Blackjack Rules. Black Jack card game. Card separation or split

The game involves six deck of cards for 52 sheets, only 312 cards, from twos to the ace. The croupier leads the game using a special device where it places large deckwhich is called shoe or in Russian "Ploda", "Shmak".

The goal of the game in Black Jack is to score points, as close as possible to 21 and win from the croupier. If the amount of points is greater than 21, the player immediately loses its bet. Such a combination is called "bust" or "a lot."

Tens, currencies, ladies and kings are estimated at 10 points. All these maps have the same value in the game and are called all the "dozens". Ace, at the request of the player, can be considered for 1 or 11 points. The rest of the cards are considered in accordance with their face value (Two - 2 points, Troika - 3, nine - 9 points, etc.). In the game Black Jack MAST cards do not have any values.

The combination of black jack is ace and a dozen. It is considered the eldest and most importantly surpasses any other cards, even if their amount is 21 points.

There are seven game boxes on the standard game table for playing in Black Jack, where the players put chips before the start of the distribution. Each player has the right to bet on both one and on several boxes. By agreement, several players can make their bets for one boxing, and the croupier is obliged to find out from the players who of them will make a decision, or is the "owner of the box".

On each playing table in the casino there is a special plate, which informs players about the maximum and minimum rates. For example: $ 10- $ 200 or $ 25- $ 500. The sum of all bets on one box should not exceed the maximum installed on the table in the casino.

Stroke Game

Before starting to distribute the cards, the croupier offers players to make bets: put chips on the boxes. After all the rates are made, the dealer begins to hand out on the same map on the box, and puts the card to itself, then again will be distributed to players on the same map. All cards are open open. At the end of the distribution, it turns out that there are two cards on each playing box, and the croup of one.

Now the dealer begins to "serve boxes" - alternately work with each player. The player does not matter the maps of other players at the table. He plays against the croupier. Two cards are an initial combination that can be improved by gaining additional cards, then the same set will make yourself a croupier.

If the player does not suit two source cards, he asks the dealer to open one more. Assessing the current situation, the player has the right to ask another card, etc. If the amount of points on the box is more than 21, then the croupier immediately takes the player's bet. This box is considered to be a loser.

When set of cards on boxing, the player must not forget that the ace in Black Jack can go both for 1 and 11 points. For example, the top five and ace are given in sum or 6 or 16 points. If the next card is eight, then the amount of the player's points will be 14 (but not 14 or 24).

If the amount of cards on the player box turns out to be higher than at the dealer, then its rate is paid in the amount of 1: 1, if the player immediately came to the player (ace and ten), then the bet is paid 1.5: 1 or 3: 2 .

If the amount of dealer and player cards are the same, then the game ends with a draw - the rates remain in place. A draw in the international language of Black Jack is called: Push, Stand Off or Stay.

When the croupier begins to dial cards, it acts automatically. He is obliged to take cards until the amount of points is 17 or more. If the dealer had a bust around, he pays all the bet on the table, if not, then there is a comparison of its cards with each game boxing separately.

If there was a bust on all boxes, then the maps of himself the cards. After distribution, the cards are collected and postponed into a special bump, which is located on the playing table to the right of the croupier. The game continues until the "Bashmak" does not exit special a plastic card. When the croupier makes the cards, then before putting them in the "shoe", he is obliged to cut off a special card about a third of the decks. It turns out that about 100 cards do not take part in the game. After the release of a special card, the croupier is obliged to complete the distribution and again knead the deck or "make Shaffle".

Special features player

Having received the first two cards, the player has the right to double his original bet or "make dubble". On Dubble, he can only get one card. For a player, it is profitable to double if he has 9, 10 or 11 points on the box. There is a high probability that a dozen can come and then it turns out a good amount of cards, and the bets, in case of winning, will be paid in a double size.

When two cards of the same dignity appear on the player on the box, he has the right to split them or "make split", "split". To do this, he needs to put a bet equal to the original, the cards are moved away, and two sets of cards are obtained on one box and two equivalent rates. If a map of the same dignity was released on "Split", then they can be divided into them in the same way. Maximum can be made three "split" on one box.

A special rule is valid for the separation of aces. "Split" on the aces can only be done once, and the croupier gives automatically on only one map. On "Split" there can be no combination of black jack. Ace and a dozen give 21 points and are paid, in case of winning 1: 1.

If the croupier at the distribution fell ace, then he is obliged to offer players insurance from Black Jack. If the dealer falls black jack, then insurance is paid 2: 1, if there is no insurance losing. The size of the insurance should be no more than half the bet on the box.

If the dealer falls the Ace, and the player on the Black Jack box, then the croupier is obliged to offer the "same money" or Even Money player. The player has the right to get his winnings, truth in the amount of 1: 1.

If the player immediately does not like his combination of cards on the box. That can immediately refuse the game, recognizing his defeat and losing half the initial bet. The refusal of the game or Surrender cannot be done when the crafty came out.

One of the most popular entertainment in the casino of the world can be bolded to name "Blackjack". The game is built on the principles of excitement and implies a win or lose money. In the post-Soviet space, she came not so long ago. Therefore, many people do not know her rules.

Close relative of the game "Point"

All of us at least once in life heard of such a game as "point". And thanks to Mikhail, the circle also know that the PATTY SITUATION is when the amount of cards exceeds 21. Blackjack also has for the target to gain the same amount of points, but the principle of counting cards is slightly different.

A dealer and one or more players participate in the game. The main task is to score more points than the sinking, but at the same time not to exceed the maximum permissible amount of cards. Also in the game there is a special field - priority combinations that benefit in conditions of the same number of balls.

The player has a relatively big freedom of behavior during the game. He can make cards or abandon them, can unambiguous cards and play with two pairs at once. But at the same time, there are always quite large chances that a person will lose the croupier. Therefore, rates are paid with a large coefficient.

Classic rules

From the game "Point" it is distinguished by the face value of cards. How to count in "Blackjack" - it becomes clear almost immediately. All pictures at par are equal to 10 balls. All other cards correspond to their number. Ace can be both 1 and 11. It depends on agreement or casino rules.

The game is carried out simultaneously from 6 decks on 52 cards. This complicates the task of counting the retired maps and thinking about possible combinations, and therefore the chances of winning. In the process of the game the deck does not mean. Recharged cards are postponed to the side. As a rule, the croupier make a notch in the deck, which denotes two thirds of its volume. When the game comes to her, the marked cards are returned to the deck and are taped. Any other manipulations with deck prohibit the rules. Blackjack should be as honest as possible and eliminate the possibility of chairs.

Players first decllect on the playing table. After each of them has played turn, the croupier takes the cards. The set ends when the amount is equal to or more than 17 points. Next, there is a comparison of the number of points in all players and paid money.

Possible combinations

In the casino, many gambling people choose Blackjack. This game carries in many winning combinations. The main rule is to score 21 points. They give the right to a guaranteed victory or draw. Blackjack himself is a combination of ace and dozens. This is the strongest option that gives an advantage over other combinations with the amount of points 21. Blackjack makes it possible to achieve one card if the amount is less than the winning one. But at the same time there is always a chance to go through and lose to accurately at any scenario at the croupier.

In addition to the combination of a dozen and ace of winning, any combination of ace with a picture is considered, since they also have a denomination of 10 points. If two aces fall out, then in most casinos one of them has a nominal 1 and gives the right to make one card to increase the number of points.

All other combinations are considered by the number of points indicated on them. For example, a dozen and six give 16 points, which allows you to have one card, but it should be no older than five, otherwise there will be a bust and loss.

Options of the game

Most game establishments are trying to observe classic rules. "Blackjack" for them foresees several options for developing events.

It all starts from rates and distribution of the first card. Played in the open. The croupier after all necessarily puts the card and herself. It depends on how the game will go further.

Having a second card, the dealer goes to an individual game. Until the opening of the third card, you can refuse to continue and pick up half the bet back.

If you fell out two equal cards (for example, tens), they can be divided into two pairs and ask for a map to each of them. At the same time, a separate rate is made to each pair, and the initial one is applied. To get the third card, the money set needs to double.

The game also has the opportunity to insure 21 from the croupier. The rate is done in the appropriate field and is considered to be played if this amount is typed. If the croupier is unreleased or went over - the bet goes to the bank.

After all the players received their cards, the croupier automatically picks up the cards until it receives the amount of 17 and more points.

About bets and their number

Each casino always has its own rules. "Blackjack" by classic rules Playing at a special table, on which there are 7 boxes for rates. One player can bet on both one box and on several at the same time. At the same time, the croupier will play with him, as with several players.

Each table is always the minimum and maximum bet. It must be considered before sitting to play.

On the same boxing can put several players. The amount of their rates should not exceed the maximum at the table. At the same time, the rest of those who put themselves do not have the right to affect the course of the game. All decisions are made by the main player who receives cards. The rest are simply watching.

Rate coefficients in the game are different: one to one, one to two, two to three. It all depends on the combination of cards and the course of the game. For example, playing the rate in which the player has more than the croupier is, is two to three.

"Blackjack" in world culture

In certain circles, a full-length pornographic film "Dhavolsky Blackjack" has made noise. But this is not the only time this game performed as an organizing story.

The dependence of people from gambling card games has repeatedly covered in books and films. Many people brought simple rules before the critical state. "Blackjack" despite its simplicity, relatively rarely gives a real chance to win. About this films "21", "Player", "Last Casino". And the phrase "I build a lunapark with whores and blackjack" has become a cult on the Internet. Therefore, it can be safely argued that "blackjack" is a special culture, to touch which is not difficult, but to keep it so that you will not be tightened, not just just.

Blackjack is a simple card game, which plays more people than in roulette, bones and baccarats combined. Success in blackjack primarily depends on good luck, but there is a strategy element. From this article you will learn how in one of the most popular games Attract fortune to your side.


Information for newbies

Using the price of cards. In Blackjack, the price of cards does not change during the game. The goal of the game is to reach 21 points, using how less maps. Maps have the following price values:

  • Maps with a number: Price - number on the map.
  • Pictures: The price of all is 10.
  • Ace: 1 or 11. (Usually) is considered for 11, but if with such a calculation the amount of points in your hand exceeds 21, then the ace is considered for 1.
    • Thus, the ace and picture make up 21 points in two cards, it is blackjack.
    • The hand in which there is ace is called "soft".

Examine your capabilities: The main advantage of the casino is that the player must walk the first. If the player "burns" (collects more than 21), the dealer immediately takes his bid. If the croupier "burns" on the same hand, the player loses anyway. The dealer plays hand last. If your course has come, you have two main options:

  • Yet: take another card. Cards can be taken until you collect more than 21.
  • Enough: Save cards and do nothing.
  • There are few more features that can be used in certain situations:
    • Insurance: Available only if the dealer Ace. You doing new rate, and if the blackjack dealer is paid 2-1. You lose the main bid (payment on which would be 3-2), but won insurance, so you stay with your own.
    • Doubling: You double the bid and get more only one card. Usually a doubling is used first of your cards equal to 10 or 11.
    • Split: Hand is divided into two if both cards have equally value. If both hands won, you get a double win. If one wins, stay with yours. If you lose both, lose doubly. Split is made by breeding cards to the side and repetition of the initial bet.
    • Surrender: In many casinos, the player may (before going and after determining that the dealer will have blackjack) give half the bet without play. This option is desirable in cases where the dealer showed a picture, and the player's hand will most likely burn if he will take another card.
      • If the dealer Ace, he automatically checks if he has blackjack. Early delivery - Player decides to give pol before thatAs a dealer will check if he has blackjack.
  • Start winning. To win, the number of player must be closer to 21 than the number of dealer, but not more than 21. If the player collects more than 21, he "burns". In the case of a draw, the player and the dealer remain with their own. Blackjack - ace and picture or dozen.

    Rules and strategies

    Understanding the rules of the institution. In most casinos, the dealer is always worth 17 or more. In some, the dealer will "take" on the "soft 17" (6 and ace). In some establishments (this happens rarely) you need to put ante, as in poker (the advantage of the casino with such rules reaches 20%!). You quickly understand the rules of the institution simply left at the table and starting the game.

    Understand all the nuances of insurance, doubling and delivery splits. All additional actions occur in favor Institutions, otherwise, casino would go broke!

    • By making the insurance rate, you set that the hidden map of the dealer - 10, currencies, lady or king, that is, less than 30% of all cards in the game. Best do insurance when you black Jack! If the dealer is blackjack, there will be a draw, but payment for insuring will be 2-1 that it is better Initial bet 3-2!
    • When you doubling you get only one card. Casino just expects that this card will not help you. Never double if the dealer is open ace or picture (if you have 11, it is permissible).
    • Split can weaken the fine hand, and vice versa. Here are several simple rules: Never do split on the top five - the amount is equal to 10; It is better to leave 10. Always make split on seven, eight and aces. Split on the seven and eights probably the loss turn turns into probably winning. Split on the aces has advantages, but understand: Split on the aces can be done only once, and you can only take one card for each new hand. Casino introduced such a rule because split on the aces without restrictions gives the player a significant advantage.
      • Again, the rules change from establishment to the institution.
    • After you have surrendered, the dealer's actions do not have any meaning for you. Even if the dealer burns, you have already passed my hand.
  • Counting cards. In fact, you do not consider the cost of all the cards of the former in the game, no. What do some players do, so it "consider a deck", or rather, how many aces, dozen and pictures remained in the game. If there are many such cards in the game, they raise the rates knowing that the probability to collect good hand above.

    • Casino, of course, is aware of such tricks, so there are several decks everywhere, part of the deck is cut, after each hand, all cards are touched in Schaffler and so on.

    Casino and etiquette game

    Take place at the open table. When the hand is finished (if you are not alone at the table), lay out your pack of money on the table and tell me the dealer, what kind of dignity chips would like to get. He, of course, with the joy of raking your money, recalculates them and give you chips. Now you can bet and play!

    Use hands. If you are silent at the table, as if the water in the mouth was scored, no one and attention will not pay attention. In fact, so you can even mix with the crowd.

    Speak determine the moment when you need to get up and leave. As in Poker, in blackjack, the tables are the luck and unlucky, at least players believe it.

  • Choose a game strategy suitable for you. You have to choose from your experience game in "21 points." For beginners good strategies:

    • Play by increasing. If you twice put 5 dollars and won, and then 10 and lost, your losses are zero! When the winning strip is over, return to your original rates and put little, until you start winning again.
    • Persecution tactics. The essence of the strategy in increasing and lowering rates in a circle. So at the first hand, the minimum rate is made, the following are determined by the outcome of the game at the first. If the games are the winning you need to make a big bet and do it until the first loss. At the first loss, again, you need to make a minimum bet and keep it to the first win. And so in a circle.
    • Another option, really working, counting cards. But this version of the game in blackjack is more suitable for experienced players who understand well and know the meaning of cards, combinations and know how to do everything in the mind.
  • Basic winning strategies: always say "enough" on the hard 17 and higher, never say "enough" on soft 17, double the soft hand of the TUZ + 2 or AU + 3 against 5-6, ace + 4 or ace + 5 against 4- 6, TUZ + 7 versus 3-6.

    • Explore the basic strategy game in blackjack. Depends on the rules of a particular institution, but as a rule, the use of this strategy reduces the casino's advantage to 2%.
    • "Stand" at 17. Dealers cannot be reappeared on 17, so it is reasonable.
    • A widespread misconception is that during a draw dealer wins, but it happens only in a friendly game. In the casino, the parties remain with their own.
    • In friendly games, the dealer becomes the last player who collected blackjack. This may seem unfair, but the dealer risks great and he must adhere to the rules about standing and reaching.
    • Always double at 11.

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    Rules of the game in blackjacks suggest use in the 62-x game card dealers With a sample from 2 to the ace, in the total amount of 312 cards, which in turn form a "big deck". The situation is also the situation in the online casino, where the Black Jack play in the same rules.

    During the game, the dealer distributes card players from a special box called Shoe or Sabo (words in French and English mean: a shoe or block).

    Advantages of cards in the game

    Blackjack Rules Set the following card estimates. 10 points are evaluated by kings, ladies, tens and currencies. These cards are considered equivalent and called dozens. At the requests of the players, the aces can be estimated in 1 or 11 points. The remaining maps are estimated according to their rank: two is two points, 8-ka Eight, etc. Maste the cards in blackjack does not matter.

    Purpose of Blackjack

    The main goal of the game Dial the number of points close to 21. If the player picks up more than 21 points This means defeat. The value of the recruit cards increases with the number of points scored. But there is one nuance: a dozen and ace are called blackjack and are the most significant combination. Such a combination exceeds the value of any cards that can be 21 points.

    The number of players in the game Blackjack

    The rules of the game blackjack say that players play against the establishment of a dealer or croupier. This item is distinguished by the game in poker blackjack, in which players usually play against each other.

    The number of boxes on the game field is the only limiter on the number of players. Boxes, as a rule, represent rectangles outlined on the table, usually about seven. Each player can bet on any boxing. In the same way, it is not rebeling to all players to bet on one boxing.

    Bar size

    In BlackJack, the rules are prescribed to have a sign installed behind each table, which indicates the range of rates allowed by the playing table, from a minimum to maximum. An example of a description of rates ranges: $ 50 $100, $25 $500, $25 $1000.

    Stroke Game

    Before starting the game, all players make bets, i.e. Put a certain number of chips on the boxes in which they play. The dealer begins to distribute players on the map, then leaves one card and turns back to each player again. Blackjack cards are put in the open. After that, the dealer begins to play with each player separately.

    Consider the basic rules of the Blackjack game. Suppose you player. Before you came to play with a dealer. Before the start of the game you set $ 100. Before you two your cards and one dealer card. You no matter what cards from your rivals on the game, you play one on one with a dealer. Your initial combination can be attempted to improve the set of additional cards. After you, the dealer will also improve his only map. Won the one who has the most valuable card combination. The size of the win will be equal to your bet, that is, $ 100. If you have successful and hit the blackjack maps, the dealer will pay with you in a 3: 2 ratio. Based on this, your winnings will be $ 150.

    If your cards and dealer maps are subject to the same value, the game ends with a draw, as indicated the rules of the game in Blackjack. In the casino language it is called Push or Stay. With such a situation, even the combination of blackjack does not guarantee the player gain.

    Players can not be touched on their cards, blackjack rules do not allow this. During the game, all players communicate with dealer gestures, for example, if the player needs an additional card, it should show your finger to its combination of cards. If the player stops the set of cards, it shows towards another player or a squeak hand shows that "enough". Such communication meets blackjack rules.

    Rules of the game in blackjack allow each player, besides a set of cards, have additional features. Let us dwell on the set of maps. Be careful when set of additional cards. Remember the "diligence" aces. For example, 3 and ace are given in the amount of either 14 or 4 points. Suppose you take the card again, and the ace falls again. This time you have either 5, or 15 points, so you can safely take another card, because there will be no bust in the glasses. The total amount of points may have no more than two values, regardless of the number of aces who came to you. In case the amount of points has 2 values, such a combination is mild. In the reverse case, the combination is tough. For example: A simple combination of T-T-4-6 will bring 12 points to the player. Any combination, tough or soft, bringing a 21 point player, is considered complete, they say the rules of the game in blackjack.

    After an alternate game with all players, the dealer collects its own combination of cards, but only if there were no bustling on all game boxes. Dealer Most often automatic game. The dealer is obliged to take cards until the number of his points is 17 or more, indicate the rules of the game Blackjack.

    As soon as this moment comes Card set stops. If the dealer has a bust of glasses, the player wins. In the inverse situation, the dealer equates its combination to the combinations of players and pays to pay, such a calculation describes the rules of the game in blackjack.

    If you have a bust of glasses on all game boxes, I did not need a dealer additional set Maps, he removes his card and player cards in a separate stack of recording cards. The dealer map is used only in the current delivery, BlackJack rules do not allow the use of a dealer card in different distributions.

    On this, the game ends, the marked cards are folded separately, the new delivery begins with the remaining cards that do not participate in the game. These maps in no way should be mixed.

    Players can memorize which cards were used in the game, what came out and what remaining. Shuffling decks (otherwise shuffle) is produced when the dealer comes to the "serifs" in the dealer (the so-called Cutting Card) involve blackjack rules. Usually, the sebage separates about a third of the maps of the participating in the game, i.e. The game is usually carried out about 200-220 cards.

    If the deck was mixed, "sneak" is prohibited. After that, a new cycle of distribution of cards begins, called "New Shafl" in the Casino language. The player's entrance to the game is not tied to the next "new chaffle", and can be carried out before starting any distribution of cards.

    Consider the additional features of the player in the game.

    Blackjack Rules allow each player to have two additional features, after receiving the initial set of cards.

    Doubling Rate or Double

    If the player's source cards satisfy, it can double his bid, the rules of the game in Black Jack allow. After that, the player gets one additional map And the card set is stopped.

    Card separation or split

    If the player on the hands of the cards of the same dignity, for example, two three or two dozen, then it can divide them, the rules of the game in blackjack allow the player to produce such an operation. In this case, it forms two source combinations consisting of one initial card. To each of the combinations, the player must bet, i.e. If the initial rate was $ 100, the player should add the same amount on the second combination. After separating cards, the player produces an additional set of cards, first, for the first combination, then for the second combination of cards. The second card to each combination the player receives automatically, after which it can double the bets.

    Every combination can be divided again, but the total number of divisions or "splits" (eng. divided) should not be more than three. Those. The maximum number of combinations on which the player can lead is four, suggest the rules of the game Blackjack.

    The top ten and ace obtained in a new combination after the separation of aces or dozen are not blackjack and simply give the player 21 points.

    In the separation of the aces, the special rule operates: the 2nd card obtained to the separated Aces usually finishes the combination. A set of new cards by a player and doubling rates is not carried out, but if, the second card is again ace, then you can again divide the combination, Black Jack Rules are allowed.

    Separation of cards, wears the second name - spinning.

    Insurance (Insurance)

    If the dealer has his only open card Ace, then after the completion of the distribution, he will offer players to progress. Blackjack rules this allow, i.e. Players are insulting in case of the appearance of Blackjack at the dealer. Simultaneously with insurance, players make an additional rate, the size of which should not be more than half of the initial bet. It turns out the situation in which the player concludes side bet and puts that the dealer will receive a BLACKJACK combination. If this happens, the dealer will pay the player a double insurance, otherwise insurance will be lost, according to blackjack rules.

    If the player on the initial distribution fell out the BLACK JACK combination, then the insurance offer is not applied to it. Instead, the dealer will offer the "equal money" player, i.e. The player can get a winning immediately, but not in the ratio of 3: 2, and equal to the initial rate. If the player refuses, he is deprived of the possibility of winning in insurance, the rules of the game in blackjack do not allow the player to return to it.

    Refusal of the game ("Ground" - Surrender)

    If the player does not fit the card received on the distribution, it can refuse to play. At the same time, he loses not the full size of its bet, but only her half. In the event that the player took advantage of Split, it is impossible to refuse the game, it will relate the rules of the Blackjack game.

    The dealer informs the players about the possibility of refusing the game after the distribution of cards. But if one of the players has already managed to take at least one additional card, give out "indent" not permanently. Some casinos, according to the rules of the game in blackjack, allow players to abandon the game in a convenient moment for them, for example, at the time of the dealer to the player boxing.