Educational outdoor games for children. Hot potato outdoor ball game

Outdoor games for children first junior group Preschool

Author: Lashkova Oksana Evgenievna, educator of the Kindergarten No. 4 private educational institution of JSC Russian Railways, the city of Bologoye, Tver region.
Work description: I offer you a selection of outdoor games for younger children preschool age... This material can be used by educators and parents for outdoor games in group room, at home and on a walk, with children from 1.5 to 3 years old. This material is aimed at generating interest in children in play activities, on the development of such qualities as, coordination of movements, speed of reaction, orientation in space, attention. Outdoor games comprehensively develop the child and evoke positive emotions from the actions performed.
Target: To acquaint kids with the variety of outdoor games. To increase physical activity and health of children. To develop attention, coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space.

The game takes a significant place in the life of every child. From an early age, playing, the child first learns to manipulate objects, studies them. With age, he seeks their relationship. While playing, the baby develops not only motor skills, but also thinking, imagination, fantasy. While playing, the child builds logical chains, thinks, reflects. It is impossible to imagine a child's childhood without play. No wonder it was noticed that as a child behaves in the game, thus, he will behave in society. Many great teachers have developed and successfully implemented great amount games. I work with the smallest, with babies from one to three years old. And for long years I have collected a card index of games, which I use in my work. These are both mobile and developmental and didactic.
The benefits of outdoor games in a child's life should not be underestimated. During active movement, metabolic processes in the body, blood circulation, respiration are activated. In addition, outdoor games develop coordination of movements, attention and quickness of reactions, train strength and endurance, and relieve impulsivity. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with a few, but my kids' favorite outdoor games, which can be carried out both in a group room and on a walk. I hope someone will find it useful in a noble cause, in the upbringing and formation of our infinitely beautiful younger generation.

Outdoor games for children from 1.5 to 3 years old.

"Sun bunnies"

Tasks: increase physical activity, develop dexterity; evoke positive emotions from the actions performed.
Gathering a group of children around him, the teacher, with the help of a mirror, puts sunbeams on the wall and says:
Sun bunnies
Are playing on the wall
Beck them with your finger
Will come running to you.
After a pause, it gives a signal: "Catch the bunnies!" Children run to the wall and try to catch a bunny escaping from their hands.

"Catch the ball"

Tasks: encourage action on a signal, improve running in combination with actions, enjoy joint actions.
The teacher shows the children a basket with balls and invites them to stand next to him along one of the sides of the playground. Then, with the words “catch up with the ball,” he throws them out of the basket, trying to make them roll in different directions, away from the children. Children run after the balls, take them and put them in the basket. The game repeats itself.

"Collect the balls"

Tasks: increase physical activity; contribute to the emergence of positive emotions from joint actions.
For the game, balls (wooden or plastic), different in color, are selected. Having put them in a basket, the teacher invites the children to see what beautiful balls are, names them, what color they are. Then he pours them out with the words: "This is how the balls rolled ... Catch them up and put them back in the basket." Children run after the balls and take them to the basket.
When the game is repeated, the teacher calls out who brought which ball: red, yellow, and so on.
The teacher makes sure that the children do not huddle together, but run all over the site (each child runs at his own pace).
At first, the game is carried out with a small group of children, gradually the number of players increases.

"Catch me"

Tasks: improve running in a specific direction; learn to navigate in space.
"Catch me up," the teacher suggests and runs to the opposite wall of the room. Children run after the teacher, trying to catch him. Then the teacher again says: "Catch me up" - and runs in the opposite direction, the children catch up with him again. After two runs, the children sit on chairs and rest. Then the game resumes.
The game is best done with small groups of children: while one group of children is playing, the other is watching, then the children change roles.

"Cat and Mice"

Tasks: increase physical activity; develop imitation movements; arouse interest and desire to perform actions in accordance with the text.
Play is carried out with a small group of children in the playroom or on a walk.
With the help of a cord, the place for the mice is fenced off. A cat is selected. She sit on a chair or tree stump. Mice sit in burrows.
The teacher says:
The cat is guarding the mice,
She pretended to be asleep.
The mice crawl out of the "holes" and start running.
After a while, the teacher says:
Hush, mice, do not make noise,
You won't wake up the cat….
This is the signal to the cat; she gets off the chair, gets on all fours, arches her back, loudly says "meow" and begins to catch mice that run into their burrows.
The game can be repeated 3-4 times, with other cats.

"Shaggy dog"

One of the children portrays a dog; he lies down on the rug, his head rests on his outstretched hands.
The rest of the children quietly approach him, and the teacher at this time says:
Here lies a shaggy dog
Burying my nose in my paws,
Quietly, calmly, he lies,
Either asleep, or asleep.
Let's go to him, wake him up

And let's see if something happens.
The dog jumps up and starts barking. Children scatter. The dog chases after them. When all the children scatter and hide, the dog again lies down on the rug. The game is repeated with a new driver.

"At the Bear in the Forest"

Tasks: to teach to act on the signal of the teacher, to improve running in a certain direction; learn to navigate in space
One of the children is a bear; he sits on a chair, arms folded under his cheek, pretending to be asleep.
The rest of the children quietly approach him, bending over, as if picking mushrooms and berries, and the teacher at this time says:
The bear in the forest,
I take mushrooms, berries,
And the bear does not sleep
He keeps looking at me.
And then how it growls.
And it will run after us.
The bear jumps up, runs after the children. Children scatter. The bear chases after them. When all the children run away and hide, the bear will sit down on the chair again. The game is repeated with a new driver.

"Chickens and a cat"

Tasks: improve running; develop the ability to imitate, be attentive and act on a signal; encourage independent action; evoke a feeling of joy from joint actions, teach children to run in a certain direction.

The teacher depicts a chicken, children - chickens. A cat is selected with a count. The cat sits on a chair on the sidelines. Hen and chickens walk around the room. The teacher says:
A crested hen came out,
Yellow chickens with her,
The chicken coughs: "Ko-ko,
Don't go far. "
Approaching the cat, the teacher says:
On a bench by the path
The cat has settled down and is sleeping ...
The cat opens its eyes
And the chickens are catching up.
The cat opens its eyes, meows and runs after the chickens, which run away to a certain corner of the room - "house", to the hen-mother.
The teacher (chicken) protects the chickens by spreading his arms to the sides, and at the same time says: "Go away, cat, I won't give you chickens!"

"The sun and the rain"

Tasks: develop in children the ability to run scatteringly, without bumping into each other, quickly respond to a signal, teach to perform actions at the word of an adult; encourage independence, initiative of children; evoke a sense of joy from joint actions.
Children squat behind chairs, located at some distance from the edge of the playground or wall of the room, and look through the "window" (the hole in the back of the chair). The teacher says: “There is a sun in the sky! You can go for a walk. " Children run all over the playground. At the signal: "Rain! Hurry home! " - run to their places and sit down behind the chairs. The teacher says again: “Sunny! Go for a walk, "and the game repeats itself.

"Blow up the bubble"

Tasks: encourage children to act in accordance with words; teach to coordinate their actions with the actions of other children; to consolidate the ability to stand in a circle, gradually expanding and narrowing it; develop physical activity.
Children stand close to each other, holding hands. Together with the teacher, they say:
Blow up, bubble
Blow up big
Stay that way
Don't burst.
By reciting poetry, children gradually expand the circle. When the teacher says: "The bubble has burst," all the children give up, saying in chorus: "Clap" - and squat down. The teacher suggests inflating a new bubble: the children stand up, form a small circle again and the game resumes.

Tasks: teach to move in a certain direction, coordinate actions with other children, encourage independent actions.
The teacher offers to play the "train": "I will be a locomotive, and you will be trailers." Children stand in a column one after another, holding onto the clothes of the person in front. “Let's go,” says the teacher, and everyone starts to move, saying “chu-chu”. The teacher leads the train in one direction, then in another, then slows down, finally stops and says: "Stop." After a while, the beep sounds again, and the train sets off again.
Where is the bell hidden? "
Tasks: to teach to navigate in space; develop the ability to run in different directions; evoke a sense of joy from joint actions.

Children are facing the wall. The nanny hides at the other end of the room and rings the bell. The teacher tells the children: "Listen to where it rings and find the bell." When the children find the bell, the teacher praises them and then suggests turning to the wall again. The nanny rings the bell again, hiding in another place.

"My jolly ringing ball"

Tasks: teach children to jump on two legs; learn to listen to the text attentively; evoke a sense of joy from active action.
Children sit on chairs placed in different parts of the room. The teacher is in the center. He takes a big ball and starts hitting it with his hand on the ground, saying: "My cheerful, sonorous ball ...". The teacher calls the children to him and invites them to jump like balls. Children jump at the same pace. The teacher puts the ball down and repeats the poem, making a movement with his hand, as if he is hitting the ball, and the children are jumping. Having finished the poem, the teacher says: "I will catch up!". Children run away.

"Little white bunny is sitting"

Tasks: improve running; develop the ability to imitate, be attentive and act on a signal; encourage independent action; evoke a sense of joy from joint actions.
Places of hares are marked on one side of the site. Everyone takes their place. At the signal of the teacher "Run in a circle!" all the children gather in a circle, and one of the hares, appointed by the teacher, stands in the middle. Children with a teacher recite verses and perform movements under the text:
The little white hare sits and wiggles its ears - the children stand in a circle,
This is how, this is how he wiggles his ears! - move their hands, raising them to the head.
The bunny is cold to sit, it is necessary to warm the paws,
Clap-clap, clap-clap, you need to warm your paws - clap your hands.
The bunny is cold to stand, the bunny must jump
Skok-skok, skok-skok, the bunny needs to jump - they jump on 2 legs in place.
Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped and rode off! - the teacher claps his hands, the children scatter to their homes.

"Birds in their nests"

Tasks: enrich motor experience; encourage children to follow the elementary rules of the game; encourage self-reliance; evoke a sense of pleasure from communicating with adults and peers, as well as from performing movements.
On one side of the site, hoops ("nests") are freely laid out according to the number of children. Each child ("bird") stands in its own "nest". At the signal of the educator, children - "birds" run out of the hoops - "nests" - and scatter across the entire site. The teacher imitates the feeding of the “birds” in one or the other end of the playground: the children squat down, hitting their knees with their fingertips - they “peck” the food. "Birds flew to their nests!" - says the teacher, children run to the hoops and get into any free hoop. The game is repeated, jump twice.

"Geese - geese"

Tasks: improve running in combination with the actions of the hands; cause the need to imitate; enjoy joint action.

Children represent geese at one end of the room, with an adult at the other end. They say in turn:
Adult: Geese-geese!
Children: Ha-ha-ha!
Adult: Would you like to eat?
Children: Yes, yes, yes!
Adult: Come to me!
Children-geese fly to an adult, flapping their wings, hissing: "Sh-sh-sh"
Then the adult says, “Ksh! Run into the field! " The geese run away to their place.

"Birds and Cars"

Tasks: improve walking in different directions, on a limited surface; develop attention, the ability to respond to a signal; encourage active interaction with peers.

All children represent birds. The role of the car is first performed by the educator. He says: "The birds flew out for a walk." Children-birds fly around the group, flap their wings, peck at grains. At the signal of the teacher "Car!" the birds quickly run out of the way. One part of the children is placed on one side of the group, the playgrounds are birds. On the other side, the other part of the children is located - these are cars. The teacher says: "The birds are flying!" - birds fly, flap their wings, crouch, peck grains. At the signal "Cars left!" children depicting cars drive out onto the road, and birds fly away to their nests. Cars drive along the road, avoiding obstacles (benches, cubes). When the game is repeated, the children switch roles.

Outdoor games are of great importance in a child's life, as they are an irreplaceable means for a child to gain knowledge and ideas about the world around him. They also affect the development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, agility, moral volitional qualities... Outdoor games for children strengthen physical health, teach life situations, help the child to get the correct development.

Outdoor games for preschoolers

Outdoor games for a younger preschooler

Younger preschoolers in play tend to imitate whatever they see. In the outdoor games of children, as a rule, it is not communication with peers that is manifested, but a reflection of the life that adults or animals live. Children of this age happily fly like sparrows, jump like bunnies, flap their wings like butterflies. Due to the developed ability to imitate, most of the outdoor games of children of primary preschool age have a plot character.

  • Outdoor game "Mice dance in a circle"

Purpose: to develop physical activity

Description: before starting the game, you must select the driver - "cat". The cat chooses a “stove” for itself (it can be a bench or a chair), sits on it and closes its eyes. All other participants join hands and begin to dance around the cat with the words:

The mice are dancing
A cat is dozing on the stove.
Hush the mouse, do not make noise,
Don't wake up the cat Vaska,
Vaska's cat will wake up -
Will break our round dance! "

While pronouncing the last words, the cat stretches, opens his eyes and starts chasing mice. The caught participant becomes a cat, and the game starts over.

  • The game "Sun and Rain"

Tasks: to teach children to find their place in the game, to navigate in space, to develop the ability to perform actions at the signal of the teacher.

Description: Children sit on high chairs in the hall. Chairs are their "home". After the teacher's words: “What good weather, go for a walk! ”, the guys get up and start moving in an arbitrary direction. As soon as the teacher says: "It's raining, run home!", The children should run to the chairs and take their place. The teacher says "Cap - Cap - Cap!" The rain gradually dies down and the teacher says: “Go for a walk. The rain is over! "

  • The game "Sparrows and a cat"

Tasks: teach children to jump gently, bending their knees, run, dodge the driver, run away, find their place.

Description: Circles - "nests" are drawn on the ground. Sparrow children sit in their nests on one side of the playground. On the other side of the site is the "cat". As soon as the "cat" slumbers, the "sparrows" fly out onto the road, fly from place to place, looking for crumbs, grains. The "cat" wakes up, meows, runs after the sparrows, which must fly to their nests.

First, the role of the "cat" is performed by the educator, then by one of the children.

  • An outdoor game "Sparrows and a car"

Another game for children 3-5 years old about sparrows.

Tasks: teach children to run in different directions, start moving or change it at the signal of the leader, find their place.

Description: Children are "sparrows" sitting in their "nests" (on a bench). The teacher portrays a "car". As soon as the teacher says: "The sparrows flew to the path", the children get up from the bench and start running around the playground. At the signal of the teacher: "The car is going, fly the sparrows to their nests!" - the "car" leaves the "garage", and the children must return to the "nests" (sit on the bench). The "car" returns to the "garage".

  • Game "Cat and Mice"

There are many games for kids with cats and mice as participants. Here is one of them.

Objectives: This outdoor game helps children develop the ability to perform movement on a signal. Exercise in different directions while running.

Description: Children - "mice" sit in burrows (on chairs along the wall). In one of the corners of the playground there is a "cat" - a teacher. The cat falls asleep, and the mice scatter around the room. The cat wakes up, meows, begins to catch mice that run into their burrows and take their places. When all the mice return to their burrows, the cat walks through the hall again, then returns to its place and falls asleep.

  • An outdoor game for preschoolers "A bear in the forest"

Tasks: develop the speed of reaction to a verbal signal, exercise children in running, develop attention.

Description: One driver is chosen from among the participants, who will be the "bear". Draw two circles on the playground. The first circle is the bear's den, the second circle is the house for the rest of the game participants. The game begins with the children leaving the house with the words:

The bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries.
And the bear does not sleep
And growls at us.

As soon as the children uttered these words, the "bear" runs out of the den and catches the children. The one who did not manage to reach the house and was caught by the "bear" becomes the driver ("bear").

  • Through a brook (outdoor game with jumping)

Tasks: Teach you to jump correctly, walk along a narrow path, keep balance.

Description: On the site, two lines are drawn at a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters from one another. At this distance, pebbles are drawn at a certain distance from each other.

The players stand at the edge - on the bank of the stream, they must cross (jump) it over the pebbles without getting their feet wet. Those who stumbled - wet their feet, go to dry them in the sun - sit on a bench. Then they re-enter the game.

  • Game "Birds and a cat"

Objectives: To teach to follow the rules of the game. React to the signal.

Description: for the game you will need a mask of a cat and birds, a large circle drawn.

Children stand in a circle from the outside. One child stands in the center of the circle (cat), falls asleep (closes his eyes), and the birds jump into the circle and fly there, pecking grains. The cat wakes up and begins to catch the birds, and they run away around the circle.

  • Game "Snowflakes and Wind"

Objectives: To exercise in running in different directions, without bumping into each other, to act on a signal.

Description: At the signal "Wind!" children - "snowflakes" - run around the playground in different directions, whirl ("the wind swirls snowflakes in the air"). At the signal "No wind!" - squat ("snowflakes fell to the ground").

    Outdoor game "Find yourself a match"

Tasks: develop in children the ability to perform actions on a signal, quickly build up in pairs.

Description: Participants stand along the wall. Each of them gets a checkbox. As soon as the teacher gives a signal, the children scatter around the playground. After the command "Find yourself a mate", participants with flags of the same color are combined into pairs. An odd number of children must participate in the game and at the end of the game one is left without a pair.

All these outdoor games can be successfully used for playing in kindergarten in a group or for a walk. Children of different ages: from toddlers 3 years old to children middle group 4-5 years old are happy to play them.

  • Outdoor games for children 5-7 years old

In children 5-6, 6-7 years old, the nature of play activity changes somewhat. Now they are already beginning to be interested in the result of an outdoor game, they strive to express their feelings, desires, to carry out their plans. However, imitation and imitation do not disappear and continue to play an important role in the life of an older preschooler. These games can also be played in kindergarten.

  • The game "Bear and bees"

Tasks: exercise in running, follow the rules of the game.

Description: the participants are divided into two teams - "bears" and "bees". Before the start of the game, the "bees" take places in their "hives" (benches, ladders can serve as hives). At the command of the host, the "bees" fly to the meadow for honey, while the "bears" climb into the "hives" and feast on honey. Having heard the signal "Bears!", All the "bees" return to the "hives" and "sting" (salat) the "bears" who did not have time to escape. The next time the stung "bear" does not go out for honey, but remains in the den.

    Burners game

Tasks: exercise in running, respond to a signal, follow the rules of the game.

Description: An odd number of children take part in the game, they become pairs and hold hands. In front of the column is the driver who looks forward. Children repeat the words in chorus:

Burn, burn clearly
So that it does not go out
Look at the sky -
The birds are flying
The bells are ringing!
Once! Two! Three! Run!

As soon as the participants say the word "Run!", Those standing in the last pair in the column let go of their hands and run along the column forward, one on the right side, the other on the left. Their task is to run forward, stand in front of the driver and again join hands. The driver, in turn, must catch someone from this pair before they join hands. If you succeed in catching, then the driver with the caught will form a new pair, and the participant left without a pair will now drive.

  • Outdoor game "Two frosts"

A well-known game for preschoolers with simple rules... Tasks: to develop inhibition in children, the ability to act on a signal, to exercise in running.

Description: On opposite sides of the site there are two houses, indicated by lines. Players are placed on one side of the court. The teacher chooses two people who will become the drivers. They are located in the middle of the area between the houses, facing the children. These are two Frosts - Frost Red nose and Frost Blue nose. At the signal of the educator "Start!" both Frosts say the words: “We are two young brothers, two daring frosts. I am Frost Red Nose. I am Frost Blue Nose. Which of you will dare to set off on a path-path? " All the players answer: "We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost" and run into the house on the opposite side of the site, and Frosts try to freeze them, that is. touch with your hand. Those of the guys who were touched by Frost freeze in place and remain so until the end of the dash. The frozen ones are counted, after which they join the players.

  • The game "Sly Fox"

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed, coordination.

Description: A line is drawn on one side of the site, thus marking the "Fox House". The teacher asks to close the eyes of the children who are located in a circle. The teacher walks around the educated circle behind the children, touches one of the participants, who from that moment becomes a "sly fox".

After that, the teacher invites the children to open their eyes and, looking around, try to determine who is the cunning fox. Then the children ask 3 times: "Sly fox, where are you?" At the same time, the questioners look at each other. After the children have asked the third time, the sly fox jumps to the middle of the circle, raises his hands up and shouts: "I am here!" All participants scatter around the site in all directions, and the cunning fox is trying to catch someone. After 2-3 people are caught, the teacher says: "Into the circle!" and the game starts again.

  • Deer Catching Game

Objectives: to exercise in running in different directions, agility.

Description: Two shepherds are selected from among the participants. The rest of the players are deer located inside the outlined circle. The shepherds are in a circle, opposite each other. At the signal from the host, the shepherds take turns throwing the ball at the deer, and they try to dodge the ball. A deer hit by the ball is considered caught and leaves the circle. After several repetitions, he counts the number of deer caught.

Poem about playing ball at recess(written by Svetlana Vetryakova specially for the site)

To make it fun to play
You need to pump up the ball.
And boys and girls
The ball will be hit loudly.

Real athletes
They will run to recess.
Will jump and jump
And catch up with each other.

We will inflate the ball deftly
You just need to have a knack.
Press harder
Run away quickly!

Different ball games
We will definitely start.
And in "Frog", and in "Dog",
In the "Stream", and in the "Quick Ball".

I ran to the turn
Rolled through the gate.
Jumped over the yard
Escaped over the fence.

Spins fast, flies!
Who will catch him now?
Catch up quickly
And tell your neighbor.

Colorful bright ball
Rides briskly without hesitation.
Stop running, have fun
We need to go learn!

We inflated a huge ball
We played and rested.
It's time for us to get back to class
We have classes there.

    Fishing rod game

Tasks: to develop dexterity, attention, speed of reaction.

Description: The participants are arranged in a circle. In the center is the driver - the educator. He is holding a string in his hands, at the end of which is tied a small bag of sand. The driver rotates the rope in a circle above the ground itself. Children jump in such a way that the rope does not touch their feet. Those participants who are touched by the rope on their legs are eliminated from the game.

  • Game "Hunters and Falcons"

Objectives: Exercise in running.

Description: All participants - falcons are on one side of the hall. There are two hunters in the middle of the hall. As soon as the teacher gives a signal: "Falcons, fly!" participants must run across to the opposite side of the hall. The task of the hunters is to catch (stain) as many falcons as possible before they manage to cross the conditional line. Repeat the game 2-3 times, then change the drivers.

    Spider and flies game

Description: in one of the corners of the hall, a spider web is indicated in a circle, in which there is a driving spider. All the other guys are flies. All flies "fly" around the hall, buzz. At the signal of the host "Spider!" flies freeze. The spider comes out of hiding and carefully examines all the flies. Those who move, he takes into his web. After two to three repetitions, the number of flies caught is counted.

    Outdoor game "Mousetrap"

Objectives: to develop in children the ability to perform actions on a signal.

Description: Two participants face each other, join their hands and raise them higher. After that, both of them say in unison:

“How tired we are of the mice, they gnawed everything, ate everything!
We will put the mousetrap and then we will catch the mice! "

While the participants say these words, the rest of the guys should run under their clasped hands. At the last words, the presenters sharply lower their hands and catch one of the participants. The caught one joins the catchers and now there are three of them. So the mousetrap gradually grows. The last competitor is the winner.

Outdoor games for schoolchildren 7-9, 10-12 years old

Pupils also love to play games during breaks or walks. We have selected games that you can play on walks in the extended session or in physical education classes in grades 1-4. The rules of the game are becoming a little more complicated, but the main tasks of the games are: training dexterity, reaction, quickness, general physical development and the ability to cooperate with the guys.

Many outdoor games are universal: both boys and girls can play them. You can divide children into groups of girls and boys or according to another principle.

    Game "Homeless Hare"

Purpose: to develop attentiveness, thinking, speed and endurance.

Description: A hunter and a homeless hare are chosen from all the participants. The remaining players are hares, they draw a circle for themselves and stand in it. The hunter is trying to catch up with the fleeing homeless hare.

The hare can escape from the hunter by running into any circle. At the same time, the participant who stands in this circle must immediately run away, since now he becomes a homeless hare, and the hunter now catches him.

If the hunter caught a hare, then the caught one becomes a hunter.

  • Outdoor game "Feet off the ground"

Objectives: Learn to follow the rules of the game.

Description: The driver walks around the hall with other guys. As soon as the teacher says: "Catch!", All participants scatter, trying to climb any elevation where you can raise your legs above the ground. You can only burn those with feet on the ground. At the end of the game, the number of losers is counted and a new driver is selected.

    Game "Empty space"

Tasks: develop reaction speed, agility, attentiveness, help improve running skills.

Description: the participants form a circle, and the driver is located behind the circle. By touching the shoulder of one of the players, he thereby calls him to the competition. After that, the driver and the participant whom he has chosen run along the circle in opposite directions. The one who takes the first empty place left by the selected player remains in the circle. The one left without a place becomes the driver.

  • Outdoor game "Third extra"

Objectives: to develop dexterity, speed, to foster a sense of collectivism.

Description: Participants walk in a circle in pairs holding hands. The distance between pairs is 1.5 - 2 meters. Two drivers, one of whom runs away, the other catches up. The escaping player can stand in front of any pair at any time. In this case, the rear player of the pair he stood in front of becomes the one being caught up. If, nevertheless, the player managed to catch up and beat him down, then the drivers change their roles.

  • Shootout game

Tasks: to develop dexterity, attentiveness, speed of reaction.

Description: A game is played on a volleyball court. Having retreated 1.5 meters from the front line into the hall, a line parallel to it is drawn to form something like a corridor. An additional line is also drawn on the other side.

Participants are divided into two teams, each of which is placed on its own half of the area from the center line of the lineout. In both teams, a captain must be selected. You cannot enter the opponent's territory. Each player who has the ball tries to hit his opponent with it, without going over the middle line. A greasy player is sent prisoner and stays there until the players of his team throw the ball into his hands. After that, the player returns to the team.

Outdoor games for a walk

Walking with children in kindergarten or on an extended day in primary school, the teacher needs something to keep the children busy: an excellent solution is the organization of outdoor games during a walk. First, the teacher introduces children to various games, and later the children themselves, dividing into groups, will be able to decide which game they want to play. Games on fresh air have a beneficial effect on the development of the child's body and strengthening the immune system. And the time of the walk flies unnoticed.

Before starting the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the state of the playing field: are there any unnecessary objects, fragments and anything that can prevent children from playing and create a traumatic environment - unfortunately, not only on the street, but also on the school playground or kindergarten you can find a lot of rubbish.

  • Train game

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal, to consolidate the skill of building in a column. Exercise in walking, running one after another.

Description: Children form a column. The first child in the column is a steam locomotive, the rest of the participants are carriages. After the teacher beeps, the children begin to move forward (without clutch). Slowly at first, then faster, gradually switching to a run, they say "Chu - chu - chu!". “The train is pulling up to the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop. The teacher gives the beep again, the movement of the train resumes.

  • An outdoor game "Zhmurki"

Tasks: education of dexterity, development of the ability to navigate in space, observation.

Description: Free space is required for the game. A driver is chosen, who is blindfolded and taken to the middle of the site. The driver is turned several times around his own axis, after which he must catch any player. Caught becomes a driver.

  • Game "Day and Night"

Objectives: to exercise in running in different directions, to act on a signal.

Description: All participants are divided into two teams. One team is "day", the other is "night". A line is drawn or a cord is put in the middle of the hall. At a distance of two steps from the drawn line, teams stand with their backs to each other. At the command of the host, for example, "Day!" the team with the appropriate name starts to catch up. Children from the "night" team must have time to escape beyond the conditional line before their rivals can stain them. The team that has time to tarnish more players from the opposing team wins.

  • Game "Baskets"

Tasks: to exercise in running one after another, to develop speed, quickness of reaction, attentiveness.

Description: Two presenters are selected. One of them will be a fisherman, the other will be a fugitive. All the remaining participants are divided into pairs and join hands, creating something like a basket. The players scatter in different directions, and the leaders are separated, the catcher is trying to catch up with the fugitive. The fugitive must run between pairs. The baskets should not catch the fugitive, but for this he names the names of the participants in the basket to which he runs up.

  • The game "Grab, run away"

Objectives: to develop in children the ability to perform actions on a signal.

Description: The teacher is in the center of the circle. Throws the ball to the child and says his name. This kid catches the ball and throws it back to the adult. When an adult throws the ball up, all children should run to their "own" place. The adult's task is to try to hit the fleeing children.

In this article, we have given 29 outdoor games with detailed description rules of games. We hope that this material will help organize the games of children at school during breaks and physical education lessons, for a walk in the preschool educational institution and the GPA.

Compiled by: Oksana Gennadievna Borsch, teacher primary grades, deputy director for educational work.

Play is one of the most important types of human developmental activity, used from childhood, since from the moment of birth the child better assimilates the information received during different games... Abilities acquired and improved in gameplay, help to better navigate in life situations, find the right decisions easier and faster and adapt to the surrounding changes.

What qualities do games develop in children:

  • Physical - a set of socially conditioned mental and biological properties of a person that determine the level of physical fitness necessary for the implementation of active and purposeful motor activity;
  • Intellectual - the specific properties of the work of the intellect for the assimilation and processing of the information flow with subsequent analysis;
  • Social - abilities that characterize a person's actions in a social environment, his behavior among others and in relation to them.

Physical qualities that play develop

In the process of developing physical qualities, the work of the body as a whole is improved. Certain motor skills are mastered and improved, the work of internal systems and organs is activated, due to the improvement of peripheral blood supply, the work of the brain improves.

The main physical qualities that develop games:

  • Strength - the degree of muscle development that allows a person to resist external forces or act on them with the help of muscle tension;
  • Agility - quick and correct mastering of new movements, rational restructuring of motor activity in accordance with changing circumstances;
  • Flexibility is a morphofunctional feature of the human musculoskeletal system, which determines the degree of mobility of individual parts of the body, contributing to the performance of movements with a maximum amplitude;
  • Quickness - movement of a person or movement of individual parts of the body at maximum speed in the shortest possible period of time;
  • Endurance - the ability to counteract fatigue when performing any activity, to withstand muscle load for a long time without significant loss of power.

Intellectual qualities that develop games

The best way to develop thinking is to regularly train mental activity by solving complex problems. Intellectual games are ideal for such a load.

What qualities do games develop and what are their benefits:

  • Analytical thinking - the ability to analyze the information received, dividing it into logical and semantic blocks, comparing and contrasting individual fragments with each other, determining their interrelationships;
  • Logic - the ability to think, reason and analyze within the framework of formal logic, making correct and consistent conclusions;
  • Deduction - the ability to extract the central idea from voluminous information arrays, the ability to formulate it correctly, to combine disparate information blocks according to common characteristics, the ability to generalize and highlight patterns;
  • An important quality that play develops is critical thinking. This is the ability to resist suggestion and influence, excluding erroneous ideas and false conclusions by critically analyzing and evaluating information;
  • Forecasting - the formation of models of the future development of events on the basis of available information, taking into account possible alternative options, which allows planning further actions;
  • Abstract thinking - the ability to retain complex systems, concepts and combinations in the memory of the corresponding symbols, the manipulation of these symbols to find the right solution with the ability to apply it in practice;
  • Imaginative thinking - the ability to compare various objects and concepts, finding a conventional common denominator, to formulate metaphors and comparisons, simplifying the perception of complex ideas, to perceive artistic images well;
  • Concentration is the ability to keep attention for a long time on solving specific problems, increasing the efficiency of mental activity.

The social qualities that play develop

Social qualities represent the concentration of human experience as a result of individual and group activities in various combinations. Forming abilities, needs, knowledge, skills, behavior and interaction in society, the social qualities of a person are both the basis and consequence of social processes.

The social qualities that play develop must be nurtured in a person from the moment of birth, which is why the socialization of children in play is important. The child gets the first skills of social behavior in communication and games with parents. As they grow up and enter society, participating in games with other children, the baby learns to work in a team, communication skills and tolerance for the mistakes of others, solving common problems and problems, distributing responsibilities and sharing responsibility. Game tasks assigned to the group contribute to better socialization of children. In the game, thanks to the emerging need to make compromises, to yield, listening to the opinion of other participants and taking it into account, the foundations of correct social behavior are formed. Exactly at preschool education children should be taught to curb their own emotions, practically think in a substantive and imaginative direction, control their behavior and actions within the framework of society, clearly understand their place and significance in society. Best of all, such training takes place in a playful way.

The main social qualities that develop play in children:

Thanks to the socialization of children in games, they take an active part in the life of the family, kindergarten group, in the company of friends, they are ready to help, they are happy to study and play, participate in discussions and disputes, making the right conclusions and appropriate comments. This indicates that children are well versed in the structure of the world around them.

Basically, games display real life in an imaginary conditional setting, and what qualities play develops depends on their type. Active, intelligent, logical, computer, role - different games are important at various stages of growth as an indispensable element of the development of qualities necessary for life.

YouTube video related to the article:

A series of outdoor games corresponding to the physical and mental development children from 7-10 years old.

These are games for the development of coordination of movements, dexterity. They include speed running, throwing, jumping over obstacles. The rules are gradually becoming more complicated, the requirements for the accuracy of execution are increasing. Text is often used to define the rhythm of the movements. It is important to introduce into games the motor elements of actions that children observe in life, they are familiar from pictures (digging, pulling, pushing, etc.). It is advisable to introduce elements of competition into the games (who will most likely reach the intended tree). Children at this age are interested not only in the process of the game, but also in its result, so they love to play competition games. It is most useful to do motor games outdoors. The child is required to meet quite strict requirements in terms of the quality of movements, the correctness and precision of their implementation.

☺ Mouse Hunt game

The game is designed to form attention, coordination, operational orientation in a situation. All players are divided into pairs. One pair (by lot) becomes a "cat" and a "mouse". The rest of the couples stand in a circle: one in the back of the head of the other (in fact, two circles are formed: an external and an internal one). The distance between adjacent pairs must be large enough so that you can run between them. The "cat" must catch the "mouse". If he touches it, the "mouse" is considered caught and leaves the game. But she can "hide" in a burrow. To do this, she needs to stand in front of any pair in a circle. In this case, the third player in the pair becomes the "mouse". He continues to run away from the "cat". If the "cat" touches him, when the "mouse" has already entered a pair, and the "third" has not yet had time to start running, hesitated, he becomes a "cat". The winner is the “cat” that took the most “mice” out of the game, and the “mouse” that lasted the longest in the game.

☺ Game "Help a friend"

This game is aimed at developing mutual assistance and support for each other. Two players are selected, one of whom is the driver, must catch up and "grease" the other. The rest of the children stand in a circle, at a distance of about one step. The runner and the driver run along the circle, and the second is trying to catch up with the second. But the runner, if he feels that he is being caught up, can ask for help from any player in the circle, shouting his name. Then the named player leaves his place and runs in a circle, and the first player to run away rises in his place. However, the vacant place can be taken by the one who is catching up, then the unsuccessful one becomes the "driver". The game continues as long as it is interesting for children.

☺ Game "Prisoner of the Ball"

The "Prisoner of the Ball" game develops both coordination and motor attention. All children line up in two lines facing each other. The side player takes the ball and throws it to the opposite side. This player catches the ball and throws it to the opposite player as shown in the diagram. Etc. When the ball reaches the end of the line, it is thrown in the opposite direction in the same order. If the player does not catch the ball, he is captured by the opposing team and starts playing on its side. The winner is the team that "captured" as many players as possible during the game time, which is limited in advance (for example, we play 5 minutes).

The next game is aimed at developing not only attention, but also the correct coordination of movements.

☺ Game "Balls - brooms"

This is a competitive game. It can be conducted with two participants or with two teams of participants. It will take two air balloon and two brooms. Two participants must carry the balls on the brooms a certain distance (for example, from the wall to the table), without dropping them or puncturing them. The balls cannot be held with your hand. If they are played in teams, then, according to the principle of a relay race, the balls are worn in turn by all participants. The participant (or team) who succeeded in this receives a special certificate that gives the right to sweep the premises with this broom for a week.

☺ Game "Dark maze"

All participants in the game, except for the presenter, line up and close their eyes tightly. Then, with closed eyes, they begin to follow the leader's commands: “Two steps forward, turn left, two steps right, turn around, step left, turn left, four steps straight, turn 180 degrees, two steps back, turn right, turn left, step forward, three steps to the left, etc. ". Then, at the command of the presenter, "Open your eyes!" all open their eyes and see who is standing. If someone is not like everyone else, then he leaves the game. The game then continues until only two (or one) of the most attentive players remain.

☺ Bike Camera Game

A bicycle pump is being used, or an object imitating it. One child depicts a "camera". (To make it easier to get into the game, the first number in the role of the "camera" can be an adult.) As the "camera" is pumped up, it changes poses and positions. First, he takes a sitting position, then spreads his arms, puffs out his cheeks, etc. At some point, an impromptu camera "bursts", imitating the sound of a burst tire. The participant lies helplessly on the floor. The role of the "camera" is transferred to another participant.

☺ Clothespins game

Play should be done outdoors or indoors with plenty of free space for children to run. You will need a lot of clothespins (preferably bright, multi-colored). This game can be played by children and adults. The number of players is not limited. The whole group is divided into two parts. One part is "hunters", the other is "deer". All clothespins are divided into identical piles and given out to all "hunters". The "hunters" attach clothespins to their clothes, and the game begins. After the signal (it is possible to introduce a musical introduction or to imitate the sound of a hunting horn), the “hunters” begin to catch the “deer”. Having caught the "deer", the "hunter" attaches a clothespin to it and lets go. The winner is the "hunter" who has no clothespins left.

The content of outdoor games, game tasks, relay races.

1. "Ladybug".

Directions: development of static balance, orientation in space, activation of speech, consolidation of knowledge of ordinal counting, formation of posture. Children stand along the walls of the hall, facing the center. The driver turns away. They hide someone behind their back under a "ladybug" T-shirt and raise their hands up. The driver tries to find someone with a toy, moving from one to another. And they clap their hands and buzz overhead, guiding the movement of the driver with the loudness of the claps.

Methods of complication: children adjust the approach of the driver to the hidden toy by the volume of the recitative spoken by the chorus:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

The cow hid again

7, 8, 9, 10, We'll find her all together. "

2. "Talking ball".

Directions: development of the ability to differentiate efforts when throwing and catching balls, expanding the active vocabulary, developing attention during tracking movements. Children are in a line. The presenter throws the ball to each player in order and names any letter. The child, having caught the ball, squats with it in his hands, and, returning the ball to the presenter, calls a word with this letter. For example, - "A" - "Watermelon".

Methods of complication: the leader, throwing the ball, speaks the word.

The child catches the ball, singles out the first letter of the word he heard, crouches, and, throwing the ball to the presenter, calls his word using the same first letter. Or: the presenter says the number, and the child - the neighbors' numbers. For example,- "2", need to name "1" and "3".... The leader says a word, and the child says a phrase or a sentence. For example, - "Crow" - "A crow sits on a tree".

3. "Magician".

Directions: development fine motor skills, quickness of reaction, consolidation of knowledge of ordinal counting, formation of posture. Children stand in pairs, shoulder to shoulder, with one hand holding their partner's hand, the other stretched out to the side and holding the ribbon by the corner. At the command of the presenter, everyone together begins to count to 20, trying to hide the tape in a fist as soon as possible. The winner is the one who quickly hides the ribbon in his hand.

Methods of complication: increase the length of the tape or replace it with a sheet of paper up to half a newspaper sheet.

4. "Flying socks".

Directions: development of fine motor skills of toes, speed of reaction of auditory memory, rhythm. Children sit in a circle on the floor, hands resting behind. Legs are extended forward. One sock starts up in a circle. Each child should take it with their toes and move it to the neighbor's leg. It is possible to transfer a sock by tossing rather than carrying it.

Complication methods: the number of socks increases. Add a simultaneous recitative in chorus: "I will take a sock with my foot, I will bring it to another,And I carry, I carry, I do not sleep, I will not hook anything. "

5. "Draw the mood."

Directions: increasing the emotional state of children, the development of fine motor skills.

Each child receives a tube of lipstick and is allowed to approach any participant and "decorate" his face, hands: draw a smile, a sun, circles, etc.

6. "Roar lion, roar".

Directions: reducing the psychoemotional stress of children, forming the correct pronunciation of the "P" sound, activating the vocal cords. The host says: "We are all lions, a big lion family. Let's have a competition who roars louder. As soon as I say:" Roar lion, roar! ", Let the loudest roar be heard." "And who can growl even louder? The lions roar well." You need to ask to growl, as loud as possible, while portraying a lion's stance. Then everyone stands up one after the other, placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. This is a steam locomotive. He puffs, whistles, the wheels work clearly, to the beat, everyone listens and adjusts to their neighbors. The locomotive moves in different directions, now quickly, now slowly, now turning, now bending, making loud sounds "chug-chukh-ta-ta-ta." At the end of the game, a "crash" can occur, and everyone falls to the floor.

7. "Satchel".

Directions: development of the ability to differentiate efforts when performing jumps, consolidation of knowledge about social and everyday orientation, expansion of vocabulary and knowledge of objects of the surrounding world. All children stand in a square - this is a satchel. The host announces: "Now we are going to pack the knapsack for school." Each player shouts out in turn what he will be (pen, notebook, textbook). If he guessed the meaning, then he jumps into the middle and sits down, takes the hands of those who are already "inside the knapsack." And so on until all the children are in the circle. Then, at will, the theme is changed to "vegetables", "flowers", "trees", "dishes", "clothes".

8. "Robot".

Directions: development of spatial orientation, knowledge of directions of movement. A blindfold is put on the presenter's eyes; he is a "robot". Children saying "forward", "backward", "right", "left", "stop", etc. and "lead" him to a predetermined goal (door, window, etc.).

9. "Get to know a friend".

Directions: development of tactile perception and attention, activation of auditory and muscle memory, thinking, development of fine motor skills. A blindfold is put on the eyes of one child. The presenter brings him to any player, where he must determine with the help of feeling: who it is, said the name.

Complication method: children kneel on a raised platform to make it harder for the groping player to recognize them. Option: you can recognize the player only by his voice, without touching him with his hands.

10. "Wonderful bag".

Directions: development of tactile perception and attention, activation of memory, counting thinking, development of fine motor skills. In the presence of children, put 10 familiar items in the bag (toys from kinder surprises). Children take turns lowering their hand into the bag, touching one of the objects without taking it out of the bag, and calling it out loud. Then the child takes out the object and verifies the correctness of his answer.

Ways to complicate things: put previously familiar objects into the bag, but so that the children do not see which set is there. Children should feel the number of items in the bag, and then name them.

11. "Zoo".

Directions: prevention of flat feet, posture formation, activation of attention, memory, speech, development of coordination of elementary movements, imitation of poses, movements of sounds of animals, birds. Children are located on the playground, each in its own "cage" and depict animals: Stork: stand on one leg, the other is bent, hands on the waist. Elephants: get on all fours, stretch your lips - "trunk". "Drink water" - sucking in air with a noise, stretching out the "trunk". "Sprinkle water on yourself" - raise your head and exhale noisily through clenched teeth. Bears: rolling walking with simultaneous onomatopoeia, "rrr". Penguins: rolling from heel to toe, hands clasped, palms to the sides, while saying "pee-pee". Horses: running or walking with knees raised high,clicking at this language. Dogs: a stand on all fours, imitation of barking: "growls".Kitties: stand on all fours, arching the back, imitation of meowing. Chizhiki: crouching in the support, raising and lowering the arms bent at the elbows ("wings") while pronouncing " chik-chirik". Frogs: arbitrary jumps from the support squatting, at the same time imitating the croaking of a frog. they sit in a tram, form a column, hands on the shoulders of the one in front, ride in a circle, while simultaneously pronouncing in chorus “trin-trin”, “dzin-dzin.” Having passed the circle, “the tram goes off the rails” - children fall to the floor.

How to complicate things: Several children form a tram and "ride around the zoo". Other players portray animals in cages, without instructions from the leader. Passengers of the "tram" must guess the animals depicted. Whoever was guessed, he leaves the cage and gets into the "tram".

12. "Beads".

Directions: development of hand strength, speed of reactioncoordination of joint actions, consolidation of ideas about basic colors, strengthening of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Participants stand in a tight circle. They are beads of a beautiful necklace. Inside the circle is the leader. The "beads" are closely nestled, spinning in place, without breaking away from each other. The presenter tries to "break" the necklace: tickles, laughs, pulls in different directions, etc. If the presenter succeeds, the beads "scatter" on the floor and roll on it. And the presenter begins to catch them, one by one, firmly holding the hand of the first, second, third, etc., untilwill collect again the whole necklace.

Methods of complication: make the beads multi-colored - one is blue, the other is red, etc. (tie ribbons of the appropriate color on their hands). Collect the beads by alternating red and blue beads.

13. "Falling ball".

Directions: development of speed of reaction, attention, memory, consolidation of knowledge on social and everyday orientation, ordinal count, the name of objects. Children form a circle. Inside him is the driver with the ball inhands. Every childchooses the name of an object related, for example, to the topic "We wash": soap, toothbrush, towel, etc. The driver, throwing the ball up, calls the "handle", the called player must jump up and catch the ball.

Methods of complication: children are calculated in numerical order and the presenter calls the player's number.Or each child chooses the name of the fruit: "apple", "pear", "plum", "banana", etc.

14. "Walk fast."

Directions: development of quickness of reaction and movements, static coordination, formation of posture. The players line up at one end of the site in a row. At the other end, the driver becomes with his back to the players, facing the wall. He covers his face with his hands and says: - "Walk quickly, don't yawn, stop!" While the driver pronounces these words, all the players try to approach him as quickly as possible. But with the command "stop!" they should immediately stop and freeze in place, and the driver quickly looks back. If he notices that any of the players did not have time to stop in time and made at least one movement, the driver sends him back, beyond the initial line. After that, the leader again stands up to the wall and pronounces the same words. This continues until one of the players manages to approach the driver and stain him before he has time to look back.

Methods of complication: all players put an object on their head (a soft toy, a deflated ball) and make sure that it does not fall as it moves forward. Or all the players, except for the driver, with their eyes closed.

15. "Zhmurki".

Directions: Development of dynamic coordination, attention during tracking movements, orientation in space, strengthening of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. On the court, an arbitrary space is outlined, beyond the border of which the players cannot go. One of the participants put on a blindfold over the eyes. The players turn it several times, and scatter themselves, trying to keepcomplete silence. "Zhmurka", listening to the slightest rustle, tries to catch one of the gape players. Caught becomes a "blind man's buff".

16. "What has changed".

Directions: activation of attention, memory,thinking, speechactivities, the development of static coordination. On the playground, the presenter lays out a number of objects (for example: a hoop, a jump rope, a ball, a foam cube). Children look at these objects, turn away and run in the opposite direction. At this time, the presenter removes some of the objects or changes their places. Children come running, look and say what has changed. The most attentive are encouraged.

Ways to complicate things: 1) Children freeze in certain positions. The presenter turns away, everyone says in chorus: "One, two, three, four, five, Well, they froze again." During the pronunciation of the recitative, the players change their poses, and at the end of it, they freeze again. The presenter turns and says what has changed. 2) On a horizontal stand, the presenter places from 2 to 5 letters or numbers (children turn away). The facilitator swaps letters or numbers.

16. "Jumpers".

Directions: development of speed - strength qualities, activation of mental processes, broadening of horizons, development of orientation in space, strengthening of the cardiovascular system. Children in the support squatting are located in a circle facing the leader standing in the center. He loudly calls the object, and the children should jump up on 2 legs if this object relates to a predetermined topic: "forest", "flowers", "animals", etc.

Methods of complication: in front of each child, a reference point is a hoop - he must jump into it. The hoop gradually recedes.

17. "Collect the Word".

Directions: development of quick wits, quickness of reaction, consolidation of grammatical knowledge, development of motor skills of small finger movements, acquisition of joint action skills. Children are divided into 2 teams. Each team is given a set of letters. The teams must, after consulting, make up a word and silently line up. When both teams are ready, the moderator collects cards with letters from them, takes them to the stand and, having mixed them, puts them under it. At the signal, the 1st player of each team runs to the stand along the drawn line, chooses the first letter and hangs it on the stand. The second player posts the 2nd letter, etc., until the whole word is on the stand. The first team to finish wins.

Methods of complication: 1) movement in the relay is carried out by jumping on one, two, on a rope. 2) an increase in the number of letters in the word being composed.

18. "Dunemonce..." .

Directions: development of respiratory muscles, expansion of active vocabulary, development of dynamic coordination. Children are divided into teams. Each has a table tennis ball. The first players crawl on all fours and, blowing on the ball, try to roll it to the wall. At this time, the rest of the players speak in chorus:

"Let's blow one, blow two, Blow three, rolled to the wall." Having reached the ball, the first players return to the team at a run. The latter do the same, etc. The first team to finish wins.

Methods of complication: roll a tennis ball between landmarks (medicine balls, pins).

20. "Touchbefore..." .

Directions: development of accuracy of movements, speed of reaction to a signal, quick wits, activation of attention, memory, consolidation of ideas about basic colors, shapes, size of objects, strengthening of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Children are free to sit around the hall. The presenter says loudly: "! "All children should instantly orient themselves, find something blue in the players' clothes, run up and touch this color. Tasks are various: basic colors, sizes, shapes.

Methods of complication: names of objects are included, with double definitions ("Touch round black", "wooden, yellow", etc.).

21. "Shaggy dog".

Directions: development of speed of reaction, attention, coordination of elementary movements performed to the rhythm, activation of speech activity. A "dog" is squatting against one of the walls. Children line up along the opposite wall in a row and, pronouncing a recitative in chorus, move slowly, their backs are straight, towards the "dog", saying in chorus: "Here is a shaggy dog ​​sitting with his nose buried in his paws, Quietly, he sits peacefully, then he sleeps. Let's go up to him, wake him up And see: what will happen? " With the last words, the children should go to the dog, clap their hands and turn, run to the opposite wall. And the dog catches them. Whoever is caught plays the role of a dog.

Ways to complicate things: increase the number of "dogs" to 2-3.

22. "One-legged".

Directions: development of coordination and consistency of movements with a partner of speed and accuracy of movements, switching attention. Children are divided into pairs. Each pair has bandages of the same color on their shoulders. They stand in the back of each other's head, the second takes the partner standing in front by the ankle and, at the signal of the pair, each jump on the leg of the same name. After the presenter says "Four Legs", the children get down on all fours and crawl to different parts of the hall. After the command "One-legged!" They get up and run to find their pair with the same ribbon on the shoulder and, taking it by the leg, jump.

Methods of complication: 1) the task is performed by three people. 2) The guide is not the commands, but the leader's movements. For example: while the presenter stands they are "One-legged", when he sits down - they are "Four-legged". 3) The presenter, after the command "Four-legs", imperceptibly changes the ribbons on any player.

23. "Dragon".

Directions: development of coordination, dexterity, coordination of movements with partners, activation of exhalation. The players stand in a line holding hands. The first participant is the "head", the last one is the "tail" of the dragon. The "head" should reach the tail and touch it. The dragon's "body" is inseparable. As soon as the "head" caught the "tail", the whole "body" disintegrates, scatters across the hall and falls to the floor. The "head" claps its hands - the "body" rises, its parts gather and again in pursuit of the "tail". All parts of the dragon's body hiss on exhalation during the chase.

Complication methods: increase the radius of turns, maneuvering.

24. "Cars".

Directions: development of spatial orientation, consolidation of knowledge on social and everyday orientation, activation of speech activity. Children are divided into two teams: "cars" and "pedestrians". "Cars are driving along parallel streets", moving on all fours. "Pedestrians" are waiting at an intersection, drawn in chalk. The presenter holds in his hands 3 traffic signals (paper circles): red, yellow and green. When he raises the red circle, the pedestrians say in chorus "Red is clear, the path is dangerous" and stand at the intersection, and the "cars" begin to move. When the leader raises the yellow circle, the pedestrians say in unison: "Yellow - wait too," while the "cars" must "slow down". When the leader raises the green circle, the "cars" must stop, and the "pedestrians", saying in chorus "And the green one is ahead - pass", begin to cross the road at the intersection. Marked "cars" and pedestrians who stopped in time. Then the teams change places and the game continues.

25. "Siamese twins".

Directions: development of dexterity, coordination of movements with a partner with limited abilities, speed of motor reaction to a given signal, consolidation of elementary mathematical knowledge (numbers - neighbors). Children are divided into pairs, stand shoulder to shoulder, hug each other with one hand on the belt, put one leg next to each other and tie it with a ribbon above the knee. Now they are "Siamese twins". In this pose, couples should, without unhooking their hands, run to the landmark (stand, ball, etc.) and return to the finish line.

Methods of complication: 1) Having reached the landmark, the Siamese twins must build a house from foam blocks of the same color as the tape that ties their legs. 2) At the command "5", having reached the stand, each pair of "twins" hangs out numbers - neighbors: "4"and "6".

26. "Fast balls".

Directions: development of the ability to differentiate efforts when transferring balls of different type and volume, consolidation of ideas about the direction of movement, the ability to quickly switch attention. The players form a circle. The host gives them 2 balls - small and large. Children, on signal, pass balls in a circle. At the signal "Big forward!" a big ball is passed, and after it, having passed 2-3 people, a small ball is passed. The small ball is trying to catch up with the big one. At the signal "Small forward", the direction of the transfer of balls changes, that is, the big ball catches up with the small one.

Methods of complication: 1) Children pass the balls by closing their eyes / 2) one of the balls is stuffed.

27. "Mirror".

Directions: development of attention, establishing contact with a partner, synchronization of tracking movements. Children line up in front of the leader. He performs some simple movements, and the children try to repeat them.

Methods of complication: children are divided into pairs: one is a "mirror", the other is a driver.

28. "Stop, hop, one."

Directions: development of coordination of elementary movements, activation of auditory attention, memory, strengthening of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Children run in a column. At the signal "stop" - they stop, "hop" - they jump, "one" - they turn and run in the opposite direction.

29. "Builders and Destroyers".

Directions: Development of thinking during design, consolidation of knowledge about basic colors, development of the exact ability to differentiate efforts in throwing balls of various diameters and weights, raising the emotional tone of children. Children are divided into teams. Each team chooses construction material(foam cubes, color assignment) and builds a fortress. After that, they approach the enemy's fortress. Each team has "cannonballs" - these are balls: rag, rubber, stuffed. In turn, each team member throws the ball into the opponent's fortress. With each successful hit, the storming men emit loud victory cries. The team that destroys the fortress faster wins.

Complication methods: build a fortress of a certain color.

30. Drop it. "

Directions: development of coordination of movements in throwing objects at a distance in arbitrary ways, consolidating ideas about the size, shape, color of objects and quantitative counting, strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Children are divided into two teams, which are located across the width of the hall opposite each other. On the command "Throw - ka", they begin to throw foam rubber figures to the opposite part of the hall. At the signal "Freeze" - the children freeze. And the figures are counted. The team on whose side there are fewer pieces wins.

Methods of complication: 1) At the signal "Throw the green", green figures of any size and shape are thrown. 2) At the signal "Throw square", figures of any color and size are thrown, but only square ones.

31. "Owl".

Directions: development of balance, speed of reaction to a signal, expansion of ideas about the animal world, formation of posture. The guys disperse around the playground. At the command of the presenter: "The day is coming - everything comes to life!", The children depict with the sounds and movements of birds and animals (depending on the theme). The little owl is sleeping at this time -is sitting bending underyourself feet head bowed, eyes closed. On the command "Night comes - everything freezes!" Children freeze in a certain position, demonstrating a beautiful posture, and the "owl" rises and looks out among the children for those who laugh or move, takes them to their nest, they also become owls and go hunting together. The game continues until 1 person remains on the playing court - he is declared the winner.

32. Time is "allowed" and time is "not allowed".

Directions: to weaken negative emotions, relieve psycho-emotional stress.

Time "is allowed": Children are allowed to do everything: jump, shout, roll on the floor, throw themselves, make faces in front of mirrors, etc. (up to 3 minutes). Time "not allowed": Children should calmly carry out the tasks of the leader. "Time" can be alternated in one lesson or on different days, depending on the emotional state of the children.

33. "Multicolored letters and numbers".

Directions: consolidation of elementary grammatical and mathematical knowledge, development of attention, skills of joint collective action.

Multi-colored pictures with letters and numbers are spread out and hidden around the hall. Children are divided into 2 - 3 teams. On a signal, one team searches for and collects pictures with a certain color of letters in the hall, the other - numbers. After that, each team reads in chorus their pictures, letters and numbers. The team that has more cards of the same color and fewer mistakes in their name wins.

Complication methods: each team finds letters of a given color and composes a word from them. Whoever has more letters in a word wins.

34. "Color battle".

Directions: development of coordination and the ability to differentiate efforts in throwing objects, relieving emotional stress, strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Children are divided into pairs or teams. Everyone takes a foam piece (rectangle, roof, hemisphere, etc.). The players throw them at any part of the body, at each other, issuing victory cries.

Methods of complication: children "put on" foam rubber figures, thrusting their arms and legs into the holes in the figures and, depicting robots, continue the fight.

35. "Spiders".

Directions: development of coordination of movements, fine motor skills, consolidation of the skills of joint actions in solving elementary mathematical problems. Children are divided into teams of 3-4 people. The presenter gives them an example:1+3. The team jointly determines the answer and the first players crouch down, hands behind, move to the stand, feet forward, choose the number 4 under it and hang it on the stand, and return to the team in the same way. The next players must add 3 to this amount and hang "7", etc.

Methods of complication: counting operations are more complicated: from "20" each participant of the game subtracts "5". The team winswhich will have "0" faster.

36. "Geese - swans".

Directions: development of coordination of elementary movements with distracted attention to the actions of other objects, activation of speech activity, memory. On one side of the site, a circle is drawn - the "house" in which the "geese" live. On the opposite side there is a "shepherd". On the side of the house is the lair of the "wolf". The rest of the place is "meadow". Two are assigned to the role of "wolf" and "shepherd", the rest are "geese". They walk with a proud posture, pull their necks up, fly: wave their arms up through the sides and, lowering them, hiss - exhale "shhhhh". The shepherd says: "Geese, geese!" The geese stop and answer in chorus: "Ha, ha, ha." - "Do you want to eat?" - "Yes Yes Yes". - "So fly." - "We can't. The gray wolf under the mountain won't let us home." - "So fly as you want, just take care of your wings." The geese, spreading their wings, fly home through the meadow, and the wolf, having run out of the den, catches them.

Methods of complication: the caught geese become the wolf's helpers. Children count in chorus how many geese the wolf caught.

37. Relay "Brloto".

Directions: development of balance, spatial orientation and accuracy of movements, prevention of flat feet. Children are divided into 2 teams. Part of the team is on one side of the hall, and the other part is on the opposite. At the signal, children must walk through the swamp, walking from "bump to bump." As "bumps" - circles drawn with chalk on the floor.

Methods of complication: 1) use low foam figures as bumps, 2) each participant is given two "bumps" with which he must cross the swamp without getting his feet wet.

38. Relay "Hares".

Directions: development of the ability to differentiate efforts in jumping and throwing, and speed of reaction to a signal, consolidation of knowledge of quantitative counting, strengthening of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Children are divided into teams. The first players jump with "bunnies" on 2 legs along the drawn line to the basket with rag "carrots". Each takes 1 "carrot" and returns to the team by running along the drawn line. The rest of the players do the same. The first team to finish wins.

Complication methods: 1) jumping on one leg. Throw the taken "carrot" into the hoop. If not, pick it up and return to the team with it. 2) Landmark jumping. Throw 2 carrots into the hoop. Choose from the expanded digits indicating the number of hits, and with it return to the team. The team that finishes first and completes the most successful hits of "carrots" in the hoop wins.

39. "Sparrows and a cat".

Directions: improving the technique of familiar movements with distracted attention to the actions of another object, developing attention during tracking movements, developing balance. "Sparrows" set themselves "houses" within playground, i.e. mark with a hoop (ribbon), chalk a place where they can LL hide "(stand on tiptoes, or in the stork pose). playing field"cat" walks, meows, shows claws. At the command of the presenter: "Sparrows, let's fly!", Children jump out of their "houses", frolic, run, jump on the ground, flap their wings, chirp. At the command of the host, "The cat is coming!", The sparrows hide in their houses, and the cat tries to catch someone. The caught one changes places with the cat.

Complication methods: "house" - a low foam figure. Sparrows jump on 1 leg. At the command "sparrows bathe", children must jump into the hoop and imitate bathing. On command: "Peck crumbs" - they squat in another hoop, all fours and "peck".

40. "Seine".

Directions: development of coordination of simple movements with distracted attention to other objects, coordination of movements with partners, activation of speech activity. Two "fishermen" are selected, the rest are "fish". "Fishermen", holding hands, catch "fish", surrounding them with their free hands. The caught "fish" join the "fishermen" - the "seine" increases. Fishing continues until 2 uncaught fish remain, which are declared "fishermen".

Methods of complication: "fish" tease "fishermen", saying in chorus: "Fisherman, fisherman, you catch us on the hook."

41. "Who is faster."

Directions: development of spatial orientation, speed of response to a signal, coordination of simple movements, fine motor skills, strengthening of the cardiovascular system. Children are divided into teams. The first players, according to the reference point - the drawn line, roll large balls to the end of the playing court, where they choose a ribbon of a certain color, and with it return to the team, stepping over the gymnastic sticks laid out on the floor. The second players do the same in reverse order.

Methods of complication: 1) Roll the ball between landmarks (stands, foam rubber figures, etc.). 2) Choose a ribbon and tie a bow on your leg. Jump over small obstacles.

42. "Cossacks are robbers".

Directions: development of coordination of simple movements with distracted attention to the actions of other objects, balance, consolidation of ideas about the main colors, activation of speech activity. The players are divided into two teams: "Cossacks" and "robbers". To distinguish members of one team from another, all children of one of the teams are tied with a green ribbon on their hands, and a red ribbon on the other. At the prearranged signal, the "robbers" run in different directions. "Cossacks" chase after them and salat them, saying: "One - two - three - four - five! Here is a Cossack seal for you." And the "robber" freezes in place. But he can be rescued by an unreleased one of the same team, slapping on the shoulder. Then the "robber" is considered free and again runs away from the "Cossacks". When all m the robbers are "salted, a short rest is assigned. Then the" robbers "become" Cossacks "and the game continues.

43. "Snow Woman".

Directions: development of coordination of simple movements, motor skills of small finger movements, coordination of movements with a partner and collective actions.

The players are divided into pairs, each receives a task: during a set time (8 - 10 minutes) to roll a snowball of the greatest possible size. Upon a signal, all pairs run to different sides of the site, where it is easier for them to complete the task. The winner is the pair that rolled the largest snow globe by the specified date. Then all of them together sculpt a snow woman with eyes, hands, nose, etc.

    "Shoot down the snowman".

Directions: development of speed-power qualities, accuracy of throwing, development of fine motor skills. Each player prepares for himself as many snowballs as possible within 5 minutes. Then, from a set distance (3 -5m)children start throwing snowballs at the snowman's "hat" (bucket), trying to knock it down. Play until she is knocked down. If there are 2 snowmen, the game is played between the teams.

45. "Snow circles".

Directions: development of speed-power qualities, the ability to differentiate efforts in throwing, strengthening of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Children are divided into teams of 2 - 3 people. On the wall of the house, circles with a diameter of 50-60 cm are drawn, the number of which corresponds to the number of teams. The teams are located on the line at a distance of 3-5 m from the backboard. At the signal, the children begin to throw snowballs, trying to close up their circle with them as quickly as possible. The team that did it earlier than the others wins.

46. ​​"Runs under fire".

Directions: development of reaction speed and the ability to dodge, differentiate efforts in throwing, general physiological impact. A line about 6 m long is marked. Players mold snowballs in advance and place them along the marked line. The first player must run along the line of fire so that the other players do not hit him with a snowball. Then he gets behind the line and helps to fire at the second player. The game continues until all players have run along the line of fire.

47. "Labyrinth".

Directions: development of attention, general physiological impact. In the absence of children, the presenter in the snow prepares a maze from his tracks in the snow. At the end of the "maze" he hides an object (small ball). Children must unravel the maze, follow its tracks and find the object hidden by it. The first player to find the hidden object wins.

48. "Overtake".

Directions: development of strength, speed of reaction to a signal, coordination and coordination of actions with the actions of a partner. Children are divided into teams of 3 people. One sits on the sled, two take the rope attached to the sled, stand on the starting line. At the signal, the children drive the sled forward, go around the landmark and return to the starting line. Those who arrive on the line first receive a point. When each of the players has been in the role of a rider, the number of points is calculated.Methods of complication: the sledder can add a point to the team if he picks up a snowball on the go.

49. "Ice".

Directions: development of speed of reaction, attention, accuracy, the ability to differentiate efforts. The players stand in a circle, the driver is in the center of the circle. His task is to knock a piece of ice (ball) out of the circle with a kick. Those standing in a circle hold the piece of ice with their feet and send it to the driver. The one, past which the piece of ice slipped from the right side, replaces the driver.

Complication method: each child has his own piece of ice. After a few meters, on the contrary, each has its own hole. On a signal, it is necessary to drive this piece of ice into the hole, the one who did it first wins.

50. "Fast sleigh".

Directions: development of coordination, leg strength, speed, strengthening of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Children are divided into pairs. On one side of the playground, one child sits on a sled, on the contrary, at a distance of 10-15 m, is his partner. At the signal, the children, pushing off with their feet, push the sled towards their partner. The couple that meets first wins.

Complication method: children sit on the sled with their backs to each other and in this position they try to be the first to arrive at the finish line.

51. "We go onhearing 7 ".

Directions: development of the ability to navigate in space, activation of auditory perception and attention The players line up in one line and pull their hats over their eyes. The presenter gives a signal "Forward, forward!" All players with closed eyes begin to walk in the direction from which the signal was heard, trying to come closer to the presenter. The presenter changes place and periodically gives voice signals, corrects the direction of movement of children, ensuring safety. The group can move to another part of the site, bypass the school, etc.

52. "Fight".

Directions: removal of psycho-emotional stress, development of accuracy, the ability to differentiate efforts in throwing. Children are divided into teams, each building a fortress behind which you can hide. On command, the fight begins - the children throw snowballs at each other, the hardened one is out of the game. The team with more unrefined players wins.