What you can buy honors. New system of honor and title for PVP. Where to merge Honor and justice

Points of honor or Honor - a special currency in World of Warcraft, you can earn it, participating in expressions, killing representatives of opposite factions or performing specific tasks. Honor and for the murder of leaders of the opposite faction. Pts can be used to buy a special, which is distinguished by the availability of stability. Unlike the glasses arena, it is not reset between the seasons, so it can be saved.

Farm Honor in Wow

There are several major efficient pharmacies. I recommend choosing you exactly that the most suitable for you:

  • Game on bg in
  • Regular game on and performing quests
  • Performance daily tasks on a random field of battle or call to arms

Please note that at the moment there is a limit on the number of points of honor in WoW, which can be earned. This is the so-called cap, which is 75.000 points. All Honor, which you get above this threshold, simply disappear. Do not forget to spend it on the equipment on time.


You can get a lot for honor various items, among which:

  • PVP Stuff with stability. The purchased PVP equipment is almost always greatly inferior in the quality of the one that can be obtained by earning the glasses arena.
  • Recipes. Can acquire recipes for creating stones.
  • Gems. 10.000 Honor for the thing can be purchased unreacted gems
  • Other goods. Pts can also be purchased water, potions and accessories

I would like to note that mining, its exchange for precious stones with their further sale is quite advantageous

System of honor of honor encourages players participation in battles with other players. After winning other players and performing PVP tasks, players get points of honor, which can then be spent on a variety of rewards. There are 4 ways to earn goggles of honor:

Honorary Victory
. Killing leaders of fractions
. Perform tasks in the battlefield
. Performing PVP tasks in game world

Honorary Victory
You count the honorable victory if you kill the enemy player in the battle of an acceptable level. For each honorable victory, the player is accrued with glasses of honor. Obtaining points of honor for PVP is similar to obtaining experience for murdering monsters. There are several factors on which the number of points obtained:

. The level of victim. You will not get the points of honor for the player who is much lower than you. The name of the enemy player is displayed in color changing from gray to red depending on the ratio of your levels. The murder of the "gray" player will not give you points of honor, while the "red" player significantly exceeds you with the level. To obtain points of honor, the efforts should be focused on the players about your level ("green", "yellow" and "orange").
. Your level. The higher your level, the more points of honor you get for killing the players of your level. The character of the 70th level that killed in the battle of another 70th character, the level will get more points of honor than the character of the 40th level that killed the character of the 40th.
. Alone or in a group. Points of honor are divided between members of one group or raid in the same way as experience, but the raid finality on experience does not apply to honor points. Players whose level below the rest in the group receive fewer points of honor. It is also worth considering that players who are too far from the murder of the enemy, the points of honor will not receive (just like experience when murdering monster).
. Active participation. To get your share of honor points, you must contribute to the honorary victory. Participation in battle includes damage to the enemy, healing allies players and the use of an enemy control abilities (CROWD CONTROL).
. Presence. To get your share of honor points, you must be alive and staying near the murder of the opponent.

Leaders of fractions
The murder of NPC, which is considered one of the leaders of the faction, is awarded with a large number of points of honor. The points obtained are divided between single players, groups and raids who participated in the murder are proportional to their contribution to victory. All leaders are reborn two hours after death. Leaders include:

- Cairn bloody hoof
- Lady Silvana Windmaya
- Lor "Telev Teron
- Supreme Lord Bolvar Foldragon
- king magnesium bronze
- Supreme Druid Faddal Oleni Helmet
- Prophet Velen

Performing tasks on battlefields
Each field of battles have its own tasks, for the execution of whose points are issued. Any player can perform them and get prizes. The most important task on any battlefield, for the execution of which the greatest number of points is given - victory. Other tasks refer to specific battlefields. For example, on the Gorge of the War's song, the capture of the enemy flag will give prizes to all the players of the team that brought the flag. Tasks are fulfilling a serious source of points of honor, which allows you to score glasses faster than with a simple murder of opponents.

World PVP.
Azeroth, Cave and Nordskol provide enough opportunities to fight with other players outside the battlefields. PVP task In the game world, these battles stimulate, especially on PVE servers, where the risk is drawn in PVP battle is not so great as on the PVP server. For the execution of these tasks, players receive prize glasses of honor in the same way as on the battlefields.

Counting points of honor
After patch 2.4 no longer need to wait for the counting of points every night. Now the points of honor are credited instantly and can be spent immediately. The number of your points of honor can be viewed in the PVP tab of the Character window. There also displays the number of your honorable victories and points of honor earned on this day and day earlier.

Also in the game no longer applies the rule due to which the number of points of honor received for killing the same character several times in a row decreased. However, if the character perits 50 and more than one match on the battlefield, his further murders will not bring the points of honor.

Battle Fields: Instant Goggles
There are repeated quests "in a single impulse" (Alliance) and "Great Honor" (Horde) that allow you to pass Honorary signs For 314 points of honor. To complete the quest, it is required for one honorable sign from each battlefield: Alterak Valley, Nizna Arati, Gorge of the War Song and Oka Storm. If you have a margin of honorable signs, you can take them again and again and get the points of honor to acquire any item. Characters giving this quest are located in major cities near military leaders.

Battle Fields: Daily Quest
Every day you can perform a "daily" quest, allowing you to get additional points of honor for the victory on any battlefield. NPC, issuing this quest, are located in major cities near military leaders.

other information
. The murder of players under the influence of the "weakness after resurrection" effect does not bring the benefits of honor.
. Players can buy PVP equipment of excellent quality from sellers of various factions in the presence of the required reputation.

In the final assembly of the beta, new achievements associated with the updated PVP system were added, which developers mentioned earlier. Change as a system for obtaining levels of honor and awards for them and the distribution system of gladiator ranks.

Honor and awards

Prestige will not be! If we now accumulate the levels of honor, and we get prestige for them, then in Battle For Azeroth we just will be farm levels of honor. That is, prestige will be deleted as unnecessary.
The honor will be hurry as well as before - participation in PVP-content, murders in open world etc. According to a beta, it will be possible to download it almost "infinitely" because maximum level Consiss so far equal to 500. 500 levels of honor. It. Lot. And 25 achievements Legion for prestige will go to the category of cross and get it will not be possible.

All prestige rewards obtained in Legion will continue, and will also continue. Moreover, all glasses are honored (it is important, it is points that are glasses, not levels) from all characters account Summed and awarded anew, that is, the honor will be general for account. Why are glasses are summed up, not levels? Because by initial levels You need less points than high. Thus, if you have 5 characters with 1 level of prestige, which is equal to 50 levels of honor, you will not have 250 levels of honor in BFA.

Awards will be issued in achieving certain levels of honor. The developers said that now the rewards for honor we will receive more often than prestige, but! Judging by the table below, it will need more points of honor for pumping new levels than now, because otherwise the awards will be too much.

Honor level --- reward

  • 5 Level - Diligent Otemrapers / Diligent Hooks
  • Level 10 - Honorary Flag
  • 15 Level - Planned Bronze Skakun
  • 20 Level - Alliance Enthusiast / Fanatic Horde
  • 25 level - title worthy
  • 30 level - prestigious flag
  • 40 Level - Planned White Jackkin
  • 50 Level - The title is famous
  • 60 Level - Elite Flag
  • 70 Level - Malusted Azure Jump
  • 80 level - the title is inexorable
  • 90 level - revered flag
  • 100 Level - the title is uncontrolled power
  • 125 Level - Planting Forest Skakun
  • 150 Level - Malusted Royal Jump
  • 175 level - nice flag
  • 200 Level - title associated with honor
  • 250 level - glorified impact hill
  • 300 level - title

Arena and awards

A new for WoW will appear in the arena, but the rank system has already arrived and who has already arrived. With the growth of the rating, the player will receive new ranks, each will have their own name. For example, a rating of 1600 - 1800 - rank challenger, 1800 - 2100 - Favorite rank, 2100 - 2400 - rank duelist and so on.

And now the news for fans of steep titles! Good news! If earlier it was necessary to get into a certain and very small percentage of players in the world to get a certain and very small percentage of players in the world, now you only need to achieve a rank corresponding to this rank!

  • Challenger: Season 1 Battle for Azeroth - Reach Rank Challenger during the first season of the Battle Arena for azeroth.
  • Favorite: Season 1 Battle for Azeroth - Reach rank Favorite during the first season of the Arena Battle for Azeroth.
  • Duelant: 1 season Battle for Azeroth - Reach the rank Duelist during the first season of the Arena Battle for Azeroth.

Gladiator's title and Mount

It was easier to get the title of gladiator. Or not easier ... However, I (yes and almost no one) it still does not shine, but you need to tell about it! If earlier, again, it was necessary to get into this kind of a small percentage of players all over the world during one season of the arena, now you need to be in the rank of gladiator (most likely it will go right away for the duelist, that is 2400+), win 50 rating battles. For this, the player will receive the title "Gladiator" and Mount - Dread Gladiator "S Proto-Drake.

And in order to become the most best PVP player in the world and everyone learned about you, it will still be necessary to get 0.1% of the PVPSH. For this you get the title of Dread Glagiator.

Glasses of honor or how do you like to talk players Honor - PVP currency in WWN who lived without explicit changes before wow cataclysm. Of course to K. ataclism There were others pvp views Currencies such as: Arena glasses (Arena Points) Abbreviated AP, and a large number of different tokens, tokens. There is also a more valuable PVP currency - conquest glasses.

With the yield of the world, cataclysm is all old types of PVP currencies were converted to Glasses of honor (Honor)

To cataclysm In the cataclysm 1pc / Honor
Old Honor 0.024
Arena glasses 0.85
Honorary Sign of War Song Gorge 2.976
Honorary Sign Storm 2.976
Honorary Sign Nizna Arati 2.976
Honorary Sign of Ancient Coast 2.976
Honorary Sign of Alterak Valley 2.976
Coins of trading company 3
Sharp keeper 1,6
Honorary Sign of Lake Ice Okov 19,08
Shard of spirit 1

N and the moment the maximum amount of Honora, which you can get ( cap Honora) Makes up - 4000 points of honor. All glasses of honor that you get the above this indicator will be simply disappearing, so do not forget to spend your honor points on time.

We will turn to the frequently asked question associated with Honor in the Second World War

How to earn Honor? Farm Honora

  • Honor or Points of honor can be obtained by the immediate murder of the player of the opposite faction! For the Alliance, you need to kill the Ordynza and for the Ordentz - the Alliance.
  • Honor in Wow can also be obtained for killing the leader of the opposite fraction. (By the way, I definitely do not know why I could not go to kings yet. Honor is given or not)
  • You can earn participating in the battles on the fields of bg conjunction:

Immediately the question arose:
What kind of battlefields? What kind of bg in WoW?

Battlefield - abbreviated BG (From the English. Battle Ground) Battle Grand - a separate location in its type is similar to the dungeon. BG in WoW is created for the PVP fighting, that is, players against players. For killing igreki on bg you will get Honor

  • Also Honor can be obtained regularly fighting on open PVP locations:
  1. Tol Barad
  2. Lake Ice Okov.
  • You can assemble the raid to the capital of the opposite faction. Probably the most cheerful way of chonor farm - you just imagine a massive battle for example when a huge crowd of the alliance or hordes storms big City opposite fraction. After such assaults, there remains a bunch of skeletons that flooded the whole city, beauty, however, you can directly collect the screenshots in the date center photo.

Honor Farm in WoW is a very busy business. Endless bg. Siege of cities.

BG is of course interesting but gradually fed up, but of course if you win it always pleases and like things (for Honor) (link to PVP Shmot) can be gradually thanks to the points of honor.

Storming cities - gradually turns into a ladder from the cemetery to your corpse and even for 2 minutes you have to wait to resurrect, but if you are in the winning side, then it is probably the most successful version of the Honor Fama. That current is not very practical. After all, to collect so much the people for a hike to the capital of the opposite faction you will need a dozen of friends and cooging support. You probably have a few hours to collect enough players.

Farm Honor (Honor Points) WOW - This is an excellent option for acquiring epic prophetic (Honor)

A week of chonor farm and you are almost dressed in blue pvp germination.

So let's summarize: Honor is an integral part of the Second World War. Farm Honor is a good way to straighten your hands. Those direct preparation in the pharmacy arena and the rating fields of the ancient. About the arena and rating fields of battles, we will run in the next.

Successful hafma glasses (Honora) in the Went of the Cataclysm.

Honor, WoW, Cataclysm, Possibilities of Honor, Warm, Cataclysm

Today, for many characters in Warcraft reached the 85th level, the question is quite relevant: ' Where to spend extra glasses of honor and / or justice?'. And many who swinging on the BG, and up to the 85th level often rest in the maximum possible 4000 Honor, and do not know what you can do with them ...

But, since more than this value on one character do not accumulate, spend them on something you need. Otherwise, however, in vain ...

Everyone known to me ways of spending points of honor and justice
(hereinafter - Honor or Pts, and justice glasses, i.e. OS) in this note.

The most interesting thing is that the points of honor can now be changed on justice glasses, and vice versa at the rate 375 \u003d 250. Those. some losses are still there, but in any case, it increases the number possible methods spend them.

PVP stuff and trinkets 390 levels (merciless gladiator), as well as weapons 378, I do not take into account. Once you have extra glasses, most likely you have already acquired your character all that he needs. But perhaps you would like to try the second / third spec? Then drain the Pts or OS on the initial, or even 'test' equipment for another SPECA, can be a very best choice. Otherwise ...

Where to drain Honor and justice?

Let's start with primitive and finish the most original.

0 . All nonsense... In the capitals, there were kouschok speculators near the sellers of equipment, it is very expensive to us what is clearly cheaper. A certain way to drain points by default from Blizzard. Those who are more ways and does not know.

You can purchase ingredients for charms, coaling skin, an elementary ore, coal silk or bag with casaclysm herbs. But! Expensive! You can find these speculators in the same place where the gearboxes are sold. Options for honor and for justice are not even different at cost. We spend glasses on it or not on these things, you can only solve you. I left this way to the most, the most extreme case, so let him be under the number 0.

1 . Hereditary thingsaffected by account.
With the release of Cataclysm, yellow or frequently called 'Twinkle-Shock' 'rose in price, but as a way to drain extra honors and justice glasses, I put it first and basic. Why? Yes, because these things (as well as weapons and trinkets) are quite comfortable in that they change their characteristics, depending on the level of the character on which dressed, i.e. Grow together with him. Yes, and + 5% for experience from a bib, and another + 5% from the shoulders, save 1 hour of pumping out of 10. And if you add a raincoat and cap to them (available for gold, if there is a reputation with your guild), you get + 20% for pumping a new character!

It is worth noting that all hereditary things, like weapons are available in PVP and PVE versions, and are slightly different from their characteristics. Therefore, take those that suit you the most, depending on how going to download the character, in PVP or PVE content. Part of those part of these clothes, also a good option, in general, see themselves, compare and experiment. This way to merge extra glasses is suitable for everyone who is going to pump even one character.

Some counts. Shoulders and bib in the kit will cost you in 2125 × 2 \u003d 4250. One-handed weapon 2175, two-handed 3500. Trinket in 2725. Thus, a set (shoulders, bib, trunk) for 1 character will cost you 6975 points without weapons. With one-hander 9150, with two one-handers (horns, shamans) 11325, with a two-handed 12650. Two identical trinkets also work, so if you wish / possibilities, you can safely add 2725 more.

2 . PvP Changty on the cap and shoulders For 1 and 2 thousand Honora.
If PVP is not alien to you, if the stings of the 403th level (gladiator of the cataclysm) are not yet bought, Changty take you still have to. But even if this moment is already completed, think about it, it is possible that in the next update (fog of the pants), of course, new Chantes will appear, but at the time of pumping or dressing, a pair of PVP Chantes, the times of the cataclysm in the reserve, will be clearly not superfluous.

For those who have not yet reached the 85th level, in just 50-65 points of honor on the Lake of Ice Okov, you can purchase PvP Changty with worse characteristics (respectively), but the ability to use them from the 80th level. And for characters from the 70th level, PVP is available on the shoulders, for some 150 Honor (you can hang on hereditary shoulders, but the chunk itself will work only when the character reaches the 70th level).

3 . PVE Boots (for 1650 OS) and violation (for 1250 OS) 359-378 levels. In principle, today they are few people need, and if it is not possible to sell, for example, only the 85th apneuloves your alto, you can easily convey to him by mail these two things. Alternatively, you can simply spray them.

4 . Stones. At the Lake of Ice Okov for Honor, you can buy already filled PVP stones (not with the best stats, but better than quite without stones, which is so sorry for Gold, at the time of pumping or disguise), as well as recipes on them, available only to jewelers.

In Dalaran, in the jewelry shop you can buy stones of the level of the "King of Lich '" (crimson ruby, AMETRIN, Majestic Zircon, Jula Oco, Tsarsky Amber), 220 OS per 1st. These stones are in good demand, and perhaps on your server it will be the best way to make goldfish.

5 . High animals. In the capitals (where the PVP is sold there) offer 5 combat mounts (driving), every 2000 honor. The alliance is a horse, tiger, mehanodolgon, ram and electro, have a horde, a hide, a lizard, codo, wolf and horse-skeleton. In general, from each race (except goblins and worgen) by the Mount.

Reputation with factions is not needed! For the purchase of the first of them, you will get the achievement of 'Cavalry, Forward!'. The following will be useful for the collection, and obtain the following achievements, such as 50-100 mats.

Also on the Lake of Ice Okov for 2000 Honor, they sell 'reins of black mad mammoth', in addition with the achievement of 'Black Mammont', and in the foothills of Hillsbrad on the base, where there is an entrance to the Alterak Valley, you can buy, for the same 2000 Pts' martial The hint of the thunderstorm top ', and also get the achievement of the same name.

Mei Frankis in Dalaran will help you to save you from 2175 OS, selling 'reins of a woolly mammoth', for which you, of course, get another 10 Honored Achich Points.

At 14,000 Honora and 2175 fairness (or at the rate) you will be withdrawn, after purchasing all this transport, which is by as many as 8 units, bring you to achieve any 100 rubles, and have 100 horses'.

6 . Coat of arms. Several coat of arms are available to you for the points of honor, which can be useful to achieve a 'representative', and following it '10 and 25 coat of stammes.

Where to buy capes for honor, look by names: Private / Scout Cape (Alliance / Orda) for 50 Pts, Knight / Stone Caution Cape for 100, Cape Sred Called / War Songs for 2059, and Thunder Top Cape / North Wolf for 2679 Honora.

Calculation: We can no problem on these 4 capes (except greed or savings) to lower 4888 points of honor.

7 . Things and Weapons for Trasmogrification. As for Pts and OS, a lot of old things that can be modified to modify their character, making it more unique, and in its pretty (or on the contrary, you are taking out!). You can pull the glasses into this case almost infinitely. If a appearance I liked things very much, I recommend to keep it for the future, because, by selling her for Gold, next time you have to buy it again for glasses.

Sellers can be found in all cities, including neutral (Shattrath and Dalaran), as well as in Pustretrati, where you can buy many old beautiful PvP things for Honor, but ... Only if you have achieved certain success in the arena.

8 . Gold! Gold lovers calculated that for the exchange of glasses of honor to Gold, the most profitable option today, this is the acquisition for 105 points of honor of the "clarifier of the tower gladiator '(dagger 154 level, for characters from 70 LVL).

When selling vendor, he buys him for 16 gold 7 silver and 39 copper coins. You can buy them as much as you like, sell, too, the main thing to wait an hour, as when trying to immediately sell it, you will receive your points of honor back. This feature is available to all players from the 70th level. With uncomplicated calculations, it turns out that for 4000 Honora we can buy 38 daggers (10 Honora still remains), and sell them for 610.8082 Gold.

Monetization of Honor through the purchase of the dismemberment will bring you 610.8 Gold almost in the cap. Compare the fact that they offer speculators from Blizzard, and decide what is more profitable for you.

9 . Enchanthers! Charging Charch profession is a good opportunity to purchase any item 378-390 levels, for the minimum 750 points, for further spraying it into the whirlpool crystal. Easier and do not come up with.

10 . Battle Stand! The fans of the BG are having fun! Make yourself and other pleasant, 500 Honora can be spent on the standard, the installation of which for 2 minutes makes members of your group more than life (+ 15% to endurance). In fact, the thing for fan, but at the right moment is able to save the situation.

And do not forget about the possibility of sharing OP on OS and back at the rate 375 \u003d 250. It is certainly unprofitable to use her constantly, but if you miss something for some glasses, and there are many others, then this opportunity can be very by the way.

The glasses of conquest and glasses are still relevant, so the problems where they are spent, and do not see the horizon yet. Only one thing is surprising, why the valor (top PVE glasses) can be changed on conquest (top PVP), at the rate 250 \u003d 250 by the way, and on the contrary it is impossible?

Here in principle and all 10 ways, more or less profitable investment of Honora and OS, which I know.

p.S. Screenshots are made on the part of the alliance, the horde is in general, in addition to some names and names of sellers, which I tried not to mention. Himself will find! I only gave you advice so that extra glasses did not disappear in vain.

If you know some other interesting options, write comments!