The game that appeared for preschoolers is the development of speech. The best speech games for kids. Long Tail game


Target: Teach children to listen to the sound of words; exercise in self-naming words and clear pronunciation of sounds in them.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to find a mate. To do this, one of the children says a word, and the other responds with a similar word, for example: parsley - pestle. Children who have made a couple step aside and come up with words that are similar in sound (car - tire, sock - sand), but the child who picked up the rhyme must answer.

Speech game "WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?"

Target: Teach children to group words according to meaning, to understand the direct and figurative meaning of words.

Game progress: The teacher asks the children: “Can I say so? How do you understand this expression? " Children explain phrases.

A fresh breeze is cool.

Fresh fish - freshly caught, not spoiled.

A fresh shirt - clean, washed, ironed.

Fresh newspaper - new, just bought.

Fresh paint is not dry.

A fresh head is rested.


Purpose of the game : To activate the dictionary, broaden the horizons.

Game progress: Children form a circle. The teacher names the sound and asks the children to come up with words in which this sound occurs. One of the players throws the ball to someone. The child who catches the ball must say a word with a set sound. Anyone who did not come up with a word or repeated something already said by someone skips a turn.

Speech game "SEARCH"

Target: Exercise children in the use of adjectives consistent with nouns.

Game progress: Within 10 - 15 seconds, children should see around them as many objects of the same color (or the same shape, or from the same material). At the signal of the teacher, one child begins to list objects, other children complement. The winner is the one who correctly names the most items.

Speech game "COME UP YOURSELF"

Target: Teach children the correct composition of sentences with a given number of words.

Game progress: Reference words are given: autumn, leaf fall, snow, snowflakes. You need to make a sentence of 3, 4, 5 words. The child who makes the first sentence receives a token.

Speech game "THIS IS OR NOT?"

Target: Develop logical thinking, the ability to notice inconsistencies in judgments.

Game progress: The teacher says: “I'm going to tell you stories now. In my story, you should notice that. That doesn't happen. Whoever notices, let him clap his hands.

In the evening, when I was rushing to kindergarten, I met my mother, who was taking the child to school.

At night the sun was shining brightly and the stars were shining.

Apples ripened on the birch.

Children find contradictions in sentences.

Speech game "RIDDLES GAME"


Game progress: Children are sitting on the bench. The teacher makes riddles. The child who has guessed the riddle comes out and makes a guess. Guys get chips for guessing and guessing riddles. The one with the most chips wins.


Target: Teach children to understand the meaning of the sentence.

Game progress: The teacher reads the sentences. There are mistakes in them that the guys must correct.

The goat brought food to the girl.

The ball is playing with Sasha.

The road goes by car.

Gena smashed the ball with glass. Etc.


Int: ... Learn to listen attentively to the sound of words; exercise in self-naming words and clear pronunciation of sounds in them.

Game progress : Children stand in a circle. Each child should name a word and say it to the next participant; the next participant also says one word. So, in turn, all children must pronounce one word at a time. After three laps, the game stops. You can't repeat one word twice. Anyone who did not know how to quickly name a word or repeated what has already been named leaves the circle.

Speech game “STOP! STICK, STOP! "

Target : Exercise in self-naming words and clear pronunciation of sounds in them.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center. The teacher says that they will describe the animal, and each child should say something about it. For example, the teacher says: "Bear!" - and hands the wand to the child, he answers: "Brown!" - and passes the wand to the next one. Whoever cannot say anything about the animal is out of the game.

Speech game "WHAT, WHAT, WHAT?"

Target: To learn to select definitions corresponding to a given example, a phenomenon.

Game progress: The teacher calls a word, and the players take turns picking up as many signs as possible that correspond to the given subject.

Squirrel - red, nimble, big, small, beautiful.

Coat - warm, winter, new, old. Etc.


Target: Expand the vocabulary of children.

Game progress : The teacher asks to look at the pictures and tell what the objects are doing: blizzard (sweeps, blizzards, purges); rain (pouring, drizzling, dripping, dripping, begins); crow (flies, croaks, sits, eats).


Target : Expand the vocabulary of children.

Game progress : The teacher asks the children to make phrases following the example: a milk bottle - a milk bottle.

Cranberry jelly -… (cranberry jelly).

Vegetable soup -… (vegetable soup).

Mashed potatoes -… (mashed potatoes). Etc.

Speech game "WHAT HAVE I SAID?"

Target: To teach children to distinguish several meanings in a word, compare them, find common and different.

Game progress: The teacher says that there are words that we use often, and we call many different objects by the same word: head (dolls, onions, garlic, human head); a needle (at the syringe, at the spruce, at the pine, sewing, at the hedgehog); nose (in a person, in a kettle, in an airplane); leg; a pen; wing, etc.

Speech game "REVERSE".

Target: To develop in children intelligence, quick thinking.

Game progress: The teacher (or child) names the word, the children select a word with the opposite meaning for it

(far - close, high - low).

Speech game "ADD A SYMBOL"

Target: To develop in children phonemic hearing, quick thinking.

Game progress: The teacher (or child) names one syllable and throws the ball. The person who caught the ball must complete the word, for example, ma - ma, book, etc. The child who completes the word again throws the ball to the teacher (or the child).

Speech play "SAY IT IN ANOTHER".

Target: Learn to choose synonyms.

Game progress: The teacher says that in this game, children will have to name words that are close in meaning (for example, cold - frost).

Speech game "SPEAK YOUR SPELL".

Target: Teach children to choose the same root words.

Game progress: The teacher reads a poem, and the children should add words associated with the word "snow".

Quiet, quiet, like in a dream,

Falls to the ground ... (snow).

All fluffs slide from the sky -

Silvery ... (snowflakes).

Here's some fun for the guys -

Stronger and stronger ... (snowfall).

Everyone is running in a race

Everyone wants to play ... (snowballs).

Like a white down jacket

Dressed up ... (snowman).

Nearby a snow figurine

This girl ... (Snow Maiden).

As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream,

He decorated the whole earth ... (snow).

(I. Lopukhina)

What words did you find? What word do they all look like?

Speech game "SAY WHAT YOU HEAR".

Target: Develop phrasal speech.

Game progress: The teacher invites children to close their eyes, listen carefully and determine what sounds they have heard (car signal, rustle of a falling leaf, conversation of passers-by, etc.) Children should respond with a full sentence.


Target: To develop the speech activity of children, the speed of thinking.

Game progress: The teacher says the beginning of the sentence, and the children must supplement it with new words to get a complete sentence. For example, a teacher: "Mom bought ..." "... books, notebooks, sweets ...", the children continue.


Target: Teach children to select words that are opposite in meaning in different types of assignments.

Game progress: The teacher asks a proposal and invites the children to answer the questions: "If the soup is not hot, then what is it?", "If the room is not light, then how?", "If the knife is not sharp, then it ..." the bag is not light, then it ... "and so on.


Target: Develop phonemic hearing, quick thinking.

Game progress : The teacher says: “Come up with a word with sound (a) - and throws the ball to any of the players. The child answers: "Hat" - and throws the ball to the next player, etc. round. Then the teacher calls another sound, and the game is repeated again.

Speech game "WHERE HAVE I BEEN?"

Target: Teach children to form accusative plural forms of animate nouns.

Game progress: The teacher says: “Guys, guess where I was? I saw jellyfish, seahorses, sharks. Where have I been? (On the sea).

Now you ask me riddles about where you were. Tell us who you saw. The main thing in this game is not guessing, but making a riddle.


Target: Teach children to choose words that are close in meaning.

Game progress: The teacher says: “One boy was in a bad mood. What words can you say about him? I came up with the word "sad". Let's also try to replace words in other sentences. " It's raining (pouring) The air is clean (fresh).

Speech game "WHAT IS WRONG?"

Target: Develop auditory attention and speech; teach to detect semantic inconsistencies; pick up the right words taking into account the content of the text.

Game progress : Children are read a poem twice and asked to find a discrepancy.

Is it true or not that snow is black like soot,

Sugar is bitter, coal is white, but dare a coward like a hare?

That a cancer can fly, and a bear can dance a master,

That pears grow on willow, that whales live on land,

That from dawn to dawn the pines are being cut down by the mowers?

Well, squirrels love bumps, and lazy people love work,

And girls and boys don't take cakes in their mouths?

If the children do not name all the mistakes, then the teacher reads the poem again.


Target: Learn to divide words into syllables.

Game progress : The teacher tells the children that you can find out the length of a word by steps (or claps). He says the word "soup" and walks at the same time. The teacher says that it turned out only one step, so this is a short word. Children line up along the line, and one at a time, they begin to speak the words and take steps. Whoever divides the word into syllables incorrectly is out of the game.


Target: To consolidate and clarify the meaning of polysemantic words.

Game progress: Please tell me what else you can say so:

It is raining: it is ... (snow, winter, dog, smoke, man).

Plays ... (music, girl).

Bitter ... (pepper, medicine).


Target: Develop phonemic sound, quick thinking.

Game progress: The teacher asks the children to remember the names of insects that contain sounds (a), (k). Whoever calls more words won. For example: butterfly, mosquito, dragonfly, etc.


Target: To consolidate the use of generalizing words in speech.

Game progress : The teacher calls generalizing words, and children - a specific concept, for example, "An insect is ...". Children: "Fly, mosquito, ...".

Raisiya Kashkova
Speech games for preschoolers

The child's speech develops in all types of activity. The main and leading form is play.

In kindergarten, in groups there are many games and aids for the development of speech.

But we present to your attention games that do not need to be specially prepared or purchased, they are in all kindergartens and are always at hand, it is important to have only imagination and ingenuity so that ordinary toys become interesting and multifunctional and maximally contribute to the development of children, namely, the development of children's speech - these are games, how "Lotto", cubes and balls.

Game suggested "Lotto"... Pictures are arranged in groups, but at the same time the children talk about their actions. For example, the presenter shows a picture and asks: "Who needs a russula?" Child: “I need a russula because it's a mushroom. I take a mushroom and put it on a mushroom "... Target games can be different - this is the development of the vocabulary, the development of coherent speech, this is also an exercise in the correct pronunciation of sounds.

The next lotto is didactic game « Speech Lotto» ... Target games: differentiation of sounds, on the screen - these are vowel sounds A, U. You can differentiate other sounds, consonants, for example, P and L, or a soft consonant and a hard consonant; accordingly, picture material and letters are selected, then they practice the correct pronunciation of these sounds in words by children, develop auditory and visual attention, phonemic perception, the prosodic side of speech, articular motor skills and fine motor skills of the hands.

Next game "Speech therapy loto"

Material games consists of a piece of paper, divided into nine windows and lotto pictures. The game can be used by educators, speech therapists in working with older children before school age ... Variants of this games are numerous aimed at all-round development the personality of the child.

The purpose games can be: enrichment of the vocabulary, automation and differentiation of sounds, the development of phonemic perception, the formation of the syllable structure of a word, the skill of sound analysis, the development of mental processes: quick-wittedness, observation.

Name games can come from goals: for example vocabulary enrichment and sound automation "Name the picture", the formation of the syllable structure of the word "Find words with one syllable (with two, etc.)», "Expand in syllables"- unfolding pictures in cells, etc.

Tasks can be as follows:

Development of spatial orientation on a sheet of paper;

Correct use of nouns in genitive, instrumental singular;

Coordination of adjectives with nouns;

Formation of the syllabic structure of the word;

Determination of the place of a given sound in words;

Drawing up sentences with these words;

Development of attention, memory;

Development fine motor skills fingers.

Speech games with cubes.

We offer a game with ordinary building blocks. The game is called "Whose House Is Higher?"... Children are encouraged to build floors of a house from words, for example, with three sounds - house, poppy, cancer, etc. - a floor of three cubes. The one who comes up with more words, the one with a higher house, wins. Another variant games- build floors from words with one syllable or with two syllables (the complication is gradual)... The next option is “Come up with sentences of two (three, four) words "and build floors. You can think of other versions of games with ordinary building blocks. Children play with enthusiasm these games, the more they are of a competitive nature. During this games children develop all the components of speech (vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, and the pronunciation side of speech, and coherent speech, mental processes: attention, memory, thinking.

Very interesting and exciting speech games with balls... There are many of them, you can carry out both individually and in subgroups, and with the whole group, with a transfer, "Ball in a circle", with a toss, with a whip. For example:

"Skillfully throw the ball to me and call the animals", “I know three names of animals (fruits, vegetables, etc.)»,

“I know three names of words with sound (p, l)», "Three names with a certain sound", "The vowel sound will be heard by the ears, the ball flies over the top of the head.", "We are the ball palm"Knock", we repeat the sound together ", "It happens - it does not happen", "Who does what?", "Who moves how", "What why?", "Catch, drop, name the days of the week". Games with balls are fun, aimed at developing the mental, mental and physical abilities of the child.

The game is interesting "Verbal com"... It is usually carried out to automate sounds, while developing phonemic processes, active vocabulary, memory, thinking, imagination.

The game is interesting "Verbal com"... The ball is passed in a circle, words for a certain sound are called, while all the previous words are repeated. This game is usually carried out to automate sounds in words, while developing phonemic processes, active vocabulary, memory, thinking, imagination.

Thus, subject to the correct organized pedagogical process with the use of gaming technologies, as well as with a properly organized subject-developing environment speech the child's development will be complete and effective.

Related publications:

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St. Petersburg.

Timely and full-fledged mastery of speech is the first most important condition for the formation of a full-fledged psyche in a child and its further correct development. Speech, in all its diversity, is essential component communication. It is in the process of communication that it is formed.

The purpose of speech development classes in kindergarten is to help the child master his native language. This is a very difficult task, because child preschool age- this is not a student who can be explained and explained the rules of declension or conjugation, the structure of simple and complex sentences. The development of speech in children is also closely related to the formation of the child's thinking and imagination.

The main tasks of the development of speech in kindergarten are:

Education of the sound culture of speech,

Enrichment and activation of the vocabulary,

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech,

The development of coherent speech.

It is necessary to form the qualitative aspect of speech activity in the process of communication.

It is extremely important to create an emotionally favorable situation in the work that would contribute to the child's desire to actively participate in verbal communication. And it is play that helps create situations in which even the most shy and uncommunicative children open up. The writer Gianni Rodari said that “it is in the game that the child is fluent in speech, says what he thinks, and not what is needed. Not to teach and teach, but to play with him, fantasize, compose, invent - that's what a child needs. "

Involving children in play activities helps to activate their speech development. The child's speech is formed in stages. At each age stage, their own tasks are solved. From age to age, there is a gradual complication of the methods and techniques of teaching the native language. Thanks to the variety of speech games and exercises, preschoolers form the clarity of pronunciation of each word, literacy, clarity, the ability to correctly formulate their thoughts, monologue and dialogical speech develop. A child with a well-developed speech easily enters into communication with others. Using speech games as a co-creation of a child and an adult, it is necessary to monitor his mood and take into account speech capabilities.

By the age of three, the child possesses the means that are necessary and sufficient for everyday communication. His speech is colloquial speech. It is involuntary and situational, there are many incomplete sentences in it.

At the stage of 4-5 years, the main direction is the formation of specific speech. In the fifth year of life, the child begins to see the connection between the structure of the word and the function of the object, which is designated by this word. Children begin to actively experiment with words. At this age, the child begins to be attracted to narration-improvisation. In addition to role-playing games it is useful to act out theatrical performances.

The speech skills that the preschooler gains in the game must be transferred into monologue coherent speech. For this in pedagogical process the situation of oral story is included. The teacher helps the child to form his thoughts in the form of a story: he suggests a plot course, logical connections, and sometimes the beginning of each sentence. For example, "Let's talk about Dasha and the bunny." The teacher offers to tell about Dasha: “Once Dasha ... (woke up, washed her face and decided to go to the forest). She ... (invited brother Misha for a walk). The guys took with them ... (balls, scoops and buckets). In the clearing ... (they saw a hedgehog), which ... (very frightened and immediately curled up into a ball). Dasha and Misha ... (it became a lot of fun).

I offer examples speech games and exercise,

which are held with children in the middle group.

Find out by description.

Find out by description.

Purpose: to form the ability to focus on the endings of words when agreeing an adjective and a noun in gender.

Material: painted wooden egg, painted wooden nesting doll, shiny button, painted tray, large wheel, blue saucer and cup, green bucket and scoop, large plate.

The teacher lays out the objects on a tray, then gives a description of them. Children have to guess what subject they are talking about.

Educator... It is round, shiny, like gold ... (button); it is required for playing sand, it is large, green ... (bucket), etc.

What's gone?

Objectives: to form the ability to form the genitive plural forms of nouns.

Material: doll Parsley, postcards (pictures) with the image of fruits and vegetables (apple, pear, cherry, cherry, plum, banana, orange, lemon, tomato, cucumber).

Petrushka comes to visit the children. The teacher speaks on his behalf. Greets. He suggests looking at the postcards he brought. The teacher shows the postcards one by one, the children call what is drawn. The named postcards are placed on the stand so that nouns with zero ending appear on one side.

Petrushka invites children to play the game “What's gone?”. Five pictures are left at the stand, for example: apples, pears (left) and bananas, lemons, oranges (right).

Parsley. Guys, remember the pictures well. Remember? Close your eyes.

Parsley hides bananas. He puts cucumbers in place of bananas.

Now open up. What's gone? (bananas). What has appeared? (cucumbers). Close your eyes again.

Parsley picks up apples. He puts pears in their place. etc

A sample of the correct answer is given: “We must say this: there are no apples. Bananas are gone. "

Next time in the game, you can use postcards with the image of flowers, objects.

Bunny, do it!

Purpose: to form the ability to form imperative forms of verbs (sing, jump, dance, put, draw, ride).

Material: plush rabbit, car, paintbrush, sheet of paper, paint, water. cloth for wiping brushes.

A hare comes to the children in a car.

Educator... Look, the bunny brought something. There are paints, a brush, and water. Why does the hare need all this? It turns out that the hare is extraordinary: he can draw, sing, dance, jump high, and love to drive a car.

Let's play with the bunny. You will give commands, and the hare will follow if the statement is formulated correctly.

If the child is mistaken, the hare does not move, waits for the error to be corrected.

After the game, the hare says goodbye to the children and leaves.

What changed?

Purpose: to form the ability to use prepositions with spatial meaning (on, between, about).

Material: ladder, toys - bear, cat, frog, hare, fox.

The teacher places toys on the steps of the ladder.

Educator. Now we will play a game for attention. Remember which toy stands where. Close your eyes. What changed? What happened to the bear? (He was standing on the top step to the left, and now he is standing on the middle step between the cat and the frog.)

Thus, all possible positions of toys on the ladder are played out. The game is repeated 5-6 times.


Purpose: to introduce you to immutable words.

Material: tray with cubes.

Educator. We have opened a cafeteria. You can relax there and have tea, juice, coffee or cocoa. I would like a cup of cocoa. How about coffee? Should coffee be with milk or black? Can I pour you some tea? What tea do you like - with milk or with lemon?

The teacher walks around the children, handing them a tray of cubes. Children say what they would like to drink, "taste" the drinks.

Guys, did you notice that the words coffee and cocoa do not change? We say: drink juice, tea; drink coffee, cocoa.

What is for what?

(word formation games).

What kind of animal?

Purpose: to form the ability to accurately use the names of baby animals in the singular and plural.

The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle and depicts a tiger cub (growls, spreads his fingers).

Educator. Whom did I portray? Who is this? (Tiger). And who is the cub of the tiger? One is a tiger cub, but if there are many of them, how shall we say? (cubs). Draw tiger cubs.

The teacher gives a whisper to one of the children the task of portraying a kitten. The kitten washes its muzzle with its paw, purrs.

Guess who it is?

Children. Kitty.

Educator. Yes, it's a kitten.

A similar task is given to several more children.

Who do we have now?

Children. Kittens

Educator... The kittens got scared, ran away, and who was gone?

Children... Kittens.

Similarly, children depict and name a kid, kids, ducklings, ducklings. Then the kids and ducklings run away.

Dishes shop.

Purpose: to form the ability to form the names of tableware items.

Material: a shelf with utensils - two biscuits, a bread bin, a napkin holder (different in shape, size, material), a cookie dish, a butter dish, salt shakers.

The teacher tells the children that a tableware store has opened. To buy dishes, you need to know exactly what they want to buy: what kind of item it is, why is it needed. If the item is named incorrectly, the seller will not understand and will not sell the item. But first you have to consider. what utensils are in the store. The teacher points to objects, the children name them (bread box, sugar bowl, napkin holder).

Educator. Here is a special dish for crackers - sous ... (harnitsa). And here is the cookie platter. It has no other name. Just a dish. And here is a salt shaker and mas ... (lenka). Please come, the store is open.

Whose, whose? My!

Objectives: to form the ability to form possessive adjectives, to harmonize the noun and adjective in gender.

Material: bag, magpie (toy or picture), baby things (clothes, toys).

The teacher puts children's things and toys in a bag. The bag is brought into the room with the magpie.

Educator. This is a thief magpie. She collected various things in our room, grabbed everything that was bad. He laughs at you: “Whose, whose is it? My!" Let's see what is whose. What's this?

Children. Shoes.

Educator. Whose shoes?

Children answer.

Things are taken out of the bag one by one, they are named, and the owner is identified (whose? Whose? Whose?). The owner receives his item and puts it back in place.

Why is it called that?

(games to develop understanding of the semantic side of the word)

Find a pen.

Purpose: to form the ability to make sentences with a word a pen, using it in different meanings.

Material: Tanya doll.

Children answer the questions that the teacher asks them, finish the sentences they have begun.

The doll Tanya comes to the children and greets.

Educator. I have a big hand, but Tanya?

Children... Small.

Educator... How do we call a child's hand affectionately?

Children... A pen.

Educator... What other things are called the word pen?

Children... By which they write.

Educator... Now tell me what I'm doing.

The teacher puts the pen on the table, takes the cup, holds it by the handle.

Children. Put it, take it, hold it.

Educator. What kind of handles do you see in the room?

Children answer.

What handles have you met at home, on the street, in transport? Finish the sentences I'll start.

With a pen you can ... (write).

The pen can be on the table ... (put).

You can hold a cup by the handle ... (hold, take).

The pan has two ... (handles).

What is a pen for? Remember what Tanya said when she came to you.

Children... She said hello, greeted.

Educator... Now what is she doing?

Children... He says goodbye, waves his pen, says goodbye.

Which? Which? Which?

Purpose: to form the ability to select definitions for an object, a phenomenon.

The teacher names an object, and the children take turns calling as many signs as possible that may be inherent in this object.

The wolf is gray, toothy, angry, hungry.

The sun is bright, radiant, hot.

Bread - fresh, hot, tasty, rye.

The ball is rubber, round, blue, large.

Hat - knitted, warm, winter, white.

It happens - it does not happen.

Objectives: to develop listening skills simple sentences and to represent the situations referred to in them, to clarify the meanings of the words.

Material: doll Dunno.

Dunno comes to visit the children.

Educator. Dunno says that they laugh at him in vain because, as if he does not know anything and does not know how. It’s just he who knows what happens and what doesn’t happen, but the guys don’t know.

Dunno speaks different tales. Children should notice mistakes and explain why they shouldn't speak like that.

Dunno. The dog meows under the door. The dog guards the house. The boy goes skiing in winter. A girl rides on a sled in the summer. The squirrel incubates in the nest of chicks. Chickens in the yard peck grains. The plane plows the ground.

Speech situations.

Finish the sentence and choose a picture for it.

Objectives: to form the ability to complete an utterance, choose the right word, coordinate it with other words in the sentence.

Material: object pictures - ball, fish, whale, frog, bone, slippers, pencil, egg, dress, coat, jacket, books, newspaper, tree, house, sofa.

The teacher begins the phrase, the children in turn finish it, having previously selected the appropriate content from the pictures.

The girl draws ... (tree, house, sofa);

Dad reads ... (book, magazine, newspaper);

The chicken laid ... (egg);

Mom washes ... (dress, coat, jacket), etc.

Come up with another word.

Objectives: to deepen knowledge about the lexical meaning of a word, to form the ability to form new constructions using prefixes and suffixes.

Educator. From one word you can make another, similar. For example, you can say "milk bottle", but you can say "milk bottle".

Apple compote (apple compote);

Pear jam (pear jam);

Shelf for books (bookshelf);

Glass vase (glass vase);

Thatched roof (thatched roof);

Snow slide (snow slide);

Paper boat (paper boat).

How to say it differently?

Target: to form the ability to select synonyms for given words.

The teacher calls the phrase, and the children replace it with one word.

Strong man (strong man), strong wind (hurricane), cowardly man (coward), lying boy (liar), stupid man (fool), heavy rain (downpour).

I'll start, and you continue.

Goals: to form the ability to continue synonymous series, to find words that are close in meaning.

The teacher says a sentence, highlighting some word in it, the child selects synonyms for this word.

A clean shirt hangs in the closet. Clean ... (fresh, not dirty, washed);

The boy hit his foot on a stone. Hit ... (hurt, knocked);

We were scared in the forest. Scary ... (scared);

The children ran along the path. They ran ... (rushed, rushed).

Pick a word.

Purpose: to form the ability to select words that are suitable for the meaning.

The teacher proposes a situation, and the children choose words that are suitable for the meaning.

  1. Vova, as he wakes up, begins to look for his things: a shirt under the table, slippers on a chair, trousers under the bed. Every morning he searches, searches, he is late for kindergarten. How can you call Vova? (lazy, slob, bum). What should be done so as not to be late for kindergarten?
  2. The guys were playing in the sandbox. We put a full bucket of sand on it. They can't pick it up. What is the bucket now? (Heavy). What does heavy mean? What else can be heavy?
  3. I decided to redeem Mashakukla. She poured water into a basin, lowered her hand, but quickly pulled it back and screamed. Why do you think the girl screamed? What kind of water did she put into the basin? And what should have been poured? What other water is there?
  4. Mom bought a watermelon, but it didn't fit in the bag because it was ... (big). She barely brought it home, cut it open and was delighted because it turned out to be so ... (red). Mom cut the watermelon into slices and treated ... (children). The children took a bite and smacked their lips. Mom realized that the watermelon was very ... (tasty and juicy). What does juicy mean? What else can be juicy?

There can be many options for such games and exercises. It all depends on the educator's imagination, on his experience and ability to interest the children.

Come up with! Play! Captivate! Good luck!

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Development of speech skills in a preschool educational institution through the game

Preschool age, as you know, is a period of intensive development of the child, and the timely mastery of correct speech, including the active use of it, is one of the main conditions for the normal psychophysical development of the child, the formation of a full-fledged personality, and preparation for school.
Currently, there is an increase in the number of preschool children who experience difficulties in interacting with peers. LS Vygotsky believed that “with the help of speech, the child is for the first time capable of mastering his own behavior, treating himself as if from the outside, considering himself as an object. Speech helps him to master this object. "
V preschool-game is the leading activity of the child, effective method and one of the forms of education and upbringing that stimulates the speech activity of children.
Word and sound games for children are not only attractive but also rewarding. Speech games are aimed at the development of speech in children, clarification and consolidation of the vocabulary, at the formation of the correct sound pronunciation. At the same time, they are the basis for activating cognitive activities, development of mental abilities. Preschoolers develop the ability to express their opinions, draw conclusions, apply new knowledge in various life situations.
Speech games are of great importance for the development of speech and thinking in children; they activate, enrich their vocabulary, improve phonemic hearing in children, instill interest and love for language.

Games for the development and enrichment of an active speech vocabulary

A) Complete the sentences
- In the summer, the leaves on the trees are green, and in the fall ..
- Bunny in the summer ... and in the winter ...
- Mushrooms grow ... and cucumbers - on ...
- The fish lives in ..., and the bear lives in ...
- Sugar is sweet, and lemon ...
- It's light during the day, and at night ...
B) Finish the sentence
The children take turns completing each of the sentences:
I want...
I can...
I will help...
I'll bring...
I'll sing ...
C) Tell me which one
- Pencil - new, big, beautiful, ribbed, colored, thin, durable ...
- Autumn leaf, yellow, large, small, fallen ...
- Flower - fragrant, spring, forest, bright, small ...
- The river is fast, transparent, deep, clean, wide ...
- Mom is kind, gentle, sweet, affectionate, hardworking ...

Games for recognizing parts of speech, finding out the relationship between them

A) Cheerful family
It is correct to name the animals and their babies.
- Mom is a fox, dad is a fox, babies are foxes.
- Rooster, hen, chickens.
- Cat, cat, kittens.
- Goose, goose, goslings.
- Bear, she-bear, cubs.
B) Big - small
Find an affectionate word.
- Mom - Mom,
- vase - vase,
- cat - cat,
- the sun is the sun,
- river - rivulet,
- birch - birch,
- leaf - leaf.
C) Catch the ball
The teacher calls a noun and throws a ball to the child. The child forms an adjective from the proposed word and returns the ball to the teacher.
- spring - spring,
- the sun is sunny,
- birch - birch,
- linden - linden,
- rain - rainy.
Speech games to develop the ability to express your own opinion
A) Consent - Disagreement
The task of the teacher is to form in children the ability to approve or dispute the thesis, to substantiate their opinion.
Educator. It will be rain today.
Children. No, it won't, because the sky is clear.
Educator. All birds fly away to warm lands.
Children. No, some stay for the winter (sparrow, crow, jackdaw).
Educator. This is a fish.
Children. No, this is not a fish. This is a mouse. A fish cannot run, but a mouse can. The mouse has ears. but the fish do not.
B) Storytelling fiction
The task of the teacher is to teach how to define the topic of reflection with inserted constructions “I think”, “I know”, “it seems to me”, “in my opinion”; to deny inappropriate phenomena using subordinate conjunctions "because".
After listening to fairy tales, children identify the inconsistencies they have noticed.
The sun shines brightly in summer, so the children went for a walk. They made a slide out of the snow and started sledding. Then they blinded a snow woman out of the sand. That's how much fun it was for the children!
Autumn has come because green leaves have begun to fall. The children went on an excursion to the lake. There they saw a lot of interesting things. Two perches and a crayfish were sitting on the shore of the lake. When the children got closer, the crayfish and perches fell right into the water. Many birches grew near the lake, and mushrooms hid on their branches among the green leaves. The children jumped up and plucked some mushrooms. That's how many interesting things they saw on the excursion!
Games for improving the correct sound pronunciation, developing phonemic hearing
A) New word formation
In the word, replace the vowel sound [y]:
squirrel - roll, river - hand, give - blow.
Replace vowel sound [o]:
itself - catfish, frame - Roma, cash - scythe, race - dew.


1. "Education of the sound culture of speech in children in preschool educational institutions"
Author: L.R. Bolotina, N.V. Miklyaeva, Yu.N. Rodionova.
2. Speech therapy E.N. Krause 2002.
3. A.I. Maksakov, G.A. Tumakova "Learn by playing" 2005.

The development of speech is one of the most important moments in both the development of the child's intellectual abilities and his upbringing, the formation of his personality. Obviously, you need to start developing speech from the first days of life.

Whatever we do with the child - feeding, bathing, dressing, swaddling, walking - it is necessary to constantly talk with the baby while he is awake.

It is important to pronounce the words clearly, calmly and affectionately. In this case, it is desirable that the child sees the face of an adult, the movements of his lips. Then, by the age of 3 months, the baby begins to distinguish human speech from other sounds.

At about the same age, the child himself tries to imitate the conversation of adults - he begins to walk, and by 6 months - to pronounce individual syllables. It is possible (and even necessary) to babble an adult together with a child, so that he quickly learns to pronounce sounds and syllables correctly. The first rhymes, nursery rhymes for six-month-old babies are easy to compose yourself:

Mother Mother Mother,
Masha eats herself.

Ra-ra-ra, Ra-ra-ra,
It's time for us to get dressed.

Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta,
The cat has a red tail.

Simple rhymes about toys

After six months, it is helpful for children to show objects, toys, furniture and name them. To make it more fun, you can tell short rhymes about the toy (or any object) that we show. It is only important to remember that it is necessary to conduct classes with the baby when he has slept and is not hungry.

While playing with my youngest daughter, I often composed some simple rhymes for her. This is how the "Toys" cycle appeared. For example, here are some of these verses. They are easy to remember and you can start telling children from six months. After all, kids are especially sensitive to the poetic form of speech.

Gray bunny,
Like a ball
In the forest
The edge
From the chanterelle
And from the wolf
Will run away

The bear walks through the forest
The bear is looking for sweet honey.
If the bear finds honey
He will invite the bunny to visit.

At the red chanterelle
To be in the teeth
Both mice and birds
And they are afraid of bunnies.

The big-eyed owl
Predatory head
Fluffy feathers
The legs are clawed.

Catches mice and rabbits
Hunting at night.

I am a funny dog
We will be friends with you
If it's a difficult task,
I will help you solve it!

If it becomes very sad -
I'll sing a song for you
And the stomach will be empty -
I'll give my bone.

Who is hiding there in the basket?
Enough to play with
Put on your shoes
And let's go for a walk as soon as possible!

The sheep gave me wool,
To knit mittens.
It's warm in them, almost like in a stove,
Let's run to play snowballs!

It's good in mittens
Handles will not freeze
It's already snowing
From a shaggy cloud ...

What a fat animal?
- Pale pink pig!
The tail is a small hook
The nose is a soft patch.

Called me to play
Run, somersault,
Search for acorns together
Splash in the puddles!

Doll Dasha
Masha has a doll Dasha, -
Masha feeds Dasha with porridge.
In the evening - puts in bed:
- It's too late, Dasha, I have to sleep.

Raises her daughter in the morning,
Dresses, washes ...
They eat porridge again
And the two of them go for a walk.

We wanted a tumbler
Put to bed at night ...
They tried in vain. Indeed, in fact
He will never sleep!

It is useless to force, -
Still gets up again!

Father Frost
I have it under the tree
Santa Claus,
Her needles are falling
On a snub nose.

In a warm fur coat, with a beard,
Maybe Grandpa is hot?
And in the bag - for you and me
He has gifts!

Snow Maiden
Grandfather has a granddaughter -
Snow Maiden-beauty,
Eyes - like a blue sky,
Braid up to the waist.

Kind to everyone and affectionate
Nice and good
Amuse with a song, a fairy tale,
Snegurochka soul!

Educational poems for children

After a year, the child very quickly begins to understand speech, and by the age of two, many babies already speak in short phrases themselves. And the memory of children at this age is excellent. They, not even fully understanding the meaning, can memorize very long fairy tales (especially poetic ones) if they often hear them.

It is useful for kids to read both "old" texts, which they have already mastered well, and new ones, so that the development of thinking and speech abilities continues. The following poems will be of interest to children at the age of 1.5-2 and at the age of 5-6.

It is only important to remember that the child will not be able (and it is not useful for him) to passively listen. He wants to play, move, in active game to know the world- and the subtleties of the native language, and everything that happens around. Therefore, while reading poetry, you need to play with the child.

There is a lot of room for parental imagination here. For example, a rhyme about a shovel can be told on a winter walk, picking up snow with a shovel and throwing it up, a rhyme about a ball - playing with a ball, about a horse - showing how a horse jumps, etc.

Snow shovel
In the summer I needed a scoop
Because there was sand.
And now it's winter, guys,
So I need a spatula!

I'm picking up snow with a shovel,
Clap! - And I throw it up.
But one question arose -
Why is my nose in the snow?

Alena went out for a walk,
I took out the green ball,
I played the ball merrily,
I just lost it right away.

Like grass is a green ball
Do not find him, even cry!
- Ball, look, friend, -
A puppy is happy to help a friend.

I quickly found the ball, brought it,
Oh, what a wonderful dog!
We will play with Sharik,
It's not scary to lose the ball with him!

Clink, clink, clink, - hooves knock,
The mane flutters
Vanya is racing on a horse,
Mum smiles.

Then he rushes at a gallop
Dust - a column from under the hooves,
Then suddenly - at a trot ...
She looks up at everyone.

But the horse got tired -
I need to give fresh grass,
Sweet spring water
Yes, go to bed soon!

I got the mosaic
And I collected pictures:
Here is a square, here is a circle,
Here is a little blue flower.

Seryozhka came up to me:
- Let me play a little!
- Okay, brother, play,
But look, don't get lost.

Lost nothing
My brother, though small!

Tiger cub
Red-haired little tiger
Just woke up
I looked around in surprise
He stood up and stretched.

Here he was reflected in a puddle,
He squeaked menacingly: “Hey!
We need to s-r-break! "
Into the water - jump quickly.

He doesn't need anything
Except noisy games.
Let it be awkward for now,
He's still a tiger!

A car
Is in the toy car
Steering wheel, wheels and hood
We'll refuel with gas
And let's go ahead.

Behind the traffic light
We are all closely following:
We are going - only to green!
And we stand at the red light!

There was a fair breeze
Swam in a puddle of boats.
Only the wind has changed
Our boat got scared:

You need to moor to the shore,
My hold is full of chocolate,
If I suddenly drown -
Chocolate will go to the bottom!

Masha played with cubes,
She built towers and houses.
Here is a dump truck garage
Masha did it herself!

Then Vanyusha crawls -
This is Mashin's younger brother,
Vanechka breaks towers
Very fast, everything!

Well, Masha does not argue with him -
The brother helps to play,
To build a new one,
Better to break the old.

And here are poems that will help a child learn to play with a matryoshka doll, collect a pyramid, remember the names of colors. A counting rhyme will help you learn the names of your fingers.

Gave Masha
Matryoshka - there is no more beautiful!

Everything is so fine:
Bright, smart.

It's interesting to play with her
You can even open it.

Open it a little bit
There is another matryoshka inside!
Only a little smaller in stature,
The rest is just twins.

We began to look for the third,
It turned out to be as many as five!
Five nesting dolls - all in one
Sometimes they can hide.

Seven flowers at the pyramid
Let's put everything together without error:

Together we are on a long rod,
Reducing in size,
Put on the BLUE disc.

Here is GREEN, this is YELLOW,
Yes ORANGE yet.
RED is on top! And ready
The pyramid. That's all!

Fingers (counting)
One, two, three, four, five,
Let's count our fingers.

Our FIRST finger is BIG,

The MIDDLE finger is the THIRD,
It is the longest, note!

Here is the FOURTH - NAMELESS,
It's so strange to be without a name ...

And the little finger is the FIFTH finger,
Only small in stature.

Five on the right, five on the left
Together - ten, let's put it together boldly!


If you read or hum the same rhymes before going to bed, sing lullabies, then the child gradually develops a useful skill - to tune in to sleep after hearing familiar lines. I want to offer a few verses that not only tune in to sleep, but also broaden the horizons of the child.

Here is your bed
To sleep sweetly.
Soft feather bed, -
Let the back rest.

Here are some pillows for you
Put it under your ears.
Here comes the blanket
To make it warmer.

Close your eyes
Bayu - bayu - buy!

It's already dark outside ...
Looked into our window
Chubby moon
She looks affectionately,

He whispers softly like this: "Guys,
It's time to sleep, cribs are waiting for you,
Sweet meet dreams
From an unknown country. "

Who says what?

Tell me how the dog barks? And how does the cow moo? - are there such moms and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers who would not bother with such questions to one-year-old crumbs? After all, it is important for a child to first teach how to pronounce syllables correctly, and then words.

And such a speech game "Who says what?" very useful for the development of the child's speech, especially if you visually show him the corresponding toy or picture. A toy, of course, is better, because you can hold it in your hands, see it from all sides, depict how this or that animal moves, play a small scene.

For this, sets of different toy animals can be very useful. Only for children under three years old should you buy toys that are not too small so that the baby cannot accidentally swallow or choke on them.

And then you can play out a whole fairy tale about pets. For example, this:

Vanyusha tears from the warm stove,
Went out on the porch in the morning.

How many animals are around -
Geese, ducks, turkey.

Here is a cow mooing:
- MU-U,
Give milk to someone?

And the goat is timid:
- ME-E,
Give me some milk.

But the cow is strict:
- MU-U,
I'll give it to my calf!

The goat called:
- ME-ME-E,
My son, come to me.

Mommies loved their kids
The children were fed with warm milk.

The crested crested cough:
- You think, chickens,
What kind of milk?
Better to pinch the weed
Or peck the grains.

The duck grunted:
Don't waste your time
Get in order
And follow me, my ducklings!
All - to the pond, it's time to swim,
Enough to stagger uselessly.

Not even two steps have passed -
Goose to meet:
I greet you, neighbor!
How is your health, sleep soundly?
As kids, as a spouse?

The turkey interrupted him:

Come on, goose, come here.
Why are you shouting like that?
Look, he's not looking! What, conceited?

The gander looked proudly,
Hissed menacingly. Like this:
With me, turkey,
Have you decided to compete all of a sudden?
I am a brave goose!
And I'm not afraid of you!

A horse galloped up to them:
- Stop fighting, guys.
Stop this hour
Children are looking at you!
I-GO-GO-O, -
also said
I galloped to the foal.

A sheep ran up to them:
Heart hurts:
My lamb is lost
As if the wolf did not get caught!

From the bushes you can suddenly hear:
- BY-E,
Mom, I'm coming to you.

The fat pig is walking
The piglet is calling:
- Well, who am I talking to,
It's time to eat

Here is the kitten sitting,
- MEU-MEU, - he says,
He washes his face with his paw,
Vanya smiles.

The dog wagged its tail
He stretched and yawned.
He is very glad to Vanyusha:
- AB-AB-AB, - five times in a row.

Mom came up to Vanya,
Vanya gently hugged:
- Good morning, son,
It's time for breakfast, friend,
Father is waiting for us at the table ...
- This is the end of the fairy tale!

I would also like to add that a child needs games with adults not only for his intellectual development, but also for creating a positive emotional tone, correct mental development.

Playing with adults for children (not only toddlers, but also schoolchildren) is always a source of special joy. Moreover, until about one and a half years old, the baby practically does not yet know how to play independently or with peers. But even after two years, he needs constant communication with family, especially with mom and dad.