Adventure board games. Phillie's fairytale land

We are sure that if each of you is asked to look back and remember the most fun, unexpected and exciting adventure, then you will immerse yourself in memories for a long time and you will not be able to immediately determine what was that number one. And this is even wonderful, because the richer our life is in bright memorable events, the more pleasant it is.

And if it so happened that there were no exciting adventures in your life, we are ready to provide them. Peace board games- the place where you can't get away from adventures, even if you try very hard!

Only the brave conquer the seas!

The heart of the adventurer does not care what he is striving for and where in a hurry! In this case, the main thing is not the result, but the process. What difference does it make where your boat ends up taking you if, while sailing in it, you overcame a storm, caught a lot of fish or saw merchant ships? Hearing the call of adventure and walking along it is a real pleasure!

Take part in a dangerous race of sea wolves around the coast for the right to call himself the main pirate of all time? - Yes Easy! Chase a lost island in the Caribbean in search of countless chests with honest loot ... good earned? - Sure, not a problem! Convince everyone that you are a marine, boldly claiming not just part of the treasure, but the whole treasure? - Consider done! Become one of them to plunder heavily armed battleships, merchant ships with full holds and light fast frigates? - We're in a hurry!

Adventure - they are like sweet, just ate one candy, as you want more and more, and then try to stop! Unless, if you run away somewhere, and even then peace there will only dream, if, of course, you fall asleep, which we personally do not recommend. The Forbidden Island is not such a heavenly place as it might seem at first glance. The soul of the island, guarding the hidden wealth, does not like strangers and will try to get rid of them as soon as possible. Get rid of you!

All that remains is to find an island quieter and quieter, settle on it and become, extract the resources necessary for food and survival in general, and if you're lucky, then also meet a friend - Friday, who will keep you company. In short, not an adventure, but a dream!

Again and again

And you know how adventures in the world of board games differ from those in real life? They can be experienced over and over again! Let different people share these bright events with you at different times, and each new game of your favorite game will be somewhat different from the previous one, it doesn't matter! This even has its own taste, its own zest.

In addition, board games do not require good weather, comfortable shoes, pockets full of money or multiple entry visas to neighboring countries (and not so) abroad. If you have friends and family with whom you can spend a couple of pleasant evenings playing board games - you are already rich! Isn't this an adventure?

It is rightfully the leader in Europe among the manufacturers of children's toys. Djeco values ​​absolute freedom, which is why they come up with funny games and toys that can give dreams, make them laugh and help in knowing the world.

In Russia, this brand is also a favorite among buyers. Let's see why?

The Djeco story is the story of a family business. The company was founded in 1954 by the mother of the current owner of the company, Frederick. Working as a counselor in a children's camp, she independently invented educational toys for children, and then began to create them for her children.

The first games that the company released were bingo, dominoes, memory games, puzzles and card games... This is the beginning of the history of the country of adventures Djeco! The company's beautiful, smart and fun games were a huge success, winning four Toy Oscars in the 1960s. Since 1970, for almost 20 years, the company has been in a state of stagnation. In 1989, Frederick revived the family business. He traveled extensively and studied culture and traditions. different countries wanting to find the secret of the best toy.

In 1997, educational toys of exquisite design, which had not been used before, were released - Djeco became a "trendsetter". Already in 2006, the manufacturer's toys began to be actively purchased by the countries of the European Union, and then the whole world. Today the geography of Djeco is more than 60 countries. The secret behind the popularity of Djeco toys lies in their special aesthetic qualities, design, graphic art and artistic style. Child psychologists and teachers take part in the development of products, and modern French artists are involved in the design of toys.

Left: velvet forest coloring. Right: Dinosaurs paper figurine kit

The production facilities of the French company consist of five large factories, equipped with modern equipment. In addition, Djeco owns a research and development center where new models are developed and existing models are improved. All Djeco products undergo the strictest controls and numerous tests, ensuring complete safety for children.

Interesting fact: Djeco games and toys are exhibits of prestigious museums - the Louvre and the Quai Branly Museum in France, the Prado Museum in Spain, the Tate Gallery in the UK, and the New York Museum of Modern Art in the USA.

The range of the brand is constantly expanding and updating. Today it has 2,000 different models. Let's go to Djeco country right now and get acquainted with the company's products. Ready? Then welcome to this wonderful world!

Let's start our amazing journey with wooden educational toys for toddlers. These include inlay frames, cubes and pyramids, sorters, hammers, developmental labyrinths, wheelchairs, constructors, etc. All wooden toys of the brand are environmentally friendly, pleasant for children's hands, and contribute to the development of tactile sensations.

Djeco specialists are convinced that the formation of imagination, imaginative thinking, creative skills is an important component child development... In an effort to support and develop the creative inclinations of children, the company's specialists create sets for creativity, amazing in their beauty and originality: sand pictures, origami, appliques, coloring with sparkles, velvet coloring (Velvet coloring "Forest"), sets for creativity with buttons (Set for creating figures from paper "Dinosaurs"), etc. Kits for creativity delight all parents, and they enjoy spending time with their children for exciting games and modeling.

Left: the board game Domino Farm. Center: board game “Associations. Animals ". Right: logic game "Topologik"

Drawing kits occupy a special place among the manufacturer's products. Colored pencils, crayons, glitter, gouache, pastels and watercolors are far from full list the means by which Djeco experts invite toddlers to express their creative imagination.

Board, educational, card games for children, puzzles - this is another strong direction of the company. By the way, Djeco was one of the first to release board games specifically for toddlers. Her loto, memo, dominoes (Children's board game "Domino Farm") have already become classics.

The range of the company includes more than 100 board games aimed at training and development cognitive abilities- associative thinking (Board game "Associations. Animals"), memory, imagination, attention and speed of reaction, logical thinking (Logic game "Topologik"), etc.

Djeco jigsaw puzzles differ from jigsaw puzzles of other manufacturers by their visual aesthetics, colorfulness and unmatched quality (Puzzle "Kitten and Friends").

Djeco also has one more interesting direction - musical instruments... Check out their incredible guitars, tambourine, harmonica, whistles, xylophones (Xylophone "Animambo").

Left: Puzzle "Kitten and Friends". Right: Xylophone "Animambo"

And finally, role-playing games(wooden kitchens and dishes, workbenches with tools), magic tricks, children's room decor (wigwams, lockers, bedside lamps, toy boxes), dishes for children, active games- all this is the world of Djeco.

Now let's summarize and highlight the main advantages of the brand:

  1. European quality toys.
  2. Classic toys in an unusual design.
  3. Original French design.
  4. Wide assortment and development of new products.
  5. Russified packaging and instructions.
  6. A wide range of product categories, from toys to children's room decor.
  7. Wide target audience - children from birth to 12 years old.

Djeco products are primarily aimed at aesthetic education and the development of a sense of beauty in children. High-quality toys actively influence the harmonious development of the child and accompany him from birth, continuing to delight him in adulthood.

Hurry up and launch your Djeco gecko into the house, which will certainly bring a lot of joy to your children!

Do you want to visit magical world? Walk through the enchanted forest and help Philly, the queen of fantastic horses? And at the same time take part in a fun competition with friends and find out who will be the first to fulfill the royal order? Then get your friends together and go in search of adventure!

The game is based on a classic walker, where players roll a dice and move pieces by the appropriate number of cells. These games are easy to learn and loved by many children. But the creators of this board slightly changed the mechanics, and now we have before us a much more interesting version of the game, in which you need not only to recklessly roll the dice, but also to call on logic and make decisions. At the same time, the game remained fairly simple. A beautiful field and figures of magic horses will delight everyone who is not allergic to pink.

This is how the game goes

Before the start of the game, round pieces with the image of various magical creatures are inserted into the base of the plastic figures of the trees. These figures are shuffled and placed on special cells of the field. All players choose horses according to their shape and put them on their starting position on the square of the village. After that, the players draw cards with royal decrees and find out who they need to find in the forest. On his turn, a player rolls two dice. After that, the player chooses one of the two rolled values ​​and takes the corresponding number of steps forward or backward. The goal is to fulfill the royal decree and find the lost animals described in it under the trees before anyone else.

Who will rate this game

  • Players from 6 years old,
  • Philly horse lovers,
  • Little strategists and big dreamers
  • Everyone who loves pink and beautiful games
  • Connoisseurs of walkers who have already been eaten by a dog at games with standard rules.

Set composition

  • Playing field,
  • 5 figures with stands,
  • 7 plastic figurines of trees,
  • 7 cards,
  • 7 chips
  • 2 cubes,
  • Rules of the game.

The opportunity to spend an evening with the family, chat with family and friends, enjoy intrigue will allow board games adventure... Their choice is very wide and everyone can find an adventure to their liking. The advantage of such entertainment will be not very high demands on the expenditure of intellectual resources, this is not chess, so they are suitable for the whole family, for a friendly company of any level, the restriction can only be for very young children.

Play while traveling and exploring the world

Adventure-themed games can be based on both well-known historical plots and their own game worlds, but their advantage is that no special knowledge of the background story is required. You can buy the game and immediately start an exciting journey. Play can be from two to seven to eight players, the maximum number is limited by the rules. One game takes two to four hours, just for one family evening, but some games can take six to ten hours, for example, Carcassonne. It all depends on the plot and the speed of decision making by the players themselves.

There is a huge variety of such games, millions of new adventures are developed every year all over the world, many of them are published and translated into Russian almost immediately, so the domestic consumer can choose from a very wide variety of plots and plots

Board adventure games are not cheap, but neither are they very expensive. Their price will fluctuate between two and three thousand rubles, but the most challenging games with good printing and a lot of accessories and add-ons, they can cost significantly more.

They are divided into three large groups.

  • adventure game series consist of games created on the basis of their own game universe, they, as a rule, consist of several games related only to the game space. These are such series as "Munchkin" or games based on the D&D universe, such games are more suitable for adults, as sometimes they are based on rather dynamic, but aggressive plots. For example, do not offer children the popular "Zombicide";
  • independent games in the top and most popular category. Among them are "Relic" or "Carcassonne", a favorite game of fans of gaming magic;
  • games-books, in which the book participates at the same time with interesting plot and gaming accessories... Here we can mention the books-games by Dmitry Braslavsky, for example, "The Path of the Hero", these games are especially suitable for children, as they increase their knowledge of history.

How to choose your board game?

It is not difficult to choose your game from this variety, the main thing is to game world interested all participants in the new adventure. Any online store will offer a wide variety of such board games, the assortment is regularly expanding, so constantly diversify your leisure time. In addition, for lovers of a serious approach, there are sites that will tell you about all the possibilities of adventure games, give additional information about the game itself and the game world.

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