Dragon age inquisition dire wolf. Dragon age inquisition - DO NOT. Consequences of the plot decision

On thin glass, between sleep and reality, he trot wildly, keeping her bird's heart. Horrible shadows are sliding behind him, but this is not at all the time of fear, they simply wished. It extinguishes the last candles with the ice of its claws, closes the fishy eyes of the one who will never fall asleep. Reflections in the mirror melt, quickly, abruptly, irrevocably. Bare feet wrinkle the floorboards, only the claws get in the way - sweet languor from what is possible do not hold back , the precious tinkle of deadly blades. They scratch when he freezes as a motionless figure in the night, collect thin curls of shavings from the tree and the beast inside roars, giggles and starts a wild dance. The monster catches his eye and shows its teeth, either in a grin or in a threat. How tired I am of him, he thinks once again. But behind his malicious grin, one can see what he had noticed for a long time, only he did not want to admit it to himself. There is longing in his eyes. And this spurs. Forces to bend down to the ground, inaccurately scratching other people's eyelids. The stupid elven girl “never was obedient” has ghosts gnawing at her knees, a rotten shack falling to pieces, and a pale-pale magician looks mournfully until the golden-eyed one pulls aside. All are doomed to fight their nature in an unequal battle. And, although deception is considered his calling, the beast at this hour again and again wins up. The Iron Bull roars in his sleep, casts crawling shadows in a desperate gesture. Cassandra is soaked with anger, squeezes into the mattress and almost stops breathing, wishing that she was no longer there. Nowhere and never. Cullen's grip on the tips of his fingers, burning palate and sanity, torments Cullen more than nightmares. He chokes in a gurgling cry, no one to help, no one to save. It breaks under the ribs, cracks. The pain lurked where he could not see it, slay it with a sword, or at least cast a final curse. But then time passes - and the animal rushes about in the cage again, trying to gnaw through the rods of its own prudence. It splashes with poisonous saliva: he wants to go to the mountains, to his little likenesses, to shake the young moon and frolic like a six-month-old puppy. It is difficult for a beast to accept that a cell is stronger than him. Him! Falling on his paws, trying to knock his claws as quietly as possible, he moves his paws to his refuge. He remembers what it is like to sound human, growls low at the burning coals in the fireplace. And dumbfoundedly freezes, as if an abyss breathing with ice opened up in front of him. He becomes scared to the point of nausea, horror raises fur on the back of his neck. - Where have you disappeared, I came ... to look for you, - hides a yawn in his palm, awkwardly frees up space in the chair - Lavellan is small, he is lost even in him. - Can't sleep, vhenan? - he does not recognize his voice, his hands feel sticky from the vile awareness of himself, and has no right to sit down next to him. Maybe curl up like a naughty dog ​​at your feet? The wolf lies in a shadow ring around, turning its muzzle to the wall with frescoes. He just hides his smile. - Now is the time of wolves, at such a time you cannot sleep, so that he does not ... - the elf begins to explain confusedly, even though she tends to sleep right in front of her eyes, - but you? - Me? Solas asks slyly, hiding the echoes of the truth. He will not lie to her, although it will be easier, it is better to just keep silent. The elf still sits down next to him, and Ellana pulls her legs under her to snuggle closer to him. The honey smell of the skin soothes and smoothes the charcoal hair. “They can take a walk even once without you, Solas,” she mutters sleepily into his chest, and then lifts her head, looking at the curtain fire dancing in her pupils. The beast, frightened by the imminent dawn, huddled in the corner of its consciousness. Solas looked back at her and smiled as he touched his nose to hers, the bird's.

The add-on is activated by executing story mission on the table of the command "Come to the meeting of the Holy Council" for 8 points of influence, but only after the end of the main game (ie, defeating the Coryphaeus). It is also worth noting that by starting this add-on, we will automatically block all unfinished quests and missions that remain with us. Therefore, we carefully check our diary, quickly deal with unfinished business, put on a ceremonial uniform and set off to decide the future of our Inquisition. Indeed, in the two years that have passed since the final battle, order has been restored around, all the gaps have been closed, the remnants of the enemy troops and demons have been defeated, and a quiet and peaceful life has come. But the strength and power of this uncontrolled organization began to greatly disturb the powers that be in this world, and the influence and authority of the Inquisition - to threaten the foundations of the monarchies of Orlais and Ferelden.

To unlock the achievement " Thinking outside the box"it is necessary to solve the riddles with the four statues of the wolf.

  • Elven Ruins, Forgotten Sanctuary. We read the inscription on the stone opposite the statue of the wolf, we light exactly the fire that the statue is looking at (part 5 from 17.10).
  • Ruined Library, Scientist's Refuge. We pass through the eluvian in the Ruined Tower, in the Scientist's Refuge we go up to the second floor and read the inscription on the stone, then go up to the third floor, look around near the wolf statue, then press the button and quickly go back (you can leave a party member near the eluvian) to the Ruined Tower location, light the curtain fire in the circle of the Dead and go back to the statue of the wolf. We light a fire in a bowl opposite the statue. (part 9 from 10.18) (If you take a torch with you to the Lower Archives, you can read the curtain rune there).
  • Deep trails. After the Inquisitor receives the Anchor Explosion ability, we return to the deep paths, find the blockage in front of the eluvian and activate the anchor to clear the passage. We go through the eluvian, take the curtain fire, then read the inscription on the stone next to the statue of the wolf, then read the curtain rune on the frescoes, then press the button on the statue of the wolf, go up the steps and light the brazier for the curtain fire (part 11 from 13.00)
  • Darvaarad, Research Tower. On the third floor of the tower, we read the inscription on the stone, then light the curtain fire in the following order: Owl, Deer, Dragon (part 12 from 14.17)

In order to open the fourth line in the dialogue (that Solas is Fen "Harel), you need to collect four records of the codex.

  • Elven Ruins, Forgotten Sanctuary on an island in the middle of a lake. A note on the body of a dead Qunari on the shore (part 11 from 07.30).
  • Deep trails. Note on the box in front of the blue barrier fire (part 7 from 02.21).
  • Ruined Library, Scientist's Refuge. Behind the blue barrier fire is a memory book near the chest (part 9 from 09.20).
  • Darvaarad, Research Tower. A note supposedly about Fen "Harel's self-portrait (part 12 from 13.45)

Using her Sorcerer Knight's Shadow Cloak skill, Vivien can also pass through the blue barrier fire.

During passing DLC the player has the opportunity to additionally increase some of the attributes of his character by +10 units, as well as receive an additional bonus in the form of a sketch or some object.

  • Get +10 Constitution. It is necessary to collect the "Expensive treat for dogs" scattered on the territory adjacent to the palace (10 pcs. It is searched for as a treasure with the help of the letter V). Then put all the bones in a basket next to Cullen's mabari. In gratitude, the dog will bring the club "Club of the Black and Gold Queen"
  • Get +10 Strength. It is necessary to fix 5 crookedly hanging pictures on the wall in different rooms.
    One painting (the rider) is in the house next to Scharter.
    One painting (portrait) is in the tavern.
    One painting (portrait) is in the bath.
    Two paintings (large) are in the room with the eluvian.
  • Get +10 Agility. You need to catch five jesters, each Nth number times (it was not possible to calculate exactly). For each they give +2 to dexterity and gold. For all five of them there is also a sketch of the long sword "Scorcher"
  • Get +10 Cunning. On the left hand, after entering the first eluvian, between two boulders, there is a skeleton, near it a galla statuette and a map with the location of the next statuette. For each subsequent found statuette +1 to cunning (+4 in total), for finding the fifth galla we get a sketch of the "Bis" staff. Then we return back to the skeleton at the Crossroads and present it with the hat found near the last figurine. We get another +6 to cunning.
  • Get +10 Magic. Before going to Darvaarad, on the balcony next to Kasandra, there will be an opportunity to launch fireworks. After the charges are released, it is necessary to try to detonate each at its highest point so that a very bright flash is obtained. Points are awarded for these outbreaks.
    For 50 points, we get +1 to magic.
    For 70 points, we get +3 to magic and a golem sign.
    For 80 points we get +6 to magic and the sketch "Great magic sword"


And finally we arrive at the Winter Palace in Halamshiral, and the first person who meets us here is mother Giselle. We communicate nicely, exchange mutual courtesies, find out pleasant and not so good news. It turns out that they came to the Holy Council to support us, our comrades and friends, who in the recent past had to share with us all the hardships and hardships of the struggle, as well as the joy of victory. And this is the only opportunity to chat with them before the advice, then, perhaps, there will simply not be time for this. We can find out from them about how those two years went, where they were, what they did, what plans they are making for the future. So, we go to visit our comrades and get real pleasure from communicating with them. But no matter how long we evade our duties and delay the unpleasant moment, we will still have to pay a courtesy visit to the Ambassadors of Orlais and Ferelden.

So, all the meetings, pleasant and not so, are over, preparations for the meeting are completed, we go to the Holy Council. We sit, listen to claims and accusations, die of boredom and think: "When will this all end?" And then we get a message about the need for an urgent meeting. Hooray! An excellent excuse to escape from this soul-exhausting and nerve-racking meeting, which we immediately use with joy. Arriving at the meeting point, we find a dead Qunari warrior in full battle armor... After consulting with Leliana and thinking, we come to the conclusion that nothing is clear and we need to somehow sort out this incomprehensible situation. It's so good that friends are with us again, because we may again be in for more troubles and dangerous adventures.

Now we are faced with the task of finding out how the Qunari warrior got into the Winter Palace, and even unnoticed. We leave on his bloody trail to find out where he will lead us. We climb up the garden trellis and find ourselves in a room with an active eluvian. To meddle in there alone is pure suicide, so we gather our comrades again and go through the magic mirror. Once at the crossroads, we find a locked eluvian, through which the Qunari warrior tried to pass, but it clearly did not work out for him. However, the trail of blood leads us in the other direction and leads to another mirror through which we can pass, which we do, burning with curiosity. Having passed through the eluvian, we understand that we were in the ancient elven ruins, and a little further we find another dead Qunari warrior. But the trail does not end at this, so we continue to move along it forward until it takes us out after some time to the bridge to the island, where, apparently, we need to get. However, the bridge has no span, which means you have to look for another way through the available eluvians.

We dive into the nearest one and find ourselves at the foot of the Smoking Tower, which is guarded by the guards-spirits of the ancient elves.

Effects plot decision:

If the Inquisitor drank from the Well of Sorrow, then there is an opportunity to do without fighting the spirit guards.

After a short, but very "meaningful" communication with the guards, we discover a strange mosaic of green shades, which, when we try to examine it, presents us with information and disappears, revealing the next mirror. So we go there, because there are no other alternatives. And again the tower, now Silent. We look around and notice ghosts hiding behind another green mosaic, as well as dead Qunari warriors. We follow the ghosts through the veiled picture, while replenishing our intellectual baggage with another portion of information. After one more veiled mosaic and one more piece of information about the ancient elven history, we find ourselves in a hall with statues, where we receive a discharge of magic and a new anchor ability. We put it into practice (yes, yes, now we can also earn extra money as a lamp) and take the wolf figurine from the pedestal. But the treasure always has guards, and this statuette is no exception. We'll have to defend our right to find.

Having "listened" to all the weighty arguments that we had in reserve, the guards leave us our prey. Grabbing it with both hands and saying: "My darling ...", we return back to the bridge, where we put the statuette on a pedestal. Finally, we can get to the island and talk with the Qunari, to clarify the circumstances of this possible misunderstanding. But for some reason unknown and beyond our control, the dialogue is not immediately set, we are not even given a word to say, not to mention any questions. We are forced to simply defend our right to live under the sun in this world. After the end of unsuccessful negotiations, we understand that all our questions remained unanswered. The need to clarify the situation forces us to look for these answers on our own, we have to shake up the old days and remember what we were doing two years ago. We take out our set of a young detective and go in search of clues. Having climbed all the corners and checking every dark nook, we return with the collected information to Leliana.

Having held an emergency meeting with our advisers (how long have we not decided together difficult tasks), we return back to the Crossroads in order to find out: "What are the Qunari up to?" and we notice a small detachment of horned warriors hiding in the next eluvian. Carefully follow them and find ourselves ... on deep paths. What a surprise! Why did the elven mirror lead us here and what do the Qunari need here? We will try to find out about everything and at the same time stay alive. Moving forward and at the same time fighting off the attacks of the inhabitants of the underground labyrinths, we stumble upon a small Shelter, talk with its owner and learn very disappointing news for us, and then decide its further fate. Well, the task is clear, the goal has been set for us, we are going in search of a solution to this problem. We make our way through the numerous crowds of the enemy to the warehouse with fuses, take them away and arrange a small, well, very small ba-da-boom. And then headlong we rush to the exit, it's a pity to fish, we are not destiny - the water arrives too quickly.

After an extraordinary urgent meeting with advisers and discussing the threat of the Qunari invasion that has fallen out of nowhere, having gathered our small detachment and grabbing a first-aid kit with tinctures and potions, stuffing our pockets with grenades, we again go to the Crossroads in search of the main instigator of the troubles that have fallen on our head. After passing through the eluvian near the bookshelf, we find ourselves in the destroyed ancient elven library. How much knowledge was lost here, how much of what was lost can be restored? Chasing these thoughts away from ourselves, we move forward towards our goal. Having exchanged a few words with the Archivist, we hurry on, we notice a group of Qunari on one of the islands soaring into nothingness and the Eluvians, which, most likely, leads there. But we manage to restore only part of the way with the help of an egg-shaped, glowing red artifact. We'll have to look for others, perhaps we will be able to restore the rest of the bridge spans.

We pass through the nearest mirror and find ourselves in the Courtyard, we notice two more active eluvians, we put our curious nose in both one way or another, but it is better first to the left. We pass through the mirror and find ourselves in the Ruined Tower, we find another eluvian and nothing that could help restore the bridges. So forward again through the magical surface of the glass. And here we have in front of us another part of the destroyed library - the Shelter of the scientist, after a thorough examination of the territory, we activate the artifact and return back to the Courtyard. We get another blow "under the breath" with a discharge of magic and one more ability of the anchor. Now let's have some fun, now we'll show them all how to get in our way. Then we direct our "andraste-chosen" steps through the right eluvian and find ourselves in the Broken Hall. And again another mirror, and again through it into the unknown. And now we are in the Lower Archives, looking around carefully and discovering what we were looking for. Now you can go to the inverted island to see how everything looks upside down there, and at the same time look for Viddasalu.

But again, for some reason, our dialogue with Viddasala does not work out, again we have to defend our point of view, and at the same time the right to life. Apparently, we do not know kunlat at all, or over the past two years, somewhere we have managed to catch the tongue-tongue virus. You will have to go back to the advisers and admit your insolvency as a negotiator. Having poured out all the grievances to our advisers on the dull representatives of the horned race, having listened to their arguments and suggestions, we suddenly realize that we do not have so much time left, but there is still more to do. And the main task is to stop all this horned army by all means. We carefully check our weapons and armor, put together a "first aid" backpack, stock up on ammunition, call comrades and set off to solve the piled-up problems until they have swallowed up everything we fought for before. Understanding perfectly well what it is last fight and there may be no return for us, we gather all our courage and will into a fist and head to the eluvian, leading to Darvaarad.

After passing through the mirror we find ourselves in the courtyard of the fortress. Well, let's try to find out: what have the Qunari been doing here all this time and what other plans they are hatching. We break through with a fight through the barriers and patrols of enemies, we come across a very interesting gate that blocks the entrance to the inside of the fortress. Having tinkered a little with the locking mechanism, we unlock them. Now you can see what the Qunari are doing here, and then try to thwart their grandiose plans (this is not the first time for us to do this). We move forward with battles and find the Gaatlock Factory and the source of the production of its main ingredient (surprise-surprise). Now we have to decide what to do in this situation. While we were figuring out the solution to this problem, Viddasala and her warriors got to the next eluvian, but before waving her hand, she nevertheless deigned to explain to us the motives of her actions, as well as to give out some information about one of our comrades in arms - Solas. Now it's up to us to decide: how our further relations with him will develop and in what key the dialogue will be built if we manage to get to it before the Qunari warriors.

Seething with righteous anger, we rush after Viddasala, because our heart-to-heart conversation with her is not over yet. And then we get another surprise from the anchor. So the time is running out, so we need to hurry. Through the ranks of enemies and a series of mirrors we break through all the time forward and forward, trying to get ahead of Viddasala. But our attempts to break out into the leaders of the race did not go unnoticed, and the lyrium-fed sairabaz Sairat was put up against us. And what should we do now? Nothing, all that remains is to accept this challenge and pick up the thrown glove. When we pile on him a little and his inflated conceit will leave a third part, Viddasala will recall Sairat, but leave a bunch of ordinary soldiers to detain us, but this will not help her much. Nothing and no one can stop us on the way to our goal, so we continue our way through the system of enemies and eluvians.

And now the ranks of enemies have become very thinned, and Viddasala stands alone at the next mirror, and again, headlong, we rush forward. But it was not there. Having recovered his injured health, Sairat again blocks our path to the goal. There is nothing else to do but to finally knock down arrogance from this horned roll overfed with lyrium. We try to closely monitor his attacks and not fall under the distribution of various buns, of which he has enough in stock. When pulling the entire group to it, we immediately withdraw the members of the squad beyond the border of the lyrium circle. Do not forget to look under your feet so as not to run into surprises in the form of natural mines. We remove the barrier and life from it by discharging the anchor. (Good luck with this fight.) And now Sairat is defeated, and the path to the last eluvian is free, and behind him we will finally receive the long-awaited answers to the questions that have tormented us for so long. After talking with Solas, stunned by everything we heard from his lips, we return to the meeting of the Sacred Council and decide the further fate of the Inquisition.

Well, pralna, gnomes and elves somehow lived and lived together, then people came. Jemnip, there was a king there, and he had three sons, they settled somewhere, then the sons fled across the mainland: one of them founded Orlais, the other went to unite the scattered tribes of the future Ferelden, but the third, apparently, settled in Minratous (whether there was a decree from his father, archery and a frog - history is silent).
Then they began to measure their strength among themselves, Tevinter was the strongest of all. And then his pride ruined (well, the desire to check the truth, they say that a certain Creator lives in the Shadow). And then Andrastianism appeared, as a result of the failure of the Tevinter powers that be, coupled with the people's desire to find at least some kind of support, after all, faith in the Old Gods - dragons - did not lead to anything good. A certain Andraste appeared, who stated that the Creator had not left them at all, but was simply offended, she had a good talk with him and he conveyed that people should live according to honor, not hooligans and be honored, and he, you see, will return someday. And the elves then were for her too (so they say, at least). Years passed, Andraste died, and it seems that after that the Sacred Treks organized by the Church began (this was the name of the organization that promised people to return the love of the Creator to them). The elves then did not like something in this organization (it is possible that they were not even accepted there, or maybe they themselves did not want to join a dubious intermediary organization). In general, along with the worshipers of the ancient gods and other pagans, the elves also fell under the distribution - people destroyed their capital Arlatan.

They also say that elves used to be kind of almost immortal.
But since humans came and humans multiplied, the elves were forced to assimilate. And the elves lost the rhythm of life, and became mortal, like people and gnomes. Moreover, a sharp decrease in the average life expectancy of elves happened quite quickly, it seems, even before the story of the three sons (and the frog?).
But this is all according to one of the theories. And there is another one. According to the folk legends of the elves themselves, immortality left them because of Fen "Harel, the Wolf, who deceived the elven gods to heaven and underground. When this happened, it is not said, but if we take into account the first version of the story, then people should have already been present in Thedas. ...
Solas shies away from answering why he needed it, but his friendship with Mital suggests that they may have been in cahoots.

Well, and in some restless heads the thought that the very Fen "Harel lived in the Golden City, who, either out of malice, or for some other reason, drove some of the gods underground (really the very gods who Did you read Minratose?).
And then the masters looked to Fen "Harel, he, out of surprise (or maybe all the same because of a feeling of pride) cursed these same masters with something like this spell:" ... eprst! Who are you ?! I drove the Ancients out of here, and here you are! Get out there, to them! .. "But either from surprise, or simply the Wolf was drowsy and the spell did not work quite as expected, as a result, the masters almost died, but remained on the verge between life and death, their flesh began to decompose , and in the subconsciousness forever remained the order "Go to the Ancients ..." So they are looking for these Ancients, and as they find - the Pestilence begins.
And as for Fen "Harel, he was either so scared, or was already quite weak after the trick with deceiving the ancient elven gods (or is it dragons?), And then the masters had to be overcome, in general the Wolf left through the eluvian ( a mirror like that, teleportation), went to the Crossroads, and then the trail is lost.

Well, what does Mital have to do with it and why she has not been banished anywhere and generally leads her friendship with the Wolf ... Maybe they drove the dragons together, and then Fen "Harel remained in the Golden City as a sentry, to keep watch, so to speak ...
In general, a very muddy story ... How Geyder is going to disentangle it, I don’t know.

Fuh ... So those dozens of hours have passed that were spent closing the rifts, destroying red lyrium, killing dragons and much more. Soon the end of the game comes, everyone is happy and satisfied, you look at the fruits of your passage, but after literally five minutes the question arises: "And what happened now ?!".

And you know, you are not alone. After all, even the most ardent fans who studied everything up and down in the game's universe were faced with a complete misunderstanding of the final scene of the "Inquisition", but to be precise, with the scene after the credits. In general, this scene makes you become in a stupor and then scratch your turnip. The most interesting thing is that if you are familiar with the universe of the game, did not use such party members that you needed and did not even read the Code, then the ending of the game for you will be no less mysterious than the Bermuda Triangle. And to some it may seem that this is generally complete nonsense, although this is far from the case. So, get ready, dear readers, you are waiting for a "brain explosion" (which we experienced only when we passed), hold on to your chairs, a lot of theories, historical moments and of course spoilers await you!

If someone missed the final scene in, then we recommend watching it right now, since you will not understand anything at all:

So what's in this scene? Flemeth and Solas chat as if they have known each other for a long time. Although until this very moment no one had met or seen anything like it, they could even assume that these two characters are so close and generally familiar. Everything is posed even more mysterious when Flemeth in Solas's arms becomes ashes!

Now let's look at what we know. First, Solas dumped immediately after the coveted battle with the Coryphaus took place. Secondly, despite the fact that the Inquisition was able to stop this evil, Solas is still upset and depressed that the sphere is destroyed (after all, Solas gave it to the Coryphaeus himself). Thirdly, after the credits, in the final scene, Flemeth very interestingly named Solas - "Dire Wolf". This name is the key to everything that happens in this confusion, even if the game is not entirely based on this story. In order to make it clearer: the old woman Flemeth calls Solas a strange name - the Terrible Wolf. Based on these words, it can be said that Solas holds an Elven Deity within him. And here many may think that Solas is a likeness of Judas, but in order to understand whether this is so, you first need to disassemble who this "Terrible Wolf" is.

Solas, who are you?

Well, as you know - the Dire Wolf is one of the characters in the world Dragon age... He is also known under the name "Fen'Harel", which is a likeness of Loki. Basically Fen'Harel is known for being a famous traitor, as it is said that it was he who locked those very Elven Gods (aka "Creators") along with their enemies (who are known as "Forgotten") somewhere in the territory Shadows. If you go a little deeper into the Shadow, it becomes known that they are in a kind of "Abyss". Based on this, it was for this reason that it was dangerous for the Coryphaus to enter the Shadow. The Coryphaus could free something far worse than Blight, although there was also the possibility that he would free the Elven Gods.

In general, now absolutely all of Thedas believes that the elves fell into oblivion because Tevinter came and destroyed their holy capital - Arlatan. After completing the quest with the Well of Sorrow, it becomes known that the legendary Arlatan fell not from Tevinter, but because there was a war between the elves. Tevinter had nothing to do with this great fall. No one knows what exactly was the reason for the internecine wars. If you rely on the story of the Dread Wolf, then there is a version of what actually happened in Arlatan. Fen'Harel "closed" the Elven gods, after which Arlatan could not get help from them, so that they, in turn, saved them from the invasion of Tevinter, who was literally on the doorstep. Therefore, it can be argued that the elves fell completely through the fault of the Dread Wolf - Fen'Harel.

But even this theory has many "holes" and many questions to follow. It is well known in the game that Fen'Harel - the Dire Wolf is presented to everyone as a bad character. In elven history, he is also not nearly better. Codex also says that it is bad and does not resemble God's dandelion in any way.

Legends of Fen'Harel

So, for example, the famous legend "Slow Arrow" says the following:

Fen'Harel was asked to kill a huge beast. He came to the beast at dawn, saw its strength and realized that the beast would kill him if he fought with it. And instead, Fen'Harel shot an arrow into the sky. The villagers asked Fen'Harel how he would save them, and he replied: "Did I say that I would save you?" Then he left. At night, that beast came to the village and tore the soldiers, women and old people to pieces. He reached the children, and when the monster opened its huge mouth, the arrow shot by Fen'Harel into the sky pierced right into the beast's throat and killed him. The children mourned the parents and the elders of the village, but still thanked Fen'Harel for doing what the villagers asked. He killed the beast with his mind and a slow arrow, which the beast did not even notice.

There is another legend that says about Fen'Harel, but we hope you understand the general idea. He is described everywhere as "Terrible" and the following legend confirms this:

The word "harellan" among the Dalish means "a traitor of his kind", but until the Age of the Towers it did not appear in any Elven texts. Probably, it is related to the words "harillene" - "opposition" - and "hellaten" - "noble struggle". The Dalish call Fen "Harel the god of deception, but it seems to me that a more accurate translation would be" rebellious god ".

What if everyone's wrong?

But what if everyone is as wrong as they are with the fact that it was Tevinter who destroyed Arlatan? The Terrible Wolf, he is our Solas, cannot be perfect, since he is a real individual, especially since he did and did many bad things / deeds. But what if Fen'Harel's intentions were noble, and what if he had good reason to "shut down" the Elven gods? Solas had some dialogue with Sera, which you can read below:

“When you weaken the aristocracy, Sera, you will need to redirect your powers.

- Oohhh ... That again. Okay, so what should I do?

- Some of your forces, no matter how important they are, are not interested in anything except "defeat". Chaos. But they must create it without harm, or even leave, if necessary. You have to replace them and build new system, do all the dirty work that needs to be done.

- A? What? What kind of dirty work?

- It's up to you ...

As everyone knows, Serah is just one walking problem. And the fact that Solas is trying to mentor Sera is very noticeable. So is it possible that the Dire Wolf is bad is just a lie? And this will not be surprising, since the universe of the game was revealed in the first part, and the next two simply destroy all the built principles, legends and much more. Lyrium may still be alive. Perhaps the legendary Andraste is not who everyone thinks she is. Perhaps the elven race does not know their age-old history at all. Perhaps there is no Creator at all! Anyone who has ever tried to reject the theory about "Herald of Andraste" knows that the truth is not important at all, because people will continue to believe what they want to believe.

So with that in mind, let's look at the Dire Wolf from the other side. Let's assume that Fen'Harel is such an elven Robin Hood, something like Sera. He is not opposed to creating and glorifying chaos, if these actions have good intentions and purposes. But then the question immediately arises: "If Fen'Harel is not as bad as everyone claims, then what did he end up chasing?"

Solas's intentions

It is very difficult to think about what the game itself does not describe to us. It can only be said for certain that Solas is interested in the lost elven history. He has a personal interest in history, it is important to him not because there is a thousand-year history of the Elves, it is important because there are hidden evil ideas and intentions that he believes should not be known. At this time, when we assume that the Dread Wolf story is true, then the Mital story comes out just a lie. After all, it says everywhere that Mital was killed by the Dire Wolf, but if we watch the scene after the credits, it becomes clear that there is no enmity between them!

In the end, everyone sees how the Dread Wolf absorbs Mital, and this is hardly what enemies can do. Perhaps the Dire Wolf is actually the one who stabs in the back and all the tales about him are true. But again, it's hard to say all this without accurate information. No one knows who the Elven Gods were: some say that they are the Creators themselves, while others say that they are the same elves, only with unique magic. The only thing we know for sure is that Mital wants revenge, which Morrigan speaks of. From this we learn that the transmigration of the spirit can only be done with the permission of the "vessel". This then explains the final scene where Flemeth becomes dust. Most people perceive the post-credits scene as some kind of betrayal, but what if it isn't? As everyone knows, after the battle in the first part, Flemeth did not disappear and did not even die. Ferelden's hero thought he had killed her, but that was not the case.

You need to go down even deeper. So what were and are Solas' intentions? The orb that Solas gave to the Coryphaeus is just a key that helps connect with the Elven gods. What if Solas decided to go to the Abyss and contact them, but then the question arises - why? If he closed them in this place himself, why should he return them back?

Again, we get more questions than answers. We have to admit that the ending of the game is catchy and exciting. It is so interesting that with the knowledge of the Dragon Age universe, you start to think and dig even more. The most interesting thing begins right there, because everyone has their own thoughts and ideas, respectively, and different theories.

Fan theories about Solas

A user named Tumblr (Knight-enchanter) has written a very interesting article that deals with the Elven Gods. For starters, they may not have been gods. An example is the Inquisitor, who is considered by some to be a demigod or even a god. In general, in spite of everything, the majority claims that he is a saint, although he does not even have any "grain" of the power that the Elves had.

Based on this, we can say that these ancient elves were ordinary elves, and not gods, as many claim. But developing this idea further, it becomes much more difficult ... These elves could not be as "holy" as many claim, what if they were terrible representatives of their kind? What if they killed each other, unleashed battles, wars, sacrificed their relatives and much more. If so, then the Dire Wolf's activities are not so bad, and neither are their intentions. If there were such "gods" and they were terrible, then someone must fight them. From here you can find an explanation of what is happening in the Inquisition, because it takes a lot of energy to "close" the gods. So, in this regard, Tumblr (Knight-enchanter) writes this:

Unfortunately, his plan [to make things better by locking up the gods] fought back. Abelas tells us that Tevinter did not destroy the culture of the ancient elves at all - the ancient elves destroyed it themselves. Without their Creators, they started a war among themselves and destroyed themselves. And after many centuries, Fan'Harel woke up. He realized with horror what he had done, what his actions led to - elves are now slaves in Tevinter, live in elfinage, are persecuted and killed by people, or they hide in the forests as shadows of their own former greatness, clutching at the past, which in fact was completely different. He wanted to free them, but in the end they lost everything. Their history, power, culture, immortality and wisdom have sunk into oblivion. This is not what he wanted. He sincerely regrets what he did, and even says about it: "This is the mistake of the young elf."

He tried to fix everything by sharing his knowledge with the modern elves "Dalians", but as he himself says, they turned away from him, called him a madman, a deceiver, a fool. And he understands that modern elves are not his people, his people are ancient elves. This is why Solas is depressed and alone all the time, and Cole feels this pain when he touches Solas. Pain that he cannot heal, as Solas himself says.

The Dire Wolf wants to correct his mistake. He tries to use the orb to open the Eluvian and bring back the Elven gods, but he was too weak when he woke up. In desperation, he gave the sphere to the Coryphaeus, because he was powerful enough to use it.

And you know this version confirms a lot. For example, Solas's conversation with the Inquisitor, in which, having answered that you want to make the world a better place with the help of the Source of Sorrow, he replies to you that suddenly you will wake up, and everything has become much worse? From this we can understand that Solas is talking about his mistake when he decided to "close" the Elven gods with his good intentions. Solas's worries are clear and understandable, because he made a global mistake.

There is another interesting conversation: if you take Solas with you to the Temple of Mital, then he will begin to argue with Morrigan about the true goals of the Dread Wolf:

- And why is it here?

- Is there something wrong?

“This is an image of the Dire Wolf, Fen'Harel. In elven tales, he tricked their gods by locking them in the Abyss forever. Putting Fen'Harel in the Mital temple is blasphemous, just like drawing naked Andraste in a church.

- Some churches erect a statue of the traitor Andraste Meferata as part of the story.

- It can fulfill the same role. A reminder of the evil deed to believers.

“Despite all your 'designation', Lady Morrigan, you still equate legends and stories. After all, one cannot replace the other.

- I pray, tell us, our elven "expert" how to understand what this means?

- Certainly not just looking.

- When you argue, it seems that you are kissing now.

It is also very interesting when Cole talks to Solas. As everyone knows, Cole can read other people's minds. He does this in order to help. Cole constantly focuses on Solas. Below is one of the dialogues that occurs in case you have a relationship with Solas, while you take Cole to the team:

- Ar lasa mala revas. You are free. You are beautiful. But then you turned away. Why?

- I had no choice.

“She is in invisibility, she is surprised, and she does not know. She thinks she's to blame.

“You can't heal this, Cole. Please forget.

“Perhaps Cole can get a better answer than me.

- He is in pain, pain from the past, when everything was the same. You are real and everyone can be real. It changes everything, but it cannot.

- They sleep, hidden in mirrors, hidden, sick, and to awaken them .... (sigh!) Where did the thought go?

- Sorry, Cole. This is not a pain you can heal.

Cole here claims about the pain that has remained from the distant past. Of course, further there is a mess of words, but a certain meaning is formed from them, from which it is clear that we are talking about the Elven gods: "They are sleeping, hidden in mirrors, hidden, sick, and to awaken them ... (sigh)!" If you believe in the version of the rebel god, and the fact that the rest of the gods are "locked" in the Shadow, then the connection becomes clear. Solas is completely fixated on his actions and cannot continue further relations with you ... But this is not even the only example of where he says something interesting. Here are Cole's dialogues that relate to Solas:

If you are attentive for 50 seconds, then you will understand that someone there is called "pride" or "pride" and the point is that he has great pain. If you get involved in elvish speech, then Solas - translated into elvish means "pride". If you think about the quest "The Fruits of Pride", where you find yourself in the Elven Temple. Knowing the translation of the name of Solas, then look at everything in a different way and no matter how fun it was, but our Cole constantly, every minute, talks about the ending of the game.

In any case, there is another very interesting conversation, which is very much talked about. This dialogue can be heard at the very end of the game, Cole speaks it to you as usual and he states about Solas:

“Sorry, Cole, but with your gift, I'm afraid you might see my way, and I have to retire forever. This is my destiny. Indeed, I would not wish it on an enemy, much less the one I cared about. I know you have compassion. And I insist that you forget ... I ... um. What we were talking about? I am ready to help people, just like you.

So, based on this conversation, it becomes clear that he claims about Solas and through him someone speaks. And more, the speech is as if Solas speaks! Unfortunately, this dialogue says nothing about Solas's plan.


It is worth remembering that these are all just theories, therefore, depending on how you read it all, there may be differences. Many may disagree that Solas is the Dire Wolf, but it gets much more interesting when the rest of the players investigate. This is how you can hear the translation of Solas' conversation in the Shadow:

If you took Solas with you, then the demon will speak to him in the language of the Elves. You can hear one of the more accurate translations in the video. One has only to say that when fans cannot agree on a common point of view, then the ending is naturally perceived differently for everyone.

More theories ...

Here's another interesting theory that one of Reddit's people wrote. Let's call it "The Old God Theory". This theory draws an interesting line between the Old Gods and the dragons, who were once struck by the darkspawn during the time of Blight, thereby turning them into Archdemons - and the very Elven gods. So, based on this theory, there are seven Old Gods, in addition to this there are nine Elven Gods, but two of these nine are the Dread Wolf and Mital, which, by the way, were not "closed" in the Shadow. If we combine the legend of the Old Gods, who were once locked underground by the Creator himself, and the legend of the Dread Wolf, who, as everyone knows, locked the Elven gods, then we can come to one very interesting story! And immediately a new question arises, can these stories be the same?

The Old Gods had just appeared and Tevinter had just begun to flourish after the disappearance of the Elven Gods and the collapse of the Elven civilization. Oddly enough, but many of the mysteries of the Old Gods of Tevinter are very similar to the magic of the Elven gods. Which indicates that the Old Gods are a kind of Elven gods, excluding Mital and Fen'Harel ... The Old Gods are the heirs of seven disappeared gods from the Elven Pantheon. They are what is left of the gods after they have been "locked" or "killed".

Now let's take Flemet (aka Mital), along with the introduction into a dragon (a kind of Shell), take Morrigan, who drank the Source of Sorrow and turned into a dragon who can now fight the Coryphaeus, take Flemet (aka Mital), who has an interest in her son Morrigan, who is most likely the same Old God that lived in the Archdemon, who was defeated by the Hero of Ferelden, then the thought arises that the Elven gods are somehow connected with this (very heavily loaded with tautology).

Other sources of information

Some argue that Mor is closely associated with the Elven gods. Everyone knows that this Blight affects all Old Gods, but what if it is also related to the Elven Gods? Some argue that the golden city is Arlatan and as a separate place it never existed. And what if Pestilence is not a punishment for sins, as the Church says, but only protection from so that no one can get and free the Elven gods.

But again, this is just speculation. In the same source of Reddit, they also write something else interesting:

Flemeth says that the process of transferring the spirit of Mital must be voluntary. If we assume that these Archdemons are indeed particles of the ancient Elven gods, then it turns out that they can move into the soul of any spawn of darkness (after all, they serve their master) and, accordingly, fully recover, just like the Coryphaus did. It turns out that the Guardian who kills the Archdemon is the closest vessel for the spirit, because the guard drank the blood of the spawn of darkness. But at the same time, the Guardian does not want to let the spirit into himself, as a result of which the guard dies, the end of the pestilence comes, and perhaps the spirit of God also dies.

Yes, it might be complete nonsense, but just pay attention to how Solas relates to the Gray Wardens. He just hates them fiercely. From the very beginning it looks stupid enough, but if you dig deeper again, then the following theory arises: the purpose of the Gray Guardians is to stop the Pestilence and kill the Archdemon, if we assume that these dragons struck by the pestilence have a part of the Elven gods in them, then it turns out that The Gray Wardens deal with the Elven Gods without realizing it. This makes it clear why Solas is nervous. He "closed" the Elven gods in the Abyss, who come out in the form of Blight, and they are killed Gray Wardens so it becomes clear why Solas doesn't want you to rebuild the Gray Wardens Chapter.

After collecting such information, the given theories, it just starts a mess. Some say that Flemeth is a kind of Andraste, and the Dire Wolf, aka Solas, is the Creator. Others claim that Andraste is the brainchild ancient god by the name of Dumat (whose ritual Morrigan once performed with the Hero of Ferelden), based on this, she could "hear" the Creator himself. Yes, all these theories are very fragile, so we just have to wait for what they say themselves. The story definitely turned out to be incredibly interesting, so I would like to find out as soon as possible if at least one of the theory is correct or if everything can be much "deeper" ...

Some may argue that the information provided and the theories constructed are just nonsense, but they did not arise just like that, each version has its own "push". Even if at the end no one got a global battle, but everyone was able to feel the whole globality of the history of the world. The epilogue of the game is unrealistically cool, literally everything can be forgiven for this. You can scold the game for holes in the plot and spend hours rereading the Codex in the game, but still the last word remains with the studio and we all just have to wait to speculate and theories.

Characters (edit)

The appearance of one character made me happy. Morrigan. And this is certainly not the merit of the Inquisition. From everything else I wanted to skip as soon as possible, which in fact I did. The characters are just mediocre and disgusting. This is what we are seeing. DA: O is a sea of ​​interesting characters with whom it is interesting to talk and who are interesting to watch. DA2 - two ... two interesting characters that migrated from DA: O. You might not know about this, but Merril and Isabella were in the first part, and they were NPCs with whom you could exchange a couple of phrases under certain circumstances. Oh yeah, Varric wasn't bad. Local Gandalf - Flemeth, also takes quite episodic participation. And so we got to DA: I - one interesting character, and he is not "his".

Endless grind ...

All side quests are horrible solo MMOs. It looks like the developer is very proud of their combat system. The total 50 hours of streaming BEFORE the game is RELEASED speaks for itself. In fact, everything is not as good as it looks. No tactics, farming on weak mobs and calling some kind of raid boss - a dragon for an hour.


Well of course the main character- the chosen one. Not because he knew a lot or knew how, but just like that. I don’t know how they did it, but it was disgusting to me. This is a far-fetched sublimity and permissiveness. These wooden little men screaming - "O MY GOD - INQUISITOR!", "GLORY TO GODS - INQUISITOR!" Most of all infuriates - "It's up to you, inquisitor ...". Enrages because, in fact, it is not for us to decide what to whom and whom. You will come across 2-3 cases where we will decide all the same, but do not flatter yourself, you will not feel the consequences of your "decisions". It's all exactly what to choose with which towel to wipe - red or blue, and maybe ... green.

Final (S.P.O.Y.L.E.R.Y.)

The ending is banal and simple as five cents and to describe the feeling from the realization that I have passed this can be a short phrase - "Finally!". Of course, the chosen one saves, oh my God, the whole world from the invasion of the army of Satan. But suddenly a hint of something interesting! Solas (and who is this?) Disappeared somewhere, without saying a word, and the inquisitor reacts to it like this - "Okay =)". And then the post-credits scene - Solas is Fen'Harel. Skiddingschsch ... Like a shovel in the face. In this scene, Flemeth (aka Mital, the elven goddess, one of the creators of the world) gives the soul of the "ancient god", the soul of the archdemon (which she takes from Morrigan's son) - to Solas, the "dire wolf". The reason for this action is completely unclear. According to the lore of DA Fen "Harel is a local Loki, a traitor to the gods.

Walk your impressions and do not hide your grief over the killed series. We remember love...