Dragon Age Inquisition All dragons. Dragons. Tenth - Higher Dragon Sand Ruong

Publication date: 05.01.2015 17:24:46

IN Dragon Age.: Inquisition You can meet as many as 10 higher dragons, and find them not as easy as it could seem. And the guides in the text version, unfortunately, are sometimes not very clear. Therefore, it was decided to make a video instruction for those who crave dragon blood! This video acts as a menu that allows you to choose exactly the location in which you are looking for a huge lizard, and after clicking, you will replace you with the video you need, in general, you are the first interactive guide to search for dragons.

True, attack dragons, I would advise you after you reach 14-15 levels, otherwise even the weakest lizard will arrange you to Kuzkina Mother.

Well, in order for this post, I would not be empty, I will also describe all the drains individually, and let's start with the smallest!

Ferelden FrostBack (Fereldenskaya Frosty) level 12

Located in the very first location - internal lands, it is possible to find it if you go to the northeast of a utilized camp. On the way to the Great Dragon, I advise you to avoid small, as the big constantly circling around your squad and shoots fire. In his skull, I experienced what happens to those - who does not listen to this Council.

He is a fiery lizard, poorly tolerates cold.

Northern Hunter (Northern Hunter) 13 level

Located in Rattle, southwest of the Camp at the farm three trouts. I advise you to destroy all the livestock in the circumference, if at least someone is near the dragon, and then while I swallowfully fought with a dragon, I attacked Bizon and spoiled all the hunt.

The dragon is electric, and has a vulnerability to the magic of the Spirit.

ABYSSAL HIGH DRAGON (deep high draconica) level 14

Located in Locations - the West Limit, in the south-west. In order to meet this dragon, you will have a qualit of assignments from small by name Frederick. It can be found next to the camp at the passage of the name. Tasks are not difficult and some tips do not require, so I think you will cope without any problems.

This dragon is fiery, and as a result, it is vulnerable to the cold!

Gamordan Stormrider (Gamornanian Beregon) 15 level

Lives in the north-east location Sacred Plain. In order to get to this animal, it is necessary to clear the passage on the table of the command, and after we go to the easiest marshes.

Another electric animal, just a little not ordinary - it can electrify the water, so be careful, or you will not decide on. Resistant to electricity, but vulnerable to the magic of the spirit.

The Greater Mistral (large Mistral) level 17

This lizard settled in the location called Emerald graves. It is possible to find it far in the north, if you go from the camp in the stone houses.

Prefers fire, the cold is afraid - act guys.

Vinsomer (Vinsenier) 19 level

There is this dragon in location - a storm coast. In order to find it, you have to take the storming fortress at the mouth of Dervin in the West - where it is located, visible on the video. As soon as you cut down the entire population of this fortress, at the very end you will be a boat, approaching which you will go on a dragon island.

We vulnerable to Vinsier to the magic of the Spirit, resistant to electricity and as a result - it also uses.

Sandy HOWLER (Sandy Player) 20 levels

Locations are in the location whistling empty, far in the west of the camp in the sandy cliffs. What is noteworthy - when you find the gadine, it will sleep sweet!

When you wake her out, she will spit in you with fire, but at the same time reacting very sharply to the attacks by cold. Also, she calls himself on the face of small dragons.

With the next top of the players, it is somewhat more complicated, for to show them all immediately on the first card I seemed unreasonable! It was decided to make a separate submenu for them:

Well, now, to the dragons themselves:

Hivernal (Hivenal) 19 level]

One of the weakest dragons in the location of Empriz Du Lyon. In order to receive admission to him, it is required to build a bridge, making instructions on this in the command. To be in the first meeting of the Coliseum.

Kaltenzhan (Kaltenzan) 21 levels

Middle brother in Empriz Du Lyon. In order to receive admission to him, it is required to build a bridge, making instructions on this in the command. Located in the second Coliseum.

He loves cold, and the fire is afraid. On the video, it is perfectly clear that against him is required to take with him in the detachment of magicians who have a fiery element, otherwise there will be almost no sense from the magician. Causes a profog in the form of small dragons.

Highland Ravager (Nagorn Defense) 23 level

The strongest dragon in Empriz Du Lyon. In order to receive admission to him, it is required to build a bridge, making instructions on this in the command. To be in the third Coliseum.

Prefers fire, it is afraid of cold, so feel free to take Vivienne with me. Causes a profog in the form of small dragons.

Honestly, this is my first experience in the preparation of guides of this kind, and the guides in general. Therefore, criticism is welcomed, and in particular advice.

Thanks for attention.

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The next draw will take place on January 31. Manage to experience good luck! PHOENIX POINT gets Sokol13.

Avtor-Avtora wrote:

I do not know what it was for the incident. I did not have this. There, when you find a cave, it does not matter what. It appears on the map in the form of the "Cave" icon and that here is not.

A, well, you have a little different \u003d)

gypiend wrote (a):

in general, when I went to whistling empty, I had such a casus. It went on one place. Nothing was happening, I found a scroll (there was nothing on the map), I passes again, op! The cave appeared. So it's not a fact that they are all marked, marked as a rule that you with the help of the Astrarium, or as it is called \u003d)

I do not know what it was for the incident. I did not have this. There, when you find a cave, it does not matter what. It appears on the map in the form of the "Cave" icon and that here is not.

Avtor-Avtora wrote:

Well, you asked there for the time of the game so much you find scrolls and notes that you do not remember everything. But even if so, I read almost all scrolls and notes, and if I had info about a place position, it was on the map an exclamation / question mark was noted. But not this cave for sure.

In general, when I went to whistling empty, I had such a casus. It went on one place. Nothing was happening, I found a scroll (there was nothing on the map), I passes again, op! The cave appeared. So it's not a fact that they are all marked, marked as a rule that you with the help of the Astrarium, or as it is called \u003d)

Post is edited by user 01/06/2015 07:04:34

gypiend wrote (a):

and this is not one of the caves, which opens after the scroll do you find?

Well, you asked there for the time of the game so much you find scrolls and notes that you do not remember everything. But even if so, I read almost all scrolls and notes, and if I had info about a place position, it was on the map an exclamation / question mark was noted. But not this cave for sure.
P.S. Although it is possible that I found it before the mention of her, I say randomly

And this is not one of the caves, which opens after the scroll do you find?

In any case, you will meet dragons from time to time. In the game, there are ten of them! And each Higher Dragon Lives in a particular area and has its own unique features: abilities / skills / talents, weaknesses and resistance. Below you can find out all the information about each dragon in the game.

First - Ferldensky Fire Higher Dragon

This dragon lives / lives in the territory of the inner lands and in the valley of Lady Shailes. It has resistance to fire, that is, there will be no benefit from damage to fire in battle. His main and main weakness is the opposite of fire - cold!

It will be useful to fight him, if you don't have things with resistance to fire, as she can immediately put all your batch with one fiery ball. You have a weapon must be with the runes of the cold! It is very important! When you begin to fight it in the near battle, then you must follow it behind it - the attacks will be noticeable and it is not too difficult to avoid. In addition to hitting the paw, it beats even tail. As it should have been, she will erupt the dam. The minor embryos (dragons) will attack your archers and magicians - keep in mind. We recommend that you fill up these small gadynyshai immediately. The main ability is the separation of fire throughout the region (mass ability).

The second is the highest dragon Vinsenier

This dragon lives in the location of the storm coast and the dragon island. It has resistance to lightning attacks.

In battle with this dragon, you'd better put on my armor, which will have resistance to electricity and insert the runes in your weapon, which will have damage from the strength of the Spirit. We recommend that you have a full scale of focus on the battle before starting the battle and stocking therapeutic potions.

You need to closely monitor small dragons. Vinsenier is a very active top dragon, which loves to kill first mages along with the robber. His powerful Ribs immediately stuns all your group. In addition, Vinsenier has the ability to be covered with an electric field, so when he does, we recommend that you stay to it further.

Third - Higher Dragon Northern Hunter

The northern hunter lives only in Roughness and has the same as Vinneser resistance to lightning, so on the basis of this, its most important weakness of the Spirit.

As in the fight against Vinsier, you will need to protect against lightning. The behavior of this highest dragon is almost the same as in Vinsen. He tries to attack the robbers and magicians anymore, so it is necessary to follow, so that he does not kill them. In addition, he can hit you by any of his limb, he can make a breath of lightning, which is like the breath of fire.

Otherwise, the battle will be more like a fight with Vinsenier.

Fourth - the highest dragon of the abyss

The dragon of the abyss dwells in the location called Western approaches. It has resistance to fire and, accordingly weakness to cold.

This dragon has greater weakness to the cold. We recommend that you make your tank for yourself completely all his attacks. At this time, all your other conventians and you (if you are not a tank) will have to beat it the magic of cold.

It will also attack you with your limbs: tail, paws and wings. Your characters who beat him in the near battle will have to avoid these attacks. In addition, he will be able to create barriers to their wings that will protect him from far-fighting attacks - at such moments you are best to get to it and hit the tank or the robber. But before that, make sure you have a full focus.

Fifth - Higher Dragon Gamoran Rider Storm

Gamoran is located in the location of Voronene founds and sublime plains. It has resistance to lightning attacks and weakness to spiritual attacks.

You should use ordinary attacks In the near battle. A couple of random principle chooses one target from your group and begins to constantly chase it.

Be sure to need armor with resistance to zippers, your magicians or the magician will have to support the entire group. Start as always with therapeutic potions and try on the dry territory. As usual, all weapons should be sharpened to spiritual attacks.

Sixth - Higher Dragon Mistral

This highest dragon dwells very deeply in the emerald caves, so you still need to walk before. From the horror stone, go to the northern direction until you finish the edge of the card.

Mistral has the seventeenth level and enjoys the element of the cold. If you have fallen skills, then use them as often as possible, since the dragon is simply a lot of damage from them. We recommend that you focus on one finiteness of the dragon.

Since the Higher Dragon Mistral is damaged by cold, then dress armor with protection from it. As well as the previous dragons, he can attack you with its wings.

From time to time she will shoot you with their ice balls, so at this moment you need will need to switch to the hero on which the ball flies and lead it to the side. If you do not manually do this, then, as always, it will slow down and silently take an attack. Well, remember that the battle will not be fast, so reserve therapeutic potions (as much as possible).

Seventh - Higher Dragon Hivenal

To get to this dragon, you first have to repair the bridge. Higher Dragon Hivenal lives in a place called Empriz-du Lyon. It has a nineteenth level. Dragon sits on the top of the tower, which is located immediately behind the bridge.

Like the Mistral, the chivenal is also an ice dragon, so we dress the armor that gives resistance to the cold. Mages along with an archer remove to the rear row. Hivenal constantly breathes his ice breath in front of him, you will have to put it next to her, a fairly fatty tank. Otherwise, everything is the same as it was in battle against the previous senior dragon. To apply it a weighty damage, use fiery spells and weapons. Per full battle With her, she takes off only four times.

The eighth - the highest dragon of Caltenzan

She will sit already on the next tower after the first highest dragon, just behind the bridge. Caltensan has already the 21st level. Just like the previous - Ice Higher Dragon. To accumulate the agro (which is necessary), withdraw your tanks / tank forward. According to the type of battle, she has the same behavior as Hivenal, that's just her ice breath will be much longer to act. She is very often jumping and extremely mobile, so your battle will be delayed for a long time. Do not wait for a light battle, reserve therapeutic potions, regeneration potions.

Try to keep the tank in the tone, so that he dwells it. With the help of Mages, kill the whole trifle, which came to you after her scream. This action Pass two more times.

Ninth - the highest dragon devastator

This highest dragon is the final dragon task "location". Go around the tower so that you do not have to fight with small health. This monster has the 23rd level and attacks the fiery elements. We recommend you to charge a focus again (it needs to be done with all the dragons). The devastant constantly jumps and causes attacks in a jump, so try to avoid it.

She will constantly growl and call him reinforcements, attack you with their wings and create armor. When small guests regards you, then kill them rather with your magicians and charge your focus rather!

Tenth - Higher Dragon Sand Ruong

So, start from the camps of sandsticks and go further in the west direction. In the end, you will find yourself about Vivenn and a small trail that is located between the mountains. Move this path and soon stumble upon the highest dragon. It has a twentieth level and at the time of meeting with her, it will be that she sleeps.

Take your tank forward and dial Agro. Apply so much damage as you can only. Gradually start withdrawing magicians together with robber. This highest dragon is fiery, so use icy weapons. It will breathe on you a fiery stream, beat with its wings and how previous cause your unique armor.

She, like all the previous dragons, will be extremely mobile, so watch it carefully and try to keep control over your team.

Dragon AGE is not a gift wears such a sonorous name - the most interesting and memorable creatures in this game, no doubt are dragons. In the first part of the game, a fever, the highest dragon on the top of the mountain and the archdoor, besides them were also smaller dragons. In the second part there was one of the highest dragon. Fights with these creatures were wondering and exciting, but in the third part it also reminds the boss from some MMORPG.

One appearance somewhere far away the dragon is an unforgettable spectacle, this is so qualitatively done (unlike the rest). The behavior of the dragon and in general everything that is connected with it is somehow alone and realistically - we will be given to understand where the Dragon's Lair is located, we will understand the approximation on the mighty waves of the wings, well, we will finally kill us in the correct way of the dragons of the young.

Yes, you can go to the dragon and die from one blow, and you can go too late and make this lizard in the easy. When the complexity and level coincide with the necessary, the battle itself becomes truly interesting. The dragon does not just bite and waves with wings, it kicks the rear paws, hits the tail, bounces from too violent attacks, and sometimes applies its special ability.

IN game Dragon. Age: Inquisition will give us as many as 10 higher dragons. For their genocide, you can get a lot of points of influence, experience and lute (purple things raw with dragons, not one, but a few). When fighting with dragons, it should be remembered that sometimes they will be bombing with their breathing, if you hit a lot of damage, it will not necessarily be fire. To dodge the flying shell is quite simple ... the character for which we play, well, and our closer comrades will fall under the shelling constantly.

All flying lizards can apply the ability of the whirlwind (begin to wave the wings and suck the whole group to themselves). The damage of the dragon is not so much, but the location spoils is pretty, it is better to retreat away with its speedy damage. Well, let's say the archer has a wonderful rebound. In the near battle, the dragon may hurt, hit the paw or kick a rush tricky hero, do not forget about the tail that the dragon also does not happen to use. In addition, when the health of the dragon is brought to a certain state, this dragon can take off into the air, bring the protection or apply different ability depending on the type of dragon.

It is possible to attack individual parts of the dragon, that's just send the Damag of the entire group to a certain point quite problematic. Despite this, having wrapped off the limb, the dragon will lose part of his maneuvers, despite the fact that his total life will also decrease,

Dragon species

Festdense freeznica

Level 12.
Where to find: Internal lands, we go from the camp near the downtown to the northeast to the passage between the rocks.
Elements and stability: fire
Vulnerability: cold

Tips: The freezer uses a massive stun for a short time, calls on the young ones, ragging from different sides (I lured them on myself and shot from Luke). Periodically takes off, arranging the bombardment with fire on a large area, dodged from such difficult, because the earth will burn decently. If you really get fixed, it is better to go down, where the places will be more. Defense at the dragon is not, so when landing, we endure a trifle and wake all that you can. Also, the dragon will be sitting on the ledges where archers and magicians will come in handy, well, at the end, it will take place on the big ledge in the north. The greatest danger is a fiery bombardment and small dragons, but if you dress against the fire, take the magicians to the ice and put a trifle in time, then the dragon is rather light.

Northern Hunter

Level 13.
Where to find: Rattle, southwest from the Camp at the farm three trouts. On the way, the estate will meet at the top of the slope - from there they are visible by the ruins in which Dracosh dwells.

Vulnerability: Magic Spirit

Tips: Attacks the Northern Hunter Lightning. Defense No, does not fly away. Distinctive ability: Able to create an electric "storm" on the field, which is attached to each of the oppiators and acts for some time, periodically activating the "chain zipper".

Deep Higher Draconian

Level 14.
Where to find: Western Limit, Southwest. To call this Bestia, you need to fulfill the Frederick Dragonfield quest, which is located near the camp at the Passage of the Node. Having understood with the gangsters, we will have to find the Tevinter foliage about dragons (lies this in the wind-minded ruins in the left room on the pedestal). After the translation of the foliary, it will be necessary to put the bait on the south of the camp and the dragon will come to get acquainted.
Elements and stability: fire
Vulnerability: cold

Tips: Draconian quite loves his fiery breathing and fly away from you is not going anywhere. Sometimes uses defense, but in general is minor.

Gorontanian Buregone

Level 15.
Where to find: Sacred Plain, we go to the northeast. To open the passage to the desired area, you need to complete the operation at a passing rate. The dragon lives and rejoices life in the farthest part of the swamps.
Element and stability: electricity
Vulnerability: Magic Spirit

Tips: Extremely likes to throw electric bombs, and if it falls into the water, a small damage will be applied, even if you are standing on a distance sufficiently, but in the same reservoir (the laws of physics about electrical conductivity, aha). Just at least three times takes off into the air, to try to "fry" you with current from the distance to bombs. Defense does not use.

Big Mistral

Level 17.
Where to find: Emerald graves, we go to the north of the camp in the stonewear to the cliff (landmark - a large white tree and ruins)
Element and stability: cold
Vulnerability: Fire

Tips: Mistrals We have an amateur flying. From above, we will fly with ice bombs on us, but they will not be so strong enough to fear them very much, and the minor young people will not attack us, so you can run a little. Defense uses, although rarely. It is especially dangerous ice breathing, which can easily kill a dead archer, and a fairly simple dragon.


Level 17.
Where to find: Storm Coast, first of all you need to take storming fortress by the mouth of Darwin in the West. The long berth will have a boat that will move to the Dragon Island
Element and stability: electricity
Vulnerability: Magic Spirit

Tips: often gives defense and generally behaves quite moving enough. It doesn't like to fly, there is no mass stun, instead there are electric bombs and breathing. Able to create an electric storm on the field.

Sand crying

Level 20.
Where to find: whistling empty, in the west of the camp in the sandy cliffs. The dragon sleeps peacefully before entering the tomb of the firel. If you fulfill the quest, then such a landmark will be difficult to skip.
Elements and stability: fire
Vulnerability: cold

Tips: The dragon does not fly away, but behaves very moving. Actively shaves defense and often calls on the young. Apply fiery breathing and set fires to bombs.


Level 19.
Where to find: Empriz Du Lyon, West. The area becomes available after the operation is completed at the rate of command to restore the destroyed bridge - west of the camp at the tower. In addition, the task of the murder of three dragons gives a commandant of the fortress (if you have already cleaned it from Halle and Red Temmarkers). Hivenal is aligned by the top of the first of the three of the Colosseev.
Element and stability: cold
Vulnerability: Fire

Tips: often applies a massive attack of the blizzard in the area, which freezes and delivers periodic damage. It takes off at least 3 times, freezing breathing at the decline. The defense does not use, there is no young.


Level 21.
Where to find: Empriz Du Lyon, the second Colosseum.
Element and stability: cold
Vulnerability: Fire
Tips: possesses a rather strong mass attack, calls for at least two young. Several times flies and uses defense.

Nagorno destruction

Level 23.
Where to find: Empriz Du Lyon, Third Colosseum.
Elements and stability: fire
Vulnerability: cold
Tips: This dragon can massively adjust the area, circles are drawn before starting on Earth. Even if you managed to run away from the zone of the defeat, you can overtake her young, so be careful. The Nagorno destruction is the most powerful dragon in the game. Hands defense. Do not forget to change clothes, because Unlike the previous two, this dragon fiery.

Dragon Age: Inquisition - All about dragons Was Last Modified: January 12, 2015 by admin.

In Game Dragon Age: Inquisition is ten higher dragonsbelonging to the three elements: fire, ice and electricity. Each of them has its own vulnerability, tactics and stability. Also in the game there are two plot dragon, which will be discussed separately.

Dragons of the Open World:

  1. Festdense frostite. It dwells in the inner lands in the valley of Lady Schain. This is a fire dragon level 12. He is most sensitive to the damage by cold, so it will be useful to take on the battle of satellites that may damage them. From the other characteristics you can add that this dragon refers to flying, and also calls on a young. Looking at the level it may seem that he is the easiest, and partly it is. However, caviciousness is just in his tactics. It is almost never landing. Having obtained a certain amount of damage, it flies to the second substitution. There, it periodically calls on a young. It is extremely rare on Earth, preferring to sit on the ledges and trees. Also, he just loves to attack with air with fire, so as soon as you see that a fireball separated from him, immediately, immediately take the squad. These balls also continue to burn for a while, causing the occurrence of damage to fire. When the dragon remains less than 20% of health, it will land on a break, where it will have to finish it.
  2. Northern hunter. It dwells in Roughness not far from the "Three Trouts" farm. This is an electric dragon level 13. This is one of the easiest dragons: does not fly, does not increase the armor, does not call the young. The only difficulty may be a "static cell", which he loves to throw. It is especially worth being attentive if animals pass nearby. The damage applied by the static cell immediately makes them hostile, which may complicate the fight. The Northern Hunter is resistant to electricity, but vulnerable to the magic of the Spirit, so if the satellites have a weapon that causes damage to this element, boldly take them in a detachment.
  3. Deep Higher Draconian. It dwells in the western limit. To fight her, you will have to perform a chain of quests of the dragonologist. This is a fire dragon level 14. Not the most complex dragon - does not fly, does not call the young, but increases armor. Hide behind durable shelters, since other it destroys.
  4. Gornadan Buregone. It lives on sacred plains, swamps. To fight him, you will need to first open access to the marshes. This is an electric dragon level 15. Does not call for a cub, but flies and increasing armor. The main complexity represents the lack of shelters and water, which he actively uses against the squad.
  5. Big Mistral. It dwells in the emerald graves north of the rocky (or terrible stones). This is the ice dragon level 17. Flies, increasing armor, young does not call. In general, tactics are similar to those against other flying dragons. The dragon is sensitive to fire, so if someone from satellites have a weapon enchanted by this element, it will be nice to take it with you. But to the cold, the creatures of the creature is immunity, so Ice Sources and the weapon enchanted by cold are completely useless.
  6. Vinsenier. It dwells on the dragon island near the storm coast. This is an electric dragon level 19. Does not fly and does not call for a young, but increasing armor. The main difficulty represents the small size of the battlefield, where there is no place to hide and maneuver, so the main help will be "tanks", which owns a sword and shield.
  7. Sandscaper. It dwells in whistling empties near the main entrance to the tomb of the firel. This is a fire dragon level 20. He sleeps, so you can go to the tomb, bypassing it. Does not fly, does not increase armor, but calls for a young. As in the case of Vinsenier, the case complicates the small size of the arena, as well as the young.
  8. Hivenal and Caltenshan. Two ice dragon 19 and 21 levels, respectively. Dwells in Empriz-du Layon. Access to them opens after the restoration of the bridge. Both are flying, and the second also calls on the young. Like the Gornadan Beregon, uses water against the group - the arrival of the ice "projectile" coming to the place of hitting the cold drops get damage from the cold.
  9. Nagorno destruction. Fire dragon level 23. Hummifies in Emriz-du Layon. Does not fly, but builds armor and calls on a young. Difficulties create a small amount of the arena (the fight takes place in the cave), young and fiery mines that the dragon imposes on the places of the largest cluster of the members of the detachment.

Quest dragons (Attention: spoilers!):

  1. Guardian Mutal. The first of the plot dragons. It is found in Quest "Last Act", if the inquisitor saw from the source of sorrow. If I saw Morrigan, it will not be. This is a fire dragon level 22. To defeat it, it is enough to take him half of health. After that, the dragon flies. The victory over it is necessary to obtain the achievement "on the flame wings".
  2. Red Dragon. It is found throughout the plot three times, starting from the quest "will burn in your hearts," where he destroys asylum. The next appearance is happening in the quest "There is a chance of the abyss," there is hardly wounds the guards-Commander Clarel. His last appearance happens in the final quest "Divide Perfection", where you can fight him. This is a Lyri Dragon Level 23. At the beginning of the battle, he will have half of health. He is vulnerable to electricity, does not fly, does not call the young, but increases armor. Appears after the first victory on the Crimean. When he is defeated, the final fight with the eldest will take place.
  1. Disturb the detachment teams in the "manual" mode.
  2. Especially carefully controlling the robbers armed with daggers - they specialize in the near battle, but do not know how to build armor as warriors. Because of this, they most often "fall" the first.
  3. Iron bull, although it rejoices a fight with a dragon, but is not the most suitable warrior for this. The Cassandra or Blackwall is much better fit. Also, the "tank" may be an inquisitor with a sword and shield.
  4. The fight with the sandy plague can be avoided at all if satellites or someone from predators do not dismiss him.
  5. For the fight with dragons there are special runes against dragons. They are most preferred for combat. If they are not, then the elements will be strengthened to which the dragon is vulnerable.

The highest dragon - reached the full maturity of the dragon female. These huge winged monsters, conquering heavens and burning all living on their way - the legendary and rarest of all the existing dragons.

In the Dragon Age series, the fight with the dragon has always been very difficult and dangerous. To defeat this flying monster required a slight tactic and the ability to own the entire group. And now in more detail. In Tedas, there were ten higher dragons and for the passage of the game we must meet each (if of course we want a wonderful achievement " Thunderstorm Dragon»)

Festdense freeznica

The first dragon, who meets most of the players. This dragon got a good job in Inland lands And he began to produce offspring. We, as heroes, are obliged to prevent this, well, and, of course, the award for killing monsters is pleased.
Dragon Characteristics:
Attack Type: Fire
We vulnerable to cold
The battle itself is not difficult, but the dragon often takes off and begins to call his children to help themselves who calmly cut the gazened archer or magician.
In battle, it is to fear his fiery breathing and, of course, huge paws with a tail. When you lower his health before zero, the dragon falls and leaves you your treasure (search for a skull) [achievement 1 \\ 10]

Dragon nest


Our next goal will be very angry, because we will interfere with the dragon to enjoy the giant meat and interfer their stunning fight. Dragon is located on the storm coast, on the island of dragons. You can get there on a boat from the mouth of Derwin (opens in the quest "Red Waters"). This strong opponent will create you the sea obstacles before you get the cherished.
Type of attack: Eleptitude
We vulnerable to spirit
It is fearing the energy balls of the dragon, damage from them is terribly big. In the near battle, the dragon does not show itself as a formidable opponent. The only danger is its energy attacks, take care of the magicians, archers. Do not forget about pauses, control, jars and this monster bends in front of you. [Achievement 2 \\ 10]

Dragon nest

Deep Higher Draconian

Detect "deep higher Drakonitz»You can in location Western limit. In order for the dragon to come out, it is required to pass an interesting chain of quests in the hunt for dragons. This dragon is used to living warm and comfortable, I'm afraid he will not like it when we will move in it with ice magic.
Attack Type: Fire
We vulnerable to ice
The battle occurs standard. The tank is trying not to let off the boss, the near damage cuts the paws, the distant stands as far as possible, because Draconian often loves to please the team with a fiery ball. It will also be in every way to interfere with your paws and tail, but do not forget about the wings! The terrible streams of the wind, created by the huge wings of the huge wings, can spoil your picture well. [Achievement 3 \\ 10]

Dragon nest

Gorontanian Beregon (earlier - Gamoran Rider Storm)

It should be started in the sacred plains in Voronene Tops.
His nest is in the reservoir and it a huge advantage in his direction. Dragon owns an electric attack that water spends water.
Type of attack: electricity
Weakness to Spirit
In battle, the dragon behaves standard. Attacks the paws and tail, sometimes begins to chase a random goal from our group. Occasionally, the dragon uses water against us, translating through it an electrical charge of a huge strength. If the characters stand in the water, they will receive a considerable damage and will be stunned, so try to spend most of the time on land. Further by standard tactics: damage the paw, drink jars, microcontrol, active use of spells and skills. Total - Dragon is defeated! [Achievement 4 \\ 10]

Dragon nest

Big Mistral

This dragon is not so difficult to find, but it was on his search, I spent the most time.
Mistral - Ice Dragon, who lives in an emerald cave. To find it, you need to move from horror stone (which is located near the small camp of the criminal, followed by Kasandra) to the north. There you will see a huge, beautiful dragon that will not appreciate your visit and decide to drive inspired guests.
Type of attack: ice
We vulnerable to fire
To lower the damage of the dragon, it is necessary to increase its ice protection. In the near battle, the dragon places you with sharp claws and a huge tail. Also with the help of wings, he creates wind streams. When the dragon comes into rage, he freezes his body and creates an armor scale over health. In flight, he produces ice balls, in order to dodge, use tactical control. The battle with this top dragon can last a lot of time, and therefore, to be aspiring therapeutic potions and other supplies. When his health falls to zero, the dragon will turn into oblivion and leave only memory and beautiful drops about himself. So we get closer and closer to the cleansing of the world from the dragons and receiving a long-awaited achievement. [Achievement 5 \\ 10]

Dragon nest

Northern Hunter

Our next highest dragon in Rattle is inhabited. This dragon was my first and left a bunch of pleasant and unpleasant memories. In my opinion, the fight with this dragon was the most difficult. Perhaps because he was the first, and I did not have enough battle experience with such monsters, my level was very small, and the clothes retained to desire the best. But still blood and then, by the force given to us, I mastered him, and so my hunt for dragons began.
Type of attack: electricity
We vulnerable to spirit
Watch your magicians and robber, because it is they become a sweet goal for the electro-sphere that can kill almost any hero in a matter of seconds. It is also worth the fear of its attacks with a paws and tail, but not to forget about dragon breathing. After a ton of jars on health, a hundred used skills and a couple of three deaths our dragon will finally surrendered and leave you a sweet bonus in the form of new things. [Achievement 6 \\ 10]

Dragon nest

Sand crying

To find this dragon, go to the location "whistling empty" and, ranging from the first camp, go up the right edge of the card. In a short time you will see a beautiful entrance between the mountains, it will be the passage to our sleeping dragon. Carefully approach the monster, without waking it up ahead of time, and start attacking the tank.
Attack Type: Fire
We vulnerable to ice
This draconian has strong paws and often likes to wave wings. To break through its scales will have to try hard, as the dragon often overlaps his health armor. It will not be possible to relax in this battle, the dragon can take off and instantly collapse on any of your hero. Use jars, monitor all the characters and do not forget about the pause, and this fiery beast will fall to your feet. [Achievement 7 \\ 10]

Dragon nest


To fight with this Ice Handsome, we need to repair the bridge in Empriz-du Lyon. The dragon does not endure the heat and likes to often refresh the whole team with ice breathing.
Type of attack: ice
Vulnerable to fire
During the battle, it is worth the maximum to protect the tank from ice attacks, otherwise the battle will be rapidly. The other heroes actively use the magic of fire and cause damage by all possible methods. During the battle, the dragon will decide to rest a little, making their mighty wings will be carried out in heavenly.
In this location, after the capture of the fortress there is a quest on all dragons before going to hunt - do not forget to take it. [Achievement 8 \\ 10]

Dragon nest


This highest dragon can be easily found on the second tower after overcoming the bridge (the reference beacon is shown). Fights with two dragons are rather the same and easy, so we will not speak a lot here, we will turn to business.
Type of attack: ice
We vulnerable to fire
The dragon behaves very actively on the battlefield and constantly jumps from side to side. A weak noise in his murder will be his breath and a fierce desire to survive, but when Drakonian will understand about his inevitable fate, she will call for help. Get rid of the sovereign as soon as possible! It is small dragons that make up the whole problem of this fight. The percentage of the percentage of the dragon health will fall to zero and it will finally be defeated. Last goal, we go! [Achievement 9 \\ 10]

Dragon nest

Nagorno destruction

Here he is the last fight! Are you already anticipation? Be sure to survive !!! Achievement may not give the first time and then you have to repeat the killing of the dragon.
We will find this monster in the third amphitheater over the bridge, however, the label on the map on the task you to help.
Attack Type: Fire
Vulnerability to ice
This dragon represents a huge threat! Throughout the battle, he will protect himself with armor and constantly call his children who have a lot of damage, and they are not so easy to kill them. Here are some dangerous factors during the battle: an attack in the jump, stunning, the call of small dragons, fiery breathing, fiery balls at points (the principle of mortar). All this can pick up your victory. I was lucky to kill this monster from the first time, but at the end of the battle the monster one blow killed my bull. The battle lasted about five minutes and the fiery queen surrendered. Drop, achievement, applause winners. [Achievement 10 \\ 10]

Dragon nest