GTA 5 Secret Card. Map of random events. Investments and purchase of shares - Feel yourself with wolf with Wall Street

After the release of GTA V, there were messages about finding players of unusual locations, or "Easter eggs" on the Internet. Of course, such secret locations in GTA 5 attract attention - something valuable or interesting is often hidden on them. Users use users to navigate gaming map. With its help, you can easily navigate in space and find the necessary territory on the expanses of Los Santos. However, most of the players are familiar with the Aza cards, while not using it in full. Because of this, many locations remain unexplored. In today's article, we will try to fill the gap in the knowledge of particularly curious players and tell about the most interesting secret places in GTA 5 on Xbox, PlayStation and PC.

Information available not to everyone

The card in GTA V has several variations, it can be topographic and satellite. In our article, we will talk about the standard form that appears in the default menu. This card is called topographic and gives information about all roads. In order to open it, you must click on the pause and select the appropriate section.

The card that appears (it can also be increased to the full size) will show the area in which the player is currently at the moment. The right upper angle accommodates the explanation of all icons and icons (if they are missing, we recommend using the left Cntrl on PC and right-wing on consoles). With their help, you can find out where the store, hairdresser, another quest and so on. If you need to change the map of the card, then press the PageP and Pagedown buttons on the LT / RT and L2 / R2 computers on the consoles.

The whole territory in the game is divided into two large parts: the main city of Los Santos and his suburb, which is called the name "Blin". In order to get to a certain place, it is necessary to mark it on the GPS label map. As a result, a purple strip appears (trajectory) that connects the point of finding the player and the intended destination.

If you make a photo yourself on some particular area, it can be used as a kind of navigator. Next to such Self will display all the necessary information about the place in which it was done, and how to get to it.

Secret places of cars in "GTA 5"

Tradition to hide unique vehicles The most unusual locations have been preserved for developers from the very first games of the series. Of course, the fifth part did not remain aside. Below we presented a list of secret sites in GTA 5 on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC, in which exclusive transportation is hidden:

  1. We start with Rockford Hills - this is the area, on the street where you can find the Adder car. Her body resembles a sports Bugattiveyron.
  2. We move to Richman and moving to the West - we see parking for various rare cars. It is worth a visit this place several times, because, depending on the time, there will be completely different cars.
  3. The next spa, which appears tuning cars, is located in the port of the southern part of the city, if you drive away from it a little east.
  4. If a desire to get a personal evacuator will appear, then look for it next to the city international airport.

Cases and suitcases with money

Secret places with money in GTA 5 will always help the gamer to replenish the wallet. In all game territory The valuable cases are also hidden, also referred to as cash suitcases. Their total number has twelve pieces, and from time to time they can respared (appear again and again). In one such suitcase, you can find from $ 7000 to $ 13,000.

Most of the player's cakes separates the ocean and its great depth. For a successful "diving" for money, you will have to pump the skill of the breath delay.

By the way, it is with these cases and their secret places in and the GTA "GTA 5" the famous cheat on endless money is connected.

Base of military

Similar objects, as a rule, are not marked. To see this is the most secret place in GTA 5, you need to switch from topographic map on satellite. On the basis you can find an exclusive cargo car, a military fighter and a helicopter, a cargo helicopter with a hook, a Titan aircraft and even a tank. The location of almost all the transport is fixed, that is, they are fixed on a certain area.

As for the tank, it moves throughout the territory and appears in front of the player himself only if anxiety is raised. By the way, about it: as soon as the character penetrates the military base, he is immediately declared. What to do in this case, so as not to be a target for the endless flow of lead?

How to get on the base

Peel into the territory is possible, moreover, it is real to do without risk for life. Trevor will help us and his mission to shoot deer. Before going to the forest, we call a taxi and go to the fort. Having arrived at the gate, select the car from the driver and go straight to the base. Of course, this method is a bug, but allows the player to quietly move around the territory.

All other scenarios of the database penetration include many shots and explosions, so they are unsafe. We will tell about another method that implies the presence of a player of the helicopter. I hijack any youthful turntable and fly to the database, while trying to keep a decent height so as not to get to the radar. As soon as we turn out to be in the required point - we are flying away.


Secret places in GTA 5 can hide not only anything valuable, but something mysterious and even inexplicable. One of these phenomena was the addition of aliens. In order to get to them, you need to find the wreckage alien shipscattered throughout Los Santos. The first meeting with the alien expects the player already in the first task: we turn with the highway to the right side and go to the frozen river, to the bridge. There, under the ice and hiding humanoid.

The next time we can see them, playing Michael, in the second mission. Our hero, under the action of particularly strong hallucinogenic substances begins to see strange things that are directly related to aliens. A little later, we will have to shoot them with the help of minigan.

The UFO itself is located in the north-west, deep under water (for a clearer idea of \u200b\u200bwhich place is in question, you need to refer with the card). Miscean it will be unforgivable!

Mount Chilliad.

Having risen to the chilliad mountain, you can find a mysterious stove written strange symbols. The picture resembles a pyramid and a map, the further consideration of which suggests that they have a certain connection with an alien form of life. If you look at the bottom of the image, you can disassemble the outline spacecraft, eggs and man.

What does this mean? If we want to meet with a real UFO, then we need to return to the same mountain under the following circumstances:

  1. The gameplay should be completed one hundred percent.
  2. During rainy weather.
  3. Early in the morning, at three o'clock.

After fulfilling all the above conditions, we will have a chance to meet with a real alien ship, which will come down from the sky. That's just to apply to him any damage will not succeed, and if you get closer in his direction - it will disappear.

We meet with characters from past parts "GTA"

For many fans of the series will be a pleasant surprise appearance of characters from previous parts GTA. So, we have the opportunity to face face to face with Bruce Kibetan, who is allocated by the role of Man-Twitter, or with Pakka Magreri, who, in exchange for our help, can become a member of the team.

Messages from other films and games. Other jokes and references

DRIVE film

The themed jacket of the Character of Rayna Gosling can be found in any discount shop, in the relevant section.

La Nore game game

Location to this project is associated with a construction company called ELYSIANFIELDS, which turns its business now in Los Santos.

Max Payne 3.

If we go shopping in the store Suburban, then among hangers with clothes we will find a shirt "Tropico" - that the most that Max was worn in the third part of the franchise. Another reference to this game is Michael's gray suit from the beginning of the game.

Red Dead Redemption game

The playground on which you can rent transport is called Escaler. This is a reference to the city. Escalera, which is a part of the world Red Dead Redemtion.It is no secret that both games have the same developers, so the addition of "Easter" in this case is the thing is normal and expected.

Jessie Jesus

During gTA passage 5 Players may encounter a mysterious guy. His name Jesse, he has a long brown beard, and he loves to talk "for life." Most likely, this character is a kind of parody of Jesus.

"Haylo" and Superman

In one of the houses of Los Santos, you can find two fun figures. One of them is a miniature master chief, a popular character game Series "Haylo", and the second is Clark Kent, better known as Superman.

The GTA 5 collective edition contains a card on which there is a hidden Message from Trevor, which contains prompts, secrets and places on the map. On the one side of the map, the description of the passage to a certain place is recorded, and with another many secrets and marks, the values \u200b\u200bof which will be explained below.

Weaponry + Narcotics + Intimidation + Casual Wear

Lago Zancudo.
Great Ocean Highway North
Through North Chumash.
0.5 Miles Past Raton Canyon
Follow The Dirt Road
Bring $ 500,000 Cash

The place on which the instructions indicates is an abandoned dock available for purchase. There is a mini-submarine, and you can purchase several Nuclear Waste Barrels.

Inverted image map with all marks

Legend Maps from special edition GTA V

GTA Online. Property available to purchase can only be owned by one.

Fast Cash
Stores with alcohol, refueling and round-the-clock stores for robbery.

Custom Rides.
Pay and Spary, Los Santos Customs.

X submersible.
Locations where you can find Nuclear Waste Barrels. On the map only 10 crosses, and in the game 30 Nuclear Waste Barrels.

Ø Gruppe 6.
Visit these locality leads to the emergence random eventsAllowing to steal money from collector machines.

GTA Online. Simeon will send a list of machines that he needed; You can deliver it only one of the list. Car damage will reduce the amount of remuneration received. From time to time, Simeon will have a priority car to receive, which will be marked on the map.

Visiting the place indicated by a flying saucer allows you to detect a very carefully hidden SpaceShip Part.

Titan / P.996 Lazer / Buzzard
Fort Zancudo, Army base, where you can buy military aircraft, such as Titan (cargo plane), P.996 Lazer (fighter), and Buzzard (combat helicopter).

2 strange cylindrical buildings covered with alien figures and symbols, with several people on the roof engaged in yoga. Spaceship Part on the protrusion of the mountain.

BOLINGBROKE PENITENTIARY, which is very difficult to examine, even using the cheat code to lower the search level. All that was here was found. This Machine Gun is found in the upper pass connecting the block 9a and the watchdog. Perhaps Trevor believes that it was here to hold Brad Snider.

Rail Cabin.
The only object found here is Sawed Off Shotgun.

SW Rooftop.
National Security Management. Destroy the gate and take the roof to find RPG and Buzzard (combat helicopter).

Galileo Observatory. You can find Sniper Rifle for a telescope and Body Armor for the electric forwarder.

Body Armor on the top of the road and Letter Scrap on the bottom.

A small marijuan farm guarded by several gangsters. Inside the barn, you can find a case with money that appears every week.

Open Grave.
Freshly won land with pistol inside.

Pink Pool.
Body Armor in the pool

Backyard Davis & Grove St
Various items can be found in the backyard Davis & Grove St. Health, Body Armour, Carbine Rifle and Letter SCRAP.

Frank Mathers.
After purchasing Sonar Collections Dock in Paleto Cove, the Stangers and Freaks mission will be available for Michael. The wife of the deceased Frank Mathers will give a task to find the Submarine Parts.

Between The Crates.
Strange sect in which everyone runs in underwear. Be prepared for a fight, going on their land. Go to the far home to the right, on his porch there are Assault Shotgun, RPG and Armor. Baseball bits lies near the stone. You can also bring a cult of any suspect sacrifice for money reward.

CBL-Omega-Flying Saucer
Carbon Based Lifeform. The symbol next for CBL is Omega. Most likely points to the location where the mission of Strangers and Freaks begins, in which Omega is needed to find the Spaceship Parts of the ship.

Bridge with arrow
At the top of the bridge you can find RPG.

Explosion in Aloamo Sea
Only Grenade at the end of the dock.

Detected a secret message from the back side of the printed map Rockstar Games.which can only be read under ultraviolet light.

Initially, the developers said that the card included in the GTA 5 collective edition contains a lot additional secretsBut how could someone guess to enlighten it with ultraviolet?

One of the users of the Reddit resource Under NOVEMBER17R3 answered this question. According to his (or her), he was at a party dedicated to the start of sales of GTA 5, where they distributed T-shirts and pens, who only looking like a handle, and in fact are ultraviolet lanterns.

T.P.E - Trevor Philips Enterprises. Weaponry, Narcotics, Intimidation and Casual Wear.
Lago Zancudo.
Great Ocean Highway North
Through North Chumash.
0.5 Miles Past Raton Canyon
follow The Dirt Road
Bring $ 500,000 Cash

It says that a player (perhaps, playing for the Trevor) should bring half a million cash to the place not far from military base Skump. What happens next - find out yourself.

The third secret on the map looks like this:

Take Control
Titan P.996 Lazer Buzzard

You can discuss secrets in the comments. Spoilers should be hidden by a special tag. Violators will be cruelly punished, and their messages are deleted.

T.P.E Trevor Philips Enterprises:
Weapons + Drugs + intimidation + random gear

Marked X, locations are indicated:
Fort zancudo
Great Ocean Highway North
Through the North Chumash (chumash)
0.5 miles past Raton Canyon (Raton Canyon)
← When the fencing ends
Follow a dirt
Bottom of docks
Up to $ 500,000 money

The place on which the instructions indicates is an abandoned dock available for purchase. A mini-submarine is stored here, and several barrels of nuclear waste can be purchased.

Legend Maps from special edition GTA V

GTA Online. Property available to purchase can only be owned by one.

Fast Cash
Stores with alcohol, refueling and round-the-clock stores for robbery.

Custom Rides.
Los Santos Customs, place where you can tuning and repair cars.

X submersible.
Locations where you can find barrels of nuclear waste. On the map only 10 crosses, and in the game 30 barrels of nuclear waste.

Ø Gruppe 6.
A visit to these localities leads to random events, allowing to steal money from collector machines.

GTA ONLINE. Simon will send a list of cars that he needed; You can deliver it only one of the list. Car damage will reduce the amount of remuneration received. From time to time, Simon will have a priority car to receive, which will be marked on the map.

Visiting the place indicated by a flying plate allows you to detect a very carefully hidden part of the starship.

Titan / P.996 Lazer / Buzzard
Fort Zancudo, Army base, where you can buy military aircraft, such as Titan (cargo plane), P.996 Lazer (fighter), and Buzzard (combat helicopter).

2 strange cylindrical buildings covered with alien figures and symbols, with several people on the roof engaged in yoga. Piece of starship on the brand of the mountain.

BOLINGBROKE PENITENTIARY, which is very difficult to examine, even using the cheat code to lower the search level. All that was here was found. This machine gun is found in the upper pass connecting the block 9a and the watchdog. Perhaps Trevor believes that it was here who held Brad (his friend).

Rail Cabin.
The only object found here is edged.

SW Rooftop.
National Security Management. Destroy the gate and take the roof to find RPG and Buzzard (combat helicopter).

Observatory Galileo. You can find a sniper for a telescope and armor behind the electric forwarder.

Armor on the top of the road and part of the letter on the bottom.

A small marijuan farm guarded by several gangsters. Inside the barn, you can find a case with money that appears every week.

Open Grave.
Freshly won land with a gun inside.

Pink Pool.
Armor in the pool

Backyard Davis & Grove St
Various items can be found in the backyard Davis & Grove St. First aid kit, armor, m4 and part of the letter.

Frank Mathers.
After purchasing Sonar Collections Dock in Paleto Cove, the "Stangers and Freaks" mission will be available for Michael. The wife of the deceased Frank Mathers will give a task to find parts of the underwater ship.

Between The Crates (Sect Altruists)
Strange sect in which everyone runs in underwear. Be prepared for a fight, going on their land. Go to the far home to the right, on his porch there are assault shotgun, RPG and armor. Baseball bits lies near the stone. You can also bring a cult of any suspect sacrifice for money reward.

CBL-Omega-Flying Saucer
Carbon Based Lifeform. The symbol next for CBL is omega. Most likely points to the location where the mission "Strangers and Freaks" begins, in which you need to help Omega to find parts of the star flight.

Bridge with arrow
At the top of the bridge you can find RPG.

Explosion in Aloamo Sea
Only pomegranate at the end of the dock.

GTA 5 card with secrets

Hurry to please all fans gaming Industry stylized card with secrets and easterboxes for gTA games 5.
The map is made in three different styles: satellite, road and schematic. The map displays icons with prompts. Where to find a tank, helicopter or fighter? In which areas of Los Santos can you find rare or super karas? How to get cash bonuses or secret missions? All this can be found on the secret card.

Secrets GTA 5 on the map

And for those who have not yet decided to play or not, we have prepared answers to the most common questions on the game and her short description. Perhaps it will help you make a choice and run GTA 5 on your computers.

Grand. Theft AUTO. 5 Returns the player in the city of Los Santos, which you remember was in GTA San. Andreas. The most important difference between GTA 5 from the other parts - instead of one character of their whole three. You can play for all of them, you can switch between them almost anytime. Another great difference from other parts of the game, the fact that the whole terrain is open from the very beginning of the game.

GTA 5 was created by big play with a free world. Here the game card is much more than even if you take GTA San Andreas. and gta 4. It is considered that world of GTA. 5 approximately 5 times more world Red Dead Redemption.

GTA 5 gameplay is not fundamentally different from past parts. The player manages one of the three guys who are in the world. The game provides for switching between characters on the fly, that is, one for example, you can put a car, and the second will shoot opponents.

Some elements from GTA 4 returned, such as setting up clothes, many types of leisure. There were new entertainment, such as: Basedjamping, Tennis, Yoga. Exploring the world, the player can get into specific situations in which if he wants to take part.

Each of the three heroes available to you is a separate area of \u200b\u200bLos Santos. Each character has its main and additional missions. Even when you do not manage any hero, he is engaged in its everyday affairs. The plot begins to develop when the player takes the tasks for all the characters.

You can describe the heroes like this: Michael - a former lover of robbing banks, Trevor - a dangerous criminal careerist, Franklin - Black Children's Guy of the confiscator.

Michael de Santa: his past is positioned with robbery banks. When he walked the fifth ten, he moved away from dirty affairs and gave himself a family. After some time, conflicts began to occur in the family. Michael becomes problematic to communicate with his wife and two children. After that, he decides to return to the "business".

Trevor Phillips: Once he was a partner of Michael, he experienced to drugs. In its forty with a little Trevor, holds firmly in criminal world. But in young years was a military pilot. The game is very unpredictable.
Franklin Clinton: Works in the automotive agency, confiscator. He is the youngest of heroes, he is 25, looking for luck by the methods of scam, the laws of streets are well known. Physically tighter Trevor and Michael.

GTA 5 works on the Rage engine modifications from GTA 4.

Multiplayer in GTA 5 is called GTA Online. It can play up to 16 users. Players will be available joint passage missions, fighting with each other, racing and just a free game. The built-in editor provides for the creation of its missions. In GTA Online, almost all that is in solitary mode is available, for example, entertainment such as tennis and golf. In multiplayer mode, the player will earn a reputation and money that can be spent, on weapons, property, cars, clothing and more.

In GTA Online actions unfold to the events of a single mode.

The game has 15 radio stations in which a total of 240 licensed tracks written specifically for GTA 5. The style of each track depends on the characteristics of the main character and regions of the territory.

IN Grand Theft. AUTO players awaits not just the largest and detailed world in all history of GTA.But it is possible to influence all three heroes instead of one. Weave their stories makes the game even brighter and more interesting. Well, the link itself to the secret card itself.