Scene mod large zone. Locations What are there locations in Stalker

"Probantage zone, army cordon. In the cellar behind the village near the army checkpoint you will find a merchant. I do not advise you to come across the eyes of the soldiers, they do not advise solders, they have an order to shoot without warning. It is impossible to kill soldiers, only as a last resort, for each killed merchant you have to pay and it will not be pleased with such a layout. On the plains, large flocks of blind pieces are enhancing only a suicide one.and".


This is a kind of bandwidth in the zone. It is found in two games of the series - in the shade of Chernobyl and in the pure sky. It is here that stalkers newcomers appear in order to deal with Khabar to gain experience for further travel. This location is the most harmless compared to others, but it is easier to die. Mutants are found blind dogs, which for bulking whole flocks, wild boars that are walking with groups of 3-4 individuals and pseudo-caps, which can be seen here only. In the south and afterwards, the locations are located in the military, abandoned ATP and the checkpoint in the north of locations are under the control of bandits, the pig farm is full of mutants and only the newcomer village is completely safe place.


This is a big stinking dump, where after the accident in the 86th year, the mountains of radioactive debris were brought ... broken cranes, technique ... You can find the remains of old buildings. You can meet mutants. Here, mostly beginners are spinning both gangsters, where well without them. You can find artifacts on trifles, but it is better not to stop here for a long time. Further a lot of radiation foci, it is impossible without protection.


Large location inhabited by predominantly gangsters, having an intersection between locations in the south (cordon, bar, dark valley) and the north of the zone (Research Institute of Agroprom). Contrary to preferentially controlling the gangsters are periodic clashes between the stalkers who have strengthened in the cemetery of abandoned technology and in the depot. According to the plot, the landfill territory was initially completely controlled by bandits (with the exception of blocking posts and freedom before the locations of the group). It consists of and to (especially in the center) from the mountain of radioactive garbage, which was thrown there after the catastrophe for the Chernobyl. From north has a transition to the bar, the East - the Dark Valley, the West "Agroprom".

Interesting Facts:

  • In the real prototype of the location, the cemetery of the abandoned technology is practically maddy.
  • An abandoned settlement of the settlement is a direct prototype of location.

Research Institute "Agroprom"


Nii "Agroprom" - location next to a landfill and amber. On the outskirts of this location there is a large number of abnormal fields and foci of increased radiation. In the southwest of the location there is a "Agroprom" casing. He has no permanent "hosts". He is the place of stay of the platoon of soldiers guarding secret documents.

Dungeon of Agroprom

Collectors ... Yes, the usual stinking sewage. Wars the agricultural drains to the nearest reservoir. The collector is now dangerous. Inputs six. Two of them on the territory of the institute - there is a base of the military. The territory of the Research Institute is patrolled. The schedule of patrol is in captain in captive.


One of the key locations in the PM. Here the player first meets the most dangerous mutants of the zone - blood circulation and controller, and also finds the first extensive information about the group of the arrow. From the initial underground complex there, there was a sufficiently small area, on which it is impossible to understand which experiments were carried out here. Catacombs adjacent to the basement of the NII itself are patrolled by soldiers sent here for their provinces in punishment. The far part of the tunnels is chosen by a gang of gangsters, periodically overlooking the surface. The rest of the dungeon of the desert, except for the bloodsuckers, gradually chose (first one, then you can meet up to three individuals) these raw places and there is no place of controller.

Dark valley

This is the Dark Valley, there is always gloomy and foggy. Often raining. To all here, one of the highest concentrations of the anomalies ... You can deal with good artifacts, and you can easily part with life ... Be sure to meet veterans, they earn money here, pulling the artifacts from the ass. I heard, they talked about the gang of the smears, such as they appeared again, actually Khrena knows, they seemed to shoot them already. There is an entrance to the laboratory, only from there nobody returned, therefore I do not advise you to go there ... like dwarfs, and maybe and more stronger ...


Dark valley - Location located in the northeast of Cordon. Under the abandoned factory there is a laboratory X18. Gloomy place. Many have found their destruction on rainy wasteland. Everything here is shrouded with raw darkness, each person calls suspicion and cautious stalker, for some reason, it will prefer to bypass any building side. It is always dark and foggy here, often it rains. In the Dark Valley you can deal with good artifacts, and you can quickly say goodbye to life. There are many Matte Stalkers - they came here for valuable artifacts; There are bandits. You can search the entrance to the underground laboratory located somewhere here, only from there nobody returned, and what is hiding there, it is not known to anyone.


Underground laboratory - a gloomy place; It is said that there are stored documents that open the secrets of the zone, but most likely it is just some kind documentary trash. It lies at the lowest levels of the laboratory, there are rumored entire duties of documents that once did not have time to burn. Well, of course, there are some of the most gloomy representatives of the dungeons - bures and bloodsicles ... Dwarfs almost no one ever seen, they say that it is not possible to cope with ordinary weapons, the bullets are bouncing ... here, and it seems like they are thrown by heavy cobblestones and metal fittings with strange cobblestones Forces. And a lot of stalkers crung in this laboratory ...


Lab X18. - Located in the Dark Valley, the underground laboratory, in which, presumably, experiments on various animals and man were carried out for the creation of a "supersoldate". At the lower level, there is a room with broken flasks in which there are some embryos that are very similar to the physical bodies of Poltergeists, which gives reason to assume that this laboratory is their "homeland". In some rooms you can find irradiating equipment and cells for experimental, incomprehensible autoclaves. The laboratory profile was a study of mutations and experimenting over genes, to create mutants with unusual physical capabilities.


Hehe ... Before the accident in the 86th, it was the usual urban type village. Now, as you understand, these are already collapsed residues of the former village ... In the local underground cafe of the food store you can find the bar of stalkers, stalkers are going from all over the zone, the local trader works here by the bartender ... Contains, so to speak, the room. You there if you want to stretch, chat and interesting task Get ... Well, the news last recognize. If you go from the village, you will come to the old plant sprout. Behind the plant is the base of grouping "Duty". The base is closed from outsiders, I do not advise you to break there.


The grouping "Duty" cleared on the outskirts of the wilder territory a place for itself under the base and allows stalkers to relax here. A kind of oasis in the desert - neither anomalies or mutants. There is a dungeon in which the bar "100 X-ray" is located: stalkers are collected in it from all over the zone. Fights a local bartender in the bar, so here you can not only talk, but also to sell, buy almost anything. In the north of the bar is military base, in the south - dump.

Wild territory

In the wilderness earlier, a rather large plant was, from which some ruins were now left. A lot of stalkers found their end in them: they divorced there with everyone, as if she converges there from all over the zone. According to rumors, however, something very important in this plant is, so you always have to try happiness in wealth.


Wild territory- so called stalkers Western part of the plant "Rostock". It is here that the greatest activity of mercenaries is recorded. This part of the abandoned plant "Rostock", in contrast to the bar, is truly wild. The terrain is a refuge of various mutants: blind dogs, pseudo-caps, snarles and bloodsicles live here. Anomalous activity Also very high - due to the technogenic nature of the landscape and the abundance of abandoned buildings, the terrain is rich in such anomalies as Electra and Kissel, which in turn contributes to the generation of a large number of electric and chemical nature artifacts.


The legendary lake amber, how, of course I know. Black, oily ... souls it stalker drinks, just come to babe, the gaze and not you, only the shell is empty on the water and there ... to the islet, it means in the fog swimming ... and the rawrs are wandering around, they will wander around you need to do the legs here, because there are a lot of them, the stalkers of the former, it cried on this lake, and now the pacifiers only roam ... If you get around the lake and zombyakov, then you will find a scientific camp, they study something ... their helicopter is drove, he They regularly deliver to them regularly, so they swallowed well there ... you can care with them, they buy artifacts, even something can be asked.


Amber - Valley, located on the site of a huge dry lake Amber, from where the name of the location follows. The small rest of this lake is preserved. The location is a small mobile camp of scientists and the buildings of one of the abandoned research institutes. Before disconnecting Psi-Installation Location Amberweakly populated by people, as a significant part of the territory is under intense psi-radiation, aggressive zombies are roaming throughout the valley, snarles also live. At Stalkers, the old plant on Yantar enjoys a bad glory, there are few people returning from there, there is an experimental psi-emitter Kaymanov, the prototype of the legendary "brain dear". Anomalies and openly lying artifacts are almost never found, but attentive examination of the caches can generously reward a lucky stalker. When lifting on the hills there is a risk of getting into the zone of increased radiation. From the groupings there are: single, scientists, debt, as well as numerous zombied.



X-16- Secret non-state laboratory located on the territory of Location Amber. There are many zombied on site. In the center of the underground complex there is a psychic installation, the basis of which is an artificially grown brain of significant sizes. Installation in X16 was built as an experimental sample of the emitter after successful studies and experiments with experimental in X18 to study the Psi-Field.

Here is a description for those who did not have time to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of carnobyl 2004.
Stages, their description and screenshots.

Old cordon. Location 4 times more release, all old objects are in place. Oops on Mount, where we perform the first quest from Sidorovich to search for artifact. At the factory you can admire the physics, shoot in the pipe on the chain and in the hanging shield. On the second floor of the plant there is an artifact and trunk with cartridges.
Be sure to go to the tunnel with an anomaly of an electra, from the release.

Old landfill, the one we used to see on old screenshots. The level is very large, the middle crosses railway. Hangar where the gangsters were attacked a little different in the release, there was a burer and moves with iron boxes. I recommend to see. For the hangar, the entrance to the underground base, exit from the base to the surface of the landfill.

Actually Agroprom. Compared with the release changed very little. However, the agricultural dungeons are now a single whole with location, no downloads. Coin arrow no.

Dark valley. A completely unrelated stage, only key objects are made. Represents only architectural interest, the location is thrown out of mods and will not touch.

Laboratory X18 with small differences from the release. There are no monsters, but one day he met two stalkers staggering in terms of level.

Actually bar. However, in Build, the bar is connected to the wilderness until the yard is released. The bar itself is on the spot, there is no bartender, instead of him the usual stalker. Location flooded with controllers and monsters, a good place For entertainment and shooting "by banks".

Oh, what location! It is completely different from the release, there is only a Sakharov bunker, but it is closed, or rather, it's just a brush, there is nothing inside. At the stage, many large satellite antennas, in the middle of the base, on the sides of the village stage. Apparently, Amber was preparing as a large base of scientists than he stayed, but with significant changes. There is no plant with zombies.

Army warehouses. It is not very big differences from the release, in fact, in the release, it is almost the same, with the exception of some objects, for example, a farm has been changed where the debt detachment was.

Dead city, dream of any stalker, what we have long wanted to see. Stage is not small, but not completed at the edges. On Lenin Square, in the center, the most picturesque places. If the stage is finalized, it will be the perfect bridgehead for multiplayer.

Swamps. A huge, but empty location, from the release of the CN is slightly different. Most likely, the location was cut off because they did not come up with gameplay. However, if the location is filled with dynamic anomalies, swamp monsters, impassable tops, it will be very interesting and strained gameplay.

Actually radar. Almost the same as in release, but there is no red forest, instead, a bunch of test garbage is docked. But the antenna themselves in place, but there is no entry into the laboratory. In a lot of garbage find KamAZ.

Laboratory X10 under the radar. Changed little, but in Build too empty.

In release, it was a location on the approach to the bunker of monolith control. What is interesting, the entrance is in the house on the radar, near the antennas.

Chaps. Now it is a single location, in the release was divided into station1 and station2.

Reactor. The release is not much different.

Based on this location, many other dungeons are collected. There is no stage in the release, but you can find familiar places everywhere.

Very atmospheric location! Many generators who are in the release are located on the territory of the Chernobyl, the raised land, as in the Red Sky Forest.

We all know well that there are no little modifications with just a huge number of new locations. To take as an example of at least the people's saltwater in which it certainly is where to turn around. New mod The shadow of Chernobyl can safely qualify for the title of the location project. The modification was added, attention, 53 new levels! Among them, all familiar locations from the original trilogy, improvised levels from different cardies, as well as several bild territories. There was a place and levels from one old, but rather well-known project - "doomed city". Many will ask: "And how are things going with the plot?" Here, unfortunately, not so smoothly. Mostly, the mod retained the original storyline in itself, but the author of the project worked on the implementation of several new quest branches. In general, the "big zone" needs a total refinement, which is now working the author of the modification. We wish him success!

Chernobyl shade - 1.0004

General description:

1. There is transport in the game.

2. At the military military equipment: Tanks, BTR-s, helicopters.

3. Transitions to all locations are open.

4. All locations are populated and involved in the plot (except for an overpass Pripyen-1, the location is populated, but in the plot it is only mentioned)

5. 5 Chernobyl locations are locations from a fashion risky city. The plot I was trapped from there too and redid under my topics.

6. Some tasks I borrowed from Folk Soljanka And also redid under his story.

7. Many NPS visuals. Most models took here.

8. Maybe something else, you do not remember.

All locations on global Map Located new.


There remains the main plot of the TC and the whole game also ends on the artist of desires or on Chernobysia. Plus to be (optional, because it does not intersect (infeed) with the main plot) to pass more than 7 story branches. In general, the plot was as follows. After the first catastrophe, after many years (when the USSR did not become and Russia has greatly weakened at the beginning of the 90s, scientists from the West came to Ukraine to study the radiation background and on the Chaps itself. But in fact, these scientists began to deal with completely different things. These scientists were under the auspices of the CIA and other secret forces of the United States. They offered a solid amount into the treasury of Ukraine and they launched them into the area of \u200b\u200bthe zone. The area of \u200b\u200bthe zone is large, abandoned and also not far from the border of the enemy Russia. A number of laboratories were rebuilt on the territory of the zone. . Work began on the creation of biological weapons (monsters, viruses), artificial Intelligence (robots, androids), weapons based on emission EM (Gauss cannon - manual and high power (on the back and in x18)). Work began, continuing the experiment Haarp (but scientists have seen another opportunity under it, and it is possible to connect to the noosphere of the planet). CHEPP 2 and in the territory of the generators built powerful antennas. On the Chernobyl, one of the reactors were launched in the most prosperous state. In parallel with the interests of American intelligence agencies, scientists worked and over their own projects, one of which was called "O-Consciousness". In 2006, the experiment came out of control: the reactor was launched to maximum power and its all was sent to the antenna radiation, thereby breeding the most powerful release, which created the current, abnormal zone. All scientists from the "o-consciousness" disappeared, most people turned into monsters, part of the laboratories were destroyed. But some scientists still managed to survive. The US government managed to convince the Government of Ukraine in his innocence to the incident. At the UN meeting, it was decided to take the territory of the zone under military control: the southern half of the zone remained for the military of Ukraine, and the northern part began to protect military NATO. The CIA managed to establish contact with "new" scientists (which became part of the noosphere). There was an informal treaty on which the CIA provided scientists, and those, in turn, continued to work on them. A detachment "Monolith" was created. These are the former military who was washed with the brain and inspired the myth of monolith. Monolith of artificial origin itself. Outside, it looks like a huge stone block, and inside the height generator and EM waves at the frequency of the human brain. The work on the Chernobia continued until the shooter came!

There are also many simple tasks in fashion: bring it, kill it, etc. Almost every location will have any character with a task to you. In my fashion it turns out that the shooter will be on the takon, Jupiter and Eastern Pripyat before the arrival of Degtyarev. And it will do almost the same investigation about the secret weapons (but it won't get to the truth). Sunset on Chernoby 1 also has 2 options: if you do not pass the plot of Jupiter and Zakon, it will be as usual, and if you pass, you will help.


1. Cordon

2. Doll

3. Research Institute Agroprom

4. Dungeons of Agroproma

5. Dark Valley

6. Laboratory X18.

8. Wild territory

9. Yantar

10. Laboratory X16.

11. Army warehouses

13. Western area of \u200b\u200bPripyat

15. Sarcophag

16. Secret Laboratory

18. Bunker (X10)

20. Cave

21. Forgotten forest

22. Untreated land

23. Labyrinth

24. Limansk

25. Hospital

26. Generators

27. Warlab

28. Red Forest

29. Old village

30. Swamot

31. Dead city

33. Jupiter

34. East Area Pripyat

35. Overpass Pripyen-1

36. Laboratory X8.

37. Mysterious laboratory

38. Pregnant

39. PROMZON (old landfill)

40. Air Defense Station (Old Amber)

41. Topi (old swamps)

42. Hidden road

43. Dark Loschina

44. Grove (Dark Forest)

45. Colm Chervone draw

46. \u200b\u200bChernobyl (beautiful)

47. Chernobyl (Home)

48. Chernobyl (market)

49. Chernobyl (graveyard)

50. Chernobyl (station)

51. Mine Digger

52. Laboratory X14

53. Polygon


Stalkers, bandits, military Ukraine, military NATO, mercenaries, last day, Clear sky, Nazis, zombies, monolith, environmentalists, merchants, freedom, debt

Script System:

Ai_pack_add_amkii_1, OGSM release, Dynamic_weather_v0.9.4, Panoramic_Mod_2.1 Final, Repawn from Panzuza, the ability to sleep in a bag


1. Thanks to the Vampire-35 for creating such a large pack of locations.

2. Thanks azrael1325 for adding sleeping and other help and prompts.

3. Thanks to all those who lay out their work in the use of other models.

Unresolved (for now) problems:

1. Not always, flies when moving from one location to another. Location after loading normally. The departure of the slag (appeared when I added the transition between the location of the Digger mine and adjacent to it. Added it seems correctly)

2. Chernobyl characters have a skeleton of a dialogue transferred by me from a risky city. For some reason, the dialogue does not always appear when trying to communicate. The dialog appears from 3-5 attempts to talk.

3. In the new, and most of the other (ordinary) NPS do not register the coordinates of the icons (all with the face of the bartender).

4. The Grenador scheme works like this: the NPS throw 2 grenades, and only 1/4 of them explode

5. It is necessary to edit the monsterness of the weapons and the lives of monsters (I roughly edited, but this is not something).

6. There are 2 all.spawn and all_respawn.spawn file. From the first file, most of the sections of the respavna monsters are removed. A boneless departure appeared, which complained to the respavn of monsters. In the second file, all sections are present.

7. It is necessary to create a slot for binoculars in the hidde of the inventory. I have 2 of them: ordinary and NATO.

8. It would be nice to move the count of cartridges from the belt, and not with a backpack. Like unloading.

9. Here is another bad departure:

Expression: (* Elements.begin ()) -\u003e Numberofgeoms ()

FUNCTION: CPHSHELL :: prebuild_fromkinematics

File: E: \\ Stalker \\ Patch_1_0004 \\ xr_3da \\ xrgame \\ phshell.cpp

Description: No Physics Shapes Was Assigned for Model or No Shapes in Main Root Bone !!!

The description says that it is buggy trunk with spawn NPS. One of the German trunks is buggy, and one of the trunks at the bandits of the bandit_novice and SIM_BANDIT_NOVICE1. Maybe someone else is buggy.

10. On the global map location, the polygon is circled with a square. In Photoshop, did it all the same as with other minications of locations, but the location was left on this loop.

11. Traders take a weapon that they have on sale.

12. Quests are not decorated. Tips will not. All information in dialogues.

13. I did not play my mod, I only tested the addition and work of quests.

Large zone - With this name, a new modification was released on the game Stalker Chernobyl shadow, which adds 7 new story branches, great amount Locations and quests. The mod offers a player an interesting and nonlinear plot to characterize which you can in any way as an investigation to be done by the arrow. During the passage of the Fashion, the large zone you have to do questists borrowed from such modes as a doomed city and folk Solyanka, which were completely changed and adapted for a new plot. Additionally, transport and military equipment added in the mod.

About the plot Fashion Large zone:

Many years after the first catastrophe in the early 90s after the collapse of the USSR, Russia was experiencing not best times And it was very weakened. At this time, a group of Western scientists arrives to the territory of Ukraine, under the guise of the study of radiation background inside the Chernobyl station and its adjacent territories. But the measurement of the radiation background was a legend, scientists chased far different purposes. A group of scientists was under the patronage of the CIA and other US intelligence services. It was possible to get to the territory of the alienation zone, they succeeded due to solid financial investments that the special services contributed to the treasury of Ukraine, instead of what they were led by perimeter. After the appearance of Western scientists in the zone, the work on the restoration of a number began scientific laboratories. In these laboratories began to develop different kinds Biological weapons in the form of mutants and viruses, experimental developments of artificial intelligence android robots were carried out. In parallel, the development of weapons based on electromagnetic radiation was carried out, they treated Gauss cannon as manual so inpatient execution. The laboratory for the creation of Gauss cannons was located on the takon and the Laboratory X-18. Work continued to continue the experiment Haarp, which opened the possibilities of connecting to the Earth's noosphere. In the territories of generators and Chaps 2, powerful antennas were mounted, and one of the surviving reactors was launched. In parallel with the project, which was supervised by the special services, scientists created their project called O-Consciousness.

In 2006, the experiment came out of control: the reactor was launched to maximum power, all generated energy was aimed at the antennas, the radiation of which provoked in turn the most powerful emission. This emission has become the creator of the current abnormal zone. Almost all scientists from the "o-consciousness" disappeared, some people turned into mutants, most of the laboratories were destroyed. Later it turned out that some scientists managed to survive.

The United States convinced the Ukrainian government in his non-involvement in what happened. The UN meeting decided to establish military control in the territory of the alienation zone. The southern part of the zone remained in the competence of the Ukrainian military, and the northern half took control of NATO troops. The special services of the CIA managed to contact "new" scientists. A unofficial agreement was concluded between them, according to which the CIA provided scientists to the patronage and protection, and those, in turn, continued their development but already on them. A detachment "Monolith" was created. In this detachment, predominantly the former military who were "washed brains" were scored and inspired the myth of monolith. The monolith itself was similar to the stone block, inside which the generator of electromagnetic and sound oscillations was installed, operating at the frequencies of the coinciding with the frequency of the human brain.

In the plot, in his investigation, the shooter will visit Jupiter, Zapyon and Eastern Pripyat to the arrival of Major Degtyarev and will actively investigate on the appearance of secret weapons in the zone (running on arrows to truth does not compete). You can get on the CHAES-1 by the 2nd options: if you do not pass the plot on Jupiter and Zakon, then the passage does not change, and if you pass, you will help.

Main changes:

  • The new plot is the main plot of the game Stalker Shadow Chernobyl, plus 7th new story branches. As in the original Final Games occurs at the artist of desires or for Chernobyl scene lines Do not intersect with the main plot.
  • New quests. The game presents quests of various difficulties, along with difficult, and simple tasks like bring objects, kill stalker, etc .. Almost every location there will be characters from whom you can take tasks.
  • 53 New locations.
  • 14 groups
  • The game includes transport.
  • At the military grouping combat vehicles: Helicopters, BTR-s and tanks.
  • Free moving around the zone, on all game locations, transitions are open.
  • In addition to the location, the overpass is printer 1, all other locations are involved in the plot.
  • The zone map is corrected, the locations on it are located in a new one.
  • Locations Chernobyl and quests present on them were taken from a modification of a doomed city. The plot and quests were transferred and adapted for a new plot.
  • Some quests were transferred from the Folk Solunka, the quests were completely changed and concisely fit into the new plot.
  • Many characters have changed visuals.
  • Sleep in the game is implemented using a sleeping bag.
  • The game has added emissions.

The game added 53 game locations:

Polygon, Western Pripyat District, Secret Laboratory, Dead City, East Area Pripyati, Laboratory X-18, ATP, Collectoz Chervone Dyshlo, Topi, Air Defense Station, Untreated Earth, Chaps-2, Warb, Generators, Army Warehouses, PromZon, Forgotten Forest , Grove, Cordon, Dark Valley, Laboratory X-16, Old Village, Hospital, Bunker (X-10), Amber, Dungeon of Agroprom, Dump, Wildlife, Labyrinth, Zaton, Mysterious Laboratory, Dark Hollow, Laboratory X-8, Sarcophage, Chaps-1, Research Institute of Agroprom, Radar, Marsh, Overpowers Pripyat-1, Cave, Bar, Jupiter, Limansk, Pregnant, Chernobyl (Beautiful), Red Forest, Chernobyl (Home), Hidden Road, Chernobyl (Grax), Laboratory X-14, Chernobyl (market), Mine Digger.


Freedom, environmentalists, military Ukrainians, pure sky, military NATO, zombies, Nazis, last day, mercenaries, merchants, bandits, stalkers, monolith, debt.

Patch No. 1 of 03/15/2015 Introductory!
Installation - Copy from the archive of the Spawns, Scripts, Config ---\u003e folder

Patch No. 2 dated 04/07/2015 Introductory!
Installation - Copy from the archive CONFIG folder ---\u003e to the GameData folder, agree to replace files.

Unresolved problems:

  • Not always, flies when moving from one location to another. Avtosive is loaded normally.
  • For the new, and most of the other (ordinary) NPS, the coordinates of the icons are not prescribed (all with the face of the bartender).
  • Traders take a weapon that they have on sale. I tried to correct this bug, but to act only in the game process, because Often, trucks are not immediately discarded inventory.
  • Quests are not decorated. Tips will not. All information in dialogues.
  • 2 times passed the game, everything seems to work.
  • PNV does not work, it is better not to include.
  • Added a cleaner, but it does not work. The corpses disappear, and there are no weapons and other items.
  • In Chernobyl and on the pre-tribades, sometimes it does not swap the release, i.e. It ends, but the messages about his end comes and labels with shelters do not disappear on the mini card. I replayed from an early sailing - everything was fine.
  • Sometimes the dead NPSs or trunks fall under the texture.
  • Sometimes there happens when the monster (when spawn) or the trunk of the killed NPS (I do not know why it happens) falls outside the location. Just replay from early sailing and that's it.
  • What has changed and what to pay attention to:

    • Fixed most departures and not docking.
    • On some locations, there is actually no shelter from the emission. Some repairmen are added to the game (repair after execution for them some tasks).
    • Edited by the slaughter of the trunks and the life of monsters, straightened the bodies on all trunks.
    • The guide is adjusted.
    • In Chernobyl, the depicken departures.
    • Treasies merchants so as not discharged inventory, but it is not possible to check it, because They throw it in the game process.
    • Added cleaner, removes everything with the exception of the trunks. Therefore, in the process of the game, try to hide the trunks of the NPS killed by you to them in the inventory, and then in the future you will begin to pursue the departure of the overflow of objects in the game.


  • Unzip the downloaded archive with the mod.
  • Copy the resulting GameData folder in the folder with installed playing Stalker PC 1.0004.
  • Install the patch (above in the description)

general description:
1. There is transport in the game.
2. At military military equipment: tanks, BTR-s, helicopters.
3. Transitions to all locations are open.
4. All locations are populated and involved in the plot (except for an overpass Pripyen-1, the location is populated, but in the plot it is only mentioned)
5. 5 Chernobyl locations are locations from a fashion risky city. The plot I was trapped from there too and redid under my topics.
6. I borrowed a bit of tasks from the People's Solunka and also redid under his story.
7. Many NPS visuals. Most models took here.
8. Maybe something else, you do not remember.

All locations on a global map are located in a new way.


There remains the main plot of the TC and the whole game also ends on the artist of desires or on Chernobysia. Plus to be (optional, because it does not intersect (infeed) with the main plot) to pass more than 7 story branches. In general, the plot was as follows. After the first catastrophe, after many years (when the USSR did not become and Russia has greatly weakened at the beginning of the 90s, scientists from the West came to Ukraine to study the radiation background and on the Chaps itself. But in fact, these scientists began to deal with completely different things. These scientists were under the auspices of the CIA and other secret forces of the United States. They offered a solid amount into the treasury of Ukraine and they launched them into the area of \u200b\u200bthe zone. The area of \u200b\u200bthe zone is large, abandoned and also not far from the border of the enemy Russia. A number of laboratories were rebuilt on the territory of the zone. . Work began on the creation of biological weapons (monsters, viruses), artificial intelligence (robots, androids), weapons based on emission EM (Gauss gun - manual and high power (on the back and in x18)). Works that continue experiment Haarp began ( But scientists have seen another opportunity under it, and it is the opportunity to connect to the noosphere of the planet). Powerful antennas built on the territory of the generators. On the Chernobyl Or one of the reactors in the most prosperous state. In parallel with the interests of American intelligence agencies, scientists worked and over their own projects, one of which was called "O-Consciousness". In 2006, the experiment came out of control: the reactor was launched to maximum power and its all was sent to the antenna radiation, thereby breeding the most powerful release, which created the current, abnormal zone. All scientists from the "o-consciousness" disappeared, most people turned into monsters, part of the laboratories were destroyed. But some scientists still managed to survive. The US government managed to convince the Government of Ukraine in his innocence to the incident. At the UN meeting, it was decided to take the territory of the zone under military control: the southern half of the zone remained for the military of Ukraine, and the northern part began to protect military NATO. The CIA managed to establish contact with "new" scientists (which became part of the noosphere). There was an informal treaty on which the CIA provided scientists, and those, in turn, continued to work on them. A detachment "Monolith" was created. These are the former military who was washed with the brain and inspired the myth of monolith. Monolith of artificial origin itself. Outside, it looks like a huge stone block, and inside the height generator and EM waves at the frequency of the human brain. The work on the Chernobia continued until the shooter came!
There are also many simple tasks in fashion: bring it, kill it, etc. Almost every location will have any character with a task to you. In my fashion it turns out that the shooter will be on the takon, Jupiter and Eastern Pripyat before the arrival of Degtyarev. And it will do almost the same investigation about the secret weapons (but it won't get to the truth). Sunset on Chernoby 1 also has 2 options: if you do not pass the plot of Jupiter and Zakon, it will be as usual, and if you pass, you will help.


1. Cordon
2. Doll
3. Research Institute Agroprom
4. Dungeons of Agroproma
5. Dark Valley
6. Laboratory X18.
7. Bar
8. Wild territory
9. Yantar
10. Laboratory X16
11. Army warehouses
12. Radar
13. Western area of \u200b\u200bPripyat
14. Chaps-1
15. Sarcophag
16. Secret Laboratory
17. CHES-2
18. Bunker (X10)
19. ATP
20. Cave
21. Forgotten forest
22. Untreated land
23. Labyrinth
24. Limansk
25. Hospital
26. Generators
27. Warlab
28. Red Forest
29. Old village
30. Swamot
31. Dead city
32. Zaton
33. Jupiter
34. East Area Pripyat
35. Overpass Pripyen-1
36. Laboratory X8.
37. Mysterious laboratory
38. Pregnant
39. PROMZON (old landfill)
40. Air Defense Station (Old Amber)
41. Topi (old swamps)
42. Hidden road
43. Dark Loschina
44. Grove (Dark Forest)
45. Colm Chervone draw
46. \u200b\u200bChernobyl (beautiful)
47. Chernobyl (Home)
48. Chernobyl (market)
49. Chernobyl (graveyard)
50. Chernobyl (station)
51. Mine Digger
52. Laboratory X14
53. Polygon

Stalkers, bandits, military Ukrainians, military NATO, mercenaries, last day, clean sky, Nazis, zombies, monolith, environmentalists, merchants, freedom, debt

Ai_pack_add_amkii_1, OGSM release, Dynamic_weather_v0.9.4, Panoramic_Mod_2.1 Final, Repawn from Panzuza, the ability to sleep in a bag

1. Thanks to the Vampire-35 for creating such a large pack of locations.
2. Thanks azrael1325 for adding sleeping and other help and prompts.
3. Thanks to all those who lay out their work in the use of other models.

Unresolved (for now) problems:
1. Not always, flies when moving from one location to another. Location after loading normally. The departure of the slag (appeared when I added the transition between the location of the Digger mine and adjacent to it. Added it seems correctly)
2. Chernobyl characters have a skeleton of a dialogue transferred by me from a risky city. For some reason, the dialogue does not always appear when trying to communicate. The dialog appears from 3-5 attempts to talk.
3. In the new, and most of the other (ordinary) NPS do not register the coordinates of the icons (all with the face of the bartender).
4. The Grenador scheme works like this: the NPS throw 2 grenades, and only 1/4 of them explode
5. It is necessary to edit the monsterness of the weapons and the lives of monsters (I roughly edited, but it is not that).
6. There are 2 all.spawn and all_respawn.spawn file. From the first file, most of the sections of the respavna monsters are removed. A boneless departure appeared, which complained to the respavn of monsters. In the second file, all sections are present.
7. It is necessary to create a slot for binoculars in the hidde of the inventory. I have 2 of them: ordinary and NATO.
8. It would be nice to move the count of cartridges from the belt, and not with a backpack. Like unloading.
9. Here is another bad departure:
Expression: (* Elements.begin ()) -\u003e Numberofgeoms ()
FUNCTION: CPHSHELL :: prebuild_fromkinematics
File: E: \\ Stalker \\ Patch_1_0004 \\ xr_3da \\ xrgame \\ phshell.cpp
Line: 616.
Description: No Physics Shapes Was Assigned for Model or No Shapes in Main Root Bone !!!
The description says that it is buggy trunk with spawn NPS. One of the German trunks is buggy, and one of the trunks at the bandits of the bandit_novice and SIM_BANDIT_NOVICE1. Maybe someone else is buggy.
10. On the global map location, the polygon is circled with a square. In Photoshop, did it all the same as with other minications of locations, but the location was left on this loop.
11. Traders take a weapon that they have on sale.
12. Quests are not decorated. Tips will not. All information in dialogues.
13. I did not play my mod, I only tested the addition and work of quests.