" for its energetic and cheerful character. It is under the auspices of Jan Swenson. Can join the main character during the passage of the quest "The Pirate Saga". Helen is one of two girls with whom the protagonist can become romantically involved. It is Helen who is depicted on the cover of the game disc.
  • Mary Casper- ex-girlfriend of Alan Milrow, the deceased head of the narwhal clan on the Isle of Justice. Due to her red hair, she is nicknamed "Red Mary". Can join the main character in the Pirate Saga quest. An excellent boarding officer. Mary is one of two girls with whom the protagonist can become romantically involved.
  • Raymond Baker- Former executioner of the city of St. John's. The man who knows the secret of Lawrence Beltrop. Joins the main character as a ship doctor in the Pirate Saga quest.

Let "s play (sort of a walkthrough) of the recently released game Corsairs: To each his own on the Captain difficulty. I hope you enjoy it.: D Our group VK ...

  • Hugo avendel- drunken bounty hunter. Joins the protagonist as treasurer in side quest"Long way to the gallows."

Other most significant characters

  • Michel de Monpe- Stepbrother of Charles de Mora. Knight of Malta, experienced warrior and influential person in the Order of Malta and the Caribbean. It was on the search for his brother the main character goes to the Caribbean. However, is it that simple?
  • Abbot Benoit- Former corsair Serge Benois, who was tonsured. Rector of the Church of Saint-Pierre in Martinique. A good friend of Michel de Monpe, and later Charles de Maure. Will help the main character solve problems in relations with Spain and Holland.
  • Fadey Moskovit- Manager of a trading post in Guadeloupe. A close friend of the Governor and an important person in Guadeloupe. As reimbursement of the debt to the brother of the protagonist, he gives Charles the dagger "The Claw of the Leader", which, according to his assurances, has secret properties. In the course of the development of the plot, Charles has yet to verify this. Will help the protagonist to make peace with England and France. To some extent, Fadey continues the tradition of a series of Russian characters appearing in games.
  • Richard Fleetwood- An English privateer associated with British military intelligence. Captain of the Valkyrie Patrol Brigade. Regularly attacks Dutch ships West India Company.
  • Lucas Rodenburg- Vice Director of the Dutch West India Company. An influential person, the second person after the governor.
  • John Murdoch- aka Johan van Meurden, pharmacist in St. John's in Antigua. Formerly Lucas Rodenburg's most trusted roving agent.
  • Abigail Schneur- Jewish refugee. The bride of Richard Fleetwood or Lucas Rodenburg, depending on the player's chosen quest branch.
  • Gino Guineilly is an alchemist scientist living in a pharmacist's house in Antigua. Teaches the main character the basics of alchemy, helps him remember Latin catch phrases so that Charles doesn't look stupid in front of his half-brother. But who is Gino really an ordinary scientist or not?
  • Stephen "Shark" Dodson- one of the most influential people in the Coastal Brotherhood, with the development of the plot, he becomes its leader. Stephen's youth was spent on the semi-mythical Isle of Justice, where he found refuge during a difficult time in his life.
  • Jan Swenson- a pirate lord of West Maine, nicknamed by the Spaniards the Forest Devil. Patron of Helen MacArthur.
  • Nathaniel Hawke- the pirate baron of Maroon Town in Jamaica, overthrown by Jackman. In the past - the legendary adventurer and corsair, who worked for the English governor of the island of Redmond, Robert Seilhard, and later opposed his leader in the search for Inca treasures. Ghost ship winner. The protagonist of the game Pirates of the Caribbean.
  • Daniel Hawke- Nathaniel Hawke's wife and loyal companion. Having experienced many adventures in their youth, the Haukov family couple took a worthy position in the Coastal Brotherhood. But the quiet life of the pirate baron and his wife was interrupted, and now it depends on the main character whether they will return to their rightful place in Maroon Town or not.
  • Zechariah Marlowe- Pirate Baron Puerto Principe in Cuba. Furious Protestant and fighter for the faith. For his religious zeal, he was nicknamed the Black Pastor. Instructs the main character to bring him the book "Hammer of the Witches" in English translation.
  • Marcus Tirax- Pirate Baron La Vega on the island of Hispaniola.
  • Jacques Barbazon- Pirate Baron Le François in Martinique. A cunning and two-faced man, he often patronizes young corsairs in pursuit of his own goals. First of all, he strives for his own enrichment.
  • Jacob Jackman- Pirate Baron of Maroon Town in Jamaica. A cruel and cunning man who was the first officer on the ship of Captain Bucher - Lawrence Beltrop. Deceived Nathaniel Hawk and seized power at Maroon Town. One of the game's antagonists.
  • Snake eye- Shaman of the Miskito tribe in West Maine. However, Snake Eye is not originally from the Caribbean ...
  • Chad Capper- a man from the Dodson Shark team, now - the jailer on the Isle of Justice.
  • Edward Black- the leader of the rivados clan - the descendants of African slaves living on the Isle of Justice.
  • Donald Greenspey- the leader of the narwhal clan on the Isle of Justice, the successor of the deceased Alan Milrow.
  • Ole Christiansen- he is White Boy - a kind and eccentric young man who has matured in body, but not in mind. Helps Nathaniel Hawke and the main character. Dexterous rat-catcher (the main character can use this ability by taking Ole as a passenger on his ship). He wants to return home to his mother - and it depends on the main character whether he succeeds or not.
  • Albert Locksley is a dexterous and experienced attorney based in Port Royal, Jamaica. If necessary, help the protagonist to make peace with all powers.
  • Francois Levasseur- Governor of Tortuga Island. Huguenot and patron of the Protestant religion in the Caribbean. In the past, he entrenched himself on Tortuga on behalf of Philippe de Poissy, but over time he ceased to obey his superior. Under his rule, Tortuga became a nest of pirates.
  • father Vincent- Spanish chief inquisitor in the Caribbean. Helps the protagonist to solve the mysteries of the Maya Indians, provides him with valuable instructions.
  • Diego de Montoya- Spanish nobleman, confidant and the right-hand man of Baron de Mendoza y Riba, his agent for special missions.
  • William Paterson- English captain, commander of the frigate "Fortuna". A cruel, calculating and cynical person who stops at nothing to achieve his goals.
  • Master Alexus- the genius of the art of shipbuilding, the owner of the shipyard in Sharptown on Isla Tesoro. He is engaged in major repairs of ships - except for him, no shipbuilder on the archipelago can do this.
  • Black Mark Studio is a fan team that previously developed the "Adventure Tales" mod-pack (unofficial add-on) for Corsairs: City of Lost Ships.
  • The developers have created three full storylines for the three main characters - Charles de Mora, William Paterson and Diego de Montoya, which were supposed to reveal the main plot of the game from different angles. However, for various reasons, only story line Charles de Mora.
  • Many characters from previous games in the series appear in the game - Nathaniel and Daniel Hawkey, Jacob Jackman, Chad Capper, Master Alexus. Many of the characters in the game are real historical figures or have historical prototypes - for example, Philippe de Poissy, François Levasseur, William Paterson, Diego de Montoya, Jacob Jackman (or Jacob Fakman).
  • In the names of many characters, the nicknames of the developers of the games in the series, as well as some active fans, are encrypted.
  • For the first time in the history of the series, the Steam service acted as a distributor of the game.