Where to spend the Honorary Sign of the Second World War. Blue post: Honorary signs in Pvp: World of Warcraft. Description of the main Moscow award

The meaning of the awards is understood to everyone. One or another honorary mark is valuable in itself. He is just a symbol of recognizing good deeds, the heroic act of a citizen with a grateful society. And for the person himself, this is a bright memory, a reason for pride with its affairs. Let's see what an honorary mark is in general, and let's stop for an example on one of the most significant varieties in Russia. Let's talk about the award of honorary citizens of Moscow.

What is an honorary sign?

The subject of our conversation primarily applies to awards. This is the name of something issued by a citizen as a promotion of merit, special achievements and so on. Another important feature - along with this symbol, a certain social status is assigned.

What can be a reward:

  • premium;
  • grades;
  • prize;
  • valuable gift;
  • certain title: scientific, honorary, cultural, public;
  • diploma;
  • mark of distinction.

All of the above are appropriated by both state and public organizations.

Data varieties of signs

As for the honorary mark, this category usually belongs to the following:

  • The medal is a special symbol that is cast over the significant events, anniversary dates. This is a reward for achievements in various fields - science, defense sphere, study, manufacturing, culture, and so on.
  • The sign of distinction is one of the forms of promoting citizens who have achieved exceptional success in the labor, defense, scientific, economic sphere.
  • Order - State honorary award for special merit.
  • Cross - characterized primarily for Christian states. As part of the premium system, is intermediate in importance between the Order and the medal. Somewhere the cross is one of the varieties of the latter.

A citizen carries such a breast award not only as a decoration, but also as evidence of its own achievements, valor, noble personal qualities. Do not think that the honorary mark is primarily an object of self-help. The main role is a demonstration of a certain social status of the owner.

Sign of an honorary citizen of Moscow

The reward indicated in the subtitle is awarded the title carrier assigned to the Moscow City Duma. It may be a citizen of both the Russian Federation and another state. The main thing is to have a special achievement to the capital, conducting activities aimed at prosperity, well-being of the city and other benefit for citizens.

The award was founded in 1866. She was approved by the emperor himself, but at the same time did not give the owner of some special rights and advantages. It was canceled in the 1917th. The tradition of the sign of the sign was revived in the capital in 1995.

Description of the main Moscow award

Let's look at the symbol. This is a decatral star, which form golden rays divergent beams. In its center - a rather detailed image of the rider of oxidized material affecting the spear of the mythical creature. This is George Victorious and Dragon (Zmiy) - the main element

Bottom, the rider is framed by the same oxidized tape with the text: "Honorary Citizen of the city of Moscow". If you turn the award, then on the other side we will see the sequence number and the manufacturer's mark. Material - silver, including and gold-plated (on the rays).

On the product there is also a special eyelet and ring. With their help, the award is attached to the purple Muarova silk tape, the width of which is 45 mm. In addition to her, a citizen is awarded a reduced copy of the symbol, grades and a special certificate confirming the new social status.

Who is awarded the Moscow Honor Sign?

Let's see who can become the owner of this higher reward of the capital:

  • A person who became famous for his charitable activities whose fame is long-term and stable.
  • A citizen who committed a brave act for the good of the city.
  • A person who has developed his authority from Moscow residents with a long-term scientific, cultural, political, public, economic and other activities.
  • Foreign citizens award can be assigned to a number of other reasons.

We list a number of features of delivery:

  • An sign is not awarded a person who has an outstanding criminal record.
  • The award cannot be represented by a person who is the highest state official (category "A"). In addition, he has no right to her and within 3 years after serving from the service.
  • The sign of an honorary citizen of the city of Moscow is awarded only to those who agree to see themselves in candidates for the award.
  • The status is assigned for life, can not be withdrawn.
  • An honorary citizen of Moscow is not empowered for additional rights and obligations.

Let's now look at people who bear this award and proud title.

Honorary citizens of Moscow

The highest honorary sign of the capital was assigned to the following persons:

  • IN AND. Long;
  • I. D. Kobzon;
  • V. A. Sadovnichy;
  • L. I. Milgram;
  • V. I. Popkov;
  • A. N. Pakhmutova;
  • Alexy II;
  • G. S. Ulanova;
  • G. V. Sviridov;
  • A. Tom;
  • V. M. Golitsyn;
  • A. A. Bakhrushin;
  • P. M. Tretyakov;
  • N. I. Pirogov;
  • A. A. Shcherbatov, etc.

Honorary Sign - Certificate of the best human qualities, valor or the host of good deeds committed by a citizen. One of his brightest examples will be the honorable citizen of Moscow.

After updating the update 7.0.3, World of Warcraft players were confused: a new PVP currency was added, honorary signs, which is used to buy old PVP sets, however, since the current kits are already "outdated", they can also be bought For honorary signs.

The developers of the game on the official forum decided to clarify the purpose of honorary signs and why they were introduced into the game. As it turned out, in fact, they are simply one of the mechanisms of the updated transmogrification system, and not the main reward for PVP to replace the cleaned points of honor.

Official BLIZZARD ()

I would like to highlight some time to talk to you about honorary signs. Honorary signs are a secondary award system that allows players to extract old objects of objects and use them for transmogrification. Honorary signs are not at all the main way of obtaining equipment in PVP battles. Soon in the game there will be an updated transmogrification system, and we are confident that many players want to add old looks to their collection. Such objects of items used to purchase honor for glasses, which ceased to exist as a currency in Update 7.0.3. At first we wanted to allow players to acquire such equipment for gold, but in this case the process of obtaining it would be not interesting enough. Therefore, we added honorary signs to the game, allowing you to get PVP sets for transmogrification. Characters of the 110th level will be able to acquire equipment for honorary signs from a special seller. In addition, objects that cannot be used for transmograph (necklaces, rings and so on) disappeared from the range of existing sellers.

With the release of the update 7.0.3, innovations were added to the game, which are part additions Legion.and their number includes a modified PVP award system. In addition, Legion Characters of the 110th level receive points of honor. Characters who have not reached the 110th level, receive experience. Unfortunately, during the preparations for the exit of the addition, the characters of the 100th level cannot receive an experience as a reward, so now it may seem to someone that the participants for participation in PVP do not quite correspond to expectations. After the release of Legion's addition, the characters of the 100th level will receive experience, honorary signs and equipment as a reward, and the characters of the 110th level - the points of honor, honorary signs and equipment. The number of points of honor and experience depends on the success of the player in battle and the final battle. Even if your team loses, you can get more points of honor and experience, as well as increase the likelihood of receiving equipment, having experienced as much as possible to reduce the backlog from the opponent team until the end of the battle.

We do not wait to find out what impression will produce on the players new system Awards for level 110 characters. Continue to share with us your reviews - we will gladly get acquainted with all your ideas!

Prepared an article pro Honorary Sign - pvp view Currencies appearing in the addition of WoW Legion. We will tell you how to get honorable signs and what things you can spend.

If you read ours, you know that the glasses of honor finally removed from the game. For those who want to acquire old things (for example, for), came up with a new system.

Honorary Sign - a new currency for the purchase of an old PVP equipping, which was previously sold for glasses of honor. At the same time, objects that transmogrify cannot be - necklaces and rings - apparently left the assortment of traders forever.

How to get an honorary sign in wow

  • Safe Hero -On 110 level
  • Touched bad container with battlefield goods - up to 110 levels

At the moment Honorary signs are given only for victories.And the defeats are not provided for any award.

But this currency is tied to accountthat facilitates her farm. You can send signs to any character characters.

Merchants for honorary signs

Where are the merchants of equipment for honorary signs?

Players of both fractions can find equipment for equipment in Ashran:

  • Alliance: Marshal Gabriel (Ashran) and Holly Mactula (Wind Breed)
  • Horde: General EU (Ashran) and Malukka Song Light (War Spear)

What to spend honorable signs

Current Plots for Equipment and PVP Items:

  • 1 PZ - Equipment like belts, wrists, raincoats and capes, such as knight cape, for example. Also combat stands and low-level PVP stones.
  • 2 PZ - Personal Equipment for shoulders, hands, feet, left hands and shields.
  • 3 PZ - Equipment like helmets, chest and pants. Low-level design items.
  • 4 PZ - Inherited PVP Accessories.
  • 5 PZ - Personal Weapons.
  • 8 PZ - Inherited PVP Armor.
  • 10 PZ - inherited PVP weapons.
  • 12 PZ - equipment sets (for example, a set of equipment: silk armor of an unbridled fighter), an ancient Crown trimming for armor.
  • 14 PZ - vintage hereditary sheath.
  • 15 PZ - transport, such as the reins of the black combat savage.
  • 80 PZ - arsenal of weapons of a certain season (for example,

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Army of Light - This is a new fraction added to the game in the patch 7.3. Players will meet with her as soon as they fall into Argus. At the head of the Army of Light, the Supreme Exar Turalion stands, about whose fate for many years no one heard. He returned to become a witness to the fall of the Legion. In this guide, we will tell about how to pump a reputation with this faction and get interesting awards for this.

All names will be translated after the output of the patch.

1. Pumping reputation with the army of light in patch 7.3

Exploring the game files, we found references to the items tied to the Battle.net account and allow you to accelerate reputation pumping with fractions of split islands and argus. Methods for obtaining these items are still unknown.

  • Natrozihiy foliage manipulation increases the amount of reputation received with fractions of split islands by 200%. Time actions - 2 hours. The subject is intended for additional charactersWhose level does not exceed 109.
  • Demonic stone soul gives 1000 units. Reputation with fractions of split islands and argus. You can only use on argus. The subject is especially useful for new characters that require reputation with strange.

2. Tasks and reputation process

In this section, we will tell how to pump a reputation with the army of light. Reputation can be obtained for execution local tasks On Argus, tasks of the Oklota on Argus and weekly tasks.

2.1. Scene jobs on argus

Some plot tasks (for example, overwhelming power) give 75 units. Reputation, however, they are designed for the most part to gain access to local tasks.

2.2. Local tasks

The most efficient way to pump reputation with the army of light is the execution of local tasks. For each task you can get 75 units. Reputation. To open access to local sealing, you need to perform plot tasks (separate chain for each location).

  • Local tasks in the crocoune of the light and shadow in the crocoune.
  • Local tasks in Mac "Ari are pucks after performing the printing of waking up in Mac" Ari.
  • Local tasks in the Antorus open after the burning heart is fulfilled in the antorus empty.

Local tasks of the army of light can only be found in crocoune and antorous wastelands. In the poppy "army of local tasks of the army of light.

If you want to quickly pump a reputation, do not forget to use the Uuuuhukh effect! With the carousel of the New Moon Fair.

In addition, you can put the World Quests Group Finder addon to perform local tasks faster.

The addon allows you to find a group of players performing the same task, just two clicks.

For the task of the messenger of the Army of Light you will receive:

  • 1500 units. reputation with the army of light;
  • Light recommendation (artifact power);
  • Gold plated chest (standard bag from the messenger).

2.3. Tasks of the Ottop on Argus and tokens for pumping reputation

To open access to the tasks of the Optot and comrades on Argus (Crochel Equipment), it is necessary to task the memories of the rate of the dark-standing duration of 16 hours. The table with the tasks can be found on board Windows, according to coordinates 69, 54, so it is not necessary to return to the stronghold. By starting the starting task, you will access tasks with a reward in the form of tokens for pumping reputation.

We found in the game mention of the following tokens associated with the army of light:

  • The sign of the army of light gives 250 units. Reputation. Signs can be obtained when performing the tasks of the Optot.
  • Large light army sign gives 750 units. Reputation. It can be obtained as a reward for the task of the Messenger of Kirin-Torah (Kirin Torah Magi in Dalaran).

There are also signs that are tied to the account:

  • The sign of the army of light is a reward for the execution of local tasks.
  • A big sign of the army of light - the source is still unknown.

2.4. Weekly tasks

In addition to plot tasks, local tasks and tasks for the Optota, there are several weekly tasks, as a reward for the execution of which you can get a reputation with the army of light.

  • Reflection of the attack gives 250 units. Reputation.
  • The discharge of the commander-in-chief is a weekly task to kill the new world bosses with Argus. Award can get 350 units. Reputation.
  • For participation in the reflection of the attack and the collection of 15 guiding stones with Argus, you can get 250 units. Reputation and 150 shrouded argument.
  • Campaign support in Antorus Petrasons gives 75 units. Reputation.

3. Reputation "Ideal" with army of light

For every 10,000 units. The reputation obtained over the level of exaltability, the player receives the task of the supplies from the army of light with a reward in the form of a light recommendation (artifact power) and a luminous chest in which one of the Mountains-Elekkones can be:

From the chest also with a slight chance falls toy the sphere of light.

4. Reputation awards with the army of light

The name of the Army of Light is the name of Jaelaana Radiant. It can be found in Windows, by coordinates 43, 73. As payment it takes gold, a certain level of reputation is required to purchase objects. Talking with the trial, the character automatically reaches the level of reputation by the friendliness and receives the appropriate discount.

4.1. Indifference

The radiance of the Sun is currently sold to everyone, regardless of the level of reputation. A bundle of 5 shine sun costs 10 gold. This is a weak alcoholic beverage that gives the character pleasant flicker.

4.2. Friendliness

Jewelers can buy a sketch: mass sifting empirite for fast sifting empirite. Sketch is 9 gold.

Instructors can purchase equipment: a symbol of lighting light and produce a new symbol for priests. Technique costs 100 gold. The symbol turns the end of the darkness into the deportation of light.

4.3. Respect

Embroidery pelterine illuminated costs 500 gold and perfectly combined with equipment from the monastery of the triumvirat.

4.4. Hope

4.4.1. Recipes for professions

At the level of reverence, you can buy several recipes 2 levels. The cost of each recipe is 2000 gold.

  • Sketch: Empiric Corn Crown - a recipe for jewelers, teaches a level 885 woven helmet.
  • Sketch: Empiric Crown Depth - Recipe for jewelers, teaches the level of leather helmet 885 levels.
  • Sketch: Empiric Corona Elements - a recipe for jewelers, teaches a level 885 rollery helmet.
  • Sketch: Empiric Crown of Titans - a recipe for jewelers, teaches the manufacture of a level 885 level 885.
  • Recipe: Empiric Kirase - a recipe for Kuznetsov, teaches the production of a level bib 885.
  • Recipe: Demonic leather shoe shields - a recipe for leather shoes, trains the manufacture of leather leather levels 885 levels.
  • Recipe: Shipping from demonic skin - a recipe for tamothevniki, teaches the production of colts of 885 levels.
  • Recipe: Lightweight pants - a recipe for tailors, trains the manufacture of woven pants 885 levels.

4.4.2. The gift of the carrier of light

The gift of the bearer of light - a new version The gift of a bloody hunter for collecting initial Sargerite (version of Sargeras's blood from Patch 7.3). Sargerite is required to create items on new recipes. Using the gift of the carrier of light, you will be from time to time to find the wealth of light with the original Sargerite in the corpses of the defeated enemies. The gift of the bearer is 200 gold.

4.5. Example

4.5.1. Heb Cape

The stamp cape of the army of light costs 300 gold. It can be purchased from the internal after pumping reputation to the level of exalt.