§3. Russia on timezone map. Determination of the standard time at a given point

1. Determine on the map how many time zones crosses the territory of North America.

2. Using the map, determine the standard time in the indicated cities, if in London at this time it is noon (12.00).

Dakar 12:00

Kinshasa 13:00

Wellington 1:00

Paris 13:00

Santiago 9:00

London 12:00

Tokyo 21:00

New York 7:00

Los Angeles 5:00

Canberra 23:00

Beijing 20:00

3. Establish the order in which the New Year
residents of these cities.

7 - San Francisco

5 - Helsinki

4 - Tehran

3 - Irkutsk

1 - Wellington

4. Enter the names of the cities in the table according to the time of year that will be in them on January 15th.

Cities: Buenos Aires, Canberra, New Delhi, Mexico City, Yakutsk, Beijing, Brasilia, Dakar.


5. On outline map circle the lines of the tropics and polar circles in different colors. Write down the latitude values ​​for each.

66.5 N, 23 N, 23.5 S, 66.5 S

6. Determine which parts of the maps show:

1) the southern polar circle

2) Northern Tropic

3) Meridian 180

4) Southern Tropic

7. Using physical map Russia, explain why in the summer
there are white nights in St. Petersburg, but not in Moscow.

In summer, the sun sets below the horizon, but due to the tilt of the Earth, the rays of light continue to illuminate the Earth tangentially. The Polar Day is set beyond the Arctic Circle, because St. Petersburg is closer to the Arctic Circle, there are white nights.

Give 5 examples of Russian cities where this phenomenon is observed.

Murmansk, Norilsk, Vorkuta, Naryan-Mar, Salekhard.

In what other countries can it be observed?

Finland, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Canada, Denmark, Great Britain, Estonia, USA.

8. Indicate the sequence of the onset of twilight in cities:

in December:

Washington - 3

Santa Fe de Bogota - 1

The local time... The Earth makes a complete revolution around its axis (360 °) per day (24 hours). In different places of the globe, located on different meridians, that is, having different longitudes, at the same moment the clock shows different time days.

For example, when it is 16 hours in Moscow, 18 in Yekaterinburg, 22 hours in Yakutsk, and midnight in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. But on the same meridian at every point from the North Pole to the South, the time of day turns out to be the same. This time is called local.

Rice. 9. Time zones of the world and Russia

But using the local time is inconvenient, it interferes with the implementation of connections between different countries and between parts of our vast country from west to east. Therefore, astronomers have developed a system of the so-called standard time... By the decision of the International Astronomical Congress in 1884, the entire Earth was divided by meridians into 24 zones, each of them included 15 ° longitude (Fig. 9), since the Earth rotates 15 ° in one hour. Thus, the time in each zone differs from the time in the neighboring zones by 1 hour. The Earth rotates from west to east, therefore, in the belt immediately adjacent to the given one from the east, the time of day will be 1 hour more, and from the west - 1 hour less.

The time zone is taken as zero, in the middle of which the meridian of the Greenwich Observatory (Great Britain) passes. The same belt serves as 24th. Time zones are counted from the zero zone (Fig. 10), following from west to east.

To how much and in what direction should the clock hand be translated if we move from the 2nd time zone to the 8th; in the 1st?

The beginning of a new day is conventionally considered the 12th time zone. The meridian 180 passes through its middle, which is considered date line and indicating also the transition from the Eastern Hemisphere to the Western, and vice versa. Crossing this conventional line, we find ourselves from one day to another. For example, the crew of the aircraft headed by Valery Chkalov flew to America from our country on June 18, 1937, flew without landing for two days, but landed in America not on June 20, but on June 19, that is, as it were, he returned to yesterday. For the same reason, the first travelers around the world - Magellan's satellites - "lost" one day, although they carefully kept the ship's diary.

What changes in time will occur when crossing the date line from west to east; from east to west?

Rice. 10. How time zones are counted

There are 12 time zones on the territory of our country. The capital of Russia - Moscow is located in the second time zone, and the Chukotka Peninsula - in the twelfth. However, for convenience, we have combined some time zones. That is why the onset of the New Year within Russia can be seen not eleven, but only nine times. It is interesting that the majority of Russians (60.5%) live according to Moscow time. There are 16 subjects of the Russian Federation in the second time zone, 35 more regions have specially changed the time in order to live "in step" with the capital. It is not difficult to calculate the standard time of each item if you know the number of the time zone in which this item is located. Therefore, if we know that in Moscow (second zone) it is 10 am, then in Berlin (first time zone) - 9 hours, and in Tbilisi (third zone) - 11 hours.

And yet, the boundaries of time zones (see Fig. 9) do not pass strictly along the meridians, which is also done for convenience, taking into account the administrative division of the country, so that this or that administrative unit - region, republic, their capital - is in the same time zone ... Some time zones have special names. For example, the time of the zero zone is called Western European, the first - Central European, the second - Eastern European.

But that's not all. In 1930, in our country, standard time was shifted one hour ahead by a decree (decree) of the Council of People's Commissars in order to make fuller use of daylight during the working day and save energy. This time was called maternity... All transport and all means of communication in our country operate according to Moscow standard time for the convenience of counting the time and avoiding confusion due to the large number of time zones. You can hear about different times on the territory of our country on the radio every day.

Determine on the map of time zones in which time zone your region, republic, city are located.

Since 1981, summer time has also been introduced in our country, as in a number of other countries. Every year, on the last Sunday in March, the clock hand moves forward one hour compared to standard and standard time. And daylight saving time is canceled on the last Sunday of September by moving the hour hand back one hour. Thus, from the end of March to the end of September in our country, two hours are added to the standard time of any point, and in the autumn-winter period - one hour.

Questions and tasks

  • What is local time?
  • Why is the standard time introduced?
  • What time zones is our country in? How many time zones separate Chukotka and Kaliningrad Oblast?
  • Where is the date line?
  • What is Daylight Savings Time? summer time? For what purpose were they introduced?
  • Make a task to determine the time zone and solve it.
  • How the obtained value of the standard time will change for any of the points in our country in the winter; in summer time?
  • Why is it necessary to change the clock when flying from Moscow to Yekaterinburg, but when flying to Murmansk for almost the same distance it is not necessary?

The time zone map is used to determine in which time zones certain points are located. For the entire globe, it is given in the Aviation Astronomical Yearbook. The same map shows the continents, states and big cities, time zone boundaries and their numbers. For the territory of the USSR, a map of time zones is shown in Fig. 3.10. To determine which time zone is in

Rice. 3.10. USSR Time Zones Map

this or that point, it is necessary to find a given point on the map of time zones by its name and see in which time zone it is located. If a given point is not indicated on the map, then its position is plotted on the map in latitude and longitude indicated on the map, after which it is determined in which time zone it is located.

Determination of the standard time at a given point.

The standard time system makes it easy to determine the standard time at any point. There is a certain relationship between standard time and time zones. The difference in the zone times of the two points is equal to the difference in the numbers of the time zones, i.e.

where are the numbers of time zones; - standard time in these time zones. This ratio allows you to determine the standard time in set point according to the known standard time of another point.

Zone time at a given point is determined by the formula

where is the difference between the numbers of the time zones of these points.

The indicated difference is added to the known standard time if the point whose time is being determined is located to the east of the point whose time is known, and if to the west it is subtracted.

Example. In the city of Arkhangelsk standard time. Determine the standard time in this moment in the city of Yakutsk.

Performs a full orbit (360 °) around its axis per day (24 hours). 3 different places of the globe, located on different meridians, that is, having different longitude, at the same moment the clock shows different times of the day. For example, when it is 15 o'clock in Moscow, 17 o'clock in Yekaterinburg, 21 o'clock in Yakutsk, and midnight in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. But on the same meridian at every point from the North to the South Pole, the time of day turns out to be the same. This time is called local.

But using the local time is inconvenient. This interferes with the implementation of relations between different countries and individual parts of our vast country from west to east. Therefore, astronomers have developed and proposed to introduce a system of the so-called standard time... By the decision of the international congress, the entire globe was divided by meridians into 24 zones, each of them includes 15 ° longitude (see Fig. 13), since the Earth rotates 15 ° in one hour. So the time in each time zone differs from the time in neighboring zones by 1 hour.

Rice. 13.Russia on the map of time zones (top), time zone counting scheme (bottom)

The Earth rotates from west to east, therefore, in the belt immediately adjacent to this belt from the east, the time of day will be 1 hour more, and from the west - 1 hour less.

Time within one time zone is called standard time.

The time zone is taken as zero, in the middle of which the meridian of the Greenwich Observatory (Great Britain) passes - the Greenwich meridian. The same zone serves as the 24th. Time zones are counted from the zero zone (see Fig. 13), following from west to east.

The beginning of a new day is conventionally counted from the 12th time zone. The 180 ° meridian passes through its middle, which is considered a line of change of dates and also indicates the transition from the Eastern Hemisphere to the Western, and vice versa. Crossing this conditional line, we get from one day to another.

For example, the aircraft crew headed by Valery Chkalov flew to America from our country on June 18, 1937, flew without landing for two days, but landed in America not on June 20, but on June 19, i.e. as if he returned to yesterday. For the same reason, the first travelers around the world - Magellan's satellites - "lost" one day, although they carefully kept the ship's diary.

There are 11 time zones on the territory of our country. The capital of Russia - Moscow is located in the second time zone, and the Chukotka Peninsula - in the twelfth. However, for convenience, the 11th and. The 2nd time zones have been combined into one. That is why the New Year within Russia can be celebrated not eleven, but only ten times.

It is not difficult to calculate the standard time of each item if you know the number of the time zone in which this item is located. For example, if we know that in Moscow (second zone) it is 10 am, then in Yekaterinburg (fourth time zone) - 12 hours (10 + 2).

The time difference in the power industry is used to transmit excess electricity from one area to another, which gives great savings in energy and money.

And yet the boundaries of time zones do not run strictly along the meridians. When conducting them, the administrative division of the country is taken into account so that this or that administrative unit (region, republic, their capital) is in the same time zone.

But that's not all. In 1930, in our country, standard time was shifted one hour ahead by a decree (decree) of the Council of People's Commissars in order to make fuller use of daylight during the working day and save energy. This time was called maternity. All transport and all means of communication in our country operate according to Moscow standard time. This is done for the convenience of timing and to avoid confusion due to the large number of time zones. You can hear about different times in our country every day on radio.

Since 1981, summer time has also been introduced in our country, as in a number of other countries.

Every year, on the last Sunday in March, the clock hand moves forward one hour compared to standard and standard time. And daylight saving time is canceled on the last Sunday of October by moving the hour hand back one hour. Thus, from the end of March to the end of October in our country, two hours are added to the standard time of any point, and in the autumn-winter period - one hour.

Questions and tasks

1. What is local time?
2. Why is the standard time introduced?
3. In what time zones is our country located? How many time zones separate Chukotka and Kaliningrad Oblast?
4. Where is the date line?
5. What changes in time will occur when crossing the date line from west to east? East to West?
6. Determine on the map of time zones, in which time zone your republic, region, city are located.
7. What is Daylight Savings Time? For what purpose was it introduced?
Make a task to determine the time zone and solve it.

Geography of Russia: Nature. Population. Household. 8 cl. : textbook. for 8 cl. general education. institutions / V. P. Dronov, I. I. Barinova, V. Ya. Rom, A. A. Lobzhanidze; ed. V.P. Dronov. - 10th ed., Stereotype. - M.: Drofa, 2009 .-- 271 p. : ill., maps.

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