Advanced planning for the senior chess group. The calendar plan of the circle work for teaching senior preschool children to play chess. calendar and thematic planning (senior group) on the topic

Elena Stefanovskaya
Lesson summary in preparatory group"A trip to the underwater world"

Target: Continue to form cognitive, research activities; logical thinking. Facilitating the accumulation of experience in joint partnership activities through the integration of educational areas "Communication and personal development", "Cognitive speech development" taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.



Introduce new underwater transport - bathyscaphe,

Give an idea of ​​the sea as an ecosystem (rivers flow into the seas, the water is salty, the sea is a habitat for many living creatures,

Form ideas about the inhabitants underwater world,

Strengthen the ability of children to solve arithmetic problems, count within the first ten, the ability to compare objects in size, find the difference, clarify children's ideas about concepts: "above", "below", "To the left", "More to the right", "above", "under", "front", "behind".

Form logical thinking, memory, speech, develop observation skills.


Development of long-term memory, visual - figurative, verbal - logical thinking, voluntary and auditory attention, imagination,

The formation of spatial representations (the ability to use a map,

Ability to clarify and systematize knowledge about the properties of water,

Ability to analyze and draw conclusions.


To cultivate love and respect for the nature around us, the desire to take care of it and admire its miracles,

Maintain a sense of joyful surprise, feelings traveler and explorer,

Develop curiosity.

Preliminary work: Viewing and studying pictures "Ocean dwellers", "Fish sea and freshwater", "Water transport"... Conversations on themes: "Marine life", "The riches of the bottom of the sea", "Save water", "Water around us", "Inhabitants of water - fish", "What color is the sea", did. logical thinking games "What figure is missing", "Mathematical square"... Viewing family photo albums "Rest at the sea", making crafts from kinder cases - a surprise "Octopus"... Memorizing poems about marine life.

Vocabulary work: bathyscaphe, porthole, wetsuit.


Verbal (problem dialogue, explanations, explanations);

Visual (examination, demonstration of experiments);

Game (imaginary situation, math problems, logic games).


Organizing children to play - travel;

Enhancing the mental activity of children (problem situations, questions that stimulate cognitive activity);

Education (change of activities of children, use of visual and demonstration material, TCO).


Presentation, layout - bathyscaphe, tables, material for experiments (containers with fresh and salt water, boiled egg, large spoon, napkins, cups of two colors according to the number of children, decoration - seabed (shells, seaweed, fish, casket, map, children crafts "Octopus".

Event progress:

Educator: Guys, we have today in group guests are present let's welcome them (good day)... Now let's greet each other (children all stand in a circle and give each other a hand) (slide 1)


We folded palm to palm.

And they offered to be friends to each other

We will sing, practice, play,

To become kind, smart.


All the girls and boys

I know they love books very much.

They love fairy tales about the sea

About underwater king.


Guys, guess the riddle.

Riddle about the sea

Here - wherever we look -

Watery blue space.

In it, the wave rises like a wall,

White crest over the wave.

And sometimes it’s quiet and smooth.

Was everyone able to recognize him? (Sea)

What is the sea? (Large salt water space). (slide 2)


Guys, do you love travel? And what can you use to go to the sea travel? (children's answers).

Do you know what you can travel not only by sea but also under water?

Where can we sink to the seabed? (on submarine) .

Of course, you can also submarine, and today I suggest you go to bathyscaphe trip(slide 3)

What is this? - you ask.

BATISCAF is underwater self-propelled apparatus for sea exploration at great depths. He descends under the water from the ship on a cable (slide 4)... Bathyscaphe consists of two parts: this is a lightweight body - float (it has the same meaning as a lifebuoy) and a solid body - in the form of a steel ball, which accommodates a crew of 2 to 12 people. Also in this part there is scientific equipment for conducting underwater work and telephone(radio station) to communicate with the surface. Portholes are round windows made of thick glass.

Educator: So which water transport will we take to underwater world.

Children: on the bathyscaphe.


Let's go to the bathyscaphe ...

Guys, look, there is a laboratory on board the bathyscaphe, where we can learn a lot of interesting things about the sea.

Educator: Guys, do you know how sea water differs from river water? (it is salty).

Test 1. Determine the water (sea, fresh)

Now we will determine the taste of water from the glasses that are in our laboratory.

I suggest you try the water from blue (salty) and from a white glass (fresh - no taste,

and say in which glass the water is salty.

Guys, do you know why the sea water is salty?

Because many rivers flow into the sea, they flow along the land and wash out mineral salts from it and the water becomes salty.

And I know how salty sea water still differs from fresh one. I can even show you the difference between sea water and fresh water.

Experience number 2 "Salt water is dense and heavy"

In one glass I have salt sea water, in the second glass I have fresh water colored with food coloring.

In a glass of salt water, I gently pour some water and dye.

See what's going on. Colored water will remain on the surface. Why do you think it didn't sink to the bottom of the glass?

Output: The fact is that salt water is denser and heavier, so it is at the bottom of the glass. Fresh water is lighter - that's why it is on the surface.

Therefore, it is much easier to swim in sea salt water. Do you want to be convinced of this? Then let's make the next experiment.

Experience number 3 "It's easy to swim in sea water"

In the first container we have salt water, in the second we have fresh water. I suggest placing a chicken egg in a glass of fresh water. What happened? (it drowned).

Now put the same egg in a glass of salt water. What are we seeing? (the egg floats).

Output: So salt water holds better. This is because salt water has the ability to push things out.

Guys, while we were conducting experiments, our device sank to the seabed (slide)

Here we will continue our travel... But we cannot leave the bathyscaphe without wetsuits.

And you know, today I have magical powers, and you and I can move along the seabed without equipment.

One, two, three turn my guys into divers.

Now let’s warm up a little.


We are sailing on the seabed

We study, we learn

Here are the corals and jellyfish

Here the seahorse floats

This is where the sea people live

Starfish, octopus, stingray fish,

Sea hedgehog and sea snake

This is a large marine family.


What do you see on the seabed? (corals, shells, sand, small stones)

What grows on the seabed? ( seaweed: they come with small and large leaves, green and brown in color).

Why do you think they are called algae? (grow in water).

Yes, life is in full swing at the bottom of the sea (slide)

What kind of marine animals do you see? (children's answers)


Pasha knows interesting riddle about one of these inhabitants.

With his tail wrapped around a blade of grass

Not over the edge, over the middle,

On a coral stump

Wants to sit down the sea ... (skate)


That's right, it's a hobbyhorse. He has prepared an interesting game for you.

Here seahorses live in their houses. Look carefully and tell me how they differ from each other? (In color and size).


Your task is to settle them in houses so that the same seahorses do not repeat themselves in a row or in a column. (children make up a logical square).

Well done, you coped with this task.

Varya also knows a riddle, listen.

You don't know me.

I live at the bottom of the sea.

Head and eight legs -

That's all I am - (Octopus)


Why do you think it is called an octopus? (eight tentacles)

Guys, do you like to solve problems?

The octopus sailed not with empty tentacles, but with entertaining tasks... Are you ready to solve them? Then be careful.

The first task. Our octopus decided travel... He grabbed hold of the ship with one tentacle, and took one suitcase in the rest of the tentacles. How many suitcases did the octopus take in travel? (Seven).

The second task. In order to move faster under water, divers tamed octopuses. Octopuses are strong, so two divers sit on one octopus. How many divers will sit on two octopuses? (Four)


Next task. The head of the divers decided to thank the octopus for his help and shook each tentacle to him. How many tentacles did he have to squeeze? (Eight).

And the last task. The octopus carries starfish as a gift to his girlfriend. It carries three stars on one tentacle, and four on the other. How many stars did he carry as a gift? (seven).

Well done, you solved all the problems correctly.

Look how beautiful it is around.

Pay attention to how beautiful bright fish are. And their names are very interesting.

This is a fish - a parrot, a fish - a surgeon, a fish - a butterfly, a fish - a sailor, a fish - a saw, a fish - a clown,

How many fish are there? (Children count)

Which fish swim to the left?

Which ones to the right?

What is the smallest fish?

Which fish swims the highest?

Which fish swims the lowest?

Are there the same fish? (Children answer the teacher's questions)

Well done, and you coped with this task.

Guys, you know, they say, being on the seabed, if you close your eyes tightly and say the phrase "One, two, three, bring the sea wave", then a miracle must happen.

Let's try? (children say the phrase, the teacher picks up the box).

Look what a beautiful box I have in my hands. I wonder what is in it? (children open the box containing the card).

Guys, this is the same map by which we can find our octopuses, which we have prepared as a gift to sea inhabitants.

I propose to leave these octopuses as a keepsake to the sea inhabitants.

Our the journey ends... It's time to say goodbye to the sea people and return to kindergarten.

Guys, let's go to kindergarten by sea.


The sea is worried once, the sea is worried two, the sea is worried three - what kind of transport have we met? ... what did you do in the bathyscaphe, tell me? ... what did you see at the bottom of the sea, tell me? … Tell me what you liked the most). Well, here we are at kindergarten, thank you guys. I really enjoyed it with you travel and play.

Speech development abstract

in the preparatory group

"Underwater world"

Educational area: speech

Kind of activity: direct educational

Age group: preparatory

Theme:"Underwater world"


Educational: To improve the dialogical speech of children, the ability to compose stories on a conceived topic... Expand and deepen children's knowledge about the sea and its inhabitants.

Developing:Expand and activate the vocabulary of nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic "Underwater World"; improve word formation skills; develop articulatory motor skills, develop expressiveness of speech; activate logical thinking, attention, memory, imagination.

Educational: To foster a cognitive and environmental interest in the representatives of the marine fauna; foster a tolerant attitude towards the answers of children; to form the ability to work and play in a team.

Vocabulary work: bathyscaphe, ichthyologists, porthole

Preliminary work: viewing fragments from the underwater odyssey of the Cousteau team, viewing pictures depicting animals of the seas and oceans, talking with children, where and what animals were seen, what habits are familiar.

Materials and equipment : tape recorder with recording of the sounds of the sea, pictures of marine life (series "World in Pictures" manual "Sea"), slide show "Underwater World", album sheets by the number of children, pencils.

Activity progress

The teacher starts a slideshow "Underwater World" with pictures and sounds of the sea. Against this background, the teacher reads A. Paroshin's poem "The Underwater World".

About underwater depths
I watched a movie:
They went down in the bathyscaphe
Ichthyologists to the bottom.

Ahead of a large slope,
The commander is observing:
Into a small porthole
The entire underwater world is visible.

As if life fell asleep for a moment

In the ocean depths.
Here is a sharp-toothed shark

On a par with the bathyscaphe.

Red corals everywhere
Very quiet and dark.
I learned a lot
I'm from this movie!

Educator: Guys, which of you likes to travel?

What kind of travels have you been on?

Today I want to invite all of you on a sea voyage. Do you agree to go to it?

And what can help us sink into the depths of the sea and see its inhabitants?

That's right, you can descend to the seabed by a submarine, scuba gear, and a bathyscaphe. But probably it would be better to use a bathyscaphe - specialunderwater vehicle for research at great depths. It is much lighter than a submarine and easier to control. And watching the underwater world through the window is more convenient and safer than scuba diving among fish and sharks. Do you agree?

Show a picture of the bathyscaphe.

Guys, but a real bathyscaphe won't fit in our group, what are we going to do?

Great, we will present it with you and build it from the items in the group.

(We build a bathyscaphe from chairs, lining them up in a semicircle, and in front we put a chair with a steering wheel.)

We take our places and plunge into the sea. You can close your eyes for now and imagine a picture of the sea.

The noise of the sea turns on, pictures of marine life are hung around the group.

We open our eyes, we sank to a sufficient depth to observe the life of the inhabitants of the sea. Look who we see here?

Held speech play"What, what, what": de They take turns approaching the pictures, examining them, showing them to all the children and talking about who is depicted on the card, what he is. For example, "This is a whale, he is the largest inhabitant of the sea", or "This is a jellyfish, it is transparent, smooth", "This is a starfish, it is very similar to an ordinary red star."

Well done, all of whom we talked about before, you remembered and recognized. But I think we can also show them?

A physical training session "The sea is worried once" is held. Play 2 times.

Of course, we can sketch what we saw and then tell. And our drawing will help you not to forget or miss anything. Everything can be drawn simply, without drawing the exact outline and details, as long as it is clear to you what you want to tell. Well, travelers, we leave our bathyscaphe and proceed to our notes. The password for exiting the bathyscaphe is "Chain of nautical words". In turn, we call the word marine theme - we take our chair and go to the table to compose our story about a sea voyage.

What can we convey in our story? Where we were? What did you go down on? Who was seen at sea? What are they, marine life? what did we like best there?

Your story might be something like this: “ Today we traveled by sea and sank to its bottom in a bathyscaphe. There we met marine life: jellyfish, octopus, starfish and others. We saw how corals grow, flocks of fish swim. Most of all I liked the sea urchin and dragon fish. A sea urchin with its spines is very similar to a coiled hedgehog, only it is red and with large spines

While the children are sketching the story, remind them of the meaning of the words bathyscaphe, porthole, ichthyologist.

We were at sea and then returned to where .... (on land). In the role of sushi, we will now have a carpet.

We sit down on the carpet

Our sea voyage ended, but left us a lot good impressions... What can we do with them?

Who else wants to tell us?

Stories of 4-5 children.

For those who did not have time to tell us about the trip, take your notes home and share your impressions with your family.

* If time remains

We talked about marine life, we also know those fish that are found in our rivers and lakes. And I want to invite you to guess, an extra fish that swam in the wrong body of water.

1. Crab, octopus, burbot, jellyfish - who will be superfluous here?

2. Herring, perch, pike, roach. - shouldn't there be anyone here?

Abstract of a lesson on visual activity using health-saving technologies in an organized
activities of older preschoolers
(preparatory group)

Topic: "A trip to the underwater world"

The purpose of the lesson:
By means of artistic and visual arts, develop the imagination of preschoolers, the skills of fantasy activity, and creative freedom.

1. Continue to teach children to draw the inhabitants of the underwater world, compositionally correctly position the images on the sheet.
2. Continue to acquaint with the properties and capabilities of gouache paints. Work in unconventional techniques.
3. To develop the ability to build an artistic concept (before drawing to outline the content, composition, coloring of the picture).
4. Convey your emotional mood in the drawing.

1. To develop emotional perception of objects of nature.
2. To develop the creativity of preschoolers in the process of creating images, using various visual materials and techniques.
3. To systematize the knowledge of children about the underwater world, marine life, to activate vocabulary on this topic.
4. Strengthen the physical health of pupils through the use of health-saving technologies.
5. Develop fine motor skills hands. Learn to monitor the maintenance of posture during work.

1. To cultivate artistic taste.
2. To cultivate a sensitive and careful attitude to nature, to evoke an emotional response.

Equipment for the lesson:
1. Video - and audio - reproducing equipment (laptop, multimedia installation, screen).
2. Presentation "A trip to the underwater world".
3. Audio recordings of relaxation music.
4. Board with fasteners for drawings, photographs.
5. Diagram of the stages of drawing and a sample.
6. Schematic cards for valeopause.
7. Ship, captain's cap, toy binoculars.
8. Sheets of paper, gouache paints, brushes of different sizes, cups for water.
9. "Seal stamps", corks of different sizes, cotton swabs.

Course of the lesson:

Teacher: Hello guys! Today I invite you on an extraordinary journey.

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle.

Teacher: Before starting work, let's join hands, smile at each other, wish a good successful day and try to tune in to active work. The following exercises will help us with this. You will repeat them after me:

We will rub our ears now, we will stroke them and remember.
Earlobes are massaged, and then the entire auricle.
Shake your head - get out of trouble!
They breathe deeply, straighten their shoulders, lower their head forward and slowly swing it from side to side.
We nod our heads so that there is peace in our souls.
Nods back and forth.
To be attentive, you need to press on the palm.
Lightly press with your fingers on the point of concentration, which is on the middle finger.
Now we are full of strength and energy!

Educator: Imagine that you are going to big ship on a long voyage. The water is calm, the sun is shining, nothing prevents the ship from sailing on a given course. Where is your ship sailing?

Children take turns putting on the captain's cap, passing the boat to each other, looking through binoculars, presenting themselves as brave and courageous captains. They tell where their ship is heading, to which countries, to which shores. Then the teacher invites the children to take their places at the tables. Next is the teacher's story with the presentation of the "Journey to the Underwater World" presentation. In the course of the story, the teacher turns to the children with questions.

Presentation "Journey to the underwater world"

Teacher: It is worth diving under the water - and you will find yourself in the extraordinary kingdom of the underwater world. There are islands built in the ocean. They were not built by fabulous giants, but very tiny creatures, they are called coral polyps. They cover the bottom with labyrinths - yellow, red, purple pillars, bowls, balls, branched trees, and even whole castles. Coral reefs are home to many amazing creatures.
Outside the ship, in the depths of the sea, there are seemingly harmless, transparent and multi-colored jellyfish. But jellyfish only pretend to be harmless, they can "sting like nettles." The tentacles of jellyfish are dotted with venomous cells that burst when touched.
An octopus can be seen. He hunts by grabbing his prey with tentacles with suction cups. It sucks - you can't tear it off. The octopus has eight tentacles. They are great masters of playing hide and seek - hiding behind rocks and in small caves. And try to find him, if he turns brown on brown sand, and in pebbles - spotty.
Here is a sea urchin crawling along the bottom, wiggling needles.
Seahorses lurked in the seaweed. Skates, like a kangaroo, carry their children in a bag on their belly. When everything is calm, the fry swim out for a walk.
Instead of a snail, a small crayfish settled in the shell. He was nicknamed the hermit because he lives in his house alone - alone. In a safe shelter, the baby is not afraid of any enemies: just a little - he covers the entrance with a claw.
Sea turtles can be found in warm seas. At night they get out of the water to the islands. Here they dig a hole in the sand and lay their eggs there. After the prescribed time, turtles appear from the eggs buried in the sand and, having got to the surface, rush to the sea.
Carefully! It's a zebra fish! It must not be touched - sharp thorns with poison are hidden in the bright fin on the back. All day long she lurks among the corals for small fish.
Above the coral reefs live hedgehog fish and ball fish. In a calm state, fish are like fish. But as soon as a predator appears and nondescript fish, swallowing water, inflate with large, bristling needles, balls.
Many amazing fish live in coral reefs: these are parrot fish, squirrel fish, butterfly fish, dog fish. All of them are very beautiful, of different colors, "painted" with bright stripes and spots.
But the predatory starfish, all bristled with thorns.
Today we have visited the underwater world - amazing and a bit magical.

After watching the presentation, the teacher, together with the children, makes a valeopause according to the "Merry Week" card-schemes (gymnastics for the eyes).

Valeopause according to the "Merry Week" card schemes
(gymnastics for the eyes)

All week in order
The eyes are doing exercises.
On Monday, when they wake up,
The eyes of the sun will smile
Down will look at the grass
And back up high.
Lift your eyes up; lower them down, the head is motionless (relieves eye tension).

On Tuesday watch your eyes
They look here and there,
Walk left, walk right
Never get tired.
Turn the eyes to the right side, and then to the left, the head is motionless (relieves eye tension).

We play blind man's buff on Wednesday
Close our eyes tightly
One, two, three, four, five,
Let's open our eyes.
Blink and open
This is how we continue the game
Close your eyes tightly, count to five and open your eyes wide (an exercise to relieve eye tension).

On Thursdays we look into the distance
It's not a pity for this time,
What's near and what's in the distance
The eyes should be considered.
Look straight ahead, put your finger at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes, shift your gaze to the tip of the finger and look at it, lower your hand (strengthens the muscles of the eyes and improves their coordination).

We didn't yawn on Friday
The eyes ran in a circle.
Stop, and again
Run in the other direction.
Raise your eyes up, right, down, left and up; and vice versa: left, down, right and up again (improves complex eye movements).

Even though Saturday is a day off
We are not lazy with you.
Looking for corners with a glance
For pupils to run.
Look at the upper right corner, then the lower left; look to the upper left corner and lower right (improves complex eye movements).

We'll sleep on Sunday
And then let's go for a walk
To make your eyes harden
You need to breathe air.
Close the eyelids, massage them with circular movements of the fingers: the upper eyelid from the nose to the outer edge of the eyes, the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the nose, then vice versa (relaxes the muscles and improves blood circulation).

Without gymnastics, friends,
Our eyes cannot live!

After watching the presentation and valeopause, the teacher invites the children to go directly to the drawing itself.

Educator: And now I suggest you draw the underwater inhabitants. Maybe it will be a fish of amazing beauty or a sea turtle, or a starfish, or a seahorse. And someone wants to draw all the inhabitants of the sea kingdom.

Then the teacher puts a sample of work, step-by-step cards-schemes on the board.

Teacher: Look, what a bright, smart, funny fish I have in my picture. To get such a fish, pay attention to the diagram, which shows the sequence of work.

Children examine the diagram, the teacher comments on the stages, and the children in the air "draw" elements of the work.

Educator: First, we will draw the body of the fish in the shape of an oval, we will place it in the center.

Children draw an oval in the air.

Children draw tails in the air.

Children draw fins and wavy scales in the air.

Teacher: A fish cannot just "hang in the air", so we will draw a body of water for it. What can we depict, what surrounds the fish in the water?
Children: Pebbles, algae, underwater rocks, etc.
Teacher: In order for us to get a magical, mysterious fish, I propose to decorate it in an unusual way. You are used to painting with brushes. And today we will draw a pattern using seals made from corks and cotton swabs.

The teacher shows on the sample different ways and options for drawing patterns using corks and cotton swabs. Draws the attention of children to the fact that the cork can be dipped in a jar of paint, or you can spread the cork with a paint brush. When changing color, the cork does not need to be washed, you should take a new one. If the paint in the jars is very thick, then it can be moistened with a brush with water. At the request of children, the pattern on the drawing can be applied with your fingers. In this case, there should be wet wipes on the tables for wiping your hands. Children start drawing. After the children complete the task, a relaxation exercise "Magic Dream" is performed.

Summing up the results of the lesson.
After relaxation, the teacher and the children examine the work, highlight the most successful ones, in others they note the positive moments. Children choose one of 3 emoticons that most accurately reflects the child's satisfaction with their work:
... Big and smiling - I liked the lesson very much, I am satisfied with the result, I drew more with pleasure.
... Medium and serious - I liked the lesson, I am not entirely satisfied with the result, I will draw, but not now.
... Small and sad - I didn’t like the lesson, I’m not happy with the result, I don’t want to draw anymore.

Teacher: We got an exhibition just like real artists. You know, you did it so beautifully because you listened carefully to my explanations, worked diligently, accurately and amicably. So the moment of farewell has come.

Farewell ritual "Relay of friendship"

Children melt into a circle. They join hands and pass, like a baton, a handshake.
The teacher starts.
Teacher: I pass on my friendship to you, and it goes from me to Masha, from Masha to Sasha, etc. And, finally, it comes back to me again. I feel that the friendship has grown, as each of you has added a piece of your friendship. Let it not leave you and warm you.
Children continue the handshake relay.

Used Books:

1. Kazikova R. G. "Drawing with children preschool age... Non-traditional techniques, planning, class notes ", Moscow," Sphere ", 2005
2. Lykova I. A. "Visual activity in kindergarten", Moscow, "Sphere", 2006
3. Fateeva A. And "We draw without a brush", Yaroslavl, "Academy of Development", 2006
4. Nishcheva N.V. Card file of outdoor games, exercises, physical education minutes, finger gymnastics. - SPb .: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2008.


MAUDO "Kindergarten number 6"


Morozova N.K.

Look, children, what a beautiful sailboat.

Let's take a look at it. A sailboat should have 10 prus. Each sail has its own number. What is the mistake of the artist who painted this ancient ship (children's answers).

Children, would you like to go on a sea voyage on this sailboat?

Tell me, can we do it for real? What should we do in this situation?

That's right, we can imagine it.

After all, a person can imagine something or someone to imagine. And it's wonderful (music sounds)

Close your eyes and imagine: we are on a sailing ship, light waves, seagulls soaring above the water, gentle sun (off Music)

Imagine that we examined a sailing ship: we visited both the highest mast and the deep holds. But they met no one. And suddenly we saw an old mysterious chest on the deck. Let's open it up. (I take out an old-fashioned paper sheet)

Judging by the seal, this is a message from the lord of all seas and oceans, the sea king Triton (read):

" Hello children!!!

I am the king of the sea. I have many different miracles at the bottom of the sea. I invite you to see them. I am waiting for you in the underwater palace. Good luck to you!!!

Children, do you have a desire to go to the underwater kingdom?

It is necessary to decide on what it is possible to sink to the bottom of the sea (children's answer)

Travel can be dangerous. But we will not be scared and together we will dive to the bottom of the sea in a bathyscaphe.

See what a bathyscaphe is like.

Before sinking under the water, you need to decide what depth is underneath. This old lot will help us define it.

The lot is a special device used by markers to measure the depth of the sea. Once upon a time there were numbers on it, but water washed away some of the signs. Let's restore numerical sequence from 1 to 10,

Otherwise, we will not know how deep we have sunk. The control panel will be this mathematical wheel. But it will only start moving when you solve the examples depicted on it (children work at the helm)

The helm is now operational. Let's go to the tables - this will be our "bathyscaphe" and start diving. (cardboard bathyscaphe goes down to mark 3)

We did not have time to sink to mark 3, when we met one of the most ancient fish on earth. What do you think is the name of this fish?

Of course it's a shark. Look what is happening to her. Swims up, rolls over onto his back. Why is she doing this? (Children's answers). The shark rolls over when hungry and the prey is above it.

Children, look, and the shark is not swimming alone, the pilot fish is with it. Why do you think such a small slave swims with such a large predator? (children's answers)

The pilot is the one who leads the way. But in the case of the shark, the opposite is true. The pilot fish accompanies the shark, because next to it it has something to profit from. Let's send them away from our ship. By the shortest route. To do this, look at the diagram, measure the segments with a yardstick, lay them on top with chips, what each segment is equal to and choose the smallest one. This will be the path of the shark and pilot fish (children measure measurements on a Whatman paper, working in pairs)

Why do you think seals are called pinnipeds? (children's answers)

The limbs of the seals have turned into flippers, with which it is convenient to swim. However, these animals retain the ability to move on land, where they rest from spearfishing. While the seal is frolicking in the water, we, too, will not waste time.

Exercise for the whole group of children. Place shapes of different colors on top of each other:

What are these shapes?

What is the lowest figure?

Which one is the highest?

Which one lies between the oval and the circle? Between a rectangle and a square?

With the bathyscaphe, the whale - the lord of the seas - decided to play with a ball. Let us rest with you.

Physical education

What do you think, is a whale a fish or an animal? Why do you think so? What do whales eat? (children's answers)

Yes, the whale is an intelligent and intelligent animal, he has to work hard to have a nice dinner.

We, too, will not waste time. You have cards on your tables that depict objects.

Think and tell me what signs you should use to compare them. (children answer, after which they work individually)

I see you have coped with this task. Know the signs more less exactly. You made me happy.

And I also want to know if you know what the task consists of?

Children: from the condition and the question.

Listen and explain what is missing to solve the problem:

* there were three apples in a vase. Olya put another apple

* there were 4 bicycles in the store. One bike was sold.

Why do you think it is impossible to solve these problems?

Children: these tasks cannot be solved, because there is no question.

And now you have to come up with a problem for this expression.

While you and I were solving the problem, our bathyscaphe reached level 10. communication with the sea king Triton is being established. Children "put on" headphones (tape recording starts)

"Dear Guys!!!

You surprised and delighted me. I see you know my sea friends. I sit in my underwater palace and think: how small Earth, but there is room for everything - people, animals, fish, and birds.

We need to protect our planet. She is our home. For this, all people need to live in peace with nature and with each other. Goodbye!!!"

Well kids, it's time to go back. We have dropped to level 10. Now, in order to rise, we need to rise again to mark 1.

Let's count all those together from 10 to 1. And we will be on the surface.

Well, here we are again in kindergarten. Did you enjoy the trip?

I suggest what you liked to draw. (children draw on a common sheet, while children work, I summarize, I praise the children).

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
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- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master - classes (including video), forms of work with family and teachers.

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