The deepest treasure. The largest treasure found in Britain. How much will the excavator get

Greetings to all visitors to the treasure hunter blog.
I decided that the blog should be filled regularly, so I will write more often, I hope the information will be useful to you. My experience as a treasure hunter is already 3 years, during this time there were many finds, both worthless and more or less rare. I am often asked by my friends and relatives - I heard that you are looking for treasure, you have a mine detector. Hehe, I say, yes, I am digging slowly, but I haven’t found any treasures yet, the maximum is small pledges and single coins. Again they ask - and where to look for treasures, how to find treasures?? To which I answer that if you are not a digger, then why do you need to know. The digger shares such information only with like-minded people))

So the information on where to look for treasures is quite valuable, although there are no exact recipes for finding treasures, it all depends on luck. That's right, luck decides everything, a beginner will buy himself the cheapest detector, go for the first time to hunt and find treasure, and even on a regular field. A treasure hunting professional spends a lot of money on expensive equipment, a car, gasoline, buys expensive vintage maps and cannot find the treasure. So the search for treasures is the tenth thing, if you have a certain amount of luck, then you will succeed in finding the treasure. First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the search technique, choose a metal detector for the price, quality, capabilities. I recommend the basic models of metal detectors from well-known manufacturers for review.

However, knowing where to look for treasure will definitely increase your chances of finding a treasure. So, where to look for treasures, where treasures were hidden in ancient times, let's try to figure it out. I'll make a reservation right away that all knowledge is collected from the thematic forums of treasure hunters and summarized.

You can search for treasures on a tip. If you have in mind old village and old people live there, then visit them, take gifts, vodka. Politely ask if they know about any legends that in ancient times someone buried treasures or stash. I personally have one such legend that my great-grandfather allegedly buried a pot of silver coins in the neighbors' garden. However, so far I can’t get there, the neighbors say that we will find it ourselves. This kind of crap sometimes happens, neither to myself nor to people. In general, check with local legends and try to check them out. There are known cases when legends turned out to be true and people raised a decent amount of silver, copper coins, gold is usually found always in small quantities, because in those days only wealthy people had gold coins. So the places where the probability of finding treasures is - we learn from the local population by soldering)) especially grandfathers love to get drunk and their language begins to chatter endlessly. And you shake your mustache, or turn on the recorder))

The second common way where to look for treasures is also searching in ancient villages. We will look in the gardens, most often the peasants buried their simple stash there. To find a cool treasure, do not hope that a poor peasant could put off for a rainy day - copper coins with a denomination of 1-5 kopecks for 5-10 rubles, and even though even less. Such pawns are most often found at a depth of 40 cm, as a rule, they are either in an earthen jug or in an already decayed purse. So we are breaking through the gardens. If the village has already disappeared from the face of the earth and you found it according to the old maps, vegetable gardens can be found by the lush vegetation. The grass in the former vegetable gardens grows very rapidly, you can immediately see that there was a vegetable garden - the land is soft, pliable. We call the gardens, there comes across a lot of interesting things. So looking for treasure in the garden is a great idea, if you don’t find the treasure, then you’ll dig up single coins, and even a miscellaneous shmurdyachka.

The third place where you can look for treasures is wells. When the Bolsheviks began to dispossess the kulaks, the kulaks hid their wealth in wells. It is difficult to get there, and whoever gets there. there are many cases when treasures were found in wells. Some diggers purposefully work only on wells. However, it is worth noting that this activity is very life-threatening, since old wells collapse and grief - a digger can fall asleep alive. I myself would never go down into an old well. If it is lined with stones - then you can still try, and wooden - well, fuck it, thank you)) Tell me, would you climb there?

treasures in old wells - better not worth it

We continue the hit parade of the most probable places of treasure finds. We are looking for treasures in old villages. As a rule, there are always big old poplars there. But they were not always like that, when a long time ago they were small and were in someone's garden. And it is quite possible that the owner of the poplar decided to lay a small treasure under the tree for the report - this is when coins are periodically reported to the treasure. It turns out something like a bank in your yard)) Also, history knows several cases of finding treasures under trees. The depth of burial is decent there, usually they ring out a powerful detector or poke it with a probe. If you want, you can try. Personally, I broke huge holes 3 times under the poplars, the signal was great, in depth, so I dug almost 80 centimeters. The result was a cast iron pot, a bucket, and circles from the barrel. But what to do - we are diggers, so when we are lucky, when we are unlucky, there could well be a treasure in place of these items)) But my luck so far does not make me happy)) It is interesting to look for treasures, but it is very difficult to dig huge holes, and in result to get fig))

I propose to see how people actually find treasures. Watching such a video, you understand that there are treasures, they exist and they are actually found. So become treasure hunters and go ahead in search. You just need to buy a metal detector.

1. A treasure of silver. Remove stuck together silver coins from the ground - just fantastic, lucky guys.

Well, in fact, you are most likely hungry for stories about how diggers find treasures. I have something to offer you, because my comrades are already in the amount of 100 pieces. Follow the link, read how they toughly drilled the place of the treasure, all in bricks. But it was worth it.

Well . Again, silver was found, and quite a lot. Here the key role in raising the treasure was played by the persistence of the digger, who was not too lazy to dig very deeply. So, if you are not yet digging and you do not have a metal detector, I would recommend that you buy one and join the ranks of treasure hunters. This is romance, freedom and of course adrenaline.

It's interesting to find a treasure of old coins, isn't it? Probably, everyone had "such a desire, at least in childhood. Remember Mark Twain:" In the life of every real boy there comes a time when he is overwhelmed by a frantic desire to find a buried treasure. "

Did you know that finding a treasure is not uncommon even today? Hundreds of them are found every year. Tractor drivers find it on arable land, under the turf turned up by a plowshare; builders find in the wall of an old house that is going to be scrapped; find divers raising a sunken ship; are found by archaeologists, geologists, ethnographers, schoolchildren ...

There is some kind of enticing mystery in the very word "treasure". How many folk tales and legends are associated with treasure searches, how many detective stories and novels are dedicated to them!

Here is another book about old coins, treasures, hoards before you. The titles of the chapters are flashing: "How the money appeared", "The money changer's shop", "Counterfeiters", "Gold, silver, copper", "Treasure hunters" ...

But what is it? Next to captivating names amazing facts- excursions into history, solid tables, even mathematical equations. Will they dry up the text, will they not make the book boring?

However, do not rush to put the book aside. By the right of a person who has read it to the end and is a little familiar with the essence of the science that it talks about, I can guarantee: if you read it, you will not regret it!

There are heroes in the book - indefatigable treasure hunters-numismatists.

“Often a numismatist turns into a treasure hunter. He stubbornly searches for treasures, but not in the forest and not at the confluence of three streams, but rummaging in old archives and periodicals, and is happy to find a brief mention of the discovery of a treasure of the very coins for which he is hunting. He travels to museums in many cities and, if in any museum he finds a treasure that he needs, there is no end to his joy. In this city, our treasure hunter will be stuck for a long time, especially if the treasure is large. It is necessary to determine and weigh all the coins of the hoard, photograph some of the coins and make casts from them. It is necessary to compile a detailed inventory of the treasure.

And finally, hundreds of books and magazines pass through the hands of a scientist. He does not disregard the old newspapers, in which sometimes, between notes and all kinds of incidents, one can find a note about a treasure of coins. "

Numismatics is the science of coins. She is not so widely known and is no longer fanned by the fascinating haze of expeditionary romance, as, for example, her sister, archeology.

Pushkin's avaricious knight, fingering the old doubloons with trembling hands, marveled at the omnipotent power of gold, exclaimed:

“And how many human worries,
Deceptions, tears, prayers and
She's a heavyweight representative! "

And although numismatists are least of all interested in the current value of treasures, they belong to old coins, perhaps, with even greater trepidation than Pushkin's stingy knight They carefully sort through the green, worn out, bent coins, carefully clean them, carefully examine them through a magnifying glass and a microscope, weigh them, compare them with a thousand others, and then the coins come to life, they begin to tell ...

They talk about the era when they appeared, about the country where they were minted, talk about the economic situation, about trade relations, about wars and holidays, about the fate of cities and individuals... They can report such facts that have not been preserved in any other historical sources, help to verify and clarify what was previously known. Coins name names, dates of battles, designate ancient caravan routes ...

Fedorov-Davydov's book contains a lot of interesting information from the "biography" of the coins. What was the first money? When and where did the first coins appear? What do the images and inscriptions on the reverse and obverse of the coins mean? What metals were they made of? How did the names of the coins come about? What are counting units, monetary system, money circulation?

The author set himself a rather modest task: "To convince the reader that numismatics is not collecting and not a trifling activity, but a big, serious work, a big science, very important in history." The young scientist not only managed to fulfill his plan, but also to achieve more: he was able to reveal the "living soul and inner poetry" of his beloved science, to show the paths leading to deeply hidden treasures of scientific discoveries.

Business-like laconicism, lively and unexpected details, restrained non-intrusive humor - these features of the book's style allow us to speak of Fedorov-Davydov's manifested talent as a popularizing writer.

Let's talk together on such an interesting topic as the depth of detection. In almost 90% of cases, novice search engines, purchasing their first metal detector, ask: how deeply it determines the target. In the minds of many, there is a firm conviction that the deeper the "electron beam" of a metal detector penetrates into the ground, the more finds it will be possible to pick up. Is this so, and where is the catch?

Let's start with the fact that most of the finds are located at a depth not exceeding 15-25 centimeters. And it is at this depth that most metal detectors work, from the simplest models to the more advanced ones. If we are talking about searching in the fields, then regular plowing pulls coins, crosses and buttons to the surface, with repeated plowing, the whole thing again turns out to be under a layer of earth. And so every year.

Most of the forest waste is also found in the upper layer of the earth. No, of course, sometimes there are cases when someone specially hid something and buried it to a meter depth. But, if you naively believe to find a gold coin, then even from 50 centimeters it is hardly possible to detect it, especially if it lies on the brink.

So it turns out that marketing statements about the maximum sensitivity of a metal detector (1-2 meters) are beautiful words that are pleasing to the ear of beginners. And interestingly, no cheating.

For example, a sewer hatch or a rusty hood, even a simple metal detector will calmly see 50 cm and from a meter depth. But, first of all, decide for yourself what you are going to look for: single coins or a volumetric shmurdyak, which lies at depths of at least 1-1.5 meters.

Which metal detector sees deeper targets?

In the second case, depth matters, and for these purposes, special deep metal detectors have been developed that respond only to large metal, ignoring small targets. In all other situations, it remains to choose one of the many metal detectors, the main task of which is to find coins and other small metal objects.

But, choosing a metal detector among the second category, a person again faces a problem. Some metal detectors really see deeper than others. For example, some metal detectors see 5 kopecks of the USSR at a maximum depth of 17 centimeters, while others sniff out this coin from 25-30 centimeters. The difference in the price of these devices can be colossal and differ significantly. From here, you must answer a number of important questions for yourself:

  1. Metal search for you is a hobby or a job
  2. How much money are you willing to pay for a metal detector
  3. Where is it planned to search most often (forest, beach, cultivated or abandoned field, old villages, etc.)
  4. How often do you plan to go out in search

These are the basic questions to help you choose your metal detector. So, if your place of search is arable fields, then depth diggers are not particularly needed here. Of course, you will miss a number of coins, you will not pick up something, but put most of it in your habarnitsa. Here it is much more important to understand your device, delve into the discrimination system, understand the sound of the device, and so on.

What can be done to increase depth

On the other hand, if your goal is to search in forests, where there are many old roads, near a village, you have heard many legends that people in your area dug something in, and you know that the area has already been walked by people with metal detectors and all the cream is already removed - you can take a closer look and the device is more expensive, which sees deeper. There is another option, take a simpler device, and then, if everything goes well, expand its capabilities with a more powerful search coil. As they say, there are many options.

Many search engines of our time, in our opinion, have strongly "hit" the setting of various programs, delve into the subtleties of discrimination, and so on. There is a truth, which was voiced by one of the comrades, that the best discriminator of all ages is an ordinary shovel, a faithful hard worker.

Indeed, even the most modern discrimination sometimes makes mistakes, which means that you can not interpret the signal so, miss it. It is clear that digging all the signals is quickly exhausting, but this is the only way to gain experience, understanding of the process, understanding of the device. In general, supplementing the words of “wise comrade”, let's say: “ Learn to hear and listen to the sound of your device, it will tell you a lot if you find it with it mutual language ". And all these discriminations, advanced settings are good, but believe me, not the most important thing.

Selecting a search location

Well, and the last thing that has already been said hundreds of times is the place where you plan to search. Usually we say this to beginners: “If the place is chosen correctly, and there is something under the reel, it will make itself felt. If, however, in your hands , who sees a meter, and the place is empty - you will have to enjoy the singing of birds and the rustle of leaves. "

So it turns out that the race for depth is not always justified, much more important is a more meaningful and high-quality ... Although, I must admit, I always want to have a metal detector in my hands, the functionality of which inspires confidence. But this understanding does not come immediately, you need to approach this, gain experience. So, getting out on pokapushki once or twice a year, it is somehow strange to purchase a device at the price of a used car, although ... to each his own.

Your Alexander Maksimchuk!
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The digger of housing and communal services from the city of Glubokoye Sergey Martynovich fulfilled the dream of millions. In the center of the city, during excavation work, he found a real treasure with silver and nickel coins dating back to the first half of the twentieth century!

I saw the iron pot with coins when I poured the earth out of the ladle. Of course, I was shocked, - laughs 50-year-old Sergei Martynovich. - I wanted to take one coin for myself to show to my grandchildren. But I gave everything to the police officers. Now the whole city is buzzing that I have found gold! Colleagues joke: they arrange their pockets for me to pour money into them.

All the coins were stacked in a cast-iron pot, covered with a cast-iron frying pan. It was hidden at a depth of 70 - 80 centimeters. So everyone could get to the treasure, a shovel would be enough.

Surprisingly, the next day Sergei Martynovich found another coin at the place of the find - the 300th! But how! The TV people asked him to dig the earth with a shovel on camera. He dug and… again a coin!

Found a lot of Polish coins, there are also silver coins Russian Empire in denominations of 50 kopecks and 1 ruble, - says Alexander Khainovsky, senior researcher of the Glubokoe Historical and Ethnographic Museum. - The coins have not yet been evaluated. But this will not be an exorbitant price. For example, one found American coin costs about $ 50. By the way, American coins are the most interesting in this find. After all, they are proof that our people at the beginning of the century left to work in America.

By the way, it will be possible to see the treasure live next Monday: it will be on display in the museum.

Rumors about the treasure have already spread throughout the city! Someone thinks that we almost found Napoleon's treasure, - laughs Alexander Khainovsky. - To satisfy the curiosity of our people, we will put it on public display. We hope that these coins will remain in our museum.

By the way, treasures have already been found in Glubokoe.

In the 80s, during the construction of the department store, a treasure with gold coins was found. But what happened to him, we do not know. Once in our area, while plowing a field, they found a pot with very ancient silver Arab coins.


How much will the excavator get?

We will do our best to thank this person! But here lawyers have to get involved, - they say in the local museum.

However, you don't have to go far for examples. Last year, at the site where the new Vokzalnaya metro station is being built, Minsk builders found gold five-ruble notes from the times of Nicholas II. They were valued at several thousand dollars. As expected, the workers gave the treasure to the state and found out that they were not entitled to their share. It turns out that the builders were fulfilling their job duties, so there is no question of remuneration. But if a person found them in his garden, then we could talk about payments.

Sergei Martynovich, like the Minsk builders, was at his workplace. Still, let's not jump to conclusions. Let's hope the excavator is not offended.

Dedicated to all lovers to look for someone else's good in the earth (and not only) - the largest found treasures from all over the world!

Did you play as pirates or robbers as a child? Then you probably drew a map with an "X" at least once, and then pretended to be looking for a valuable treasure - a chest with gold, for example. Well, the treasures that Bigpikcha will talk about today were indeed found - by random lucky people or true adventurers. Only, unlike your children's trinkets, these values ​​are worth much, MUCH more. The most interesting thing is that sometimes the treasure is practically under our noses.

Treasure in the foundation of a building in Sroda lska

In 1985, builders undertook the renovation of the old building, who discovered a treasure in the foundation dating from the beginning of the XIV century. The walled vase contained over 3,000 rare coins, medallions and a gold crown. The find is estimated at $ 150 million. The treasure is currently on display in the Wroclaw Museum.

In 2012, search engines raised about 48 tons of silver from the ocean floor. The treasure has become one of the largest finds of silver. Its cost was estimated at $ 38 million. The valuable cargo was on a military transport ship that sank after an attack by German submarines. The treasure was found after the British Department of Transport announced a reward.

In 2007, the company Odyssey Marine Exploration, which specializes in geological exploration, found a Spanish ship offshore. Gold and silver coins were found on board. After the treasure was found, a terrible scandal erupted. The Spanish government demanded that the treasure be returned. And the gold itself was exported from the territory of Peru.

In 2011, gold was discovered in the foundations of the Padmanabhaswamy temple, which is estimated at $ 22 billion. And it weighed more than 30 tons. The son of the last maharaja was present at the opening of the treasure.

The treasure was found in 2010 by David Crisp. He is an amateur treasure hunter. The treasure is estimated at only $ 5 million. The treasure is most valuable in the historical aspect: this is due to the fact that during this period the Roman Empire was going through an economic crisis and the quality of the coins was very low, and the treasure itself represents a four-year salary of a legionnaire warrior. Found coins can be seen in the British Museum.

The cargo with platinum was supposed to be delivered to New York during the Second World War - this platinum was used to pay for "allied aid." But the ship was sunk by a German submarine. It is very difficult to estimate the value of this treasure - according to rough estimates, it is worth $ 3 billion. It was found by the treasure hunter Greg Brooks.

The largest treasure found in England was discovered in 2009. The treasure was found by amateur treasure hunter Terry Herbert. Almost all products date from the 7th century AD. The treasure consists of silver and gold items, their total weight is 7.5 kg, and the number reaches 1500 pieces. These are weapons, dishes, and jewelry.

Archaeologists who excavated on the island of Jersey (Britain) have discovered a cache of Celtic treasures. The treasure was hidden about two thousand years ago. Most likely, he was hidden from the troops of Rome, who invaded the British Isles. Now the cost of jewelry and coins is estimated at $ 17 million.

The treasure was found during the renovation of the mansion in which the Trubetskoy-Naryshkins lived. During the renovation, a secret room was discovered that was not marked on the building plans. It contained whole deposits of silverware with the coat of arms of the Naryshkin family, awards and decorations. The dishes look great because they were in a linen cloth soaked in vinegar. This cache was created in 1917. The treasure was estimated at 189 million rubles.

In the state library of the town of Passau, the cleaning lady Tanya Hels accidentally discovered in 2011 rare coins... Tanya took her find to the management. The treasure is estimated at several million euros. This cache contained very rare Byzantine, Greek, Roman coins. It is believed that this collection was hidden from the authorities in 1803, for the reason that the authorities took away the monastic coins and books for the needs of the government.

This treasure was found in 1984 by an archaeologist who specializes in underwater excavations. The treasure is estimated at $ 15 million. He was on a sunken ship built in the 18th century.

Galleon "Atocha" was loaded with jewels for two months! With great difficulty, the ship was sent sailing, but he never made it to the metropolis. The ship sank off the coast of Florida. The Spanish authorities have repeatedly tried to raise the treasure from the bottom, but all attempts were unsuccessful. It was only in 1985 that Mel Fisher was lucky enough to find the treasure. To find him, Mel created an entire company, Tragers Salvors Incorporated, and was also able to find investors for funding. While searching for the treasure, Mel's team surveyed about 120 sq. miles of the seabed. The value of the valuables raised is estimated at $ 450 million. It is believed that no $ 500 million worth of valuables was found from this vessel. And, probably, they won't find it anymore ...