The Force Unleashed Walkthrough Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Ultimate Sith Edition: Complete Walkthrough. “Kato Neimodya. Western vault "

What can be said about “ Star Wars"So as not to seem banal? I think nothing. Everything has already been said. There are no people who are not familiar with Vader and Luke, and if somewhere at an altitude of 6000 meters among the Tibetan ridges there are such unfortunate people, then it does not hurt them and they need it. Everyone else will probably be interested in learning about a new manifestation of power called Star Wars Force Unleashed... I suggest you stop talking and start wielding a laser sword, and I will try to help you if possible. So, we begin our walkthrough.

Tie Fighter Factory

Well, let's get down to training. Starting with the Tie Fighter hangar, you will be taught how to wield a sword, how to fight, and how to use power. At the very beginning, you need to destroy two groups of enemies, among which, of course, there will be attack aircraft. When it's done with them, let's complete the bonus mission. To do this, you need to destroy five tie-fighters. Using force, you can push them off the launch rails and they will explode.

Now, to get out of the hangar, apply force to the two switches at the door to activate them. The door will only open when both switches are activated. Then go outside and go forward to the control tower. Cross the bridge and go up one level. Then keep walking forward. Your target is a black door in the distance. As soon as you pass through it, the checkpoint is activated.

Here you will have to avoid the tie fighters, because you cannot destroy them yet. You don't have the power to throw lightning.

The next location is the control rooms. Everything is very simple here. Go ahead, just be careful, you will have to deal with several heavily armed enemies. By breaking windows, you can easily kill enemies, as they will be pulled out, but if they die before you deal them any damage, you will not receive bonuses. They can also be thrown into the laser field.

Having dealt with the Vargs, you need to think about how to turn off the field. It is very easy to do this, you need to deal with the generator, it will be highlighted, so you can easily find it. Move on. In this room you will have to jump, but before you start climbing, let's destroy the enemies above. It is very easy to do this by applying force to different objects. They can be pushed and thrown at enemies, so you clear your way. A little further you will have to face the AT-ST for the first time, this is a pretty strong enemy, but if you leave a few shooters, they will distract attention to themselves, and you can easily win.

On the left there will be an exit through which you can get to the cockpit. There is nothing special to do here, you can just collect bonuses and move on. As a result, you will come to the first boss, he will be General Kota.

Cope with it, in general, is easier than the lungs. He is vulnerable to manifestations of power, you can safely throw all kinds of things at him. All of this can make him look great. The only thing to be afraid of is a green force field. As soon as you notice that it has activated, and the power has increased, it means that Kota is now attacking you. Get out of the line of attack immediately. Also note that at this moment he is invulnerable, so you don't even need to try to attack him.

When his life is reduced to half, one curious event will happen, I will not spoil the pleasure. I will only note that it is better not to stay on the floor, it will become red-hot. But you can turn this situation to your advantage, put the boss on the floor and he will lose his life. After you finally defeat him, do not forget to press the finish button - this is important, since simply resetting life to zero is not enough (this applies to all the following bosses).

Rexus prime

You need to get to the central part of the core, for this it is enough to activate three mechanisms, they are marked, so you will not miss. There is also a bonus task here - to destroy ten Scythians. Just cut them with a Jedi saber, and you will be happy.

It is much more important to collect orbs of raising the level. Invest bonuses in lightning throwing, defense and combos using force.

Having opened the passage, go inside and pay attention to the ceiling, there is a hole. If you have collected all the bonuses, you can go through it to the next location.

Pick up a piece of metal plate, it will protect you from falling molten pieces of metal. Then you have to fight a little with the enemies if you want to get to the heap of metal. Here you can find a turbine, throw it at the turret. Only this will work, throwing something else is pointless. Jump forward through the hole. Now we just move forward, there will be no branches, so don't get lost.

When you get to a large crack, be careful, enemy arrows are waiting for you. You need to cross it carefully. Seemingly at the door, use force to open the passage.

In a short video you will be shown the further route. You need to go there to turn off the laser field. To do this, take the elevator down to the generators. You have already turned off the field once, here we are doing the same. By using force, you can easily cope with the task. Return to the force field where you will see that it is disabled. Come forward.

A mini-boss titanium is waiting for you in this zone. There is nothing complicated in it. Run back to the left side of the location and use the lightning bolts (if you have them). Before the battle, it's also a good idea to run a little forward and take the damage bonus, so you can more easily defeat the enemy. Walk forward and apply force to a piece of ship, adapting it instead of a bridge.

Go forward, killing droids along the way. Be careful, as there is another mini-boss ahead of you, like the one you just fought. Try to save maximum life in the battle with him, since immediately after that you will have a battle with a real boss.

Kazdon Paratus is not as simple as General Kota. Dealing with him is more difficult, as he blocks almost all of your attacks with a lightsaber. You will have to destroy it with the help of force. You can throw objects at him or hammer him with lightning. The latter option is ideal, but only if you have pumped the restoration of strength, it will be difficult without it. Throwing objects is not so effective, but, nevertheless, it breaks through his defense. Watch also for the droids, which he periodically calls, they can not deliver a lot of trouble, but they distract you from the main goal.

There is, however, one positive point in the constantly appearing reinforcements. By killing enemies, you thereby restore life and so you can survive in the battle. Yes, of course, do not forget to hit the finish button at the end, otherwise you will have to fight again.


This is a very small mission and very simple, besides. So, make your way through the forest, remembering to look around in search of bonuses. Go to the tower, there will also be a couple of bonuses. Keep going forward until you find yourself in the forest again.

Be careful, you must first of all destroy the shamans, do not be distracted by simple enemies. Shamans are the primary target. Note that when you approach them, they will teleport somewhere farther from you. You have to shoot them with lightning - this is the best option.

Go through the tunnel, and after getting out, immediately kill four rancor, this additional task this mission. Continue making your way through the caves, avoiding the berserkers and eliminating any shamans you meet. When you find yourself on the platform with rancor, destroy as many as it takes to complete the bonus building. Explore the area to collect bonuses, and then move on.

The boss fight, Shaak Ti, will be very easy if you're careful. She loves to use force to knock you over and thereby disrupt your attack and of course damage you. It is imperative to avoid these attacks by simply jumping to avoid getting into the strike zone. Squeeze her, gradually decreasing her health.

The second part of the battle will be a little more difficult, since you can be attacked by giant tentacles, the main thing is to run forward to what lies on the ground, so you will not receive damage from the rest. If you get hooked by such an attack, you will either lose almost all your health, or, more likely, simply die. At the end of the battle, do not forget to finish off the boss by pressing the finish button.


Get out of the laboratory by smashing the glass. Apply force to the energy core to the right of the laser-protected exit. Go outside and make your way past the protective containers. Exit into the corridor and continue moving forward to the door. Go inside to meet the mini boss. It makes no sense to fight with a sword - it is long and difficult, because he successfully blocks most attacks. You need to use zippers, this will be the easiest. Also there will be "EVO", they must be destroyed. Just keep in mind that they are not susceptible to lightning, you will have to use a different type of force.

To save Juno, the laser field holding him must be turned off. To turn off the field, you need to deactivate two energy cores, next to the bridge. Please note that they will be guarded. When the field is disabled, be sure to search the area for bonuses. Once you get to Juno, the mission is complete.


Immediately it is worth starting the passage of the bonus task. You need to freeze ten Imperials in carbonite. Two freezers are located next to you. Pay attention to the soldier in blue armor. Gently, with the help of force, transfer them and lower them to the floor in the place of freezing. Be careful, if you kill them, the task will not be counted. Keep repeating the freeze until the enemies run out. Now you can go to the docks.

Go to the docks, a real ambush awaits you here. It will be difficult to advance, since you will be attacked not only by soldiers, but also by snipers. First of all, deal with the snipers, they pose the greatest threat. You can find bonuses upstairs, try not to miss them. In the end, you will have to fight the shadow guard. This is an extremely dangerous guy. Pierce it normal attack using a saber will not work, he is very well defended. You can, of course, use complex combos, but they do not always work. The best solution is to use zippers, this will be the easiest way. But keep in mind that when he attacks you, it is better not to shoot, but to defend. Get out of the line of his attack. Note that he can also use force against you, so be careful. At the end of the battle, you will need to finish him off, but, unlike past bosses, here you have to press two different finishing buttons. Be careful not to miss the moment of appearance.

Imperial Kashyuk

As soon as the mission starts, turn left and run towards the bonus. You can take it only before the start of the video. Then you have to fight the advancing enemies, be careful, they explode. Then you will be attacked by "AT-ST", it must be destroyed with the help of lightning. That's it, now you can move forward.

Once outside the first gate, you will be able to complete the bonus task of this mission. You need to destroy the communication tower. Get rid of the grates, and then shoot electricity at both generators to overload them. As a result, you will receive a bonus that you can spend on whatever you want.

Go through the next gate and deal with the guard in red armor. Search the area for bonuses, and then go to the blue door to meet the princess.

In this location, you need to search the sniper nests, there may be bonuses, and then free the Wookiees. To do this, you need to slash with a lightsaber at their metal cages. Deal with enemies, Wookiees will help you. If they get killed, don't be discouraged, keep moving on. The Wookiee prison is guarded by a shadow guard - the same creep as the one we killed in the last mission. Use the same tactics as in the last mission. Having dealt with him, go to the prison.

Just go ahead. Destroy power cables to disable laser fields. Please note that enemies can be thrown into these fields, this is the easiest way to kill. Yes, in some cells you can find bonuses, so if you want, you can search.

In the final part of the mission, there will be many enemies, and you still need to destroy seven supporting columns. The only plus is that you can hide behind them from enemy fire. In general, this part is designed for your reaction, try not to stand still and use force more often.

Imperial Felucia

Go to the end of the bridge and stop between it and the stone wall. Double jump to get to the bonus. Then go to the canyon, there will be many "EVO" enemies, but you already know how to deal with them, everything will be fine. When AT-ST appears on the stage, cross the canyon to find yourself on the other side. Punch a hole in the stone wall and you can get into the next location.

The bonus task is to free the prisoner. To do this, you need to cut all three chains that hold it. Then activate the three generators. As a result, you will find yourself inside Sarlaak. Only Felucians will be there, so you shouldn't have any problems. You need to somehow get past the open mouth, for this just power the generator and run past the mouth when it is closed. Go to the very end and get out of Sarlaak through its cesspool.

Once outside, you have to cross the battlefield. Your goal lies ahead - this is a cave. At the end of the tunnel, a boss will be waiting for you, so try not to waste your life, it will be quite problematic to restore it later.

Here you will find two bosses at once. Well, the first one - rancor - is pretty easy to deal with, be patient, you just need to jump and attack with a throw lightsaber... it best tactic... But dealing with Maris is not so easy. Here you need to try to get into close combat. With the help of electricity, you must shock her in order to get close and finish the job with a sword.

Imperial Rexus Prime

Just destroy everyone in a row and move forward. I don't even know what to advise here. A trivial ruby ​​is waiting for you ahead. No tricks, just chop everyone in a row and use force from time to time. You need to get to the imperial landing base. Kill everyone in front of the entrance to open the doors.

Go inside, not forgetting to collect bonuses before that, and take the elevator. Collect bonuses, and then go to the main room. Here you can complete the bonus task. You need to destroy the landing beam tower. To do this, it is enough to light the five red control panels with electricity. To go further, you need to deal with two force field generators. As soon as the field turns off, go ahead.

Take the elevator and go downstairs. Here you will need to jump over a large gap, and then defeat the enemies. Immediately after this, you will encounter a boss.

You will have to fight with the proxy. The proxy will take the form of Maris, Shaak Ti, shadowguards. You just need to be on your guard and fight. Remember how you fought with the originals, you can do the same with copies. Somewhere in the middle of the battle, the enemy will take on the form of Darth Maul. His attacks do double damage, so try not to get hit. The best way to do this is to grab it with force and then toss it somewhere. After the victory, go to the next room.

Electrify four control points on the rail cannon and kill the remaining enemies. After that, we have to fight the tie fighters. They must be destroyed with lightning. Then you have to destroy the "Star Destroyer", for this you will need to capture it with the help of force. Kota will tell you the moment to attack, so listen carefully. At some point, new tie fighters will appear and attack you. Run back, hide in cover and start destroying them. Then repeat from the very beginning and so on until you destroy the "Star Destroyer".

The Death Star

At the very beginning, you will have a powerful battle with everyone in a row. There will be imperial soldiers, snipers, commanders, and shadow wars. The fight will not be easy, but fortunately you have already faced all these enemies before, so you know how to destroy them. After the battle, jump down into the fire tubes.

You will have to stay here for a while, so here is my advice, in no case touch the energy beam - this is one hundred percent death. Move forward, constantly checking the map. You need to move towards the exit from these tunnels. There will be two enemies closer to the exit, but you should defeat them easily.

In the next room, you will see three rings. If you touch them as they move, you will die. Wait until the energy beam disappears. Then, with the help of force, stop the rings and quickly run to the other side.

But in this room, the rays are collected into something terrible, more precisely into the very ray that crumbles the planets. Naturally, if you touch even one ray, you will die. At the very beginning, you need to destroy two "AT-ST". Activate the generator to turn on the gravity lift. Now you can explore all the floors of the room to collect bonuses. Your task is to get to the observation platform, on which there will be a couple of enemies. Kill them and go through the doors, fight bosses.

Here the game completely breaks the whole cinematic history, for which I clearly did not like it. The ending is so-so, I assure you. We have to fill up either Darth Vader or Palpatine.

After starting the battle with Vader, throw him with force and reduce his life until he decides to move to the next room. Follow him. Here he will automatically stun you and throw you on the central platform. From it you can throw yourself at Vader various subjects Is the most effective tactic. After you hit the finish button, you have to decide.

If you want to become a Jedi, go and kill Palpatine, if your element to be a Sith is your goal Vader.

Let me tell you right away, killing Palpatine is very simple. He will call for help, so you can easily restore your health. He will attack you with lightning and try to push you with force. Immediately after using the power, he is very vulnerable, so you can easily kill him with a lightsaber.

But Vader is an extremely tough nut to crack. It is very difficult to cope with it. Yes, you better not jump, he can catch you in the air and throw you somewhere. True, it should be noted that he himself is vulnerable to such attacks. You can grab it with force and throw it. Until he comes to his senses, you can attack him with a sword. Note that when he is in normal condition, it is almost impossible to pierce him with a sword. That's actually the whole tactic, I wish you success on the path of a new Sith, especially close to the emperor.

Objective: Find and destroy the fugitive Jedi

Reward: Tracksuit
Opponents: 1) Wookiee Infantry - Wookiees armed with crossbows. 2) Wookiee Berserker - Wookiees armed with cleavers fight in close combat.

Pilot level - we play for Vader, go to the Jedi, along the way we destroy the Wookiee troops. Stormtroopers help, if they are killed, they will not do anything to us for it.

Boss: Rogue Jedi Knight is a fairly simple boss. Mostly he fights with a sword, sometimes throws himself with it. Periodically downed LEDs fall from the sky - be careful.

Fighter LED Factory

Objective: Find and destroy General Kotu
Secondary Objectives: Destroy 5 TIE fighters
Experience points: 200 000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Weighted Training Suit
Opponents: 1) Stormtrooper - good old attack aircraft, armed with an E-11 rifle. 2) Militia Saboteur - Kota warriors armed with rifles and grenades. 3) Militia Trooper - armed with shockers. 4) The E-web is a stationary turret used by both Imperials and Rebels.
5) Militia Elite - use laser miniguns. 6) Imperial Officer - armed with blasters.

Easter egg - when you get to the last beam, bend it to the inside. Then jump to the end of it and jump to the roof, there you will find a reference to another game.

When you get to the elevator, do not get into it - first exit the bunker through the back doors and take talent points (4/15). On the next floor of the bunker, do not rush to go further, again exit to the site through the back doors and take the combo points (5 \ 15). When you move to the exit from the huge hall, run into the rooms on the right, in one of them experience points (6 \ 15) are waiting for you. Entering the room where the battle between the Imperials and the rebels will take place, you will immediately see the Sith holocron, which gives increased damage. After a couple of battles, you will find yourself in a room similar to the one, in the center of which there was a mock up of the LED cabin, only this one will not have it - at one of the walls there is a holocron with an aura that drinks life. You will soon reach the room where General Kota's soldiers are fighting the AT-CT. It is dangerous in that it can crush and, with the help of Force waves, throws boxes, besides, if the rebels notice you, they will quickly start firing at you. Take the elevators to the very top and find two holocrons (7/15 and 8/15). Leaving the bunker, you will find yourself in exactly the same room as before. The Sith holocron of infinite energy will immediately catch your eye. Further. The elevators don't work here. You need to manually raise the LED wings and thus collect your path. Experience points (9/15) will be waiting for you on one of the frozen elevators. Crystal Rubat (10/15) is on the balcony. On the conveyor belt you will find another Sith holocron, in the side rooms - experience points (11/15). Further, in order to remove the force field, you will need to destroy the generator. Experience points (12/15) and pumping points (13/15) will be waiting for you in the room with the generator. In the next room with the conveyor belt, you will find two holocrons with experience points (14/15 and 15/15).

Boss: General Kota is an easy boss, watch out for moments when he starts throwing things or when a green aura appears around him, he can use Force Wave. In the second half of the battle (when the control center is separated from the factory), do not step on the glowing floor - it takes away health.

Raxus Prime

Objective: Find and destroy Kazdan Paratus
Secondary Objectives: Destroy 10 Scavenger Skiffs
Experience points: 250,000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Lightweight Tracksuit
Opponents: 1) Jawa - armed with a plasma torch and grenades. 2) Rodian Heavy Defender - armed with a laser mini-gun. 3) Rodian Ripper - armed with a sharp metal pincer. Sometimes it can turn on a shield and use a kind of Force wave. 4) Scrap Guardian - armed with an energy staff, can shoot energy balls and teleport. Immune to Force Impact, susceptible to Force Lightning. 5) Scrap Drone - drains your Force, also invulnerable to Force push.

In the initial location, you can immediately find experience points (1 \ 15), they are very easy to find when jumping on platforms, in fact, the same applies to the Sith holocron. Many people have misunderstandings - to get out of this location you need to use Power Lightning on three missiles, then they will open the way for you.

Easter egg - don't rush into the hole. Stand with your back to the entrance, jump onto the hill, which is to the right. Next, we look into the lava, try to find a blue glow (you can use the sight button) and raise what lies there to the surface.

Also, do not forget that on open locations you can complete an additional task: just shoot at the skiffs with lightning. Once in a round room with java, do not rush to leave it: on one of the upper platforms are leveling points (2 \ 15). You don't need to worry about holocrons anymore until you get to the place where droids and scavengers are fighting. To the left of the entrance are experience points (3 \ 15); the crystal for the "compressed" (rippled blade) red blade (4/15) is behind the false wall, it is very easy to see it. After you get out of the ship and get to the next battlefield, go to the cliff overlooking the lava river, there you will find experience points (5/15). Next, we destroy the fake door and go along a small corridor full of java, at the end of it there will be a fake door, behind which experience points will be found (6 \ 15). When you open the giant gate, you will find yourself in the scavenger camp. At the top of the tower is the Sith Holocron. Somewhere under the tower you will find pumping points (7/15), and on the landing site there is a golden blade (8/15). Next, we go through the hole in the wall (which we were shown in the screensaver) and run to chop off the generator. It is easily cut down: you just need to move the box. Under the generator there will be pumping points (9/15), and to the left of the entrance there will be a "compressed" yellow blade (10/15). You will soon reach the battle with the trash titan. It is recommended to stun him with lightning, and then jump with a sword. Doing this a couple of times will kill him. You should not stand under his feet or run far - your own dear. Also in this room there is a Sith holocron and experience points (11/15). After that, it is necessary to knock down the iron beam (which the engine melted) and go down. After a couple of meters, you will reach a place where you will have to lower a very creaky beam in order to jump over. You will see metal bars in front of you - remove them with a push and then lower the same creaky beams to get to the holocron with ... a sieve cloak (12/15)! After you defeat another trash titan, there will be as many as 3 holocrons (15/15) in the next location.

Boss: Kazdan Paratus is one of the hardest bosses in the game. When he attacks you with his sword, he uses such tactics - hit, hit, pause, hit three (usually the third breaks the block). When he pauses, hit him, then hit him with lightning, and so on several times. In the middle of the battle, he will summon a trash titan, but it's good for us - we can heal. When Paratus jumps up and starts throwing debris, hide behind the pillars.

Objective: Find and destroy Shaak Ti
Secondary Objectives: Kill 4 rancor
Experience points: 375 000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Medical Apparel
Opponents: 1) Felucian Warrior - fights in close combat, can block blows with a shield; knows how to become invisible and use the Force push. 2) Yerdua Posion-Spitter - cannot move, but spits poison. 3) Felucian Shaman - does not enter the battle, prefers to teleport away from the player, gives an aura of invulnerability to his fellows. 4) Felucian Chieftain - slower than regular Felucians, but can throw energy balls.

At the very beginning, we run forward, soon enough there will be a turn to the right (after the dialogue about the Felucians), there you will find experience points (1 \ 15). Then you find yourself in a huge cave, where you need to go up in a spiral. The cave contains 2 Sith holocrons (damage and aura) and 4 Jedi holocrons. There are experience points (2 \ 15) under the entrance, a little higher it is easy to notice another one (3 \ 15). On two platforms, almost at the ceiling, are experience points (4/15) and an "unstable" red blade (5/15).

Coming out of the tunnel, you will go along a narrow corridor, at the exit, turn right and reach the border of the location, there you will find experience points (6 \ 15). Advice - be careful with bubbling bubbles on the ground: if you step, they will burst and take a lot of lives. At the exit from the location there is a Sith holocron, and to the left of the tunnel, in the bushes, there is a passage - there you will find a "compressed" golden blade (7/15). Next to the tunnel there will be a field with bubbles, in the center of which is a claw-like object sticking out of the ground. Raising the "claw", you will find experience points (8 \ 15). There will be a small fork in the tunnel, above it there is a holocron with pumping points (9/15), it is easy to notice it. Then there will be a battle with the rancor, you can use the same tactics as for the trash titan. Also in this location there will be a Sith holocron and experience points (10/15), it is easy to find them. Inside the tunnel, again at the fork, you will find experience points (11/15). We leave the tunnel and fight with three rancor and a bunch of Felucians. There are platforms on the walls, on which you can find 4 holocrons (15/15).

Boss: Shaak Ti - resists the Force push and grasp, but the wave calmly knocks her down. The enemy is difficult to reach with a sword - she is very dexterous. Better to roll over and hit. Sometimes he calls for help from the Felucians, for us it means health. Be careful with the floor, there are a lot of exploding bubbles here. In the second half of the battle, you move closer to the mouth of the sarlacc. Shaak Ti starts throwing Force shocks and continues to summon his charges. When she jumps out of sight, the sarlacc begins to beat with its tentacles, a quick reaction is needed here.

Objective: Escape Empiricus
Secondary Objectives: Destroy all remaining lifeboats
Experience points: 150 000
Holocrons: 5
Reward: Bounty Hunter Clothes
Opponents: There is no point in repeating the features of old opponents, so I will only tell you about the new ones. 1) Imperial Evo Trooper - armed with an electric weapon, shots cannot be repulsed. Under no circumstances use Power Lightning on him: it will not only have no effect, but will also give him immunity to other Power abilities and the ability to fire a paralyzing projectile. 2) Interrogation Droid - armed with vibroblades and a shocker. 3) Shadow Trooper - shoots paralyzing projectiles, it is real to fight off. May become invisible. 4) Stormtrooper Commander - has a force field that gives him immunity to all Power abilities, also the first blow with a sword just removes the field. 5) Purge Trooper is one of the strongest opponents in the game. Makes strong melee strikes and fires powerful missiles. The lightsaber is only useful when you dump it on your back. Immune to Force Grasp, Force push and wave are practically useless. It is best to use lightning and combos to knock the reptile down.

The beginning of the level is difficult for many. As soon as you knock out the glass of the chamber, the room will begin to fill with gas and the door will close. There will be a generator to the right of the exit from the chamber; it must be lifted with the help of the Power Grip. At the exit from the room you will be given a crystal with a blue blade (1 \ 5). Next, you will find yourself in a room with a bunch of cameras, like at the beginning of the level. Pumping points (2 \ 5) are under the entrance to the room, others (3 \ 5) - in one of the chambers. Once you get to the room with the lifeboats, launch them all - this way you will complete an additional task. It's easy to launch them - use Power Lightning. Under one of the capsules there will be a holocron with pumping points (4/5). We leave the room, immediately take the Sith holocron and go to beat the helmets of the stormtroopers squad, after the skirmish you will find the Lorrdian crystal (5 \ 5). Then there will be a first meeting with Purge Trooper - see tactics above. The rest of the level is simple - we kill a bunch of people, raise both generators and save Juno.

Cloud City

Objective: Escape Cloud City with General Kota
Secondary Objectives: Freeze 10 Imperials in Carbonite
Experience points: 200 000
Holocrons: 5
Reward: Corellian Pilot Suit
Opponents: 1) Senate Guard - armed with a cortosis lance, susceptible to Power abilities. 2) Ugnaught - armed with a broken bottle, can practically do no harm, often runs away in horror. 3) Jumptrooper - flies on a rocket pack, it is impossible to repel shots. Power abilities are almost useless, use lightning. 4) Scout Trooper - armed sniper rifle prefers to keep his distance. When a yellow stripe is directed at you, it means that the scout is aiming, red - now there will be a very painful shot, it can kill. It is impossible to beat off shots.

Try not to run far from Kota: he may get lost or die. There are two holocrons in the bar. Crystal Ruusan (1 \ 5) - above the bar, it is easy to see from the side of the stairs. If you go not to the exit, but to the right, then an "unstable" golden blade (2 \ 5) will lie inside the round structure. We leave the bar, turn right and jump off the platform - take away experience points (3 \ 5). The pumping points (4 \ 5) are hanging in the air, we climb onto the balcony and with the help of a jerk we jump and grab them. To complete an additional task, you need to throw barrels or tear off the hoses from which carbonite is gushing. Then we go up to the balcony and reach the place where a large pipe passes at head level - in fact, these are rails. We jump in and take away the "unstable" yellow blade (5 \ 5).

Boss: Shadow Guard - slightly stronger than a regular guard. Not all Power abilities work on him, but he himself uses grasp, push and lightning. It is advisable to deal with small opponents in advance, otherwise it will be tight.

Imperial Kashyyyk

Objective: Search the imperial base
Secondary Objectives: Destroy the Imperial Communications Hub
Experience points: 360 000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Jungle Combat Gear
Opponents: 1) Incenerator Trooper - armed with a flamethrower, has a force field like the commander of attack aircraft. Watch out - when you kill him, he explodes. I advise you to use the sword throw. 2) Royal Guard - similar to its counterparts, just stronger. 3) AT-KT - a more powerful model, armed with a machine gun. 4) E-Wem Turret - a stationary turret that shoots missiles.

As soon as the level begins, to your left there will be a "compressed" blue blade (1/15). Next, we look at the splash screen and turn around - there is a tree in front of you. Go behind him and take away ... Kento's cloak (2 \ 15). Experience points (3 \ 15) will hang in the air, to take them, you need to climb onto a large stump and use a dash to pick it up. I advise you to use double jump and lightning to kill Imperials in the sockets. As soon as you get to the other side of the gate, there will be a narrow beam to the left of the energy barriers. Experience points (4/15) are on it. After that, there will be a fork of two bridges - go on the left and jump onto the beam, experience points (5/15) can be seen from afar. Pumping points (6/15) are located between the huge pipe and the tower. Next, we approach the bridge with a platform on which there is an attack aircraft with a turret. You need to jump off the bridge to collect experience points (7/15). An additional task is also performed here. The tower has two generators: one is on the ground, the other is next to the bridge. It is enough to pull out the gratings and throw lightning.

Easter Egg - after opening the huge gate, you will be taken to the trophy room, where there is a cage with a Wookiee in the center. Turn around to the entrance and you will see a lovely picture. This seems to explain one of the eternal fan questions.
Wookiees from the cage can be released, he will take your side. Experience points (8/15) are easy to spot.

After the cutscene, we have updated the main task - it is necessary to destroy the heavenly (atmospheric) elevator (fans of the expanded universe remember such things since the days of "Shadows of the Empire") and kill Ozzik Stern.

The first holocron (9/15) is located in the sniper's house, you can jump there using a cage with a Wookiee. Wookiees can be freed, and they will help you. True, there is little sense from them - the guards calmly deal with them. Experience points (10/15) are in the third sniper's slot; to get them, you will have to move the cobblestone and use it to jump. The third holocron (11/15) is located in the Wookiee cage opposite the third nest. To remove the laser barriers, you need to use the Force to pull out the cable, which is to your left, almost under the ceiling. Two holocrons (13/15) are located in closed chambers on the sides. There are also Wookiee slaves and a Purge Trooper - be careful. We leave the building and get to our goal. I recommend that you kill all the Imperials first, and separately. Experience points (14/15) are located next to one of the walls of the elevator, a purple blade (15/15) is on a tree branch. To destroy the elevator, you must pull out all the spark wands using telekinesis.

Boss: Ozzik Stern is a fairly simple boss, use the tactics as on all ATs. Oh yeah, don't get in sight of his big cannon.

Imperial Felucia

Objective: Find and rescue Senator Bail Organa
Secondary Objectives: Free the Sarlacc
Experience points: 425 000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Industrial Research Suit
Opponents: No new enemies, only the Felucians have changed a bit. The fact that they fell to the dark side did not change their abilities, they only became more aggressive.

We jump into the abyss of the battle between the Imperials and the Felucians. The holocron (1/15) is easy to spot - it hangs in the air next to what looks like a giant claw. We take the boxes that stand by the bridge, and we collect from them a ladder for taking experience points. Opposite the imperial transport there is a passage that is not marked on the map, there is a green blade (2/15). Take your time to cross the bridge: there is a passage to the right of it; lifting a claw sticking out of the ground, you will find experience points (3 \ 15). After crossing the bridge, you will find yourself on a small slope. If you turn to the right and jump up, you can find a "compressed" purple blade (4 \ 15). After destroying AT and breaking a pile of stones, do not rush to leave. Stop right in front of the pile, there will be a ledge to your right that is easy enough to jump onto. Then we run through the caves, kill stormtroopers and collect holocrons (6 \ 15). You have now reached the imperial station above the sarlacc. Here you can also complete an additional task. To the right of the entrance to the valley is a large car, somewhat similar to a juggernaut. We jump on it and shoot lightning at the generator. Also, wires go from the car to the sarlacc tentacle - look in the direction of the wire, a sight will appear, then throw the sword. You have probably already seen the holocron (7/15) on thick cables, the second (8/15) is located on the other side of the machine. Experience points (9/15) are located above the left bridge, they are easy to get. We repeat all actions with the release of the sarlacc and starting the generators, then we sit down in the elevator. Coming out of the elevator, we turn right and take away experience points (10 \ 15). Do not be afraid of the tentacles in the tunnels, they are absolutely harmless, but the sucking holes are dangerous - they take away a lot of health. As soon as you enter the giant room (if you can call the rooms inside the sarlacc that way), you will see a holocron (11/15). It will be difficult to get it, but it is possible. Use a double jump, then a dash and a Dashing Blast Combo (impossible without it), this should be enough to cover the distance. To close the suction holes, strike electrical devices near them with lightning. Soon you will find yourself in a room where the wind pushes you to the very beginning. You can hide from the wind behind the columns, passing the room in several passes. At the right wall are experience points (12/15). Already on the surface, you will get involved in the battle between the Imperials and the Felusians. Combo points (13/15) will hang in the middle of the location; to pick them up, you need to jump from the mushroom cap.
Then we climb the stone stairs to pick up the "unstable" blue blade (14/15), you need to jump from the second staircase. Experience points (15/15) will be on the left side of the passage, next to the rancor.

Boss: Bull Rancor - It is useless to beat Maris Brood, her turn will come up later. The rancor is not that scary, use standard tactics. However, you shouldn't be in front of him.

Maris Brood - constantly becomes invisible, use the Force Wave when it starts to attack, then use the sword. Periodically, she releases Force lightning.

Imperial Raxus Prime

Objective: Destroy the orbital shipyard
Secondary Objectives: Destroy the control center of the capture beam
Experience points: 500 000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Cloak of the Jedi Traveler
Opponents: No new enemies

At the very beginning, we jump to the upper right ledge, jump over to the opposite one using a double jump, dash and blow; we take away the Sigil crystal (1 \ 15). Then we return back and go straight, there will soon be a left turn, there you will find experience points (2 \ 15). After you cross the beam that replaces the bridge, forcefully knock out the door and take pumping points (3 \ 15). We leave to the right and take away experience points (4 \ 15), located on the cliff. Next you will be taken to large location where the battle between the Imperials and the Scavengers takes place. The "compressed" green blade (5/15) is located on the platform to the right of the entrance. Experience points (6 \ 15) are in the tunnel from which the scavenger reinforcements came. One more experience points (7 \ 15) are to the left of the entrance - you need to jump onto the bridge to get them. The last experience points (8 \ 15) are right at the exit, it is impossible not to see them. In the next location, you will have to kill everyone before the door to the hangar opens. To her right, on a metal structure, are experience points (9/15). Already in the hangar itself, on the upper balcony, you will find pumping points (10/15).

After the cutscene, take the elevator and turn right. At the end of the platform, experience points (11/15) are waiting for you. When you enter the next room, turn right and go upstairs. There will be a dead end with boxes, use the Force push and make your way, inside you will find an "unstable" purple blade (12/15). To complete an additional task, jump on the tower and use lightning to destroy the generators. To leave the room, you need to destroy the generators to the left and right of the door (use telekinesis). We rise on the elevator and find ourselves in the next room. Holocron (13/15) is on the left bridge, it will be very difficult to get it (have you already remembered the sarlacc?) Use double jump, then dash and Dashing Blast Combo. We open the door and leave. In this room, holocrons (15/15) are located in both the left and right corridors.

Boss: Proxy - the first half of the fight is simple: use Force Wave and hit the prone. But when he turns into Darth Maul, use only telekinesis, the rest of the Power abilities will only harm. Also stay away from his sword, hit the lying one.

Everything is easy here, we run on platforms and overload the generators with the help of lightning.

The landing of the Star Destroyer is one of the most spectacular moments in the game. LEDs must be destroyed by lightning or telekinesis. Then we take up the destroyer, and follow the instructions on the screen. In about 6 visits, it finally crashes.

The Death Star

Objective: Find General Kotu and the founders of the uprising
Secondary Objectives: None
Experience points: 500 000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Ceremonial Jedi Cloak or Sith Hunter Armor
Opponents: 1) Wall turret - crawls out from under the floor, it is better to kill with lightning. 2) Gunner - armed with a standard rifle, mainly shoots from a turret.

This is probably the hardest moment in the game; you will die, and more than once. After clearing the room, go up to the balconies where the snipers were sitting.

There you will find experience points (1/15) and a Katak crystal (2/15). Then we stand on the glowing doors in the floor and use the Force Wave. At the end of the corridor, at the entrance to which you broke the glass, there are experience points (3 \ 15) in the right room. We break the glass again and go into any door. We take out everyone in the corridor and reach the end. There will be a bridge above you, go up the elevator and jump onto the structure that passes over the laser. There you will find experience points (4/15) and an "unstable" green blade (5/15). After opening two doors by the Force, you will find yourself in the next corridor. In the rooms on the right you will find leveling points (6/15) and experience points (7/15). Another experience points (8/15) are located right at the exit to the pipe. Next, you need to turn the rings using telekinesis so that they stand in one row. Keep in mind that under the first pack of rings lies a holocron (9/15), the second (10/15) is right inside the second pack of rings, it is easy to spot. In the huge hall, jump down, destroy the AT and push the generator into the slot. By the way, it is advisable to reach the end of the bridge before jumping and jump into the laser tube, there are experience points (11/15). There are one more experience points (12/15) on the platform of the second floor, and the third ones (13/15) are in the side room of the third floor. We reach the very top by elevator and see a holocron (14/15) on a narrow beam above the laser. It will be difficult to get it, it must be done while hanging in the stream of the elevator, use the Dashing Blast Combo. Your reward will be ... you have been waiting for this for a long time - a black sword. The last holocron (15/15) is on the platform the radar points to.

Boss: Shadow Guard - first kill those who get in the way, then deal with the shadow guard, at the end of the game it will be just fun.

Boss: Darth Vader - In the first half of the fight, use Power Thrusts to knock him down on his shoulder blades, then hit him with a sword. When he starts to accumulate his Power push, run behind him, wait for him to use it, and then hit. Then Vader will escape to the platform. Your task is to throw it with everyone that comes to hand. Then he will jump onto the bridge - here it is already necessary to force him down on his shoulder blades and finish off.

Now we take a breath and run towards Palpatine and his captives.

Boss: Emperor - Palpatine uses three types of attacks. 1) Attack with Force Lightning - it's easy to get around. 2) Attack by telekinesis using things - just hide behind the consoles. 3) Summoning the guards - first kill the red ones, the blue ones will not create any problems. It is worth attacking the Sith when he has just finished his attack. Use sword and lightning.

Alternative ending:
After the battle with Vader, we do not run to Palpatine, but jump from the bridge to Vader.

Boss: Darth Vader - and he has already restored life and became even stronger. Do not jump around him at all, it is almost impossible to get out of his grasp. Try to drop it to the floor, compete in the mastery of Force control and, of course, use combos.

Escape from Camino.

After watching the introductory video, let's start training. Destroy the rebels until you learn all the combinations and get used to the controls, and then hit Juno several times. Once in the air, fly down, dodging all sorts of debris, and occasionally clear your way with the help of force. When solid ground again appears under your feet, kill all stormtroopers who have come running to the noise. Combinations hit + push and hit + lightning bolt to help you. When an abyss appears in front of you, jump over it using the jump + dash combination. Closed doors can be broken by applying a push of force (hold down the button responsible for it for a few seconds and release). Having dealt with a bunch of stormtroopers, climb to the upper levels using platforms and terrain features. Deal with the emerging elite imperial soldiers with the help of force, since they easily repel all melee attacks.

Having dealt with them, break down another door and run into a room with huge fans. Stop them, using force, and kill the stormtroopers that arrived in time. After jumping down and break two control panels, throwing boxes into them. When the force field turns off, we pass into a long corridor, where we will be taught a new trick - "deceiving the mind." Having played enough, as it should, we jump to the lower level. It will take a long time here and you need to kill enemy soldiers until the force field turns off. After going a little forward, you will again face enemies. When you get to the huge gate, get ready to battle the robot armed with the "freezer". First, knock the shield out of his hands (this is done through QTE), and then finish it off. The main thing is not to fall under his weapon, otherwise Starkiller will be covered with a layer of ice and will not be able to move for a while.

When only a mountain of iron remains from the robot, go into the opened door and use force to raise the platform. Here you have to fight with the paratroopers. They move through the air, which means getting them with a sword will be problematic. The best way fighting them is how to throw a lightning bolt on the knapsack on the back. Climbing upstairs, you will meet the robot again. Destroy it as you did last time. After running a little forward, we watch the cut-scene and as quickly as possible we escape from the ship. Remember to dash and sometimes force your way to clear your way. Having escaped from the ship, we run across to the other side. Here it is necessary to destroy the high tower. Using force, grab one of the fighters and throw it at the target. If you do everything correctly, then after a while the structure will collapse. After activating the "rage" destroy all the Imperials and watch the cutscene.

Kato Neimodya. Eastern vault.

After watching the video, we destroy all the soldiers on the platform. Having run up to the edge, we learn to reflect shots with the help of a lightsaber. When a bridge appears in front of you, run across it to another platform, where you will meet a new type of enemy - "Servant of the Sith". Unlike Imperial soldiers, this type of enemy is immune to force, but there is little to argue against a lightsaber. The main thing is not to fight with them while standing near the abyss, otherwise you will quickly fly down. When there are no enemies left on this platform, jump down to the lower one, where you will be met by another robot. You can kill him in several ways: turn a simple QTE or simply score with a sword.

We go up the lowered platforms. Imperial snipers will meet you here. Run what is heavier in them and while they wake up, finish it off manually. You need to go downstairs, but in order for the elevator to work, you need to destroy all opponents. Having done this, run forward until you come across a minecart. Jump on it and neutralize small fighters, otherwise they will blow up the cart and you will not reach the target. When a huge ship appears on this celebration of life, reflect its shots until you reach the place.

Kato Neimodya. Western vault.

Let's run forward. Here we have to deal with several "soldiers of the empire" and "disciples of the Sith". After killing them, we move forward, where we again destroy the enemy troops. In order to go further, it is necessary to break the protective barrier. Having done this, destroy the snipers who have sat down behind the barricades as quickly as possible and take on the robot (everything is as usual: shield, lightning, lightsaber). As soon as the bully falls to the ground, a new portion of "meat" will arrive from the air. Having penetrated the barrier (having previously disabled it), we destroy the next "walker". And again snipers, only this time they prevent you from breaking the power barrier. Hide so that they cannot reach you and use force to scatter the villains around. The road is clear ... well, except for two robots with shields. The strategy of fighting is not very different from the previous one, though this time you will have to act much faster.

Run into the building. Here you will be greeted by a dozen stormtroopers and their older comrades - robots with shields. Deal with them and clear your way with a "push of power". Ahead, we repeat all the above actions (kill the robot, break the wall) and go out into the street, where we will have a battle with a huge armed shuttle. In general, this boss is quite easy to pass. In those moments when he shoots at you with a machine gun, hide behind the shelters until they fall apart, and after he launches the missiles, run closer to him and send them back to him with the help of the sword. If you did everything correctly, the QTE will start, in which you need to shake the ship a little. Repeat this trick several times and use force to open the hatch, then jump down to the lower platform.

Kato Neimodya. Arena.

We use the elevator to go upstairs. Ahead of us is a battle with a mutant named Gorok. The best way to deal with it is with lightning. Hit him with charges until you run out of energy. When it is over, dodge the huge paws of the monster and continue shock therapy again. Wait until the enraged mutant strikes the ground with all his might, and forcefully grab his handcuff and attach it to the post. Do the same with the other hand. After Gorok cannot resist properly, throw lightning at him. The evil beast will begin to destroy the arena, and you need to continue to make him angry. After rising to the top of the location, watch the video.

Gork fell into the abyss, but managed to take General Kota with him. Fall down while dodging the trash. Having flown close enough to the huge mutant carcass, shock it with an electric charge. Repeat this several times and take the general from the clutches of the vile monster.


We climb up using stones as steps. After watching the video, we follow the Cat, occasionally opening the doors with a lightning strike. After proving to be in front of the locked gates, pick up the battery with the help of force and insert it into a cell nearby, after which we climb into the elevator. Having opened the broken doors by force, meet the spider droids. A new trick will help you defeat them, which you will be taught there. We again insert the battery into the cell and go downstairs in the elevator. Next, we break through the crowds of enemies, until we run into new type enemy. Not only do they move quite quickly, but also their camouflage is excellent. They are given out only by noise, therefore, as soon as you hear a crackling behind your back, start running wildly and pouring electricity charges into the room. If you hit the target, the enemy will immediately drop disguise and will be helpless for a few seconds. Take advantage of the moment.

Ahead you will see a burned-out door. Remove the battery from the cell and insert it into the opposite door. We run into the opened door and "kill" the enemies who arrived in time, among which there will be an unforgettable robot with a cooler. Examine the room. Something terrible has clearly been here, as most of the ship is destroyed and flooded with lava. We go up using the platforms. Having reached the rotating mechanisms, wait for the right moment and sneak past them.

After running a little forward, you will stumble upon the very "something" that mangled the ship. A huge spider-like robot. First you need to turn off his shields. To do this, run around the location, removing transistors from the cells. When the last fixture is turned off, the shields will disappear. Taking advantage of the moment, we inflict blows on the spider. After that, the spider's health will decrease by half, the shields are activated again. This time, on the contrary, you need to insert transistors into the cells. After completing this, we again attack the boss and jump on top of him. Lower the body of the "spider" down and jump into the formed passage.

The Battle of Deliverance.

We run to the hangar. A tough battle awaits here, as the Imperial shuttles (not empty, of course) have joined the Deliverance. First, clear the hangar from opponents, and only then disconnect the "sticky". In addition to the standard stormtroopers and Sith apprentices, "adult" Sith with lightsabers and walking robots arrived to us. The first ones are quite difficult to kill, since they have the same skills as you, but the QTE will help to deal with the walkers, which is launched by pressing a special key. When all the villains are defeated, destroy the mounts of the enemy shuttles, thereby unhooking them from the Deliverance.

Climb up the boxes, and then jump into the pipe, which will lead you to the right place. Here you need to redirect the energy to the cannons. Pull the device out of the door and insert it into the implement. We turn the same actions in the next room (if for some reason you cannot insert the device into the cell, start the mission again). We deal with the arrived robot, after which we go to destroy the engines. In the spacious hangar, kill absolutely everyone, otherwise the necessary door will not open, and then we sit down behind the cannon and shoot at the marked targets.

Return to Camino.

With the help of force we clear the way for our ship, after which we jump out. After landing, destroy all robots. Among them the new kind... More precisely, the robot is old, but a flamethrower is now installed in the place of the cooler. Having dealt with the "piece of iron", run forward, killing everyone in your path. After talking with General Kota, destroy the guns so that the rebel ships could land. When Kota is on the ground, help him reach the goal safe and sound.

Battle with Vader.

Get to Vader on the rotating platforms, and then start hitting him. In principle, there is nothing difficult in this battle. The main thing is not to come too close to the edge of the platform, otherwise the "master" will throw us into the abyss. When he sets the clones on you, think about a couple of them, and you yourself go to finish off the former teacher. At the end, a rather difficult QTE will start, but it's okay. If you miss the moment, the game will start from that moment. After the victory, you will be asked to make a choice: transfer Vader to the rebels or kill with your own hands. The final video will depend on your decision.

Objective: Find and destroy the fugitive Jedi

Reward: Tracksuit
Opponents: 1) Wookiee Infantry - Wookiees armed with crossbows. 2) Wookiee Berserker - Wookiees armed with cleavers fight in close combat.

Pilot level - we play for Vader, go to the Jedi, along the way we destroy the Wookiee troops. Stormtroopers help, if they are killed, they will not do anything to us for it.

Boss: Rogue Jedi Knight is a fairly simple boss. Mostly he fights with a sword, sometimes throws himself with it. Periodically downed LEDs fall from the sky - be careful.

Fighter LED Factory

Objective: Find and destroy General Kotu
Secondary Objectives: Destroy 5 TIE fighters
Experience points: 200 000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Weighted Training Suit
Opponents: 1) Stormtrooper - good old attack aircraft, armed with an E-11 rifle. 2) Militia Saboteur - Kota warriors armed with rifles and grenades. 3) Militia Trooper - armed with shockers. 4) The E-web is a stationary turret used by both Imperials and Rebels.
5) Militia Elite - use laser miniguns. 6) Imperial Officer - armed with blasters.

There are 3 holocrons in the hangar at once. Sitsky is located opposite the entrance (gives infinite Power). On the balcony at the opposite end of the hall there is a holocron (1 \ 15), which gives 10,000 experience points. There is a yellow crystal (2/15) on the balcony under the ceiling. Leaving the hangar, you will find yourself in a corridor. Behind one of the doors at the crossroads, 10,000 experience points (3 \ 15) will be waiting for you. After the corridors, you will find yourself in a huge room filled with rows of LEDs. Here you can complete an additional task (be careful, they shoot).

Easter egg - when you get to the last beam, bend it to the inside. Then jump to the end of it and jump to the roof, there you will find a reference to another game.

When you get to the elevator, do not get into it - first exit the bunker through the back doors and take talent points (4/15). On the next floor of the bunker, do not rush to go further, again exit to the site through the back doors and take the combo points (5 \ 15). When you move to the exit from the huge hall, run into the rooms on the right, in one of them experience points (6 \ 15) are waiting for you. Entering the room where the battle between the Imperials and the rebels will take place, you will immediately see the Sith holocron, which gives increased damage. After a couple of battles, you will find yourself in a room similar to the one, in the center of which there was a mock up of the LED cabin, only this one will not have it - at one of the walls there is a holocron with an aura that drinks life. You will soon reach the room where General Kota's soldiers are fighting the AT-CT. It is dangerous in that it can crush and, with the help of Force waves, throws boxes, besides, if the rebels notice you, they will quickly start firing at you. Take the elevators to the very top and find two holocrons (7/15 and 8/15). Leaving the bunker, you will find yourself in exactly the same room as before. The Sith holocron of infinite energy will immediately catch your eye. Further. The elevators don't work here. You need to manually raise the LED wings and thus collect your path. Experience points (9/15) will be waiting for you on one of the frozen elevators. Crystal Rubat (10/15) is on the balcony. On the conveyor belt you will find another Sith holocron, in the side rooms - experience points (11/15). Further, in order to remove the force field, you will need to destroy the generator. Experience points (12/15) and pumping points (13/15) will be waiting for you in the room with the generator. In the next room with the conveyor belt, you will find two holocrons with experience points (14/15 and 15/15).

Boss: General Kota is an easy boss, watch out for moments when he starts throwing things or when a green aura appears around him, he can use Force Wave. In the second half of the battle (when the control center is separated from the factory), do not step on the glowing floor - it takes away health.

Raxus Prime

Objective: Find and destroy Kazdan Paratus
Secondary Objectives: Destroy 10 Scavenger Skiffs
Experience points: 250,000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Lightweight Tracksuit
Opponents: 1) Jawa - armed with a plasma torch and grenades. 2) Rodian Heavy Defender - armed with a laser mini-gun. 3) Rodian Ripper - armed with a sharp metal pincer. Sometimes it can turn on a shield and use a kind of Force wave. 4) Scrap Guardian - armed with an energy staff, can shoot energy balls and teleport. Immune to Force Impact, susceptible to Force Lightning. 5) Scrap Drone - drains your Force, also invulnerable to Force push.

In the initial location, you can immediately find experience points (1 \ 15), they are very easy to find when jumping on platforms, in fact, the same applies to the Sith holocron. Many people have misunderstandings - to get out of this location you need to use Power Lightning on three missiles, then they will open the way for you.

Easter egg - don't rush into the hole. Stand with your back to the entrance, jump onto the hill, which is to the right. Next, we look into the lava, try to find a blue glow (you can use the sight button) and raise what lies there to the surface.

Also, do not forget that in open locations you can complete an additional task: just shoot at the skiffs with lightning. Once in a round room with java, do not rush to leave it: on one of the upper platforms are leveling points (2 \ 15). You don't need to worry about holocrons anymore until you get to the place where droids and scavengers are fighting. To the left of the entrance are experience points (3 \ 15); the crystal for the "compressed" (rippled blade) red blade (4/15) is behind the false wall, it is very easy to see it. After you get out of the ship and get to the next battlefield, go to the cliff overlooking the lava river, there you will find experience points (5/15). Next, we destroy the fake door and go along a small corridor full of java, at the end of it there will be a fake door, behind which experience points will be found (6 \ 15). When you open the giant gate, you will find yourself in the scavenger camp. At the top of the tower is the Sith Holocron. Somewhere under the tower you will find pumping points (7/15), and on the landing site there is a golden blade (8/15). Next, we go through the hole in the wall (which we were shown in the screensaver) and run to chop off the generator. It is easily cut down: you just need to move the box. Under the generator there will be pumping points (9/15), and to the left of the entrance there will be a "compressed" yellow blade (10/15). You will soon reach the battle with the trash titan. It is recommended to stun him with lightning, and then jump with a sword. Doing this a couple of times will kill him. You should not stand under his feet or run far - your own dear. Also in this room there is a Sith holocron and experience points (11/15). After that, it is necessary to knock down the iron beam (which the engine melted) and go down. After a couple of meters, you will reach a place where you will have to lower a very creaky beam in order to jump over. You will see metal bars in front of you - remove them with a push and then lower the same creaky beams to get to the holocron with ... a sieve cloak (12/15)! After you defeat another trash titan, there will be as many as 3 holocrons (15/15) in the next location.

Boss: Kazdan Paratus is one of the hardest bosses in the game. When he attacks you with his sword, he uses such tactics - hit, hit, pause, hit three (usually the third breaks the block). When he pauses, hit him, then hit him with lightning, and so on several times. In the middle of the battle, he will summon a trash titan, but it's good for us - we can heal. When Paratus jumps up and starts throwing debris, hide behind the pillars.


Objective: Find and destroy Shaak Ti
Secondary Objectives: Kill 4 rancor
Experience points: 375 000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Medical Apparel
Opponents: 1) Felucian Warrior - fights in close combat, can block blows with a shield; knows how to become invisible and use the Force push. 2) Yerdua Posion-Spitter - cannot move, but spits poison. 3) Felucian Shaman - does not enter the battle, prefers to teleport away from the player, gives an aura of invulnerability to his fellows. 4) Felucian Chieftain - slower than regular Felucians, but can throw energy balls.

At the very beginning, we run forward, soon enough there will be a turn to the right (after the dialogue about the Felucians), there you will find experience points (1 \ 15). Then you find yourself in a huge cave, where you need to go up in a spiral. The cave contains 2 Sith holocrons (damage and aura) and 4 Jedi holocrons. There are experience points (2 \ 15) under the entrance, a little higher it is easy to notice another one (3 \ 15). On two platforms, almost at the ceiling, are experience points (4/15) and an "unstable" red blade (5/15).

Coming out of the tunnel, you will go along a narrow corridor, at the exit, turn right and reach the border of the location, there you will find experience points (6 \ 15). Advice - be careful with bubbling bubbles on the ground: if you step, they will burst and take a lot of lives. At the exit from the location there is a Sith holocron, and to the left of the tunnel, in the bushes, there is a passage - there you will find a "compressed" golden blade (7/15). Next to the tunnel there will be a field with bubbles, in the center of which is a claw-like object sticking out of the ground. Raising the "claw", you will find experience points (8 \ 15). There will be a small fork in the tunnel, above it there is a holocron with pumping points (9/15), it is easy to notice it. Then there will be a battle with the rancor, you can use the same tactics as for the trash titan. Also in this location there will be a Sith holocron and experience points (10/15), it is easy to find them. Inside the tunnel, again at the fork, you will find experience points (11/15). We leave the tunnel and fight with three rancor and a bunch of Felucians. There are platforms on the walls, on which you can find 4 holocrons (15/15).

Boss: Shaak Ti - resists the Force push and grasp, but the wave calmly knocks her down. The enemy is difficult to reach with a sword - she is very dexterous. Better to roll over and hit. Sometimes he calls for help from the Felucians, for us it means health. Be careful with the floor, there are a lot of exploding bubbles here. In the second half of the battle, you move closer to the mouth of the sarlacc. Shaak Ti starts throwing Force shocks and continues to summon his charges. When she jumps out of sight, the sarlacc begins to beat with its tentacles, a quick reaction is needed here.


Objective: Escape Empiricus
Secondary Objectives: Destroy all remaining lifeboats
Experience points: 150 000
Holocrons: 5
Reward: Bounty Hunter Clothes
Opponents: There is no point in repeating the features of old opponents, so I will only tell you about the new ones. 1) Imperial Evo Trooper - armed with an electric weapon, shots cannot be repulsed. Under no circumstances use Power Lightning on him: it will not only have no effect, but will also give him immunity to other Power abilities and the ability to fire a paralyzing projectile. 2) Interrogation Droid - armed with vibroblades and a shocker. 3) Shadow Trooper - shoots paralyzing projectiles, it is real to fight off. May become invisible. 4) Stormtrooper Commander - has a force field that gives him immunity to all Power abilities, also the first blow with a sword just removes the field. 5) Purge Trooper is one of the strongest opponents in the game. Makes strong melee strikes and fires powerful missiles. The lightsaber is only useful when you dump it on your back. Immune to Force Grasp, Force push and wave are practically useless. It is best to use lightning and combos to knock the reptile down.

The beginning of the level is difficult for many. As soon as you knock out the glass of the chamber, the room will begin to fill with gas and the door will close. There will be a generator to the right of the exit from the chamber; it must be lifted with the help of the Power Grip. At the exit from the room you will be given a crystal with a blue blade (1 \ 5). Next, you will find yourself in a room with a bunch of cameras, like at the beginning of the level. Pumping points (2 \ 5) are under the entrance to the room, others (3 \ 5) - in one of the chambers. Once you get to the room with the lifeboats, launch them all - this way you will complete an additional task. It's easy to launch them - use Power Lightning. Under one of the capsules there will be a holocron with pumping points (4/5). We leave the room, immediately take the Sith holocron and go to beat the helmets of the stormtroopers squad, after the skirmish you will find the Lorrdian crystal (5 \ 5). Then there will be a first meeting with Purge Trooper - see tactics above. The rest of the level is simple - we kill a bunch of people, raise both generators and save Juno.

Cloud City

Objective: Escape Cloud City with General Kota
Secondary Objectives: Freeze 10 Imperials in Carbonite
Experience points: 200 000
Holocrons: 5
Reward: Corellian Pilot Suit
Opponents: 1) Senate Guard - armed with a cortosis lance, susceptible to Power abilities. 2) Ugnaught - armed with a broken bottle, can practically do no harm, often runs away in horror. 3) Jumptrooper - flies on a rocket pack, it is impossible to repel shots. Power abilities are almost useless, use lightning. 4) Scout Trooper - armed with a sniper rifle, prefers to keep his distance. When a yellow stripe is directed at you, it means that the scout is aiming, red - now there will be a very painful shot, it can kill. It is impossible to beat off shots.

Try not to run far from Kota: he may get lost or die. There are two holocrons in the bar. Crystal Ruusan (1 \ 5) - above the bar, it is easy to see from the side of the stairs. If you go not to the exit, but to the right, then an "unstable" golden blade (2 \ 5) will lie inside the round structure. We leave the bar, turn right and jump off the platform - take away experience points (3 \ 5). The pumping points (4 \ 5) are hanging in the air, we climb onto the balcony and with the help of a jerk we jump and grab them. To complete an additional task, you need to throw barrels or tear off the hoses from which carbonite is gushing. Then we go up to the balcony and reach the place where a large pipe passes at head level - in fact, these are rails. We jump in and take away the "unstable" yellow blade (5 \ 5).

Boss: Shadow Guard - slightly stronger than a regular guard. Not all Power abilities work on him, but he himself uses grasp, push and lightning. It is advisable to deal with small opponents in advance, otherwise it will be tight.

Imperial Kashyyyk

Objective: Search the imperial base
Secondary Objectives: Destroy the Imperial Communications Hub
Experience points: 360 000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Jungle Combat Gear
Opponents: 1) Incenerator Trooper - armed with a flamethrower, has a force field like the commander of attack aircraft. Watch out - when you kill him, he explodes. I advise you to use the sword throw. 2) Royal Guard - similar to its counterparts, just stronger. 3) AT-KT - a more powerful model, armed with a machine gun. 4) E-Wem Turret - a stationary turret that shoots missiles.

As soon as the level begins, to your left there will be a "compressed" blue blade (1/15). Next, we look at the splash screen and turn around - there is a tree in front of you. Go behind him and take away ... Kento's cloak (2 \ 15). Experience points (3 \ 15) will hang in the air, to take them, you need to climb onto a large stump and use a dash to pick it up. I advise you to use double jump and lightning to kill Imperials in the sockets. As soon as you get to the other side of the gate, there will be a narrow beam to the left of the energy barriers. Experience points (4/15) are on it. After that, there will be a fork of two bridges - go on the left and jump onto the beam, experience points (5/15) can be seen from afar. Pumping points (6/15) are located between the huge pipe and the tower. Next, we approach the bridge with a platform on which there is an attack aircraft with a turret. You need to jump off the bridge to collect experience points (7/15). An additional task is also performed here. The tower has two generators: one is on the ground, the other is next to the bridge. It is enough to pull out the gratings and throw lightning.

Easter Egg - after opening the huge gate, you will be taken to the trophy room, where there is a cage with a Wookiee in the center. Turn around to the entrance and you will see a lovely picture. This seems to explain one of the eternal fan questions.
Wookiees from the cage can be released, he will take your side. Experience points (8/15) are easy to spot.

After the cutscene, we have updated the main task - it is necessary to destroy the heavenly (atmospheric) elevator (fans of the expanded universe remember such things since the days of "Shadows of the Empire") and kill Ozzik Stern.

The first holocron (9/15) is located in the sniper's house, you can jump there using a cage with a Wookiee. Wookiees can be freed, and they will help you. True, there is little sense from them - the guards calmly deal with them. Experience points (10/15) are in the third sniper's slot; to get them, you will have to move the cobblestone and use it to jump. The third holocron (11/15) is located in the Wookiee cage opposite the third nest. To remove the laser barriers, you need to use the Force to pull out the cable, which is to your left, almost under the ceiling. Two holocrons (13/15) are located in closed chambers on the sides. There are also Wookiee slaves and a Purge Trooper - be careful. We leave the building and get to our goal. I recommend that you kill all the Imperials first, and separately. Experience points (14/15) are located next to one of the walls of the elevator, a purple blade (15/15) is on a tree branch. To destroy the elevator, you must pull out all the spark wands using telekinesis.

Boss: Ozzik Stern is a fairly simple boss, use the tactics as on all ATs. Oh yeah, don't get in sight of his big cannon.

Imperial Felucia

Objective: Find and rescue Senator Bail Organa
Secondary Objectives: Free the Sarlacc
Experience points: 425 000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Industrial Research Suit
Opponents: No new enemies, only the Felucians have changed a bit. The fact that they fell to the dark side did not change their abilities, they only became more aggressive.

We jump into the abyss of the battle between the Imperials and the Felucians. The holocron (1/15) is easy to spot - it hangs in the air next to what looks like a giant claw. We take the boxes that stand by the bridge, and we collect from them a ladder for taking experience points. Opposite the imperial transport there is a passage that is not marked on the map, there is a green blade (2/15). Take your time to cross the bridge: there is a passage to the right of it; lifting a claw sticking out of the ground, you will find experience points (3 \ 15). After crossing the bridge, you will find yourself on a small slope. If you turn to the right and jump up, you can find a "compressed" purple blade (4 \ 15). After destroying AT and breaking a pile of stones, do not rush to leave. Stop right in front of the pile, there will be a ledge to your right that is easy enough to jump onto. Then we run through the caves, kill stormtroopers and collect holocrons (6 \ 15). You have now reached the imperial station above the sarlacc. Here you can also complete an additional task. To the right of the entrance to the valley is a large car, somewhat similar to a juggernaut. We jump on it and shoot lightning at the generator. Also, wires go from the car to the sarlacc tentacle - look in the direction of the wire, a sight will appear, then throw the sword. You have probably already seen the holocron (7/15) on thick cables, the second (8/15) is located on the other side of the machine. Experience points (9/15) are located above the left bridge, they are easy to get. We repeat all actions with the release of the sarlacc and starting the generators, then we sit down in the elevator. Coming out of the elevator, we turn right and take away experience points (10 \ 15). Do not be afraid of the tentacles in the tunnels, they are absolutely harmless, but the sucking holes are dangerous - they take away a lot of health. As soon as you enter the giant room (if you can call the rooms inside the sarlacc that way), you will see a holocron (11/15). It will be difficult to get it, but it is possible. Use a double jump, then a dash and a Dashing Blast Combo (impossible without it), this should be enough to cover the distance. To close the suction holes, strike electrical devices near them with lightning. Soon you will find yourself in a room where the wind pushes you to the very beginning. You can hide from the wind behind the columns, passing the room in several passes. At the right wall are experience points (12/15). Already on the surface, you will get involved in the battle between the Imperials and the Felusians. Combo points (13/15) will hang in the middle of the location; to pick them up, you need to jump from the mushroom cap.
Then we climb the stone stairs to pick up the "unstable" blue blade (14/15), you need to jump from the second staircase. Experience points (15/15) will be on the left side of the passage, next to the rancor.

Boss: Bull Rancor - It is useless to beat Maris Brood, her turn will come up later. The rancor is not that scary, use standard tactics. However, you shouldn't be in front of him.

Maris Brood - constantly becomes invisible, use the Force Wave when it starts to attack, then use the sword. Periodically, she releases Force lightning.

Imperial Raxus Prime

Objective: Destroy the orbital shipyard
Secondary Objectives: Destroy the control center of the capture beam
Experience points: 500 000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Cloak of the Jedi Traveler
Opponents: No new enemies

At the very beginning, we jump to the upper right ledge, jump over to the opposite one using a double jump, dash and blow; we take away the Sigil crystal (1 \ 15). Then we return back and go straight, there will soon be a left turn, there you will find experience points (2 \ 15). After you cross the beam that replaces the bridge, forcefully knock out the door and take pumping points (3 \ 15). We leave to the right and take away experience points (4 \ 15), located on the cliff. Next, you will find yourself in a large location where a battle takes place between the imperials and the scavengers. The "compressed" green blade (5/15) is located on the platform to the right of the entrance. Experience points (6 \ 15) are in the tunnel from which the scavenger reinforcements came. One more experience points (7 \ 15) are to the left of the entrance - you need to jump onto the bridge to get them. The last experience points (8 \ 15) are right at the exit, it is impossible not to see them. In the next location, you will have to kill everyone before the door to the hangar opens. To her right, on a metal structure, are experience points (9/15). Already in the hangar itself, on the upper balcony, you will find pumping points (10/15).

After the cutscene, take the elevator and turn right. At the end of the platform, experience points (11/15) are waiting for you. When you enter the next room, turn right and go upstairs. There will be a dead end with boxes, use the Force push and make your way, inside you will find an "unstable" purple blade (12/15). To complete an additional task, jump on the tower and use lightning to destroy the generators. To leave the room, you need to destroy the generators to the left and right of the door (use telekinesis). We rise on the elevator and find ourselves in the next room. Holocron (13/15) is on the left bridge, it will be very difficult to get it (have you already remembered the sarlacc?) Use double jump, then dash and Dashing Blast Combo. We open the door and leave. In this room, holocrons (15/15) are located in both the left and right corridors.

Boss: Proxy - the first half of the fight is simple: use Force Wave and hit the prone. But when he turns into Darth Maul, use only telekinesis, the rest of the Power abilities will only harm. Also stay away from his sword, hit the lying one.

Everything is easy here, we run on platforms and overload the generators with the help of lightning.

The landing of the Star Destroyer is one of the most spectacular moments in the game. LEDs must be destroyed by lightning or telekinesis. Then we take up the destroyer, and follow the instructions on the screen. In about 6 visits, it finally crashes.

The Death Star

Objective: Find General Kotu and the founders of the uprising
Secondary Objectives: None
Experience points: 500 000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Ceremonial Jedi Cloak or Sith Hunter Armor
Opponents: 1) Wall turret - crawls out from under the floor, it is better to kill with lightning. 2) Gunner - armed with a standard rifle, mainly shoots from a turret.

This is probably the hardest moment in the game; you will die, and more than once. After clearing the room, go up to the balconies where the snipers were sitting.

There you will find experience points (1/15) and a Katak crystal (2/15). Then we stand on the glowing doors in the floor and use the Force Wave. At the end of the corridor, at the entrance to which you broke the glass, there are experience points (3 \ 15) in the right room. We break the glass again and go into any door. We take out everyone in the corridor and reach the end. There will be a bridge above you, go up the elevator and jump onto the structure that passes over the laser. There you will find experience points (4/15) and an "unstable" green blade (5/15). After opening two doors by the Force, you will find yourself in the next corridor. In the rooms on the right you will find leveling points (6/15) and experience points (7/15). Another experience points (8/15) are located right at the exit to the pipe. Next, you need to turn the rings using telekinesis so that they stand in one row. Keep in mind that under the first pack of rings lies a holocron (9/15), the second (10/15) is right inside the second pack of rings, it is easy to spot. In the huge hall, jump down, destroy the AT and push the generator into the slot. By the way, it is advisable to reach the end of the bridge before jumping and jump into the laser tube, there are experience points (11/15). There are one more experience points (12/15) on the platform of the second floor, and the third ones (13/15) are in the side room of the third floor. We reach the very top by elevator and see a holocron (14/15) on a narrow beam above the laser. It will be difficult to get it, it must be done while hanging in the stream of the elevator, use the Dashing Blast Combo. Your reward will be ... you have been waiting for this for a long time - a black sword. The last holocron (15/15) is on the platform the radar points to.

Boss: Shadow Guard - first kill those who get in the way, then deal with the shadow guard, at the end of the game it will be just fun.

Boss: Darth Vader - In the first half of the fight, use Power Thrusts to knock him down on his shoulder blades, then hit him with a sword. When he starts to accumulate his Power push, run behind him, wait for him to use it, and then hit. Then Vader will escape to the platform. Your task is to throw it with everyone that comes to hand. Then he will jump onto the bridge - here it is already necessary to force him down on his shoulder blades and finish off.

Now we take a breath and run towards Palpatine and his captives.

Boss: Emperor - Palpatine uses three types of attacks. 1) Attack with Force Lightning - it's easy to get around. 2) Attack by telekinesis using things - just hide behind the consoles. 3) Summoning the guards - first kill the red ones, the blue ones will not create any problems. It is worth attacking the Sith when he has just finished his attack. Use sword and lightning.
Alternative ending

After the battle with Vader, we do not run to Palpatine, but jump from the bridge to Vader.

Boss: Darth Vader - and he has already restored life and became even stronger. Do not jump around him at all, it is almost impossible to get out of his grasp. Try to drop it to the floor, compete in the mastery of Force control and, of course, use combos.