Blast kittens board game to buy. Board game exploding shorts. Good work, buddy

Modern world With delight, looks at photos and video rollers with kittens, whose leprosy cause attacks of tenderness and pacification in the souls of millions of people. It's nice to watch someone's vase falls on the floor with a bedside table, fascinating the costly TV and gaming console. And among the fragments, the premium creature is purring, which there is no strength and opportunities. Escape these fluffy lumps of half of the world, the rest (surviving) half of the population would only flash from the lingering ... Today on a pink sofa - an explosive board game "Explosive kittens" (Exploding Kittens).

If you nourish the passion for all-conventional pyrotechnics and with pleasure inhale the powder gases, stroking your favorite cat, then there is entertainment for you, the madness of which is not subject to any question. You will be able to blow up your friends through kittens, under the sounder admiration for the rest, temporarily remaining in living players. You will curse in the whirlwind of absolutely unpredictable events, see the incomprehensible worlds, learn the essence of the Universe and will become a superhero. Although what it is me ...

A compact box with armored walls hides from the eyes the deck of explosive kittens, several stickers and the treatise beginner pyrotechnic. Free space inside the tank is enough to absorb an explosive wave and give you a modest chance of salvation.

Stickers located on your hiking things will give to understand all others that in front of them is the exhaust kit vehicle, every summer sunbathing in the light of the radioactive mushroom.

Four explosive kitten carry immediate death to someone who will discourage their sleep, as well as distract from important and necessary affairs.

In addition to explosive, five more types of kittens are met in the stack, one is more extremely different. Actually, these cards will be useful to compile combinations, and by themselves no benefit (or harm) will not bring.

Of course, look at the kittens - the business is useful, but ... you need to act, and urgently! Five types of cards will avoid meetings with explosive kittens, view the upper cards in the deck, mix the stack, pull the useful actions from the opponent or skip the move. Enchanting drawings or raise the mood, or will translate your brain to Standby mode ...

There is an opportunity to protect against all this madness - you can neutralize an unnecessarily playful kitten, as well as cancel Caverza, played by "friendly" rivals.

What is his Mi-Mi-Ly!

So, are you ready to immerse yourself in the bunch of madness and chaos? Oh, yes ... I ask if you read up to this moment, then exactly ready. Well, it's time to postpone in the direction of the "explosive kittens" card and "neutralize", mix the remaining deck ...

... and distribute to each opponent four cards, adding to them the only chance for salvation - the ability to neutralize the explosive kitten. After that, cute and fluffy blast kittens are kneaded into the total stack in an amount per unit less than the number of players. You can start!

First of all, select "Lucky", which will be done first. It should be the most positive, cheerful man, hiding in pink clouds and believing in his luck. Let this day be swivel in his life and change its worldview ...

But, it will happen a little later, but as long as it can play (and may not play) a card with a hand and must fulfill its action (read about the possible consequences in the booklet). Then another card and one more ... and so until you get bored (or the cards will not end). Nevertheless, at the end of his turn, he will be obliged to take one card from the deck if his actions did not cancel this rule.

And from the deck, as you already guessed, you can pull out an explosive kitten, which, naturally, will ruin you into corpuscles. But, there is an opportunity to neutralize it. Nevertheless, do not hurry to rejoice: the card "neutralize" goes into reset, but the kitten returns to the deck. Yes, it's bad: no protection, and kittens - there! Meanwhile, madness goes to her!

Of course, rivals arrange a variety of diversequarters and surprises, trying to slip the explosive kitten to a neighbor. Many of them can be canceled by exclaiming: "No!", And posting the appropriate card (you can also in someone else's stroke). But on "no" there can always be another "no", but still, and more. So do not share who knows what all this cottage will end ...

Conventional cats will be useful for compiling combinations: two of the same kitten will allow you to take a random card from the hand of the opponent, three - a map of choice (if there is an opponent's card), and five different - take any card from the reset (it may be a saving "neutralize")!

Ultimately, inevitable fate will overtake almost everyone, except for one: the total deck becomes thinner and is not replenished, the number of explosive kittens in it does not decrease, so someone should explode. And, of course, he explodes to the joy of the rest, leaving from the game. The remaining player, pretty burned from the explosions, with the "eternal" smile on his face, joyfully meowes Waltz Mendelssohn ...

Cottage at home

I have long wanted to hold this remarkable "tank" in my hands. The fact is that Exploding Kittens collected 8.782.571 dollars on Kickstarter (The third place for the entire existence of the platform of public financing of projects, and the first one among the board games). Agree, it is more than a high indicator that ... is a real madness, set up the game.

In the "explosive kittens" there is no strategy, there are no tactics, there are no wooden components and plastic figures, no gaming field, there are no intricate cardboard counters and rondel resources, there are no fauners and ... in a word, except for kittens there is nothing here. So why is such a phenomenal result?! Everything is very simple: the authors caught the "wave" of universal lunizing kittens, and, skillfully beating the version of the "Russian roulette", created a game deck with enchanting patterns.

Rules are simple to madness, game process Polon Adrenaline and fun, positive in everything - and now you have a world hit. I doubt that a similar "Board", for example, with owls, will repeat the success of kittens, but ... on the site of the authors I would try, as the owls now also in the trend ...

Entertainment game for fans of the cats (you will die, considering them), for opponents of the cats (you will rejoice, exploding them), as well as for other cheerful people who want to cheered up and slightly "go" crazy in your free time ...

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1. Remove all explosive kittens (4) and maps to neutralize (6) from the deck.

2. Mix the remaining cards and distribute to each player.

3. After distributing one map to neutralize each player. Ultimately every 5 cards. You can only see your cards.

Cards to neutralize is the only card that can save from the explosive kitten. Having played a card to neutralize after the explosion, instead of defeat, you continue the game and return the explosive kitten into a deck anywhere in the deck.

Tip: Many do not happen to neutralize.

4. Put enough explosive kittens back to the deck. They should be one less than the number of players.

Remove unnecessary blast kittens from the game.

5. Return the remaining cards to neutralize back to the deck.

Layout for two put in a deck only two additional maps Neutralize. Remaining two remove from the game. Signal for 5+ players Just combine two or more decks for playing with plenty of players. Adjust the number of explosive kittens depending on the number of players so that kittens are always one less than playing. For example: if you play 9, put 8 explosive kittens.

6. Stir the deck, put it face down the middle of the table. This is your deck.

7. Choose which player will walk first. (Some criteria: the most impressive beard, the most frightening smell, the smallest spleen and so on).

General information You have a deck of cards containing several explosive kittens. The game passes like this: you put the face with the face down and alternately pull the cards until someone pulls out an explosive kitten.

When it happened, this player exploded. He flew out of the game.

In short

If you explode - you lost.

And you are full of regret.

If you did not explode - you won!

Good job, buddy.

And all other cards simply reduce the chance to explode. for example

You can look into the future, looking at the top top cards in the deck. And if you discovered an explosive kitten there, then it's time to skip your turn and avoid annoying defeat.

How to walk

1. Play the card from your hand, putting it face up in the reset place, after you perform the card. Or do not play any card at all. So you can.

2. After the card is performed, you can play another number of cards during the stroke.

3. Finally, you finish your move by pulling the map from the deck in the hope that it is not an explosive cat, and put it in your hand.

(This is the difference from most other board games, you pull the map at the end of your stroke.)

Players walk clockwise.

Paired maps

Some cards do not have actions themselves. These cards must be played in Pare or in Person Combo. If you played paired cards, then select another player and map from his hand (at random).

A couple more details

  • We can assume how many cards remained in the deck.
  • The deck will definitely not end during the game, so there is no need for stirring a discharge and the main deck.
  • No minimum or maximum cards in hand. If you have ended the cards in your hand, there is no special action for the goodness of extra. Continue to play. You pull at least one card more in the next go.
An example of travel

1. You decide to play a map Ploy to the future.

2. Browsing three top cards, you found that the card you have to pull is Explosive kitten.

3. You decide to attack your opponent, thereby finish your move, and forced it to take two cards.

4. The opponent was not simple. He uses no map that cancels your attack, so this is still your course.

5. In any case, it doesn't want to pull the explosive kitten, so you decide to play the card to mix, thereby stirring the deck at random.

5. From the mixed deck, you pull the card and hope that it is not Explosive kitten. Good luck.

Or ... Instead of playing any cards from your hand, you can simply pull the card from the deck and finish your turn. You do not have to use any cards. Fast certificate of cards Explosive kittens 4 cards You must immediately show this card. If you do not have a card to neutralize, you lost. Reset all your cards including Explosive kitten, in the dump deck. Neutralize 6 cards if you pulled out Explosive kitten, You can play this card instead of playing.

1. Put your card to neutralize the discharge.
2. After take Explosive kitten, not touching and seeing the rest of the cards, put it back to any place in the deck.

Want to scare the player after you? Put the kitten with the top card. You can keep a deck under the table so that no one except you see where you put the card. Your course ends, playing a card to neutralize (if you do not have to walk several times, of course).

No 5 cards stops any action except the card to neutralize and Explosive kitten.

Imagine that any card (or pair or special combo) under no card no longer exists.

You can also play no on another card. In short, there is no no - legal works.

And yet: No map can be played at any time, even if now is not your course. Attacking 4 cards finishes your course without taking cards and forces the next player to go twice in a row. The victim of the attack card goes as usual: playing cards, after pulling.

If the victim of the attack card will play the attack card itself, its move also immediately ends without capturing cards, and the next player makes two strokes in a row.

If you played an attack card and someone played the map no on your attack, it means that this is your own way and you need to pull the card. While the next player does not have to go twice in a row.

No cards neutralize any cards under them, that is, if the map of the attack has never been played. Skip 4 cards immediately finishes your course without taking cards.

If you played a card to skip how to attack the card, it cancels only one of two moves. Two cards skip both strokes. Favoring 4 cards forces any other player to give you one card from your hand. What kind of give it chooses. Stir 4 cards Mix the deck, despite what cards there. Useful if you know that Explosive kitten On the approach. Look into the future of 5 cards peel the top three cards in the deck and leave them in the original order. Do not show cards to the rest of the players. Cat cards 4 cards of each type These cards are useless in themselves, but can be played in a pair or in a special combo. Combo two identical - Blind pocket To take at random card at your opponent, play two identical cards in a discharge deck.

For example, if you have two taktos, you can play them like an action, and choose your sacrifice. This player must take his cards, and you pull from his hand at random.

Three identical - time to fish while playing three identical cards, you can call the card you want to get, and the selected player must give it to you.

If he does not have a named card, you are a loser and do not get anything. So you are attentive to watch those who have cards to neutralize.

Card icons you can play any map Like two or three, if their icons in the upper left corner coincide.

For example, mix on each map. Mix the illustration is different, however the icon is always the same. So, instead of playing cards mix in order to mix the deck, you can play them as a couple and steal the desired map Your opponent. Five different - war down from a deck deck If you played any 5 different maps With different icons, you can take one any card from the deft deck.

(Grab the bit faster to choose the map until no one has used the map)

I do not very often play board games and try more often something new. Most of the members of the purchased tank appeared with me just because someone from my friends strongly recommended them to try. Together with your neighbor from the dorm, I fill a small cabinet with games with games, and once a few months (students scholarships are those still pennies) there is a new box with a tomik rules, cubes, chips, cards or God knows what else. Once we even put the World of Tanks: Rush there, but now we try not to make such rash deeds. In general, now "explosive kittens" settled in the closet.


"Explosive kittens" is a card version of the Russian roulette, only instead of a revolver - a deck of cards, and instead of bullets - cats. Well, and if you die in the game, then you are unlikely to die in life (death from old age is not considered a consequence of the game to the veil). You pull the cards in the hope that there will be no explosive kitten, or they miss the moves - make pulling the cards of other players. In the process of the game, you can arrange rigid messengers to rivals, preventing their moves, take their cards with force (the power authority of the rules, of course) or just begging for the cards you need. Or you can without any significance to pull the cards from the deck and wait for a big explosion.

One game lasts 10-15 minutes (depending on the number of players), and the rules are easily absorbed in one rink. And, most importantly, the pleasure of "explosive kittens" receive only after I studied the rules, and not in the process of learning, as it happens in some board games. The playability is high, but I would still not advise you to spend more often for the game more than once a week or two. By the way, that is why this text came out only now - I checked how fun to play this game (and not because I was too lazy to write this text, lol).

Drawings on maps

Cool, even very. I tenderly love the comics The oatmeal for his style and the transfer of characters emotions. However, the drawings on the maps are rather a pleasant addition, and pay attention to them only from time to time due to the fact that it is more important than the assignment of the map. But every time someone pokes your finger into the image, Lulby is catching everything.

Valid version

The same seams, but with repulsions at all on the entire head patterns. An important thing here is that when using the 1st deck, the number of players is limited to 5 people, but if you mix two decks, then 9 people will be able to play. If you expect to play big company, Take both versions at once. If not, I advise you to end the attention on the tits-wristband.

Everyone around is used to that kittens are the milestone creatures that come to lose about your leg, pour into the ear or sleep on the knees. It's time to find out the whole world that they are not those who give out for themselves! In fact, the cats are those still explosive clouds, ready to make it embarrass everyone who will meet, or rather - who will meet them.

But these are not all the surprises that they prepared for you. The prodigal kittens are preparing a sabotage - they are going to arrange a terrorist attack and undermine themselves somewhere in a crowded place, for example, you have at home in the midst of a party, when all the guests have already managed to get together, but no one has time to leave ...

How to play with prodigal cats?

In fact, the board game explosive kittens (Exploding kittens) (the prodigal version) - the brother of the twin game, which is only similar to them, but not appearance. The game is still 56 cards, but now the images on them are frankly and deprived of all censorship. That is why the game explosive kittens. The prodigal version is marked "18+".

So, the main question, disturbing our minds: how to play? The authors noted that you can contact the rules in two minutes, let's check! One eye you look at the scheme (picture), and other read our instructions. So, players get four casual maps And the same map of "neutralize", explosive kittens are sent to the deck in the number of "Number of minus one", players take turns pulling cards from the deck until someone gets explosive kitten. Fuck! Ba-Bach! And there is no player ... If, of course, he had nothing to defend.

Do not give the kitten to lead yourself into the world of different using cards to "neutralize". So small dirty fluffy - terrorist can be disadvantaged, climb or feed. A couple of seconds, and this kitten is still harmless than the snail you saw in the morning on the curb. On the other hand, you can not only defend yourself, but also to attack, so to speak, go on ahead. For example, why not scold cards and do not substitute someone from rivals, laying an explosive kitten to the very top of the deck? Or why not immediately attack the enemy, in the forehead, without any prelude there? This is the same explosive kittens (Excloding Kittens) (the prodigal version), do not be offended, because this is a game for a fun company and everything is in an adult.

Explosive kittens (prodigal version) - do not be shy!

Mega explosive board game created talented Dream Tim: Matthew Inman, Illustrator of The Oatmeal Comics, Ilan Lee, Head of the X-Box Design Department and Shane Small, Talented Marvel and X-Box Designer. The game has already managed to grab two awards: "For best Design"In 2013 and" for best game"In 2015. It is not surprising that it is popular more than 50 million players around the world.

If you suddenly want to cook an explosive cocktail, mixing the restrained cards with unrestrained cards of the prodigal version and literally walk on the verge of decency and inappropriate, worth it, without thinking, to buy, and do not deny yourself!