Children's games at school during recess. Recess games in elementary grades. Intellectual game "Stop"

Although the first graders' lessons do not last long, the kids still have time to get tired. And the break is that long-awaited time when you can finally relax and play.

My Stepka has an excellent teacher. At the parent meeting, she asked us to help her and find games for children that they can play during breaks. First-graders still cannot occupy themselves, they just rush through the school corridors, so they need to be organized. For this, there are recess games.

A long tail

All the guys stand in a circle. The host invites everyone to raise their right hand up and wave to it.

Then he begins to name different animals, and the task of the players is to raise and wave his hand, but only if the animal has a long tail... If there is no tail or it is short, you do not need to raise your hand.

So, the presenter calls:

Bear (short)
Tiger (long)
Panther (long)
Hare (short)
Horse (long)
Sheep (short)
Pig (short)
Donkey (long)

Anyone who raised his hand at the wrong time is awarded a penalty point. The winner is the one with the fewest penalty points.

Light of the costaradima

There are no losers or winners in this kids game, it's just fun fun.

All players also form a circle. The task of everyone is to pronounce their name as quickly as possible, but not just like that, but when the turn comes.

A player is chosen to start the game with. He calls his name, followed by the player on the left, and so on in a circle. And you need to speak as quickly as possible.

Did all the players give their names? The game continues, but in the opposite direction. The first player calls his name again, followed by the player on the right ...

Well, the most difficult option when names start simultaneously to the right and to the left. That is, first the first player says his name, followed by the player on the left and the player on the right, then their neighbors ... It turns out that the game is on in two directions at once.

Kettle with a knob

The game is attended by 5 people (or several teams, each of which has 5 people).

Roles are assigned between the players:

Teapot - he draws two parallel vertical lines in front of him with his hands in the air
Cap - draws a horizontal line in the air in front of it
Lump - clenches his hand into a fist
Hole - connects the index and thumb to form a circle
Steam - draws clouds of smoke in the air with his hands in front of him

The presenter says the text:

With lid
With a lump
With a hole
Steam comes from the hole

The presenter pronounces all the words quickly. Then says the entire text in reverse order:

Steam comes out of the hole
Hole in the bump
Lump on the lid
The lid on the teapot

The task of each player is to show the necessary movement in time and not get lost.

Inflatable doll

This game for children is based on one of the exercises of martial arts. Its essence is that, alternating tension and relaxation, the body recovers in a short time. That is, the guys after the lesson will again feel a surge of strength.

So, the participants in the game are divided into pairs. One "pump", the second "doll".

At the command of the leader, the "pump" begins to inflate the "doll". That is, he takes a deep breath with his nose and, bending forward, exhale deeply with his mouth, while pronouncing the sound "sh-sh-sh".

At first, the doll stands relaxed (the back is hunched over, the arms hang along the body, the knees are bent). But as soon as the pump starts to pump it, it fills with air: first it straightens its legs, then its arms, then straightens its back and neck. The pump continues to work and the doll is bursting with air, that is, the legs, arms, stomach, neck gradually tighten ...

The doll is about to burst. The pump should notice this moment and, by turning the valve (for example, by touching the doll's hand), releases the air. The doll makes a deep exhalation at the sound "s-s-s" and gradually relaxes again.

After that, the pump and the doll change roles.

Neanderthal gait

All children stand in a circle and, at the command of the leader, begin to move in one direction. In this case, the presenter gives the task to depict the gait:

  • clown
  • old grandmother
  • creeping cat
  • drunk man

But most of all, kids are amused by gaits like "mad dog" or "Neanderthal". I played with my son and his friend this game in the yard. They began to make faces and have fun.

I think if this game is played during recess, after it you need to have time to play more quiet play so that the guys calm down before the lesson. For example, this:


I myself loved to play it at school. You just need to find yourself a mate.

The two stand opposite each other, at a distance of about 1 meter. One closes his eyes (you cannot peep!), The second begins to slowly stretch out his hand to him. When it seems to a person with closed eyes that his partner's hand is about to touch him, he should say: "Stop!" Only now can you open your eyes and check if he said the word on time.

Paws, legs, tail

In this game for children, the main thing is attention. Before the start of the game, the children are told that each word must be confirmed by an action.

On the word "paws" - you need to raise your hand
On the word "legs" - you need to raise your leg
On the word "tail" - turn your back to the driver

All the guys are standing in a circle, leading in the center. He slowly walks in a circle, then suddenly stops near a player and says:

However, the agreed movement should not be performed by the person near whom the presenter stopped, but by the players who are standing near him.

So, the player on the right at the word "paws" should raise his right hand, and the player on the left - his left

At the word "legs" - the player on the right to raise his right leg, and the player on the left - his left

The simplest command is "tail", because both players on the right and on the left simply turn their backs to the leader.

The one who goes astray is eliminated from the game.

Hot potato

And again, all the children gather in a circle. The leader begins the action with an imaginary object. For example, pretends to throw from palm to palm hot potatoes... The neighbor on the right picks up this movement, repeats, adds something of his own. Further along the chain to the right, this movement goes-goes-goes and again reaches the one who started the movement. It is impossible to negotiate during the game.

When the movement returns to the first player, he says that he wanted to portray with this movement. Also, other participants tell what they did.

Interestingly, in the course of the game, as a rule, transformation occurs. So, the first supposedly passes a hot potato, and the last - a sock caught from a puddle.

85. "Burners"

Training. Children become couples one after another, holding hands. Ahead, at a distance of 3-4 m, the driver's seat.

Oblique, oblique, Do not go barefoot, And go shod, Wrap your feet up. If you are shod, Wolves will not find a hare, A bear will not find you. Come out, you burn, you burn!

As soon as the guys finish the recitative, the first pair separates their hands and runs forward to reconnect beyond the line where the driver can no longer catch. He has to catch one of the guys, otherwise he will have to drive again. The driver stands behind everyone in a pair with the one he caught. Another of this pair becomes the driver.

The game is won by those who have never been caught.

Rules of the game: 1. The game starts at the signal of the head. 2. You can start running only after the end of the recitative.

86. "At the Bear in the Forest"

Training. All players are free to sit on one side of the court. On the opposite side, a line is drawn - the edge of the forest. Behind the line, two or three steps from it, there is a "bear den".

I take mushrooms-berries from a bear in the forest, And the bear sits, growls at me.

When the children utter the last word - “growls”, the “bear” jumps out of the den with a growl and tries to catch someone. He takes the caught person to a den.

The game ends when three or four guys remain uncaught, they become the winners.

Rules of the game: 1. The game starts at the signal of the head. 2. The driver can run out of the "den" only when the last word of the recitative is uttered.

Training. The guys stand in a circle, in the middle there is a driver who is blindfolded.

We played a little, and now we are in a circle. You guess the riddle, Who called you - find out!

The leader silently points to one of the players, who exclaims: "Find out who I am!" The driver must say his name. If he guessed correctly, the recognized person becomes the driver; if he makes a mistake, the game repeats.

The winner is the one who has never been a driver.

Rules of the game: Option 1. 1. Words are pronounced only by the one to whom the head points. 2. When the guys begin to distinguish the voices of their comrades, you can allow them to change the timbre of their voice.

Option 2. The players go to the right (or to the left) in a circle and say in a chant: "We made the whole circle, we will suddenly turn at once!" - make a full turn and continue to move in the same direction, after which they continue: "How do we say:" Dap, Dap, Dap "
(these three words are pronounced only by a pre-appointed player), - guess whose voice? "

Victory conditions and rules are the same as in option 1.

88. "Traffic Light"

Training. Prepare in advance circles (10 cm in diameter) of red, green and yellow color that are attached to sticks.

While moving in a column, one by one, bypassing the site, the exercises change: red - everyone is standing, yellow - moving forward in a squat, green - moving on toes. For each mistake, the players are awarded penalty points.

The winner is the one with the fewest penalty points.

Rules of the game: 1. The game starts at the signal of the head. 2. Penalty points are awarded for each violation.

89. Carousel

Training. The players stand in a circle. A rope lies on the ground, forming a ring (the ends of the rope are tied).

Barely, barely

The merry-go-round spun, and then around, And then around and around, All running, running, running.

Children move slowly at first, and after the words "run" they run. At the command of the head "Turn", they quickly take the rope with the other hand and run in the opposite direction:

Hush, hush, take your time, stop the carousel. One and two, one and two, The game is over!

The carousel movement gradually slows down and stops with the last words. The players put the rope on the ground and run across the court. Upon a signal, they rush to board the carousel again, i.e. grasp the rope with your hand and play resumes. You can take seats on the "carousel" only until the third bell (clap). The latecomer on the "carousel" does not ride and is eliminated from the game.

Although the first graders' lessons do not last long, the kids still have time to get tired. And the break is that long-awaited time when you can finally relax and play.

My Stepka has an excellent teacher. At the parent meeting, she asked us to help her and find games for children that they can play during breaks. First-graders still cannot occupy themselves, they just rush through the school corridors, so they need to be organized. For this, there are recess games.

A long tail

All the guys stand in a circle. The host invites everyone to raise their right hand up and wave to it.

Then he begins to name different animals, and the task of the players is to lift and wave their arms, but only if the animal has a long tail. If there is no tail or it is short, you do not need to raise your hand.

So, the presenter calls:

Bear (short)
Tiger (long)
Panther (long)
Hare (short)
Horse (long)
Sheep (short)
Pig (short)
Donkey (long)

Anyone who raised his hand at the wrong time is awarded a penalty point. The winner is the one with the fewest penalty points.

Light of the costaradima

There are no losers or winners in this kids game, it's just fun fun.

All players also form a circle. The task of everyone is to pronounce their name as quickly as possible, but not just like that, but when the turn comes.

A player is chosen to start the game with. He calls his name, followed by the player on the left, and so on in a circle. And you need to speak as quickly as possible.

Did all the players give their names? The game continues, but in the opposite direction. The first player calls his name again, followed by the player on the right ...

Well, the most difficult option is when the names simultaneously start both to the right and to the left. That is, first the first player says his name, then the player on the left and the player on the right, then their neighbors ... It turns out that the game goes in two directions at once.

Kettle with a knob

The game is attended by 5 people (or several teams, each of which has 5 people).

Roles are assigned between the players:

Teapot - he draws two parallel vertical lines in front of him with his hands in the air
Cap - draws a horizontal line in the air in front of it
Lump - clenches his hand into a fist
Hole - connects the index and thumb to form a circle
Steam - draws clouds of smoke in the air with his hands in front of him

The presenter says the text:

With lid
With a lump
With a hole
Steam comes from the hole

The presenter pronounces all the words quickly. Then says the entire text in reverse order:

Steam comes out of the hole
Hole in the bump
Lump on the lid
The lid on the teapot

The task of each player is to show the necessary movement in time and not get lost.

Inflatable doll

This game for children is based on one of the exercises of martial arts. Its essence is that, alternating tension and relaxation, the body recovers in a short time. That is, the guys after the lesson will again feel a surge of strength.

So, the participants in the game are divided into pairs. One "pump", the second "doll".

At the command of the leader, the "pump" begins to inflate the "doll". That is, he takes a deep breath with his nose and, bending forward, exhale deeply with his mouth, while pronouncing the sound "sh-sh-sh".

At first, the doll stands relaxed (the back is hunched over, the arms hang along the body, the knees are bent). But as soon as the pump starts to pump it, it fills with air: first it straightens its legs, then its arms, then straightens its back and neck. The pump continues to work and the doll is bursting with air, that is, the legs, arms, stomach, neck gradually tighten ...

The doll is about to burst. The pump should notice this moment and, by turning the valve (for example, by touching the doll's hand), releases the air. The doll makes a deep exhalation at the sound "s-s-s" and gradually relaxes again.

After that, the pump and the doll change roles.

Neanderthal gait

All children stand in a circle and, at the command of the leader, begin to move in one direction. In this case, the presenter gives the task to depict the gait:

  • clown
  • old grandmother
  • creeping cat
  • drunk man

But most of all, kids are amused by gaits like "mad dog" or "Neanderthal". I played with my son and his friend this game in the yard. They began to make faces and have fun.

I think if this game is carried out during recess, after it you need to have time to play a quieter game so that the guys calm down before the lesson. For example, this:


I myself loved to play it at school. You just need to find yourself a mate.

The two stand opposite each other, at a distance of about 1 meter. One closes his eyes (you cannot peep!), The second begins to slowly stretch out his hand to him. When it seems to a person with closed eyes that his partner's hand is about to touch him, he should say: "Stop!" Only now can you open your eyes and check if he said the word on time.

Paws, legs, tail

In this game for children, the main thing is attention. Before the start of the game, the children are told that each word must be confirmed by an action.

On the word "paws" - you need to raise your hand
On the word "legs" - you need to raise your leg
On the word "tail" - turn your back to the driver

All the guys are standing in a circle, leading in the center. He slowly walks in a circle, then suddenly stops near a player and says:

However, the agreed movement should not be performed by the person near whom the presenter stopped, but by the players who are standing near him.

So, the player on the right at the word "paws" should raise his right hand, and the player on the left - his left

At the word "legs" - the player on the right to raise his right leg, and the player on the left - his left

The simplest command is "tail", because both players on the right and on the left simply turn their backs to the leader.

The one who goes astray is eliminated from the game.

Hot potato

And again, all the children gather in a circle. The leader begins the action with an imaginary object. For example, he pretends to throw hot potatoes from palm to palm. The neighbor on the right picks up this movement, repeats, adds something of his own. Further along the chain to the right, this movement goes-goes-goes and again reaches the one who started the movement. It is impossible to negotiate during the game.

When the movement returns to the first player, he says that he wanted to portray with this movement. Also, other participants tell what they did.

Interestingly, in the course of the game, as a rule, transformation occurs. So, the first supposedly passes a hot potato, and the last - a sock caught from a puddle.

You can rally a team of students and make an interesting change using active or calm games. Alternating activity, children will have time to relax and cheer up.

Active rest, switching from mental activity to physical activity, unloading the brain.

Games for first graders at recess

  1. Traffic light- the teacher is standing with circles according to the colors of the traffic light, the children are in a circle. The teacher says the commands: “Come on! Have stopped! Ready! ”, Raising the corresponding colors of the traffic light, the children follow the commands. Whoever made a mistake leaves the circle.
  2. Change of numbers- the players stand in a line, paying in order. The driver calls out loudly two numbers at random. They must change places, and the driver must have time to take a free seat. Whoever did not have time turns into a new driver.
  3. Claps- players in a circle with an assigned number to each. They all clap - twice on their hands and twice on the knees. Clapping your hands, you need to say your number, and clapping on the knees - someone else's. The one who did not have time to call his number or called the number of the eliminated player in the game no longer participates. The last two remaining players win.
  4. 3,13,30 - the participants assign an action to each number, for example, three - to raise their hands up, thirteen - to put their hands on the belt, thirty - to hide their hands behind their backs. You need to quickly name the numbers and have time to make the appropriate movements.
  5. Edible or not- the players are sitting side by side, the leader throws a small ball to one of the guys and pronounces the name of the object. If you can eat it, the player must catch the ball, if you can't eat it, hit it off.
  6. Broken phone- children in a row. The first child thinks of a word and quickly whispers to the second, the third, and so on in a chain. The last participant must say this word out loud. Often spoiled words are funny enough.
  7. Brook- an odd number of players. They split into pairs, stand one after another, hold hands and raise them, making a kind of corridor. The one who was left without a pair, walks along the corridor under his hands and chooses a pair for himself, becomes with her at the beginning. A child without a pair repeats, this allows the stream to flow forward.
  8. Associations- the first one calls a word and whispers it in the ear of the next participant. For example, a dog. The second comes up with an association for him and whispers to the second, for example, security. The third comes up with an association further, for example, a supermarket and so on until the words reach the last participant. Then everyone tries to guess which word came first.
  9. Find the item- one person turns away, the rest of the students hide the object (cube, eraser). Then they dictate the route to the one who will be looking: three steps straight, two to the left, etc.
  10. Who is this- the teacher distributes animal cards to the children. In turn, the students imitate the sounds of animals and movements, the rest guess.

  1. Quest- in different places of the class, leaves with riddles are hidden, which lead the children to a new place and, as a result, to where the object is hidden.
  2. Commander- children stand in front of the presenter, who gives out commands: we jump on our left foot, sit down. Whoever did the wrong thing is eliminated.
  3. Bell- children join hands in a circle, two in the center of the circle. One player is blindfolded, the other has a bell. A blindfolded child must catch the one who is ringing the bell, showing his whereabouts.
  4. Fulfill the agreement- the driver agrees in advance with the guys that when he stomps - they will stomp in response, when he reaches out to them - turn away, when he shakes his finger - they will nod. Then the driver quickly makes movements, and the guys fulfill the agreement.
  5. A long tail- the teacher calls the children animals. If he has a long tail - children raise their right hand and wave; if he is short or not - there is no need to raise his hand. The teacher always raises his hand, trying to confuse the children.
  6. Confusion- children join hands and get entangled, crawling under their arms and step over each other. Then a student comes in, who is obliged to untangle the guys without opening their hands.
  7. Recognize the voice- one student closes his eyes, the rest dance around. Then the student commands "Stop!" and points his finger at the player in front of him. He must say aloud: "Get to know me!". The player, without opening his eyes, guesses the classmate by the voice.
  8. Who touched- the driver turns away, several students come up to him. One touches. The driver turns to his classmates and is trying to guess who was the one to beat him.
  9. Forbidden traffic- the teacher shows the movements, the children must repeat everything except the prohibited one (it is negotiated in advance, for example, you cannot squat).
  10. Catch- pupils in a circle, the driver holds the ball in the center. Then he throws it up and calls the name of the child, he must have time to catch the ball. Not in time - takes the place of the driver.

Outdoor games at recess

  1. Dash- participants in a circle with a distance of three steps from each other. One child in the center. At the signal "Change", children need to run and stand in a free alien seat, including the driver. Whoever did not have enough space - goes to the center.
  2. Third wheel- children in pairs, stand in a circle, one of the pair behind the other. One student is a catcher, the second is running away. The escaper can become a “third odd” near the pair, then the one who is the last in the pair must run away.
  3. Pop out- a circle is outlined, the participants are inside, holding their hands behind their backs. At the signal of the teacher, they must push the opponent out of the circle without using their hands.
  4. Leapfrog- participants stand in columns, squat down and lower their head. The other player must jump over the participants and sit in front. The next one repeats.
  5. 3, 15 - children stand in a circle at a distance of a step from each other and count "3, 15, 10, 20, 0, 11, 12", after that they jump along the chain. The first player tries to jump by stepping on the foot of the player on the right, he jumps and tries to jump on the foot of his neighbor on the right, etc. The one who has been stepped on is eliminated.
  6. Little Red Riding Hood- they choose a wolf, the guys scatter. One has a red cap in his hands, he is the Little Red Riding Hood, which the wolf must grease. The cap can be discreetly passed on to other children to knock the wolf off the trail.
  7. Path- children are divided into two teams and follow the instructions of the teacher. Slide - one stands with his hands up, the other with his hands on his belt, the rest squat. Shovel - children hold hands, lift them up and stand in a circle. Path - line up and crouch.
  8. Trap- students in a circle hold hands, lifting them up, the rest run into the circle and run out. Suddenly, the children give up, leaving in a trap those who did not have time to escape. Then they change places.
  9. Stop- the driver turns to the wall, the players start walking towards him. He turns - they stop. Those who move or continue walking are eliminated. The first person to reach the driver wins.
  10. Exhibition- the driver thinks about which pictures they bring to the exhibition, for example, "Heroes" or "Morning in the Forest". The rest become in the appropriate poses to depict the picture.

Recess games 1 class in the hallway

  1. Knock down the cone- a cone is made of cardboard or paper. The guys knock him down with a wad of paper.
  2. Well-aimed- the student is blindfolded, a ball a couple of meters from him. He must push the ball with his foot, the others can tell you to go to the right or to the left.
  3. guess- the office is loaded into the bag. It is necessary to grope the object, guess it and demonstrate to everyone.
  4. Forfeits- everyone puts one of his own things into the box (you can use a pencil or an eraser). Then the driver chooses a thing and gives it to the "owner" the task - to sing, jump, and so on.
  5. Cock fights- you need to push each other with your shoulder, jumping on one leg so that the opponent does not keep his balance and stand on both legs.

Calm games for 1st grade at recess

  1. Tropical rain- students repeat the movements behind the teacher, imitating the sounds of rain. Rub their palms, snap fingers, slap their palms on the chest and knees, stamp their feet.
  2. Hamster- the first player says: “I have a hamster at home, he has such paws” and shows which ones. The second repeats the movement of the previous participant and adds: “And these are the ears, too,” he shows. Each subsequent player repeats the previous movements and adds his own until someone makes a mistake.
  3. Killer- children stand in a circle and close their eyes. The driver touches one player - he is a killer and several times shakes hands with the participant on the right, he also squeezes the neighbor's hand, cutting it by one clamp and so on until he reaches one, which is considered killed. If two correctly tell the driver the name of the killer, he will be eliminated, incorrectly - they will be eliminated.
  4. Continue the tale- the first participant writes the first sentence of the tale, folds up a sheet and passes it to the second. He continues, also rolls up the paper and passes it to the next. Then the whole fairy tale is read out.
  5. Swan- children in a circle, pronounce the words, each child according to the word: "The swan flies across the sky, the number speaks ..." and pronounce the number, for example, five. Each slaps his hand on the neighbor's hand. Anyone who gets a knock on the count of "five" must remove his hand in time.

Classroom recess games for first graders

  1. fax machine- children sit at desks, the last participant draws a figure on the back of the student in front of him with his finger, he must repeat it on the back of the neighbor in front and so on. Until it comes to the first desk. The one sitting in front reads out the drawing.
  2. Candy- the students must pass the candy under the desks, and the driver must track it and guess in whose hand it is.
  3. Tree man- children think of a student, the driver must guess by asking questions: “If a man were a tree, what kind? If an animal, what kind? " The rest answer.
  4. What did you draw?- the first one draws the head on paper, bends the sheet so that the neck is visible and passes it on. The next one draws the body, bends the sheet and so on, until a person or an animal is drawn.
  5. Ask the neighbor- children sit in a circle, driving in the center. Asks: "What's your name?", "Where do you live?" The neighbor to his right should be responsible for the player. For an incorrect answer, the player with the driving places is changed.

Recess games for grade 2

  1. Dolls- there are two kerchiefs and two dresses on the chair. Children are divided into two teams. The goal is to find dolls and dress up the opposing teams faster.
  2. Cinderella- stationery is mixed in a box or on a desk: erasers, paper clips, pens, pencils, rulers. The goal is to disassemble everything into piles with closed eyes... Competitions for speed.
  3. Rewind the cord- tie a rope to a simple pencil, now compete who will reel the pencil faster.
  4. Zombie- two participants need to tie the touching hands, and with the free ones it is necessary to wrap the bundle, wrap it with a ribbon and tie it on a bow.
  5. Giants- when the teacher says "dwarfs" - the students should sit down, "giants" - jump. You can deliberately call similar words "kartoshka". Those who go astray are eliminated.

Recess games for grade 3

Recess games for grade 4

Short breaks can be rich, interesting and the whole class together thanks to interesting games.

For teenagers 10-13 years old

The outdoor games offered here can be used not only for active changes, but also for a walk in the GPA, during class and school holidays, for organizing children's leisure time on trips and hikes, etc.

"Play with a bell"

Holding hands, the children stand in a circle, inside which there should be two players. One of them is blindfolded, and the other is given a bell. Focusing on its sound, the first should catch, and the second should run away from it, drowning out the ringing in time.

The game requires dexterity and caution. It gives great pleasure not only to the players, but also to the audience.

"Follow the agreement strictly"

The leader stands in front of the players and agrees with them about the following: when he bows, the children should turn away; when he stretches out his arms to them, they will cross them on their chest; when he shakes his finger at them, they bow to him; when he stomps, they stomp back, too.

Before starting, conduct a three-minute "rehearsal" with the players. Anyone who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

"Draw without an object"

Invite the children to use their imagination to publicly do the following:

  • Thread the needle.
  • Sew a button.
  • Toss and catch the ball (remind - without the ball).
  • Throw the ball with a friend.
  • Chop wood.
  • Plan the board with a plane.
  • Sharpen your pencil.
  • Cut off your nails with scissors.
  • Move an item from one place to another.
  • Flip through a book with thin pages and an album with thick ones.
  • Expand and fold the newspaper.
  • Pour water from one glass to another several times.
  • Throw water at someone from a glass and be able to avoid being doused.
  • Lift things weighing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 kg.
  • Pick up a very cold, warm and hot object one by one.
  • Feel velvet, silk, wool.
  • Place several plates one on top of the other without making the slightest noise.
  • Smell an apple, orange, rose, clove, onion, ammonia.
  • Cut the watermelon into slices and eat one piece.
  • To depict and "sound" a motorcycle, a tractor, a dovecote, a boiling kettle.
  • Depict a hairdresser doing a complex female hairstyle; the surgeon during the operation; a dentist who pulls out a tooth; a hostess who cleans perches; chauffeur, who fixes the car, lying under it.
  • Depict an angry cat; hungry pig; haughty turkey; night owl; handsome peacock; ostrich; a proud rooster; penguin. The main thing is to convey the character of an animal or bird, to depict their gait, "voice", manners. It's fun to do it.
  • To depict pedestrians on the street: an old woman with a dog on a leash; a policeman on duty, whose boots are shaking; a lover with flowers who has a toothache; a mother of many children with a bunch of scattering children; girl with an open umbrella in a strong wind.
  • Show how geese, camels, ducks, cats, elephants, giraffes, hares, frogs, kangaroos, crocodiles, bears, ducks, foxes, etc. can walk and run (you can use cards with animals).

Attention game

- I will get up and sit down, while giving you the command: "Stand up", "Sit down." You must carry out my command, regardless of what I myself am doing. Let's start!

"Don't be confused!"

- Try this exercise (demonstrates). It may seem very simple and easy only at first glance. In fact, this is not the case. Put your hands on your knees, clap your hands in front of your chest, grab your nose with your right hand, and your right ear with your left, then clap your hands again, grab your nose with your left hand, and your left ear with your right hand. Repeat the exercise in the same sequence several more times, gradually increasing the tempo. Just do not confuse where your nose is, and where is your ear, where is the right, and where is the left side.

Attention game "Three movements"

- Everyone should memorize 3 movements that I will show. First: bend your arms at the elbows, hands at shoulder level; the second is to stretch your arms forward at shoulder level; the third is to raise your hands up.

The teacher shows the movements, everyone repeats after him 2-3 times to remember the number of each movement. Then the game begins. The teacher shows one movement, while calling the number of the other.

"Walk faster"

At one end of the corridor, the players line up in one line. At the other end, the driver stands with his back to the players, facing the wall. He covers his face with his hands and says: “Walk quickly, look, don't yawn! Stop!" While the driver pronounces these words, all the players try to approach him as quickly as possible. But on the command "Stop!" they must stop immediately and freeze in place. The driver looks around quickly. If he notices that one of the players did not have time to stop in time and made at least one movement, the driver sends him back, beyond the initial line. After that, the driver turns away and says the same words. This continues until one of the players manages to approach the driver and stain him before he has time to look back. After that, all the players run for their line, the driver chases after them and tries to tarnish someone. The tarnished one becomes the driving one.


The players form two circles. The inner circle, holding hands, moves in one direction, and the outer circle in the other. At the command of the teacher, both circles stop. Those standing in the inner circle raise their hands, forming a gate. Others run into the circle, passing under the gate, then run out of it. Suddenly, a second command is given, hands are lowered, and those who are inside the circle are considered trapped. They remain in the inner circle and join hands with the rest of the players, after which the game is repeated. When few players remain in the outer circle, the inner circle is formed from them. The game repeats itself.

"Pass silently"

Several players are blindfolded and pair up against each other at arm's length. Each pair forms a gate. The rest of the players, breaking up into groups (according to the number of gates), try to go through the gates one by one. It is necessary to pass silently, carefully, you can bend down or crawl. At the slightest rustle, the players standing at the gate can raise their hands to block the path, detain a passing person, but must immediately lower them.

The winners are the players who managed to pass through the gate safely.

"Stay calm!"

The players form a circle. The driver walks inside the circle and, stopping in front of someone, says loudly: "Hands!" The one to whom he turned should stand calmly, and his neighbors should raise their hands: the neighbor on the right - the left, the neighbor on the left - the right. Whoever makes a mistake, raises the wrong hand or gags, he replaces the driver.

"Come back soon"

Two chairs are placed at a distance of 8–10 m from one another. Two blindfolded players sit on them. At the command "March!" they should go to the opposite chair as soon as possible, touch it, and return. You should not interfere with each other. The winner is the one who gets to his chair faster and sits on it.

"Wind and Weather Vane"

The teacher asks if the children know where north, south, east and west are, and then suggests a game. The teacher is the wind, the guys are weathercocks. When the teacher says, "The wind is blowing from the north," the weather vane should turn to face south, if the wind is from the west, to the east, and so on. If the teacher says, "Storm," the weather vane should whirl in one place; if he says, "Change," the weather vanes begin to wiggle in place; "Calm" - everyone freezes.

A rehearsal is held to learn the rules. The game is played at a fast pace. You can call the same wind direction 2 and 3 times in a row. Then none of the players should turn. The winners are those who make the fewest mistakes.

Comic relay race "Race"

Once this activity was popular in all countries. Now it is a sport. But his fans have not diminished since then. Probably, none of the guys will refuse to become a "rider" and ride a "horse" with the breeze. True, the horses in this relay are not quite ordinary. They are replaced by stools or chairs. It is desirable that they be strong, who leads the lame horse to the start? What does a real rider do before the race? He jumps into the saddle, takes the reins in his hands and, shouting: “But! Let's go! ”, Moves forward. The “rider” in this relay must also “saddle” the stool at the start, grab its edges instead of the bridle and, helping himself with his feet, go from start to finish and back. Following the first "rider" this path is mastered by the whole team. This relay is a good workout, after which it will someday be possible to change to a live horse. And the most enduring and fastest win in all "horse races".

Outdoor game "Santiki-santiki-lim-po-po"

The players stand in a circle. The driver moves away from the circle a short distance for a few seconds ... During this time the players choose who will be "showing". This player will have to show different movements (claps, pats on the head, stomp, etc.). All other players must immediately repeat his movements. After the demonstrator is selected, the leader is invited to the center of the circle. He needs to determine who is showing all the movements. The movements begin with ordinary claps. At the same time, throughout the entire game, the words are pronounced in chorus: "Santiki-santiki-lim-po-po." Unbeknownst to the driver, the demonstrator demonstrates a new movement. Everyone should instantly adopt it, so as not to give the driver the opportunity to guess who is leading them. The facilitator may have several guesses. If one of the attempts is successful, then the proponent becomes the leader.

"Catch the Dragon's Tail"

The guys line up in a column, each holding the one in front by the belt. They represent a dragon. The first in the column is the dragon's head, the last is the tail. At the command of the leader, the dragon begins to move. The task of the “head” is to catch the “tail”. And the task of the “tail”, in turn, is to escape from the “head”. The body of the dragon should not be torn, i.e. players are not allowed to unhook their hands. After catching the "tail", you can select a new "head" and a new "tail".

"Atoms and Molecules"

All the players randomly move around the playground, at this moment they are all "atoms". As you know, atoms can turn into molecules - more complex formations consisting of several atoms. A molecule can contain 2, 3, or 5 atoms. Those who play on the leader's command will need to create a "molecule", i.e. several players will need to grab each other. If the presenter says: "The reaction is going on in three!", It means that three players - "atoms" merge into one "molecule". If the presenter says: "The reaction is coming in five!", Then already five players should grab each other. The signal for the molecules to disintegrate again into separate atoms is the leader's command: "The reaction is over!" If the guys do not yet know what an "atom", "molecule", "reaction" is, an adult should explain it to them in a popular way. The signal for returning temporarily eliminated players to the game is the command: "Reaction goes one by one."

"Musical mop"

Children become couples and dance to the music. One student at this time (to the music) wipes the floor with a mop. As soon as the music stops, the couples have to switch their partners, and the student with the mop quickly puts it on the floor and also looks for a partner. Whoever did not have time to do this, he dances with a mop.

"From bump to bump"

Option 1: everyone receives 4 cartons of 20ґ25 cm in size, stands on two of them, puts the other two in front of him and goes to them. Several people are competing.

Option 2: give each of them 3 cartons (quick-witted and dexterous can make the transition on two cartons).

Option 3: the players are divided into pairs, each pair receives 5 boxes. After two minutes to think and test, they start to compete with other pairs on a signal. Moving together on five cardboard boxes is not easy, because you cannot put 2 legs on the cardboard at the same time. The couple that comes first wins.

"Don't spill, don't spill!"

The guys are divided into 2-3 teams with the same number of players.

Option 1: each team forms a separate circle, everyone faces the center. The teams receive 2 glasses (preferably unbreakable), filled to the brim with water, and 2 thin books in bindings with three peas placed on them.

It is necessary to quickly transfer in a circle one by one: a glass, a book, a glass, a book. If the peas fall, one of the players picks them up and puts them on the book. It turns out a delay in movement. All of these items must go around the circle 5 times. The team ahead of the others gets 5 points (if it hasn't lost a single pea and there is more water in the glasses than other teams).

Option 2: the conditions of the game are the same, but everyone stands with their backs to the center.

Option 3: the conditions are the same, but the participants in the game turn one face, the other with their backs to the center - alternately.
If the teams repeat the competition, it is more interesting to play the game in all three variations.
It is not easy for the leader to keep track of all the teams at once, and he can assign assistants to himself.

"They don't dance in a hat"

The game requires 4 hats, preferably smart and pretty (two for boys and two for girls). Before the start of the dance, the presenter announces the rules of the game: “Boys and girls with hats on their heads are standing next to me, they also want to dance, but ... they don’t dance in a hat. To take part in the dance, they must put a hat on the head of any dancer - only in this case they will be allowed to dance with his partner. Girls will wear hats for girls, and boys will wear hats for boys.
If you get a hat on your head, give in to your partner and don't be upset. Choose another by exercising your right to wear a hat. If you've got a hat on, don't take it off until you've chosen a new partner.

“Do you recognize by the sound

There are 8 to 12 differently sounding objects on the table. The facilitator taps on each object with a nail (metal stick) and then with a wooden pencil. Everyone listens carefully to the sound of objects. Then the assistants block the table, and the presenter strikes one of the objects several times with a wooden and then a metal stick. Whoever can name the subject raises his hand, and the facilitator asks one of the different commands.