Dragon Age Urn Pracha Passage. Dragon Age: Origins. Map test. Procedure for activating plates

You can save Earla Eamona with the help of the ashes of the proud of Andraste. But where to look for urn with this "medicine" from all diseases? We learn that the priest's priest is engaged in the search for urns, who lives in deserim. Go there. In his house we will be visited by an assistant Jeniologist, who will say that he left Kalenkhad to Lake and look for him in the "spoiled princess". If we are well pursued by the skill of conviction (up to the 3rd level), then we are easily recognized by the deception and push on this "helper". He will climb into a fight, this mistake will cost him life. In the next room, we will find a real assistant, as well as information where you really need to look for brother Jeniat. If you still failed to reveal the deception and went to Lake Calenkhad, then about the "spoiled princess" you will meet you fanatics. From the corpse of one of them, we take information about the so-called refuge. There is a look for the missing priest.
Refuge is located in the south of the frosty mountains. The village is pretty strange. The first guard is very unequivocally hinting that we are not glad here, like any other strangers. We look at the first house, there will be a human carcass on the altar. We go to the store, talking to the merchant (if you like something from him, then it is better to buy it right away, for it will not be necessary to buy anything or sell anything, because the dead do not trade). We are trying to go to the next room, Torgash for such self will attack us, so you have to kill him. Again we go to the next room, there see the corpse of one of the knights, which Sir Perth sent in search of urn. Hmm, cheerful town. We go outside and go to church on the hill. There we will witness a fairly sinister preaching, after which they will attack. From the corpse of the Chief Church, we take the key from the temple and in the neighboring hall we find the brother Jeniati. He will tell that fanatics live here, the goals of which are unknown to him, but they settled in the ancient temple of Andrasthe and urn should be somewhere inside him. Jeniwi spends us to the temple and opens the door the key. Then we will go alone, and the Holy Brother will wait for us in the main hall. At first, our choice is small, t .. and only 2 passages are available to the study. In the right of them we will find the door locked on the key. We will find the key from it in the left pass. Returning, unscrew the door, exploring the room and find the key from the central passage. Soon we will fall into the cave, which in the end is also divided into two parts. In the left of them there will be asylum sectors with the leader of the collegum, as well as access to the top of the mountain; In the right - a bunch of small dragons, from which the trophies would not hurt. The collegum will offer us a deal: to get rid of the guard of the urn and desecrate the ashes of Andrasta Dragon Blood so that she could finally revive in the new guise - Ice Draconians. If we do it, Lelian leaves us, alistair will be very offended, but the collegum will teach us the ability of the Ripper. However, it is still correct to kill the cologma and his whims. We remove all the equipment from it (it, by the way, is very good), and most importantly take the horn to call the ice dragon, after which we go to the top of the mountain. There will be a small roller, according to which it is clear that the ice draconian sits on a plateau and will not flit from there if we do not call it a horn. This can be done immediately, and you can later, when you decide for yourself that you can turn the dragon.
We go to the cave with the urn of the sacred dust. We will meet with the guard and tell us about the tests of the glove. We agree to pass them. To begin with, he will arrange a brief interrogation to you and your satellites, just answer the replicas that are most polite and truthful. Next, the door will open and you will fall into the hall with eight spirits. Each of them will have a riddle for you if you guess it, the spirit will fly away in the direction of the door and will help you open it, if you do not guess, then it will turn into a demon who needs to be blocked, after which the Spirit still contributed to the door opening. Here are the answers to riddles, they are located as well as perfume, if you stand at the beginning of the hall face to a closed door:

Compassion hunger
Jealousy Mountain
House Meal
Dream melodia

When the door opens, you will fall into the hall with twelve buttons. Each button includes a specific section of the bridge. In order for the section to be passable, two buttons responsible for its number must be pressed. By changing the location of three satellites, you must spend the fourth to the end of the bridge. If you do everything right, then the bridge will eventually become completely visible and it will be possible to walk there, and here how many times. That's what numbers of sections meet the steps. The numbering of sections is given as it removes (1 - the closest, 4 is the longest), the location of the buttons - from the position at the beginning of the hall face to the abyss.

2 2
4 3 and 4
1 and 4 2 and 3
1 1
4 1 and 2
3 3
The initial algorithm: put one satellite on the second button on the right (1 and 2), and the other two on the third and sixth buttons (no matter what side). 2 active steps will appear. GG Stand on the second of them. After that, remove the satellite from the third button and become the fourth button on the right (2 and 3). Now remove the satellite with the "1 and 2" buttons and put it on the button that is responsible for the third section of the bridge (the first on any side). Now you have the second and third sections of the bridge, promote the GG from the second section to the third. Then repeat all the actions so that the third and fourth sections are actively active in the end.
Stepped with this puzzle Go to the last test room. In front of it, we have to fight with clamps (an exact copy of our party), then the fire wall is waiting for us. To go through the fiery wall you need ... to undress to panties. Now the guard will appear again and says that we are worthy to touch the dust Andrshast. We take a pinch and go back to the main hall to Brother Jeniologist, which was already waiting for us. He will be delighted with our story and say that he is sent to Denenim in order to organize an expedition to these lands. Well, we, in turn, go back to the Redcliffe to heal Earl Eamonon.
The dust will also be in gratitude to Eamon supports us in the fight against the sea, as well as a plan to eliminate Logain. At the same time, he executes Jovan for a betrayal (you can save my life if you went to the shadow to save the soul of the Connor) and the ability of Vityaz will open you. Ahead of us is waiting for the collection of the army and lands in deserim.

Andrasthe There was no just wife of the commander. She was wrapped with the creator. Hearing how she sings, appealing to heaven about the instruction, he was conquered by her melodious voice and appeared to her with a proposal to go with him and leave the world's vicious world. In the wisdom of his Andrasta, the creator returned to the children to his children, and created a paradise in the world of people, the Creator agreed on the condition that the whole world will revive their falsebogs and will take his sacred commandments. Armed knowledge about true God, Andrasta began his holy campaign against the exhausted empire, one of the commandments of the creator, who stars that magic should serve a personAnd not to rule over it, it was like balm on the heart of the oppressed Tevinters living in the authority of the masters. The news of the holy campaign of Andrasta, about her wonders and military successes spread very far. Those of the Tevinternians who decided that the old gods left them, they would have disappeared by the words of the creator, the crowd of these raging empire residents who destroyed the temples, now they did it in the name of the creator and the propheted of his Andrasthe. As the army of the Murfert won the lands of the Southern Tevinter, so the words of Andrasta won the hearts.

The creator's sword was his creation itself: fire and flood, hunger and earthquake. Everywhere where they walked, Andrasta sang people about the creator, and people ate her. The number of followers of Andrasta grew while they did not become a giant wave rummaged through the empire. And when the Murfert saw that people love Andrasta, and not him, the worm originated in him and his heart was tirelessly. Finally, the army of Andrasta and the Murfert have become in front of the Grats of the Minratosus, but there was no Andrasthe with them. For Mafert secretly thought out to transfer Andrasthe in the hands of the Tevinterns. For this, Archont promised the Murfert of all the land south of the undesirable sea. And so before the army of Alamarry and Tevinter Andrasthe tied to a pillar and burned, And her jewel spouse turned his armies away, for his heart fired his worm envy, but Archont Gesarian, looking at the fire, softened. I regrets Andrasthe, he grabbed the sword and gave her a quick death. The creator sobbed about his beloved, curse of the Murfert, cursed people for betrayal and again turned away from his creation, taking with him alone Andrasta.

Only one person knew about the betrayal of the Murfert - Haward Agegis, childhood friend. He accompanied him to a meeting with the Tevinets, not guessing that he had conceived. When Gaward realized that Murfert issued Andrasta the enemy, he, not wanting to bare the sword against a friend and Susser, closed the Andrasthe from the Tevinin soldiers. Tevinetsy wounded him, thrown on the ground, and Murfert left a friend to die. Heavorned Gaward still got to the gate of the Minratous, hoping to prevent execution, but the terrible had already happened. He, sick of his weakness, i saw the Broken ashrasta dustleft on rain and wind, and cried. Touching to a handful of ash, his ears filled the song, and his eyes were Andrasthe, closed in star light. She knelt before him and said: "As long as I remember you, I will not forget you and the creator." Song subsided, and the vision was disappeared and the wounds were delayed. Fulfilled forces and hopes he gathered ash and attributed to a secluded place in the mountainsputting in the urona carved from the living stone. The time was going, the location of the urn has grilled a veil of oblivion. Perhaps there was the will of the Creator, so that only the most worthy could find the last refuge of his beloved.

Despite the fact that many consider urn just a beautiful legend, it actually exists. The dust will help heal the poisoned Earl Eamon from Redcliphe. The search for the sacred urn with the ashes of Andrasta will begin in deserim, from the search of the Jeniwi at home (you need to take a book). Then you can go immediately to the village Refugeor look at the light to the tavern " Spoted princess"On the shore of Lake Calenkhad, to deal with thugs, which the innkeeper will tell. Returning to the church at the foot of the mountain, from the side secret room release Brother Jenivi. We give him a medallion of a sectarian from the body of Father Eika. He holds to the destroyed ancient temple, where the path is praying through the caves to the top of the mountain. At the exit from the caves, the road to block leader sectors colngm. He will tell the wonderful story about the revival of Andrasthe in the Dragon Cup. He believes that the very existence of the urn deprives the dragon of full strength, and wants to take possession of the rush to completely destroy it. It will only remain, take a pinch of dust and return to Earlu Eamonu.

From the choice, firstly, depends receipt of specialization and the opportunity, secondly, the appearance of the task in Dragon Age. 2. If agreeing to the proposal of the colngry desecrate urn with dust, After completing the task, it will open access to, let's drink from the Dragon Blood Cup. If the detachment is wine, it will not allow the urn to be discussed and join the guard. If you refuse to execute the collection of the colngry, then from its body you can take a combat ax "Blade of Faith" and horn Kolagramwith which you can call for battle higher Dragon on the top of the mountain. To do this, you need to blow in the horn by choosing it through the inventory. From the body of the dragon can be taken 15 excellent things, including dragon Czech For the manufacture of unique armor of the Blacksmith Wade in Denerime. The task "Wonderworkers" will be available (you need to tell Brother Jenivi about your find and send it home to prepare for pilgrimage), in which you will have to destroy fraudsters from the Charter, which trades the fake ashrast. Depending on the choice opens achievements "Orthodox" or "Sanctress".

Influence of the decision taken on urn with the ashes of Andrasta on the ending of the game Dragon Age: Origins:

  • The news that the urn of Holy Prach was found, did not go beyond the church, while the brother Jeniology did not announce this a few months after the victory over the amounts of Darkness. His manuscript with a description of the search and activities of the cult of Andrasta caused the most interest of scientists in the whole Tedas. A few years later, the church announced that a place was found where the ashrast was resting. All believers in Tedas caused unusual joy, and many wished to make a pilgrimage to the dust to see him either to experience his healing power.
  • The news that the urn of Holy Prach was found, did not go beyond the church, while the brother Jeniology did not announce this a few months after the victory over the amounts of Darkness. His manuscript with a description of the search and activities of the cult of Andrasta caused the most interest of scientists in the whole Tedas. However, attempts to prove the statements of Brother, Jenivius were unsuccessful. The messengers of the church, who climbed into the mountains, did not find anything other than the ruins. No sectarians and, more importantly, no sacred dust. Jeniwi's work was declared falsification. Shortly after that he committed suicide.
  • As soon as the first snow fell, in the sky over Ferlden, a dragon from the temple was appeared. When he devastated several villages, rumored rumors about the mysterious sect believing that the dragon was a revived Andrast. Attempts to find the Dragon's Lair success were not crowned with success, and there was no connection with His Burn of Sacred Prach. It is said that the sect comes more and more converts ...
  • A few years later, the church announced that a place was found where the ashrast was resting. However, this place is ruins and is protected by a dragon, and therefore it is extremely dangerous. Nevertheless, many demand to protect the dust, so that pilgrims could experience his healing power. After a variety of unsuccessful attempts to cope with the dragon, he eventually flew out to look for a new shelter ... Before that, I did not fail to disseminate the mountain sanctuary on pebbles. Site was immediately taken, but failed to find urn in ruins. Many began to doubt that the urn was actually discovered. Others told that the dust kidnapped sectants-Andrashana. There are also those who believe that the Creator himself took the city, to consider the human race unworthy such a shrine. What happened to the urn - simply unknown ...
  • A few months after the victory over the sealing of Darkness on Ferlden, the Molbo went, that the urn of the Holy Prach was found and that Earl Eamon was healed with its help. At first, it was rocked by timidly, and then they declared in all that, especially since the lord of the church could not disprove the rumors. However, after the Church made several attempts to find confirmation of these rumors, it was officially announced that the place of rest was not found. If the urn of Holy Prah and was once in these ruins, there is no longer there.

"The city of the Sun" is the educational center, the main task of which is the acquisition, accumulation and dissemination of knowledge about the unique features and the general features of the original cultures of the peoples of the world. Our educational center has existed since September 2003. Its founder and the leader is the philosopher, cultural studio and historian of the art of Galina Prokofievna Tissue.

The name of our educational center comes from the title of the works of Italian philosopher Tommaso Campanella "City of the Sun". But unites us with this philosophical treatise is not only the name. There is a deeper connection. On the one hand, it was Italian culture and our deep interest in it led to the creation of the "City of the Sun". On the other hand, from the very beginning we realized some intimacy and the consistency of our own ideas to the set of ideas set forth in Campellela in his famous work.

Studying culture in the "city of the Sun" Multilateral content (history, philosophy, art, religion, science, life) and diverse in shape (traveling around cities and countries, excursions in museums and outdoors, viewing and production of documentary and artistic films, Visiting theaters and performing performances, execution and contemplation of dances, learning foreign languages, preparation of reports, exhibitions, concerts, publishing books).

The activities of the "City of the Sun" are quite dynamic. Initially, it was the only club - Italian, but other times they began to appear. Now some clubs and studios exist constantly (Club of experts in Moscow, the club of lovers of the Russian province, theatrical club and theater Studio, Museum of Cinema, Art Creativity Club, Publishing Center). Other clubs occur periodically to increase the intensity of studying a culture of a country (Italian, German, Chinese, Czech, Brazilian, Uzbek, Spanish, Polish, Bulgarian, Turkish, Indian, Vietnamese, Lao and others). What clubs will appear in the future? - Time will show.

During its existence, the "city of the Sun" organized and carried out dozens of travels to many countries of both hemispheres. The purpose of these expeditions is not only their own acquaintance with the original culture of various peoples, but also the collection of material for subsequent educational activities. In the overwhelming majority of cases, these are not template trips organized by tour operators for the mass consumer, and full-fledged unique travels, independently prepared by the members of the "City of the Sun". As a rule, within a few months before the started trip, the route and logistics are carefully developed, the advantages and disadvantages of the transport system of the planned region are detected, possible movement schemes. In addition, climatic and geographical features are being studied, attractions that are planned to be visited, the features of the worldview, life and creativity of the simple and world-famous representatives of peoples inhabiting the region are studied. Upon return, the expedition participants are preparing illustrated stands, photo reports, arrange evenings, where everyone can hear travel stories, get valuable advice, see photos and movies, listen to music and even enjoy national dishes.

No less interesting are walking in Moscow, rides around the cities of the Russian province or the search for traces of abandoned estates.

Theatrical club assists students in purchasing free (or inexpensive) tickets to the best theatrical productions of Moscow.

The film museum shows movies that are masterpieces of both domestic and foreign cinema; Documentary films about the cities and countries that the members of the "City of the Sun" plan to visit, as well as those that were removed during travel.

The publishing center of the "City of the Sun" came out: 1) a collection of poems and prose the team of professional and non-professional writers "Silence of Oxygen"; 2) Guide-investigation "Walking through the Piroga" Galina Teeth; 3) Collection of poems "Eclectic" Alexander Komkov; 4) the guidebook "familiar and unfamiliar alakyr" Anna Ilinova; 5) the book "Lomonosov seats of Moscow" Galina Tusk.

The Education Center continuously collects and distributes information about the most vivid events of the cultural life of Moscow (exhibitions, festivals, tour).

The "City of the Sun" exists not only to increase the formation and expansion of the horizon. This is a school of creative, open attitude towards life, in which "Gorodolovtsy" have the opportunity to implement their talents, learn to put new goals, look for ways to achieve them, overcome difficulties, support each other, to make independent decisions and be responsible for their choice. The city of the Sun is a school of philosophy of life.

Sun city - School of Life Philosophy

"The city of the Sun" is a small oasis in the total advancing desert of mass culture, the island of relaxation from intense labor and freedom from everyday ordinary. Everyone who is thirst may freely come to it and gain joy from communicating with those who understand it.

With the list of all the materials open to access this site can be found in the section

The quest is activated after the completion of the quest "Earl Redcliff". Earl Eamon is seriously ill, and he needs a medicine. The last hope for Earla is the dust propheted and therastie.

  • You can also get it already in lottering. To do this, we need to talk about Eamon with a knight from Rarclif (in the Church).

Dust is in the village of Refuge in Frosty mountains (In the "Inquisition" there is a base of the Order). There are 2 ways to find it:

  • Long: Go to the pier near the circle tower, go to the "spoiled princess" and ask the innkeeper about the knights from the Redcliff. He will refuse, but says that unknown persecution and can kill him. Coming out of the tavern, we see those most unknown. We return back to the "Princess" and ask about the attackers. He will send us to Waygon - an assistant brother Jeniwi (church scientist who was looking for a balloon). In the process of conversation, Waygon will talk, saying "We warned it." With sufficient pumping of strength or tricks, it can be derived to clean water. Waygon attacks the detachment and falls in the battle. You can also provoke it, trying to open a distant door. After the battle with the self-pricing Weigon, we open a glamorous room, there we find the body of this assistant and the record of the Jeniology in one of the chests. When picking a record, learn about the village.
  • Short: Immediately go to the house of the Jeniologist (it is located in Denerime opposite the tavern "Frontalist nobleman"). And speak with Weigon.

We go to the village of Refuge, if there is Stan in the detachment, he will express doubt about the need to go. In the presence of a warm relationship with him, he will say that he simply expressed his opinion. If you found his sword, then you can ask him to just trust the guard. If convincing kunari does not work, it will attack.

We go towards the church (she is on top of the hill).

  • Halfway there is a rustic shop, there is a good onion in the chest and a gift for Zeevran. If you do not open it, put in one of the rooms.

In the church, you can ask about the Jeniology. It will not like the Reverend Father (strange for the church, where women serve, aren't it?) And he will call his followers. In the next room, behind the fake wall, we find the jeniologist. Together with him we go to the temple. Punching through the sectarians, we go through the caves (it is better to explore all the tunnels - the scales of the dragon will be required for the quest). In one of the premises we see the father of the cologma. He offers us a deal: to desecrate the urn. If we agree, this will not approve Leliana, Winn and Alistaist, but will approve Morrigan. If you refuse - you have to fight. Going into the placement of the temple itself, we meet the guard of the urn. The spirit will go through our prehistory and survey satellites. Then follow tests.

First: Riddles. Some are widely known, some are not, but in general it is possible to guess. If you answer wrong - you have to fight with the spirit of dust.

Second: battle with twins. Before the test, we will meet a character from the background: Father, Jovana, Trana, Leske, Soris, Tamalls. Then the battle will be directly. The composition of opponents varies depending on the composition of the detachment.

Third: Plates. You need to build a bridge on the other side.

Sequence: The second right, the third left.
Go to the first part of the bridge.
The remaining character goes to the sixth plate on the left.
Go on the second part of the bridge.
A character with a third plate on the left goes to the fourth plate on the right.
The character from the second plate on the right goes to the first left.
Go on the third part of the bridge.
Character with the sixth plate on the left goes on the fifth on the right.
The character with the fourth plate on the right goes on the fifth on the left.
Go on the fourth part of the bridge and cross it. After that, the bridge hardens finally and your comrades
can join you.

Last: go through fire without gear. If you do not remove gear, the guard attacks you.

Then there will be a choice (if you agreed to the proposal of the colngry): to defile it or leave it. In the first case, there will be Winn and Lelian (even if they are not in the detachment), in the second you will attack the cologments and followers. On the back path It is possible to fight with the highest dragon, his scales come in handy for the quest. Then go back to the temple again. We speak Jeniwi and go to heal Eamon.

After the protection of the rare, that is, after the fulfillment of quests Village in siege and Attack at dusk, Banne Tegan near the mill will offer to get into the castle rakelif through the underground move. You need to go through the windmill in the northern part of the basement and talk to the blood magician Yovan. If you leave it in the castle, it can take part in the development of this quest. If you drive it from the castle - later will be given an additional quest Intentions of Jovana.

Next, passing through the northern part of the lower floor, the southern part of the basement, the courtyard of the castle, you need to get into the southern part of the lower floor and again talk to the Bannaya Tagan. It is necessary to decide what to do with the obsessed son Earla Connor. You can kill. You can use the offer of Jovana and enter the shadow to save the Connor, having sacrificed his mother. You can seek help for the first magician of Irwing from the magic tower, if the quest has already been completed Torn circle And Irving remained alive.

In the shadow can enter any magician (including Irving or Jovan), but only the main character, having agreed with the demon, can open a specialization Blood magician. The choice between victory over the demon or agreement with it does not have the effects for the game, but will affect messages at the end of the game.

Next, Bannun Tegan or Erlesse Isolde will offer to find the urn of the Holy Prah to cure Erla. It will be necessary to execute the quest Urn of Holy Praha.. Delivery of Pracho Bannu Tagan leads to the cure of Earla.

Opening Quest Intentions of Jovanaif you go out yovana;
1250 xp for the expulsion of the daemon in any way;
Opening of specializations Blood magician and Knight;
Shield of selected warriors Redcliffif you agree to take a reward from Earl Eamon;
1350 xp for completing the quest.

After the emission of the demon in the castle of the Redcliff (in the course of the fulfillment of the quest Earl Redclifa) Erlesse Isolde or Banne Tegan will prevail to find the urn of sacred ashes for the healing of Earla. Brother Jeniology brother knows about urn.

In the house, Jeniwi (Delmanim, Trade Quarter), Wallon will advise him to look for him in the tavern on Lake Calenhad. Search not necessarily is the Western. True search direction will show a notebook Jenivius research Here in the chest. On the world map will appear new location - The village of refuge.

If you wish, you can come to the JeniwiMi's house in Dencherime before visiting Rarclif. The conversation with Weylon itself begins the quest.

In the Church of the Asylum you need to take Medallion Sectance In the rector and talk to the Jeniologist in the right attack (behind the secret door). There will be moving to the destroyed temple. Passing the temple and the next location of the cave, you need to talk to the cologment.

You can agree to the proposal of the colngry (the real choice can be done later). Passing through the top of the mountain in the location of the test, you need to execute the quest Testing faiththat will open access to the urn of the Holy Prah. If you desecrate the dust and talk to the cologment on the top of the mountain, it will open a specialization Ripper.

If you decorate the ashes of Andraste Dragon Blood, Winn will leave the detachment forever, even if it was in the camp. The only way Avoid this - to pass asylum until the wine joins in the tower of magicians. Leliana can be hostile, if you desecrate the dust in her presence, but if it has become more selfish after the execution of a personal quest Past Leliana, You can convince it to keep peaceful relationships.

755 XP, if in the temple to refuse the proposal of the cologry;
Bulava Cavaleraif the cologma is driving;
Two-handed ax Blade of Faithif you kill the cologma;
The ability to cause the highest dragon and master its treasures, if you kill the cologum;
Opening of specialization Ripper;
750 xp when leaving the test;
Runa-two-two wizard, if you ask the award from the Jenivi in \u200b\u200bhis house (if the dust was not desecrated and the jeniologist remained alive).

The quest gives the guard at the entrance to the location of the test. You need to go through the entire location to the urn of the sacred dust. The right answers to the ghost questions in the first hall (left, clockwise): dreams, house, jealousy, compassion, hunger, mountains, revenge, melody.

According to the ghostly bridge, it is enough to translate one character - after that the bridge will harden. In order for the bridge plate to become durable, you need to put two satellites into two connected pressure plates, located around the perimeter of the hall. Schemes for passing on the map. If the satellites in the detachment less than three, the spirits of the dust are temporarily joined.

To go through the fiery barrier, you need to touch the altar and agree to remove the equipment (back everything comes on your own).

126 xp for answers to the questions of ghosts;
Amulet reflection for a meeting with the memoirs;
500 xp for overcoming a fiery barrier.